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19x04 - Great Wide Open

Posted: 10/12/21 06:45
by bunniefuu
Previously on "NCIS..."

KNIGHT: Paul LeMere
is not a serial k*ller.

He was a contract k*ller paid
to k*ll these seven people.

The link's got to be
whoever hired LeMere.

The money originated from one
of our contractor accounts.

Sonova Industries.

Sonova's main headquarters
are in Virginia,

run by Sonia Eberhart.

I didn't expect your director to approve

- this little field trip.
- Agent Gibbs.

Really looking forward
to spending some time together.

You like fishing?

There is a great place in Naktok Bay.

Naktok Bay is a small fishing community

in southwestern Alaska.
It's also where Sonova

is currently building a copper mine.

Gibbs ditched me and took LeMere.


Leroy Jethro Gibbs, we have
a warrant for your arrest.


Gibbs? It's Agent Parker.


AGENT: Clear!


Let's not make this any harder than...


Special Agent McGee.

Where is he?


Don't play games, McGee.

Where the hell is Gibbs?

Um, I don't know. Did you try his cell?

- It's off.
- Check his house?

Yeah, I did.

Something tells me he's not coming back.

Well, I don't know.
But, uh, when I see him,

I'll definitely let him know
that you're looking for him.

Parker's looking for you.

Grab your gear, McGee.
We got work to do.

Last name Alonak. A-L-O-N-A-K.

The reservation
will be under Sonia Eberhart

or Sonova Industries.

And what's the name of the boat?

And when did she charter the plane?

- Thank you.
- TORRES: Thanks.

- Oh, you go?
- No. You go.

I know why the CEO of Sonova

flew to Alaska.

For a groundbreaking ceremony
for their copper mine.

I thought they
were still waiting on approval.

Well, the final construction
permit went through today.

So, someone from Sonova pays a hit man

to k*ll people opposed to their mine,

and it still gets approved?


Well, it has to be the CEO, Eberhart.

She had the most to lose
if the mine didn't get approved.

It still doesn't prove
that she paid for those hits.

We have to find a way to link
those payments back to her.

Gibbs wanted to speak to
the father of the first victim.

Maybe we'll get a lead from him?

Libby Alonak. I tracked
down her dad, Tunu.

He owns a fishing boat in Naktok Bay.

I'll call Gibbs and McGee.
What's the name of the boat?


You see something, boss?

Yeah. Hell of a boat.

[CHUCKLES]: Yeah, right.

Oh, no. You're serious.

Well, yeah, I guess it's still afloat.

TUNU: You know, Agent Gibbs,

Libby warned me this would happen.

For two years, the mainland police

kept saying she was just missing.

I knew she had passed on.

I felt it here.

There was a hole.


It won't go away.

Yeah, you're right. The pain
never leaves your heart.

But neither will she.

You suffered such a loss?

How did you get through the day?

Some days, I don't.

Mr. Alonak...

Tunu. Please, call me Tunu.

Tunu. You, uh, you said
that Libby told you

that she was in danger?

The last time we spoke,
she was pretty scared.

Somebody threw a rock
through her window.

Put a b*llet in her mailbox.

She know who was threatening her?

You've heard of Sonova Industries?

Yeah. We know about the mine.

That damn dirty mine
poisoning Naktok Bay.

You think Libby could've stopped it?

I think her article could have.

What article?

You don't know?

She wrote a piece
exposing all of Sonova's lies,

but she disappeared

before it could ever get published.

What lies, exactly?

About the toxic waste

that the mine was gonna dump
into the Miska River.

It's the world's last salmon run,

and once that mine gets built,
there's gonna be none.

And she promised me
once the article came out,

Sonova would never get the permits.

You need to find Libby's article.

You'll see the truth.

Libby's house was ransacked.

Pretty safe bet that her k*ller
made that article disappear.


My daughter was too clever.

She would have kept that article
in a safe place.

It's still out there somewhere.

