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05x10 - Young & Amnesia

Posted: 10/03/21 07:06
by bunniefuu
Oh, Yolanda, thank god you're back!

Sorry, I had to convince them
to give me Josh's painkillers.

They get real suspicious when
you ask them the street value.

How's he doin'?

Terrible, I think he has amnesia!

He doesn't remember me
or anyone or anything!

Oh, my damn!

Josh: Yolanda? Is that you?

(theme music playing)

♪ She in the spotlight ♪

♪ And she turn my head ♪

♪ She run a red light ♪

♪ 'Cause she bad like that ♪

♪ I like that ooh, baby, ooh, baby ♪

♪ Baby, I like that ooh, baby, ooh, baby ♪

I don't understand why he
remembers her and not me.

Well, memory loss is a tricky thing.

How is he? Where is he?

Okay, he's... he's right over there,

but, don't be upset if
he doesn't remember...

Josh: Elliot!


You remember me!

Of course I do, buddy. Bring it in!

Oh my god, how does he remember

everyone except for me?

Josh? Hey...

Do you remember

when we were sitting
on your couch, and...

- No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no...
- But...

You have to allow Josh
to remember everything

on his own.

Otherwise, it can cause
a psychic meltdown!

I never miss an episode
of General Hospital.

Um, Doctor, listen,

I... I don't think you understand,

I said something kind of major to him

right before he got knocked out,

and I really need to know
what he was gonna say back.

I understand your frustration,

but pushin' Josh can cause
him such emotional distress,

that he could block out even more.

Yeah, but god! How do you
even know that for sure?

I mean, wh... wh... where'd
you even go to medical school?


Wow, that's... that's
really good, good for you.

Hey, guys...

I think I'm starting
to remember something.

Hey, everybody. I'm home.

Josh, you look fantastic.

Who travels hours
and looks this good?

Ha-ha, you!

How was your trip?

Aw, China was awesome!

Only problem is,

you open a business there,

an hour later you
wanna open another one!

(both laughing)

(Elliot laughing)

Elliot, who's this?

Uh, hopefully your new
chef... if I'm lucky!

Oh my god, I remember you.

You do?

Yeah, I remember everything exactly.

You were at my penthouse.
I was sitting on the couch.

- Mm-hm.
- And I was just about to interview you

to be my chef.



You were gonna make me an audition meal.

Uh-huh, uh-huh. Can ya
fast forward a little?

And you never got the chance,

I... I guess, because of all this.

I'll tell you what.

As soon as I get discharged,
how about you come over

and cook me that audition meal?

(laughs) Awesome!

Audition meal?

Do you believe this? I have
to try out for the same job

I've had for two years!

I don't understand. Why can't you just

tell Josh who you are and what happened?

Because this stupid smart
Harvard doctor won't let me!

He said Josh has to remember
everything by himself

or it could cause a psychic meltdown.

It's basic brain stuff,
Sofia, basic brain stuff.

Okay, okay, so you'll
make your audition meal,

he'll hire you and eventually
he'll... get his memory back.

Yeah, but what if he doesn't?
I mean, five hours ago

I was telling Josh that I loved him.

I mean, what if he never remembers
what he was gonna say back?

- He'll remember.
- But how do you know?

Because, Gabi, people remember feelings.

If anything, you should be happy that he

wants you to make this audition meal.

Okay? If you ask me, that's the
first moment he had feelings for you.

Grilled cheese?

This... looks... fantastic.


It's so ooey-gooey.

You know what?

Forget the other guy. You're hired.

- Wha?
- Whoa!

Oh my god! You're right, Sofia.

All I have to do is make the same
meal and the same things will happen,

and then, Josh and I
will be together, and

then not together, and then together,

and... and then not together, and
then together and then not together.

Yeah. It'll be so fun
to relive it all again.

Oh my god, I can do
this, I have done this.

I'm gonna look for the
dress I wore the first day.

Oh, and don't forget a
dress for the wedding.

Sofia, my grilled
cheese isn't that good.

Your Uncle Chris is
getting married in Aspen.


Yeah, his invitation got
mixed into the pile of bills

we use to even out our table legs.

Oh my god, he's getting
married in Aspen this weekend,

- and he sent me two train tickets.
- Yeah. Oh.

