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01x53 - Dree Elle's Return

Posted: 09/28/21 07:05
by bunniefuu
[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

I am Adam,
Prince of Eternia

and defender of the secrets
of Castle Grayskull.

This is Cringer,
my fearless friend.

Fabulous secret powers
were revealed to me

the day I held aloft
my magic sword and said,

"By the power of Grayskull!"

♪ ♪

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

I have the power!

♪ ♪


[He-Man] Cringer became
the mighty Battle Cat,

and I became He-Man,

the most powerful man
in the universe.

♪ ♪

Only three others
share this secret:

our friends the Sorceress,
Man-At-Arms, and Orko.

Together we defend
Castle Grayskull

from the evil forces
of Skeletor.


[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

There was nothing I could do.

Trap Jaw and Clawful
had a laser ray.

They blasted their way
right through the vault.

And they found the Horn of Evil?

Yes, Dree Elle.
They knew all about it.

They said they were going
to use it to control Eternia.

I've got to get to the
Royal Palace and warn Orko.

But Eternia's in a different
part of the universe.

How will you get there?

Orko left me his magic pyramid.

It will take me to him.

Hey, sis, I want to come too.

Hmm, I don't know.

This is serious.

Please? Please?

All right, Yukkers,
but none of your dumb jokes.

I promise.

[He-Man] There it is, Duncan.
The city of Colmay.

Are we in time?

[Man-At-Arms] Well, just barely.

I've figured out
that the meteor shower

will strike any minute.

W-w-what if it falls on us?

It won't.

Man-At-Arms says it will land
right on the city.

Unless the Attack Track
sh**t the meteors

out of the sky first.

[Attack Track]
Attention, attention.

Meteor shower approaching.

There it is.

Jumping Jupiter.

It's much bigger than I thought.

Attack Track,
can you destroy the meteors?

- [beeping]
- You even need to ask?

Just tell me when to fire.

[He-Man] Fire.


Nice sh**ting.


Just one more to go.

Malfunction. Machine broken.

Lasers will not operate.

There's still one meteor left.

[He-Man] It's heading
right for the city!

By the power of Grayskull!

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

♪ ♪

♪ He-Man ♪

♪ ♪

I have the power!

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪


[people screaming]


He's pushing the building
back up.

Oh, nice going, He-Man.

Almost as good
as I could have done.

I think we've got everything
straightened out here.

Let's head back
to the palace.

Good idea.

Teela's in the Mystic Mountains

with the king and queen.

I worry when there's nobody
at the palace.

Well, at least Orko's around
in case something comes up.

That's what worries me.

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

[Orko] Oh, boy,

it sure is quiet around here

with everybody gone.

I wish there was someone
to play with.

My magic pyramid!

But I left it back in Trolla.

Dree Elle!

I don't believe it.

I've missed you so much.

Me too.

This is my little brother,

Hey, pleased to meet you, Yuk.

- [buzzing]
- Hey, what's the big idea?


you promised, no jokes.

All right. All right.

Orko, something terrible
has happened.

Do you remember
the Horn of Evil?

Yes, if you blow in it,
horrible spells come out.

I'm sure glad it's hidden
in Trolla.

It isn't.

It's here on Eternia.

But that's impossible.

Trap Jaw and Clawful
have stolen it,

and they're gonna use it here.

We've got to stop them!
But everybody's gone.

Well, maybe I should wait
for Adam and Man-At-Arms,

but there may not be time.

Come on.

Where we going?

Castle Grayskull.

If Trap Jaw and Clawful
are up to something,

they'll probably start there.

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

If the stories are true,

not even the Sorceress
would be able

to stop the Horn of Evil.

Blow the horn, Trap Jaw.

Grayskull will be ours.

This thing gives me the creeps.

You blow it.

You cowardly hunk of tin.

Now, blow it, unless you want me
to use my claw as a can opener.



[Sorceress] Stop.

Which of Skeletor's warriors

dares to approach
Castle Grayskull?

