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02x06 - No Right Way

Posted: 10/25/21 07:11
by bunniefuu
Oh great, I'm
getting a huge zit.

Where? I don't see anything.

Oh, don't pretend like you
can't see it. It's right there.

It's getting bigger
by the second.

Please don't make
me go to school.

Okay, I get it.

Listen, I know today
is gonna be difficult,

But we have to start
moving forward.

You've already missed
two weeks of school.

We just have to start
getting on with our lives.

I just need one more day
with some hot compresses.

Then I promise I'll
go back tomorrow.

Honey, I don't think
staying home is the answer.

Come on, mom. What's the big deal
if we take one more day to feel sad?

Honey, I just think we all have
to start getting back to normal.


Mom, if things were normal,

Dad would be the one
taking us to school.

Yeah, wearing those
horrible old-people slippers.

Making us healthy sack lunches

That we just threw out in
the first available trash can.

- He was so lame.
- God, what a geek!

Both: dad.

Look, I know this is tough.

I don't really feel like going
back to work today either,

But we have to.

So come on, let's do it.

Um, you're gonna take
us to school in that?

Yeah. What is that?

It's a housecoat.

Well, maybe it's
called a housecoat

'Cause you should only wear it
in the privacy of your own house.

What is the big deal? No
one is gonna see me in the car.

You're damn right there 'cause you're
gonna drop us like two blocks from school.

Congratulations, mom.
You're just as lame as dad.

Hey now, wait a minute.

That's so sweet.

So go change.

And put a brush
through your hair.

And a bra wouldn't k*ll ya.

Wow, who died?

Oh my god, I'm so sorry.

I can't believe I said that.
What's wrong with me?

Bridget, nothing
is wrong with you.

This is all just really weird.

Yeah, I know.

I don't care. We
have each other.

Yes, we'll do this together.

We missed you guys so much.

You did?

But before I was an
outcast... Persona "ungratum."

Non grata.


Truly, the group was
not the same without you.

- Oh, really?
- Yeah.

It's just like in "charlie's
angels." There's a blonde

And a brunette and a
kind of something else.

We are so glad to
have our blonde back.

- I'm blonde.
- Yeah, right, danielle.

So get this...

We're all totally
obsessing about our dates

For the dance on friday night. And
some people weren't getting asked,

And I won't name names... Dana...
So we all decided we'd go stag

And totally play the
boys against each other.

Oh, I think under the
given circumstances...

Oh, I love that.

I know.


You're really
talking about this?

Yeah. Did you hear their
strategy? It's very clever.

Yeah, about a stupid dance.

Don't you think this inane
conversation is just a little bit too soon?

Yeah, you're right.

But if it weren't, oh my
gosh, I have the greatest idea!

We plan a song list that it's just
one hot sexy song after another

And we t*rture the guys by
only dancing with each other.

- Oh.
- Now that is brilliant.

No, I was just building up
what you're already doing.

No way! That was
way more brilliant!

No, you're brillianter.

Ugh. Nice life.

Ah. Hey guys.

You didn't ring the doorbell.

Uh, that's strange, 'cause
I always ring the doorbell

When I come into my own house.

Maybe if you'd rung the doorbell,
you'd have noticed that I fixed it.

Oh, that's nice.

Aren't you gonna try it?


The doorbell.

I believe you that you fixed it.

Well, when I said I fixed it,

Maybe I'm being
unnecessarily modest.

Yeah, I'm talking three
hours at the hardware store

Trying out doorbells until
I found the exact right one

That says, "this is where
the hennessys live."

Rory, would you do the honor?

Wow, you really nailed us.

I know.

Rory, did you do your homework?

Actually, my teacher
said it was optional for me.

I could do it if I felt like it.

Well, I'm sure they're
just trying to be nice.

Everyone's been so weird lately.

They picked me first for
football even though I suck.

Missy kleinfeld, who never
talks to me, was talking to me.

And the cafeteria lady
gave me all this extra milk.

Apparently, pity milk
doesn't come in chocolate.

Hey, honey. How was school?

Horrible... Everyone
fake and phony.

It made me sick.
I hate everyone.

All I wanna do is be alone
for the rest of my life.


- Bridget: bye, guys.
- Oh, quick!

Lock the door so bridget
has to ring the bell.

- Dad.
- Hi.