I'm not saying he copied
me, but everyone knows

that Aspen is my dream wedding location.

Oh my god... Aspen.

Oh, I swear to god, if the bride's
dad skis her down the aisle...

(sighs) Can you think
of a more romantic place

to celebrate your love?

Oh, you're right.

I'm so happy for your uncle.

No no, I'm talkin' about me and Josh.

Come on! Him telling me he loves me

on a snow-covered mountain?

Okay, now you're
stealing my wedding ideas?

It is so much more romantic than telling

me he loves me on a stupid couch!

Oh my god! Amnesia rules!

Hey, Elliot...

One moment, I'm just
finishing up an interview.

With who?


Michael Voltaggio?

What is Top Chef Michael
Voltaggio doing here?

Hi. Very good to see you again,
remember we met here last time?


Does anyone remember me?

No. Isn't it great?

Elliot, what is he doing here?
I thought this was a redo for me!

Well, it's also a redo for me.

This time I want Josh
to choose the right chef.

Listen, I wish I could
stay to meet with Josh...

You can! He'll be up any minute.

But due to a recent head injury, we're

not supposed to wake... (yelling) Josh!

But it'll totally be worth it if
you stay and meet... (yelling) Josh!

I'm sorry, I really gotta go.

I left some apps for
Josh to taste, or...

you guys can come to
one of my restaurants.

Wh... Why do you even need this job?

Elliot, I can't believe
you would be so evil.

Really? It's kind of my brand.

Morning, boss. How are you feelin'?

Mmm, better. Little better.

Hey... Gabi. Right?


See, I know you. You're
here for the interview.

Uh-huh. Yeah.

And I know exactly what you want to eat,

because I am a food mind reader.

It's one of my super powers.

Oh, yeah? What am I cravin'?

A man.

She's good.

Here ya go. It's my
famous grilled cheese.

I think you'll like it.

This... looks... fantastic!

Mm... doesn't taste fantastic.

What? No, but... but
you loved my grilled

cheese. You said it was so ooey-gooey!

What are you talking about? You've never

cooked for me. Yolanda, what's going on?

Uh, nothin' baby, nothin' at all.


Girl, what is wrong with you?

Do you want Josh to
have a psychic meltdown?

I don't understand, he loved my
grilled cheese. Why did he hate it?

Oh, his taste buds are all messed up.

Hayden used to love coffee,
but after her concussion,

just the smell of it made her sick.

Who's Hayden?

(sighs) From General Hospital !

The point is, Hayden got her
memory back and so will Josh.

Oh my god, this is delicious.


That was fast.

Who made this?

Michael Voltaggio!

I'm sorry, Gabi, but Voltaggio's hired.

- No!
- Yes!

Call hot chef!


What the hell are you doing?

Waiting to find out if
Josh remembered anything!

Did he say anything about me? Did
he show any signs of remembering me,

are his taste buds back,
what are you hiding?

Why haven't you
returned any of my calls?

'Cause of this!

I'm sorry, it's just, what
if Josh never remembers me,

what if... what if he likes Top
Chef Michael Voltaggio so much

that he keeps him on as his chef, and I

never have a reason to go back to Josh's

and he forgets me forever?

Um... uh... Uh, Gabi, uh... it's a.m.

I know!

Oh, baby, I'm sorry. I
hate seein' you like this.

Then help me.

Okay, uh, name it,
how, I'll do anything.

Okay, the train to Aspen
leaves tomorrow night.

Can you help me jog Josh's memory?


But you just said that you'd help me.

Okay, first of all, the
girls and I, don't jog.

More importantly, you heard that doctor.

He said we can't start messin'
with Josh's mind by sayin' anything!

I know, I know, but what
if we don't say anything,

but we show him!

Oh my damn, Josh's childhood blanket

that he lost in a fire and
you recreated for his birthday!

Yeah! We show him this and
he'll remember everything!

You're right!

And he'll never forget that!

Yeah, so you'll help me?

You would think after all
that, (laughs) but nope.


(sing-songy) Michael V, it's Elliot P!

You remember Yolanda.
She's the housekeeper.

Of course, the only thing she's
ever waxed is her mustache.

Hey, that's rude.

(laughs) Right?

So MV, we have an issue
to deal with today.

