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03x02 - A Few Good Mentors

Posted: 10/02/21 06:05
by bunniefuu

Olive, are you nervous
about mentoring a th grader?

No. Why are you so nervous?

Who says I'm nervous?

Because nervous people always pace

and ask other people
if they're nervous.

Well, that's not why
I... Okay, I'm nervous.

I just really wanna do a great job.

When I got my mentor,
I thought she'd be like

a big sister looking out for me.

Instead, I ended up with...

-Janice Wentworth.
-Janice Wentworth.

[both shiver]

Remember the first day of
th grade? She ditched me.

I got so lost, I wandered
into the boy's locker room.

I can still picture their cold stares

and smell their stinky feet.

Syd, we're gonna be
great. Just imagine.

Some wide-eyed th graders

are gonna try to be exactly like us.

No one can, but it'll be
so cute to watch them try.

Ah! There she is.

Sydney Reynolds.

Sydney, I'd like you
to meet your mentee,

Lucy Davis. Lucy,

Sydney will show you around,
tell you about your teachers

and how everyone loves
a certain vice principal.

Promise you won't gush.

Good, so it's a promise!

Hey, Mr. Virmani, where's my mentee?

Oopsy-daisy! I'll be right back.

I'm so happy to meet you, Lucy.

I meet you happy so, too!

Lucy, take a deep breath.

I'm just so nervous.

I totally get it. I remember
my first day of middle school.

It's scary, and I'm sure all
your friends feel the same way.

Actually, we just moved
here from Chicago,

so I don't know anyone yet.


Well, don't worry. I
am going to be here

every step of the way.

Nobody's gonna let you
walk into the boy's locker room.

-That happened to you?
-Couldn't see the sign.

It coulda happened to anyone.
Let's just go find your locker.

-[shuts locker]
-Hey, Olive.

I'm Jordan, your mentee.

Hi, Jordan. Oh! Cool outfit.

Thanks. It's so crazy.

When you model, sometimes
they let you keep the clothes.

Now, I know you must
be pretty nervous to meet

an actual th grader.

But no matter how cool I seem,

I want you to know I'm nervous, too.

Aw, don't be!

You're gonna be a great mentor.

You really think so?

Yeah, girl, you gotta
believe in yourself.

Okay, if you say so.

♪ Do, do, do, do

[theme music playing]

♪ Like father, like daughter,
we don't always agree ♪

♪ But looking at you
is like looking at me ♪

♪ The more things change,
the more they stay the same ♪

♪ Like father, like daughter,
from different times ♪

♪ Taking all the best from
your decade and mine ♪

♪ The more things change

♪ The more they stay the same

♪ Do, do, do-do, do, do

♪ Do, do

♪ The more they stay the same

Hey, Mom! You started
your second year of college.

How's it feel to be the BGOC?

Big Grandma On Campus.

It feels great.

Which is why I volunteered
to lead campus tours.

Now, all I have to do is
learn to walk backwards

-and pass the tour test.
-You mean like this?

On the right isour coffee
table. On the left is our couch.

-Interesting sidebar.
-I was once vacuuming

under the cushions, and
I found a dollar

and a remote to a TV
we don't have anymore,

which brings us back to a
woman obviously jealous

of my backward walking skills.

Please. If you can do it,

how hard could it be?

On the left is our dining
room that we never eat in.

On the right is a chair
that I paid way too much for.

Oh! And a son who
forgot that he inherited

all of his skills from
his fabulous mama!

Hey, Syd. Who's this?

This is Lucy. She's the
th grader I'm mentoring.

Um, hi, Mr. Reynolds.

Hi, Lucy. Aw, my baby's a mentor.

Seems like just yesterday
she was in her high chair,

-drooling all over...
-Cool story!

Lucy, why don't you head upstairs,

-and I'll bring you a snack?

-No more drooling stories?

Isn't Lucy sweet?

She just moved her,
so I'm gonna make sure

that I'm really there
for her, unlike...

-Janice Wentworth.
-Janice Wentworth.

[both shiver]

First, I'm gonna draw
her a map of the school

with all of her classes marked.

-Oh, that's
very thoughtful
of you. -Then,

I'm gonna make her a list of
all of her teacher's pet peeves,

show her the least drafty
seats in the cafeteria,

and, of course, give her a
guide of the cleanest bathrooms.

They're ranked from "wow" to "whoa."

Syd, don't you think you're
going a little overboard here?

No. I'm just trying
to be the big sister

my mentor never was.
Now, if you'll excuse me,

I've gotta go get my
little sis the perfect snack.

