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05x04 - 100% or Nothing

Posted: 10/22/21 11:11
by bunniefuu


♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Come on, now ♪

Alright, I'm nervous. Is that normal?

- Well, public speaking isn't for everyone.
- Yeah.

This isn't the public,
though... it's my people.

Well, teaching our own
people is sometimes harder

than an anonymous crowd.

Because we know how
petty and mean they are?


Sean Beckett.

I heard you'd been moved over here.

My condolences.

DeeDee, are you keeping tabs on me?

I am flattered.

- DeeDee?
- Mm-hmm.

Yeah, Chief Cummings
thought that "Diane"

was too uptight a name
for a firefighter,

so he renamed her at the academy.

Yeah, what was your nickname again?

Uh..."Last Place"?


Doesn't ring a bell. How are your kids?

- Driving.
- Mm. Terrifying.

Thank you for that heads-up.

Well, thanks for
letting us do this here.

Yeah, you know me. Anything to beat .

It's not really about
winning or losing, Beckett.

It's always about that, DeeDee.

♪ Oh, here I come, oh, here I go ♪

♪ Oooh, I'm on a roll ♪

♪ I got soul ♪

- DeeDee.
- Nope.


♪ I got soul in my soul ♪

♪ Letcha know ♪

♪ Lose control ♪

♪ Work it, work it ♪

♪ Ooh, I got soul ♪

Heard we're headed to for the day.


If ever there was a time for
a big, big fire, it's now.

Herrera, feel free to give
my turnouts a quick scrub

when you get done with
yours, huh? [CHUCKLES]

AQUINO: Let's go, . Off to for

conflict resolution training,
whatever that is.

It's crisis intervention.

Whatever. Just don't make me

look bad in front of Beckett.

Prick beats me in football
squares every year,

and he's a sore winner.



Maddox, do you set a goal each morning

to see if you can be more
disgusting than the day before?

She's so into me. [CHUCKLES]

So, uh, how are Joey's
college applications coming?

Good. Good. I mean, he's...
I think he's on track.

You know, Miranda's doing
all the proof-reading.

- Mm-hmm.

I got the easy part. I just
tell him to write his essay.

- I...
- Ben?

- Hi.
- Oh, um...

Ingrid, right?

You remembered me.

You were very kind in front of my son,

who thinks I'm incredibly
uncool, so, yeah.

Uh, what do you got there?

Oh, I'm rebuilding my store. Yay.

And I was hoping I could
get your expert eye

on the blueprints?

I want to make sure
everything is up to code

so nothing happens again.

Um, well, uh...

I'm running a little bit late today...

Oh, no, of course. Please.

I wouldn't want to keep you
from saving any more lives.


Um, maybe I could leave
these here with you?

- Um, sure. Sure.
- Okay.

And, um, do... do you
have a card or something?

Yeah. Uh, yeah.

Great. Alright. I'll, uh...
I'll take a look.

Thank you so much.

- Alright. Take care.
- Bye.



- You got yourself a badge bunny.
- No.

- Yeah, you do.
- No! No, no.

She... She's a harmless, thankful woman

- who's been through a trauma...
- Most bunnies are.

... and is just trying to make
sure it doesn't happen again.

Yeah. No, I get it.

Hey, uh, Sweaty, Sweatier,

is on their way. Get changed.


- What's up with him?
- I was literally going to do that.

- Victoria.
- Hm?

Hey. Hi. Travis here.

Do you know how embarrassing it is

to have your smoke alarm battery

go off when you're a firefighter?

Because you were supposed
to buy batteries

when you went grocery shopping.

Okay, I don't remember
that being assigned to me.

I texted you while
you were in the store.

- No, you didn't.
- Yes, I did.

- No, you didn't.
- Yes, I did.

- No, you didn't.
- Mm!

EMMETT: Sorry, I was there.

Okay, you're supposed to be
conflict resolution.


- Huh.
- What?

My dad just texted me,

"Going to San Diego next week with Kyle.

Could you check on your
mother once or twice?"

Is this Kyle, secret-boyfriend-Kyle?

Kyle, secret-boyfriend-Kyle.


Hey, guys. 's almost here.

- Barn. Now.

- Coming. Jeez. - Okay.

"She thinks it's a conference,
by the way".

