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02x07 - The Queen's Speech

Posted: 10/10/21 06:49
by bunniefuu

[QUEEN KANE] You will never lie to me.


[WATTS] Lord Harlan, we made
no secret of beheading your brother.

We sent his head back
to you as a courtesy.


- [MAGHRA] Ambassador, I apologize.
- This conference was a waste of time.

- We are done here.
- [HARLAN] Oh.


Help! We've been betrayed.



You did this.

Wren. No.

[CRIES] You used me.

[MAGHRA] This assassin
has Payan markings.


This whole summit was just a way

for her to wage a w*r we couldn't stop.

[WREN] The att*ck...

I believe it was led by Baba Voss.


[EDO VOSS] Queen Kane wanted w*r?
No. I'm not surprised.

[MAGHRA] Within a very short time...

How was your trip?

... my sister will no longer be queen.

Talk of peace is in the past now.

After the delegation's failure
at the peace summit,

we're left with only one path forward.


Remember this moment.

Your names will be b*rned
into Payan history

as the women and men
who stood with their queen

to lead Paya into a new and blessed age.

She's lying. Someone needs to stop her.

Not now.

Lord Harlan, have all the
representatives signed?


The knots of all the representatives
have been added.

[QUEEN KANE] Then, my ladies and lords,

- we're now at w*r.

Have your captains report
to my Witchfinder general

for assignments immediately.

There is still another matter
to be brought before this council.

Princess Maghra, there is always
something with you, isn't there?

What is it now?

It's about the Witchfinders.

What about them?

They will not fight for you.

My Witchfinders will do as I say,

as they have done my entire reign.

They're my army.



They are my army.

Tamacti Jun?

I'm glad you haven't forgotten me.

[QUEEN KANE] You're alive!
Thank the God Flame.

- You have no idea what I went through.

If you're gonna trade in lies,

make sure the truth
is buried with the dead.

- Lies?
- It was you who destroyed Kanzua.


He is lying!

Arrest this man.

I said arrest this man!

They don't serve you anymore.

- Tak!
- [WARRIORS] Tak! Tak!

Tak! Tak! Tak! Tak!

Tak! Tak! Tak! Tak! Tak! Tak! Tak! Tak!

It was you who m*rder*d
your own people...

who k*lled their families.

My family.

It was you who tried to m*rder me.

These are serious allegations, General.

They're not allegations. They're truths.

Like you, Captain Gosset,

I have been loyal to the crown
my entire life.

But this queen...

this woman...

this thing

- is an abomination.

He keeps on lying!

Maghra, tell them he's lying.

He speaks the truth.

You've betrayed your people
for the last time.

This council has a decision to make.

w*r is now inevitable.

But will we be led by
this lying m*rder*r...

or will we fight for the true queen...


Oh, so it's a coup?

I understand.

At our nation's gravest hour,

my sister resorts to trickery
and lies to steal the throne.

But she forgets that my army

is much larger than a few Witchfinders.

Captain Gosset, arrest these traitors.



The army of Pennsa stands
with Queen Maghra.

She's not your f*cking queen!

Let's agree to disagree, shall we?

I can confirm the allegations
made by Tamacti Jun are true.

I have witnesses from Kanzua
who will tell you

the destruction of the city
was her doing.


[TAMACTI JUN] And queen or no,

treason and m*rder
are punishable by death.

Wait, wait, wait. Wait.
I'm entitled to a trial.

You yourself just declared the w*r
you so desperately wanted.

And by knotting the w*r declaration,

you transferred authority
from the courts...

to the generals.



You thought this through.

I've had some time.

- Thank you for your service.


She is with child.


Sibeth lost her child shortly
after we arrived in Pennsa.

This is a new one.

Still forming.

I feel him strongly.

This child must not be k*lled
for the sins of the mother.

Her death can wait. Toad.

That's twice now you failed
to k*ll me, Tamacti Jun.

- Get her out of here.
- The prophecy remains!

And the God Flame is still with me.

The child has arrived just in time
to save his mother.

People, be true to the crown!