I know it.

My little Libby.

Can you bring her home to me?

She deserves a-a proper burial.




You wanted to see me?

You know, I figured you'd
want to talk to Gibbs.

But you put a warrant out
for his arrest?

No, actually, I didn't. The Bureau did.

I'm just following orders.

He's a suspended agent

- who stole a government vehicle.
- You got to be kidding me.

And kidnapped a suspect.

- Oh, come on, Parker.
- Who later d*ed

under mysterious circumstances.

The guy blew himself up.

And whose fault is that?

You know, this would be a lot easier

if you just ordered Gibbs
to turn himself in.

Gibbs is not an active agent.

Doesn't take orders from me anymore.

I can't order him to do anything.

Then call him as a friend

and ask him
to get his ass out of hiding.

Gibbs doesn't hide.

Then where is he?


Hello, Leon.

Gibbs. How you doing?

- I'm headed to Alaska.
- Yeah.

I know.

Going to this little town called... Ah.

Ah, don't say another word.

After what you did,

taking off with the suspect
in Parker's car,

the FBI's gonna want to talk to you.

And when they can't find you,
they will come to me,

and I won't lie.

I wouldn't want you to.


Brought you something you could use

for your trip up north.

Satellite phone.

Thank you.

Really appreciate this.

I could use one more thing.


I know.

He wouldn't fit in the bag.



Well, it had a good run.

You okay?

I wanted to say thank...


I wanted to say thank you, Leon.

For everything.

Come on, give me something.

He's in Alaska.

- Where in Alaska?
- He didn't say.

Well, Alaska doesn't really help me,

does it, Director?
It's a pretty big place.

Yeah, it's bigger than most countries.

Where's McGee?

He's on personal leave.

And I'm guessing this leave
happens to be in Alaska?

Rumor had it he was headed up that way.

What are they doing there?

Tracking down the suspect
in the serial murders.

I thought the suspect blew himself up.

Not before he gave Gibbs a clue.

What kind of clue?

The kind that takes you to Alaska.

You know, I thought the
FBI was in the business

of chasing actual criminals. But hey,

the minute Gibbs gets back to D.C.,

you can serve that warrant.

Thanks for the advice,
but the FBI doesn't wait around.

I'll go to Alaska
and bring him back myself.

Good luck finding him.

Our long wait is over!

Underneath our feet

lay millions of tons of copper ore,

and we will extract it,

creating hundreds of new jobs.

- Yes!


Let's dig this mine!

Big day, huh?

What a surprise.

Uh, Special Agent McGee, right?

- And you are?
- Gibbs.

Good to meet you, Gibbs.

So, what brings you fine gentlemen

all the way up to Naktok Bay?

We came to see you.

Surprised you didn't tell us about
your Alaska visit

last time we talked.

I didn't realize I had to clear
my itinerary with NCIS.

Well, you kind of do
when it includes breaking ground

on a copper mine that was only approved

after four of its
biggest opponents were m*rder*d.

Like I said before, it is horrible.

But I still feel

that it's nothing more
than a tragic coincidence.

Libby Alonak's father
doesn't think that.

And who is Libby Alonak?

Libby was the first victim.

She was writing an exposé

about how your copper mine
was gonna pollute the bay

when she was k*lled.

Well, she was wrong.

We conducted an
environmental impact study

that concludes our mine

will have zero adverse effects
on the ecosystem.

Can we see that study?

Yes. It's public record.

We had to submit it
to receive our permit.

I am so sorry,

but I really should
get back to my party.

- Are we done here?
- For now.


Most people don't realize

that the word is
inaccurate when describing

Indigenous Alaskans.

In fact, uh...

Dr. Palmer.

I don't mean to interrupt.

What word are you talking about?


Some people find the word offensive.

In fact, there are categories

of native Alaskan peoples.

But I'm sure Miss Alonak knew that.

And why did you want to have
a chat with Libby here?