Oh, wait, so your dad is going...

Going on vacation with his lover

and wants me to cover for him.

EMMETT: Yeesh.



They say you're not supposed
to read your own press.

I'm not. This is from my
damn divorce lawyer.

- This...
- I've been dragged into the middle of that already.

I don't want to get in any deeper.

Well, I'm not the one who dragged you.

I didn't say you were.

Hey. 's almost here.

's coming?


Crisis One training.

Does no one read my texts?


Oh, fun. A wedding.

I guess that makes us the groom's side.

[CHUCKLING] Oho, oh! Damn!
Is that the Fire Zaddy?

BECKETT: Okay, okay, everybody. Shut up.

We're here for some training,
just like any other day.

I'd like to finish by dinner

so I don't have to share
my meatballs with .

DeeDee, can we get started please?

Thank you.

Hi, everybody. Um...

For those of you who don't know me,

I'm Diane Lewis.

Hey, Diane.

Good to see you again, Pat.

Today I'm here in a different role

than many of you may know me.

In addition to my work
as a grief counselor,

I'm also certified in crisis
intervention training.

Now, as you know, Dean
Miller has spearheaded

- the Crisis One program here in SFD...
- Whoo! - Yeah!

- ... and we're all very proud.

- Yes!
- Yeah!


Yeah, now, you'll find all
your protocols in there.

You probably know most of them already,

we're just reframing them
through this program

with the goal of eliminating
the police and their weapons

from the situation.

Now, a mental health
crisis can evoke fear.

An armed response leads
to unnecessary trauma,

and in the worst cases, loss of life.

So why don't we just, uh, jump right in

with some role play?

Okay, lucky for us,

we have our very own
married couple in the house.

Herrera and Sullivan, why
don't you come on up here?

And we'll start on page

with the "marital dispute" scenario.

[CHUCKLING] Oh, man.

Oh, man.

Oh, man.


- Or... we could take volunteers...
- SULLIVAN: No, I'm game.

I'm game.

I'm game.




Fine. Yeah.


Let's do it.


We're gonna be role-playing scenarios

that you may encounter
while on Crisis One calls.

Your job is to secure the scene,

build trust and rapport
with the patient,

and find a solution, if you can.

Now, I will be the responder
for this first one.

And you two are the married couple.

The wife has locked the husband outside

and is throwing his stuff
out onto the sidewalk.

Someone called because the husband

is screaming and threatening her.

Okay, Diane, I think
maybe we should not...

Are you crazy?!


Rob... Roberto, do not call me crazy.

You... You screwed my best friend!

- I did no such thing!

You believe what you want to believe!

Hey there, sir. Uh. What
seems to be the problem?

Um, my wife, she has locked me out,

and she is trashing my stuff

and throwing one year of
marriage into the garbage.

I can't look away.

- That sounds frustrating.
- That's not the word I would use.

We often hurt the ones we love the most.

Lady, I don't need your counseling.

I just need my wife to
stop throwing my stuff

- out the window!
- Well, if he hadn't betrayed me,

- I wouldn't be doing it!
- But... And she doesn't listen!

[LAUGHING] Oh, my God.

Okay? She's not even willing
to have a conversation.

- It's like talking to a brick wall.

Says the concrete wall.

Okay, I can see that
you're both really angry...

You know, maybe if he
didn't always act like

he knows me better than I know myself...

You don't even know...

- She doesn't even know herself.

Fighting with her is like
fighting with a teenager.

- Oh.
- It's like you're permanently stuck at age .

Oh, for someone who's
never been a parent,

you sure know how to
condescend like one.

- Condescend like one? - Oh, thank God.

requested to Egre Road.

Sullivan, you're with me.


Okay, uh... Beckett.

- Do you want to fill in for Sullivan?
- Oh, God.

Uh... I don't...

Uh. I'll do it.



What is this, now?


How could you do me like that, Teresa?

- She's crazy!
- Who's Teresa?

And she threw my record
collection out the window!

- Sounds like you deserve it!
- Hughes.

Sorry! I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

You jackass. You...
With my best friend?!

- What?
- Okay, and I just feel like

these scenarios are harmful stereotypes.

Hughes, why don't you come
and play the first responder?

- Hmm? Mnh. Mnh-mnh.
- Yeah.

- Come on.
- Come on, Hughes.