Do not rest until your queen
is back on the throne.

And the rest of you traitors,
you will be flayed alive.

Put her in her chambers under guard.

[SIGHS] Keeping her
in the palace is unwise.

[MAGHRA] It is the most fortified
building in all of Pennsa.



Do you hear that?


Woodvale has fallen.

[EDO VOSS] We took Woodvale
with zero Trivantian casualties.

Thanks to your vision, we arrived

days before they were expecting us.

Still managed to get
the signal out though.

Pennsa knows we're on our way.

That won't make them any more ready

for the full might of this battalion.

And once the council
hears of our fast victory...

they will finally ratify my strategy.

You mean using sighted soldiers?

General, please, the council
cannot know about me.

I won't identify you until it's safe.

Wren, you're like a daughter to me.

I will protect you. You have my word.

The Trivantians have reached
Woodvale faster than expected.

At this rate, they'll be in Pennsa
in five or six days.

How could their army
be moving this fast?

They have sighted soldiers
guiding their armies.

The Trivantians wouldn't
condone sight in any form.

[HANIWA] The commander general has been

secretly recruiting and training them.

If the Trivantians reach Pennsa,
we're finished.

Agreed. Greenhill Gap.
Is the fortress still active?

Of course. Fully fortified, men.

We'll make our stand there.

No. Greenhill Gap's a stone's throw
from Pennsa. It's too close.

[TAMACTI JUN] It's the only place
that we can command the high ground.

Gives us a chance.

Any word on their numbers?

They're heavily committed in the west.

Our spies estimate men.
A small force by Trivantian standards.

Bigger than ours.

I want every available soldier
and munition in Paya

at Greenhill Gap in two days' time.

Captain Gosset, ready your soldiers.

We march tomorrow
with the rise of the God Flame.

No. Think, Maghra.

If they truly have sighted soldiers,

we're at even more of a disadvantage.

You will have sighted soldiers too.

- No.
- We're going.

You are not soldiers.

No, we're the children of the queen.
This is our fight too.

Your father is right. You and
your sister have no training.

You cannot be expected to fight
just because you can see.

- I don't wanna intrude on family matters...
- Then do not.

But as you yourself
have said many times,

we face a far superior army.

We need every advantage
we can get in this battle.

[BABA VOSS] Sight offers no
advantage on the k*lling field.

As I have learned with my own children,

more often than not,
their vision betrays them.

And these sighted soldiers will give
Edo's army a false confidence.

We need not do the same with ours.

Edo has developed systems
for using them.

I've witnessed it myself.

Papa, you are a great warrior...

but the truth is there are things
we can do that you can't.

That is the same thing
that Jerlamarel said

just before I took his eyes.


[KOFUN] You can't protect
us from this fight.

It is not a fight.

This is a slaughter, and my children
will not be a part of it!

- Yes, I will.
- I will.



- We are not sending our children to w*r.
- I can't stop them.

You said you became queen to protect
them. And this is what you do?

Do you think it's any easier
for me to let them go?

Believe me, I would like nothing more
than just to lock them up.

Then do that. We will
force them to stay.

Haniwa and Kofun are
not children anymore.

They're adults with opinions
and ideas of their own.



It was not so long ago

that our entire world
was just the four of us.

We never needed any of this.

When we were all separated,

you must have thought you would
never get your family back.

And now you have.

Let us take our children.

Let us be a family again.
This is not our fight.

Please just... just stop saying that.

This is a w*r that was
started by your sister!

No. We've all made choices
that brought us here today.

Now w*r is upon us, and
we must greet it head-on.

You speak of w*r as if
you've been in one.

You have no idea what you
are sending our children into.

- I am not sending them in...
- Their deaths will be on your hands!




I did everything I could
to avoid this w*r.

But now I have no choice but to win it.


You can't.

Where are you going?


I'm going to w*r. Along with
the rest of your family.

Do you wanna count it?

You've never been short before.

And you've never failed to deliver.

Once I take payment,
the contract is sealed.

Say you hear.

Must we go through this every time?

Say you hear.

I hear.

