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01x56 - Quest for the Sword

Posted: 09/28/21 07:41
by bunniefuu
[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

I am Adam,
Prince of Eternia

and defender of the secrets
of Castle Grayskull.

This is Cringer,
my fearless friend.

Fabulous secret powers
were revealed to me

the day I held aloft
my magic sword and said,

"By the power of Grayskull!"

♪ ♪

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

I have the power!

♪ ♪


[He-Man] Cringer became
the mighty Battle Cat,

and I became He-Man,

the most powerful man
in the universe.

♪ ♪

Only three others
share this secret:

our friends the Sorceress,
Man-At-Arms, and Orko.

Together we defend
Castle Grayskull

from the evil forces
of Skeletor.


[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[upbeat regal music]

♪ ♪

[birds chirping]

[upbeat playful music]

♪ ♪

[warbling tone]


[Orko] Watch the dancing bucket.

[magic chimes]

Come on, come on.

There are more modern ways

to start a fire, Father.

Picnics are a chance to get back
to basics with nature.

[Orko] Oh!



I did it again.

There are more modern ways
to keep cool, Duncan.

Adam, there's far better
firewood than ironvine.

I found this on
the forest floor.

I figured I'd get in
some fishing.

You could catch a dragon-whale
with ironvine.

It's unbreakable!

Oh, please don't
say dragon-whale.

They're scary!

Shake your arms, it's easier. this.


[dramatic music]

Will you stop it?

- I'm not doing it.
- [Teela] Look!

[He-Man] The volcano's erupting.

[woman] Help!

My children!


That rock creature
looks ferocious.

We've got to save
the children.

I can float across.

No, Orko, there's a down draft

that will pull you down
to the bottom.


Run that way, toward the forest.

Oh, good.

I thought maybe you were
thinking of...

I am; now get going.

And don't come back
when I call you.

I need a reason to
get out of sight.

♪ ♪

Cringer, come back!

[Teela] This is no time for
Adam to run after Cringer.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

By the power of Grayskull...

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

♪ ♪

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

I have the power!

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Come on, Battle Cat,
before that opening

gets too wide to leap.


[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

I'm afraid that's too far

for even Battle Cat to jump.

[Teela] He-Man, save them.

Well, let's see how unbreakable
it really is.

♪ ♪









Quickly, get the children.

They're safe, He-Man.

I've got to yank my sword back

before I lose the
end of the line.



[somber music]

I'm gonna use the Wind Raider

to go after my sword.


[jet roars]

And I'm going to find Adam

and tell him what I think of
his running away.

She won't find him till
He-Man gets his sword back.

That could be a problem.


It's the sword.

Rabar is now warrior.

[jet roaring]

[ominous music]


Why don't you give me back
my sword

and just be a great guy?

[sword whipping]

I've got to get closer,

but how do you get closer

to a runaway windmill?

[lively dramatic music]

♪ ♪


[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

Maybe I can knock the sword
from his hands.

[vine whipping]

[He-Man] A bit closer.

He-Man, are you all right?

[He-Man] Let's put it this way,

I'm just about

at the end of my rope.



This thing can't
make up its mind.

First, I had to try to close it.

Now I have to try to
keep it open.

He will not get out.


[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪


[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

Now for the sword.


[dramatic music]


♪ ♪

If that keeps happening,

it'll take you a week
to move all those boulders.

He's right,

which means that
Adam and Cringer

won't be seen for a week,

among other things.

I wouldn't want Teela
to have that long

to think about
Adam's disappearance.

Let's go get a battle ram.

I can't find Adam.

He's probably back at the
palace, taking a beauty nap.

[regal music]

[Ram Man]
You don't need that ship.

I'll ram a new entrance
into the mountain.

The mountain's solid stone.

You could get a headache, Rammy.

[Teela] Like the one Adam's
going to have when I find him.

Still no luck finding him, eh?

He and Cringer are probably out

picking daisies somewhere.

Maybe I'm being too harsh.

There was nothing he could do
to help the children anyway.

[Teela] Still,
he shouldn't have run off.

And he should be told.

Maybe if you tell him,

it will sink in.

I promise you, Teela,

Adam will know how I feel
about the whole thing.

If you find him.

He's never around
when you are anyway.

Yeah, you know, I don't think

I ever seen
the two of you together.

[Teela] It is strange that
your paths seldom cross.

Powers just will it that way,
I guess.

[clears throat]

Enough talk.
Uh, let's go get your sword

from the rock men before
they hurt themselves

or someone else with it.

[triumphant tone]

And then you can help me
find Adam.

I'm sure that once I've gotten
my sword back,

I'll be able to produce Adam.


Hm, I sure can't wait to hear

you telling him
what you think of him.


[vehicle clattering]

[dramatic sting]

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪


I told you it was solid, Rammy,

but you wanted to try it.

Maybe we could just

blast an entrance with a laser.

Duncan's laser could make butter
out of those rocks,

but the laser
might penetrate the lair.

And there might be lots of
rock people

in there who could get hurt.


Let's give it another try.


I'm more out of practice
than I thought.

I can make your job easier.

A mosquito can't help a hawk.


Well, I told you I could
make your job easier.