- No.
- Yeah, yeah.

No, no. I got this.


Remember, compassion. Empathy.

- Compassion and empathy.
- Compassion and empathy.

- Okay. Yeah.
- Yeah.

Let's go. Let's see it.

Um, sir...

Whatever happened before
today doesn't matter.

What matters now is making
sure no one gets hurt

and, uh, keeping you safe, okay?

Okay, well, I don't want
anyone to get hurt.

Good. Now, you ready
to take a walk with me?

Oh. Uh.

I'm ready to do more than that.

- DIANE: Okay, seriously?

WOMAN: Yeah. I'm done. I'm out of here.

You two are a thing, too?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Maybe I should do the
groupings from now on?

That's a good idea. Why
don't you do that for me?

Yep. It's time. Come on.


Somebody called the fire department?


He's over here.


Grab a tool bag and blankets.

TONY: Dammit, Patricia,
did you call ?

I said I'd figure it out!

Yeah, I'd like to see you try, Houdini.

How can I get in the house?

Yeah, I'll take you.


Hey, I'm Maya. What's your name?

- Tony.
- How are you feeling?

Uh, a little hungover.

Tony, it looks like you were bleeding.

Do you remember cutting yourself?

Ohh. I was piss drunk last night,

tried to break into my own house
through the doggy door.

How much do you think I remember?


Here he is. The light of my life.

Enough, Trish. I feel
like an idiot as is.

Oh, well. If it walks like a duck

and it quacks like a duck...

SULLIVAN: How you doing? I'm Robert.


- Now, uh...
- Ohh.

... do you feel any...
any tingling in your arm?

I did when I woke up, but
I... I don't feel anything now.

Okay, well, that's probably
because you slept on it

- so the circulation's cut off.

Here we go. Let's remove this.

I'd have chewed my own damn arms off

if it meant getting out of here.

[CHUCKLES] Why didn't
you do that years ago?

Because my mouth was filled with
all the crap you made me eat!

- Oh... - Okay, okay.

Uh, Bishop?!

- You got the cordless?!
- Yeah, I got it.

- Let's get him out of here.
- Alright.

Hey, do I get to pick which
half of him stays here?

Oh, real nice, Trish. [EXHALES DEEPLY]



DEAN: This is obviously a waste of time.

It's a joke to them.

Well, there are always growing
pains with this kind of thing.

So we're supposed to just
go through the motions

and then, boom, they're certified?


We are supposed to show
them how it's done,

mistakes and all.

This is just day one. They'll get there.

If they can stop for five minutes

with their romantic psychodramas.

Well... [SIGHS]


Alright. [CLAPS HANDS]

Um, next up, let's have
Gibson and... Maddox.

- Hey!
- I'm pretty sure you two are not romantically involved.

- Correct?
- I don't know.

I've heard stories about Gibson.

Okay. Uh, Jack, you work in an office,

and your co-worker, Dan,

has locked himself in
the conference room.

Uh, why?

That... That's what
Jack has to figure out.

I don't get it. Uh.

Have I called ?

Okay, alright. Um. I'm
gonna be the responder.

- Awesome.



Uh, Dan, come on out, man.
We're all worried about you.

Hey, uh, Dan. I'm with the
Seattle Fire Department.

Did you call the friggin' cops, man?

Just to check on you, man.

I'm freaking out. I'm freaking out.

I'm freaking out, man!


What... is he on dr*gs?


DIANE: It's often hard
to know if the patient

is intoxicated or suffering
from mental illness, or both.

Okay? Treat everyone with empathy.

- Miller.
- Hmm?



- Hey, Dan.
- Aaah.

I'm Dean. Dean Miller.

Your co-workers are telling me

that you had a stressful day here?

- Yeah.
- I remember when I was in finance,

it felt like some days were
more stressful than other days?

Is that what you're f-feeling now?

I am a golden god!

Okay, look, man, if you're not gonna

take this seriously, you don't have...

I'm a serious golden god!

DIANE: Miller, he's either on dr*gs

or having a psychotic break.

You know, I feel like I'm about
to have a psychotic break.

Okay, alright. Let's take a breather.

Back here in , people.

Looks like you're gonna owe
me a six-pack, captain.

Pull it together, .

I don't wanna have to
come back here again.

