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05x07 - T'challa Royale

Posted: 10/10/21 07:34
by bunniefuu














Today, victory is mine,
old friend.

Perhaps you will win
our next race.

Thank you for the workout.

This is unacceptable!

Good evening, Baron Zemo.
Is something wrong?

"Something," Black Panther?
Everything is wrong!

How can I do my work if you won't let
me into the main computer systems?

Network access is not necessary.

You are here to decrypt
your father's files.

No more, no less.

You are keeping me in a cell!

You have your jailers
stalking my every move!

The Dora Milaje are for
your own protection, Baron.

Your suite is one of
the best in the palace.

A cage of silk is still a cage.

You don't trust me!
Admit it!

Trust is earned.

The more of your father's
files you unlock for us,

the more freedom you will have.

Which I cannot do while you keep
me locked out of the main system.

Computer, please display
Baron Zemo's work station.

Your work station
is fine, Baron.

I don't see why you're not
making better progress.

My father was a genius.

Perhaps not up to your
fine Wakandan standard,

but believe me,
deciphering his codes requires...

Huh. That is... odd.


What did you do?

I-I have done nothing.
Even if I wished to,

you've locked me out
of the system, remember?


The network is being hacked!

Initiate countermeasures.
Lock this out now! Go!

[SHIRI] The control hub
in the throne room!

It is our best chance.
The border shield is secure.

What of the satellite network?

Running a full diagnostic now.

I still don't understand
how this happened.

It's as if the system started
eating itself from the inside out.

This could only
have been done by someone

with an intimate knowledge of
the whole system architecture.

Someone who doesn't only know
code but how we approach defense.


Computer, upload signal transmission data,
and activate satellite relay trace.


Pele Pele?

Yes. Father and N'Jadaka
were in negotiations

to build a satellite station
there several years ago,

but the plan was abandoned due to
the volcanic nature of the region.

It was far too unstable.

If there were no relay stations,
why would he be on the island?

N'Jadaka lied and continued

to build a station
on the island in secret?

That doesn't make sense.

We were children.
N'Jadaka was our teacher.

He couldn't have been planning his
betrayal for so long, could he?

I am beginning to believe
we never truly knew him.

If that's so, he could have access
to our entire satellite network.

I will go to Pele Pele
immediately and investigate.

If N'Jadaka is behind this, I will
bring him here to face justice.

Status report.

I'm going to have to take
the entire system offline

in order to repair the damage
from the hack and reboot it.

But, T'Challa, we'll be blind to
your whereabouts the entire time.

It will only be
for a little while.

The safety of Wakanda is more important
than tracking me on this mission.

Commencing shutdown.

All right. Computer, initiate reboot.

Perfect. Good work, every...


No! No, no, no!

We're completely locked out!

Everyone, take cover!



Satellite transmission signals.

Human heat signatures.

N'Jadaka! He has
deceived us all!






Most impressive.

This is truly an honor,
Your Highness.

Ah, yes.
"A Royal Encounter."

What a perfect title for
this very special episode of

Kraven's Amazing Hunt!

Oh, I can see the tagline now.

"The Master of the Hunt
versus the Panther King."

Kraven, you are trespassing
on Wakandan territory.

You've got it all wrong.

I'm an invited guest.

the next ruler of Wakanda,

has granted me
and my production crew

access to the island
to do a live broadcast

of my hunt and defeat
of the Black Panther.

You will both pay
for your insolence.

Save it for the cameras, huh?






An example of my own technology.

I hope you are impressed.

Your armor is now useless.

Which means, Black Panther,

you are mine!


[KRAVEN] All alone. His
defenses, deactivated.

My weapons, upgraded.

Welcome, everyone,
to a special live episode of

Kraven's Amazing Hunt!

This new hunt

- is the greatest of my many hunts.

The most dangerous
target of all...

a human being.

And this isn't
just any human being,

but he is none other than
the famous Black Panther,

the king of Wakanda!

Today, the world's greatest
predator will become the prey!

Let the hunt begin!



Simple wooden arrows can now take
down your little Vibranium suit.

My hunt will be
the fight of your life!



No safe path to the doors.

You must have manual override.

We do.
It's over there.


It's configured to a handprint
scan of authorized personnel.

Meaning only one of you,
no doubt.

I can try for it, Princess.

I have to time it just
right, or else...

No. No. Continue to guard Zemo.

Your concern for my welfare
is touching.

Quiet. I designed the system.
I can shut it down.

f*ring pattern, time to reload...


If I can get to the panel
before the system adapts...

Well, that didn't work.
Gotta find cover.

- You, jailer, track the reset interval.
- What are you talking ab...

- Zemo! What are you doing?
- Buying you time, Princess.

It will adapt to us
in just a few seconds.

Go! Now!



The danger is over. The defense
system is officially down.


I'm here, Princess.

Thank you for your help.

You're quite welcome.

