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02x07 - Beyond Gadgetdome - Brain Drain

Posted: 10/20/21 06:14
by bunniefuu

♪ Inspector - Gadget! ♪

♪ Inspector Gadget! ♪

♪ Inspector - Gadget! ♪

♪ Inspector Gadget! ♪

♪ Go Go Gadget, Go! ♪

♪ (Go! Go! Gadget! Go!) ♪

♪ Go Go Gadget, Go! ♪

♪ (Go! Go! Yeah! Gadget!) ♪

♪ Inspector - Gadget! ♪

♪ Inspector Gadget! ♪

♪ Go Go Gadget, Go! ♪

♪ (Go! Go! Yeah! Gadget!) ♪

♪ Inspector Gadget! ♪

♪ Ahhhhh! ♪


Begin world monument defacing!


This evil competition is
almost within my claw!

I don't get it.

So you mess up world
monuments. Big deal.

There's more to it than that

Whoever messes up the most
monuments, wins!


That snooty Baron Von Steeltoe

will never catch up to me now!

This is the lamest competition


Uh... this is the lamest
competition ever?

You kids! With your strange,
opposite sayings.

Bad is good! Cool is hot!

Lame... must mean amazing!


What's this? An e-mail from
the Baron!

Aye, Dr. Claw. Look up.


No! I need a another monument
to deface!

Pshht. Good luck beating the

Ha. AYERS ROCK in Australia!?

Millions of years old, beloved
by the world...

and perfect to deface!

Watch out ANGRY ARNIE!

Your futuristic, armored car
won't protect you

from those... mutants!

Well, I think I've figured out

your G-Portal isn't working.

Who's been chewing bubble gum
in the G-Portal again?

Hey! I was in the middle of
Angry Arnie,

Cul-de-sac Crusader!

Eucalyptus tree. Family:


PENNY! Watch out!


Sorry, Professor, just a
little distracted...

I've got so many junior spy
exams coming up,

that I've been studying like

MAD. Evil organization led by
Dr. Claw.

Drained Atlantic ocean, .

World record, most hollowed
out volcano lairs, .

Attempts to capture Inspector
Gadget: , ,

, , to present-

Phew. Thanks Brain.

But I still have tons of pages
to read.

Maybe... sit this
next mission out?

No way Chief! I can do both.

That's right!

Justice never sits this one out!

Or crouches.
It does sometimes lean.

Reclines? Why not?


MAD's been defacing world
monuments across the, uh...


Dr. Claw's latest stop is the
Australian Outback.

Your mission is to put a end
to his global-vandalism.

This message will

On it Chief!




Oops, forgot something Chief!





Ugh. Can't I go
like five minutes

without Uncle C
checking up on me?

You call that...

But Uncle Claw!
I just started...


MADcat may not know how
to eat without choking

but she knows good use of
negative space!

Von Steeltoe's moon-defacing
was a work of art!

This... is a mess!
I want real passion!

Real feeling! Real
destruction! Real fast!


Now that's incentive.



Everyone's an art critic.


Wait a second... this looks

The G-Portal must still be on
the fritz!

It sent us to a bleak, not-too-distant
future created by MAD!

Luckily, I am an expert,

in world-on-edge, future-gone-mad...

I have seen all the Angry
Arnie movies!

Go Go Gadget Mobile Post
Apocalyptic Mode!

Uncle Gadget, that's only a

Well then how you to explain

Uh, a kangaroo?

A kangaroo, you say.

Well if that's true Penny,

he won't mind answering some

Yoohoo! Mr. Kangaroo! Can you
come here a minute?

Just as I suspected, Penny.
That's not a kangaroo.

That's a mutant warrior from
the no-too-distant future.

Go Go Gadget Mutant Tracker!

Now I'm prepared for all
future danger. Let's roll.

Uh, Uncle Gadget?

Maybe we can confuse the uh...

if we split up?

Good idea, Penny. But stay
safe and mutant-free!

Brain! Stay with Uncle Gadget,

and watch out for him!
Protecting a superior

is Rule . B.

Don't worry, Brain...

I can handle a mission and my
studying. Swearsies!



MAD evil defacing... take two.


No no... NO! Terrible!

Is that what I'm not
paying you for, Talon!?

Even after those
few paltry strokes

I can tell your
vision is no match

for Von Steeltoe's latest work!