Miller, they will get there.

Look, they already know how to do this.

We just need to teach the language.

I know. I know. It's just that I'm...

- I'm not a teacher.
- No.

I'm a teacher.

You're a leader.





Alright, so what are you gonna tell him?

I'm not gonna cover for
my dad with my poor mom,

who's probably at home
writing a poem about him.

Oh, you know, she sent
me some of her pieces.

They're actually really good.

Not the point. Right.

I mean, I don't know. Should I tell her?

It's been so long,

I feel like he's never gonna
be honest with her

and somebody should be.

That's not really your truth to tell.

I know. I know. I know. But it's like,

if he were in some
boring, hetero affair,

I wouldn't think twice
about telling my mom.

Well, that's just it. He's not.

- He's in the closet.
- Yeah, but...


- It's not that simple.

So, uh... Teresa's... ?

I was playacting.


She was my first girlfriend. Teresa.

- Oh.
- Was crazier than a...

Oh, you know what? Actually,
I'm gonna stop you there.

You know I don't love it
when men call women crazy.

She spent two months in a psych ward.

No, I thought that was Allie.

- Her, too.
- Oh, yeah.


I'm sorry, you have two girlfriends
who were committed?

What can I say? I have a type.



PATRICIA: Explain to me again
what you thought you were doing.

I was drunk, okay?

I couldn't find my key and...

And you thought maybe
you'd squeeze your ass

in through our dog door.

- Our dog died years ago.

He still won't let me get a new one.

I didn't want to wake you up.
You could say thank you.

- No.
- MAYA: Sullivan, this frame is decorative.

We're gonna have to
reposition him for removal.


Patricia, um, could you maybe, uh,

help Lieutenant Bishop on
the other side of the door?

- Yeah, fine.

I can't stand the smell
of last night's Scotch

on his breath anymore.


You know, we used to
actually like each other.

I mean, I don't know what happened.

Somewhere along the line,
it got like this. Ohh.

- It's okay.
- Oh, thanks.

- Listen, Tony.
- Mnh.

- We're gonna try lifting you...
- Mm.

... and when we do, you're gonna
have to try and move that arm

out from underneath you. Okay?

- Yep.
- Alright.

Bishop? On three.


One. Two. Three.


Okay, come on. Come on.
Come on. Come on.


You can do it. You can do it.

- Nope. No.
- Okay, okay. Okay, sir.

It's stuck, man. [SIGHS]

Bishop, we're gonna have to cut him out.

- Copy.
- You hear that, Tony?

They got to cut our door.
You gonna buy a new one?

It's times like this I'm glad
we didn't have kids.

They'd be ashamed.

Look, when we got married,

we both said we didn't want them,

and then I changed my
mind, but it was too late.

TONY: It wasn't always too late, Trish.

Yes, it was, Tony! Yes, it was!

Because you are a walking farce.

You are a drunk, and
you're not father material,

and we both know it!

Maybe if you'd told me you wanted kids,

I-I-I could have turned it around.

Oh, says the man stuck
in the doggy door.

- [GROANS] Oh! Son of a bitch, that burns!
- Alright.

That means there's circulation, Tony.

- That's good news.
- Ohh! Fantastic.

- Okay. One more.


She didn't tell me until last year

that she'd wanted kids all this time,

but never said anything.

I mean, what am I
supposed to do with that?

I mean, everything works
for me down there,

but she had cancer last
year... they took it all out.

So what do I do with that?

Starting the cut!









Here we go.


- Tony!
- Okay, okay, but watch your head.

- Oh!
- Watch your head.


Son of a bitch.


What happened?

Ah, that hurts.

Tony, what happened?!

MAYA: How the hell did that happen?

Aah. I don't know.

What is that... a bottle opener?

I don't know. [GRUNTS LIGHTLY]

Dispatch, this is Engine
requesting an aid car

to Egre Road.


[CRYING] Oh, my God. Was that in him?






You doing okay over there at ?

Ugh. Surviving.

Ruiz makes it feel less lonely,
but it's not the same.

Things good here?

Yeah, I mean, other
than you not being here

- and Beckett being our captain...

... uh...

yeah, it's like normal.

- So things are just fine with Sullivan?
- Yeah, go ahead.

Like, everyone forgave him?


