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01x12 - Missing Milo

Posted: 10/12/21 06:10
by bunniefuu
♪ Look at that sun Look at that sky ♪

♪ Look at my sweater vest I look so fly ♪

♪ Look at that mailbox Look at that tree ♪

♪ It's about as beautiful as it can be ♪

♪ Whoa ♪

♪ Today is gonna be exceptional ♪

♪ Never boring even for a minute ♪

♪ It's my world And we're all livin' in it ♪

♪ Whoa, whoa ♪

♪ Never boring even for a minute ♪

♪ It's my world And we're all livin' in it ♪

[zack screaming]

[tires screeching]

[continues screaming]

[lava bubbling and hissing]

[Zack] You know that game where the floor is molten lava?

No floor is molten lava!

[all screaming]

We survived.

Yeah, but our snacks didn't.

I'd say we could go back to the convenient store, but our way is blocked.

[chuckles] Now it's more of an in-convenient store. Up high!

Nobody? No, nobody at all?

I'll grab some snacks at the grocery store.

And then we can meet in my house to watch the lost pilot episode of Dr. Zone.

-How can we watch a lost episode? -They found it.

But then isn't it a "found" episode?

You're really into semantics.

And you have too many chinchillas.

There's no such thing.


[Dakota] Ow!

-Curse it all! -I told you to ride the brakes.

Not good on the discs.

Yeah, well, it's not good on the front of the car to hit a brick wall.

Ah, there it is.

[Cavendish] But wait one moment.

We were assigned to protect this very same plant once before.

Yeah, and if memory serves, we failed. Right?

[Cavendish] But somehow it survived.

The slime has my foot.


Maybe we're getting a do-over.

Or we are the butt of some huge cosmic joke.

I'm not going to stand here and be mocked.

It's him. Protect the plant.

I thought that we decided that he wasn't the villain.

-We don't know that. -Wait, here's a crazy idea...

Hey, Murphy... Why don't we just ask him?

Oh, hi, guys.

Hmm, that's just what we expected you to say.

Ignore him. Murphy, we've noticed that our paths seem to cross a lot, and things keep going wrong when you're around.

-So we're just wond... -Oh, sure! It's Murphy's Law.

Excuse me?

Whenever I'm around, Murphy's Law takes effect.

Oh, you mean, whatever can go wrong, will go wrong?


Yeah, okay. You're not deliberately thwarting our mission?

What mission is that?

We are time travelers from the future protecting pistachios.


But why would I want to thwart that mission?

I love pistachios.

♪ Pistachios, the nut that's green ♪

♪ It always makes Such great cuisine ♪ Oh, yeah! That commercial with the waiter who drops the... Yeah.

[chuckles] Yeah! And the pistachio goes up that guy's nose...

[laughs] Oh! Those are great.

So you're not working against us?

-Not to my knowledge. -Well, that's a relief.

Ah, well. I better get going before things get any worse.

-[both] Whoa! -Look out!

Oh, no. I almost stepped right on it!

See, that's what I am talking about.

Good thing you guys where here.

Do you think we saved it?

-We did it. -We did it!

Yes! We did it, we did it.


Eh, there goes the chain.

Might as well replace the missing tire while I am at it.

This is it, the turning point. We have to call Mr. Block.

-What do you two want? -We did it, sir.

We saved the pistachio plant.

We're ready for our next assignment.

What? You clearly didn't fix it because I don't see pistachios in this can of mixed nuts.

Hey! What in the name of...

-[creatures snarling] -No, get away from me!

[creature growling]

Um, Sir? Sir!

Get to the panic room. Evacuate! Everyone!

He must be pranking us. Mr. Block is such a joker.

You'll never take me alive!

-[shattering] -[screams]

Yes, you must be right. It can't be real.

This is real! What did you do? What did you...

You know, I still think he's pranking us.

Well, there is no signal coming from the future now.

-No signal at all. -Uh, he's pranking us.

Remember that thing with the shaving cream?

-This is like that. -Well, maybe.

But I still think we should get back to 2175, -and see what's going on. -Well, we could, but you broke our transport.

Where are we going to find another time vehicle?

Come on. I got an idea.


Uh-oh. Hey, guys!

You dropped this.

Hey, hey!


[Dakota] Hey, guys!

Hey, guys.

Have you checked out these horderves? They're fantastic...

