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01x04 - Chase Gets the Gays

Posted: 09/29/21 06:54
by bunniefuu
I love days where I don't have to work

and I can just run errands
and look like trash.

I know. I'm not even wearing underwear.

Yeah, me neither.

I mean, I'm not seeing anybody I know,

so why would I?

I actually probably should.

My d*ck always pops out of these pants.

Ugh, I hate walking around
with toilet paper.

It's so embarrassing.

Why? Everyone knows you have a butthole

and poop comes out of it.

Hey, you're okay.

See? She agrees.

Hey, gay.

Huh, not sure
that's about your butthole.

But, I mean, I guess kinda?

Wait, what is going on?

Hey, you're the guy from that video.

Oh, no, sorry. I don't think so.

Yeah, the little kid's music video

about his gay brother.


Oh, um, Care, look at this.

I think I found
what they're talking about.

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Hey, oh ♪

♪ My brother's brave ♪

♪ My brother's wise ♪

♪ My brother doesn't like girls ♪

♪ He likes guys ♪

♪ He kisses men ♪

♪ That turns him on ♪

♪ And if you think that's gross ♪

♪ Well, then I think you're wrong ♪

♪ 'Cause I think it's cool ♪

♪ My brother's gay ♪

♪ And that's okay ♪

♪ The haters may hate ♪

♪ But I love how he's gay ♪

♪ He is so gay in every way ♪

♪ My brother Cary is gay ♪

♪ And that's okay ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Hey, oh ♪

♪ And that's okay ♪

What the f...

Where is Streeter?

Why is no one picking up? Ugh.

Okay, can we just take one sec

and laugh about how funny this is?

I can't be in a teen's music video.

Do I just show up at the label

and tell that Shuli woman
to take it down?

Yeah, yeah, that's what I got to do.

Okay, or you leave it up

and you get, like,
a trillion new followers.

Ew, I don't want those followers.

They're all like @ChaseDreamsFeet.

Wow, he is getting famous.

What if casting people see this?

Oh, my God, what if Grandma sees this?

Wait, does Grandma
not know that you're gay?

No, she's .

I thought I'd just let her die in peace

without ever truly knowing who I am.

Wow, cool brain, Care.

Shuli, the video's at mil.

Great, can we get him on the OUT yet?

No, they said it's still
just for gay people.

God, that is so unfair.

[knocks on door]

Hey, uh, Shuli?

[overlapping chatter]

Hi, gay brother.

You know, my brother's gay.

I have a gay brother.

My brother's gay too.

Yes, okay,

that's sort of why I'm here.

Can I talk to you in private?

One sec. Brooke, where have you been?

Chase needs his assistant.

Oh, um, I just sort of figured

when you started
a new job you had a few days

to, you know, get your life together.

Why would you think that?

Sorry, Shuli, can we talk, like, now?

It's very important, and
I can't get ahold of Streeter.

No one's told you.

There was an emergency.

Streeter and your mom had
to take Chase to a specialist.

Oh, my God, what happened?


You may want to sit for this.

Chase has a...

- a pimple.
- Ugh.

A pimple?

Look, if you need
to barf, go ahead. I did.

But we're gonna get through this

as... as a team.

You know, we just may have

to transition him to sexy
sooner than we thought.

- Okay, I'm gonna cut to the chase.
- Trademark.

I want that video down, all right?

It's humiliating, and I feel exposed.

- Your d*ck's out.
- Oh.

Cary, what's the problem?

Everyone here loves the video.

I mean, its message is so strategic,

important. I said important.

And the gay community is eating it up.

Ellen just tweeted about it.

[all gasp]

We got Ellen

or whatever little twink
runs her account.

Okay, well, I want it down.

- I'm an actor and this could be...
- [cell phone buzzes]

...terrible for my career.


It's an agent asking
if I have representation.

I guess she saw the video.

Shit, this is one
of the biggest agencies.

Care, that's amazing.

Yeah, I could maybe leave Skip finally.


So like I was saying, I love the video.

It's awesome.

I want you guys to keep it up.

I love you cuties. Thank you.

All right, so I guess
I better get to work.

All I'm gonna need from
you guys is Beyoncé's cell.

