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01x03 - 3 Stars

Posted: 10/14/21 06:09
by bunniefuu
You're training
to be a priest?
I am.

Also, an assessor.

My colleague Ben and I
are hired

by the Church to investigate

unexplained phenomenon,

and to recommend whether

there should be an exorcism
or further research.

Possession looks a lot
like insanity.

Insanity looks a lot
like possession.

I need someone to help me
distinguish between the two.

I don't believe in all that.

Devils and possession.

That's okay.

KRISTEN: You don't care
that I don't believe?

I do not.

CORMIER: We came into
an opportunity overnight.

Another forensic psychologist.
You're just gonna overturn

everything I did
on those two cases?

Argue to release the guilty,
imprison the innocent?

Here's the most important thing
to remember about David:

he sells himself
as this good man,

but ask him about
the second time he saw God.

This guy Townsend,
you know him?

I've seen him.
In other... guises.

I'm sorry. Am I
distracting you?

There are six types
of possession.

First is demonic possession.

It's when a demon takes over
a person's body

without their consent.

It's what you see
in most movies.

It involves
speaking in tongues,

sudden personality changes,
sudden v*olence,

even superhuman strength.

The next type of possession
is physical pain.

This is a sickness
or an injury due to a demon

being inside a person.

It doesn't impact the soul,
just the body.

The third
is diabolic oppression.

This is when a demon torments
a person,

causing tragic events
in their lives--

the loss of a loved one,

the loss of a job,

a home.

Basically, the story of Job.

The fourth type of possession
is diabolical infestation.

It's when demonic entities
take over a house,

an object,

even an animal.

Fifth is diabolical

It's when the possessed
invites the demon

into their lives.

They do this through game play

or pledging their soul
to the devil.

That's a real thing?

People pledging their souls?

It's real in that if a human
wants power,

they can trade away their future
for that power.

Oh, so you mean it
as metaphor?

No, I think a lot
of what we consider

metaphor is real.

Are you texting?

No, I'm taking notes.

Um, and the last
kind of possession?

That's why we're here.

The monsignor wants us to look
into a case

of diabolical obsession.

It's when a person has constant,

and irrational thoughts,

making them act
in perverse ways.

It's hard to detect because
it's the most

highly functional
of all the possessions.

But it can lead to
suicidal ideation.

And m*rder.

KRISTEN: I mean,
couldn't all these conditions

have a psychological

Sure. That's why you're here.

Yep. I'm ready.

He wasn't like this before.

I mean, he's always been
hard on us, cruel even,

but he's become... violent.

I don't know what to do.
We've tried everything:

therapy, pills,
So-- Sorry,
I-I don't understand.

Is this your husband?
Oh, no.
H's my boss.

Patti is one of our
best parishioners.

I told her we could
look into it.
BEN: So you think your boss

is possessed?

I think he does things
he can't control.
DAVID: Such as...?

I said to charge it overnight!

This is a lemon poppyseed!
I said blueberry!

I hate fine point!

Medium heavy!

Well, he's fired 67 assistants
in the last six months,

and I have a collection
of cell phones because

he's constantly throwing them.

Patti, I understand
this is unpleasant,

but this doesn't sound
like possession.

It feels like you should be
calling human resources.

Well, we're under 50 employees.
We don't have an HR.

Why don't you quit?
Well, I hired all
the assistants,

and I feel responsible.

I mean, I believe
in the work.

What is the work?

I work for Byron Duke.

The Broadway producer?

Oh, my God. He's great.
My daughters and I,

we saw the Roald Dahl
musical last year.

It was just-- it was amazing.
Thank you.
I could get you tickets

for the next one
if you want.

Oh, I would want.
That would be great.

Yes, please. Please, yes.

So you can see why
this matters to me.

He's a genius.

Yeah. He is.

I mean,
he's always had issues,

but six months ago,
something happened.

He lost the Tony
and he became angrier.

And then things started
to happen.

What kind of things?

Show them the video.

No! Oh, go to hell.

I said go to hell!

No! No, we have got a deal
with the estate, not with you.

What is that?

What is that?

He's sweating blood.

Also, whenever he enters the
office, it gets colder.

The temperature drops,
like, ten degrees,

and we all have
to wear jackets.

And I keep on checking the
thermostat but it's unchanged.

And then when he leaves,
it gets warmer again.

