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02x16 - Sing It On

Posted: 09/28/21 07:20
by bunniefuu
Hey, Syd, guess what?

My squad and I are backpacking
through France this summer.

Squad, backpacking, France.
Could you be any cooler?

Hmm, don't think so.

I even downloaded this
cool translation app.

Its name is Pierre. Watch this.

Nice to meet you.

Pierre (on phone): Enchante.

Is it me, or is Pierre a real charmer?

Well, Grandma, it looks like
you're gonna have a great summer.

Well, I'm not the only one.

You know how you said you
wanted to spend the summer

working on your music?

-Well, when I was booking my trip,

an ad came up for this.

Rock and roll music camp?

Wow, they've got songwriting workshops,

celebrity panels, recording studios.

I know. That's why I'm sending you.


It'll be four weeks
of rock and roll and rocks.

Oh, they also have a climbing wall.

Thank you, Grandma. Thank you, thank you.

Is there a cooler grandmother
than you in this world?

I thought we already established that.


-(car door closes)
-Oh, I just heard Dad drive up.

I can't wait to tell him about this.

-Hey, Dad, guess what--
-Syd, I'm glad you're here.

I was thinking about
what you said the other day

about wanting to spend the summer
working on your music.

It's funny that you should bring that up.

So I am starting a songwriter's night
at the cafe

so you can perform your songs.

Summer showcase starring Sydney Reynolds.

And various other artists.

I don't want people thinking
I'm just doing it for my daughter.

I am.

That's really great of you, Dad, but--

I know, I really outdid myself this time.

But honestly, can you
think of a better way

to spend the summer than you and me

doing this together?

No, Dad, I can't.

Hello, Max, how are you?

Pierre: Bonjour, Max. Comment-allez vous?

Who's your boyfriend?

He's not my boyfriend.

It's just a translator app on my phone.

Okay, Pierre, we'll talk later
when we're alone.

-So did you tell your dad about camp?
-What camp?

Oh, yeah, uh, Grandma wanted to send me

to a rock and roll camp,
but Dad has a better idea.

We're turning the cafe
into a concert space

so Sydney can perform her songs.

Are you sure, Noodle?

Oh, I am one sure noodle.

Well, if you change your mind,
there's still time before the deadline.

Syd, I know what you're thinking.

-You do?

But don't worry, okay? I'm not gonna be
one of those over-promoting parents.

I'm not gonna be a dad-ager.

You know, like a mom-ager, but a man.

So a man-ager.

Wait, that's the actual word.

(theme music playing)

♪ Do do, do do do do ♪

♪ Like father, like daughter
we don't always agree ♪

♪ But looking at you
is like looking at me ♪

♪ The more things change
the more they stay the same ♪

♪ Like father, like daughter
from different times ♪

♪ Taking all the best
from your decade and mine ♪

♪ The more things change ♪

♪ The more they stay the same ♪

♪ Do do, do do do do ♪

♪ Do do ♪

♪ The more they stay the same ♪

Hey, Syd, what's up?

Well, my dad's turning the cafe
into a performance space this summer,

so I'm writing some new songs to play.

Uh, give me something
that rhymes with orange.

Lorange, sorange, door--

No, I need an actual word.

Okay, but I think you're
limiting yourself.

You're right, I'm gonna
change orange to pear.

So much rhymes with pear.

Hair, bear, fair.
Uh, could you hand me that eraser?


dOh, see, I got two more.

What's this?

dRock and roll music camp?

Oh, yeah, it's this camp that
my grandma thought I'd be interested in.

-But I'm not.

But it says you get to record songs
with celebrity mentors.

Yeah, well, I'd like to see
who they consider a celebrity.

It says last summer, they had Lady Gaga.

Oh, you saw that, huh?


Okay, okay, I want to go
more than anything.

So what's the problem?

The problem is that
this will be the first time

my dad would be home without me
or Grandma since Mom died.

He'd be so lonely.

He's built his whole world around me.

Really, Syd? His whole world?

Syd, our jigsaw puzzle
of Mount Rushmore just arrived.

-Should I start on the edges?
-Go ahead.