Gibbs asked me to do
a psychological profile,

so, naturally, I wanted to meet her.

- You spoke with Gibbs?
- Mm-hmm.

How is he holding up?
I've been worried about him.

As have I.

That's why I paid him a visit.

Hey. Duck.

Jethro. [CHUCKLES] Going on a trip?

Yeah. Alaska.

Fishing or business?

Well, hopefully both.

[CHUCKLES] I like what
you've done to the place,

especially the basement. It...

It's very, uh...


What can I do for you?

I worry about you.


Well, you've had to endure a great deal

in the last six months.

Sloane and Bishop leaving.

The as*ault. Your arrest and suspension.

Not to mention the
blowing up of your boat.

Milestone events such as these,

they stack up on each other

and build internal pressure.

It happens to anyone.

Even you.

What do you want me to say?

I want you to say,

"There's nothing to worry about, Duck."

There's nothing to worry about, Duck.

I wish I believed you.

I wish I believed me, too.


You're right. Uh, lately,
I've been searching.

I don't know what I'm looking for.

I know

being alone without the job,
that was hard.

Then come back.

That's even harder.

Well, at least we've completed step one:

Identify the problem.

Duck, I got to go to the airport.

I'll give you a ride.

I got a ride.

[WHISPERS]: You are a great friend.

I appreciate you more than you know.




Is Gibbs okay?


Does Libby here
have any personal effects?

You talking
about her missing news article?

Yeah, Torres filled me in.

Apparently, they went back
and looked at Libby's place

and still couldn't find anything.

Yet her father is convinced

that she had a copy hidden somewhere.

Well, she certainly didn't
have it on her when she d*ed.

Her pockets were empty.

No cell phone. No USB drive.

All she had was this
jewelry and this watch.


I'm really glad you went to
go see Gibbs, Dr. Mallard.

Out of curiosity, how
did his basement look?


Like a w*r zone.

Now, wait a minute. Look. Look at this.

That's a QR code.

Her dad was right. She was clever.

She engraved it onto her watch.

- Does it link back to her article?
- Yep.

- And?
- Oof. It's a doozy.

KNIGHT:"Sonova's proposed
copper mine will poison

Naktok Bay and destroy
its entire ecosystem."

Gibbs should hear this.

Already ahead of you.


Yeah. Gibbs.

KASIE: We found Libby's article,

and it claims Sonova's

own internal environmental impact report

said the mine would have

"unavoidable catastrophic consequences

to the water
and surrounding animal life."

Eberhart just told us the opposite.

And the environmental
impact report Sonova

filed publicly backs her up.

- Who's telling the truth?
- KASIE: Libby claims Eberhart

buried the original report,

then bribed another biologist
to get the results she needed.

If this article were published,

Sonova would never have
gotten approval to build their mine.

Libby have a source?

- Anonymous.
- Find 'em.

Boss, what's going on?

Take a good look around, McGee.

If Libby Alonak's right,

this will be gone soon.

Which part?

All of it.

Libby Alonak wrote a tell-all article

on Sonova's copper mine.

TORRES: But she was k*lled
before the article was published.

Lucky for Sonova.
Did Libby's article check out?

We don't know yet. All of her intel

came from one single source.

An anonymous source.

KASIE: Anonymous no more.

When I dug further into the file
linked to the watch's QR code,

I found Libby's personal notes,
which revealed her source.

Brian Stafford.

Isn't he one of the victims?

The research biologist.

KNIGHT: Obviously, Sonova didn't
like his research.

They made his report disappear
and him, too.

Well, we can't prove any of this
unless we find that report.

Our best bet is to get our hands
on Brian Stafford's files.

He had a wife.

Melanie, I think.

- She may know where they are.
- Do you have her contact info?

No, but I know someone who does.

PHIL: A contract k*ller?

NCIS is sure?

They followed the money.

I don't get it. Why would anyone pay

- to have my husband k*lled?
- Yeah, or my wife?

