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02x14 - Bummer Rental

Posted: 09/28/21 07:17
by bunniefuu
Ugh. It is so hot.

Whose idea was it to have summer break
in the middle of summer?

Come on, guys, think.
We have to know someone with a pool.

We do. Emmy.

But she's on vacation.

And after we jumped the fence last year,
her family got that camera.

It's like they don't trust us.

Grandma, dang! You look fire.

Thanks, Noodle. Also, I know.

I'm going to be a bridesmaid
in my sorority sister's beach wedding.

Oh, that's one way to beat the heat.

Why can't you guys
be getting married on a beach?

-I'm .
-No excuses.

Well, I'm gonna go pack.
I'm just hoping this marriage works out.

Last time I was part of a wedding,
the couple did not last.

-Whose wedding was that?

Great. Now everyone's having
a better summer than us.

Oh, look at you three.

This is no way to spend
Fourth of July weekend.

Good thing you don't have to.
I rented a cabin on Brown Bear Lake?

Seriously? You rented a cabin?

And not just any cabin. The one where
I had the best summer of my life.

There's beaches, hiking.
I can take you guys water-skiing!

You guys? Are you saying that
Olive and Sophia can come too?

If it's okay with their parents.

Oh, I know my mom's
dying to get rid of me.

Mine too.

Besides, who could say no to this face?

'Cause if she does, she gets this face.

Thanks, Dad, you're a hero.

Just please don't do the hero dance.


Oh, go for it. You've earned it.

Go, Max, you saved summer

You're a hero

(theme music playing)

♪ Do do do do ♪

♪ Like father, like daughter
we don't always agree ♪

♪ But looking at you
is like looking at me ♪

♪ The more things change
the more they stay the same ♪

♪ Like father, like daughter
from different times ♪

♪ Taking all the best
from your decade and mine ♪

♪ The more things change ♪

♪ The more they stay the same ♪

♪ Do do, do do do do ♪

♪ Do do ♪

♪ The more they stay the same ♪


Son, welcome to the best cabin
on Brown Bear Lake...

that was available for these two weeks
and in our price range.

Wow! This place is so cool.

Look, a fireplace made of rocks!

(chuckles )You know
what they call one of those?

A-a rock fireplace.


Hey, Leo! Stomach feeling any better?

Are you ready to jump off
that tire swing into the lake?

-(door closes)

The only place Leo is going is that couch.

No, no, I-I'm fine, Mrs. Reynolds. Yeah.

I can't wait to jump on that rope

and swing back and forth,

back and... (groans)

It's hitting me again.

You know what'll cure you?

The famous Reynolds' Get Better Song.

♪ If your stomach's feeling
like it's starting to swirl ♪

♪ And the thought of food
makes you want to hurl ♪

♪ If the room is spinning all night long ♪

♪ You might just need
the Get Better Song ♪

♪ Yeah! ♪


Clearly, he's caught something.

Speaking of catching things, do your best.

Come on, son. Let's be helpful
and buy some groceries.

Feel better, Leo.

Is there anything I can get you, Leo?

Maybe something to take
my mind off being queasy?

All I see is this board game.

Settlers of Planet Pakar?

So it's either we play this dumb game
or sit in silence.

Honestly, I'm torn.

Oh, wow, would you look at this place?

It hasn't changed one bit
since I was a kid.

I don't think it's changed
since they invented kids.

That's the point, it's got history.
Syd, what do you think?

It's charming.

I wouldn't post it online
without a bunch of filters,

but, yeah, it's charming.

Besides, who cares?

We're going water-skiing today.

In the clearest mountain lake
you have ever seen.

In fact, the water is so pure,

you can drink straight
from the faucet. Watch.

It's so clear I can't see it.

Come on, she's an old house.
Give her a moment.

Come on, don't be shy...

-(pipes rattling)
-There she is.

Uh, this might be
the city girl in me talking,

-but is that normal?

Oh, no!

Ah, see.

There it is!

Dad, maybe you should call the owner.

I would, but he said he was unavailable
over the holiday weekend.

Then what about finding a different cabin?

What? No, this cabin has
the best view on the lake.

I will never forget watching
the Fourth of July fireworks

with my family from that porch.

Trust me, this cabin,

-she's perfect.

Don't, don't mind the minor repairs.

I'll have them all fixed in a day.

But I thought we were gonna
all hang out together and go water-skiing.

And we will. Tomorrow.

Bu-but for now, why don't you guys
go check out the town?