No, I'll wait.

Syd, you need to tell
your dad how you feel.

I can't. He's so excited

about doing this summer showcase with me.

I can't look him in the eye and tell him

that I'd rather go away this summer
than be here with him.

Could you imagine the look on his face?

Hold on.

Oh, no. Why'd you make me do that?

I don't even know what I'd say to him.

You? The wordsmith, the songwriter?

Olive, that's it.

I could put my feelings to music
and then play it for my dad at the cafe.

Then he'll understand
that he needs to let go

and he'll think it's his idea
that I need to go to camp.

That's genius! And all you have to say

is I need my own life
and you can't hold me back

and make it rhyme with pear.

"Get out of my hair!" Perfect.

It may need a little tweaking.

I'm giving you gold,
but you're the artist.

-Hey, Leo.
-Hey, Miss Reynolds.

Check out our newest prize. Mood rings.

They don't actually change colors,
but we got them for half price.

Well, I know what mood
you boys are gonna be in.

I finally saved enough money

to send Max to sleep-away camp
with you this summer.

Are you serious?

He's spending a month with me
at Camp Pine Star?

-Isn't it fantastic?

-Max is gonna love it.
-No, I meant for me.

I mean, he's a great kid,
but everybody needs a break sometimes.

Oh, that's why my parents look so happy

when they dump me there.

I can't wait to see the look
on his face when I tell him.

Mom, this better be important.
I'm in the middle of work.

Actually, I have some
very big news for you.

How would you like to spend the summer
at Camp Pine Star

with your best friend, Leo?

That's really nice of you, Mom.

But I just wanted to stay home
and skateboard.

Wait, I don't think you understand.

I'm going to pay to send you

to a place that is non-stop fun.

And did I mention, I won't be there.

Come on, Max.

There's archery, capture the flag.

A girl's camp across the lake.

No one's ever been but it's there.

Sorry, Leo, I know you love Pine Star,

but I'm a skater, not a camp kid.

You know what the problem is?

Max just doesn't know how fun camp is.

Then we've got to show him.

Oh, you're plotting something.

(chuckles) I can tell.

Yeah, I just told you.

Hey, Syd, how you feeling?

-Pretty nervous.
-Don't be.

Right now, there's a guy out there
playing a guitar

made from tofu containers and hemp.

That's what happens when you
have an open mic in Portland.

Yeah, that's not what I'm nervous about.

Syd, the song you wrote
for your dad is beautiful.

Thanks, Olive, but is he gonna get

that I feel guilty about
leaving him behind?

And if he does, is he gonna be hurt?

Sydney, you will not believe
how well it's going out there.

Tofu Tom got a standing ovation.

But that's Portland.

Do we make an awesome team or what?

Yes, you do.

And nothing can take that away.


I should go get a seat.

Hey, for your big performance,

I got you a top-of-the-line wireless mic
just like the pros use.

Wow. Thanks, Dad.

I want to hear every word
of your performance.

Good luck. Mwah.


Okay, everybody.

A great night is about to get even better.

We have saved the best for last.

I'm sorry, Tofu Tom.

Our final performer this evening
is Sydney Reynolds.

Now you may recognize Sydney as a finalist

from Ricky Angelo's
songwriting competition.

Yeah, she was almost a winner, but, um,
a whole thing with the producer--

Less talking, more singing.


Okay, well, let's give a rousing
Reynolds Rides welcome

to Sydney Reynolds.

(cheers and applause)

Hey, everybody. I'm Sydney Reynolds

and I'm going to start
by singing a new song.

Go get 'em, Sydney.

Or I could start with
some of my old stuff.

That way, you'll be able to
track my journey as an artist--

New stuff! We want the new stuff.

Woman: Yeah!

Thank you, anonymous heckler.


I wrote this song because sometimes,

the hardest people to talk to
are the ones that you are closest to.

Here is "Leave You Behind."