I mean, Jen didn't have any enemies.

if this contract k*ller is dead,

did any chance of solving
this case die with him?

No, ma'am.

We will make sure that we find

whoever was responsible
for this, I give you my word.

Everyone, this is Agent Torres.

Melanie. Brian's laptop?

If he has any research,
this is where it would be.

I will make sure that you get
everything back intact.

I really hope you guys find
what you're looking for.

Me, too.

Uh, thank you

- for your help, Marcie.
- Sure.


what's up with Gibbs?

I-Is he okay?

What about McGee?

Oh, he's already at the airport.

Hey, just for the record, I always knew

how you were gonna get that
boat out of the basement.

- I didn't know it was a question.
- What?

Burning. For years.

All right? I knew about
you and that damn boat

before I transferred to D.C.

How the hell else
was I gonna get that thing out?

Hey, trust me, that's what I said, okay?

But the theories I heard were nuts.

I'm talking about moveable walls,

- uh, pulley systems.
- Yeah.

Because your house has a coal tunnel

underneath, they... I guess possibly

- you can turn the boat on its side.
- Geez. Torres, come on.

Did you get an address
for Libby Alonak's father?

Not yet. Uh, the town
that you're going to

is so off the grid that
there are no addresses.

Uh, but Knight is on it.

She's good, huh?

She's smart.

You know, she stepped
into a tough situation...

...and handled it well.

- What about you?
- What about me?

How are you?

Oh, I'm doing good.


Come on, the truth.

I am getting by.

Some days are better than others.

But I'll be fine.

You are a hell of an agent, Nick.

You got instincts
that don't come along often.

More important...

You are a good man.

Do me a favor, though.

You don't let this job
become all that there is.

You take care of you.



What about you, Gibbs?

Are you good?

I mean, considering the fact
that your beloved boat blew up,

your house is missing a wall and,

well, you're also unemployed.

I'll be fine.

I know you will.

Yeah. He's okay.


Damn it.

That doesn't sound good.

Stafford's report not on his laptop?

I wouldn't know. I'm locked out.

This bad boy's password-protected.

Can't we get the password from his wife?

No, she said her husband
never gave it to her.

She sent me half a dozen guesses,

but none worked,

so I guess I'll have to hack my way in.

Which might take a while.

- How long?
- Uh, depends on how secure...

No, how long have they been married?

Why does it matter?

Oh, I just think it's strange
that, you know,

her husband didn't give her
the password.

- Not to me.
- If you were married,

you wouldn't give your husband
your password?

[CHUCKLES]: Not a chance.

Why? Would you?

Why would I share a bank account

and not my computer?

Who says I'm sharing my bank account?

This is your soul mate
we're talking about.

Even still, way too intimate.

I think you have some real trust issues

with your hypothetical husband.

Don't play armchair psychiatrist
for my make-believe marriage.

- We are happy.
- Oh.

- Doing it our way.

KASIE: Sorry to interrupt
whatever this is.

- But look.
- TORRES: You hacked in?

Yes, Nick, but that is old news.
Look what I found.

Stafford's environmental impact report.

KASIE: The copper mine will result

in "unavoidable
catastrophic consequences

to the water
and surrounding animal life."

And look who signed it.

Sonia Eberhart.

All right, thanks, Nick.

Boss, everything Libby Alonak
wrote about the mine is true.

Time to pay Eberhart a visit.

She's scheduled to make a flight
to Costa Rica tonight

when she's wrapped up
her little media tour.

Gonna miss her flight.

Hey, fellas.


What the hell are you doing here?

Arresting a fugitive.

Which you are currently
harboring, by the way.

You want to do the deed,

or should I?

Okay, then.

Allow me.

You flew all the way to Alaska

to arrest Gibbs
for-for taking a joyride?

He kidnapped a suspect. At the Bureau,

we call that obstruction of justice.

We're in the middle of nowhere.

There's no way you
could have tracked us.