Gotta set up a collab on,
you know, like, a song,

ooh, or a jean.

That's not your job.

We have you in a very small office

responding to fan mail.

Shouldn't I be doing
something more creative?

I mean, come on, with my background?

What is your background?

I went to the School of
American Ballet years ago.

Well, then no.

Listen, Brooke,
your brother's fans love him

because he's real.

But now he's getting
too busy to be real,

so we need you to be real for him.

Shuli, we have a problem.

The gays are turning on the vid.

They're saying it's, quote,
"so five years ago."

[all groan]

That's the worst thing you can be.

"Dear ChaseDreams,

"I've been in the hospital
for seven weeks

"and it's not looking good.

"Could you send me a T-shirt?

"You're my favorite singer ever.

Love, Rachel Klein."

Poor girl.

Such terrible taste in music.

Hey, how's it going in here?

Oh, some of these letters
are really intense.

A grown woman sent Chase underwear.

That happens a lot.
You can just toss 'em.

Oh, I mean, can't waste
brand-new underwear.

- Am I right, girl?
- Those are not brand-new.

Women wear them and send them dirty.

Don't even touch them.

Of course not.

And don't eat any of the food.


Anyway, Shuli wanted me

to introduce you to Chase's lawyers.

There's, like, of them,
and they're all, like, .

Yeah, I'll go meet some lawyers.

Oh, I'm sorry, I meant
there's of them,

and they're all, like, .

Mm, um, you know, I'm actually...

I'm in the middle of some
very important fan outreach.

Yeah, there's a sick girl.

She's dying, actually.

So I need to personally
bring her a Chase T-shirt.

So off I go.

Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, ew.

[phone ringing]

I have a meeting with an agent.

We all do. This is an agency.

- Cary?
- Yes.

[gasps] Oh, Pitzi Pyle.

Thank you so much for coming in.

I saw you in the vid.

I am gagging for you, f*gg*t.

Come on back.

Sorry, I was... uh, I was gonna change,

but you told me to come down here ASAPF,

I thought the F was a typo,

but now I think I know
what it stands for.

Yas, f*gg*t. [laughs]

Wait, should we do this meeting
here or while we're shopping?

I guess here?

Aw, Pitzi sad.

Oh, oh, no.

I'm sorry, we can...

Wait, you believed me.

Oh, my God. You're so cute.

You're, like, the sweetest
person I've ever met.

Like, will you be my best friend?

Like, legally, we're bound
to be best friends now.

And that's really good for you
because I'm the top agent here.

- Oh, you are?
- Yeah.

I have the most clients, okay, , .

[mouths words]

- Oh, how is that manageable?
- But enough about me.

Okay, dish. I want to hear everything.

Where are you from? What's your deal?

What makes you tic? Everything.

Well, I'm from Ohio,

uh, like all the greats.

[screams and laughs]

Oh, my God, wait.

So you're, like, the funniest
person that ever lived.

Okay, I'm obsessed with you.

Josh, get in here!
You have to hear this.

He's gonna love this.

Okay, Cary, tell Josh where you're from.


But do the other part.

It's... it's where
all the greats are from.

[laughs boisterously]

- [mouths words]
- Oh, God. Oh, my God.


Hi, I'm looking for a patient
named Rachel Kline.

She's here and dying.

Okay, that's not how we
talk out loud in a hospital.

Are you family or celebrity?

Oh, um, celebrity?

Okay, we're actually already
checking on that name for P!nk,

so you can go ahead and have
a seat next to her assistant.

Which one is her...

I found her.

Wow, you look exactly like P!nk.

It's like dogs and their owners.

This was me when I first started.

Whoa, when is that?

Four weeks ago.

You don't look like anyone famous.

Did you just start?

Oh, today's my first day, actually.

Well, let me give you some advice.

Never let your boss
get into aerial gymnastics.

Oh, don't worry.

I'm not gonna be an assistant for long.

- It's not like a career or anything.
- Your loss.

P!nk's first assistant is now
the CEO of her apparel company.

Whoa, really?

I mean, it's just leotards
for aerial gymnastics,

but she's rich.

Sorry, ladies, there's no patient here

by the name of Rachel Kline.


