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04x18 - Underworld

Posted: 10/09/21 05:10
by bunniefuu

[THOR] Loki?

Hello, Avengers.

You're looking well, I see.

Now, I know we haven't
always gotten along,

but I thought I would
come by and... [GRUNTS]

Listen to me!

I only came to talk!


Gonna smash you good!


Another one of your tricks, Loki?

I'm not here to fight.

I'm here to join you.

The being you call the Beyonder
is a brilliant alien scientist,

but one without ethics or scruples.

What you're telling us fits
with what we already know.

But why are you helping us?

Because the Beyonder took apart
Asgard to build his Battleworld.

I thought he would ruin Earth,
but he took my home.

He double-crossed me.

Yeah. Wonder what
that feels like?

Yes, but he did it to me!

Nice to see you, by the way, Iron Man.

Did you enjoy a nice vacation?


Not yet.

Beyonder wants to study
the people he took from Earth,

from Asgard, from across the
universe and other dimensions.

- What do you think, Thor?
- We cannot trust my brother.

That has been proven over and over.

But now my Asgard...

Asgard is not yours!

[SCOFFS] My Asgard

and all the nine realms are at stake.

I've seen the error of my ways.

Please, you must believe me.


Thor is right.

It makes absolutely no sense
to work with Loki,

but we're gonna have to anyway.


Loki says Beyonder
double-crossed him,

which means he knows more than
we do about the situation.

A lot more.

If Loki is stuck here with us,
then he can help us.

This way lies madness!
We cannot trust Loki!

Hold on.
We're not trusting him.

But if he's offering to help,
then we're going to use him.

Like it or not.

Avengers Assemble!

Ohh. Terribly sorry.
I was caught up in the moment.

Why does my brother
get to sit inside, up front,

while I'm back here with you?

'Cause your brother
ain't a super-villain.

Now shut up.


Are we there yet? Can't we
just fly to where we gotta go?

Beyonder's not the only bad guy
roaming Battleworld.

We'll be harder to spot
if we stay on the ground.

How do we know Loki
isn't leading us into a trap?

For all we know, he could be
working for the Beyonder.

Oh, please. Fine.

Let's clear the air, shall we?

I confess I gave
the Beyonder information.

I was the one who told the Beyonder
about Earth in the first place.

But that is all. I'm not working with him.
That would be ridiculous.

You were the one who told
the Beyonder about Earth?

That does it! I'm gonna smash him and
turn him inside out! [MUFFLED SHOUTING]

Don't make me come back there.

Loki's helping us.

If he steps out of line,
then you can smash him.



Anyone want to switch seats?

Picking up a signal, but it's weak.
Hard to get a location fix.

We're getting closer.
I can sense it.

That way!

Hmm. Huh?

Uh, guys?

We have to work fast.
Earth is still out there,

but with missing pieces
ripped out of it.

If we don't fix everything, we won't
have a home planet to go back to.

Earth, Asgard... all will crumble.

[THOR] Impossible.

'Tis New York City!

Most of Battleworld is like this...

mixed together by the Beyonder
with no rhyme or reason.

[FAINT RUMBLING] It's time again.
We gotta go.

Quick, get inside!
Get inside! All of you!


The Avengers?

What are you doing?
Get off the street!




- Rock trolls, from Nidavellir.
- Well, they're not mine.

The Beyonder put your city with the
rock trolls, not me. Blame him!




These trolls are just
mindless smashers. Aah!

Hulk smashing is more nuanced,
with charm and social commentary.

Yeah. Hulk puts thought
behind punches.



These trolls are nearly unbreakable.

This will not be easy.


You're fighting them?
Pray tell, why?

Just let them destroy
and be done with it.

Because we are Avengers.

We save people.




"Save people"?
What a bizarre concept.

Come on!
Gotta be some setting

or tweak or mod that'll do the job.


Forget tech! Just use brute strength.

Now I'm taking advice from the Hulk?


