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04x01 - Island Vibes

Posted: 10/02/21 17:22
by bunniefuu


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

(SILENCED g*nshots)

♪ ♪

I'm in.

- That was fast.
- MAGNUM: Yeah,

a lot less security than I expected.

And I expected you to lie

about how many security guards
you had to take out.

(CHUCKLES) Remember in Shakhty

when he took out a pack of insurgents?

Why do we have to keep having
this conversation?

Three is a pack.

Okay, White Knight. Whatever you say.

You see the painting?


Actually, there's a few paintings.

Hang on. Just to be clear,

is it a pack of paintings?


Found it.

Retinal scanner and all.

So far, so good on the intel.

You got the baggie?

Unfortunately, yes.

And it is disgusting.


You got to be kidding me.

What's the matter?

It's empty.

Well, maybe our intel
wasn't so good after all.

Maybe security was light for a reason.

Ah, somebody could've gotten here first,

taken out a few guards,
emptied the safe.

Yeah, yeah. If that's the case,

they're probably long gone by now.

Meet me back at the checkpoint
in seconds.


Drop it.

And take off the mask.

Who are you?

The name's Belle.

T.R. Belle.

"And as the White Knight studied Belle,

"the corner of his mouth
lifted up ever so slightly.

"It was a self-satisfied grin,

"and once Belle had seen it,
she wanted nothing more

"than to wipe it off his face

with her foot."


That is what I call an introduction.

- I'm loving this book.

Yeah. I mean,

Robin sure knows
how to spin a good yarn.

I'll give him that.

What's wrong?

I mean, sure, the plot is...

It's diverting.

It's just the way
that Robin describes T.R. Belle.

She's cold.

Aloof and judgmental. Controlling.

Come on, it's just a book.

T.R. Belle is definitely not you.

I know, but she was inspired by me.

Well, the parts of her

that are you, I can totally see.

I mean, she's brilliant.

Strong. Witty.

Go on.

(CHUCKLES) Decisive.




And about to be deservedly frustrated.


Did not see that one coming.

No, no, no, it's just I, uh,
I really need to split.

Patients are starting to line up.

Hey, are you sure
you don't want to join me?

I'm only two counties over.

I, uh, have to fly the other doctors

to Bartolimo in the morning.


It's funny how we traveled
halfway around the world

just to, uh, video chat.

Well, it's what we signed up for.

Go where the help is needed.

You are the best.

All right, get to it.

I have over more pages

of bittersweet overanalyzing to do.

All right.

Have fun. I miss you.



I wonder what Magnum thinks.

Honestly, it's not as good
as his last one.

I really hope Robin
hasn't lost his touch.

That's a bit extreme.

I think it lacks the realism
of his earlier stuff.

Oh, yeah, like the one where
you parachuted from outer space.

TC: (CHUCKLES) I think he's just

a little bit jelly
because the White Knight

ends up being upstaged by T.R. Belle.

That's ridiculous.

I don't know,
I think TC has a point here.

You think I'm jealous

because a character loosely based on me

gets upstaged by a character
that's loosely based on Higgins?

I mean, come on.
I think it's great Robin

finally put a woman in the mix.

Yeah, totally. I mean, up until now,

the White Knight books
have been a total sausage fest.

- TC: That's true.

RICK: Speaking of beautiful women

- crashing a sausage fest...
- Very funny.

Oh, my God. Isn't the book amazing?

Uh, yeah. Parts of it.

Did you get to chapter nine yet?

No. Why?

That's when you hook up with Juliet.

I definitely did not read that,

but, uh, thank you for the image.

(CHUCKLES) Don't blame me.
Mr. Masters wrote it.

Well, I'm definitely gonna skip
that chapter.

Good idea. It's pretty steamy.

(CHUCKLES) Anyway,

I need background checks
on some new staff.

- You got it, boss.
- Okay.

But, uh, first, I got to run.

I got to go meet a client.
I'll see you guys later.