Honey, I know today
was really rough,

But you're home now.
It's gonna be okay.

What are you talking about?

Your day at school. Ring a bell?


It was begging for it.

Um, mom, actually,
everyone was really nice.

And there's a
dance this weekend.

So I'm gonna have
to get a new dress.

Oh, honey, I'm really
glad that you're adjusting,

But we can't buy you a new
dress for every occasion.

Oh, mmm. Okay, but I don't know

How I'm supposed to t*rture guys

With something I've
already worn before.

I do admit it's possible.
I've done more with less.

Rory, could you stop doing that?

I'll grant you I'm annoying,

But I'm not a magician.

Grandpa: I'll get it.

Hey, you fixed the doorbell.

I love this guy.

Kyle, I am so glad you're here.

Kerry has been really down.

I'm thinking maybe you could
take her someplace fun...

- You know,
like an arcade.
- Yeah, sure.

- Of course.
- I'm gonna give
you money.

Ah, mama h, I will not gonna take
your daughter out and make you pay.

Oh, kyle, you're
such a gentleman.

- I insist.
- No, I insist.

I don't wanna hear another
word about it. Take the money.

All right.

That's it?

Do you wanna play air hockey?

- I don't know.
- Oh, come on.

When you bend over sometimes,
I can see down your shirt.

- Kyle.
- Okay.

Oh, yeah, I know. Let's
do the dance game.

- You always kick my butt
at the dance game.
- Yeah, that's true.


Ha, she smiles! She smiles.

Yeah. Okay, I can't
help it but laugh.

- You're really a bad dancer.
- Oh, I'm not that bad.

No, really. You are.

I love you.


You heard me.

Ah, there you are,
you little devils.

What are you doing now?

I'm installing dimmer switches.

You're welcome.

Uh, so, dad,

How long are you
planning on staying,

You know, just out of curiosity?

Oh, I see. "Thanks for
the dimmer switches, dad,

But don't let the door hit
you on the ass on the way out."

No. No no no no. I'm
really glad you're here.

And the kids are
really glad you're here.

You can stay as
long as you want.

It's just, you know,
if you wanna help,

Maybe you could
help me with something

I actually need help with.


I don't know... Maybe groceries.

I'm not too good at groceries.

Uh... Uh, I can do them,

But I just don't
think it's a man's job.

Okay. How about laundry?

Are you joking?

Well, I know, dad. You know,
kerry has been really down.

Maybe you could talk to her and
try to get to the bottom of things.

Uh, getting to the bottom of things
was always your mother's area.

Yeah. Yeah.

And she's gone and left you.

Perhaps there's a connection.

No, I don't see it.

Oh, hi, honey. How
was the arcade?

Ugh, I broke up with kyle.

Oh no, honey. What happened?

It's fine, whatever.
Just figures...

How did you know we
went to the arcade?

Well, you must have said
that's where you were going

- Before you left.
- No, I didn't.

Well then, you know, you
said it when you got home.

No, I didn't say it then either.

I guessed?

Oh my god, that's why kyle
was suddenly mr. Big spender.

You set the whole thing up!

- Oh, honey, I was
just trying to help.
- Well, don't.

Don't help. Just leave me
and my horrible life alone.

So, mom, get this:

At the coffee shop I was only
at number nine on my punch card,

But I think the coffee
guy had a crush on me.

So he gave me my cappuccino
for free which was so sweet.

But, yeah, like I'm gonna
go out with a barrister.

Well, honey, a barrister
is a lawyer in england.

Oh, I guess the degree
doesn't translate,

'Cause he's only
making coffee here.

Bridget, look, your sister's
upstairs and she's really upset.

So could you just tone
the cheeriness down a little?

- Ah, what else is new?
- What's that supposed
to mean?

Fruit-cup girl thrives
on being depressed.

Ah, fruit-cup girl?

That's what the kids were
calling her today at school

Because all she would do
was sit alone at the cafeteria

Picking at this
disgusting fruit cup.

You know, bridget,
you need to cool it.

If kerry wants to
be sad, it's her choice.

It's unfair that I have to pretend
like everything is terrible when it isn't.

Honey, it's only been two weeks.

Not everyone is as
resilient as you are.

It is not my fault that
kerry is depressed.

God, I can't believe I'm being
punished for being happy.

This place sucks.