Two physical manifestations.

We only need two
for the Church to act.

(phone vibrating)

Fiona, hi, it's Kristen.
What's up?

They reversed you.
They? Who?

This new forensic psychologist.

He reversed your conclusions.

I thought this was settled
weeks ago when you testified.

You said my son was too young
to be tried as an adult!

Well, he is. He's only 15.

This new guy's
saying the opposite!

They're gonna
crucify him, Kristen.

Please help me.

Okay, I'll see you
in ten minutes.

It's a case of anger
management, Monsignor.

Not possession.

Then you'll
find that out.

You said yourself,
the Church keeps

focusing on Evil
with a capital "E,"

and not everyday evils.

Well... here's
everyday evil.

Help her.

So it's your recommendation

that Adam Plemmons should be
tried not as a minor,

but as an adult?
Yes. The defendant's score on

the MMPI-A questionnaire
reflected average

or above average
cognitive functioning.
(door opens)

I have to ask you,
Dr. Townsend,

because if I don't,
the defense attorney will.

Your findings are diametrically
opposed to those

of the previous
forensic psychologist.

How do you
account for that?

I cannot account for
my predecessor's conclusions.

I do know that
she has a tendency

to let her heart lead her head,

and I think that she was moved

by the mother
of the accused.

♪ ♪

Ms. Jacobs.
What do you need?

I want to help.
It's a little
late, isn't it?

The judge
already ruled.

Tell them you have
a rebuttal witness.

You're bound by your agreement
with the D.A.

You can't testify.
I'm not testifying

about the case; I'm testifying
about Dr. Townsend.

(overlapping chatter)

Look, I promised to give you
20 minutes so Patti

doesn't drop a #MeToo
dime on me.

So you think you're vulnerable
to the #MeToo issues?

I didn't say that.

Hey, there's a reason
Harvey Weinstein went down.

I-I don't use sex,
and I'm much more talented.

Who's this?

Kristen Bouchard.

Ah, if you're really
Patti's church people,

say some prayers,

sprinkle some holy water.
Come on, get going, get going.

Is that what
you want?

What I want is for you
to get this over with

so I can roll my calls, huh?

Do I have anger issues?

But I'm a perfectionist.
I-I'm a demanding person.

And I am surrounded
by millennial nonentities.

Here, look, look.

Two spaces after
every period.

How many times do I have
to tell them, one!

Does it matter?
Everything matters.

Perfection matters!

Patti said, uh, something
changed six months ago,

when you lost an award.

An award? Oh, holy God!
The Tony!

So, you did change.

I decided that, uh,
rule number 14 made sense:

"Be volatile and t*rture
your underlings."

Rule number 14 of...?

"The 53 Rules of Dominance."

Ah. Oh, now...

now we are getting somewhere.

You follow it, too, huh?

I know it.

A manual for
hard-driving executives.

"How to Succeed in Business
Without Really Caring."
Mm-hmm. Well,

if you know it,
then you know it's not evil.

And what Patti,

in her sweet little
religious heart,

thinks is evil,
is just plain

good sense.

You're kind of making
me nervous back here.

You got some blood
on your collar there.

What are you,
a dry cleaner?

Go sit down.
You're sweating blood.

Why are you sweating blood?
What the hell
are you talking about?

Did you have that
checked out?

It doesn't need checking.
(chuckling): Oh, my God.

He's going bald.

Get the hell out of my office!

He has hair plugs.
They've become infected,

so he should go
to a doctor.

And otherwise,
he's got

a narcissistic
personality disorder.

We'll point you toward some
health professionals,

but we don't see any
signs of possession.


(Byron shouting over video)
Can you look at this?

I have access to his
webcam so I can track

his blood sugar levels
during meetings.

God, this is your fault!

Who is he talking to?

They know it's you!

This is going on
right now?
PATTI: Mm-hmm.

It's in his inner office.

(Byron groaning over video)

(groaning, gasping)

Let go!
Let go or I'll k*ll you.

Damn you, Joe!

♪ ♪

A diabolical obsession?
We don't know. He seems like
he's just a bad boss.

But we saw him yelling
and fighting with something.

But we don't know what.

Did you have a health care
professional there?

She thought it was narcissistic
personality disorder,

but then she saw the
video of him fighting.

She's not sure.

So there's video.
No, just a webcam.