The contract cannot be
nullified. Say you hear.

[SIGHS] I hear.

Now get it done.


Instead of lurking around,
why don't you join me?

The man who just left, who was he?

Pray you never have to find out.





I know you're there.

You've been inside of me, Kofun.

I recognize your scent in my sleep.

Why do you seem happy?

Why wouldn't I be?

My faith has been restored.

The prophecy remains intact.

Do you understand? You're a sacred
instrument of the God Flame.

The baby... [SWALLOWS]

... is it mine?


You know... [CHUCKLES]


- The way every father knows.
- No. You used me.

[CHUCKLES] I don't recall
you complaining.

- [GRUNTS] No.

- Stop!



What are you doing?

What is this?


Stop it right now.

If you want to.


You can put an end to your nightmare.










Promised you I'd never
lie to you, Kofun.

So I'm gonna tell you the truth.

You still see yourself as a child...

which makes you a weak man.

The time has come for you to be strong.

This child is your son, and you'll
have to claim him as such.

Regardless of whatever immature
shame you might feel in doing so,

not just because he's your son,
but because he's mine.

This child is vital to
the future of Paya.

- What are you talking about?
- I tried to explain it to Jerlamarel,

but he thought his vision meant
he didn't need anyone else.

He could just run off,
start his own world.

This world still belongs
to the unsighted.

Only I, a queen ordained by God,
can lift it out of darkness

toward a new future governed by light.

You're not queen anymore.

Of course I am.

It'll all be sorted. It's God's will.

Was it God's will for you
to m*rder the people of Kanzua?

Destroying Kanzua brought me here.

To you. To our baby.


They are going to k*ll you
the moment it's born.


Your baby will be an orphan.

No. He's the son of a prince. [CHUCKLES]

I'm nobody's father. [BREATHES HEAVILY]


If you abandon him, you're
no different than Jerlamarel.


Tell them the truth, Kofun.

- He's your blood.

If you die in battle,
the truth will die with you.

Tell them!

Be a f*cking man!

[TAMACTI JUN] Your Majesty.

I heard a rumor that the queen
herself was girding for battle.

And you think you should stop me?

Oh, I'm not thinking of you at all.

I'm thinking of the soldiers
who will die trying to protect you.

Well, no one need protect me.

There's little purpose
in the queen coming

if she doesn't make it
known she's coming.

And once she makes it known,
her army will be more focused

on her safety than victory.

She will be a liability.

Do you understand
what you're asking of me?

I'm not asking.

I'm not my sister.

I will not send my people,
my family, into battle

while I sit at home, drinking tea.

That's the reaction of
a mother, not a queen.

Sentimental, not practical.

My job is to win this battle.

And I will not have
my battle plan compromised.

Not even by you.

[MAGHRA] Sentimental?

So what do you propose I do?

You will do...

what every great leader must do.

Bless and inspire your army.

And be there to pick up the
pieces when we return.

You're serious.

Have you ever known me to be otherwise?







I understand you'll be joining us.


It doesn't sound like ordinary
God bone. May I?



For a small hand, yes.

A surreal set of alliances.

You are fighting with your former
enemy against your former home.

I fight for my family, not the crown.

Your wife is the crown.
So is there any difference?

I understand.

I once was a husband.

And a father.


Yes. Kanzua.


Sorry for your loss.

You spent years fighting
in the service of your family.

And I lost my family
in the service of the fight.

I do hope yours fares better than mine.

My own brother stands
between us and victory.

No matter the outcome, I will lose.

If there's a better definition of w*r...

I have yet to hear it.

You know we can't win.

They are better trained.
They are better armed.

At least there's fewer of us.


You and I are soldiers.

We fight even when we know
we're gonna lose.

That's what makes us different
than the others.

I'm not a soldier.

I come to win.



- Your Majesty.
- Captain.

The heralds are ready to announce you.

Thank you.


How do I send people
off to a w*r I didn't start?

- Are you asking my advice?
- Yes.


I have none to give,
but thank you for asking.

- Listen to me.

This is the role you were born for.

I don't doubt for an instant
you'll find the words.