You're right. I had help.

Who told you where to find us?

He did.

MCGEE: You told Parker where we are?


Because it's the right thing.

FBI's got a warrant out for me.

I don't want him to think I'm running.

What about the investigation?

- What about stopping the mine?
- Well, I didn't think

he was gonna fly , miles to get me.

- [EXHALES] Well, he did.
- I can see that.

So, what do we do now?

- Talk to him.
- Yeah, I got it.

Talk to him?

You don't think
you've told him enough, boss?

Do I sense some dissension in the ranks?

Parker, please don't do this.

We're booked on the : out of Nanook.

You can't arrest Gibbs now.
We-we just found out

who was responsible for paying
for the serial killings.

- Yeah? Who's that?
- Sonia Eberhart.

The CEO of Sonova? You got proof?

We have proof that she lied
to protect the mine.

Doesn't make her a k*ller.

Does give her a hell of a motive.

We take her down, we can stop
the mine from being built.

Or you can let all this be destroyed.

Wow, did you two rehearse that?


Parker, come on. This is your case, too.

I know that you care.

So, now you want to be a team again?


That's convenient.

Victims' families need answers.

The people of Naktok Bay
deserve to keep what's theirs.

You two really think
out here by yourselves

you can go up against
a billion-dollar corporation

- and win?
- GIBBS: Yeah.

We do.

Job's not done.

Let's make one thing clear.

As soon as Eberhart is in custody,

your ass belongs to me.

Got it?

Let's finish the job.

KNIGHT: We've got
Eberhart dead to rights

on burying Stafford's report,

but I can't tie her
to the money paid to LeMere.

So, what are you thinking?

I'm thinking she had a partner.

Funneled the money through them.

Think it was someone else at Sonova?

Possibly. But could be anyone.

Hired g*n. Stockholder.

Or just someone who has a lot
to gain seeing that mine built.

I think we get

Eberhart to flip on her partner.


Easy. You get Gibbs to arrest her,

he floats your partner theory,

and she folds under Gibbs' pressure.

I think that would work
on most criminals,

but I don't think she's gonna
buckle under the pressure.

Even from Gibbs.

Well, then...

We get her to talk another way.




Parker. You're a hard guy
to get a hold of.

Yeah, well, I've been busy.

Does that mean you got your man?

I caught a break on the Sonova case,

so I decided to deprioritize
Gibbs' arrest for the moment.

Glad you got a new lead,

but remember, we sent you
up there for a reason.

So, you're saying the arrest of one man

on an obstruction charge
is more important

than taking down the person
who ordered eight murders?

No, of course not.

I'm simply reminding you
of the importance

of doing the job you were assigned.

All due respect, Chief, uh,
why is the FBI so hell-bent

on taking Gibbs down?

Why? He kidnapped your suspect

and made us look like fools.

He's a good agent.

Do you know what he was suspended for?


Well, the list
goes on and on from there.

And yet time and time again,
Gibbs has managed to avoid

paying the price for his actions.

That ends today.

Let me know when you have him.

AUTOMATED VOICE: Flight is scheduled

for an on-time departure from Gate -A.

Leaving so soon? You just got here.

Uh, I know. Quick trip.

Sorry to have to run,

but I have a flight to catch
and a car waiting for me.

You, uh, you maybe want to go,
like, fishing before you go?

- I don't fish.
- GIBBS: Right.

- You just poison everything.
- I already told you

to look into our
environmental impact statement.

We did.

And we also saw the real one,
the one you buried.

And don't pretend
you don't know about it,

because you signed it.


I sign lots of reports.

- Yeah, well, this particular report

details how your mine
was gonna pollute Naktok Bay,

so you got rid of it.

- Just like you got rid...
- Yeah?

...of Brian Stafford and you
got rid of Libby Alonak.

- I want to call my lawyer.
- That's a good idea,

'cause you're under arrest.
Hands behind your back.