-Oh, there's stuff to do in town?
-Max: Oh, are you kidding?

So much stuff.
You can go to the old boat house...

That's the only thing, isn't it?


But I made a lot of great memories

in the old boat house.

I guess it could be fun. Where is it?

Just over yonder.

-Over what?

It's lake talk. You'll catch up.

I can't believe it.

I should be out on the lake
having fun with Leo.

Instead I'm running errands with my dad.

Which is also fun.

Good save. I have taught you well.

Hey! You boys lookin'
to rent some fishin' gear today?

Not a bad idea.

What do you say your old man
shows you how to fish?

Really? Sounds kinda boring.

Sit around for hours staring at water?

I can do that in my bathtub.

Guess my son's not bitin' today.

Well, he's the only one.

Everybody's catchin' big ones today.


You mean... big ones?

No. (chuckles)

I mean... big ones.

Well, I'm Billy if you need anything.


I know it's not as much fun
fishing with your dad

as hanging with Leo,
but... why don't you give it a try?

I don't know.

-I'll buy you some beef jerky.
-I'm in.


Okay, so we've seen the boats
we're not old enough to rent...

The inner tubes they've run out of...

Oh, but on the bright side,
they've got gummy worms.

Uh, Sophia, they're moving.


What a bust.

What are we gonna do now?

I don't know about you,
but I'm gonna go drown

my sorrows in some ice cream.

I wouldn't take that one if I were you.

Oh, if you had the day I had, you would.

You must not be from around here.

Uh, here's a tip.

This side's all the fresh stuff.

And this side's left over
from last season.

Or as we call it, locals and tourists.

-Here. I'm Luke.
-And I'm...

Di-did I say Sydney
or did I just trail off?

These are my friends,
uh, Collin and Simon.

...And that's when I realized

the smell was coming from my shoe.


This is Olive and Sophia.

And this is ice cream on my hand.

Oh, don't worry. I've got wet wipes

-in here somewhere.

Use mine.


Nice vest.

Nice belt bag.



So, uh, cool paddle row-y things.

My oars? Thanks. I whittled them myself.

You whittled them?

Whittling is my jam.

That's the carve-y thing
with the wood, right?

-Then yeah,

my jam.

Well, we have to get going.

Uh, we only have
the fishing boat for an hour.


Well, it was nice meeting you guys.

Enjoy the rest of your summer.

Hey, we'll see you around.
We hang out here every day.

-Later, Sydney.

Well, this summer just took
a turn for the cute.

The very cute.

Somehow I always knew
I'd end up with a boy

in a multi-pocket vest.

Do you really think Simon, Collin,
and Luke will be at the boathouse?

Well, they said yesterday
that they're always there.

Now, let's hurry up so we can pretend
to bump into them.

But just don't mention
any of this to my dad.

He always wants to know what's going on.

Hey, what's going on?

We... were just talking

about the fantastic job that you're doing

fixing up this place.

So fantastic, I'm done.

Just in time to enjoy the Fourth of July.
Come on, I got a whole day planned.

Starting with water-skiing!


-Right now?
-Yeah. Why?

Is there something else
you girls wanna do?


That's ridiculous!

I didn't think so. Come on.

Let's hit that lake.

Shall we?

-(boards creak)

Oh, no!

Not the porch. This is my fireworks porch!

You know what? It-it's gonna be fine.

I can fix this.

Some of the wood is just, is just rotted.


all of the wood.

You know, I think we're gonna have to
put off water-skiing today.

All: Aw!

-I'm sorry, girls.
-Oh, don't worry, Dad.

I'm sure we can find
one or two or three things

to keep us busy.

-Yes! Ha, ha!

I just unlocked the Time Travel Gavel!

Order, order! Court's in session

and the butt-kicking's begun.

Well, you seem to be feeling better.

I know, right?
I guess I was just car sick.

-Man, I love this game.
-Me too.

Too bad when Max gets home,

-it's game over.

Well, as soon as he
sees that you're healthy,

he's gonna want you out on that lake.

Unless I'm still sick.

-But you're not.
-Or am I?

Are you?

I could be.

(both laugh)

I can't believe I caught my first fish!
Thanks for teaching me, Dad.

I told you we'd have a great time.

I can still smell him on my hands.

-Here, smell them.
-No, I, I trust you, son.

I just wish we were
still out there fishing.

I know.

I've never seen so many trout.

It was like, "Stop pushing, boys.