Hulk gives good advice.

[LOKI] I could use some assistance!



Dumb rocks!
This'll learn ya!

Hey, where do you think you're going?

Take this with ya!



Loki, what are you up to?

I want to try something.

I'm learning here. Be patient. I haven't
been an Avenger as long as you have.

You are not an Avenger!

Ooh, hit a bit of a nerve, have I?

Now, be a good jealous brother
and help me.



Thor, now!





I did well, didn't I?

You almost acted like a hero.

A hero? Ugh! You just had
to ruin my moment, didn't you?

[HULK] Still more trolls left.

[WOMAN] Forget them!

You have to get off the street!

The mist is coming.


By Odin's beard!


[IRON MAN] Uh-oh. Can't go that way.

There! Inside there!

Away from the doors!

So what exactly was that?

This makes no sense.

It's like the mist shredded the trolls
to pieces, then melted the pieces.

This evil mist
holds the people c*ptive.

We must stay and properly defend them!

Are you mad?
We're not here for that.

It's not important to save your humans.

What is important is that we
find what we are looking for.

Loki's right.

What? [IRON MAN] Your brother's right.

Thor, once we stop the Beyonder,

we can send these people back to Earth.

We can save everybody.

How do we know Loki is not
responsible for the mist,

or the rock trolls?

Why would I do that?

Battleworld was put together
by the Beyonder.

He is the guilty party.
All I am trying to do

is help find the...


[SIGHS] I'm sorry. It's very
difficult to concentrate

on defending my integrity with
Hulk looking at me like that.



Hello there, Miss...

Call me Elsa.

Well, Miss Call Me Elsa,
we're new in town.

What can you tell us about what's
been happening here? Wish I knew.

There was a big flash of light.
Next thing you know, we're here,

trapped by the mist that comes from
the cavern inside the mountain.

What we seek isn't in the city.

It must be deeper below.

Cavern is... that way?

I'll take you there.

We cannot avoid the issue at hand.

I know.
When this is over,

I gotta ask Elsa
if she's seeing anybody.

This is more important
than your next date.

Says you. A woman like
that is... [GROANS]

You were saying?
Issue at hand?

Loki. I've always
tried to help him,

in case he ever truly
had a change of heart.

I've long given up hope
that Loki will ever change.

You can't fix other people.

When someone like your brother
is flailing,

it's not your job
to rescue them from themselves.

It's your job to be there for them when
they're ready to get their life together.

When I was lost in another dimension,

I never lost hope
in the people I care about.

Don't you lose hope, Thor.

Sometimes hope is all we've got.

You know, I can hear both of you.




Stop that!
Make me.

[SCOFFS] That is not fair.
If I do that,

you'll just use that
as an excuse to hit me!

Loki raised his voice at me.
Now do I get to smash him?



The tunnel!
It's not just the tunnel.

The entire mountain is coming down!

We're not gonna make it.


Yes, we are!




Bracing it!
Not sure for how long!

Get Elsa somewhere safe!

Sensors show a stable section this way!
Twenty meters!

Well, I made a dent.


Party's over!
Everybody out!


Look at you.

You're not that strong, are you, Hulk?

Why, I bet I'm even stronger than you.

Loki, Hulk, hurry!


Quiet, you!
All that talk

about how you're
the strongest there is.

But you couldn't hurt a fly, could you,

little green kitty-cat?

Mew! Mew!

Hulk is not a kitty-cat!

I'm not frightened of you,
big green baby!

Gonna... smash... you...

into... tiny... pieces!

Ooh! You want to smash me?

Well, what's stopping you?



We're alive!

I'm dead.

You did that on purpose.

You knew making me mad
makes me stronger.

And you're not going
to smash me, right?

I might.
We're here.

There it is!

[THOR] The Bifrost! [ELSA] What's that?

The Bifrost allows people to travel

between Asgard and the nine realms.

But the Beyonder altered its purpose

and used it to transport
parts of worlds

and build his Battleworld.