Not recorded.

Well, then record it.

I've got three exorcisms
in the next two weeks.

I'll need evidence
to justify work

on a mere diabolical obsession.



Come here.

There's something else.

I had another vision.


I've been hearing
about "the sixty."

In assessments.

It's some kind
of coordination.

Evil becoming organized.

And I thought I saw
something in my vision.

But now it's just a feeling.

Write it down.

Get a notebook, and write down
everything you can remember.


As soon as you
write down the first thing,

the next will follow,
and the next.

Symbols matter.

This is warfare,

and we're fighting
the worst enemy on earth,

whose only vulnerability
is that they reveal themselves

in symbols and numbers.

They can't help it.

God draws
in straight lines.

The devil draws in puzzles
and anagrams.

Write it down?

Write it down.
Visions matter.

♪ Oh, Lydia, oh, Lydia ♪

♪ Say, have you met Lydia? ♪

♪ Lydia, the tattooed lady ♪

♪ She has eyes
that men adore so ♪

♪ And a torso even more so. ♪

(Leland laughing)

Ah, now we're getting somewhere.

Yes. Sexy.

No, no,
do the breasts bigger.

What does he even mean,

"We reveal ourselves
through symbol and anagram"?

I hate anagrams.
I like straight talk.

Don't you, David?

Can't we, you and I,
just straight talk?


Anger management.
We all get angry.

But when you feel
a temper fit coming on,

what do you do?

Personify it.

Personify your anger.

This is Paul.

He's the personification
of my anger.

Whenever I get angry,
I blame him.

(audience laughs)

I know, I know, but it works.

I take a deep breath,
and I realize I'm not angry,

Paul is angry.

And I subdue him.

I yell, "Paul, it's your fault.

I even take Paul by the throat.

Paul, you will not control me.

I will control you.


Thank you for returning, Doctor.
No problem.


Mr. Townsend--

excuse me, Dr. Townsend--

it's already been established
that you disagree

with the conclusions
of your predecessor.
That is correct.

And I see she's
in court right now.

Could you point her out?

Um, Kristen Bouchard.

CORMIER: And why shouldn't we
take her word over yours?

Objection! This was covered
in yesterday's testimony.

Yes, but we have new
evidence the doctor

would like to impart,
Your Honor.

Yeah, it's a pretrial
hearing, Ms. Jacobs.

You'll have time to cross.

Were you not
passed evidence

that made you question
Ms. Bouchard's legal ethics?

Yes, I'm sorry to say.

Ms. Bouchard is in therapy

for... personal issues.

But an anonymous Good Samaritan
sent me therapy notes...

Therapy notes

are covered
by physician-patient privilege.

Only if Ms. Bouchard

is the accused.

She's being proposed

as an expert witness,
Your Honor.

Her reliability is in question,
and these notes

that reliability.

All right,
let me hear the evidence,

and then I'll rule.

Thank you, Your Honor.

If I put you on the stand,
what are you gonna say?

That Adam should be tried
as a juvenile.
That's not what I'm asking,

and you know that's
not what I'm asking.

Look, I've said things in
therapy that are personal and...

prospective-- they weren't true.

They were potentialities.
But you said

that you were attracted to these
people that you interviewed?

I said I had feelings.
I mean, feelings as in I...

I care for them, I...

like them.

So I need you to step back
from this.

I can refute Dr. Townsend.

No. You've been burned.

I need you to step back.

(crying quietly)

(takes deep breath)

(engine starts)

I don't know what the hell
you are talking about.

Let them help you, Byron.

You are so past your
sell-by date, Patti.
(door opens)

DAVID: Who is Joe?
What are you talking about?

We saw you yesterday yelling
at someone called Joe.

I don't know a Joe!

You're gaslighting me.
You got to stop.

You're personifying your anger.


You gave your anger
the name "Joe,"

and you're trying to subdue it.

It's an anger management tool.

BYRON: I have no idea what
you're talking about.
KRISTEN: Listen,

you want us out of here, just
admit it's anger management.

Who the hell are you, lady?

Somebody who enjoys your shows,

but thinks you're being
a bit of a d*ck.

Genius doesn't mean you can
treat people any way you want.

It means shutting up
and doing good work.

You are so dead.


You're dead.

♪ ♪

Why are we dead?

Tell 'em, Joe.

Come on, there is no
Joe, just admit it.