- Harlan.
- The queen is ready.

Yes, sir.


[MAN] Her Majesty the queen.



You didn't think I'd let you
sneak off again, did you?

I thought the Compass stayed out
of w*r and politics.

We do.

My only charge, though,
is to bring you back alive.

And if that means k*lling
a whole mess of

Trivantian soldiers, so be it.

- Hey, Kofun.
- Haniwa.


Citizens of Paya.

My sister has put our nation
in great jeopardy.

It was because of
her manipulation and lies

that we now face the Trivantian
army at our doorstep.

I won't deny this.

You've been lied to enough.

From this queen, you
will only hear the truth.

And the truth is...

we face an enemy more
powerful than we are.

They have more men.

They are better armed
and better trained.

So if you are afraid...

know that you are not alone.

Unlike my sister, I am
a mother and wife.

And I am terrified.

For many years, I made my home

in the mountains with the Alkenny,

where we cherished nothing
above family and community,

and where every life was precious.

And I address you now,
not as your queen,

but as a mother and a wife.

And I address you, not as warriors,

but husbands and wives,
and sons and daughters.

We are all scared.

And we all have so much to lose.

So at this moment...

I offer you this comfort.

In all the generations
that Paya has struggled

to survive Trivantian aggression...

we have never been conquered.

Trivantian boots have never walked

on this soil, and they never will!


No amount of God bone or fire
will ever be enough

to separate us from this land,

the land of our families,
the land of our ancestors!


I believe in a future
far better than our past.

One where we and our families
will thrive and prosper

in a land safe from hate and bigotry,

and safe from invading armies.

And it is that future
we fight for today.

So, my fellow Payans...

brave sons and daughters of Paya...

be swift.

Be strong.

And let the enemy know

that their blood may fall on our land,

but it will remain, now and forever,

Payan land!




- Tak!


Here, Baba Voss, at your side.

You will face Edo again.

I cannot k*ll my own brother.

Then he will k*ll you.


And you think then you'll be absolved?

Use your mind, lump.

Think of your children. Who
will protect them from him?

- You will.
- Oh, don't be daft, Baba.

I've never thanked you.

For what?


- All of it.

You bring your children back
to me safely, and it's settled.


But I need you to do something for me.

[HANIWA] Mama.

[SIGHS] My children.

I wish I could convince you
to stay here with me.

What kind of princess and prince

would we be if we hid from the w*r?

I chose this. You didn't.

We choose it now.

Take care of each other. Hmm?

- We will.
- We will.

We promise.

Go on.




Come back to me.

With our family.



[PARIS] Toad!

[TOAD] Here, Paris.

I heard they had you on home defense.

[SIGHS] A soldier of my rank
and skill building barricades.

I should be on the front lines.

[SCOFFS] If I had known
you'd take it so hard,

I would've thought twice before
asking the queen to arrange it.

What are you talking about?

I have to take a trip. I thought
you might want to come with me.

Where are we going?

I'll explain on the way.

Prepare a horse for me.

A good horse. Your horse!

We leave at once.

It's an airplane.


Must have been so terrifying,

falling out of the sky in a metal tube.

Almost like they had no business

being up there in the first place.

[PARIS] This saddle is not soft.

- Did you ever hear of oiling a saddle?

[TOAD] Sometimes a simple "thank you"

is all you have to say.

[PARIS CHUCKLES] You're in a mood.

I'm used to marching toward the fight,

not away from it.

This w*r is gonna be so much
bigger than one battle.

Not if we lose this one.

This w*r is not about
Trivantes and Paya.

The world is about to change, Toad.

Sight is returning.

That's what this w*r is about,

even if those who wage it are unaware.

What I'm aware of is that

our new queen is asking us
not only to forget our beliefs,

but to go to w*r against them.

Maghra is much more than a Kane.

She is Haniwa and Kofun's mother.

They hold the keys to our future.

[TOAD] Have you dreamed that future?

I dream multiple futures. Oh, oh.

And on what do they depend?

They depend on small things like

you and me making this journey safely.