Blow the horn, tin brain.

[horn blowing]


The Horn of Evil!

I must fight the power
of the horn.


Look. Something's going on.

Come on!

Oh, it's too strong.

Must...must sleep.

By the time she wakes up,

it will be too late for Eternia.

Now, blow the horn again
and open the Jaw Bridge.

[Trap Jaw] Hey!

[Clawful] After them!

- I think we've lost them.
- Good.

Man-At-Arms and Adam should be
back at the palace soon.

They'll know
how to wake up the Sorceress.

Oh, no, we've lost Yukkers.

[Dree Elle]
Yukkers, where are you?

I'm scared, Orko.

It's kind of spooky around here.

Don't worry, Dree Elle.

You're safe with me, and...


Dree Elle, run!


It's only me.

That wasn't funny, Yukkers.

It was downright mean.

A joke isn't funny
when it frightens someone.


Orko, I hope you'll accept this

as a token of forgiveness.

What's this?

Sneezing powder.



Yukkers, someone ought
to teach you a lesson.


I'm sorry about my brother,

He thinks his jokes are funny.

He doesn't see
that they hurt people.

That's okay.

But someday, one of his jokes

is gonna cause real trouble.

I know.

Oh, well, let's go.

Yukkers will catch up to us.

Well, maybe we'd better wait
for him to...

[Dree Elle] Orko!

[Orko] I don't believe that guy.

Yukkers, I've had enough
of your jokes.

[Clawful] Gotcha!

And I've got this one.

Dree Elle, run! Get help!

[Trap Jaw] She's getting away.

Let her go.
We've got the horn back.

All we have to do is blow it,

and Eternia will be ours.

[dramatic music]

And that's when He-Man
pushed the building back up.

Wow, I sure wish
I'd been there to see it.

I wish I hadn't.

[Dree Elle] Teela! Adam!


Dree Elle,
what are you doing on Eternia?

No time to explain.

Orko needs help
in the Evergreen Forest.

Grab on, Dree Elle.

You can tell me about it
on the way.

By the power of Grayskull!

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

♪ ♪

♪ He-Man ♪

♪ ♪

♪ He-Man ♪

I have the power!

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

Twice in one day.

Orko better appreciate this.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

♪ ♪

To the Evergreen Forest.

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

Come on, Clawful.

Let's use the horn on Grayskull.

Shut your trap.

I'll decide what to do.

Now, first, let's give
our puny friends

a little demonstration.

One blow on this horn
will be enough

to turn the whole forest
into an evil swamp.

[Orko] I've got to do something.

[shimmering tone]


Wow! What a trick!

Give me that, you little runt.

I want that horn back!

Ugh! Why don't you clean
this thing out?

- [chomp]
- Aah!

Let us go! Let me out!

Let me out. Oh, oh, oh!

Let go of me!

All right, where is it?

[Teela] Let him go, crust face.

[Orko] Teela!


Thanks, Teela.

[Clawful] Get her, robots.

Is this a private party,

or can anyone join in?

- [Clawful] He-Man!
- [Battle Cat roars]

My claw will take care of you.


Here it is! The magnet!


At last, a chance
to try my new swatters.

I don't believe
we were formally introduced.

My name is Yukkers.


[shimmering tone]


Nice move, Dree Elle.


[exciting music]



Thanks, He-Man.

You too, Orko,
Dree Elle, and...

ah, you must be
Dree Elle's brother.

Yukkers is the name.
Pleased to meet you.


[Orko] Yukkers.

Aw, can't a guy have any fun?

[Orko] I think we've had
enough fun for one day.

I'll say.

Clawful and Trap Jaw
stole the Horn of Evil.

The Horn of Evil?

Don't worry. Orko got it back.

Where is it, Orko?

Yeah, where is it?

Look under your hat.

How did you do that?

That's the old
Trollan hat switch,

one of my specialties.

Oh, this calls for a tune.

- No!
- No!

[laughs] Can't you take a joke?

I was just pretending
to blow it, like this.

