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04x07 - Sneakers

Posted: 10/09/21 05:04
by bunniefuu

[ANT-MAN] Ah. Another day at the office.

Lights are on, but no one's home?




That's one doozy of a security drone.


Uh, Avengers, I'm responding
to a distress call

from somebody trapped
on the th floor.

But the place looks completely locked down.
No life readings anywhere.

if you require assistance,

we can reach your coordinates
in . minutes.

Thanks, Vision.
But nothing here I can't handle.

I'll call you if I need help.


Oh, what do we have here?
Somebody's eyelash?

Or nose hair?


And with my luck,
it's probably a nose hair.


Quality rubber band.

This place gets
the nice office supplies.


Oh! Whoop!


Man, I'm good.

Distress call came from around here.

But the inner doors won't open
unless I shut down security.



This place is not kidding around.

Most advanced security setup
I've ever seen.


DNA scan?
You don't want my DNA.

Here, computer.
Take this one instead.

[CHUCKLING] Hey, I didn't die.


Panther statues?
An old-world map?

This is all stuff from Wakanda.

Black Panther, someone stole a bunch
of your stuff and put it here.

But don't worry. I'm on it.
As soon as I find...

[TRILLING] This is a
top-secret Wakandan building

guarded by our most advanced security.

- How did you get in here?
- By, uh, being me?


Something is wrong.

The building's wired to blow! But
don't worry. I think I've got th...

Well, that's a first. Instead of
the Avengers saving the world,

the world saved the Avengers.

[BLACK PANTHER] We must go to Wakanda.

There is no time to stop
back at the mansion.

I will be in Wakanda shortly.

Prepare for my arrival.


Oh, come on. You know I'm not
a thief anymore. I'm a hero.

You were trespassing
inside my building.

Yeah, I admit it.
That sounds bad.

The individual who faked that
distress call used your skills.

Now they know how to defeat
the national security

of Wakanda itself, thanks to you.

Okay, I messed up.
But how was I supposed to know?

The building didn't exactly say
"Wakanda" on the outside.

Why would I advertise
Wakanda on the building?

People need not know
about Wakandan matters,

nor take advantage of them.

I prefer to keep things discreet.

You and me both. I'd rather people
not know I used to be a thief,

and that I was the one
who cracked your security,

and that I got played like a sucker.

Look, I'm sorry about all this.

Hmm. Apology accepted.

But you would be wise to stay
quiet about what you did.

In Wakanda, the penalties
for your actions would be bad.

Bad, like... death?

Worse than death.


I can never tell
if you're joking or not.



[BLACK PANTHER] There have been no reports
of intruders within Wakandan borders.

If we hurry, we may prevent your
mistake from becoming a disaster.


Ooh. Are those
tamper-resistant cameras?

You ask me questions like that, and you
wonder why people still see you as a thief.

Hey, I'm not gonna
break in to your palace.

I'm not that guy anymore. You
know, every day, [WHIRRING]

- I fight like crazy to prove...
- Get down!

Okay, sorry I mentioned it!

What? The system
has been compromised.

Can you turn it off?

We will have to shut it down...








Yes! Very good.

Your efforts are most entertaining,

but ultimately futile.

We aim to please.

So, just who is it that we're pleasing?

Baron Zemo.

The Avengers have dealt
with him before.

Zemo's father once attempted
to invade Wakanda,

but he was thwarted
by my father, King T'Chaka.

His father failed, as will Zemo.


I am not my father.
I am his better.

And I have been vastly more successful.

Thanks to Ant-Man, I now control not
only your palace security systems,

but those for your entire nation.

You will know defeat, and you
will know my true genius.

Now watch as Wakandan security
carries out my orders.

The drones are headed for the city!


That is some serious road rage.

Please, clear the area
as expediently as possible.

Hey, you heard the king! Everybody run
for the hills as fast as you can!





You hungry?
Have a knuckle sandwich!


Black Panther built these
security drones to be tough.

But they're not indestructible.


I am loathe to destroy
my workmanship...


but they were due
for an upgrade anyway.

[ANT-MAN] Hey! Over here!

Thousand bonus points
if you hit the Ant-Man!




Uh-oh. End of the road.

I was lying about the bonus points.

But you knew that, right?




Ant-Man, hold on!


I'm... calling in...
the air... cavalry!



Oh, I thought I was a goner there.

It could still happen.

This final drone is completely
out of control.

It will not be as easy
as the others to defeat.

Wait. You call
those other ones easy?


Get one of your throwing
blade thingies ready.

Don't miss.


Man, how does he have such perfect aim?




That was highly impressive.

I'm just full of surprises.

[BLACK PANTHER] All security
systems are offline,

and Baron Zemo has managed
to elude the Dora Milaje.

What could Zemo be after?

The palace is filled
with rare Vibranium,

advanced technology, immense treasures.

Your Highness, we have found something.


Heavy-duty door.

Maintain watch up here.

We do not want any more
unpleasant surprises.

The current Wakandan palace lies above
the ruins of the former palace,

which was fashioned directly over
our original Vibranium mines.

The mines are off limits
by order of my father.

There are ancient traps everywhere.

Proceed with caution.

So, what's down there
that's so important?