What? You finally moved
into a C cup? (laughs)

Your turn, Michael!

My turn for what?

To roast Elliot. Anything you want.

Fat, short, sweaty, let him have it.

I think that's really childish.

Isn't she?

Anyway, last night Alan
and I got in a big

fight, and I need you
guys to help me fix it.

Okay, let's hear the plan.

- What plan?
- Well, first off, Michael,

I need you to dress up

as Alan's long lost grandma and take

my side in an argument, then...

What? Why would I do that?

That's what we do around here.

Well, I don't.

Oh. Well, can you at least

bake me an "I'm sorry"
cake to bring home?

I would, but I'm too busy making
this "I don't work for you" lunch.


(laughing) Ooh-hoo! You got him good!

You two are a piece of work.

And speaking of work, do
you guys do any around here?

Say what?

Ohh... and when's the last time
you cleaned out this fridge?

And I'm not talking about food.

(laughing) 'Scuse me for a minute.

Gabi? Put down that wine
and pick up that blanket.

(in a loud voice) Thank you
for comin' and helpin' me

with my computer, Josh.

Yolanda: Where are my keys?

Well, you know what? Good
thing my neighbor keeps a spare,

and she always leaves her door open.


Whoa, what?

I'm gettin' this really weird feeling.

This place seems familiar to me.

Hell, yeah, it does.

What is it about this place?

I don't know, but, um, maybe my keys are

in the bed... uh, we should try the bed.

Let's try the bed!

Why would keys be in the bed?

Just look in the bed.

Am I in love with the girl
that lives in this apartment?

- (gasps)
- (gasps)

- What?
- Uh! Uh, uh, just... um, um, out of...

Hoo, out of breath from walkin' from

there to here, it's just... (exhales)

I'm starting to remember.

Oh my god, Josh! What
are you doing here?

Did you get your memory back?

Yeah, I think I did.

Wh... Wh... (screams)

You're the girl that knows my heart.


- Ahh! What do I do? What do I do?
- (Josh laughing)

What do I do?

Tell me everything! Where
did we meet? How did we meet?

Do you feel the same way
I do? How do you feel?

- Uh, dizzy.
- (Yolanda stutters)

She can't tell you how she feels, she's

not allowed to answer, doctor's orders.

W... I wanna know everything,
tell me everything.

- Uh...
- Do you wanna have a

psychic meltdown? Huh?

I'm not gonna be responsible
for that, get your ass up.


will you at least have
dinner with me tonight?

- Uhhh...
- I heard a yes, let's go.

Oh my god, this is so exciting, I can't

believe I'm having dinner with... Wait,

what's your name?

(crying) What just happened?

Hey! Hey! Oh, my god!

Where's Josh? Where'd he go?

Gabi, why are you coming out
the window, what's going on?

Why do you have arugula in your hair?

Well, I... I was spying on
Josh from the fire escape,

and, when I saw him kiss
you, I was so shocked

I stumbled back and I
fell into the dumpster,

now, where did he go?

Well, Yolanda took him home.

Oh, well, what did he say
when... when you told him

that I'm the one that made the blanket,

and I'm the one that knows his heart?

I didn't tell him.

What? Why?

Because you said I wasn't
allowed to say any of that!

Everyone's tellin' me I'm not
allowed to say any of that!

You didn't say anything?

No! Well, he did invite me
to dinner tonight, but...

What? You are having dinner

with the man who forgot he loves me?

Gabi, it was the only
way he would leave.

Ohhh, was it, Sofia?

- Yeah, it was.
- Was it really, Sofia?

Mm-hm. What are you saying?

Well, how long did you let him
kiss you before you pulled away?

Oh my... What?

- Did you like the kiss?
- Okay, you are really losing...

Did! You! Like it!

No! He's Josh, okay? He's
gross... I mean, not gross for you,

but gross for me, okay? I
have no feelings for him!

Well, I do, okay? I... I can't
take this anymore, all right?

I'm... I'm going over there right now,

and I am telling him exactly who I am,

and what we mean to each other!

- But what about...
- The psychic meltdown!

I'm having one!

Josh? We need to talk.

Whoa, whoa, how the
hell did you get in here?

Because you made me a
key, because I work here.

No, I gave the job to the other guy.

