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01x03 - Cello, Goodbye

Posted: 10/22/21 11:45
by bunniefuu
- Morning, Dad.
- Good morning.

Guess what I made.
Like old times, huh?

You. Me. Toast.

Yeah, we were inseparable.

So, darling, you wait here,

I'll go butter this up for you reaI nice.

Give me 15 minutes.

I'm sorry, Dad,
I cannot be late for work.

I'm new there, remember?

Oh, Miss Big-DeaI-LegaI-Secretary,
works in Manhattan now.

You know what toast costs
over there now? Ten dollars.

And if you don't tip, they spit in it.

Then I'll tip.

I'm just gonna have some coffee.

- Hey, slugger, check it out.
- What's that?

It's your new mitt. I broke it in
for the softball game tonight.

Actually, it happened by accident.

I fell asleep on it.

Honey, you're gonna k*ll me,
I can't make it.

My boss has a really big triaI
coming up,

and he wants me
to stay late tonight.

No, we need you at the game.

Come on, none of the guys
can curse as good as you.

Honey, I know.

But I will be at next week's game,
with a lot of new mother references.

Really hurtfuI, uncalled-for stuff,
all right?

- Okay.
- All right. Bye.

Bye, Daddy. Dad?

Oh, sorry. I was just remembering
a little girI with pigtails

and braces on her teeth, telling me,

"I made the bestest toast ever. "

All right, just give me the freaking
toast. Okay? Thank you. Bye.

Will you forget about it? It's over.

Man, I thought if there was one team
we'd beat this year,

it'd be Crabtree & Evelyn.

Well, this guy didn't
help matters much.

Hey, what-?
What do you guys want from me?

You know, I'm allergic to dirt,
grass, bases and Gatorade.

You guys are lucky I'm alive.

Look, look, let's just all agree
we all sucked tonight.

- Hey, I'm in.
- Yeah, we'll kick some ass next week.

Who we playing, Moose?

- City Tech.
- Who's that?

Female security guards.

Hey, Doug.

Some guy in a really nice car
just pulled into your driveway.

- Yeah, it's called a U-turn.
- No, I don't think so.

- Your wife's getting out.
- Really?

Oh, that's a Jaguar
she's stepping out of, my friend.

XJ8. Top of the line.

Yeah, I test-drove
one of those babies.

And yet, you went
with the '82 Corolla.

Hey, Doug, it's pretty damn nice of you,
letting Carrie date other guys and all.

Yeah, you're very funny.
Very funny.

All right, come on,
back to your assigned seats. Let's go.

GirI in the clubhouse.
You guys had your cootie sh*ts?

- Yeah, right.
- Hi. How was the game?

Oh, everyone sucked, not just me.

Good for you, Spence.

So did you have a good day?

Honey, great day.

What, did you get some kind of, like,
a lift home or something?

Yeah, from Evan, my boss.
In a Jaguar.

Honey, you should get me
one of those.

I'll see you upstairs. Bye, guys.

- See you later, Carrie.
- All right.

Well, sounds like she's got
a nice boss, you know?

That's a good thing,
because a lot of bosses, not nice.

You know, a lot of
not-nice bosses out there.

I say given the choice between
not nice, nice, it's always better-

Stop the staring!

- Hey.
- Hey, help me out.

I have to be in court with Evan.
What do you think?

This or this?

I like them both.

They both suck.

Honey, the women in Manhattan dress
so nice, I look like I'm from Arkansas.

Oh, guess what.

There's this really famous cello player
from China, Li Fong something.

Anyway, he's throwing a big concert
next week in the city,

and the firm got all these tickets,
and Evan gave his to me.

So if you play your cards right,
I'll let you go with me.

There's always room for cello.

You call him Evan, huh?

Your boss. You just call him Evan?

Well, that's his name.

No, no, I know, I know. I mean...

It's just that, you know,
my boss has been there six years,

and it's still "Supervisor O'Boyle. "

So you just walk around all day
calling each other Evan.

Well, he doesn't call me Evan.
We'd get a little confused.

I know, I know, I know.
I just- You know.

Anyway, sounds like
a great guy, right?

I mean, partner in
a big New York law firm,

giving his secretary free tickets,

driving her all the way home to Queens
in his fancy Jaguar.

You don't see a lot of that.

Honey, if he didn't drive me home,

how else would we have sex
in his car?

That's not funny.

Come on, you're being stupid.

He's just being a nice guy.

Oh, so he's just being nice, then.

Did he give the cleaning guy
a ride home too?

- No.
- No.

So, now, is he nice or not nice?
I'm a little confused here.

He lives on the Island,
we're on his way.

- What, you don't trust me?
- Of course I trust you.

It's just, you don't really know
this Evan guy, or how he operates.

"Oh, Miss Heffernan,

can you work late with me tonight
on this big legaI case?

