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03x09 - Man! I Feel Like a Genius

Posted: 10/02/21 06:20
by bunniefuu

All right, class.
For homework,

I want you to translate
all word problems

at the end of the chapter
into algebraic equations.

[class groans]

Hey, I don't need you
to like me.

I got enough friends.

-[bell rings]
-[Sydney sighs]

Twenty equations tonight?

Come on, math,
why can't you get off my back

and solve your own problems?

Well, I love math.

Don't tell anybody,

but I kind of have
a crush on fractions.

They're like two little
numbers in a bunk bed.

Ms. Williams:
Excuse me, Olive.

Could I see you for a moment?

Sure, Ms. Williams.

Oh, no.
Was I over-participating?

I am so sorry, Ms. Williams.
It won't happen again.

See that it doesn't.

Although, I have no idea
what you're talking about.

Actually, Olive, it's good news.

In eighth grade,
we start to separate students
into different levels,

and based on your performance,

I've selected you to be
in the advanced math class.

Wait. Did you just say
an advanced math class?

So, tell me.
Is everything okay?

Yes! You won't believe it.

Ms. Williams just
invited me to join

a new advanced math class.

There's an advanced math class?

Yeah. I'm so excited,

the butterflies in my stomach
are covered in goosebumps.

This must be
what dating's like.

Advanced math?

Good for you.

I know what you're thinking.

Advanced math sounds terrible.

No, I'm thinking,
why didn't Ms. Williams ask me?

What? I didn't think
you liked math that much.

Where'd you get that idea?

You told math to go
solve its own problems.

Oh, I know what's happening.

They're probably telling kids
one at a time.

Yeah. Probably.

Anyway, I'm gonna go
call my mom and tell her
the good news.

There it goes again!

Oh, Syd, good.
You're still here.

Yes, I am, Ms. Williams.

Is there something
you want to say to me?

-I think I know what it is.

You left your sweater in class.

Do do do do

[theme music playing]

Like father, like daughter,
we don't always agree♪

But looking at you
is like looking at me♪

The more things change,
the more they stay the same♪

Like father, like daughter,
from different times♪

Taking all the best
from your decade and mine♪

The more things change

The more they stay the same

Do do, do do do do,
do do♪

The more they stay the same

Hi, Ms. Williams.
Uh, thanks again
for the sweater.

I mean, where's my head, right?

So, I was just talking to Olive,

and she mentioned that
you invited her to join

an advanced math class.

Yes. We want to get
the top students ready

for the upper-level courses
in high school.


Totally get it. So,

I was just wondering
if you were planning
on inviting me

to join the class.

Actually, I wasn't.

-You weren't?
-Look, Sydney,

it's not that you're not
doing well.

You've got a solid
B-plus average.

But this new class
is gonna be very challenging.

Ms. Williams, there's something
you should know about me.

When I'm challenged,
I rise to the occasion.


Are you sure?

Because it's gonna move
pretty fast.

Fast is my only speed.

Again... grrrr!

Well, you do seem
pretty determined.

Tell you what,

let's give it a try.
If it doesn't work out,

you can always go back
to regular math.

You won't have to
worry about that, Ms. Williams.

I'm in advanced math to stay.

Wait. Did I just say
advanced math? [giggles]

Hey, where did that come from?

Hey, Max. Check this out.


You know what?
You should get yourself
a pair of skates

so we can go to
the roller rink together!

Together? You and me?

It'll be fun! That is,
if you think you can keep up.

Keep up? Please.

In case you forgot,
I'm a skateboarder.

Blah, blah, blah.

I'm hearing a lot of talk
from a guy with no skates.

Oh, don't worry.
I'm getting skates.

Then you're on.

I'm gonna go practice
leaving you in the dust,

and you should practice
getting used to it.

Oh, really?

Sorry, Max.
I can't hear you
from way back there.

Oh, this is gonna be fun.

-Hi, Mom.

Okay, enough small talk.

I could try to butter you up
by telling you
your hair looks nice,

but you'd just accuse me
of wanting something.

Yes, we have done that
little dance a time or two.

So I'm just gonna ask it.

Would you buy me
a pair of roller skates?

Why don't you just use
your savings to buy them?

I don't have any.

I know. But it's just
funny to ask.

Please, Mom?
This is really important to me.