[Orko] Yukkers,
your sneezing powder.

Be careful!

[sneezing, horn blowing]

You've activated the horn.


[thunder booming]

Ugh! Let go!


[wind howling]

The horn's music
is turning the lovely things

in the forest into evil things.

[laughing wickedly]

[Cyclops roars]

[Cyclops shouting]

[both growling]

We've got to reverse
the horn's spell.

- [Sorceress] Orko.
- Who was that?

[Dree Elle]
I didn't hear anything.

- Orko.
- It's the Sorceress.

The song on the horn.
Only it can help.

She said something
about the song on the horn.

[Dree Elle] Oh, look.

There is a song here.



[grunts] I'd hate to see
the rest of this guy.






Hey, come on! Let go!

Maybe the Sorceress meant for us
to sing the song.

♪ As day comes from night ♪

♪ Let wrong become right ♪

♪ As joy springs from sad ♪

♪ Good will conquer bad ♪

The noise from the horn
is too strong.

I can't sing over it.


We've got to stop this.

Dree Elle found a song,

but the noise from the horn
was too strong.

Both of you, sing it together.

Maybe if I blow
into the other end of the horn,

it will help.

[upbeat music]

♪ As day comes from night ♪

♪ Let wrong become right ♪

♪ As joy springs from sad ♪

♪ Good will conquer bad ♪

The trees have turned friendly.

♪ As strength
comes from weakness ♪

♪ Brightness stops bleakness ♪

♪ As clouds change to sun ♪

♪ Justice will be done ♪

♪ Harmony is the key ♪

♪ For the whole world to be ♪

♪ Free and happy ♪

♪ Just some harmony ♪

♪ Harmony and love ♪

♪ ♪

♪ As dark turns to night ♪

♪ Truth will win the fight ♪

♪ As hope beats despair ♪

♪ Evil disappears ♪

♪ Evil disappears from here ♪


He-Man, oh, you did it.

No, it was your song
that made the difference.

You make beautiful music

[Trap Jaw] Oh, rats!

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

[Randor] And then you recovered
the Horn of Evil

and took care
of Trap Jaw and Clawful?

[Orko] Yes, Your Majesty.

With a lot of help...
from some people.

Good job, Orko.
You really came through.

Thanks, but I couldn't have
done it without Dree Elle.

And to show you
how much I appreciate your help,

I have a very special present
for you.

Why, Orko, it's just like yours.

Uh-huh, and it can do
all the same tricks.

Now she's really in trouble.

What about me? What about me?

Oh, I haven't forgotten you.

Your joking around
nearly destroyed Eternia.

I know. I'm sorry, Ork.

Even though
you don't deserve it...



Wow! Thanks, Orko.

Oh, don't mention it;
I'm just glad

you're finally getting
what you deserve.

[water splashes]

[Yukkers crying]

Hey, why'd you do that?

Ah, I just wanted you to see
what it feels like

when you have someone
play a joke on you.

But it's no fun
when the joke's on me.

You see?

How do you think
other people feel

after your jokes?

Not so good, I guess.

Well, it's never too late
to change, you know.

We can talk about it
back in Trolla.

But we better leave now.

[Yukkers] Bye, Orko!

Bye, everybody.

Bye, Orko.


- Bye, Orko.
- Oh, no.

I'm not falling
for that buzzer trick.

It's no trick.
I've learned my lesson.

That's great.

Come back soon.

We will.



Well, looks like Orko's
really got it bad for Dree Elle.

Well, whatever he's got,

I hope it's not catching.


In today's story,

you saw what happened
when Yukkers sneezed

and accidentally blew
into the Horn of Evil.

He was just playing around

and didn't mean
to do anything wrong,

but the results
were just as bad.

Of course, there aren't any
Horns of Evil in your house,

but there are many things
that can be just as dangerous.

Many people have been hurt
because they were careless

and played with things
like knives and matches

and glasses and tools.

So as He-Man always tells me,

playing is fine,
but play it safe.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