Oh, I want to talk career with you.

Okay, do you know who Meryl Streep is?

- Yes.
- I don't. I don't.

Because she's old, and old is bad.

Okay, young is good.

Do you know how many views
your video has?


- It does?
- Yeah.

And that means I can make you

the most famous person in the world...

For the next hours.

Well, you know, uh,
I think I'm looking for

a little bit more longevity than that.

I guess I just want, like, a...
you know, maybe a small part

in a miniseries, or, you know,
a role in a...

- [snoring]
- director's...



Hey, Shuli, it's Cary.
Listen, I changed my mind.

I'm actually gonna need
that video to come down.

No can do, Care.

Tomi Lahren just called it
an affront to family values.

The gays are back on board.

[all cheering]


Wait, I'm sorry.

Why isn't there a Rachel Kline here?

This happens all the time.

It's a dude, some middle-aged
perv who wants attention.

Ew, but then why would he
pretend to be in a hospital?

They don't think anyone
will actually show.

They just hope you feel bad enough

to send a bunch
of free crap to their house

probably so they can jack off into it.


Check the return address.

It says New Jersey.

Exactly, where the pervs live.

Okay, but if this keeps happening,

why do you keep showing up?

Because one time out of ten
it really is a dying girl,

and if you don't show up,
it's bad optics.

And P!nk doesn't do bad optics.

She does near constant
aerial gymnastics.

Well, I'm gonna go to New Jersey

and I'm gonna confront this sick perv.

You want to come?

No, I have to find

some other dying kid
to take a photo with.


♪ Haters may hate
but I love how he's gay ♪

Hey, are you from that music video?

Oh, um, yes,

but I'd love to do a miniseries one day,

- like a "Fargo" or something.
- Oh, that's cool.

Um, I just wanted to say
I came out to my mom today

sort of because of that video.

- Oh.
- I was scared,

but it actually wasn't as bad
as I thought it was gonna be.

So I guess this is weird,
but, um, thanks?

That's... wow, that's... that's nice.

Can I, um... can I give you
a hug or something?


- Okay, see ya.
- Bye.

And good luck with your miniseries.


[cell phone buzzes]

- Shuli.
- Hey, Shuli,

I guess you could leave the video up.

Uh, I'm okay with it now.

Too bad, Care. It's coming down.

The A.V. Club just said
it's "no 'Moonlight.'"

Was it supposed to be?

It doesn't matter, Cary!

They said it, and now we're f*cked!

[knocks on door]


He... hello.

Just what I thought, a pervert.

Excuse me?

You think you are so smart,

pretending to be a dying girl so what?

A teen will send you a T-shirt
and you can nut in it?

Well, here's your little tee, perv.

Nut away.

Oh, yeah, you should cry.

Oh, good, all your little
pervert friends are crying too.

And they're all in black.


So Rachel wasn't
at the... because she...


I am so sorry

for your loss.

Yo, what up, roomie?

Hey, you, um... you smell good.

Got to, going out with Abby tonight.

Don't want my junk to stink

if she's gonna be down there, you know?


Your, uh... your d*ck looks good.


So does yours.

What? Oh, stupid pants.

♪ Ah, my young boys in the truth ♪

- ♪ True, true, true ♪
- ♪ The truth ♪

♪ When you see a real one you
better salute ♪

- ♪ Young boys in the truth ♪
- ♪ True, true, true ♪

♪ Truth ♪

♪ When you see a real one,
you better salute ♪

- ♪ Lute, lute, lute ♪
- ♪ Lute, lute ♪

♪ Young boys in the truth ♪

Wait, wait, wait, wait. Stop, stop.

What's up, dude?

Am I doing it wrong?

No, no, no, no. That was...

That was great, um...

I mean, it was a little dry.

It was kind of like
a turtle eating a carrot.

But that's not, uh...
that's not the problem.

I can't do this anymore.

Oh, okay.

'Cause every time we do this,
it's great or whatever,

but I just feel like shit after.

Oh, no. You do? Why?

Because you don't actually like me.

And that makes me feel pathetic, okay?

And I'm not pathetic.

I'm a gay icon.

Whoa, hey, that's cool.

- Yeah.
- Since when?

