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03x13 - All for One

Posted: 10/06/21 06:49
by bunniefuu
All I'm saying is, we have hit a small bump in the road.

Vlad is not a bump, he's a roadblock.

I can't take over if he's alive.

Maybe the slayers will come back and attack him.

I am not pinning my hopes to a "maybe"!

Go and grab all the weapons you can find.

You want to take him down tonight?

He'll be dust...

by dawn... Ha!

- Stop faffing. Hurry up, Renfield.
- Yes, Master.

Right, right... Pack this, leave that. Burn these, sell those.

- Who's this?
- Don't know.

Well, I'm sorry but you didn't make the cut. Bon voyage!

We're staying.

The vultures are circling. It's time to take YOU off the menu.

- The slayers know our location.
- I can handle the slayers.

- What about Ingrid, hmm?
- She and her g*ng won't be a problem.

I'll use the power of the Praedictum Impaver to control all vampires.

You need living blood to reveal the text but you won't hurt breathers.

No blood, no power. Get packing.

There's no choice. I'll have to get blood from a breather.

I think we have just what we need right here.

- They're going to make me a vampire.

- Excellent.
- To the training room, we need to get to the book.



Huh! He likes you and your blood.

- Ingrid.
- We should have left her to rot in Stokely.

- Leopard spots - I'll say no more.
- No eternal life for you, Renfield.

Master, a promise is a promise.

Do something useful. Find Bertrand,

- tell him his precious book's been stolen.
- No. I'll find Bertrand.

- You'll go with Bones, see if you can track down the book.
- OK.

Your blood can unlock the power of the Praedictum Impaver.

We can't let Ingrid get her hands on you.

- Don't let him out of your sight.
- Right.

I won't leave the Master's side.

You made a good start when you cut your finger in the book.

- But you weren't there.
- Oh, something Vlad said.

If it wasn't for her, you'd have no text in your precious book.

I put two and two together and got you.

Now I need more blood to reveal the rest.

Vlad had his chance, but he was weak, falling for a breather like you.

It's time for a change of leadership.

You and whose army?

I don't need an army, just the power from the book and a few old friends.

They'll be here soon, so shall we?






Too bad they won't be here to see you reveal the text.

- Everyone will think Vlad did it.
- You're right.



Don't go anywhere.

Untie me before Bertrand gets back.

I'll free you when Ingrid's taken over and Vlad's no more.

Don't let Ingrid drag you down with her.

- Are you OK?
- Oh!
- Where's Bertrand?
- He's gone to get his followers.

- We don't have long.
- Where's the book?
- Ryan took it for Ingrid.

You must get out of here. Run, don't look back.

Last time you said that, I got kidnapped by Bertrand.

- I think I'm safer sticking with you.
- It's a vampire fight.

You used to be a slayer, remember?

Come on.

Get out of my way, you fool.

I'm thirsty. Go and uncork me a duke.

But, Master, Vlad said we had to stick together.


Good work, Ryan. What a lovely gift.

So fresh blood opens the book.

I have to unlock the power before Vlad or Bertrand find us.

Fetch me Renfield...


So Ingrid has the book and the tutor turns traitor.

I should have known he couldn't be trusted.

What kind of name is Bertrand, with his rolling Rs and wavy hair?

We need to teach him a lesson.

Hey, Ingrid's hiding in the assembly hall.

- She's going to kidnap Renfield for his blood.
- You were

- supposed to be guarding him.
- All this excitement made me thirsty.

You find Renfield, we'll go get the book. Come on.


Oh, poo!



Can you make for our base? Over.

'We're pinned down.

'They came out of nowhere, headed for the school. Over.'

How many are there? Over.

'I can't tell, they're moving too fast.

'Look out, he's right behind you! Man down! Man down!

'We're not going to make it. Aggh!'

What is your exact position? We're coming to help you. Over.


What is your position? Do you read me? Over.

'Go home, slayers. You cannot defeat us.'


We can't launch another attack on the school, just the two of us.

- What else are we going to do?
- We can choose to live to fight another day.