Oh, oh, oh. I just, uh, put in

some new ti plants near the main house.

Try not to trample through them

next time the lads are chasing you.

Okay. I'll be sure to watch where I step

next time I am running
for my life. (CHUCKLES)

Higgins has been gone for five months,

so it's not surprising
that we all miss her.

Still, I got to say, it's nice
being a lone-wolf P.I. again.

No one to answer to,
and I get to pick all the cases,

so it doesn't have to be
about chasing the money.

Case in point, I got a call yesterday

from a struggling single mom
named Jenny Liu.

Not a lucrative case, but rewarding.

And I admit, I kind of have
a soft spot for single mothers,

having been raised by one myself.

How you doing?

Thomas Magnum.

I have an appointment with Jenny.

I'm Dan, Jenny's father.
And she's not here.

That's odd.
She confirmed just yesterday.

I don't know anything about that.

Well, do you have any idea
when she'll be back?

I wish I did. She didn't come home
from work last night.

Are you telling me she's missing?

Look, I'm sorry. I have to go.

Hold on.

I think I can help.


Who are you, exactly?

Someone who knows how to find people.

Synced & corrected by -robtor-

DAN: When I couldn't reach Jenny
on her cell, I called the hotel

where she works on the
overnight cleaning crew.

I talked to one of her coworkers.

He said he hadn't seen her in weeks.

But as far as we knew,

she was still going to work every night.

Is there anything else about Jenny

that might be helpful to know?

Has she been in any kind of trouble

or get into any recent altercations?

A few years ago, Jenny moved to Vegas

to be a dealer at a casino.

It was a good job

till she fell in with the wrong crowd,

and she developed a pretty
serious drug problem.

She came home to get help.

I thought she was clean, but now...

You think she's been using again.

Or up to something illegal.

She already has a record for theft.


You mind if I hang on to that photo?

Pap, you said Mommy would be back now.

Where is she?

Uh, you must be Emma.

My name's Thomas,

and I'm a friend of your mom's,
and we were supposed to have

a meeting today, but she didn't make it.

That just means I have to go find her.

Don't worry,

I will.

And she'll be back home in no time.




♪ I don't want to work ♪

♪ I want to bang on the drum all day ♪

♪ I don't want to play ♪

♪ I just want to... ♪

Oh, my God.

Do you have any idea what time it is?

Yeah. It's, uh, : p.m. Why?

(YAWNS) It's : a.m., Magnum.

Well, yes, where you're at,

it's : a.m. Sorry about that, Higgy.

- MAGNUM: So, um,

how's it going? How's Ethan?

You know,
pretending to care how I'm doing

to hide the fact
that you're asking for a favor

doesn't actually work
at : in the morning, Magnum.

It just makes it more aggravating.

- Point taken.
- HIGGINS: All right, can we just get

to whatever it is that you want
so that I can go back to sleep?

MAGNUM: Of course. I'm looking
for a missing woman named Jenny Liu.

I need anything you can find
to help track her down.

Credit card statements,

ATM transaction, that kind of thing.

Can't Gordon help you with this?

Well, he could,

but you're better at it.

Or is it because you miss me

and you were looking
for an excuse to call?

You mean like when T.R. Belle calls up

that Russian spy?

No, I'm just, uh, trying to find
Jenny as quickly as possible.

Oh, s-so, you've read the book, then.

- Not all the way through, no.
- HIGGINS: You know,

there's one scene that bothers me quite
a bit.

MAGNUM: Yeah, you know what?
I'm right there with you.

I mean, I-I only heard about it,

but I'm definitely gonna skip
that chapter.

In fact, I might even tear
those pages out. I have

no idea what Robin was thinking.

I'm talking about my introduction.

Wh-Why? What are you talking about?

Uh... n-nothing.

Uh, so, about those financials...

Just, uh, send me Ms. Liu's info.

Of course. Thanks, Higgy.