It's just you.
Tell 'em, Joe.


I am the buyer of souls.

And yours only cost a Tony.



Someone is hacking him.
You're sure?

This is my world.
Welcome to it.

It's a virtual assistant.

It's supposed to have
a programmed voice,

but the hacker is broadcasting
from the outside interactively.

Can a thermostat
also be controlled?

Yes. Yes. Yes, because it's got
smart-home technology,

so it can make the temperature
go up and down.

Th-That's why it keeps getting
cold every time he arrives.

Who did this?
And the problem is,

he's got a lot of enemies.

67 fired assistants
over six months.

Look, I think the hacker
is using the Wi-Fi, okay?

I need you to keep him online.

I'm gonna find out his IP.



What do you want?

What do you want?

You've gone to great effort
to talk to Mr. Duke.

So what do you want
from him?

What do you want from him?

You know it's an easy thing
just to turn you off.

JOE: It's an easy thing
to turn you off.


It won't matter.

We don't need an "on" button.

Who's "we"?

That's for me to know
and for you to find out.

So you've been turning
the thermostat down

when Mr. Duke enters
the office?

Yes. And I control
the sun and the moon.

Very clever of you
to figure that out.


It's coming from the
coffee shop downstairs.

I need you to go down there,
and in about five minutes,

I'm gonna emit a
high-pitched tone into it.

Let me know who reacts.

You must want something.

Fun. Isn't that what
we all want, David?

You heard my name?

"Diabolical obsession," huh?

It sounds made up.

So you don't think Mr. Duke
is diabolically obsessed?

No. I think you're
diabolically obsessed.

BEN: How many people are
on computers?

About... 20.

Any gamer headsets?

And, uh, earbuds?

No, wait. Eight.

Okay, focus on them.

(loud, high-pitched tone)

(high-pitched tone over phone)


No reaction.

Ah. 105 decibels.

I'm terrified, Ben.

Hold on.

So, have you
been investigating us?

You seem to know our names.

I'm gonna turn off the Wi-Fi
for about 15 minutes.

(distorted screeching
over speaker)

(overlapping growling,

(distorted laughter
over speaker)

Hell is 3,400 miles
from New York.

There are tolls on these routes.
(screeching resumes)

(device beeps)

(overlapping screaming
over recording)

(distorted laughter)

So, is that a prank?

Well, we don't know.

Mr. Duke has fired 67 assistants
over the last year,

and one of them may have hacked
his virtual assistant.

So then,
we're moving on?


You seem uncomfortable.

Well, our tech advisor
can't tell

who or how the device
was hacked.

And the voices that are coming
out of it are, um, bizarre.

(choral music playing faintly)

It's odd, David living here.

Yeah. Doesn't seem
like him, right?

(door opens)

(David sighs)

They want us
to keep working on it.

Any thoughts

on how the hacker did it?
Oh, yeah.

I think he's using
Bluetooth, not Wi-Fi.

So, I am gonna try
to reverse the hack

with a trap.

Hmm. Just be careful.

Okay, but why? About what?

Well, I don't know
what we're dealing with.


We're dealing with a hacker.

Little side hobby here?

(chuckles) No, I'm trying
to decipher something

in my dreams.

Can I ask you
a personal question?

Do the scandals bother you?

(laughs softly)

You mean the Church scandals?

Yes. A lot.

But how can you...

Why become a priest?

I believe in God.

And I believe God wants me
to become a priest.

And their treatment of gays?

Do you agree with that?


Does this bother you,
talking about it?

It's just,

there's so many things
wrong with the Church.

That's one of the reasons

we need good people.

And you don't mind...

...all that it requires of you?


I mind.

But I also think that the most
important things in life

are the hardest to obtain.

Sometimes I just wonder
what you're about. Uh...

I-I was embedded
with six Marines.

And I was surprised

how much I... loved them.

Their sense
of commitment.

You know, I spent most of my
life breaking commitments.

Moving from one place
to another,

one person to another.

And I realized I
didn't like myself.

These guys were
the first ones in the building

and the last ones out of it.

And I wanted to be that.

I wanted that level
of commitment.

I was just, uh,
turning the light on.

I was gonna
leave anyway.

I-I like talking to you.

Me, too. With you.

Oh, by the way, that sketch?

I think
it's Salvator Mundi.

It's what?