[Savannah exclaims]

Bricks, Savannah!

Ooh! Are those new boots?

What are you two fools doing here?

-Looking for you, actually. -[guard] There they are!

You can't just walk in here.

Hey! Watch the horderves!

Whoa! We are not with these two idiots!

Oh, man!

Do you have any idea how much planning it took us to get in there?

Well, that seems like a wasted of effort.

We just waltz in the front gate.

Yes. And now thanks to you the world will just have to live with the common cold for another few centuries. Good day!

So anyway, the reason we dropped by is that we have a favor to ask you.

-What do you want? -Can we borrow you're vehicle?

-No! -We just want to swing by the future, and, you know, make sure it's still there.

Wait. What's wrong with the future?

Oh, oh, nothing, nothing that we, um, that we know of yet.

I'm sure it's fine.

So? You wanna borrow our car?

Yes. Thank you.

Ow! What was that?

You were supposed to catch it without looking.

We worked on that?

I thought you were just throwing things at me.

There is no force on earth that could make us loan you our car.

Hey, guys.

[both screaming]

-Oh, no. -Oh, yes!

Thanks, kid. Got to go.

[Dr. Zone] She's breaking up, Time Ape.

If this keeps up, we'll fall right out of the time stream itself.

We are literally out of time.

-[knock on door] -Come in.

Are we missing the lost episode?

Well, technically, it is now a "found" episode.

-Thank you. -And, no. The lost episode is from 1965.

-It's in black and white. -Where's Milo?

I don't know. He's cutting it close.

-I'll call him. -Probably Murphy's Law throwing llamas or cosmonauts at him again.

[music playing]

[announcer] One minute until the network premier of the infamous Lost episode which has now been found.

No answer.

Well, that doesn't mean anything.

Milo goes through three phones a week.


-We should go look for him. -Yeah, okay.

Uh, Sara, can you pause it till we get back?

What? I have been waiting for this!

Milo would not want to miss this.

Oh, all right. We'll be right back.

♪ Pistachio, The nut that's green... ♪

[Zack and Melissa] Sara!

I'm pausing it, I'm pausing it.

[bell dings]

Strange. Milo said he was coming here, but... But what?

[Melissa] The cans are still stacked, the watermelons are all intact, the sodas haven't exploded. I don't think he's been here.

Josh, have seen Milo around?

I have not.

[Cavendish] You do know how to drive this, don't you?

Of course I do.

-Mmm. -Ugh!


-There we go. -Hmm.

-Hey, guys! -[both gasp]

Kid, this is no place for a, for a kid. You, you gotta get out of here.

I just wanted to give you back you're...


No, Diogee. You're not supposed to be in the limo.

Go on, go home.

Oh, guys, I almost forgot...



They better not reset my radio stations.

Oh, their your radio stations?

I know. You're in the car, too.


[gasps] My backpack!

Guys, we gotta go back for my back...pack.

Whoa! Are we time traveling?

No, we are time traveling. You shouldn't be here.

[Milo] What's with all the clocks?

[Dakota] You know, you get a lot of these in the time stream.

I think it's somebody's idea of a joke.

So where are we going? Or should I say "when?"

This isn't a school field trip, boy.

We may have altered the space time continuum in ways disastrous to all mankind.

Or maybe our boss is pulling a prank on us.

-Ooh! Tunes! -[upbeat music playing]

I'm gonna make this a preset.

♪ I can't find you, Where you gone?

♪ Is it some exotic trip you're on? ♪

♪ Did ya dawdle up the Amazon? ♪

♪ Or are you just laying low? ♪

♪ You're not here, you're not there ♪

♪ I've looked for you almost everywhere ♪

♪ I ask around, But only get blank stares ♪

♪ No one seems to know ♪

♪ No one seems to know ♪

♪ 'Cause I can't find you ♪

♪ Can't track you down ♪

♪ Are you hiding out or did you just skip town? ♪

♪ I searched this city up and down ♪

♪ It's like I'm always Two steps behind you ♪

♪ And I, I can't find you ♪

-Any luck? -No.

Zack, where is Milo?

So... How bad did you guys screw up the future?

Whoa, whoa, whoa! I said we may have altered things slightly.

Yeah, we are probably just overreacting.

If everything checks out, we'll just grab a future snack, -and take you home. -[bell dings]

And here we are.

[Cavendish] Welcome to 2175.