Oh, and, uh, one more thing.

Can you make sure you get back
to me at a reasonable hour?

You know how important
my sleep is, right?

Good night, Magnum.



Mr. Magnum.

- Detective Kaleo.
- What's in the box?

Well, it's a surprise.

I could give you a hint,
but that would ruin...

Five Coco Puffs from Liliha Bakery.

How'd you know? Why five?

That box is the size they use
for their half dozen order,

but there's a small
chocolate smudge on the edge,

so I'm guessing you ate one.

Also, Coco Puffs
are half off today, and...

well, you have a reputation
around here for being thrifty.

KATSUMOTO: She means "cheap."

What do you want, Magnum?

Need you to put out a BOLO
on a woman named Jenny Liu.

She's been missing since last night.


I'd like you to ping her cell phone

so I can track her last location.

Well, she needs to be missing
for hours.

You know that.

Did I say "last night"?

I did say "last night."
I meant two nights ago.

I'm not here.

Give me a minute.

LIA: Here.

Where was it?

(CHUCKLES SOFTLY) At my place.

Well, obviously,
but I checked everywhere

before I left. I couldn't find it.

There's a little Bermuda Triangle

couch cushion situation that...

You may want to check hospitals.

Maybe she was in an accident.

- Yeah. Yeah, that's a good idea.

Jenny's phone last pinged
at : last night.

She was at Clear Path.
It's a rehab facility.

- That's where Jenny got clean.

I'm wanted upstairs.

Thanks, Gordie.

You bet.

Well, that was close.


You know, it's been six weeks.

I don't get
why we're still running around,

hiding from everyone.

Yes, you do.

Well, I got to go.

In the meantime...

Grab one of these.

- Detective Kaleo.

SUZY: Wow, okay.

Thank you so much.

Okay, talk soon.


Okay, let me guess.

That was HOT .

You were the th caller, and you won

a free lunch at Ala Moana mall.

I got accepted to a six-month residency

- at that artist co-op.
- What?

- That's huge! Wow.
- I know. (CHUCKLES)

That's, uh, amazing.

Wait, isn't-isn't that the
one that's in...?

Yeah. San Diego.

- Right.
- Right. And I actually have

to leave in a few days, which means

I have to give notice, like, now.

Oh. Uh...

Well, a-a lot of emotions
happening here.

Mainly happy. Happy for you, of course,

but, uh, also super bummed

because I guess...

I guess that means you're leaving.

I know.

But on the bright side,
you're no longer my boss,

which means you and I can finally...

You know. (CHUCKLES)


♪ ♪

No, Jenny didn't relapse.

She's actually doing great.

But she came here yesterday.

After a year of sobriety,
you're eligible to volunteer.

Jenny jumped at the chance.

Now she comes in twice a week
to help others.

Sounds like she's got
a really good heart.

You don't know the half of it.

We recently had a patient
who couldn't afford

to finish treatment,
so Jenny covered it.

How much that cost? $ , .

$ , .

That's a lot of money for
somebody whose last job

was on a hotel cleaning crew.

Any idea where she got
that kind of cash?

All she said was she had
a new job, and it paid well.

Okay, well, this has been very helpful.

Really appreciate it.

Yeah, I know what you're thinking.

And you're right. Jenny's making bank

and lying to her family.

Whatever she's been up to,
it can't be good.

And I'm pretty sure it's
the reason why she's missing.


HIGGINS: Here, to me.

Oh, who's gonna stop me?




Go on.



Something wrong?

The vaccines we were waiting on

were stolen en route from the airport.

Wangari's men?

Those bandits
are really upping their game.

What's the Kenyan Army doing about it?

Unfortunately, nothing.

They've got enough on their plate.

Without those vaccines,
what happens to them?

Most of them will get sick,

and some won't make it.


♪ ♪


Can't do it, TM.

You don't even know why I'm calling.

You need an eye in the sky, right?

- Uh...
- Thought so.