I spilled Liquid Paper
all over your blouse.

Why don't you shimmy it off,
and I'll wash it. "

That's a really lame fantasy.

You gotta start watching
more porno.

- You know what I mean.
- What? Come on, honey.

He's just being a nice guy.

Now, listen, I have a really great job,
and it's going well.

And I want you to be happy for me,
all right?

All right. All right.
You know, I'm sorry.

It's okay. It's all right.

I'm gonna go wash up.
I'll meet you in bed, okay, Evan?

Excuse me.

Hey. Hi. I'm trying to find
Carrie Heffernan.

Oh, she's in Mr Lazar's office.

I thought everyone called him Evan.

Honey, what are you doing here?

I felt bad about being such an idiot
last night.

I thought I'd drive in and see
if you wanna have some lunch.

Oh, my God, that is so sweet.
Of course I do.

Oh, look, honey! This is my desk.

It's pretty swanky, huh?

I like it. Oh, look at this.
I even got you something for it.

"World's Greatest Golfer. "

That's all they had in the gift shop

No, no, no, it's good.
Now I have a goaI, right?

Honey, this is so sweet of you.

I'll make a quick copy,
then we can go.

- All right, I'll grab the elevator.
- Okay, honey.



I couldn't help noticing that woman
in there in your office with you.

Is she your assistant?

- Yes. Yes, she is.
- Yeah.

She's quite a looker.

I suppose, yeah.

- She married?
- Yes.

I hate that! Hate it.

But you know what?
A guy like you,

you probably don't even worry
about that kind of thing, huh?

- So, what are you getting at?
- I'm just saying, you know,

working with her every day,
you gotta be thinking about a little:

Hello, Montana!

- Yeah!
- Now, now, now, listen.

No, come on, truth now.
You gonna go for it?

You're gonna go for it, my man!
Come on.

All right, that is enough!

That woman is a fine employee
and a good person.

She deserves better
than to be objectified and leered at

by someone like you.

I just wish her husband was here
to punch your face in.



I'm hungry.

Who am I, your mother?
Go inside and make a sandwich.

It's too far.

I wish the TV were made of cheese.

You know, that's actually possible.

- Get out of here.
- It is.

I mean, you couldn't make it
out of Brie.

But, like, a harder cheese,

like a Stilton
or an aged Gorgonzola.


Could you make a VCR
out of crackers?

For God's sake,
you're missing the point.

If you went to the trouble
of making a TV out of cheese,

you'd have to make a commitment
not to eat it.

Then why would you make it
out of cheese in the first place?

I can't talk to you.

What do you think, Deac?

I think, why am I here
instead of with my wife and child?

And here comes the Jag,
right on schedule.

Oh, looks like Evan got it detailed.

All right. Come on, guys.

Did he get a haircut? I like it.

I'm not sure.
I think he just put something in it.

- I think he's using mousse, Moose.
- All right, you know what? It's agreed.

He's got a beautifuI car
and a fine head of hair, all right?

Get away from the window, will you?

Why do you have to spoiI
the one new thing in our life?

Yeah, man, you've been
in a funky mood all night.

If you're still worried about Carrie
and her boss, just talk to her about it.

I'm not worried about that.

I met Evan today,
and trust me, he's fine.

- How do you know?
- I know.

I practically begged him
to have sex with her, and nothing.

What are you all wound up about?

I don't know. I don't know.

- Hey, guys. Hi!
- Hey. Hi!

Honey, don't forget,
cello concert tomorrow night.

- You excited?
- Oh, I am. I-

- I'll see you upstairs.
- Love you.

- Bye, guys.
- Okay. Bye-bye.

What is wrong with me?

I should be happy, you know?

I mean, Carrie's got a great new job,
her boss is not hitting on her,

but still there is something
that's bothering me,

and I can't figure out what it is.

Perhaps it's this:

Perhaps you wish
that your originaI suspicions

had been confirmed.

If this Evan was just some creep
hitting on your wife,

you could've done something
about that.

But now what you're faced with
is a more complex problem.

You're realizing that Carrie
is immersed in a seductive world

full of bright, dynamic people,

a world you can't
possibly compete with.

And that frightens the hell
out of you.

Yeah, that's it.

Li Fong...

Honey, honey.
How do you pronounce X-I-A-U-A?

- What are you doing?
- I'm trying to figure out

how to say this guy's name so I don't
sound like such a mook at the concert.

"Hey, this guy on the cello's
pretty good over here. " You know?

Before you hurt yourself there,
I wanted to talk to you about that.

I'm thinking, you know,

maybe we need to take a pass
on this cello thing.

What? What are you talking about?

Well, for starters,
we'll be missing a softball game.

- So it's one game, hon.
- Plus the one you already missed.

I mean, people on the team,
they're starting to grumble.

There's a whole lot of internaI politics
I've been shielding you from.