Ach! The good Doctor!

Feast your eyes, uh...

if you have eyes, on my latest
and grrrreatest defacement!

That... was Mt. Everest!

Did you see how Steeltoe's
henchman created

a rich texture on that
offensive image?!

How come you can't do that?



I'll just use my Codex to
reprogram that laser, and...


Well, well...

Looks like we have an evil
laser-carving-art fan here...


It's worse than I thought.

These mutants are vicious!




A koala-slash-kangaroo-
slash-dog... mutant!?

Curse you Dr. Claw!

Curse you for messing with
mother nature!

Wait... Dr. Claw!

That mutant will lead me right
back to him!

Does that look straight to you?

Focus Penny... or...

you'll be part of the
landscape... forever.


My Codex alarm!

I've got to get back to my

No... that's what got me into

If I was less distracted,

I could've helped Uncle Gadget
stop Talon!

And I would've walked into way
less trees.

[GASP] Like Eucalyptus trees!

Family: Myrtaceae.
Found only in Australia

And also have lots of oil in

Now that's... an a-plus.


We must be close to
the MAD mutant lair!

That... must be the mutant

I must capture it...

very carefully.



Got you, disarmingly cute

Now lead me to your creator:
Dr. Claw!


Nope, too weird,

not weird enough...

...Hey Penny!
What do you think?


How's that for a critique?

All that studying is gonna
make you so BURNT out.

No wait... I am!

Yowch! Hothothothothothot!


Now I get some target practice!



No. NO! NOOO! It can't be!

Wow. I did take one art class,

and I can say: Nice Work,

All right! We finally made it!

Now, take me to your leader.


It was ME all along?
I created the mutants?

Why, future Gadget! WHYYY!

Go Go Gadget
Black Hole of Despair.

Whoa whoa whoa!




Wake up Uncle Gadget! Wake up!



Oh. It's just you Chief.

Hmp. Yes. Well, You saved
Ayer's Rock Gadget!

And put an end to Claw's
foolish contest.

Good work.

Whatever you say Chief!

You're not a mutant, are you?


Now, you'd better get studying.

I believe you
have exams to take.

And ace.

Looks like we have time to
prepare for our bleak future!

Because believe me, the
mutants are coming.

And while they may be
cute, it won't be pretty.



We had this in the Evil Bag,
and you ruined it!

I can't catch up to Steeltoe

Not after his masterpiece: the
Aurora Boot-ealis!

Next Time Steeltoe, NEXT TIME!!!

Ummmm, try... 'macaroni arms'.


Try... 'Codex',


'Penny & Talon EVA'

'macaroni arms '.


Isn't there a less shark-y way
to guess HQ's passcodes?

Maybe we should just knock on
HQ's door

and ask them to pretty please
hand over access

to all their secret information.

That idea doesn't sound



Hey! You know they love my
hair gel.

What about the Switcheroo ?



That's still in its
experimental stage.

Who's to say won't work on a

And a certain meddlesome dog.




Um, can I come down now?


Go Go Gadget Breakfast!


Ahh. A Multi-Tasker's dream

Morning, Penny! What have you
got there?

'The Spy Who Organized Me'.

A book on multitasking secrets
from top agents.

So far, I've only encountered
one bad timesaving tip.

Word to the wise -

do NOT mix suction cup
climbing and cooking.

Ahhh, yes. I read that book.

The author was juggling
flaming arrows and repelling

down the Eiffel Tower when he
autographed my copy.

Next up is a chapter on

The art of getting other
people to do your job,

that's something I've always
struggled with.


Which reminds me, Brain,

be a good dog and fetch the
paper from outside.


Remember to act like a silly

Roll-over, shake-a-paw, play

Stupid pet tricks?

Please, that's one undercover
mission MADcat can do

with her eyes closed.

In , , , -


Dr. Claw's Monster, I presume.


I know Brain's not a dog's dog.

He can't shake a
paw or play dead

or even eat from his bowl.

But I had hoped
he could "fetch".


Look who's ready to
act like a real dog!

Go Go Gadget Head-scratcher.
Good dog.

Yeayyyhhh, it's gonna take
some time to adjust

to the new bod.

And the new cat-sized brain.


Here's the dealio.

We switched your body with
MADcat's so she could steal

HQ's new passcodes.

