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03x04 - Three Amigas and a Harry

Posted: 10/02/21 06:10
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪

And the last stop on
our tour of Portland.

You know it, you love it...

the smoothie shop!

Good. 'Cause I have to use,

you know it! You love it!

The bathroom.

Hey, Syd.

Did I just see you and Harry
holding hands? That is huge!

(nervous laugh) Help?

Max, stop. You're
embarrassing her. Shoo. Shoo!

Alright, alright.

Did I just see you and Harry
holding hands? That's huge!

Yeah, you did!

Both: Oh yeah! Uh huh!
Uh huh! Uh huh!

Hey, bro! Guess what?

I got two tickets for
today to our old favorite,

the Monster Mayhem Truck Rally!

Crash! Bang! And the best part...

Boom! Boom! (laugh)

Ah, I'd love to go, Ranman,

but I've got nobody
to watch the shop.

Oh, bummer. Was hoping
to hang with my bro monster.

The bro monster will be right back.

Mom, I need a favor.

Can you watch the
store so the Ranman and I

can go to a monster truck rally?

You? At a monster truck rally?

No way you can handle that.

Why not? The Ranman
and I used to go all the time.

Yeah. Used to.

Do you really wanna spend
an evening watching loud,

giant trucks smashing into
each other, spray dirt in your face,

and leave your ears ringing for days?

More than life itself.

Fine. I'll do it.

But only because I get
such a thrill out of saying,

"I told you so." (gasp) Oh!

I got goosebumps just saying that.

Ranman, good to go!

Awesome! Let the destruction begin!

Crash! Bang! And the best part...

Boom! Boom! (laugh)

Girls: Hi, Harry. Hey, guys.

Text you later? 'Kay.

Girls: Bye, Harry!


he's gone! Okay, spill.

Have you held hands?
Have you taken a couple selfie?

Has he given you a
diamond encrusted princess tiara?

Yes, yes, and... probably
not gonna happen.

Whoa. Olive, cool jacket.

I don't remember you
getting that. Oh yeah!

The three of use just came
from a pop up flea market.

That sounds awesome!

I wish you guys would've invited me.

We figured you wanted Harry time.

And now, we're having Amiga time.

I wish Harry time and Amiga
time could be the same time.

Hey! I have an idea!

We're doing game night
tonight. Why don't I invite Harry?

We're in. If he's important
to you, he's important to us.

And, statistically speaking,
being friends with a cute boy

will bring other cute
boys into our lives.

But, we're doing it for you.

♪ Do, do, do, do ♪

(theme music playing)

♪ Like father, like daughter,
we don't always agree ♪

♪ But looking at you
is like looking at me ♪

♪ The more things change,
the more they stay the same ♪

♪ Like father, like daughter,
from different times ♪

♪ Taking all the best from
your decade and mine ♪

♪ The more things change ♪

♪ The more they stay the same ♪

♪ Do, do, do do, do, do ♪

♪ Do, do ♪

♪ The more they stay the same ♪

♪ ♪

Hey, Max! How was
the monster truck rally?

(yelling): Oh hi, Mom!

Why are you yelling?

Yeah! Had a blast!

Max, you can't even hear. Admit it.

This monster truck
thing isn't you anymore.

No, thanks! I already ate!

Oh hey, Dad! How was
the monster truck rally?

I think she's making pizza!

(knocking) Oh, that must be Harry.

Girls: Hi, Harry!

Hey, everybody. Thanks so much

for inviting me to join Amiga Night.

(shuts door) Of course.
What could be better

than getting all my
favorite people together?

Nothing! Nothing!



Ooh! We're playing Tumble Tower?

Not to brag, but I'm
amazing at this game.

Harry, as the Amiga of
Honor, why don't you go first?


Yeah. (clapping, cheering)

Pretty smooth, amigo, but watch this.

Nice one.

I don't celebrate until I win.

I got the bluebird stamp!

Bluebird. Bluebird!


What just happened?

Oh no, I forgot to tell
you about the side rules.

A while ago, we got
so into Tumble Tower,

that we made up a few extra
rules to make it even more fun.

Awesome. I'm sure I can
pick them up as we go along.

Harry didn't bluebird.

That means you have to go
again, but with your eyes closed.

Olive, uh, since
Harry's still learning,

do you mind taking his turn?

You mean I have to
play with my eyes closed?

Thanks, Olive! You're the best.

Oh! A squiggly line stamp.

Girls: Yarn!

Oh, I see what's happening.

What's happening?

My grandma hid a ball of
yarn, and whoever finds it

has to turn around two times,
sh**t from behind the couch,

and make it into the kitchen
sink, thereby winning the game.