Look, man, I can't afford the fuel.

Yeah, but you always say that.

Dude, for real.

The cost of Shammy's
pilot training is k*lling me.

MAGNUM: Yes, but that's an investment
that's gonna pay off.

Right? You got to spend money
to make money.

Then by that logic,
shouldn't you cover the fuel?

I mean, it's for a case, right?

Oh, come on, TC.
You gonna help me out or not?

Promise me this is the last time.

Okay, fine.

This is the last time, I promise.

- What do I got to do?
- MAGNUM: Well, I'm looking for a car

that belongs to my client.

Higgins said that she filled up
in Chinatown

around : p.m. last night,

so I'm guessing the car
might still be in the area.

I'll find it.

MAGNUM: Took TC all of
five minutes to find Jenny's car.

Times like this, it's good
to have friends in high places.


Based on the height of the seat
and its proximity to the wheel,

I'm gonna say Jenny drove here,

which means this car wasn't dumped.

The question is what was she doing here

so late at night?

♪ ♪


♪ Do you feel it too? ♪

♪ You and me ♪

♪ All through the way ♪

♪ Did you, did you, did you, did you ♪

♪ Did you, did you, did you, did you ♪

♪ And what you see ♪

♪ Is really what you see ♪

♪ What you, what you, what you ♪

♪ Won't you come take it away? ♪

Jenny's dad said she used to be
a card dealer in Vegas.

She must've been working
this game last night.

But if she was here
when the sh**ting started,

where the hell is she now?

There's an open safe in the back.

It's been cleaned out.

Well, quite the body
count for a robbery.

Any idea why your client
isn't among the dead?

I'm thinking she went in there.

Door's obviously been kicked in.
There's an open window,

and right outside that window,
there's a drainpipe somebody

could easily shimmy down.

- So she got away.
- Yeah.

Maybe whoever did this

grabbed her license on the way out.

Which means they know
who she is. Safe to assume

they're going after her.

Well, they won't be the only ones.

I recognize these two. They're yakuza.

You sure?

Detective Kaleo used
to work the g*ng unit.

If Jenny survived this, they're
gonna think she was in on it.

Hey, what are the chances
that she calls us?

Uh, it's an illegal game.

Jenny's got a record and a lot to lose.

If she hasn't contacted us
by now, I doubt she will.

Or maybe our K*llers
already caught up with her.

MAGNUM: Have any idea
where Jenny would go?

Or anyone she might try and contact?

No. I can't think of anyone.

We'd like to put a tap on your phone
in case she calls.

We'll also put a unit outside
as a precaution.

Okay. Thank you.

Can you give us a minute, please?



We'll work on IDing the perps.

What is it?

It's a long shot,

but I might know how to find Jenny.

- How?
- Just gonna follow my gut.

That's your plan? Follow your gut?

It's code for "You don't want to know

- but I'll keep you in the loop."
- LIA: Oh.

Got it.


Oh, hold on. All right,
is this... this me right here?

- EMMA: Yeah.
- And I'm guessing

I'm bringing Mommy home?


you're really talented,

and I got to say, I love it.

- Thank you.
- (CHUCKLES) You're welcome.


MAGNUM: When you're the
only child of a single parent,

a special bond is formed.

My mom left this world way too early,

but at least she was around long enough

to usher me into adulthood,

and I'm thankful every day for that.

Emma deserves the same thing,
which is why

I need to do whatever it takes
to find Jenny.

♪ London calling, see we ain't... ♪


You busy?

I'm on my way to see Rick. Why?

I need a favor.

Yes. I know, for once, it is I

that needs a favor from you.

We are through the looking glass,

as they say.

But I'm dealing
with a rather urgent situation

for which I require some help.

- What kind of help?
- HIGGINS: Operational support.

Intel. I tried tapping my MI resources,

but they were abruptly cut off.

Which was odd.

What do you need me to do?