Well, he's kind of the reason
you guys are all here today.

He agreed to let the SFD capitalize on

his little Fire Zaddy
moment, and in turn,

Miller gets his department-wide
training approved.

I'm pretty sure there's
an ulterior motive.


Um, I'm gonna say
something to you right now,

and, uh, you're probably gonna get mad,

but, uh, hell with it.


I think what you did was messed up.

- Excuse me? [BRUSHES OFF HANDS]
- Yeah.

I'm a stranger in my own
house because of him.

- Maya...
- Would be the first to tell you

that she got demoted because
she defied McCallister.

Have you asked her how she feels
about this situation lately?

Have you talked to her?

It's like...

you find things to use
as excuses to cut and run.

- Well, don't you?

You do. Uh, look, you did it with me,

you did it with Ryan,
and now your husband.

I don't look for excuses.

Robert is overbearing, stubborn,

overprotective to the
point of patronizing,

and he refuses to admit when he's wrong.

Like your dad?

Who you worshiped, right?

Who we all worshiped.

But, I mean, you just left,

didn't say a thing, kind of like your...


Like... Like who? Like my mom?


Not exactly like your mom, no.



- Andy. Just...
- No.





You know what I do
when I feel overwhelmed?

I take a walk, you know?

Go to the park and get some ice cream.

I don't like ice cream.


[CHUCKLING] Okay, um...

Are you a salty food guy?


Okay, well,

maybe a bag of chips is your ice cream.


Yeah, so, uh, what do you say
you come on out of there

and we take a walk to the park together?


- Okay. Okay.
- Okay. Okay.

That was great, you two.



Now, did you see how he kept him talking

but never pushed?

He really engaged him and was
sensitive to his physicality

and matched it where he could.

He empathized and
validated his feelings,

and presented an
alternative plan of action.

See, empathized and
validated his feelings.

Yeah, it's not very
subtle, but I got it.

Hey, maybe next time you accuse me

of forgetting to buy batteries,

you could just present an
alternative plan of action.

- Okay, both of you...

DISPATCH: Crisis One requested

- to block of North Wilton.


- Uh, Jack.
- Yeah.

You didn't get a fair shot earlier.

You want to try it in the field?

What, like now? For real? Yeah.

- Yeah, for real.
- Okay. Yeah.

- Whoo!



[VOICE BREAKING] Tony, you big idiot.

Do not die. You cannot die!

- Ma'am, I'm sorry. I need the space.

Lungs sound good. Pulse ox is %.

Tony, if you die by a s*ab
wound from a bottle opener

because your drunk ass
tried to crawl in through

our dead dog's door, I swear to God...

- You'll what? k*ll me?

Ma'am, he's gonna be fine.

On three. One, two, three. Up.

[CRYING] I should have told you

when I changed my mind
and I wanted kids.

I shoulda given you
a chance to clean up.

TONY: No. Listen to me.


If I was gonna clean up, I
woulda done it for you, babe.

I couldn't. I tried.

Alright, let's go.

It's okay. It's okay, baby. It's okay.




Dad, hey.

Hey, um, so, what's this
text I got from you?

- Yeah, well...
- "I'm not gonna lie for you"?

Yeah. Just what it says.

Dad, the whole point of texting
is to not have to call.

I didn't ask you to lie for me, Travis.

Right, but that was the implication.

"She thinks it's a
conference, by the way".

I just wanted you to
have the information

- so that you didn't...
- So what?

So I didn't accidentally
tell her the truth?

- [SIGHS] I never meant...
- Okay, Dad. Dad.

I have given you space,

and I know that it's
not my truth to tell,

but that's my mom and
you're lying to her

and possibly putting her at risk.

Kyle and I are safe.

Dad, you know that's not the point!

I gotta go, okay?

I'm in the middle of crisis
intervention training,

and I clearly have more to learn.




That's affirmative.

- Crisis One on scene.

- VIC: Hi.
- Come on, man. I called the police.

Well, they called us.

Can you tell us the situation?

Yeah, this crazy kid
won't get off the bus,

and this is the last stop on my route.

It's the end of my shift. I
can't go back to the terminal

with him still inside.

- Well, he seems upset, not crazy.
- Mm.

Look, I'm new to this route, alright?

And I don't know this kid.