I found it. I found it!

Here goes nothing!

One... One...

Two... Two...

(splash) Judy: Nice sh*t!

(laughter, cheering) I won! I won!

I can't believe it!
That was amazing.

Sure was.

But... But what?

I don't think we should count
it. Harry didn't know the rule.

Syd, you don't need to do that.

No, the girls don't
mind. Do you, girls?

No. It's fine.

Yeah. It only took me
five years to hit that sh*t.

I can totally make it again one day.

♪ ♪

Hey, Leo! Hey!

Wanna see a movie this weekend?

The Detective Rabbit
sequel just came out.

Detective Rabbit :
Bunnies Never Sleep.

No way. Never.

Seriously? Don't tell me
you're still afraid of rabbits.

Hey! You didn't get
swarmed by dozens of them.

With their sharp
teeth and beady eyes.

You mean in kindergarten
when you tripped in the bunny pen

and they hopped over
with their floppy ears

and covered you with
sweet bunny kisses?

It was a nightmare.

Besides, I'm not free anyway.

They're opening a
brand new skate park,

and I'm gonna be there all weekend.

Nothing can stop me.

Hey, guys! Hi, Alisha!

Any chance one of you guys
can help me this weekend?

Of course! I'm totally free.

Great! I'm doing an
experiment for science class

on how healthy choices
affect a person's heartbeat.

Thanks a million, Maximilian!

Well, the verdict's in.

Max is officially guilty of
having a crush on Alisha.

If I had a gavel, I'd pound it.

What? That's crazy talk. I
do not have a crush on Alisha.

Really? The Max I know

would never give up a
weekend at a new skate park.

Not unless he had a major crush.

Case closed! If you need me,

the judge will be in his chambers.

Also known as the bathroom.

(neighing) (barking)

Harry, what are you
doing? This is the star stamp.

I know. That's why
I'm acting like a dog.

No. Star means act like a horse.

Then which stamp
means act like a dog?

Uh, dog.

Sorry, it's just a little confusing.

You know what? Uh, since
this is Harry's first time,

why don't we just
drop the side rules?

No side rules? Did
she just say no side rules?

Oh, she said no side rules.

Good! So, we all agree.

Guys, don't change the
game for me. I'll just go.

No, why?

You'll have way more fun without me.

But, it was nice
hanging with you all.

Well, that was a complete disaster.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Hey, Max! Huh?! What?! Who
said anything about sleeping?!

You know, Max, it's okay to admit

you had a horrible time last night.

There's no shame in
not being fun anymore.

Or so I'm told. I've
never experienced it.

You couldn't be more wrong. In fact,

I wish I could go to a
monster truck rally every day.

Yo, bro! Guess who got two seats

to go back to Monster Mayhem today?

What? And this time,
we're in the crash zone.

With any luck, we'll end up
in the medical tent! (laugh)

Wow. That is like

a dream come true!

But, I I could never
ask my mom to watch

I'll do it!

Hey, Syd. Feeling any better?

Not really.

Bringing Harry into Amigas
Night was a big mistake.

Sorry. I know how badly you
wanted us all to be friends.

Let's face it. It'd be hard
for anybody to keep up

with Tumble Tower Amigas Edition.

Sometimes I have a
hard time keeping up,

and I'm an Amiga!

You guys are right.

It was too much pressure. But...

what if we take the pressure off

by doing something Harry loves?

Good idea! What's
he into? Video games?

Basketball? An all night
game of Tumble Tower?

Wow. You really do have a problem.

Oh, I got it! Tonight, Harry
and I are supposed to watch

this baking competition
show he loves.

Best British Baker. We
should all watch it together!

Love it! Great idea!

A baking show is perfect.

This'll be a piece of cake.

The proof is in the pudding.

I am one smart cookie.

Please stop me or
we'll be here all day.

(giggling) Hey, guys!
How's the experiment going?


Max's heart rate dropped
by beats per minute

when he ate broccoli.

You ate broccoli?

And his heart rate lowered
even more when he did yoga.


You, Max Reynolds, did yoga?

He was actually pretty
good! Other than calling it

yogurt. (both laugh)

I'm gonna go punch in.

Max, how can you stand there
and tell me you don't like Alisha?

'Cause I don't.

Oh really? First broccoli, then yoga?

Hoo! You're one step away
from reading a book for fun.

Okay, tomorrow's the
coolest part of the experiment.

I'm going to test whether
your heart rate goes down

when you're holding... a cute bunny!

A bunny? I mean,

great! A bunny.