This morning. Yeah.

And I don't know if you're secretly gay

or if you're just straight
and you like attention,

but either way, it f*cking sucks for me.

This sucks for me, and "Survivor" sucks.

"Survivor" sucks.

I can't believe you watch
the same seasons

over and over and over.

- It's the same thing.
- Well, not Micronesia.

Okay, yeah, that season
did change the game, but...

Listen, I... I'm sorry, Care.


I love you, man.

No, that's so annoying.

No, you don't.

You don't love me,

and you know what's humiliating
is, I weirdly love you,

and that is so dumb because you
never give me anything ever!


So from now on, we're just roommates.

That's it, and when you watch TV,

I need you to wear a shirt,
preferably a turtleneck.

- Okay, all right.
- Thank you.

Now if you'll excuse me,

I have something I've been
meaning to do for eight months.

♪ My brother's gay and here to stay ♪

♪ So, haters, you better
stay out of his way ♪

♪ And if you are listening,
then I want to say ♪

♪ Cary Dubek, you are gay ♪

♪ And that's okay ♪

I'm so sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry I'm wearing
Halloween boxer shorts.

Excuse me.

How do you know the deceased?

Oh, she was a big fan
of my little brother's,

and I'm here on his behalf
because he loved her.

He respected her,

and he...

Wait, I'm sorry, who's this bitch?

The deceased.

Grandma Elaine.

So she wrote the letter?

Okay, I'm sorry.

I don't mean to speak ill of the dead,

but that woman was a sex pervert.

[all gasp]

Yeah, she pretended to be
this little girl named Rachel Kline

so that my brother
would send her a T-shirt

so she could, I don't know,

rub it all over her old titties.

- Oh.
- Gross.

Wait, I'm Rachel Kline.

Sorry, what?

I wrote that letter to Chase

'cause I was at the hospital
with my grandma

and I was sad, so I wanted a T-shirt.


So today is my first day
in the industry,

and I would like to apologize
for everything

that I have said and done.

Rachel, how do I make it up to you?

Do you want Chase's autograph,
my autograph?


Well, I have a school dance next week.

Maybe Chase could be my date?

Shuli, great news.

The gays are back on board.

What? How?

Countess Luann just posted
an emotional response to it.

From the "Real Housewives"?

Oh, my God. Do you know what this means?

Our video is officially camp.

- [champagne pops]
- [cheering]

Give me these, yes.

Sorry, just, uh, grabbing
my, uh, toilet paper here.

I forgot it.

And I know this seems like a lot,

but it lasts me, like,
three months, so...

Relax, Cary.

It's time to celebrate.

You're camp.


You're gonna live on
forever in the gay community

as a joke, something the gays
laugh at but also love,

like Britney.


Cool, what are we celebrating?

- Nothing, fun's over.
- [glass shatters]

Okay, look, we have the gays,

but now we need to swing back

and get the regular people again.

- So boring.
- Ugh, lame.

So how do we get them?

We gotta do something sweet,
something wholesome.

Maybe Chase could perform
at a cancer charity.

Yeah, that's perfect.

Chase said that his dad died of cancer.

Oh, shit, that is what Mom told him.

Should we tell them that's not true?

Gay then cancer?

We can't do two sad things
back to back, come on.

Two sad things?

Come on, more ideas, people.

Something that will appeal
to middle America,

you know, like football,
families, fields, corn.

Oh, Chase could post
a picture eating corn.

Not actual corn, Renee.

You're fired. Get me a new Renee.


Uh, maybe he could go to a school dance

with a sweet, suburban teen?

Wait a minute, wait a minute.

If Chase goes to a dance
with one small-town girl,

he'll have all small-town girls
wet for him.

Ew, that is not what I meant.

Brooke, you're a genius.

Cary, you're a star.

I love this family. Uh!

Shuli, um, I did want to say

that, um, I'm glad
you kept the video up.

Um, it was weird at first,

but it actually helped me

realize some things
about myself that I...

- [snoring]
- Okay.

I am so glad you decided
to come here with me.

I've been, like, times.

Everyone here loves me.

Everyone here hates her.

I'm gonna go get us more drinks.


It's you!

Hey, Cary.