♪ How can I say this
my hands are shaking ♪

♪ I feel the weight all around ♪

♪ And I can't tell if I'm being selfish ♪

♪ Would I be letting you down ♪

♪ Does finding myself mean
I'm hurting you? ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ I know what I want ♪

♪ But I don't know what to do ♪

♪ I want to chase my dreams and jump in ♪

♪ I want to run with arms out wide ♪

♪ I want to see the world ♪

♪ And meet the girl I'm becoming ♪

♪ Becoming ♪

♪ I want to chase my dreams and jump in ♪

♪ I want to run with arms out wide ♪

♪ I want to see the world ♪

♪ And meet the girl I'm becoming ♪

♪ But I don't want to leave you behind ♪

(cheers and applause)

Thanks. Thanks so much.

So, Dad, what did you think?

Wow, that was some powerful song.

Yeah, it wasn't easy to sing.

Well, you were delivering
a really personal message.

-So you got it?
-Who wouldn't?

-It wasn't too hurtful?
-I don't think so.

-Oh, thank goodness.
-But it's not up to me.

You're gonna have to talk to Olive.

This is brilliant, Miss Reynolds.

Once Max gets a taste of camp,
he'll be hungry for more.

Or should I say, s' more.

You shouldn't, but it's too late now.

I know my son, and there are
two things he can't resist.

Unhealthy snacks,
and burning things on a stick.

Hey, Mom.

Whoa, fire.

Welcome to Camp Reynolds.

-I'm camper Leo.
-And I'm camper Judy.

Max, your mother and I believe
the reason you don't want to go to camp

is because you don't know
anything about it.

So we're giving you a little sample.

And the most magical,
memorable part of camp

is sitting around the campfire.

-Do I get to eat s'mores?
-As many as you want.

Why are we still standing?

Why don't we start with a camp song?

-♪ Camper Judy ♪
-♪ It's the start of the day ♪

-♪ Camper Judy ♪
-♪ So what do you say? ♪

♪ It's another morn at Pine Star Lake ♪

♪ But camper Max is not awake ♪

-♪ Camper Max ♪
-♪ So what do you say? ♪

Okay, we're done here.

But Max, we haven't made
friendship bracelets

or told ghost stories.

There's ghost stories?

There's always ghost stories at camp.

Oh, I have a good one

and I know it's good because it's true.

Do you remember the Parkers
who used to live

in that old house on the corner?

The ones who moved away?

Or did they?

Both: Ooh.

Me? He thought the song was about me?

I'm weighing you down?
I don't weigh enough to weigh you down.

(knock on the door)

Oh, sorry, Olive. I got to go.

-Hey, Grandma.
-Hey, Noodle.

So, listen, about your song
the other night.

Please don't say you think
it's about Olive.

Olive? What kind of doofus
would think that?

No, it's clearly about your dad.

Thank you.

Now I finally get why
you don't want to go to music camp.

I can't believe my dad didn't get it.

I mean, how much more direct can I be?

-You could tell him.
-Besides that.

Look, your dad can take it.
He's a lot stronger than he looks.

I don't know, the other day
I had to open a pickle jar for him.

You know what I mean.

Look, Noodle. This is big stuff.

If you feel responsible for your dad,
you need to talk to him.

And soon. The deadline
for that camp is coming up.

I can't do it, Grandma.
I can't break his heart.

It's only gonna get harder
as more time goes by.

What are you gonna say when
you meet your college roommate?

"Hi, this is my dad, Max.
He'll take the bottom bunk."

And finally, the Parkers escaped

and ran into the backyard screaming.

Suddenly, zombie hands
reached through the dirt,

clawing after them.

And the Parkers were
never heard from again.

Some people believe the zombies moved on.

Others believe they're still here.



I just remembered
I don't want to be here, bye!

Cool ghost story, Mom.

Yeah, you sure seemed like
you were having fun.

Looks like you might enjoy camp
more than you thought.

Well, tonight was fun,
but I still don't want to go.

Max, something's going on. What is it?

I just don't want to go to camp.

Come on, there's got to be a reason.

There's no reason.

I just don't want to.
Why can't you leave it alone?

-Hey, Olive.
-Hey, Mr. R.

So how about that song Sydney wrote?

"Leave You Behind." Strong message.

Yes, strong.

I think that song was directed
at someone specific.

Very specific.

