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09x03 - Uprooted

Posted: 10/11/21 08:10
by bunniefuu

You're officially the first
non-Pegasus Wonderbolt.

Really? That is such an honor!

I don't know how to thank
you, Professor Dash!

Easy. You're kicking
off our show right now,

so get up there
and make me proud.

Wait! I don't have my uniform!

Silverstream! Somehow, I
missed a class all year

and the final
is today!

If I don't pass,
I can't graduate!

Whoa. That was weird.

And that's even weirder!



Uh, this isn't mine.

Waaa! Make it stop!
Make it stop!


Good. You have all
answered my summons.

Wait. You mean this
isn't my dream?

Friends must be
dreaming together!

More like a

I know, right? How
do I pick just one?

They all look so good!

That's your version
of a bad dream?

But why did you bring us
here, Headmare Twilight?

I am not Twilight. I am
merely the messenger.

You all must hurry.

The Tree of Harmony needs you!

♪ My little pony,
my little pony ♪

♪ Aaaahhh ♪

♪ My little Pony ♪

♪ I used to wonder what
friendship could be. ♪

♪ My Little Pony ♪

♪ Until you all shared
its magic with me. ♪

♪ Big adventure! ♪
♪ Tons of fun ♪

♪ A beautiful heart! ♪ ♪
Faithful and strong! ♪

♪ Sharing kindness ♪
♪ it's an easy feat ♪

♪ And magic makes it
all complete! ♪

♪ To have my little pony ♪

♪ Do you know you're all
my very best friends? ♪


Season 09 Episode 03
Episode Title: "Uprooted"

Lookin' good!


I have
horrible news!

What's wrong? Is the Crystal
Empire under attack again?

What? No! We only have
twenty highlighters!

And they're all orange!

How will everycreature
color code their notes?

I'm pretty sure you're the
only one that does that.

Still! Twenty isn't enough
for the new school year!

We've got plenty of
time to order more.

The friendship students
won't be back until...

Uh... now?

Well, this is
a surprise.

Why are you all
here so early?

Did I send out the wrong
back-to-school date?

Oh, we're not
here for school.

Yeah, we're back 'cause
the Tree of Harmony

called us here.

Don't feel bad it
didn't reach out to you.

We kinda have a special
connection with it

after last year.

But the Tree couldn't have
called you. It's gone.

Sombra destroyed it.

Maybe next time, ease in
with those truth bombs.

What about the
Elements of Harmony?

Those are gone too.

But doesn't that mean
the Everfree Forest

will take over Equestria?

We've got that
part under control.

And Sombra won't
be coming back.

So... some good news, right?

Can we see the tree ourselves?

Or... what's left of it?

As long as you promise
to stick together.

The Castle of the
Two Sisters

isn't the safest place,
as you may remember.

Yona not scared of
puckwudgies anymore!

Friends save whole
school from evil Pegasus!

She does have a point.

How could this happen?

If only we hadn't gone
home for summer break,

maybe we could've
saved the Tree!

I wish that Sombra
guy was still around,

so we could teach
him a lesson!

That not bring back tree.
Or Elements of Harmony.

Wait! We all saw and heard
the Tree in our dream, right?

How could it talk to us
if it was really gone?

Maybe, if we close our eyes

and think really strong
friendship thoughts,

the Tree will get better!

I've heard worse

Is it working?


I guess the Tree
really IS gone.

Then we need to do
something to honor it!

Good idea, Gallus.

Hey, maybe that's why
the tree called us!

It must have used the last
of its magic to make sure

we'd come here and
keep its memory alive!

It did say it needed us.


There you are! The hive
has been worried sick!

Why did you leave
without telling us?

The last time you and
your friends did that,

it almost brought
our kingdoms to w*r!

Sorry, Thorax. It
was an emergency.

Well, next time, ask
before you run off.

Now c'mon,
let's go home.

Wait! She can't leave!
We have a... Dragon Quest!

But she's not a dragon.

You know what I mean.

This quest for all Yona
friends. Need to help Tree.

And it might take a while.