But if she's not back here in

you'll stay like that

So don't even think about


Chapter - 'Strugglin' with

The book says you gotta learn
to physically juggle

before you can mentally juggle.


Hmmm, coffee, tea or...

Chief Quimby!

Nice multi-tasking, Chief!

Good morning, Gadget.

It's the annual changing of
HQ's passcodes

and we have reason to believe
MAD is sending

an undercover agent to steal

This message will

A MAD agent, here? Just
waltzing around HQ?


We're taking every precaution

and we've erased all
internet-records of the codes.

This portable drive contains
the only copy.


No, Brain!

The doggy treats are in my
other pocket.

Don't forget your milk, Chief!



Just watch MADcat chase her
own tail

like a real dog!

She could teach you a thing or

about undercover disguises.

Ugh! For the last time,

I thought you said

There's something different
about you,

that I can't put my finger on.


That's it! You're likable now!

Let's make a list of all
the doggy things

we've never done together.

What should be first?

Playing dead!
You read my mind.

Next, FETCH!

Too slow!


MADcat's undercover skills
are second to none.

She's got Gadget
eating out of her hand.

When's the last time
YOU were that committed

to going undercover?

You're right, Uncle Claw!

MADcat is a waaaaay
better spy than me.

If you wanna get
outta this body and

back into that one before MADcat

destroys your reputation,

you will help me sneak into HQ

and do the switcheroo.


Be back soon!
Just stepping out

to do some spy stuff!


Oof. Hey! Get back here.

You think Penny's gonna
believe you're Brain

without me to do all the


These multitasking exercises

are really upping my agent game.

That was close.

As if I wasn't using my
degree Codex goggles

to see behind me!

Hello? Multitasking .

Also, my cat allergy
gave you away.

You don't have time for this.


I know you're here to


steal the passcodes but,

you can't keep running forever.

Oh? Why's that?


Because this hall ends.

You're right, we knew about
the passcodes

so we used this machine

to switch MADcat and Brain's,
well, brains.

And if we don't get them back

into their regular bodies in...

minutes - Brain and MADcat
will be switched permanently.

If you're Brain, then what's
my middle name?


What? I follow you
on MySpyPlace.

Kay - something only Brain

Got it!

The steps to our HQ Talent Show
country-jazz dance routine.




[LAUGHS] It's really you!

But if you're in MADcat's body,

then MADcat is with Uncle
Gadget and the...


Told ya!

Hey - around here, we

So, if you're gonna gloat -

you better gloat and RUN!

What's next on our ultimate
doggy date bucket list?

We've done the bicycle built
for two,

the spaghetti bowl for two,

the old time-y mermaid photo
for two...


What's that, boy? A little

Oh, it's your turn to walk me.

Uncle Gadget.

Penny! You've come to join us
for our walkies.

Heel, Brain.

There's no time for explanations

but if that dog and this cat

don't put these matching hats
on in less than a minute

they'll permanently be in each
other's bodies.

You had me at matching hats.

Brain and I live to match,
right Brain?

A nice quiet spot for my lunch.

No Gadget, no bombs, no worries.

You... You're me...

Finally! Now me-as-you gets to
blow you-as-me up!

This message will

Uncle Gadget, no!


I should've known better.



[PENNY VOICE] Oh no! What have
you done, Talon!?


That handsome fellow sounds an
awful lot like my niece!

I guess this is an opportunity
to really multi-task!

Go Go Gadget Arms!



CHIEF: Woohoo! Now I
won't get blown up!

I don't wanna be the old man!





Hello, me!

[TALON VOICE] Uncle Gadget,
give me the passcodes

before Talon gets them.

Penny, are you coming down
with a cold?

Your voice is very low.

[PENNY VOICE] No! That's
Talon, I'm Penny.

Don't give Talon, I mean,

don't give Penny, the passcodes.

Give Penny the passcodes.

Haha! Victory!

Listen Talon, we only have

If you switch us back, I'll
give you this USB drive.

Unless you wanna be me forever.



Later, suckers!

Well Penny, that was

You - I mean, I - did some
fine multi-tasking there.

Yes Gadget, but now Talon has
HQ's passcodes.

Don't worry, Chief Quimby.

Things aren't always what they

Let the record show it was ME,

not MADcat who got those

This is an e-copy of 'The Spy
Who Organized Me'.

I've been meaning to read that.

The sharks are hungry.
