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04x15 - The Eye of Agamotto (Part 1)

Posted: 10/09/21 05:09
by bunniefuu


- Nothing here.
- Keep looking.




Hand me your scanner.

Are you even listening to me?

- Huh?
- Hi, my name's Hawkeye.

I would ask you your name,
but, honestly, I don't care. [grunts]


I think they know we're here.

[all grunt]


Heads-up, Captain Marvel.

Gonna go ahead and assume

there's something important
they want in here.

Bizarre energy readings
off the boxes when we came in.

I'm guessing supernatural.

Great. Hydra's trading
high tech for hocus-pocus.

Uh, Falcon, can you move your
head a little to the left?

[soldiers yell]


So SHIELD has a secret warehouse
filled with magic wands and stuff?

Yeah, something like that.

- I hate magic.
- Hydra wizards.

That's not a nightmare
waiting to happen. [blow lands]

[soldier grunts]

[soldiers grunt]

[Cpt. America] It's not gonna happen.
Not on our watch.


[communicator chiming]

[all grunting]


[communicator chiming]

This is the Black Panther.
What is it? [grunts]

You are correct. I am out
of the kingdom at the moment.

I will send instructions
as soon as I can.

Oh, I'm sorry.
Are we boring you?

[scanner beeping]

- There it is!
- You two, drop the crate!

[both laugh]

- The talisman is ours.
- Hail Hydra!

[both straining]

[both yell]


[both yell]

I hate magic!

[Avengers straining]

[straining intensifies]





[straining continues]


We need to close that chest!


- Captain Marvel!
- Got it!


Whoa, whoa!

- I got you, Hawkeye.
- They're gone.

They covered their
getaway with that distraction.

Um, if this was a distraction,

then what did Hydra actually steal?

[Shuri on communicator]
I don't care what Hydra stole.

Big brother, you promised me
you'd send the files.

I came back from Oxford
early and find our

country in disarray
because you're not here.

You're off fighting a Red Skull...
whatever that is.

Shuri, I am King of Wakanda,

but I have responsibilities
to the Avengers as well.

And what should Wakanda do while
you run around playing superhero?

No one can do everything.
Not even you.

If you would just give me authority,

I could handle things here
while you... [chuckling]

I understand our country needs me.

I will make sure to give it my
full attention when I get back.

Come on.
We have a lead on Hydra.

This is what I'm talking about.

How can you do anything here

when there's always another
emergency to take care of?

- I must go now. Say hi to everyone for me.
- What? T'Challa!

Is everything...
Okay then.

We dug through the confiscated gear.

Turns out one of the
Hydra dummies used their

communicator to take
pictures of his food.

- We were able to extract GPS locations.
- These are the potential

hideouts where
Hydra could've taken the artifact.

Do we know what it was
they took from the warehouse?

Thanks to Hurricane Hydra,

they're having a hard time
cataloging all the artifacts.

They don't know yet
what got taken.

Whatever it was,
it was something magic.

- Have I mentioned that I hate...
- Yes. You have.

Several times.

We'll split into teams
to cover more ground.

Captain Marvel, you're with Falcon.
Hawkeye, with Ant-Man.

- Black Panther, you're with me.
- I will be fine on my own.

And you'll even be better
with backup.

[Cpt. America] I couldn't help
overhearing your conversation.

I appreciate the concern,
Captain America,

but as King of Wakanda,
there are demands on me.

I do not expect you to understand.

I don't know much
about being a king,

but I know a little bit
about being a symbol.

Sometimes people can forget
there's just a guy in there.

And as impressive a guy
as you are, Panther,

you can't be in two places at once.

- Your sister has a point.
- She has valid concerns.

But the good of Wakanda
is my responsibility.

I cannot force my burden on another.
Especially my baby sister.

We are here. Hong Kong.

We are approaching our destination.
The building is heavily fortified.

Sensors and weapons on every floor.

Sounds like a Hydra base to me.

Your jet's camouflaged.
Wouldn't it be easier just to land?

It could hover.


But where is the fun in that?

This is definitely a Hydra base.
But why is it so empty?

[cries out]

Hold on, Captain America!







[straining continues]





More fun than running
a country, huh?

- This is not fun. It is duty.
- Right.

[communicator chiming]

Not now.


Captain America, your shield!



Was that your sister calling again?

She will be most upset
when she reaches my voice mail.

[man speaking in foreign language]

An unusual-looking Hydra agent.

Baron Mordo,
master of dark magic.

He's known to take on
contract work for Hydra.

[Baron Mordo] Black Panther
and Captain America.

You've come to pay respects
to the Talisman of Kaluu?

Alas, I was not expecting guests.

We didn't mean to crash your party.

Oh, but I am the only one here.

It's not really a party until...
there are more guests.

[evil laughter]

[electronic humming]

[electronic humming continues]

Mindless ones, I command thee.

Destroy the Avengers!

[electronic humming]

[both grunt]


[electronic humming]



[electronic humming]





We won't last long
if they keep coming.

Ignore them.
Go for Baron Mordo!

[both grunt]

The talisman will usher in
a new era of dark magic...

an era ruled by me.

Pity you won't be alive to witness it.

[speaking in foreign language]


Incoming magic!

[both grunt]

[both yell, grunt]

I told you my jet could hover.

Good thing, too.
He's gone.

[Black Panther] Baron Mordo's
magic leaves a distinct signature.

It should lead us to him
and the stolen talisman.

Still amazes me that
Wakandan tech can track magic.

Magic is just science
we do not understand yet.

[Cpt. America] That doesn't
make Hawkeye hate it any less,

or me trust it.