- Oh, hey, good to see you.
- Yeah, you too.

- I loved you in the video.
- Oh, thanks.

Um, it's been kind of a weird day.

Uh, but good, you know. It's...

I bet, I bet.

Yeah. [chuckles]

Um, would you maybe want

to, uh, get food with me sometime?

Oh, y...

Yeah, yeah, no, I'd love that.

- Cool.
- Yeah.

Wait, why didn't you ask me out

the whole time we were
doing that play together?

Yeah, I didn't know you were gay.

Oh, oh, thanks. Um.

- Oh, uh, thanks?
- No, no, no, no. Not...

Oh, I'm sorry. I just, uh... never mind.

But it's really good to see you.

- Bye.
- Bye.

♪ My brother's brave ♪

- ♪ My brother's wise ♪
- Oh, my God!

♪ My brother doesn't like... ♪

It's under Billy Eichner.

Cary! Cary, get out here!

They're playing your song!

- ♪ My brother's gay and here to stay ♪
- [laughs] Wow.


♪ Yes, my brother's gay ♪


I think I'm kind of f*cked up.

Me too, whoo!

I'm his assistant!

♪ And that's okay ♪

I love you, Cary.


Oh, my God. [coughs]

I really needed this.

Honestly, if your name is Shyamalay,
Chalamet, that's too much.

I changed my last name,
he should consider it.

He'd have a much bigger,
like the size of mine,

- you know what I mean?
- [upbeat music]

Everybody, welcome to The Other Show.

- I'm Sarah.
- And I'm Chris.

And we are here talking
about episode four

with Hélene, Drew, and Case Walker.

- [applause]
- There's Chase.

CHRIS: He's here.

- He's here!
- SARAH: Thanks for being here.

- This was your first audition.
- Yes, ma'am.

- Ever?
- Yes.

- Wow, thank you, Ma'am.
- [everyone everyone laughs]

I have to leave, ma'am.

CHRIS: We'll cut out the ma'am.

- So this is your first audition for...
- Yes.

That is cool and sucks to hear.

[everyone everyone laughs]

I feel like this was my last audition,

and I was like "Woo! Thank, God."

- That was the final one.
- SARAH: That was it!

I have a school dance next week.

Maybe Chase could be my date?

I was doing musical. lys
on a broken iPod,

in my lip sync videos on a
broken iPod in my room,

and I just kind of started
going up, and my mom's like...

We went to the mall one
day and someone was like,

"Hey, can I get a
picture with your son?"

And my mom's like,
"What's going on here?"

'Cause she has no clue
what's going on either.

So, then she got into it,
and that's kind of,

how it started, just in my
room, just doing what I like

and having fun with it, yeah.

The gays are turning on the vid.

They're saying it's, quote,
"so five years ago".

[audience groans]

That's the worst thing you can be.

There is an entire world
of people that you know

- that I don't know are alive.
- Yep, yep.

And people that we all know
and think are incredibly famous...

- Then I'm just like, what?
- ...that you've never heard of.

- Yes.
- So I was like,

I want to throw out some names

and see if you know if they're a person.

- Have you ever heard of Helen Mirren?
- No.

You've never heard
the name Helen Mirren?

I've never heard the name Helen Mirren.

It's like, usually, I'll tell you

if I've actually heard them
or if I know who they are.

- No, this is great.
- That's great.

Okay, okay, okay.

What do you think Helen Mirren does?

She sounds like an actor.

- Okay.
- Someone who does...

- skits or comedy.
- Why do you want to say that?

- Skits or comedy?
- Comedy.

- Jennifer Lawrence.
- Oh, yes, of course.

Okay, I was like, that
could maybe even... okay.

Wait, I have another one.

Do you know who Steve Carell is?

Yes, I've heard his name.

I don't know who he is. I...

If you showed me his face,
I wouldn't know, but I know his name.

- Wow.
- That's cool.

Do you know who Timothée Chamalet is?

- No.
- Chamalet?

- Is that not how you say it?
- Chalamet.

Take a lap, take a lap.

- Take a lap.
- Do you know what is it?

Do you know who Timothée Chalamet is?

- Yeah, I do.
- [everyone everyone laughs]

But who's the other one?