What, and let Vlad get away? Not on my watch.

I'm going in.

Good to see you, brothers.

- Safe trip?
- We met some slayers on the way.

- It was a good warm-up.
- Everything's ready.

I've the Praedictum Impaver and a breather.

Then lead on. The future is waiting to be written.


I should have caught her blood on the book when I'd the chance.

If she gets the book to Vlad, this is going to be a wasted trip.

Not if we find her first.


Welcome to my little book club.

I think you'll enjoy reading this.

It's a cut above the rest.

No, I'm not really into hardbacks, I prefer comics.

Ow! Ow-w!

It opened for Erin.

- What has she got that Renfield hasn't?
- Cleanliness.

Erin's got slayers' blood.

It must be slayers' blood that opens the book.

Oh, that's the cat's favourite. I've got it in me... Oh.

They've got someone surrounded.


Someone's been busy making new friends.

Looks like we both have.

- She has the Praedictum Impaver.
- Back off!

It's mine!


I thought you'd changed.

And I thought YOU were his trusted teacher.

Guess you can't judge a book by its cover.

Evil minds think alike.

- Give that back!

The last page. It's blank.

We need more slayers' blood.

We had the last drop.

There's no more to be had.


- Perfect timing.
- Hand over the book.

- Hand over Erin.
- The book needs slayers' blood.

- Stay back!

- Or we'll destroy the lot of you.
- Prepare to be ashed. Now, Jonno!

We think we've run out of slayers' blood

- and then three come along at once.
- Grab them!

- Stay!

It's OK. They can't enter unless we invite them in,

- so we'll be safe.
- Come to me.


Back off, bookworms.

"I, Sethius, am...the power of the Praedictum Impaver.

"Now I have all the blood I need...

"..I can make my return."


(I don't know.)






Not expecting that.

That feels good.

I thought I was never getting out of there.

What century is this and where am I?

- st century.
- England.

I am Sethius, chosen one.

You can't be here.

Vlad is the chosen one.


- Are you calling me a liar?
- No!


- Anyone else want crushing?
- Let him go!

Make me.


You've got guts.

Schoolgirls and scoundrels all lining up to take a bite out of you.

- You could wipe them out with a swipe of your hand.
- I doubt that.

Let's work together, you and me.

I think we can knock this sorry lot into shape.

What do you say?

Put it here, blood brother.

Now, who's going to give Sethius the grand tour?

- It'll be my pleasure.
- But probably not yours. I'll show you.

Stop kissing my coffin. You can both do it.

I'll be the rose between two thorns.


- This way, sire.
- Don't you mean, "Your Majesty"?

- Or Your Eminence, if you prefer.
- Yes, something like that.

- Are you OK?
- The only thing he injured is my pride.

Who knows what he'll do next time. he's got bats in his belfry.

- We need to play for time.
- Why wait? Let's finish him now.
- He's a maniac,

but he's not stupid. We need to take him by surprise.

I'll need you to build me a sun-catcher,

and I'll keep him occupied till the sun comes up

and then we can make our move.

Goodbye, old friend. Parting is such sweet sorrow,

except in this case where it's, "Good riddance,

"you back-breaking lump of oak!"

I mean, would a cushion have been too much to ask?

Sorry, Master, my sincere...apologies.

I will procure for you a coffin

lined with the finest velvet in all the land.

"In all the land"(?)

Who are you, Hans Christian Andersen?!

Don't listen to his fairy tales.

How does a custom-fitted coffin with a built-in blood dispenser sound?

You deserve grandeur. Hand-carved mahogany with gold fittings.

What about some new clothes?

As annoying as you two are, it would be helpful for my plans

if I didn't have to eviscerate you just yet.

Come on... Come on.

You're going to have to come out of there sooner or later,

as I'm pretty sure your strange little igloo

doesn't have an en suite.

- Let's go and wipe out the nearest town.
- Great idea. about we have a little competition,

see which one of us is the most powerful chosen one,

who's got the biggest fireballs?

You really want to be humiliated in front of this lot?

Can you beat that?

I think we've found our winner.