I do not know. My father
never told me the secret.

The bigger the secrets,
the bigger the trouble.


Huh. "Proceed with caution."


Zemo's dad tried to attack Wakanda.

What did Zemo Sr. want?

He was seeking something
of great power.

That was all my father told me.

Oh. Wait. Wait.
See this?

Perfect place for a trap.

See how the chamber narrows?

Called it!

Do I know my stuff, or do
I know my st... [YELLS]







You sure these traps are ancient?

They look kind of cutting edge.


Oh, come on. "Cutting edge"?
That doesn't get a laugh?

Scott, I can tolerate your bad
jokes, and I am at peace with that,

but please do not
ask me to laugh at them.

Well, okay.
Since you said "please."


The entire gauntlet
is a near perfect match

to the myth of the curious jackal,

a Wakandan folktale,
which would mean...

Follow my lead.


[ANT-MAN] I don't know
your curious jackal myth,

but I guess it ends
with a giant crocodile,

like that one there?

Yes, but it does not make sense.

All these death traps...

How did Baron Zemo get beyond all of this?

Alas, I did not.

Instead, I have been following you,

permitting you to disarm the
traps and lead me to my prize.

supposed to be only a myth...

the Amulet of the Crocodile Spirit.

And to think decades ago,

our fathers battled
over this very amulet.



So powerful and unpredictable that
it nearly destroyed them both.

The only way to save themselves
was to work together,

to overcome the amulet
with the power of a Wakandan

and an outsider combined.

My father never told me any of this.

What is it with Wakandans
and keeping secrets?

It's like a national pastime
or something.

Our fathers agreed to a truce and
left it here, never to be used again.

But I am stronger.

I will harness its power
where my father failed.

- [ANT-MAN] You never said "thanks."
- What?

Come on, Baron Zemo.
I got you into Wakanda.

I got you into here.
You used me twice.

Least you could do
is say "thank you."

Oh. Yes.
Where are my manners?

Please, allow me to express
my deepest gratitude.




No! The amulet is mine!


According to the myth,

no one can control
the evil crocodile spirit.

It will feed off your desire for power,

twist you, control you.

It dominates weaker beings.

Not me. Not Zemo.




[ANT-MAN] I have this sudden
urge to run away screaming.

What is happening?

The crocodile spirit has
overtaken Zemo's body and mind,

taking the worst parts of him,
transforming him into a monster.





He is somehow
controlling the Vibranium.


But unable to control himself.





Oh, boy.



It's one thing taking on
something that size,

another thing when he's that strong.

You once were able
to grow to that size.

No! I mean, I used to go
giant, but not anymore.

It got ugly bad.

Besides, I've got an idea.
Come on!





If we can't hit Zemo,
we hit the amulet.

I'm gonna try and get it away from him.

Do it.
I will draw his attention.



Zemo! Down here!
Do you see me?


I think he sees me.





This isn't going
how I thought it would.






According to the myth,

unstable energies
are building within Zemo.

If Zemo is unable
to control the energies,

he could combust,
taking the entire city with him.

I know your dad didn't
tell you about the amulet,

but is there something
we can do against it?

- Is there a weakness?
- If there is, I do not know it.

Of course.
No one tells anyone anything,

because they don't wanna lose face.

You used to be able to grow giant.

If you could match Zemo's size,
that could make the difference.

When I go giant, I pass out.

Then I wake up drooling. I don't
even know if I can do it anymore.

I see. You do not wish
to lose face.

We do not have much time. If you
can still do it, do it quickly.

Here goes nothing.





You cannot control it.

Your hunger for its power will destroy
you and thousands of innocents.


No, Black Panther.

See how I wield the power,
how it belongs to me!


Your suit is made of Vibranium.

Now I control the Vibranium,
which means I control you!




[ANT-MAN] Oh, Zemo!




I'm here to tell jokes and kick butt.

And I'm all out of jokes.

Thank goodness.










- Try to entangle him!
- Oh, easy for you to say.

No excuses.
You can do this, Scott.





T'Challa, I'm losing it!
I can't hold him!




What Zemo said...

Scott, I cannot do this alone!

This requires a Wakandan
and an outsider together!

Grab the amulet! Hurry!

We are out of time!









Can you hear me?


Huh? Wh-What? Huh?

Hey, buddy, I, uh, found your thing.


Don't tell anyone I drooled, okay?

Come on, guys. Careful.

That stuff's expensive. I got
a reputation to look out for.


[VISION] We received
your most recent file.

I believe this is
the most detailed report

you've ever submitted from Wakanda.

Well, in the past,
I had reason to keep information

within Wakandan borders.

But I am through
with keeping too many secrets.

Ah, too many secrets,
too many problems.

Inform the other Avengers we will
be in Wakanda for a few more days.

Ant-Man is helping me repair
and redesign national security.

Is that wise? After
all, he is an ex-felon.

Hey! Come on, man!


And now even the android's
making fun of me.

I so don't deserve this.

You never did tell me
what you did with the amulet.

I put it somewhere safe.
Somewhere only I know.

Ah. You are not
going to tell me?

Whatever happened to "too many
secrets, too many problems"?

Nope, not tellin' anyone.


Eh, I'll tell you later.