[gasp] I know! My
famous grilled cheese!

Don't you mean my
famous grilled cheese?

Oh right.

Do a good job, Dad.
There's a lot riding on this.

[raucous laughter]

-[alien voice]:
Take me to your
beaker. -[laughs]

-[alien voice]:
You have to flask
nicely. -[laughs]

Are you finished, boys?


Okay, done.

Boys, you haven't been
paying attention all class.

-What are you talking about?

-We've been paying attention.
-Richardson: Really?

'Cause class ended minutes ago!

Well, this is awkward.

-Hello, boys!

Gentlemen, I'm here to inform you

that the administration,
in its infinite wisdom,

that's me,

has decided to make some
changes in your class schedules.

Let me cut to the chase.

You no longer have
any classes together!

-What? -But we've
had all of our
classes together

since kindergarten.

First of all, boo-hoo.

Secondly, whenever you
two are in class together,

you goof off, and it's
affecting your grades.

Please, Vice Principal
Virmani, I'm literally begging you!

-Don't do this to
us. -Can't you give
us another chance?

Boys, boys, please. This
brings me no pleasure.

Wait a minute.

There's a little.

And a little more!

What am I saying?
I'm positively giddy!

Enjoy your new schedules.

I know I will!

Okay, it's Wednesday, so
you'll be getting your lab partner.

You want someone
smart, but not a know-it-all.

Someone fun, but not so fun

that you don't end
up learning anything.

How will I know?

Well, trust your instincts.
And send me a picture.

Wow. I'm so lucky I
got you for a mentor.

You're like the nicest,
coolest person in the world!

Come on. Coolest person in the world?

I'm probably only top five.

Well, wish me luck.

Hey, Syd.

You look cute.


Doesn't Jordan wear
her hair like that?

Does she? Didn't notice.

Hi, guys! Olive!

Great 'do.

Oh, come on, really?

Hey, I was thinking I could
walk you to the club fair

and show you around.

I'm actually in charge of
the club fair, but thanks!

-You are? -The
committee told me I
was still in the mix.

Oh no.

They're picking lab
partners, and Lucy

is just sitting there all alone.

What if she never gets picked?

I should go in there
and be her lab partner.

What, are you nuts?

You can't do that.

Syd, you gotta stop
doing everything for Lucy.

-I'm not.

You meet her when she gets
to school, you eat lunch with her,

yesterday you held
her hair while she drank

from the drinking fountain.

It was about to get wet.
I'd do the same for you.

Please don't.

All I'm saying is you gotta let Lucy

figure things out for herself.

Don't worry. She's got this.

Yeah. She does.

Because she's got me.

Mom, I need your help.

Virmani put Leo and
me in separate classes

because he says "we're"
distracting each other.

Shouldn't the air quotes
have been... Never mind.

I have to admit, I think
Virmani may be right.

But I have to be with Leo!

He's like the peanut
butter to my jelly.

The basketball to my hoop.

The hair gel to my...


Thanks. I didn't know
where I was going with that.

The point is Leo's the only thing

that makes going
to school worthwhile.

Well, you're gonna have to
come up with another reason.

Oh, I have an idea.
How about learning?

You always have to
go there, don't you?

[knocking at door]

Hey, Leo. Bad news. My mom's out.

What'd your parents say?
Will they talk to Virmani?

No chance.

In fact, my mom started blubbering

and my dad asked,
"Where did we go wrong?"

Apparently, you're not
supposed to answer that question.

Okay, so plan B.

I break into the vents, belly
crawl to Virmani's office,

suction cup down his walls,

hack into his computer, and
change back our schedules.

Easy peasy.

Or, and stay with me on this,

I could just talk to him.

Well, that's a little out there.

But, why just you?

How do I put this delicately?

Virmani dislikes you
more than any other student

in the history of Clara
Barton Middle School.

Aw, shucks. You're just saying that.

You got thrown out of Lucy's class?

Have you lost your mind?

I couldn't help myself. You
should've seen her there,

sitting all alone, lost,
not a friend in the world.

That's because you
do everything for her.

She needs to find a friend.

You're right. I need
to find her a friend.

-No, that's not...
-I know!

We need to get Lucy
and Jordan together.

Jordan? My Jordan?

That's a big ask. Her
social cal is booked.

I asked her if she needed
help with her homework.

She said she might have
an opening next month.

-Come on, Olive.
-Syd, they have
nothing in common.