Wow! The future looks amazing!

You too can buy a condo in the sky.


Um, well, it's a little weathered, I guess, but it's still nice.

This is not how the future is supposed to look.

How could this have happened?

Okay, we need to hightail over to the Time Bureau and find Mr. Block.

Milo? You stay close kid.

Roger that!

[all gasp]

So, in the future are pistachios supposed to look like that?

No, they are not. They are not.

-[snarling] -They are like mutated pistachio trees.

Dakota, could we have caused this by saving that one plant?

I don't think so. But let's get over to the Time Bureau.

Come on. I know a back way.

Oh, wait. There's Float Cone.

I think we have to make a right.


A peach? Who the devil would throw a peach?

And who would throw one away?

Oh, no, quick! Take cover.

Whoa! If it wasn't for that peach, we would have stepped out there and gotten caught.

[gasps] There's Mr. Block!

I guess he wasn't pranking us.

You're just figuring that out?

[fanfare playing]

[clears throat] I...

[playing upbeat tune]

[fanfare playing faintly]

I claim this land for Pistashions.

We will now reboot it in our image.

You know, except for South Beach.

That place is perfect the way it is.

[all cheering]

You know, that guy looks familiar.

That guy? Who have you been hanging around with?

I'm so proud of all of you. Here, Brandy, I want to get a family photo.

Everyone, scooch in, scooch in. That's it.

We'll do one real one, and one crazy one.

All right, everyone say... "Go nuts!"

[all] Go nuts!

Okay, last one. Everybody say...

Wait a minute!

Attack those humans!

[all] Wait a minute! Attack those humans!

No, I mean, really, attack those humans!

[all snarling]

Uh, what's the plan now?

-I would recommend running. -Run!

[playing fanfare]

Oh! I blinked my eyes on that one.

Thanks, Dad.

Nobody's seen him. What did your dad say?

No big emergencies in town means no Milo.

It's all quiet.

I don't get it. Where is he?

-Should we be worried? -I don't know... Yet...

-[barks] -Diogee!

Diogee, you want us to follow you?

Hey! How did you get that from "Arf"?

Seriously? How did you get that from "Arf"?

-I can't get a read on where they went. -[Zack] Milo's back pack!

He never goes anywhere without this.

Milo? Milo?

Okay, now I am worried.

Sara. We found Milo's backpack.

Is he attached to it?

If he was, we would have given him top billing.

[sighs] He would never leave that behind.

-Can you bring it here? -Be right there.

-[beeps] -[barks]

Hey, what are you doing?

Uh, hello, youths.

We are with the CPA.

Certified Public Accountants?

Sure. We'd like to ask you a few questions.

What kind of questions?

Is that you're backpack?

It's not, is it?


Um... We were just leaving. Now!

Uh, wait. We need to see your itemized deductions.

Are they following us?

Close enough that they can hear you.


Who are those guys?

I don't know and I don't care. We've got to get back to Sara.

I've got an idea.

That boy that got into our limo with Cavendish and Dakota.

That was his backpack.

-Solid summary. -Thanks for noticing.

We'll get these kids, get whatever they know, get our limo back, and get back to doing what we do best.

[laughs] Everything.

You know us so well.

Are you flirting with me?

-In your dreams. -That's where you live.

-Nope. Doesn't work. -No chemistry.

-None. Not even close. -Nope.

Milo gave me the two dollar tour on my first day.

I would have been lost without him.

I know what you mean. Why'd you stop?

I told you I'd be lost without him.

And I'm without him so I'm lost.

-Right now in this sewer. -[both grunt]

Okay. Now we're found.

Let's start with who your friend is, and who you are.

Actually just hold still.

I interrogate better when the other person is tied up.

[both scream]

[man exclaiming]

Hey! It's that weird guy.

-The undergrounder. -Mmm-mmm.

Run this way.

-Just meant to follow him. -I knew that.

[both grunt]

[all grunt]

Scott, can you get us out of here?

Yes, I can be your leader.

[chuckles] Follow me!

As soon as we stop sliding.

They're right behind us.

Don't worry, we're in my backyard now.

I mean, literally, that's my house.

And now we are in my front yard.

This is where I keep my bread.

But seriously, don't worry, 'cause I have got booby traps all over the place.

[all panting]


[both grunt]


La-la, la-la, la!