Salvator Mundi,

the painting by da Vinci.

(door opens)

(door closes)

(soft whooshing)



Curve of the breasts.

Pressing against her.


behind, between.




(crickets chirping)

What are you doing?
Geez! Don't do that.

How'd you get in?

Oh, God. Um, I still have a key.

Where's Dad?

What's that?

You gave Dad one already.

I know.
This is for work.

Your work with your priest?

Yes, with my priest.

How do you broadcast from this
without using Wi-Fi?

No, I already scanned it

for a Bluetooth signal.

Nope, it's not

Can be adapted.

Really? How?

I hate how you do this.

I am in the middle of my work

and you pull me into one
of your stupid things.

How can it be adapted?



You forgot your notes.

Oh, Kristen.

Can't stay away from me,
can you?

What do you want?
Why are you doing this to Adam?

What good could it
possibly do you?
Young Adam

is 140 pounds of wet clay
yet to find its form.

Adult prison will mold the man
he is to become.

Harden him, harden his heart,

make him more...


Susceptible to what?

Ask David.

I want my therapist's notes
back. The ones you stole.

Oh, I think not.

They make for such
wonderful bedtime reading.

Why don't you just get back on
the stand and tell the truth?

This is so sad, you coming here
thinking you could, what?

Play on my better nature?

Is that really your plan?

Look, he's just a kid.

His second prison r*pe
and he won't be.

If you knew what
you were playing with,

Kristen, you would be
staying at home

and protecting
those cute little girls.

Anything in there?


Really? Thank you.
I don't know.

This is all looking
pretty pristine.

I don't think it's been
tampered with.
Then, what?

I don't know.
You should take it back there

and check the signals.


Or what?
I don't know.

Sounded like you were about
to say, "Or..." something smart.

No, I wasn't. I was just...
(sinister cackling)

Is Dad awake?

Hello. What are you wearing?


You are getting warmer.

That's Dad's.

You are red hot, Ben.

ean Bridge
is the longest span in Europe.

It is 19,000 meters long
and was built in 2018.

Who is this?

"This" is the singular
proximal demonstrative pronoun

used to identify a specific
person or thing close at hand

or being indicated
or experienced.

This hacker's good.

but how did he jump
to Dad's virtual assistant?

The only active connection
is you, your cell phone.

Yeah. Oh, so he used
Byron's virtual assistant,

scanned for nearby cell phones,
found mine, hacked me.

It's possible.

Can you reverse-hack?

Oh, yeah.

(phone vibrating)

(door opens and closes)

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

(door opens)

Thanks. I would've come to you.
Hi. No,

my-my sister works better
when she works alone anyway.

Okay, I have an issue
that came up.

I don't want to involve
David in this because

it's a workplace matter and
he'll just want to defend me.

Oh, so instead,
you want me to defend you?


could you
take a listen?

LELAND (over recording):
Ah, Kristen.

Can't stay away from me,
can you?

What do you want?
Why are you doing this to Adam?


What-what happened?
I don't know.

My voice comes through,
the other person doesn't.


Susceptible to what?


I want my therapist's
notes back,

the ones you stole.

Sounds like the other
person used a jammer.

Can you dig it out?

Yeah. Send it to me.

I'll see what I can do.

Thank you.

♪ Where I'm going ♪

♪ When the whistle blows ♪

♪ And the cymbals crash ♪

♪ And the sparklers ♪

♪ Light the sky... ♪

He's been like this
all morning.

♪ I'm gonna carry on,
give me an old trombone... ♪

Mr. Duke? Hello?

♪ Before the parade ♪

Are you okay?

♪ Passes by... ♪

Do you want to

put some clothes on, Mr. Duke?


We don't think you're under
any sort of demonic attack.

We think someone hacked
your machine as a prank.

Do you know anyone
who might've done that?

When we find the hacker,
you'll be back to normal.

♪ When the whistle blows ♪

♪ And the symbols crash ♪

(volume lowers):
♪ And the sparklers ♪

♪ Light the sky... ♪

Sebastian Lewin--

did he service your Wi-Fi?

I think so.
I don't remember his name.

Did Byron fire him?

Could he have a grudge?
Well, Byron decided

to withhold pay so he could be
certain that the work was good.

That part didn't
go over well.

So, what'd you find out?
There's an
I.T. specialist

that works in the office
by the name of Sebastian Lewin.