Let's stop messing about and play a proper game, shall we?

- Your turn.
- I could dust everyone in this room if I wanted to.


But not as impressive as this.


- Why did you do that?
- Cos I can.

I'm only just getting started.

I have a vision of the future, a vision of the perfect vampire world,

and I'm here to make it come true.

I will lead us in a w*r against breathers

and we'll bite every last one. With our food all gone,

we'll fight one another and anarchy will reign supreme.

The ultimate state of evil will have been achieved.


You're crazy.

That's what the old vampires thought in my day,

so they locked me up in the book,

but now I'm out and the fun can begin.

Yes, you've taken pop-up books to a whole new level.

- I know something.

You bore me.


The Count will stay like that forever

to remind you I'm in charge around here.

Now, who's with me?

I said, "Who's with me?"


- Good. Let's start planning the attack.

Renfield, do something!

Yes, Master.

Wolfie, I invented a formula for a rematerialisation spray,

but I need your help.

- Come on.
- You're weird.
- Yeah, you're half-vampire, half-werewolf.

Let's stop with the name-calling.

- Did it work?
- Don't know. Never tried it before.

We have to mix the liquids at the same time,

- otherwise...
- Otherwise?
- will explode.

Start here and bite our way south.

It will be fun watching them scrambling for the boats,

crawling over each trying to escape.

Some of them may get away, but most of them will fall to our fangs.

It's nearly sunrise. If we can keep him busy till first light at six,

we can let Mother Nature take him down.

But how are you going to get him outside?

I'm not. I'm bringing the sunshine in.

At dawn, a shaft of light will hit the school crest here.

But how are you going to get Sethius to be on this exact spot

at that exact time?

Many fangs make light work.

Numbers greater than the stars in the sky spreading out

across the land...

I'm not like Sethius.

I want vampires and humans to live together in peace.

Is this what you want - carnage and chaos?

You tried that in Stokely and look how that ended.

You can help him with his masterplan and everyone dies

or you can help me.

We need blood but this is the st century.

We can set up blood banks to feed vampires all over the world,

no more biting and no more slaying.

You want power, not annihilation.

Work with me and I'll give you the status you've always craved.

Are you really going to stop Sethius?

I'm going to try. Are you with me?

Your choice.


We're in.

Tell us what you need us to do.

..a symphony of slaughter, a concerto of chaos,

an opera of apocalypse.


Well done, boys. Now let's get out of here without making a sound.

Yes, Master. Do you think he's heard me?

Do you want to tell him or shall I?

- Ow!

Most ingenious.

You and your inventive little freaks might come in handy

- for taking over the world.

Stick around and await my orders.

- All in position.
- Thanks, Renfield. Remember,

wait for my signal.


My dear Sethius,

my family would like to show our support

for your vision to create anarchy

by presenting you with your first breather to bite.

- No, Vlad, please let me go.
- Take her as a token of our respect.

Well, this is more like it.

Was it really necessary for all that unpleasantness?

We're finally on the same page.

The one here that says I have the power.

And I think it was your blood that filled in the first page...

here, so it's only fitting that you're the first one to go.


Every story has a beginning and every breather has an ending.



Did you really think I was so stupid?

No-one beats Sethius.



Wolfie, we did it!


Hello? Hello?

Is someone in pain?

Is everybody all right?

I heard screaming. What happened? What are you all doing here?

Sorry for the mess, Miss McCauley. We had a little impromptu gathering.

People normally have campfires outside.

It won't happen again, I promise you.

Well, if it does, you'd better invite me.

It's a date.


So, you've finally come round to my way of thinking,

living peacefully with breathers.

Not likely.

Well, perhaps, maybe.

And can we try and get along as a family for the next, say, years?

With me as the head, obviously.

Er, I thought you said we'd share the power.

What I actually said was that I'd give you the status you deserve...

That would be equal to a swamp rat, then.

..a top position as my number two.

She can't. You're my number two. So she's number three.

- No way am I number three.
- Oh, this is going to be a long years.

Vlad, no biting.

No slaying.

No fun then.