All right, honey, what is your problem?
Are you still on the Evan thing?

No, it's not about Evan.

It's about you, you know?

Since you got this new job,
I think it's gone to your head.

- What? Shut up.
- Come on, think about it.

First, you didn't want to eat
your father's toast.

Right? Then your clothes
aren't good enough for you.

Now it's this weird obsession
with the cello.

I mean, what's next, bottled water?


Okay, you know what, honey?

You gotta spend less time
in the garage.

Between the fumes
and those friends of yours,

you're losing brain cells.

Come on.
We both know what this is about.

You're trying to impress
your little fancy friends at work.

"Oh, I saw a guy play the cello.
Accept me as one of your own. "

Maybe I like listening to cello music,
all right?

- You ever think of that?
- Yeah, okay.

- What's your favourite cello song?
- Okay, let me think.

How about "Bite Me"?

That is so not a song.

Well, you are being such an idiot.

At least I'm an idiot
who fulfils his commitment

to the Queens County LeveI C
co-ed slow-pitch softball league.

And now we're playing softball
tomorrow night.

No, you will be playing softball

I will be doing something I enjoy,

which is listening to the music
of the world's greatest cellist,

Li Fong...

I don't know!

Yeah, well, say it, don't spray it.

How you doing?

What's that you're wearing?

Softball uniform.

Just more comfortable?

Playing softball.

Oh, that worked out well.

Where's Carrie?

She went to a cello concert.

Oh, fancy.

Listen, Arthur,
can I ask you a question?


All right, now be honest.

When I first married Carrie,

was there a small part of you
that felt that maybe, I don't know,

that I wasn't good enough for her?

Hey, it was a wedding.
I'd had a few drinks.

When I said those things, I had no
idea I was speaking to your mother.

- No, I know, I just-
- She was nodding.

Agreeing with me, for God's sakes!

How could I know?

Arthur, I'm just...

Really? My mother?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure.

Bosomy woman, right?

Excuse me. I'm down there.

- Hi.
- What are you doing here?

Car, listen, I've been doing
a lot of thinking, and you know what?

If this is something you wanna try,
I'm with you.

Really? You really mean that?

I do, I do. If we like it, we like it.
If we don't, we don't.

I'm betting we will.

Well, okay.

Thank you.

Oh, here we go.

Okay, all right. Stop.

Should I get the car?


Car, if we leave now, we can still
make it by the third inning. Come on.

Doug, I don't wanna leave.

Come on,
you can't possibly be liking this.

You can't possibly be liking this.
Who are you kidding?

Oh, yes, I am.

Oh, yeah. This? Oh, this is great.

Oh, this is so wonderful.

Come on.

I swear to God, I will smack you.

Will you stop?
You're embarrassing me.

I'm embarrassing you?
I'm embarrassing you?

You know what?
You're embarrassing me.

Are you insane?

Come on.
You can't possibly be liking this.

Tell me, what is so great about this?
What is so great about it?

Shut up.

I'm sorry.

Carrie, I'm sorry.

I love you.

You can stay or you can leave,
I don't care, but just shut up.

Encore! Encore!

Doug, are you coming, or what?

I don't wanna come.

I wanna sit here and keep thinking
about what an idiot I've been.

Well, then I'd give you
another few hours,

but they're closing
the parking garage.

So, what happened to you
tonight, Doug?

What made you lose your mind?

You've been so wrapped up
in this new job of yours,

with your great new boss
and these great people

and all this culture stuff.

I don't know, I just got to wondering,

you know, why you'd ever want
to come home to me.

- What?
- No, it's just, you know,

you make a good point.

- Thanks.
- Well, what the hell is wrong with you?

You think because I take a job
on the other side of the river

and go to a frigging cello concert,

I'm not gonna want
to be married to you anymore?

No, no, it goes back further
than that.

At our wedding,
when the priest said,

"Do you take this man
to be your lawfuI wedded husband,"

and you said, "Yes,"

I gotta be honest,
I thought you settled.

- All right, this is ridiculous.
- It's not ridiculous.

In case you haven't noticed here,
there's a little bit of difference.

You, smart and sexy.

Me, not that smart.

Not that sexy.

Well, if you're so undesirable,

how come I think about you
in the middle of a meeting at work?

And how come
you still make me laugh

after you tell the same dumb joke
for the third time?

And how come I can't sleep
untiI I know you're Iying next to me?

Really, you can't?


Then why do you scream
when I touch you?

Because I'm sleeping. I'm startled.

I love you.

I love you too.

- So, what did you think of the concert?
- I liked it.

Get out of here. You did not.

I did too.
It was long, but it was good.

It was long.

God, it was long.

Hey, Bernstein!

Your mother's a ****!

And she likes to **** for $2!

And you pitch like you got
a **** up your ****!

I love you.