Nothing? How about their
mentors are soulmates

who would do anything for each other,

no matter how much
they didn't want to.

You had to go there, didn't you?

Hey, when it works, it works.

Okay, Virmani's in there.

It's up to you whether we're
ever in the same class again.

Ever. For the rest of our lives.

So, no pressure?

What do you know?

My thumbprint does look
like the man in the moon!

Hey, Vice Principal Virmani!

What can I do for you, Mr. Webb?

Well, I just wanted to drop
by and mention how dignified

yet fun-loving you look
in that sweater vest!

Thank you, Leo!

When I put it on this morning,
I looked in the mirror and said,

"Yes! Nailed it again, Virmani!"

You certainly did!
And I would think a man

who could match
that vest with that shirt

would recognize that Max and
me belong in the same classes.

You know what I think?

I think that in the two years
that I've known you, Leo,

I've found you to be one of

the brightest and most
remarkable young men I've ever met.

Go on.

But now you're in th grade,

and things are
starting to get serious.

Next year is high school
and after that, college.

I've always pictured you
as an Ivy League man.

If it's Harvard, we're
looking at the same picture.

So, you have a choice.

You can continue your
hijinks with Mr. Reynolds,

or you can get serious
about your education...

Harvard! I pick Harvard!

I thought so.

-What'd he say?
-The truth?

He wouldn't budge. The man is a rock.

And on your left is
the residence hall.

And on your right the quad.

-And over... here is a...

very poorly placed sign.

Practicing for your tour
guide test, huh? Remember:

It's all about the butt sense.

You just gotta trust your cheeks.

I really wish I could unhear that.

And I really wish I could unsay that.

Gotta bounce.

-Hi, Grandma!
-Hey, Noodle!

You know you're
walking backwards, right?

Big test tomorrow!

Can you believe her?

College kids, am I right?

-So, where's Lucy?
-She'll be here in a sec.

I set her up on a blind friend
date with Olive's mentee Jordan.

But don't say anything.
She has no idea.

So, Lucy's going to
accidentally bump "into" Jordan.

Wait, shouldn't the air
quotes have been around...

Never mind.

Hey, Syd!

Hey, Lucy!

Wow. You're super fun

and your dad owns a smoothie shop?

Boy, did I hit the mentor jackpot.

Lucy, stop it.

Or keep going. It's up to you.


Olive! Jordan! What
an unexpected surprise!

Imagine, all four of us in the
smoothie shop at the same time.

I know, right?

Hey! Totally random thought,

why don't we join you?

I love that! It's so spontaneous.

So, Lucy, you know Olive,

and this is her mentee, Jordan,

who is also a th grader!

Another coincidence.

-Hey, Lucy.

I bet you guys have
so much in common.

I mean, for starters, you're
both taking a language!

-I'm taking Spanish.

There you go. Spain and
France share a border.

Small world, huh?

Let's see what else
you have in common.

Lucy loves music.

-I play the bassoon.
-I like to dance.

There you go. What better
dance music than a bassoon?

Uh, Syd, can I talk to you for a sec?

It's about business.

How fun is this? I'll be right back.

Olive, I'm kinda busy.

What business did
you wanna talk about?

Minding your own.

Right now, the only
thing they have in common

is that you won't let them talk.

Jordan, why aren't you with Lucy?

Oh, she just got a call from her mom.


Speaking of Lucy, isn't she sweet?

And trust me. Once
you get to know her,

wow, she's hilarious.

There's a reason why
they call her LOL Lucy.

Well, I call her that.

She seems nice,

but I told some
friends I'd join them.

Olive, are you gonna need me to
hang out with Lucy much longer?

Just a little longer please.

Lucy doesn't have
any friends, and I...

I'm worried she's not
gonna make any on her own.

Lucy! Hey!

We were just, uh...

I've gotta go.

And, I'm her mentor,
so I should probably go...

ment... her?

This whole thing was a setup?

You lied to me.

You really think I'm such a
loser I can't make my own friends.

-This is so embarrassing!

I thought you were
supposed to help me.

You are the worst mentor ever.

-[door shuts]
-Mom, what happened?

Did you get hurt taking
your tour guide test?

No! That went great.

The problem was after three
days of walking backwards,

I forgot how to walk forward.

Left. Right. Left. Right.

-Oh. What's next?


Hey, Syd.

You still feeling bad about Lucy?

I blew it, Dad.

I was trying so hard
to make sure that Lucy

didn't have the bad
experience that I had

that I overdid it and
made hers worse.