M.E. pulled slugs from our vics.

b*ll*ts came from two different g*ns,

which means two sh**t.

Or one sh**t with two g*ns.

I think you've seen too many
John Woo movies.

Plus, entry wound angles indicate

two triggermen. M.E. also put T.O.D.

between : and midnight.

Now the good news.

A surveillance camera in the alley

tagged one of the sh**t around : .

And lucky for us, we got a hit.

♪ I don't want to work. ♪

- Magnum.
- MAGNUM: Yeah.

I just talked to my guy at Navy Intel,

and he's got a location
on the Wangari boys.

I'll sh**t you the coordinates now.

- Thank you, Thomas.
- MAGNUM: Hey,

you want to thank me?
You pass this information on

to the Kenyan Army so they
can get the vaccines back.

I don't see that as an option.

Yeah, that's because you don't want to.

What does that mean?

flying doctors around Kenya

just isn't enough for you.

You need something more than that.

I just don't think you should be
taking unnecessary risks.

You don't have to worry, Thomas.
I can handle myself.


Okay. Well, just be careful.

I will.



All right.

(CHUCKLES) Hey, guys.

Thomas. Hi.

Hey, pal. Sorry to interrupt.

Uh, can I borrow him for a second?

He's all yours.

Thank you.

All the guys at the table

- were high rollers.
- Yeah.

Not a lot of people on this island

run games at those stakes.

I can ask around, see who set it up.

Yeah, I'm just hoping
after what happened,

Jenny reaches out to whoever hired her.

- I'll get right on it.
- Thanks.



Got an ID on one of the sh**t.

Name's Patrick McGowan.

He's a hit man for hire.
According to the Feds,

he works with his brother Sean.

They both got in from Philly
three days ago.

Okay, well,
I'm thinking a couple hitters

from Philly aren't gonna fly to Hawaii

to knock over a poker game, right?

So, what are we thinking?

They were after one of the players

but used the robbery as a cover?

LIA: That was our initial thought.

But then we pulled location data
from Patrick's cell,

and get this.

He was outside Jenny's house
yesterday afternoon.

He was also near the gas station

where she filled her car last night.

So she was their target.

That's what it looks like.

They must've tailed her to that alley,

then followed her inside the building,

having no idea she'd be in a room

with several armed men.

Uh, question now is
what these guys were doing

going after Jenny in the first place.

I don't know, but my gut tells me

it's got something to do with
the reason she wanted to hire me.

We figure that out,

maybe we find our K*llers.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪




What if instead
I make a hole in your throat,

cut off your nose

and stuff it inside?


MAGNUM: You know,
you didn't have to meet me here.

People find out about this,
they might think

there's something going on between us.

LIA: What, you think Jenny's
dad will come back early,

assume we're hooking up,

then call Katsumoto for a gossip sesh?

Hey, you're the one
who wanted to keep it on the DL.

I'm just trying to respect boundaries.

- I know. I'm just giving you crap.

Doesn't bother you, does it?

What, giving me crap?

Keeping our thing a secret.

No, I told you before,
it's... it's fine.

I just don't need other cops judging me

for dating a guy who's
practically a coworker.

I've worked hard to get where I am.

Well, I understand.

We can keep this a secret
for however long.

Honestly, I think
it's kind of hotter that way.


Hold on, I think we got something here.

Looks like Jenny was trying
to get a hold of a guy

- named Barry Costigan.
- Who's that?

MAGNUM: I don't know,
but they were at Clear Path together

around the same time.
I guess they were pretty close.

Jenny was starting to get worried

because he wasn't responding
to texts or phone calls.

Maybe she wanted to hire
you to track him down.


Hack into HPD, see what you can find.

(SCOFFS SOFTLY) You mean "log in"?

(WHISPERS): Uh, yeah.

Sorry, it's a force of habit.

Right, not much here.
Currently unemployed.

- Lives in Ewa Beach.


It's my buddy Rick.

He says he's got
somebody I need to meet.