[both groan]

[both shout and groan]

Come to me, my chickens!


Those aren't chickens. And that's not a rooster.


[eagle screeching]

Thanks, Scott. We've got to get to Sara.

Should I go with you? I should stay here? I'll stay here.

If you need me you know where I'll be...

In the sewer.

Come on, Mildred.

Don't give me that look, Mildred!

I can't introduce you to every person that comes down here.

[pistachios snarling]

[all panting]

That way. In here.

-[exclaims] -[beeps]

That gave them the slip.

[sighs] All right. Let me catch my breath.

-Phew! Huh? -[beeping]

Well, what do you know?

One taffy milkshake.

-Really? Now? -Just seeing if it works.

Besides, I eat when I am nervous. The Float Cone wasn't open.

You want one?

No. What I want is some sort of w*apon we can use against these plants.

Like, I don't know, a hedge trimmer?

I have one. Three actually.

Ha! Well, I had three in my backpack before I lost it.

You had three hedge trimmers in your backpack?

Man, you must really like to garden.

Well, I just try to be prepared, you know. Murphy's Law.




Hey! Chew on this!

[gagging] Taffy?

Come on!

Hurry! Up here.

[all exclaim]

[shushes] Don't call attention to ourselves.

[robotic voice] Welcome to the Shopping Plaza.

[all gasp]

[all snarl]

I think we've called attention to ourselves.

-[music playing on tv] -Ah! Are you watching the episode?

I'll rewind it. Where were you guys? What took so long?

Two Certified Public Accountants were chasing us.

And a guy who lives under the city and eats rats saved our lives.

What about Milo?

I think something is really wrong.

Oh, boy! This is not good.

Sara, what do we do?

Diogee, we need to find Milo.

Here, boy.

Is that really going to work?

Duh! Diogee is the greatest dog in the world.

It's on his food bowl, and everything.

It is?

I didn't know it was in Chinese when I ordered it.

Okay. Lets' just think this through.

Milo's abilities aren't limited to the backpack.

He's quick, and he's resourceful. I'm sure he is...



-Whoa, Diogee, what is... -[shouts]

-[barking] -Bark! Bark, bark, bark!

Why are you making barking sounds?

-He's a dog. -I meant Sara.

I think Diogee found Milo.

But whatever will we do, Doctor?

[Zack] Milo? Wait a minute, where is he?


We're all going to die!

Ah! What does this do?

[robotic voice] Operator occupied.

[playing upbeat music]


[all exclaiming]

[all cheer]

-[exclaiming] -[snarling]

Hey! Grab my hands.

-[techno music playing] -[snarling]

Ow! Ow! Ow!



[robotic voice] Destination selected.

[all snarling]

Quickly, turn it off!

-Can't. This thing's toast. -Lemme see.

Um, red wire, green wire, blue!

[all snarling]

-Phew! Well done, champ. -I really like this kid.

Look, the Time Limo.

Milo, land this thing over there.

Okay. If by land you mean bail out before we crash, -you got it. Get ready and... -Well, I...

-Now! -[all grunt]

[pistachios snarling]

Oh, great! Here comes the nut jobbers again. Let's get out of here.

[growling and snarling]

-We'll never get it moving. -We don't have to.

Just get in.

[engine cranking]

You're flooding it. I'm not flooding it.

So what's the next stop?

To get some answers. I have an idea.

Oh! I really thought we had them.

[pistachio] How cool is that time machine?

Pile in, boys. Time to take this show on the road.

I call shotgun!

Now, let's find those humans, and destroy them.

[muffled] Guys! A little help here.


Did we get them?


Am I seeing what I'm seeing?

This is the lost episode. The original pilot.

The Seed Beasts.

This was shot in 1965.

Milo was, is on a show that was shot over 50 years ago?


I'm with Diogee. What is going on?

You got that from a "Roo?"

[Dr. Zone] Only time will tell.

[Dr. Zone reading]

♪ We're all livin' in it ♪

♪ Go, Milo Go, Milo, go ♪

♪ Oh, thanks, everybody That is so motivational ♪

♪ Go, Milo Go, Milo, go ♪

♪ Whoa ♪

♪ Whoa ♪

♪ I'm not sitting here Watching the world turn ♪

♪ You know I'd rather spin it ♪

♪ Go, Milo Go, Milo, go ♪

♪ It's my world And we're all livin' in it ♪