Wait a minute.
Didn't I just see Alisha

roller skate into our garage?

Because if I thought this
had anything to do with

your giant crush on her,

I might consider
buying them for you.

Okay, fine.

I want them so I can
roller skate with Alisha.


Nothing's ever free with you,
is it?

Hey, Mr. R.
I'm here to celebrate.

Smoothies for everyone.

And as long as I'm getting
my percent discount,

they're on me!

So, what are you celebrating?

There's an advanced math class
for the top students,

and my teacher invited me
to join it.

Congrats, Olive.
That's awesome.

Hey, Syd, you're just in time.

We're celebrating Olive
getting into the advanced
math class.

Well then, I'd say you should
make it a double celebration,

'cause guess who also got
into the advanced math class?

Me. [chuckles]

-Really? Advanced math?

Sounded a little too surprised,

Wanna try again?

Don't get me wrong.
I'm really happy for you.

I just didn't think
you like math that much.

Well, maybe my love
for math has multiplied.

Look at that.
I even use math in my free time!

So, Ms. Williams
did ask you, after all.

Well... let's just say
we had a little talk,

and bottom line, I'm in.

In that case,
math class is gonna be

a straight up
polynomial par-tay!

Did I just hear you girls
got bumped to the advanced
math class?

That's ah-mah-zing!

-Thanks, Grandma J.
-Yeah, thanks, Grandma.

You guys aren't the only ones
taking a challenging class.

At college, I signed up for

"The Philosophy of
the Ancient Greeks."

That's so cool.

You're gonna spend months
exploring life's deepest,

most profound questions.

Here's my first one:


Because I have a deep
and profound interest

in the teacher.

When it comes to
the meaning of life,

Professor Cutie may not
have all the answers,

but let's just say
he checks all the boxes.

Here you go, math superstars.

Thanks, Dad.
And, of course
this doesn't mean that

we're better than anyone else,

but it doesn't mean
that we're not.

What do you say
we post a picture?

And we should probably
mention that we're in
the advanced math class.

You know, just to keep
people informed.

Sure. Why not?

Math sisters!

Here. Take one of me.

Look at me solving a problem.

Ooh, this one's a toughie!

Are you gettin' the book?

Yeah. Got it.

And the best part
about being math sisters?

We can study together.

You know, this class
is gonna be really hard,

and I think I'd prefer
to study on my own,
so I can focus.

Oh. Yeah. Okay. Sure.

Wow, these pics are great.

I am gonna post them all.

Unless you think it might
come off a little too braggy.

-Well, maybe a little too--
-And posted!

Hey, Noodle.
Look at you, hard at work.

Looks like I'm not the only one.
How's philosophy going?

Great. I finally chatted
with Professor Cutie today.

He told me he loves everything
about ancient Greece.

So I said,
"If you love 'ancient grease,'

you should come over
and clean my oven sometime."

[chuckles] Good one.

Plus, the oven could
really use it.

So how's math?

It's advanced,
but luckily so am I.

Hey, you wanna help me
check my work?

The answers are in
the back of the book.


Okay. Number one,
X equals five is right.

Yeah, is it!

Number two is...

-Of course it--
Wait, what?

And so are the next three.
Sorry, Noodle.

What? No way.

Four to five?

It means I only got
percent right.

Well, at least you know
your percentages.

That has to count
for something.

Ooh! Double-chocolate cupcakes?

But don't even think about it.
They're for Olive.

Olive's coming over?
I thought you said she likes
studying on her own.

Oh, Dad, this has nothing
to do with studying.

I just think Olive and I
deserve to celebrate some more.

Well, celebrate this.

"She's sweet and nice,
and, oh, so modest.

My kid's an absolute
math goddess."

Wow, Dad, you made
a bumper sticker about me.

I'm just so proud of you.

And now I get to shove it
in Ed Jennings' face.

Most annoying neighbor ever.

Always plastering his car with
"Student of the Month,"

"Spelling Bee Champ,"
"Ballet Star on Board."

What kind of jerk
brags like that?

I can't wait to see
his face when he gets
a look at this baby.

[knocking on door]

Hey, Syd.
What was so urgent?

I have a little surprise
for you!

Oh, my goodness,
double chocolate cupcakes!

So, what's the occasion?

I don't think we really
celebrated us

being math sisters properly.