Go. I'll check out Costigan's
with Katsumoto,

then we'll circle back.

Okay. See you in a bit.



Juliet Higgins.
Your reputation precedes you.

And this is?

Call me Eve. I'm with... MI .

I couldn't trace the call,
but I recognize

the firewall that prevented me
from doing so.

To what do I owe the pleasure?

I'm calling about your recent mission.

Beg your pardon?

To recover the vaccines.

You of all people shouldn't be
surprised by our capabilities.

I'm just...

surprised that you bothered to monitor

something so insignificant.

We only did so after you tried
to access our system

for information on Joseph Wangari.

And had you been successful,

you may have discovered
that the g*ng you incapacitated

actually provides us with key intel

on terror groups in Kenya.


Sorry about that.

No, you're not. But you should be.

Because while you managed
to conceal your identity,

word is they're determined to find you.

And when they do,
they'll want retribution,

which means that your little recovery op

may have put
the entire medical community

you've been working with in harm's way.

Fortunately for you, we can fix that

and guarantee their safety.

In exchange for what?

Well, for starters,
you'll need to leave Kenya.


"For starters"?

Meaning that there's
something else that you want.



He's not a cop, right? No.

I'm a private investigator,

and I only care about finding my client.

I moonlight as a card dealer
for a guy named Devin Sykes.

He set up last night's game,
and then he went underground

after he heard what happened.

I was supposed to deal last night,

but I asked Jenny to fill in.

- I feel awful.
- RICK: No,

- it's not your fault, Keana.
- MAGNUM: No, he's right.

But maybe you can help get Jenny back.

You got anything?

The number to Jenny's burner

that she used for the poker game.

- Text it to me. I'll ping it.
- MAGNUM: Yeah.

- Any luck with Costigan?
- No.

And even if we could locate him,
he won't be of much help.

- Why? What do you got?
- KATSUMOTO: The McGowan brothers

paid him a visit two days ago.
Gave him a beatdown,

shot him and hauled away the body.

And how'd you come up with that?

Well, we saw it happen.

Costigan had a motion-activated
treat dispenser that allowed him

to monitor and feed his cat
while he was away.

It captured
most of the encounter on video.

What'd they want with Costigan?

People in rehab tend to reveal secrets

that they otherwise wouldn't,

and Jenny shared one
with Costigan at Clear Path.

Told him she witnessed
the m*rder of a drug dealer

when she was living in Vegas
and never said anything.

And the trigger puller
had ties to the Philly mob.

- Had no idea Jenny was in that room.
- MAGNUM: All right.

So, let me guess.
Costigan was hard up for cash.

He tries to blackmail the sh**t,

so then they send the McGowans
to deal with him.

And to figure out how the hell
he knew what he knew.

So, he turns in Jenny, the very person

who was worried enough about him
to hire me.

Some friend.

Got a hit on Jenny's burner.

It's in Waimanalo, minutes from Ewa.

That's minutes from here.
We got to get there now.

And hope our K*llers
haven't gotten there first.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

PATRICK: Who else did you tell?

(CRYING): Nobody.

I swear.

See, I want to believe you, Jenny.

But I have to be sure.

JENNY: Please.

I won't tell anybody ever again.

I have a little girl,

and she's all that matters to me.


Please. No!


- I'm telling you

the truth. You don't have to do this.

- PATRICK: Unfortunately, we do.
- _

You should've kept your mouth shut.

If you had, no one would've known.


♪ ♪



No! No!


- Stay here!

Drop the g*n.

Do it.


Who are you?

Thomas Magnum. You
missed our appointment.

- But how did you...
- I'll explain later. We got to go.

We got to get out of here.

- Sean!

Keep pressure on it.

Go. Go.

I'll be back.


If he comes for you, point and squeeze.

I'll draw him out.

♪ ♪





You had no choice.
You did what you had to do.

I don't think his brother's
gonna see it that way.


I got to take this.