And when I tried to wake him,
he freaked out on me,

so I'm gonna go with crazy.

- Okay, well...
- Okay, so this is no different from any other call

where we deal with an erratic patient.

You ready? You got this.

Y... Okay. Yeah.

- You got it.
- Alright.



Hey, buddy. I'm... I'm Jack.

Uh, Jack Gibson. I'm a...

Okay. Hey.

Buddy, y-your hand is kind of...

- Don't touch me!
- Okay.

- Do not touch me!
- I'm sorry.

The driver tried to take my bag,

but I wouldn't let him
because it's my bag.

I-I fell taking it back,

and I cut my my hand
on the back of a seat.

Alright. Okay. Um... W-What's your name?

Myles Anthony Trudeau.

That's a good, strong name.

In fact, my... my friend,
her dad's name is Anthony.

He makes the best pierogis.

My name is Myles.

Right. Myles.

Myles, y-your hand is
bleeding pretty bad.

Are you sure I can't just...

- Don't! Don't touch me!
- Okay. Okay. Alright.

- Get away from me!
- Okay.

- Do not touch me!
- Okay.

- Get away from me! Get away from me!
- I'm stepping back.

- Get away from me!
- I'm stepping back.

- Get away from me!
- Okay.

Do not touch me! Do not touch me!

Dispatch, this is Engine .

Patient is being transported
to Seattle Pres

by Aid Car .

We're heading back to the station now.

DISPATCH: Copy, Engine .


You think Carina's gonna
hate me like that one day

if I never want to have kids?


- How is that funny?
- It's not.

It's just, here I am, thinking
about my own marriage

based on that hot mess of a couple,

and you're over there,
thinking about yours.

It's just... [CHUCKLES]

- Yeah, we're all just...
- The hero of our own story.


Something Andy said to me
the night of your wedding.

Andy's my best friend,
but no one really knows

what it's like in another marriage

except for the people in it.

You know, all I'm gonna say is that,

for the past two years,
I have watched her

twist herself up about you.

First, you were the forbidden romance,

then you were the whirlwind romance,

then you were the tragic romance.

And now we're the
stuckin-a-doggy-door romance.

You're saying I should let her go.

I am just saying that I wish
my friend could be happy again.

MYLES: It's Thursday. I
go there every Thursday,

and his mom always makes enchiladas.

I-I-I don't know where I am.

I-I'm supposed to be
at Trevor's for dinner,

because it's Thursday.

- Y-You like your, uh, your routines, huh?
- Yes.

I wake up every day
at : in the morning,

and then I make breakfast.
And then after breakfast,

I like to take a walk
in my neighborhood.

Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays,

I go to work at the grocery store.

- I'm a bagger.
- Once, I won the store contest

for bagging the best and the fastest,

which was actually pretty cool.

On Wednesdays, I-I
go to socialization club,

and on Thursdays,

I'm... I'm supposed to
be at Trevor's house.

This is not Trevor's stop.
This is not Trevor's stop.

- This is not Trevor's stop.
- So your routines...

- This is not Trevor's stop.
- ... t-they help you a lot, right?


My... My teachers tell me
that keeping a routine

and staying busy will
help with my autism

because it will occupy
my mind and it'll give me

something to look forward to.

That's awesome. You know,
my teachers always said

they expected to see me
on the : news.

Ahh. They thought I was a bad kid.

A-Are... Are you a bad person?

Oh, no. Bud, I'm sorry.

Um, I-I'm a helper. I'm a firefighter.

Hey, um, what... what
time is your, uh...

- your dinner with Trevor?
- : .

- : .
- Mm-hmm.

What do you say we clean your hand up

and we'll just drive you?

Right, you don't like
to be touched. Um...

What if I showed you...

if I showed you how
to clean your own hand,

and then no touching...

would that be okay?

- Yeah? Okay. Yeah?

Uh, Hughes, could you please
bring the medical bag?


Why did your teacher think you were bad?

Uh, well, I didn't come to class a lot,

because, uh, I was embarrassed.


Because I was, uh, homeless often,

and, uh, I usually would
wear the same clothes

and never have enough
supplies for class.

But there was this one
really nice teacher.

Yeah, she, um...

she always brought me food on most days,

so that I could eat,

and, uh, she just, uh...

didn't judge me.


Kids were mean to me, too.