You're really gonna hold a bunny?

The thing you're most
afraid of in this world?

Yeah, so?

Yep, you've got a fever.

Better call the love doctor.

♪ ♪

(TV music playing)
Ooh! It's almost starting.

I am so psyched I get to share

my favorite show
with all of you guys.

All my favorite people hanging out,

watching Best British Baker.

What could be
better? Girls: Nothing.

Okay, here come the different
bakers. That's Reginald.

But, which one's the
backstabbing villain?


You know, the one who
slowly earns your trust,

only to put a
firecracker in your cake?

It's not really that kind of show.

The guy with the bow tie. Got it.

(TV chatter)

Isn't this fun? I just
love their British accents.

I love them, too.

(cockney accent): Blimey, Sophia!
That's a bit of a sticky wicket!

(laughter) Wait,
what's a wicket again?

I don't know, love, but it's sticky!

(laughter) Sorry, guys. I I
can't hear what everyone's making.

Ooh! Ethel's using chocolate.

Hey, I wonder who invented
chocolate? I'm gonna look it up.

Or maybe you could
look it up after the show.


Chocolate was discovered
, years ago by Aztecs!

, years?

That's a gobsmacker!

(laughter) Wait,

I missed it. Why did
Reggie's cake collapse?

Two words: Fire, cr*cker.

Did you guys know Benjamin
Franklin sold chocolate?

Poppycock! Man, I just love
saying poppycock. Poppycock!

Poppycock! Poppycock!
Poppycock! Poppycock!

Poppycock! Poppycock! Wait,

Daphne got eliminated?

Aw man, I missed that, too.

(normal voice): Sorry, Harry.

Yeah, sorry.

You know what? Maybe
we should go. You're right.

You guys don't have to leave.

Syd, it's okay. We're
ruining Harry's show.

But look, it's just
starting to get exciting!

They're doing somersaults
through flaming hoops!

Oh wait. That's just a
commercial for the circus.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Hey, Noodle. You look like

you could use a nice,
yummy breakfast.

I'll get your dad.

Thanks, but I'm not hungry.

I don't get it.

Harry's great, and nobody's
better than the Amigas, but...

no matter how hard I
try to put them together,

they never work out.

I know how badly
you want this, but...

you just can't force
things. Like when your dad

tried to rock a shark tooth necklace.

Oh, don't worry. I buried it.

But, Grandma, what if
they never become friends?

They're all so important to me.

I wish I could tell
you how to fix this,

but sometimes, these things
just have to happen on their own.

I guess I'm just
gonna have to go back

to splitting my time between them.

Why do I have to be so well liked?

I ask myself that every morning.

♪ ♪

(screaming on TV) Ah!

(music playing on TV)

Max, what have I told you
about watching horror movies?

You're just gonna be up all night.


Isn't that the Detective

It is.

And it's terrifying!

Really? This is the part
where they break into song.

That's the scariest part!

If this movie scares you so much,

then why are you even watching it?

I'm helping Alisha
with a science project.

She needs me to hold
a rabbit, and I figured

if I spend enough time
watching cartoon rabbits,

I won't be as scared of real ones.

So, you're putting
yourself through hours

of your greatest fear

just so you can help Alisha?


What's that "huh"?
Why are you huh ing?

No reason.


(shuts off TV)

Leo? What are you doing here?

I came to bail you out, man!

Remember the last time you came

face to face with a rabbit? Hoo!

You got so nervous,
you almost passed out.

That was different. And
what was that guy doing

with a rabbit in his hat anyway?

He was a birthday magician.

Well, I can't back out. I'd
mess up Alisha's experiment.

Besides, you know
how embarrassing it'd be

if she found out I was afraid
of a little bunny? (knocking)

Hi, Alisha! And this must be the

b b b... bunny!

Yep! This is Sprinkles
Von Twinklebutt.

Oh! Hey, Leo! I didn't know
you were gonna be here.

Hey! Yeah, I was about to leave,

but I think I'll just
stay a "hare" longer.

Alright, time to get started.

Let's see if being close to Sprinkles

lowers your heart rate.

Wow! Yeah, I can totally feel

my heart rate going down.

Well, experiment over!

Max, I need to measure
while you're actually...

holding the rabbit.

Okay. I'm about to hold the rabbit.

I'm holding the rabbit.

Hey! I'm holding the rabbit!

You are... You are, you are!

I mean, of course you are...

Great. Now, let's
measure your heart rate.

It's lower! Yes! My
experiment worked!

Good job, Max!

And you, too, Sprinkles.
Let's get you some water.

Did you see that?