There's room in the boat for everybody."

Wait till I tell Leo about this.

Maybe we shouldn't tell him, huh?

The poor kid's sick.

He doesn't need to hear
we had such a great time.

You're right, Dad.

And... it was great.

Now take off your fishing smile,

put on your sympathy face.

-(lock rattling)
-(gasps) They're here. Quick!

Look sick.

Hey, guys.

-Sorry we were gone so long.
-Were you?

-I mean, where were you?
-(door closes)

Uh, uh...

We got lost going there.

Max: And lost coming back.

I mean, we got lost every--

Th-they get it, son.

So how are you feeling, champ?


I mean, not so much worse

that it involves seeing a doctor
and getting a shot,

but right below that.

Yeah, there is no way

Leo is leaving this couch anytime soon.

You know what, Dad?

Sounds like Leo might be contagious.

Maybe we shouldn't be around here.

Good idea. Maybe you guys
should go out again.

Out? Out's good.

-Come on, son. Uh, we'll see you later.
-No rush.

Oh, don't worry, we won't. Bye!

(singing): ♪ Ha, ha! We got them o-out! ♪

We got them o-out!

(sighs) Where are they?

-They're never gonna show up.
-Sophia, we've been here for one minute.

Why did I ever tell Collin
whittling was my favorite?

Look at these soft, city girl hands.

You've never whittled a day in your lives.

There they are! (giggles)

-Hey, girls.
-Oh, hey.

Funny running into you here.

Hey, Sophia. What's going on?

A whittle bit of this,
a whittle bit of that.

-Don't be.

Hi, Simon.

I've been wondering,

exactly how many pockets
does your vest have?

Sixteen. Some of the pockets
even have pockets.


So, how was fishing yesterday, guys?

It was awesome.
The trout were really biting.

Trout... which ones are trout again?

They're these ugly spotted guys
with big ugly frowns.

Uh, basically the opposite of you.


Would you excuse us for a sec?

Olive, you've got to stop giggling.

You're gonna giggle them
right out of here.

I'm sorry, but he said
you don't look like a fish.

Have you ever heard
anything more romantic?

Yes. When Collin said, "Hey, Sophia."

This is going so well. We'll probably
get to spend the whole day with them!

You really think so?

Excuse me, is there
a hardware store nearby?

I need some corner brackets
to rebuild a porch.

Oh, then you should get
galvanized deck hangers.

They're load-bearing and weatherproof.

Of course. I, an adult man...

knew that.

Uh, bu-but how did you know that?

Oh, my dad's in construction.

Me and my buddies help him out sometimes.

Hey, would you and your buddies
like to help me fix my porch today?

I-I'll pay good money.

I don't know, it's Fourth of July.

I will pay Fourth of July money.


Okay, girls. Put your game faces on,
we're going in.


Hey, Syd, guess what?

I just hired some help for the porch.

Can you believe, I just walked in here
and I found three perfect guys?

Come on, fellas.

What just happened?

I think my dad just stole our boyfriends.


Collin's even cuter when he's working.

Why'd I have to fall for a whittler?

We were so close to hanging out
with them all day.

It's taken the giggle right out of me.

(forced giggling)

Yep, it's gone.

My dad might be making them work,

but at least he dropped them
off at our doorstep.

Follow my lead.

Hey, Luke. How's it going out here?

-Actually, pretty good.

Careful, that's his whittling hand!

Girls, stop distracting my crew.

I know it's asking a lot, guys,

but I'm counting on you
to have the porch done

by the fireworks tonight.

Oh, man, we were gonna invite you guys

to watch fireworks
out on the lake tonight.

-You were?

but there's no way we'll
ever get this done in time.

I mean, we still have
to pull up all these boards.

The three of you
might not finish in time...

but the six of us could.

(giggles) Oh, it's back!

Okay, ladies and gentlemen,
drum roll please.

I declare this porch officially... done.

(all cheering)

You did it, Collin!

And everyone else.

Uh, good job, team.

We'll meet you at the boathouse
for fireworks.

See you there!

Come on, we gotta go get changed.

Wow, would you look at this porch?

I have never been more excited
to watch fireworks.

Me too. Super excited.

I'm just gonna go change and head out.

What? Where are you going?

Well, the boys asked us
to watch fireworks on the lake.

That's why we were working
so hard to finish up the porch.

I thought we were working
so hard to finish up the porch

to watch the fireworks as a family,
like I did as a kid.