Some people think that I'm weird

just 'cause I'm different.


No. That's... not true.

- Do... Do you have a Dalmatian?
- Uh...

Did you know that Dalmatians
were firehouse dogs?

Well, they became firehouse dogs

because they got along with horses,

and when firefighting started,

the trucks were horse-drawn carriages.

No. That's... That's awesome.
No, I didn't know that.

Uh, I wish we had a dog.


- Dalmatian.
- Good?

- Alrighty.

Do you mind if I put some
supplies right here?

Would that be alright?

Yeah? Okay.


I will show you how to fix your hand.

JACK: So, to disinfect the hand,

first, we need to bust open
one of these bad boys,

and then rub... don't scrub...

you know, at the back of the hand,

and then, if it starts
to sting a little bit,

that just means it's working, alright?


♪ I was afraid, caught in
the cores of my own fear ♪

♪ I guess I was wrong about our love ♪


♪ You still ain't here ♪

♪ Just pictures of you on my shelf now ♪

♪ I guess you were wrong
about our love ♪


♪ Well, I hope you're fine
now, wherever you are ♪

♪ As the days go passing by, ooooh, I ♪

♪ Oh, my, my ♪





DEAN: did not suck today. [CHUCKLES]


Even Maddox and Barnes showed empathy,

and I don't think either of them

can tell you what "empathy" means, so...

that's a win.

You asked them to step up and they did.

We have trainings with
, , and set up.

This program you created,
it's a success.

Ah, I just made them participate.

Actually, it was Sullivan
who got all of this approved.

- If it wasn't...
- Uh, Miller?

Do you know how to win?

Today was a success.





I'd heard about your transfer.

It was bold...

standing up to McCallister
like that with Bishop.

He'd be proud of you.

You know, Miller was always
secretly my dad's favorite...

bullheaded, stubborn... Mm.

- ... too smart for his own good sometimes.
- Yeah. [CHUCKLES]

But his capacity for... for good?

For... For change?

He saw that potential.

He'd be really proud of what he's doing.

So, you and Sullivan.

- Ah.
- You gonna talk about that?

[LAUGHS] Yes, you and
your annoying habit

of burrowing right into the truth.

Are you separated? Divorced?

Not yet. He has the papers.

They were served here, on shift,

which was an accident,
but he hates me for it.

I mean, Gibson said something
that really pissed me off,

but he might have a point,
which is incredibly annoying

- because...
- Because it's Gibson.

- [LAUGHS] Yeah.
- Mm-hmm.

What did he say?


He said that...

He said that Robert and
I are like my parents.

That I, specifically, am like my mom,

who walked out on us when I was a kid.

I thought she was dead, but she wasn't.

She kind of just ghosted us, and I...

[CLEARS THROAT] After what happened

with Robert going behind
all of our backs,

especially my back, I left.

I didn't say a word.
I just... I just left.

And then, months later, I filed.

Do you blame him for your transfer?

I don't not blame him.

Alright, give it to me, Diane.

I know you have a take.
You always have a take.



You went from zero to overnight.

- When I met you, you told me he made you feel electric...
- [SIGHS] Mm.

... like no man had ever
made you feel before.

The last time you and I spoke,

I saw the love you had for him,

the fear and concern

for his mental well-being
and his physical safety.

Feelings like that don't just turn off.

Then how come all I feel now is anger?

Red, hot, all-consuming anger?

Well, usually when a
feeling is that intense...

Just... just say it.

Hysterical, historical.

Okay. Okay, now you're gonna
have to explain it. [LAUGHS]

When you feel hysterical...

heightened, incredibly intense,
overwhelming emotions...

a rage, a need to run away,

a sudden need to never
speak to someone again,

it's often because something
unprocessed from your past

has been triggered.

So when you're hysterical,
it's historical.

So you're saying Gibson was right.



I'm saying... talk to someone.

Robert, a counselor, a
counselor with Robert.

In my experience,

both professionally and
personally speaking,

most people don't go
from electric to divorced.


Why are you scavenging 's kitchen?

Because their captain didn't feed us.

I told you there was pizza
in there somewhere.

Which there is not.

Hey, have you guys seen Sullivan?

I think he's in the gym.



You, uh... [CLEARS THROAT]

You want to hang out again?

No. No, I don't. I really don't.