So, if we reverse the process,

we can use it to send the worlds away

and put everything back as it was.


Hey, lady, you're too close to the mists!
Get out of there!

Oh, you Avengers are
delightful when you're stupid.

And you're delightful all the time.


Ohhh, so this is what it feels like

to be on the hero end
of a villainous double cross.

Well, I don't care for it.

[IRON MAN] You don't seem very
bothered by the mist, Enchantress.

What, this?

No, you see, the mist isn't
dangerous at all. [GROWLING]

It's what's hiding inside of
it you should be afraid of.

The Bifrost is going to get me
out of this forsaken place.

It's been a fun
little adventure together,

but this is where I leave you.

Leave you to your doom.


These things do not look friendly.





Fight hard, Avengers.

If their teeth don't get you,
their acid will.



Protect your flank, Loki!


Don't tell me what to do, brother.

Oh, and protect your flank.



Hey, don't scratch up my new armor!

Hey, batter, batter!
Swing, batter!

Heimdall uses his sword
for this sort of thing.

There must be some other way
to turn on the Bifrost.



What is he up to?


Out of my way, vermin!

For I am Loki, and I have places to go!

Ah, Loki.
Your timing couldn't be better.

Be a dear friend
and get this Bifrost working.


I'm impressed, Loki.

You got the Avengers
to bring you down here.

You truly are the master of deceit.

I am.

But I didn't trick them this time.
I wanted to help them.

I'm going to use the Bifrost to undo
Battleworld, just like I promised.

You're helping them?


This newfound nobility of
yours... it's not an act!

I'm as surprised as you.

Oh, they might not have
come to terms with me yet.

But I'm an Avenger now...


I hate to do this to you,
but you're one of them now.


So you deserve this.



I'll take that.

[GRUNTS] I won't be stuck
on this infernal world.

Not for one moment more!

What's going on?
This isn't right!

Something has tampered
with the Bifrost. [GASPS]



One for you! One for you!

Hey, stay down!



Enchantress stabbed me in the back.

I never knew being an Avenger
would be this painful.



The way out's been blocked.

That's somewhat inconvenient.

Then we make a new way out!


Thor, Loki, time to go!




Leave it! We have to get
out before it's too late!

I can almost reach it.

Once I activate the Bifrost,
I can save Asgard and Earth.

Loki, let it go.

It destroyed Enchantress.
It will destroy you too.

Don't sacrifice your life for this.

This is our only chance!

Brother, we will find
another way, together.

[IRON MAN] The people
of New York are safe.

And they'll stay safe, because the
mists and the creatures in it

are gone for good.

And yet it is still
no cause for celebration,

for we lost the Bifrost.
[BEYONDER] Here's the thing.

It was never yours to lose.

[IRON MAN] Beyonder. Iron Man.

The one who's been dodging my
sensors and roaming my Battleworld.

We meet at last. The Bifrost
was never gonna work.

Not without my tech.
I left it behind as a trap

to draw out troublemakers
trying to undo my work.

Troublemakers like you.


Did you think

you could sneak around
ruining my experiment?

Did you think you could leave?

Battleworld is my realm!

I've been studying your tech.

It's brilliant.
You know you're a genius.

And you know that if you don't
put it back together again,

Earth, Asgard, the other
worlds... they're going to die.

And that's supposed to bother me?

They're not my planets.
They're not my people.

No, they are ours.


I have you to thank for
pointing Earth out to me, Loki,

but I owe you nothing, especially now.

[SIGHS] After all I heard
about the Avengers,

this was the best you could muster?

Talk about disappointing.



I promised you

that if you came at me again,
I would rip you in two.

I keep my word.




I am brilliant!

Now you see it, now you don't.

Let me explain how things work here

in a way your simple minds
can understand.

Here on Battleworld,
you... are nothing.

I am in control, and I am in charge.

You will play along,

or I will tear the rest of you apart,

one after the other.