I found another entrance,

off to the side.

This has come in handy
twice today.

You never know.

[Ram Man] There's a whole

network of cave corridors
in here.

[He-Man] But this seems
to be the main corridor.

Be on the alert.

You don't know how many
rock people there are.

[dramatic music]

That's the corridor back
to the other entrance I found.

This way.

♪ ♪

[Orko] Look at the pretty
cave paintings.

They sure are
gentle and peaceful.

Those two rock men
who att*cked He-Man

certainly didn't act
gentle and peaceful.


[rock people grumbling]


He's the one with my sword.

That way.

[brooding music]

[Ram Man] It's an entire world.

What's that big pit?

It would seem to be a pit to the

center of the Earth.

That's the source of their

light, heat, and natural energy.

[Orko] Boy, if I could capture

some of the energy
down in that pit,

could I do magic-magic.

[Man-At-Arms] That pit
is bottomless, my friend.

[Orko] I wouldn't want to see
that big pillar fall.

It looks like it holds
up the whole thing.

[Rabar] I am leader!


Rabar is warrior leader!


Rabar is their leader.

Or at least he thinks he is.

He seems to think the sword
makes him a leader,

but all it makes him is a bully.

How are we gonna get
the sword away from him?

[He-Man] Well, if I can rope one
of those rocks

with the ironvine,

I can swing down and snatch

the sword from Rabar's hand.

I'll need a distraction.

No sooner said than done.



Well, that's certainly
a distraction.

[triumphant music]

♪ ♪

Watch out.

I can't steer!



[suspenseful music]



Grab him!


They're afraid of He-Man.

I'm not sure that's it.

[Man-At-Arms] They're a
completely peaceful people.

They don't like conflict.

Grab enemy!

Rabar leader say so!

They won't obey you, Rabar.

They're peaceful,

as you are, really.

Rabar not peaceful.

Rabar warrior leader.

I have sword.

A sword doesn't
make you a leader.

Togar, me, have seen
outside world.

Sword does make leader.

They've probably seen
evil leaders like Skeletor.

Rabar, your people
are confused and frightened.

Give me my sword,

and live in peace.


You're gonna have to
fight him for it.

I won't.

[He-Man] These people don't know

what fighting is.

I won't be the one
who teaches them.

There must be another way.

I won't fight you
for the sword, Rabar.


Now there may be no other way.

Now Togar leader.



[Man-At-Arms] The whole cave
is gonna collapse.


[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

I...can't hold it much longer.

I need...a foundation.

That rock,
it would do the trick.

But...but how can we move it?

We've got to try.

♪ ♪

Need...a foundation.


Your people are in danger.


Help them.

[all straining]

[triumphant music]


They're cheering
Rabar and Togar and us.


[He-Man] Listen to the cheers.

Maybe you are leaders after all.

Friend right.

Sword and laser

do not make leader.

Sword and laser bad!

[foreboding music]

The sword, gone.

No, it can't be.

Even you couldn't survive
at the center of the Earth.

Besides, the sword has
melted into nothingness by now.

Then it's all over, Duncan.

From now on,
I'll never be Adam again.

[upbeat dramatic music]

♪ ♪


No more outside world.

We happy here.

You, close entrance, please.

Where's Orko?

He probably flew out already.

[calming regal music]

[He-Man] You and the others
return to the palace

and see if Orko's there.

Battle Cat and I will be alone.

I'll check here once more,

then close the entrance.

[upbeat triumphant music]

[He-Man straining]

The cave is sealed.


Even as Adam's fate is sealed,

and Cringer's too, my friend.

Let's look for Orko,

then seal the side entrance.

[warbling tone]

Hey, He-Man,
want to see a great trick?

Orko, how can you
be thinking of silly tricks

at a time like this?

But this is a
really great trick.


And I don't even
have to use magic.


[triumphant music]


- How?
- Remember?

I said I'd love to capture
some of that energy

from the bottomless pit?

Well, when everything turned out

okay in the cave world,

I went down into the pit.

It got too hot,
and I started back up.

And guess what I caught

as it came flying down?

♪ ♪

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

[upbeat regal music]

♪ ♪

As soon as He-Man gets here,
we'll find Adam.

Hearing He-Man lecture Adam

will be more fun than a party.

[He-Man] Did someone say party?

And what was that about He-Man?


He-Man's going to let you know

what's on his mind.

I already know.


Don't tell me you and He-Man

came face to face
and I wasn't there to see it.

I won't tell you.


♪ ♪

I just don't understand.

That makes two of us.

[zinging tone]

Just think, Cringer,

if it weren't for Orko,

you'd have been Battle Cat

for the rest of your life.



Hey, remind me to show
you a new trick

I've been working on:

turning p*ssy cats into dragons.

[teeth chattering]


[upbeat playful music]

♪ ♪

It's a good thing Orko
got my sword back today

or Prince Adam might never
have been seen again.

The rock man who took my sword
thought it made him a leader,

but he was wrong.

A sword or any other symbol

doesn't make a person
a good leader.

What does is intelligence,
respect for others,

and an unselfish desire
to do good.

People are proud of a leader
with those qualities.

So if you develop them
in yourself,

you could become
a good leader too.

See you soon.