Can we stay,
Headmare Twilight?

Well, as long you get
permission from your kingdoms,

I suppose it's all right.

You want that permission
slip in triplicate

or is one enough?

What? I like to be prepared.


Ha ha ha ha!

Hey, you're back! Great!

Since I live locally,

I figured I'd do a
little cleaning up

while you were gone.

Give us a headstart, y'know?

Sandbar. Where's the tree?

I got rid of it. To make
room for our memorial.

You did this?

Uh, yeah. That's what you
guys were thinking, right?

So not.

How can we remember the
Tree if it's totally gone?

Oh, it's not gone! Look!

I planted a new Tree!

Sandbar. You know that's
not the same tree, right?

But it's a symbol, you know?

Pony heart in right place.

That doesn't matter!

This cave was supposed
to stay exactly the same,

so future creatures could
come visit and experience

the memory of the Tree!

Sorry, everycreature. I
thought I was helping.

The Tree of Harmony
is a huge part

of Equestrian history.

If we're gonna honor it, we
need to do better than that.

Yeah! Like, with lots of artwork

that represents the
symbolism and deep emotions

of the Tree!

No, it should be a museum,

with all the Tree's
history and artifacts!

Or a really big and
imposing monument,

so everycreature knows how
powerful the Tree was!

I think we should turn
this cave into a place

for creatures to reflect
on the Tree's true gift,

the Elements of Harmony.


I like my idea better.

What's more perfect
than ANOTHER tree?

What would Headmare
Twilight want?

Yona! You've been awfully quiet.

Which idea do you like best?

Yona like when
friends not argue.

Maybe friends
listen to each other

and make plan together?

- Nah! - Nah! - Nah!
- Nah! - Nah!

Hey, little guy.
Need a drink?

Step right up,
walk this way!

Welcome to the
one, the only

magical Tree of
Harmony museum!

Come see the
birthplace of the Tree!

Grown from the
tears of a basilisk

and tended day and
night by Pony magicians,

this is truly one of the
wonders of Equestria!

Uh, Gallus? None of
that actually true.

So? Honoring the tree
means giving it a story

that creatures will
care about.

It already has
a great story!

Yeah, but mine
makes more sense.

Whatever, can you
just keep it down?

My sapling doesn't
like the noise.

Good! It doesn't belong in
the Tree's memorial anyway!

And if you think this is great,

just wait until you see the
mystical Cave of Harmony!

What dragon doing?

Making a memorial
statue of the Tree.

When creatures see this,
they'll be super-impressed.

Look like rock, not Tree.

I'm not finished yet!

And honestly? I'm kinda
having a hard time

remembering what the
Tree looked like.

I can't believe I'm
already forgetting.

Hmm. Needs more "loyalty."

Careful, Yona!
It's not dry yet.

What hippogriff

It's the Tree, silly!

See? These are the emotions
its loss made me feel,

dancing with the representations

of elements of harmony!

Maybe I should label it.

Oops! Sorry!

Oh, no! Brown isn't
an Element of Harmony!

Thanks, Yona! This fountain
is heavier than I thought.

It's for creatures to
look at as they honor

the Tree's memory in quiet
thought and contemplation.

I got some help and
guidance from the counselor

at our Feelings Forum back home.

Only positive energy
will bloom here.

can't go yet!


There's a whole puppet
show of the time

the Tree tested us
in the catacombs

under the School of Friendship!

Hey! Stop!

You can't bring that hunk
of junk into my museum!

It's not for your museum.
It's for my Tree memorial!

So leave it outside!

It BELONGS in here!



Uh oh.

What did you do?

My meditation garden is ruined!

Why couldn't you have
been more careful?

This never
would've happened

if you all just
listened to me!

And made the Tree some kind
of roadside attraction?

Uh, no thanks!

Headmare Twilight is gonna
be so mad when she sees

what you guys did to
the Cave of Harmony.

Yeah, like some rainbow
art project was better?

Not cool.

It's impressionism!

I'm just glad the Tree
isn't here to see this.

This is all your fault!

I give up!