I didn't even come
close to passing out!

I totally conquered
my fear of rabbits.

Yeah. You have such
a big crush on Alisha,

you just willed the
fear out of your body.

Leo, for the last time, I do
not have a crush on Alisha.

Okay, we're done!

Max, I can't thank you
enough for helping me.

You're the best.

Are you okay?

Maybe you should get him some water.

Leo? What?

I totally have a crush on Alisha.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure
even Von Twinklebutt

figured that out.

♪ ♪

Max, I got your text.

What's the big emergency?

Randy's on his way over
with more truck rally tickets.


I don't wanna go.

I've outgrown them,
you were right. Happy?

Max, it's not a contest.

But for the record, I won,
and those words are my trophy!

So you gotta promise you
won't cover the store for me.

I need an excuse to give Randy.

How about you tell him the truth?

I can't! What if he doesn't
wanna hang out with me anymore?

I don't want to lose a good friend.

Is that what this is all about?

Max, you still haven't learned
to be honest with your friends?

It's the rabbit all over
again! It is not the rabbit!

Whatever you say.
Now, if you'll excuse me,

I'm gonna hop over there and
make myself a carrot smoothie.

There's the brommander in chief!

You ready to pop some
eardrums? Hi, Randy. Hey, Harry.

Hey, Mr. R. I'm gonna
go wait for Sydney.

What are we waiting for? Let's
get outta here. Look, Randy.

I kinda haven't been honest with you.

I don't really like
monster trucks anymore.

I was just going
because you liked them.

So, you're not into
monster truck rallies?

Dude, this is serious. I
mean, that's my thing. I...

I don't see how you
and I can stay friends.


Nah! I'm just messing
with you! (laughs)

Hey, the best part about a
monster truck rally with Max

is the Max part.


Thanks, Ranman. That means a lot.

So the next time we hang out,

how about we watch a World w*r II doc

and see who falls asleep first?

Ooh. A w*r and snore. You're on.

(both laugh)

Oh! Harry! You're here.

And you're here.

We just came to grab smoothies
and then we'll skedaddle.

I mean fly the coop.

I mean peel out.

Why didn't I just say leave?


Wait, I actually want to
apologize about yesterday.

I get way too into that show.

Don't apologize. If anything,

we should apologize about game night.

Yeah. We get way too into that game.

Not me. I can stop whenever I

Okay, I'm hooked.

It's no one's fault.

Syd just really wanted
us all to be friends.

And when Syd sets
out to do something,

there's no changing her mind.

Trust me. We know. Yeah.

Like the time she was
obsessed with getting Mr. Tanaka

to realize that his new hat was ugly.

We all got a week of detention,

but that hat was never
seen again. (laughter)

That's like in kindergarten
when she roped me

into her protest against nap time.

We won, then we fell
asleep during recess.

(laughter) Sydney
can be so stubborn.

And opinionated. And impossible.

But that's what we like
best about her. Me, too.

Oh! You're all here. Together.

Yeah. We just ran into each other.

Well, I might as well
say this to all of you.

I never should've pushed
you guys to be friends.

If it isn't meant to be, it
isn't meant to be. I'm

Syd Please, let me finish.

I'm sorry I went overboard.

I just really care about you guys,

and when I set my
mind on something...

(laughter) What's so funny?

We were just saying
the same thing about you.

You were? Yeah.

While we were having
fun hanging out together.

You were?

Listen, we don't wanna
cut into your Harry time,

so maybe we'll head over
to Cory's Crazy Cones.

I used to love that place.

Hey, why don't we
go to Cory's together?


Girls: Yeah. Sounds great. Let's go.

Then I am getting the rainbow
sherbet with chocolate sprinkles

and no one is changing my mind.

All: We know.

♪ ♪

It's gonna fall. It's
gonna fall. It's gonna fall!

It didn't fall.

Way to go, Harry! Oh, come
on, you're just saying that.

(laughter) Syd,

just in time! You're up.


All: Jellyfish! Jellyfish! Jellyfish!

Syd, you're not wiggling or jiggling!

(laughs) What is going on?

Oh, sorry. While you were gone,
Harry created a new side rule.

Aw, you did? I love that.

Thanks. But now,

you have to do your next
turn standing on your head.

I have created a monster.


♪ ♪

♪ Do, do, do do, do, do ♪

♪ Do, do ♪

♪ Do, do, do do, do, do ♪

.♪ Do, do ♪

♪ Do, do, do do, do, do ♪

♪ Do, do ♪

♪ Do, do, do do, do, do ♪

♪ Do, do ♪

Man: Oh yeah.