Well, uh...

- Way to soften the blow.
- I-I'm sorry.

I... I'm... I'm hurting
people a lot these days,

and I don't mean to.

Sorry, I didn't mean how it sounded.

No, I-I get it. I get it.

I'll just... show myself out.



So, um, this unstable
ex-girlfriend thing?

- Ahh, okay.
- [CHUCKLING] I'm sorry.

Okay, I knew you weren't
gonna just let that go.

Well, you said you have a type.

Had. I said "had".

- No, you said "have".
- Well, I meant "had".

Okay, well, um, I'm not unstable.

Well, you're being a
little bit right now.

- Seriously?

I'm... I'm kid... I'm kidding.

Listen, okay? I spent my s thinking

that all the drama and
the hourslong fights

and the hot and cold, that,
you know... that that was love.

I didn't think it was real

if it didn't make you
want to k*ll yourself.

Well, yeah. I blame Leo and Claire

- in "Romeo + Juliet".
- Same. Same, I swear.


Vic, you are the first person
I've been with who gets me.

You know, who doesn't make me
try to prove my love every day,

and just... and just
wants me to be happy.

We're so similar. We just...

We fit.

And all my past relationships,
they were just...

I don't know. They were
all so serious. You know?

Not in the "where is
this going" kind of way,

but, like... I don't know.

I like to make jokes.

I like to see the... the silver lining.

It doesn't mean I'm
not a serious person,

it just means I don't take myself
too seriously, you know?

And all my exes were...


They were not that.


I just love you.

Like, a lot, lot.




- Whoa, okay!
- Oh.

- Alright.
- Sorry. Sorry, Miller.

- Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.
- No.

PDA at work is strictly forbidden.

- Right.

Uh, also, sorry, uh...
sorry about this morning.

- No. No. No.
- It's, uh... It's fine. - It was...

- Yeah, sorry, man.
- It's cool.

I just didn't know that
you'd be making out here,

where... everybody walks.




♪ I can't take it anymore ♪


♪ And the storm is on the rise ♪

Hey. You alright?

♪ With no shelter to hide ♪

Since when do we make out in the lounge?

♪ And when the rain comes ♪

Vic and Theo, huh?

I'm going to sleep.

Hey, um, I got a call the other day

from my friend in Oakland.

She's working with the city council

to try and create a program
exactly like Crisis One.

- Dude, that is dope.
- Yeah.

Every city really needs
a program like this, man.

Well, yeah, except but she can't

wrap her head around
the logistics, you know?

She needs someone who
knows how it works,

on the business end and
the implementation end.

She needs someone who can manage people.

Someone with a... a
business degree, so...

I gave her your number.

You trying to get rid of me, Warren?

What? No, but I am trying
to help you change the world.

I mean, look at what you did...

I mean, what you're doing...
it's... it's huge, man.

It's... It's... It's got to
get bigger than just us,

- bigger than Seattle.

Plus, you know... [STAMMERS]

I thought it wouldn't
hurt for you to get away

from this situation for a little while.

♪ All this waiting in vain ♪


♪ Don't even know their names ♪

- ♪ I can barricade my heart ♪

♪ But they're coming all the same ♪

♪ They're gonna bite ♪


♪ I'm gonna bleed ♪

Oh, hey.

I was just looking for you.

I... I was looking for you.

♪ Not gonna fight ♪

- Robert, I wanted to...
- Look, uh, no, no, no. No, please.

Let me just... Let me
speak for a moment.

♪ Yeah, the wolves are at the door ♪



You were the first woman after Claire

to make me feel whole again.

You helped me rediscover myself

as a man and as a friend and...


... I-I-I know I made mistakes,

and I'm so sorry for hurting you,

but I can't be sorry for trying
to rebuild my career.

♪ And the wolves are at the door ♪


♪ Time has taken its toll ♪

So, um...

♪ I don't know if I can run ♪

I signed.


I love you, Andy, but I can't be
the only one fighting for us.


I want you to be happy...
and I want to be happy.


♪ Not gonna fight ♪

♪ Oh, no, no ♪

Herrera. Let's go. Train's leaving.

♪ Yeah, the wolves are at the door ♪




♪ Yeah, the wolves are at the door ♪

♪ Yeah, the wolves are at the door ♪