Friends doing this
the wrong way.

All remembering Tree of
Harmony for what Tree WAS,

not what Tree IS.

You mean gone?

No! Yona mean, even though
Tree not HERE here,

Tree here! In hearts.

Tree made friendship
even closer.

That's right! We ran
away to be together

right above this spot, the
Castle of the Two Sisters!

And later on, the
Tree tested us

to show us we're
stronger as a team.

It DID call us all here.

You mean the Tree of Harmony
lives on in our friendship!

Wow. I can't believe we
just got schooled by a yak.

Yaks know things not forever.
That's why smash and rebuild.

I think we took care
of the smashing part.

Then maybe we should
start building. Together?

Just one problem.

We still haven't decided what
we should do for the Tree.

Yona have idea.

The Tree! Where did
you find it?

Oh, I didn't
move it too far.

It was kinda heavy.

And you're just
mentioning this now.

What important is that
Yona bring back branches

so friends can rebuild!

Rebuild what, exactly?

Ooh, I know! Something
that represents what

the Tree is: the gateway
to our friendship!


What Ponies call it?

A treehouse!

That's a great idea!

I know the tree
would've liked that.

Uh huh!

Help me lift this piece.

♪ We celebrate our friendship ♪

♪ We celebrate the Tree ♪

♪ The memories inside us ♪

♪ We'll build for all to see. ♪

♪ The Tree brought us together ♪

♪ Brought us together ♪

♪ And even though it's gone ♪

♪ Even though it's gone ♪

♪ Our monument of friendship ♪

♪ Can make the gift live on. ♪

♪ A piece from me,
a piece from you. ♪

♪ We'll use the Tree,
and we'll make do. ♪

♪ If things don't fit,
there's lots of glue. ♪

♪ Friends don't quit
in the end ♪

♪ and together we'll
see this through! ♪

♪ It's hard to say farewell ♪

♪ To something you hold dear ♪

♪ But goodbye isn't forever ♪

♪ As long as we are here. ♪

♪ The tree is in our memory ♪

♪ Aaaahh! ♪

♪ Its roots have grown
deep in our hearts ♪

♪ Deep in our hearts...
deep in our hearts ♪

♪ Its branches
raise our spirits ♪

♪ Together we're all bound. ♪

♪ Forever it stands ♪

♪ Lost but now it's found. ♪

♪ So lift a beam and
build it strong. ♪

♪ Work as a team,
It won't take long ♪

♪ Hey Silverstream! I
I think that's wrong. ♪

♪ We'll live the dream
And sing our song! ♪

♪ And make the Tree ♪

♪ Something all can see ♪

♪ Is the place
where we belong. ♪

Well? What
do you think?

It's uh... kinda messy.

Yeah. Like a
bunch of different parts

all smooshed together.

It's just like us!

Yona think it perfect.

Let's give it a try.

Whoa! What's happening?

It looks like magic!

Everycreature, out!

How did that happen?

Because of you.

The spirit of the Tree
house would have perished

without your selfless
deeds and caring.

Whenever you seek
solace, come here.

Your friendship,
and the friendship

of future generations
will always be safe

within these walls.

I felt a burst of magic all
the way over at the school!

Is everycreature OK?

A little confused,
but definitely OK.

Where did
this come from?

We were kinda gonna
ask you the same thing.

It looks like part of
the Tree of Harmony.

But how? I thought
it was destroyed.

It was. But when we
used the broken parts

to build something
new, this happened.

The Tree has always
been good at surprises.

When Starswirl planted
the Tree's seed,

he didn't even know
what it would grow into!

I guess the Tree
is still alive,

changing and adapting to be
whatever Equestria needs.

A cool place
to hang out?

Something tells me
this is more than that.

It seems the Elements of
Harmony may still be with us

in their own way.

That's actually
really reassuring.

But why did the Tree need our
help to become something new?

I'm not sure.
If I had to guess,

I'd say your friendship is
more powerful than you know.

Oh, Yona know. Yona just
need to remind friends.

So, who's going to
give us the tour?

Why don't we all
go in... together?