You good?


You guys took your sweet time

getting over here. I'm just saying.

Give me a break. You were much closer.

No, I wasn't that much closer.

Also, Katsumoto was driving.

And I can't help it...
The guy's got a feather foot.


- it all worked out.
- MAGNUM: Yeah, well,

I-I think what you meant to say was, uh,

"You were a hero today,

"Thomas, and I will make it up to you

in every way possible later on tonight."



I know the timing is terrible.
I'm sorry.

ETHAN: Don't apologize.

What you did saved lives.

Yeah, but there were other ways, Ethan.

You made a judgment call.

You had no idea there'd be this fallout.

And you don't have to listen
to what this woman says.

We all signed up knowing the risks.

No, no, I-I'm not willing

to jeopardize you or anyone else.

When do you have to leave?

By tomorrow.


I won't even be back to see you off.

It's okay.

You're only gonna be here
for another five weeks.

We can handle being apart for that long.

Well, hey, I guess it'll make
our reunion even better, right?

You always find
the silver lining, don't you?


It's one of the things I love about you.

I love you, too.

So much.



♪ I don't know where I'd be ♪

♪ If it weren't for my family ♪

♪ They're always there for me ♪

♪ Showing they care for me... ♪

You know, it's just my luck.

We can finally start dating,

- and she's moving away.

She'll be back.

Yeah, maybe. We'll see.

Chin up, Orville. Still got us.

- ♪ Singing their own song ♪

- ♪ I been so lucky in my life... ♪
- _

Yeah, guys, I, uh, I got to get going.

What do you mean? Come on,
we're just getting started.

Yeah, but it's been a day.

Suzy, you better come back.

- We're gonna miss you.

Gonna miss you, too, Thomas.

- Thanks for coming out.
- Of course.

- Good luck in San Diego.
- Thank you.

See you, guys.

♪ All the love from you ♪

♪ Is still inside. ♪

♪ ♪




♪ ♪

Unless you want to get stopped
at the border, I'd put this on.

I could stay, you know.

Sarnov is still out there,

which means he's still dangerous.

Does your handler have any idea

how big this op is?

HIGGINS: Yes, i-it's...

quite large.

I can help you catch him.

Your mission is over.

There's no need
to risk your neck for my side.

I wouldn't take the risk for your side.

I'd take the risk for you.

- ♪ London calling ♪

♪ See we ain't got no swing ♪

♪ Except for the ring. ♪

Uh, hey. Higgy.

Um... (CHUCKLES) How's it going?

Is this a bad time? You sound

like you're in the middle of something.

No, no. I was, uh,

just literally, uh, doing nothing.

So, how did it turn out?

Uh... You know.

Went off without a hitch. Sort of.

What happened?

(SCOFFS SOFTLY) Well, it's complicated.

Long story short,
I have to get out of Kenya.

I'm coming home.

Wow. Really?

Well, I'm sorry you have to cut
your trip short, but...

we'll all be happy to have you home.

I'm looking forward to being back.

I missed you, Thomas.

(SIGHS) Miss you, too.


Uh, listen, I have another call
coming through.

I've got to run, but I'll see you soon.


Travel safe. Bye.


EVE: Where are you?

I'm about to leave for Nairobi.

I'll be in Hawaii tomorrow.

Good. And you're clear
on our arrangement?

You keep Dr. Shah and the others safe,

and in return,
you can call on me as necessary.

And you can't speak of this to anyone.

Including Mr. Magnum.

I understand. But I don't know how long

I'm gonna be able to keep it from him.

He is a detective, after all,
and a very good one.

Well, I'm sure you'll find a way.

Because you understand
MI can't officially operate

inside the U.S.

Just so we're clear,

I consider the U.S. to be my home,

and I am not willing to spy on my home.

That's not why we need you in Hawaii.

Why do you need me there?

We'll get to that in due time.

Safe travels, Ms. Higgins.

I look forward to working with you.