Not the first time, the first
time you gave the job to me.

What first time? What
are you talking about?

Okay, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.

I know... I know you had
a traumatic brain injury,

and I'm not supposed
to say anything to you,

but I really need to
say something to you,

because I really need you to remember!

All I remember is I interviewed you,

and I didn't like your grilled cheese.

Ugghh! See, that's the thing!

That's the thing! Two years
ago, you interviewed me,

and you loved my grilled cheese,
and you hired me to be your chef.

And then we got drunk
and we slept together,

and... which I don't expect you to

remember because I barely remember it,

but, we both regretted it
because you were engaged,

but then you broke off your
engagement to be with me!

And then, we tried to be together,
but we couldn't be together,

because we argued a lot, because
we're both very passionate people,

but... then we came up with this idea

of the punch card relationship, so we
could have sex without the feelings,

but then, I did have feelings,
and I told you that I loved you,

and you were about to
tell me if you loved me,

but then the g*dd*mn squirrel jumped
out, and it made you hit your head

and forget everything, including
the fact that I'm the one

that made you that
blanket that you found,

because I'm the one that knows your
heart. Now, you have to believe me!

Gabi... I believe you.

You do?

Yes. I don't think
anybody can make that up.


Oh, thank god.

But I don't remember it.


I remember Elliot and Yolanda,
and I remember my family,

and all the feelings I had for them.

And I'm not sure how to say this, but...

I think if I loved you...

I'd remember it.

(Gabi crying)

(speaking incoherently)

I know, I know.

Actually, I don't know.

Could you speak a little clearer?

- Can you do me a favor?
- Anything.

Can you hit me over the head
so I get amnesia so I can forget

what Josh just told me,
'cause it was so hurtful!

Oh, Gabi, it's gonna be okay.

How? How's it gonna be okay?

I mean, we have two options
here. One, he doesn't remember me

and it's over, or two,
he will remember me,

including that night
on the couch where he

was gonna tell me that
he didn't love me.

Or three, and don't forget
about three, he remembers you,

and was gonna tell you he does love you.

No, he doesn't love me,
he says that it's over!

Are we in Aspen yet?

No, we haven't left yet.

What? I'm gonna be crying for
another hours and minutes?

Oh! Not necessarily...

Who wants to play Crazy Eights?


Okay, I'm gonna go to the bar
car and get a couple of drinks.

And something for you.


Hey, Elliot. Have you seen my phone?

Here you go, boss.

I charged it for you.

Oh. Thank you.

I... I feel like I'm
forgetting everything.

Well, you are forgetting one thing.

- What?
- You usually give me a goodbye kiss.

You do.

And I'm not just trying to
take advantage of the fact

that you have a traumatic brain injury.

- Okay.
- Really?

Yeah, bring it in.

♪ All I wanna get is a little bit closer ♪

♪ All I wanna know is can
you come a little closer ♪

- Tegan and Sara?
- Yeah.

I karaoke to this song all the time!

Me too!

Both: ♪ I want you close I want you ♪

♪ I won't treat you like you're typical ♪

Look at you! (laughs)

Oh, my god.

(blowing nose)


Oh... finally.

(gasps) Sofia! Sofia,
what are you doing,

the train is leaving!

Oh, my god! Stop the train!

Stop the train!

♪ All I wanna get is ♪

♪ A little bit closer ♪



What are you doing here?

I, uh...

I remember everything.

Everything where you did love me or

everything where you didn't love me,

I mean, who rushes on a train to
tell someone they don't love them?

♪ It's not just all physical ♪

♪ I'm the type who won't
get oh so critical ♪

You do love me.

Yes. I do.

I love you, Gabi.

Oh... do you remember the part where
I told you that I love you, too,

because I do.

♪ A little bit closer ♪

Josh just called me from the train.

They're back together again, huh?

Ugh, I know.

Here's something interesting.
You know how he remembered her?

He heard a certain song.

- A song?
- Yeah. Closer, by Tegan and Sara?

Never heard of it.

Oh, really? I saw you
messin' with Josh's phone.

You did it, you big old softie!

Oh, please, like I want
Gabi back in this house.

Okay. Well, maybe I was wrong.

♪ All I wanna get is a little bit closer! ♪