I get it. It's hard to watch
someone you care about struggle.

I'm having a hard time
watching you struggle right now.

Hey, how about some ice cream?

Dad, that's not gonna help me.

But it might help me. Ice
cream is my happy place.

Syd, I think you need to
have a little talk with Lucy.

I wouldn't even know where to start.

Your mom and I used to have a
secret code for moments like this.

-Thank goodness. What is it?
-I'm sorry.

You're not gonna tell
me? Come on, Dad.

No, that's the code. "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry"? That's it.

No. It's a start.

Explain to Lucy why
you did what you did.

You can never go wrong
when you speak from the heart.

Wow, Dad.

Were you always this smart
or was I just not listening?

I like to think it's
"a" little bit of both.

Wait, shouldn't the quotes
be around... Never mind.

Hey! Leo! Man, is it good to see you.

Oh, hey! Hi. Ho...

I mean, how you doin', buddy?

Worst week of my life.

Class without my best friend stinks.

Yeah. That's me. Your best friend.

So, what should we do after school?

Movie? Basketball? Pizza?

Whatever you want
in the world, you got it.

Listen, about the other day...

What about the other day?

I just wanted to thank you again

for going in there
and facing Virmani.

You fought for us. You're a hero.

Hm. I wouldn't say hero.

Then, what would you call yourself?

A traitor! I'm a traitor!

What are you talking about?

I went in there and Virmani
started throwing out adjectives

like impressive and remarkable.

Then he said the magic word.


No, Harvard.

And I totally caved.

I started thinking
maybe Virmani was right.

Maybe it was best if we
were in different classes.

I don't blame you if you never
say another word to me again.

Oh, come on, Leo.
Don't be ridiculous.

-I'll say another word to you.




What are you doing here?

Don't worry, I'm not staying.

I just wanted to say that

I know I embarrassed
you, and I'm sorry.

Excuse me.

Sorry, I'm kind of having an
important conversation here.


It's just that my mentor let me down.

She wasn't there for me,

and the last thing I wanted
was for that to happen to you.

-And I went too far.
-Maybe a little.

The fact is you're a great girl

and kids will be lucky
to have you as a friend.

-Excuse me.
-Sorry, did you need something?

Yeah, um, that's my seat.

Syd, this is Kendra.

We're in orchestra together.

She asked me to be her
lab partner. We're friends.

Oh. O-oh! Oh!

Here. Have a seat.
Warmed it up for you.

And just so you know,

as far as friends go,
you cannot have picked...

I'll go now.

Hey, Syd!

I wanna thank you.

What? Why?

For being such an awesome mentor.

You were always there
for me no matter what.

I know it might seem weird, but...

But what?

I kinda think of you as a big sister.

Aw. That's the least
weird thing I've ever heard.

-Are-are you crying?
-No, it's just the chemicals.

Hey, Syd. Are you okay?

Never better! Lucy made a friend,

and she even called
me her big sister.

That's great. At least one
of us made a good mentor.

What happened with Jordan?

You probably couldn't
tell, but she didn't need me.

Sorry, Olive.

Olive! Thank goodness!
I got a big problem!

Heidi likes Ryan, but Ryan likes me,

and I don't even like Ryan,
but now Heidi's mad at me!

What am I gonna do?

Aw, poor thing.

Don't worry. We're gonna
figure this out together.

She needs me! She needs me!

She's just lucky she
has you to talk to.

Hey. That's what mentors do.

Mom, Mom!

I got a "A" on my science
test! Can you believe it?

Not until I see it.

Oh yes! That's an "A"!

Congratulations, Max.

Thanks, Mom. Turns out Leo was right.

Separating us ended
up being a good thing.

Maybe goofing off in class
isn't the key to a bright future.

Now you're thinking
about your future? Ooh!

I'm gonna leave before you ruin it.

[knocking on door]

-Leo! I was just...
-Before you kick me out,

I brought you a double
cheeseburger and fries

from your favorite place.

-Leo, that's not...
-Let me finish.

Not standing up for
you was unforgivable.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. You made a
mistake, you sided with Virmani,

you ruined my life,
but I forgive you.

Hey. You got an "A"
on your science test?

So I was right!

Us being in separate
classes was better for you, too!

So I have nothing to apologize for?

Nope! But thanks for the burger!

♪ Doot doot do do doot do doot doot ♪

♪ Doot doot do do doot do doot doot ♪

♪ Doot doot do do doot do doot doot ♪

♪ Doot doot do do doot do doot doot ♪

Man: Oh yeah.