None of this makes any sense.

Then why did you come?

Because you asked me to.


[PARIS] We camp here for the night.

[TOAD] God Flame is still strong.
We should press further.

[PARIS] No. I have my reasons.

This is the spot.

[TOAD] You should sleep here with me.

What did you say?


We'll be warmer if we sleep together.



[SIGHS] Point well taken, soldier.



- [SIGHS] I'll be a perfect gentleman.


If I thought that were true,

I wouldn't bother coming over here.





Someone's out there.


What's troubling you, Kofun?

Besides going into battle with the most
powerful army on the continent?

Yes, aside from that.

Nothing. I'm fine.

Come on.

You've barely said a word since I
got back from the peace summit.

It's been kind of a busy time.

Our mother is the queen.

You're a prince. I'm a princess...

We're going to w*r,
and you have nothing to say?

What are you reading?

[SIGHS] It's a book of poems.
I found it in Trivantes.

There were books in Trivantes?

There were lots of
surprises in Trivantes.

Will you read something to me?

Read it yourself.


"Turning and turning
in the widening gyre

the falcon cannot hear the falconer;

Things fall apart; the
center cannot hold;

Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,

the blood-dimmed tide is loosed...


... and everywhere

the ceremony of innocence is drowned;

The best lack all conviction,
while the worst

are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;

Surely the Second Coming is at hand.

The Second Coming!

Hardly are those words out

when a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi

Troubles my sight:

somewhere in the sands of the desert

a shape with lion body
and the head of a man,

a gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,

is moving its slow thighs,
while all about it

reel shadows
of the indignant desert birds.

The darkness drops again; but now I know

that twenty centuries of stony sleep

were vexed to nightmare
by a rocking cradle,

and what rough beast,

its hour come round at last,

slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?"



- [w*apon WHISTLING]






- Maghra, run!
- Harlan!


- [MAGHRA] Harlan!


Trivantian f*ckers!











- [HARLAN] Maghra. Oh.

I'm so pleased I stayed to protect you.

Where are you hurt?

- Pretty much everywhere.

- Are there more of them?
- I don't think so.

- Guards!

No, stay with me.


I thought you'd never ask. [CHUCKLES]


We made it here before the
Trivantians. Make base!

We're now at fighters.

We picked up another ten recruits
from towns along the way.

If the Trivantians are
indeed strong...

This fort was designed to eliminate
any advantage of numbers.

The narrow trenches will
squeeze the Trivantians

and equalize the b*ttlefield.

Have you fought here before?


They're here.



There's too many of them.


I count close to , sir.


Gosset's spies were wrong.

They're here.

Earlier than we anticipated.

It won't matter. Who do you see?

About a hundred soldiers
in front of the gate.

There'll be more inside the fort.


I did not ask what you see.

I asked, "Who do you see?"

I see Baba Voss.

[EDO VOSS] Good.

We fight them in the trenches.

That's where we'll have the advantage.

- [MAN] Drummers!
- [DRUMS b*ating]

Will it be enough?


But at least we'll k*ll many more
of them before we're overrun.

- No.
- What are you doing?


Someone has to stop this.

- What are you talking about?
- I have a friend on the other side.

If I can get to them and tell them
the queen has been deposed...

- Haniwa, they will k*ll you.
- You have to trust me.





Let her go.

[KOFUN] What?

We're out of choices, my boy.

Let her try.


[WREN] You shouldn't be here.

[HANIWA] None of us should be here.

What you did at the peace conference...

It was Queen Kane
who att*cked your people.

She would do anything for her holy w*r.

You need to know that it wasn't us.

Wren, I would die before I hurt you.
You have to believe that.

I do believe you.

The queen is no longer in power.

My mother took the throne
as soon as we got back.

Maghra's the queen?

Yes. And she does not want this w*r.

You could talk to Edo.

No, he won't listen to me.

You have to try.

Hundreds of Trivantians and
Payans will die for a lie

- if we don't stop this right now.

It's too late. You have to go back.


- Wren.
- [MAN] Archers!



[MAN] Arrows up!