We're not out of danger yet.

We need to get to the computer core
and cleanse our defense system

of the Shadow Council's virus.

If we don't, Wakanda will
be completely defenseless.




I wonder where he could be!



[LAUGHING] Look at that.

The Black Panther, truly
an elusive quarry.


Your drones will not help you
against me, Kraven.

Those are expensive!







And so the hunt is over.

The Black Panther is indeed the
worthy opponent that I had hoped for.

Such agility, such speed!

But there is no escape
from Kraven the Hunter.

Any last words before the end?

Yes. You should not
have come this close.













The show is over.



So, Kraven has failed.

It is to be expected, I suppose.

He's only an outlander.

For all your faults,
you are still Wakandan.

What is this? You dare
wear Vibranium, N'Jadaka?

After you betrayed Wakanda?
After you betrayed its king?

That's about to change.

The name N'Jadaka
doesn't suit me anymore.

From this day forward,

I am Killmonger!




You disappoint me. It seems
you are not such a warrior

without the technology
in your royal armor.

My claws will be enough to deal
with the likes of you, traitor!



You can't b*at me.

I know your skills.
I know how you think!

I taught you everything
you know!


Is that your best, T'Challa?

I taught you to always
do your... [GRUNTS]


[COMPUTER VOICE] Ten minutes
to satellite re-entry.

What... What have you done?

I've deactivated
one of your satellites.

When it falls out of orbit, the
impact will destroy your palace,

and out of the ashes,
a new Wakanda will rise...

one led by me.

If my father were alive, he would be
disgusted by what you have become!

Hmm. T'Chaka was a great
man, a great king,

but he failed our people
when he left his throne to you...

a spoiled, pampered prince without the
strength to do what must be done!

- And what is that?
- Rule! Wakanda is superior.

Ours is the greatest nation
the world has ever known.

The world will know it
when Wakanda conquers all!


[SHURI] Open sockets
three, nine, and .

I need those for direct access to the
kernel while I reset the beta node.

Princess, may I help you?

Yes. You may stop
distracting me.

I am familiar
with the computer systems.

- Surely there must be something...
- Dora Milaje,

please take the Baron
to his quarters.

What? I put my life
at risk for you,

and yet you still see me
as an enemy?!

I see you as an ally, truly,

but this is a matter
of Wakandan security.

You do not belong here.
Do you?


will be in my suite.

Let him go.

He knows the way.







It is over, T'Challa.

Time for your final lesson.

Perhaps. But you
are no longer my teacher.



You have taught me everything you
know, but not everything I know.

I have fought
with Captain America.


I have fought with Black Widow.

I have learned, I have adapted,

while you, Killmonger... you...



You are finished!


Arrogant T'Challa.

So focused on b*ating me, you've
forgotten the true danger.

- Five minutes to impact.

Your sister is alone,

Without your help,
how ever will she prevail?

You underestimate us both.

Shuri is never defenseless.

I have repaired my comm system.

Shuri, are you there?

T'Challa, did you find N'Jadaka?

He is no longer a factor.
What is your status?

We've nearly regained control
of the entire network.

When were you going to tell me a
satellite is about to fall on us?

You have time to stop it,
but you must hurry.

Yes. Thank you,
King Obvious.

We're working as fast as we can.

- Yes!

Went back online.
Activate the plasma shields.


we've got a big problem.

Even with the plasma shields,
the satellite's impact

will still flatten
a huge section of the city.

The losses
would be catastrophic.

The satellite must be destroyed
before it strikes.

On it. Accessing the
self-destruct right... [PINGS]

- No! No, no, no!
- What is wrong?

The self-destruct command
has to come from the source

where the go-signal originated...
the island.

You have to initiate the
self-destruct sequence from there.

I'm transmitting you
the stop code.

- You have less than two minutes.


Do you truly think I didn't
plan for this possibility?




Capture the villain
or save your sister.

We both know
what your choice will be.






Ten, nine, eight, seven,

six, five, four,

three, two...

Self-destruct initiated.


Yes! T'Challa, you did it!

Wait. We are reading extremely high
volcanic activity all around you.


Shuri, I am running
out of island!

I have a fix on your location.


This is going to be close.


Thank you, sister.

I am coming home.

[SHURI] Computer and defense systems
are secure and fully operational.

[BEEPING] We've also revised and
updated all security protocols

and shut down the backdoor
access that N'Jadaka used.

He calls himself Killmonger now.

And what do you mean "we"?

Zemo proved himself
during the crisis.

I've given him
limited computer access.

Are you sure that is wise?

He risked his life
for me, T'Challa.

For all of us.

Killmonger and the Shadow Council
are a thr*at unlike any other.

- We need...
- Ah, stop.

If you trust him, Shuri,
that is enough.

Zemo is an ally.

It's Killmonger
who wants your throne.

He will never have it, sister.

You can trust that too.