Aw, that's so sweet of you.

Okay, one cupcake.
Then I should get home to study.


Math sisters!

You know what?
Since you're here anyway,

why don't we study
while we celebrate?

You know. Just for fun.

-Well, I guess we could...
-Oh, look, my math book!

So, I started trying
to solve for "A,"

but it's a tricky little devil.

Here, let me get this
out of your way.

You're up early.

I guess you couldn't wait
to put on your new skates.

I wanna work on
a couple of trick moves
before Alisha gets here.

You know, I was a pretty good
skater in my day.

I could give you a hand.

Please. I'm the best boarder
in my school.

I think I can handle myself
on skates.




Mom! That was all your fault.

You're totally distracting me.

Okay, fine.
We haven't seen the old g*ng

at the emergency room
in a while, anyway.

Oh! [yelling]


Oh! Whoa, whoa, whoa! Aah!

-Aah! Aah! Aah--


I'd like to see you try.


See, what you did here
is you didn't isolate
your variable.

Oh, right.

Of course. Duh!

Okay, so for problem three--

You know, Syd,
I think I'm gonna head home.

Now? Already?

There's a lot more
homework to do,

and I need to concentrate.

I love that we get twice
the homework in this class.

And I thought math
was fun before.

-Hi, Olive.
-Hey, Grandma J.

Can't talk.
I've got homework!

Are you ready for this?

Professor Cutie was discussing
Socrates' speech

on the nature of love.

And he was looking right at me.

True, I was wildly
raising my hand,

but message received.


-[keyboard clicking]
-[computer chimes]

Hey, Olive.
Whatcha been up to?

Let's see...
I just took off my shoes!

Cool, cool.

So I just called to thank you
for helping me today.

No problem.

How 'bout now?
Problem four.




The first thing,
you gotta put all your "A's"

on one side
of the equals sign

and your numbers
on the other. Got it?

Got it. Thanks, now,

quit gabbing and
get back to work,
lazy bones!

[computer chimes]

-[key clicks]
-[singsongs] Guess who?

The person who just
called me with a math issue?

Syd, I really need
to get back to work.

Oh, come on, Olive.
We always help each other.

I mean, if you needed
help in English,

I would dive right in
and help in any way
I could.

Any way...

I could.

Okay. You're right.

Let's go back to problem one.

More like problem fun.
Am I right?

Yeah. Fun.

Hey, Max!
Hope you didn't have breakfast,

'cause you're gonna be
eating dirt all day.

Actually, Alisha...

I'm not going.

What do you mean
you're not going?

I tried skating.
And was awesome,
by the way.

But I'm a boarder,
and to be honest,

skating just isn't cool.

I skate.
So what are you saying?

I'm not cool?


You know what?
My only problem is

can I possibly have fun
without you?

Wait a minute.
I think I can.
See ya, cool guy.

Alisha, wait.
I didn't mean--

[door slams]

Well, if you wanted
to upset her,

I'd say you hit it
out of the park.

Oh. You heard?

Yeah. What was all that stuff
about skating not being cool?

Mom, I can't let her
see me skate.

Alisha is the last girl
in the world

I'd want to embarrass myself
in front of.

Max, and I say this
as a former girl,

just be honest with her.

She'll think it's sweet
that you tried skating
just to be with her.

Well, speaking as a current boy,

no way.

All right. Well, then,
I guess there's nothing
you can do.

But don't worry about Alisha.

I'm sure she'll find
someone else to skate with.

Maybe they'll even hold hands.

Not bad scores
for the first test.

If you have any questions,
feel free to keep them
to yourselves,

'cause it's lunch time,
and I'm hungry.

Come see me after school.

Let's go, Olive.


I... I got a...

I got a "B."

A "B"? That's great.
This test was brutal.

I've never gotten anything
but an "A" in math.

Until now.

Thanks for nothing, Syd.

What's that supposed to mean?

I spent so much time
helping you,

I didn't have any time
to study on my own.

Wait, so you're saying
getting a "B" is my fault?

Come on, you didn't spend
that much time helping me.

Mother birds who spit food
into their babies' mouths

don't work as hard
as I did for you.

The truth is, you shouldn't
even be in this class.

How can you say that?

Well, what'd you get
on your test?

I don't see what that
has to do with anything.