- Hold on. McGee, stop.
- What?

Director Vance called,
told us to stand down.

Bureaucratic red tape.

So, am I free to go?

For now.

Excuse me.


Let's go!


Excuse me, do you have cell service?

PARKER: You betcha.

Well, my call is not going through.

Well, it might be the spotty
reception, or it might be

this, uh, cell phone jammer
I'm using to block your call.

What the hell are you doing?

Arresting you.

Special Agent Alden Parker. FBI.

Now we get to see who you tried to call.

Fingers crossed.

I'm really hoping it's your partner.

MARCIE: I appreciate
you coming back over

on such short notice, Phil.

No, are you kidding?
Any break in the case

is worth dropping everything for.

Uh, so, what'd you find out?


what all the murders
seem to have in common.

- A copper mine in Alaska.
- A mine?

Yeah. I discovered that Sonova

has been trying
to build this mine for years

and has been k*lling people

who are trying to block
its construction.

Wait, sorry. I-I don't understand

what any of this has to do with my wife.

As far as I-I can tell, nothing.

Which is why I called you here.

Hoping that maybe

you might know something about Sonova.

No. Uh, um,

have you mentioned any of this
to the Feds yet?

No, not yet.

I'm still trying
to piece everything together.


You should have
just let this go, Marcie.

[CHUCKLES]: Why, Phil?

You upset because you're gonna have

to do your own wet work for once?

- You bitch.
- Yeah.

TORRES: Phil Hanover,
you're under arrest!

Do not move!

Okay, I know what you think.

I did not have anyone k*lled.

Then why would Sonia
Eberhart try calling you?

Sonia Eber...
I don't even know who that is.

TORRES: Your phone records say you do.

We found out you have land
in Naktok Bay.

A lot of it. In the same place

where Sonova's building their mine.

Eberhart offered you millions
to buy your land.

One condition.

Sonova needed their
opposition out of the way.

And that's where the hit man
you hired entered the picture.

So, when your wife found
out about your little plan,

well, you had her k*lled, too.

I want my lawyer.

This is why I don't trust
my hypothetical husband.


You good?

Yeah, I'm-I'm great.

Well, what you did was brave.

Libby Alonak was brave.

Great, thanks.

Parker has Eberhart in custody.

I just talked to Torres.
Hanover fell right in the trap.

- Marcie?
- Marcie's good. Better than good.

Nick actually said she was incredible.

Man, she just wrote herself

one hell of an ending, don't you think?

How many cases
you think I've worked, huh?

Ooh. In years?

At least a thousand, I'm sure. Why?

Because what we did today,
saving this land,

may be the most meaningful one
of all of them.

We did something good here, didn't we?

Should be proud, Tim.

- I am.
- Good.

All right, what now?

Now you arrest me.

Wait, no. Boss, it's ridiculous.
Let Parker do it.

No. Tim, it's got to be you.

You are a federal officer.
I'm a fugitive.

They cannot hit you
with a harboring charge.

Boss, I don't care.

- I do care. Tim, arrest me.
- What?

Do your job.

Come on!

[QUIETLY]: All right. Okay.



I hate this, you know.

You're doing fine.

Nice work today.

Eberhart got spooked,
just like you said.

Tell your boss Special Agent
McGee turned me in to the FBI.

He shouldn't be caught up in this.

He won't be.

Well, neither should Gibbs.

This obstruction charge is a joke.

Well, according to my boss,
it's the only way

- they can finally take you down.
- What do you mean, "finally"?

Seems you have a history
of coloring outside the lines.

But so do I on occasion.

McGee, key.


Wait, what's happening right now?

I'm not gonna be the FBI's errand boy.

After I talked to my boss,

I did a little research on you.

I called an old coworker, and, uh,

let's just say he convinced me

that you don't belong behind bars.

Won't the FBI just send
another agent to arrest him?

If I don't testify
that Gibbs stole my vehicle,

they don't have a case.