Obviously someone she's very close to.

Yes. Very close.

Someone who's like family.

Yes, someone who's like... family.

Okay, I'll see you at the show.

Ah, she's never gonna get it.

He is never gonna get it.

Your dad really believes
your song is about me.

I know, and he sings it everywhere.

It's like if you won't listen to me,
at least listen to yourself.

(feedback whines)

Sorry, sorry, small technical difficulty.

Olive: Syd, there's got to be some way
to make your dad realize

the song is about him.

Sydney: Olive, let it go.

But what if you changed the lyrics,
made them even more obvious?

Sydney: What am I supposed to say?
Hey Dad, I want to go to camp

but I'm afraid to leave you behind

because I feel like I'm responsible
for your happiness?

Syd, your mic is on

and everybody in the shop
can hear what you're saying.

-Including my dad?
-Especially your dad.


Oh, no.

Mom? How'd you know I was here?

Where else you gonna go?
It's either the skate park or the arcade.

You know, I also go to school.

Okay, good point.

If you're here to talk about camp,
I don't want to.

Fine, then we'll just play Chomp Man.

(whooshing, beeping)

A-ha, got you.

See, I don't have to go away to have fun.

I can stay right here.

Really? But don't you always miss Leo?

Yeah, but if I'm at camp,
I'll miss other stuff.

Chomped you!

What other stuff?

I don't know. Cartoons,

sitting around the house, my room.

Wait, are you saying you'd be homesick?

No, that's for babies.

See, this is exactly why
I didn't want to talk about it.

You're gonna miss me. Aw!


Max, I understand why
you'd be nervous leaving home.

Since your dad left,
it's kind of just been you and me.

Tell you what. You give camp a try,

and I promise if you don't like it,

I will drop everything
and come and pick you up.

-You promise?
-I promise.

Okay, on one condition.

You show me how to do
that scary arm thing.

The kids at camp will love it.

That scary arm thing?
(gasps) Oh, you must mean...


-Well, he's not in the kitchen.
-And he's not in his bedroom.

-Where else could he be?
-I don't know.

Those are the only places he goes.

Grandma, I'm so worried.

I think I really hurt his feelings.

Well, there was one place he used to go

when he was upset as a kid,
but it's a long shot.

It's worth a try.


Dad, there you are. Thank goodness.

Syd, how'd you know I was here?

Grandma had a hunch.

Dad, are you mad at me?

No, of course not.

I'm mad at myself for not
knowing how you were feeling.

Well, I wanted to tell you,
but I couldn't bear to see

that look on your face.

Yeah, that one.

But my happiness should
not be your responsibility.

You should never feel like
you can't live your life to the fullest

because of me. I want you to fly, Syd.

I want you to run with arms out wide.


I'm sorry. It's catchy.

This is my fault. I've been selfish.

You? Selfish?

You're the most generous person I know.

Selfish when it comes to you.

I love hanging out together,
but you're my daughter.

I should have known that
you really wanted to go to camp.

I do.

Uh, Dad, I can't believe that
the teenager is saying this,

but we are talking. Can you text later?

Sorry, I got to do it now.
The deadline for camp ends in a few hours,

and I want to make sure
you're on the list.

Wait, seriously?

Thanks, Dad.

You know, I'm going to miss you.

A lot.

Well, maybe you'll miss me a little less

if I kick your butt in Chomp Man.

Oh, you are so going down.

Good news, Syd.
Our summer showcase is a hit.

I've got so many performers,
I can keep going

the whole time you're at camp.

That's great. You'll be so busy
you won't even know I'm gone.

Oh, please, Syd.

My whole life does not revolve around you.

Mr. R, before you book your headliner,

you should know Sydney inspired me

to look into my hidden talents.

Aw, I am so flattered.

Meet my friend, Mr. Sockington.

Okay, less flattered.

♪ Do do, do do do do ♪

♪ Do do ♪

♪ Do do, do do do do ♪

♪ Do do ♪

♪ Do do, do do do do ♪

♪ Do do ♪

♪ Do do, do do do do ♪

♪ Do do ♪

Man: Oh, yeah!