Now, give us people,
see if we know of anybody.

Oh, see, okay...

- KSI.
- Never heard.

- Never heard of KSI.
- What's that?

- A radio station.
- David Dobrik.

- No.
- No?

- It's not as fun this way.
- This is cute.

Okay, wait. One more time.

- One more time.
- Yeah, we see what we did to you...

- ...and we're sorry.
- Liza Koshy.

- ALL: No.
- You've never heard of Liza Koshy?

She's getting really into more
like mainstream right now.

Liza Koshy is your Helen Mirren.

What does a YouTuber do?

- Hélene, we can't...
- [everyone laughs]

We're not, we're not...

Will they make scripted
stuff, or do they...

Just for the record, we're not that bad.

♪ 'Cause I think it's cool ♪

♪ My brother's gay and that's okay ♪

So I remember like right when
we were starting the sh**ting,

they were like, "Yeah, so
we just need like photos

of you in your childhood,"
and I was like, "Oh, God."

And like, videos too,
and I was like, "Oh, no,

"I'm gonna have to like
watch a bunch of videos

"that make me sad."

So I got a bunch of
them, and they were like,

"Hey, do you mind if we reach out

"to some of your Facebook
friends from high school?"

Yeah, sorry.

And I was just kind of like
"Oh, yeah, those people

"I haven't talked to in like ten years."

[Chris] Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's...

Let's reach out to them,
but it was like...

Yeah, we just sort of need photos

from anyone you've ever met
at any point in your life.

Ever, that's all.

Yeah, I actually reconnected
with some people,

and I was like, "Hey, I'm
on a show now, and I'm...

"Do you have any photos of
me being weird at parties?"

If this keeps happening,
why do you keep showing up?

Because one time out of ten
it really is a dying girl,

and if you don't show
up, it's bad optics.

And P!nk doesn't do bad optics.

She does near constant
aerial gymnastics.

Yeah, I don't want to insult
any of my fans here, but...

So I had a fan...
I don't know, it was this one girl,

and she was being really extreme,

and in the DMs, she was like,
"Case, I'm dying, you need to..."

And she was saying all
this really serious stuff.

And so then we went into it.

Because she was doing it for months.

She was like, saying she's gonna die

and that if I didn't do
anything, she would die like...

- Jeez, yeah.
- [Case] It was very serious and sad.

And so I was concerned,
so eventually I was like,

I'm not going to send
her flowers to, like,

someone who I don't even know
is real or actually dying.

So we ended up calling the hospital

and seeing if the girl
was actually dying.

Then, a couple weeks later,
we found the photo online

that she had posted.

- Oh.
- So it was actually...

She searched up, like a disease,

and then took a photo of a young girl

- and put it on her page.
- That is so disgusting.

- It's bad, yeah.
- That's crazy.

Yeah, it was pretty...

And that became Brooke's
storyline in this episode.

- Yeah. Yeah.
- Thank you so much for a great storyline.

"Dear ChaseDreams,
I've been in the hospital

for seven weeks and
it's not looking good.

Could you send me a t-shirt?

You're my favorite singer ever.

Love, Rachel Klein."

Poor girl.

Such terrible taste in music.

I wrote to Nutella.

- [everyone laughs]
- Oh, boy.

I wrote them, I was like,
"Hello, I love Nutella,

this is the greatest product ever. Um...

Thank you so much for all that you do."

And they sent me coupons
for free Nutella.


Then when they sent me free
coupons, I was like...


So I wrote, like, Ben & Jerry's...

Yeah, then I were like...

- ...where are my coupons?
- [Chris] For sure, for sure.

I remember I waited in line
at the mall for four hours

to meet Candace Cameron.

- To meet who?
- Candace Cameron.

- We have to go. That's it.
- You don't know who that is, do you?

I don't know who that is.

I'm like trying to remember.

- There's a lot of people.
- She was on Full House.

She's on Fuller House.

- Oh, she's on Fuller House.
- Is she on Fuller House?

She's the mom
on Fuller House! Oh, f*ck it.

- [everyone laughs]
- Okay, that's all, that's all.

That's all the time we have.

This was a rough episode.

[upbeat music]