You could lose your badge.


You sure about this?


You boys have a safe flight home.

Parker, who was the coworker you called?

Tobias Fornell.

Parker. Thanks.

Permission to come aboard?


Thank you for bringing
my daughter home to me.

Now I can properly honor her memory.

I'm having
a traditional potlatch ceremony

for Libby today.

It would be my great honor... present you with this.


Thank you, but I can't...
I can't accept.

You must. It's our tradition
during a potlatch

to give away our personal wealth.


- Tunu, thank you.
- Mm-hmm.

Thank you.


It's a relic, but it
still gets the job done.

Do you sh**t?

Once or twice.

Got something for you, too.

Libby's watch.

I noticed it was a man's watch.

It your watch?

I gave it to her
the day she left our village.

She once said to me

this was the wrong mine
in the wrong place.

And to find out she helped stop it

and save our precious land,

I've never been prouder
to be her father.

You-you should be proud.

I realized something when
I was fishing this morning.

Libby lives on in nature.

I hear her voice in the wind,

and I feel her soul in the water.

It is true what you said.

She will always be with me.

Yeah, you're getting there, McGee.

Just got to find your rhythm.

Your rhythm, not mine.

Not so sure the fish like my rhythm.

I think the fish know
you haven't found it yet.

Be patient.

It's about progress, not perfection.

Once you know the basics...

...the rest just comes from inside.

Like tap-dancing.


Let's go with that.

Who taught you?

My dad.

He used to say

if you want to learn
something new about yourself,

put on waders.

How often did you, uh, guys go?

Not often enough.

We didn't talk much.

But there was something
about fishing that river.

Freed him.

He'd open up.

And I am thankful for those days.

I know what you mean.

Before I went off to boot camp,

he took me fishing for the weekend.

We made a pact.

Said we were gonna do that every summer.

But that was the last time.

What stopped you?



There's our ride.

So, Parker gets the glory,
FBI gets the collar, and Gibbs

- gets arrested?
- VANCE: Not exactly.

Agent Parker let Gibbs go.

Well, that's great. But why?

Guess the FBI
finally came to their senses.

No. Apparently, Parker
made a unilateral decision.

How'd that go over with his boss?

Not well. His boss fired him.

Whoa. Well, that's harsh.

I mean, I don't like the guy,

but he didn't deserve to lose his job.

Parker ignored a direct order.

- Why would he do that?
- Well, because sometimes,

there are more important things
than following orders.

What about Gibbs?

Since he has no warrant for his arrest,

can he come back to work?

In theory.

And in reality?

That's not my decision.

Uh, yes. Yes, it is.

You suspended him.
Can't you talk to him?

Can you convince him
to take his badge back?

I already tried.

He doesn't want it.

- I can take those for you.
- Thanks.

You got it.

Boss! You want me to load your gear?


You okay?

Yeah. I've never been better.

I know what you mean.

This place is pretty special.

Can't wait to come back one day.

Well, I hope you do.

Pilot's ready. Just waiting on us.

I'm not going back, Tim.

To work?

[CHUCKLES]: Well, that, too.
I'm not going back home.

You're staying here?

For how long?

Not sure.

Boss, you realize we're
in the middle of nowhere, right?

We're-we're miles
from anyone or anything.

Not a bad thing.

Boss, this is crazy.
What are you thinking?

I'm thinking I don't have
another boat left to build.

Well, then,
we'll find you another hobby.

I'm not looking for a hobby.

What are you looking for?


My gut's telling me
I'll know when I find it, Tim.

And you think you'll find it here?

I don't know. I-I...

Whatever I'm feeling, this...

this sense of peace, I-I have not

had this since Shannon and Kelly d*ed.

And I'm not ready to let it go.

So that's it?

I could not have hoped

for anyone better to watch my back

for the past years than you, Tim.

I love you, man.

[CRYING]: I love you, too.


Promise me you're gonna be okay.

I already am.