-You didn't tell me that.
-I assumed you knew.

-Well, I didn't.
-Come on, Syd. It's just one night.

Sorry, Dad, but I just want
to be with my friends.

(door closes)

I still can't believe it.

My son caught the biggest fish
in lake history!

I know. This is the greatest day
of my life.

Move over, the time I fit
a hundred water balloons in my pants.

That was quite a Christmas.

You know, Dad,

catching that fish isn't what
made this day so great.

It was being with you.

I feel the same way, son.

(singing): ♪ I rolled a fii-ive!

-I rolled a fi...
-(keys jingling)

Shh! I hear them coming.
Go, go, go, go, go!

Hey! Look who it is!

Hey, so what's going on here?

Nothing. What'd you guys do?


-Nothing at all.

(knock on the door)

Hey. Sorry to bother you fine folks,

but you left your photo down at the store.

Boy catches the largest fish
in lake history,

he's got to have a photo.

I think you've got the wrong cabin.

I might have the wrong cabin,
but I got the right boy.

You know, around these parts...

we say thank you.

City folk.

I don't believe it.

You guys went fishing,

while I stayed here all day

trying to nurse
this sick child back to health?

She's been my rock.

I'm so sorry, hon.

Yeah, Leo, I was a jerk.

I am so, so...

Hey, what's this board game doing here?

Oh, probably the last renters
were playing it.

This scorecard says Leo and Judy.

Well, that could be any Leo and Judy.

-It's dated today.
-You dated it?

All right. Okay, I will not apologize

for being organized.

So while we were, you guys--

Yeah. And while we were,

you guys were--

(all laugh)

What are we doing?

Look, this is a family vacation.

We should all be enjoying it together
as a family.

You're right. So tonight,
we'll all play the board game.

-And tomorrow...

we'll all go fishing.


(both singing): ♪ We're going fishing!

We're going fishing!


That's our board game dance.

(both singing): ♪ We're playing
the board game!

We're playing the board game!

We're going fishing!

We're going fishing!

Made it!

And just in time for the fireworks.

Mom? What are you doing here?
Shouldn't you be at a wedding?

I should. But the bride got cold feet.

When she asked me for marriage advice,
I probably shouldn't have said "run."

It was a joke!

Are you okay?

Mom, bringing Syd up here
was a big mistake.

Grandma Judy: What are you talking about?

Max: I wanted to recreate
that great summer

I had when I was a kid.

I got the same cabin.

Even rebuilt the porch
so we could watch the fireworks.

But Syd doesn't want any part of it.

Max, I think I know why
you're so invested in this place.

'Cause I overpaid
a bunch of middle schoolers

to fix a porch I don't own?


Because that was the last summer
we spent as a family.

By the next summer,
your dad and I were divorced.

Wow, you're right.

This whole time,

I thought I was trying to recreate
the perfect family vacation.

But really, I was just trying
to bring back a moment

that's gone forever.

You ready to go?

Um, actually, why don't you guys
go ahead without me?

-I think I might stay here tonight.
-Olive: Really?

-But what about Luke?
-Luke will be there tomorrow.

Yeah, we should probably stay too.

-Guys, if you wanna--
-Okay, love you, bye!

-Hey, Grandma.
-Hi, Noodle.

Well, if I'm gonna catch the fireworks,
I better get out of this cheap dress.

One rogue spark and I'm the grand finale.

Syd, what are you doing?
I thought you were leaving.

I think I'm gonna stay
and watch the fireworks with you.

Really? What changed your mind?


sometimes you can't
bring back old memories,

but you can create new ones.

-Thanks, Syd.
-Happy Fourth, Dad.

Happy Fourth.

(fireworks exploding)

This is awesome.

Stuff's exploding and nobody's blaming me.

Yeah, how often does that happen?

Still thinking about that fish you caught?

Yup. Best vacation ever.

Doesn't get any better than this.

It sure doesn't.

(fireworks continue exploding)

Wow, this is amazing.

I'm almost glad I ruined that wedding.

Oddly enough, so am I.

I'm really glad you're here, Mom.

You were right, Dad.
This is the perfect spot

to watch fireworks.

Yeah. It doesn't get any better than this.

♪ Do do, do do do do ♪

♪ Do do ♪

♪ Do do, do do do do ♪

♪ Do do ♪

♪ Do do, do do do do ♪

♪ Do do ♪

♪ Do do, do do do do ♪

♪ Do do ♪

Man: Oh, yeah!