Ah, did he work
on his virtual assistant?

Quite possibly.
We're not sure.

What about the hack on your end?

So we are disabling
all the Bluetooth devices,

and the hacker's
only access point

will be my sister's cell phone,

and then she is gonna divert
the hack to the NSA.

The NSA? Why?

To get him in trouble.

(stammers) Kristen,
do-do you have a minute?

So that recording
you gave me,

I can't take out
the other voice.

I know.

Look, there is another option.

You have his voice from the
first thing he said, right?

So I just sample it
and deepfake it.

What does that mean?

You tell me what you remember
of his side of the conversation,

and I duplicate it.

You duplicate--
you can, you can do that?

Yeah, I can, yeah.

Look, if you don't want to,
it's totally...
No, no, I...

You can just create
a conversation?

No, I-I wouldn't be creating it,
I would be recreating it.

Look, it's-it's a conversation

that you had and you lost,
and now you just want it back.

If the ethics
of this throw you...

No, no, I-I want it. I just...

Yes, please do it.

Sebastian Lewin.

Yeah. What's the problem?

That depends.

I was just teaching
him a lesson.

Yeah? By hacking
his virtual assistant?

Yeah. He didn't pay for my work,
so I used his cell phone

to slingshot my voice
onto his machine.

You convinced him
to pledge his soul?

And he believed me. (chuckles)
What a moron.

So, uh, how'd you hack
my virtual assistant at home?

What are you talking about?

Your voice--
it was on my dad's machine.


Yes, it was. I heard it.

No, I stopped a few days ago.

(Joe speaking Urdu)

I don't believe you.
JOE: Yes, you do.

Iblis has your baby.

(speaking Urdu)

(baby crying)

What is that about?


What is that about a baby?


(baby crying)

(garbage truck

(baby continues crying)

("Monkey Wash Donkey Rinse"
by Warren Zevon playing)

Mr. Duke, I am so sorry.

This is
a lemon poppy seed,

and I'm not sure
how that happened...

No, no, no, leave it. I'm fine.

But it's lemon poppy seed.

I'm expanding my horizons.
Leave it.

You know, this experience has...

Changed me? Oh, God, I hope not.

Oh, whoops,
used the Lord's name in vain.

Do you want me to start
rolling calls?



(computer chimes)

♪ Hell is only half full ♪

♪ Room for you and me ♪

♪ Looking for a new fool ♪

♪ Who's it gonna be? ♪

No, he's been good.
Very good, actually.

I'm glad, but call the monsignor
if you have any more issues.

I will. Yes. Oh, and can you
tell your partner

that I have five tickets
for her for the new play?

Thank you all.

It's been a breath
of fresh air here.

He hasn't fired anyone.

He's even talked
about hiring

some of the other
assistants back.

Yes. I don't know what you did,

but it's a whole new world
around here.


Ah, Dr. Townsend.

Would you return
to the stand, please?

Of course, Your Honor.

A reminder, Doctor,

you are still
under oath.
May I,

Your Honor?

LELAND (over recording):
Ah, Kristen.

Can't stay away from me,
can you?

What do you want to say?

Why are you doing this to Adam?

What good could
it possibly do you?

Adam is a lightweight of clay
yet to find its form.

Real prison will help mold him
into a man.

It'll harden him.

Do you recognize those words?

That is your voice,
Doctor, isn't it?

Again, Your Honor, objection.
This is a secret recording.

Yes, and we are in
a one-party state,

and we are using it to rebut

an expert witness,
Your Honor.

Yes, Mr. Cormier, this is merely
a pre-trial hearing.

Dr. Townsend, is
this your voice?

It is not.

Well, what about this?

Why don't you just
get back on the stand

and tell the truth?

What are you trying to do,

play on my better nature,


Is that really your plan?

Look, he's just a kid.

The second prison r*pe,
and he won't be anymore.

So, Mr. Townsend,
what do you mean by that?

That's Dr. Townsend.

Thank you, Kristen.

Still a long way to go.

At least we have
a fighting chance now.


Thank you so much.

A deepfake-- how very modern.
Those are my tools.

What did Shakespeare say?

"To do a great right,
do a little wrong."

Technology's a bitch.

You know the next line?

"And curb this cruel devil
of his will."

There are forces in play,
Kristen Bouchard.