Scanners are showing an area
below the island.

That is where we
will find Baron Mordo.


Hmm. If I was Baron Mordo
with all that dark magic,

I wouldn't hide behind a door.

I would hide behind an illusion.

We are being followed.

[yells, gasps]

- Shuri!
- No one sends me to voice mail.

What are you doing here?
And how did you find me?

You aren't the only
one who knows how to use

- Wakandan tech, big brother.
- Go home.

This is not the time or the place.

What about your place?

You should be
in Wakanda being king,

not running around
playing superhero.

If you're staying, I'm staying...
Your Majesty.

[Captain America clears throat]

Apologies, Captain America.
Allow me to introduce Shuri.

Multiple PhDs
in science and philosophy,

expert statesman,
a respected academic,

leader in Wakandan
technology advancement...

- It's an honor...
- ...head of the Wakandan School

of Alternative Studies,
Princess of Wakanda, and...

- little baby sister.
- It's an honor to meet you.

Your brother hasn't
mentioned you before,

but then...
he doesn't talk much.

Oh? We thought he just
acted that way in Wakanda.

We need to find Baron Mordo
and the talisman.

Do not get in our way.


You tracked us all the way here.
That's pretty impressive.

My brother, T'Challa, isn't
as stealthy as he thinks he is.

- Well, he's clearly very proud of you.
- No, he's not.

No matter how many degrees
and awards I earn,

- he only ever sees me as his baby sister.
- Careful.

This is surely not the only trap.

We must be cautious.
Stay behind me.

I have a better solution.


The latest in Wakandan technology.

Honestly, big brother, if all of
your Avengers missions are this easy,

you should've made it back
to Wakanda weeks ago.

A fancy bracelet is no
substitute for experience.

You're only saying that
because you don't have one.

I can definitely see
the family resemblance.

Why does she not listen?
She is going to get herself k*lled.

[Shuri] Found another one!

I somehow doubt that.


- The energy readings are highest here.
- Well, I should hope so.

Welcome to my inner sanctum.

We didn't want to keep
you waiting, Baron Mordo.

On the contrary. You're just in
time to witness the main event.

[all grunting]


[grunting, straining]



I have fully unlocked
the Talisman of Kaluu,

allowing me to tap into energies

across all dimensions
of light and darkness.

In my hands,
it will do wonderful things.

Wonderful, terrible things.



[strains, grunts]

But why tell you about its power

when I can demonstrate?
[both grunt]

[grunts, pants]




I am the master of dark
magic unlea... [grunts]





[wind howling]



[wind continues howling]

I wonder...
what would you be

without that legendary
strength and agility?

Black Panther!

[crying out]
[Shuri] Captain!


[Black Panther] Oh, no!


[grunts, groans]

[grunting weakly]


Baron Mordo,

the most powerful dark
magician in the universe.

And now I have the body to match.

[evil laughter]

[straining, panting]

Not nearly as impressive
without this body,

are you, Captain America?

Baron Mordo drained
the strength right out of him.




[laughs, grunts]

[grunts, groans]

I am sorry, Captain.
This is my fault.

I think it's safe to go ahead

and blame the guy with the staff,
and my muscles.

Shuri, stay with Captain America.

Mordo is mine.

I could wipe you off
the face of the planet

with a bare touch of my dark magic.

But I have this new body.

I should give it a good,
thorough test.

[Black Panther] The only thing you'll
be getting is a good, thorough thrashing!

[both grunting]



Some people spend a lifetime
to gain a body like this.

I merely had to steal it.

- Much nicer. [grunts]
- You hit my brother.

Nobody hits my brother
except me!

You'll share his fate!


[grunts weakly]


- Up and at 'em, soldier.
- Baron Mordo's too strong.

I'm not sure how I can stop him.

You can't defeat him.
But we can.






[both grunting]

- Shuri...
- No, I'm not going to let

- you fight him yourself.
- That is good,

because I need you to figure
out a way to stop the talisman.

How am I supposed to do that?

If anyone can do it, you can.

[grunting continues]

Why even try to fight, Captain?

Your strength belongs to me.

It's not about
having the muscles.

It's about knowing
how to use them.

[both grunting]

Pull up all research materials
on magical energies,

magical frequencies,
and the science behind sorcery.

Only the hard stuff.
None of that easy beginner junk.

[both grunting]

You Avengers may be able
to take a punch,

but no one can withstand
the full fury

of the dimensions
of light and darkness!

[both grunting, yelling]

Come on.

[both yell]

By the Vishanti,

your time on this plane
of existence is over!


- What?
- [Shuri] Pretty great, right?

I hacked into the talisman
and rewrote the code.

See, all magic is,

is just science we don't
understand yet...

- until we do.
- Huh?


[both grunting]

This is for trying to end our
time on the plane of... [grunts]



[staff clangs on ground]

By the power of Kaluu!
What have you done?


Not like this.

Not like this!


It's good to be back.

I could not defeat
Baron Mordo myself.

No man can do everything alone.
You were right.

Did King T'Challa, the mighty
Black Panther and know-it-all

big brother, just admit
that his sister was right?

And next, you'll tell me you're
coming home to rule Wakanda.

No. I am not coming home.
I am not needed.

You have more than
proven yourself capable

- of making decisions in my absence.
- You're serious?

I don't have to wait around
for you to approve everything?

I cannot do it all.

Now I see that I do not have to.

[grunts softly]


And I can see that the world
needs Black Panther.

I'll take care of Wakanda.
I'll leave the magic,

sorcery, and supervillains to you.

This isn't over!



I need your help.

You must take me
to the one called...

Doctor Strange.

[dramatic music]