Come on, Syd.
You don't even like math.

You just want
everyone to know

you're the best at everything.

What? Where's that coming from?

Oh, I don't know.
"Hey, let's post some photos.

Are you getting the math book?"

Your problem is that
you don't think I'm
as smart as you are,

because you're Olive,
the big math whiz.

That's right. Math is my thing,

and you just couldn't let me
have this, could you?

I don't even know
how to answer that.

Just like your math problems.

Oh, and next time you realize

you have no idea
what you're doing?

You figure it out.

Hey, Syd.
Check out this lawn sign.

"Proud dad of a math genius!"

And the best part is
Ed Jennings has to walk
his dog past it

twice a day.


Hey, what's wrong?

Olive and I had a fight.

-You've had fights before.
-Yeah, but not like this.

She actually blamed me
for getting a "B"
on her math test.

Olive got a "B" in math?
I thought she always got "A's."

Go on.

She claims she spent
so much time helping me

that she didn't have enough
time to study on her own.

Is it possible that she--

No! We always
help each other out.

But now it's all my fault.

She actually had
the nerve to say

she didn't think
I should be in the class.

That's harsh.
So how'd you do on the test?

What does that have
to do with anything?

A "D"...


Look, Syd...

Do you think that possibly,

there's an itsy-bitsy,
teeny-tiny chance

that maybe this class
isn't for you?

Of course it is.
I just need to...

study harder.

I will stay up late
and work all weekend.

Why do you have to put
so much pressure on yourself

for something that you're not
even that passionate about?

-I'm passionate about it.

You've spent hours
locked in your room
working on one bass lick,

and you come out
with a smile on your face.

You feel the same way
about math?

I don't know.

I could feel that way...

One day.

All I'm saying is,

you don't have to be
the best at everything.

And just so you know,

I don't need a yard sign
or a bumper sticker

for the world to know
how proud I am of you.

I say it every day.

Thanks, Dad.

Now, if you'll excuse me,

I have to go cancel
the sky writing plane.

[knocking on door]

-Hi, Alisha.

So, you said I left
something here?

Right. I thought maybe
you left...



You thought I left
a picture of you...

as a baby?

Well, somebody put it here.

[door closes]

What do you want, Max?

To tell you I'm really,
really sorry about the way
I acted yesterday.

You're cool. You're, like,
the coolest person I know.


Then why'd you say
the things you did?

Because I can't skate.

I tried, and I just
fell on my face.

That's what this is all about?

Why didn't you just tell me?

I was embarrassed,
and afraid you'd laugh at me.

No way.
I'd never laugh at you.

I would've thought
it was really sweet of you
to try skating

just so you could
hang out with me.

Really? Wow.

My mom was right.

How'd that happen?

Hey, how about I teach you
how to skate?

You'd do that?
That would be great.

But you should know,

every teacher that has
ever tried to help me

has lived to regret it.


Hey, Olive.

Can we talk?

Sorry, I'm busy with
my new best friend.

Math. She gets me.

But I want to apologize.

Olive, I've been
so awful to you.

I just wanted to stay
in this class so badly that...

I took advantage
of our friendship.

And you're right.
Math is your thing.

I should've been happy for you,

instead of making it about me.

Maybe it's time to accept
that I don't need to be
good at everything.

Yeah. You're good at
so many things already.

-It's almost kind of annoying.
-[both giggle]

Olive, I'm so sorry.

I so forgive you.

Thank you.
I'll see you at lunch.

What do you mean?
We have class.

I spoke to Ms. Williams,

and I'm switching back
to regular math.

I never should've been in
this class in the first place.

Are you sure?

Yeah. I'm sure.

Okay. But for the record,

math isn't my best friend.

You are.
And math is just gonna
have to get over it.

So, Max, we both know
you're a great boarder,

but skates are different.
Just try and be patient.


Now, why don't we just try
standing in the skates first?


There you go!



Nailed it!



Take my hand.

Now just pretend
you're wearing
two tiny skateboards.

[skates clacking]

There you go!

You're gonna get this
in no time.

I don't know.

I have a feeling
this is gonna take a while.

Do do, do do do do,
do do♪

Do do, do do do do,
do do♪

Do do, do do do do,
do do♪

Do do, do do do do,
do do♪

Oh, yeah.