Jim: sorry.

This place sucks!

Kerry, honey, can we talk?

Go away.

Look, I was just trying to help.

- Bridge,
are you in there?
- Go away.

Look, honey, I shouldn't
have yelled at you. I'm sorry.

- I really am sorry.
- Kerry: you already
said that.

- I wasn't talking to you.
- Good, don't talk to me.

You can buy a new
dress for the dance.

Really? 'Cause I know exactly
which one I'm gonna get.

It's red, which I know it's not
usually my color, but it really works.

I don't think there's a color
out there I can't make prettier.

You're buying her a
new dress for the dance?

Well, I didn't say
i... We'll... We'll see.

Now you're going back on
your word? Unbelievable!

God, no one says what they mean!

I'm still getting
the dress, right?

I guess, yeah. Okay.

You're the best.

Gramps, can I ask you something?

- sh**t.
- And you won't
tell anyone?

I don't really talk
to a lot of people.

Okay. Remember that
girl, missy kleinfeld?

She's got this freckled
little nose, k*ller smile,

Been in a bra since sixth
grade and really big...

I got it from bra
in the sixth grade.

Anyway, she's been
offering to help me catch up

On the work I missed when
I was gone from school

And the thing is, I
don't need any help,

But I've been staring at
that bra for a lot of years.

And I'm just wondering...
Am I taking advantage of her?

Well, you know what I think?

I got a sneaky suspicion

This missy kleinfeld is
taking advantage of you.

- She is?
- Yeah.

- You know what I'd say?
- Mm?

Let her.

My key didn't work in the lock.

I bet you're pretty
glad I fixed the doorbell.

What is going on?!

I changed the locks.
Now you have just one key

To open the front
door and the back.

Oh. Actually, dad, that
makes things a lot easier.

Except gramps
already lost the key.

Yeah, but it's no big deal.

Someone just has to stay home at
all times and let the rest of us in.

My vote is for blabbermouth.

Hey. Hey, honey, are you okay?

Oh, do I look down? Well,

Maybe you should hire
kyle to take me somewhere.

Oh, I know... You can
always buy me a new dress.

You cannot speak to me that way.

I'm sorry. I guess I should just
be all fake and sweet like bridget

And take whatever my
little grubby hands can get.

Kerry! Ah!

Okay, so we're all gonna go
to jenna's before the dance

So we can give each
other makeovers.

Uh, honey, is...

Is that the dress you
bought with my credit card?

Mm, yeah. Isn't it great?

You get good boob dresses and good
butt dresses and good leg dresses,

But it's hard that you ever get a
boob-butt-leg dress. You know what I mean?

Jiminy christmas.

Well, honey, i... I don't
know, it's a little...


Mommy said I could
get any dress I wanted

And this is the
dress that I wanted.

Well, have a good time.

Thank you.

What's wrong?

I never would have
got this far before.

Dad would never
let me go out like this.

He would definitely send
me upstairs to change

And tell me to cover myself
up in some hideous sweater

And sit me down
for an hour lecture

And how I should respect myself
because guys only want one thing

And I always hated
when he did that.

- I just want my dad back.
- Bridget.

Leave me alone.

None of my business.

Would you stop trying
to fix things and just help?

Same to you, baby girl.

Oh my god.

It's okay, baby.

Come here.

Come here.

Oh, we've lost
your dad, you guys.

We lost him.

He's gone and he's
not coming back,

But listen,

There is no right
way to deal with this.

I was just trying so hard
to be happy, you know,

Because if I was happy,
everything would be normal and...

Nothing's normal.
It's just not working.

Oh, it's okay.

And I felt so guilty that...

Something good was
happening in my life

At the same time that this
terrible thing was happening.

Oh, honey, what was happening?

What was your good thing?

Kyle said...

I don't know. He was
just trying to be sweet.

What did he say?

It's dumb. He said he
loved me, but he doesn't.

Well, maybe he does.

No, he's just
feeling sorry for me.


There is no manual on
how to deal with this.

It's okay to be happy
when you're happy.

Honey, it's okay to be
sad when you're sad.

God, and now I'm happy
because bridget is really sad!

- I'm so screwed up!
- Oh.

Sweetheart, we're
all screwed up.

The important thing is
that we stay together...

And we support each other.

I love you guys so much.

- Bridget:
I love you, mommy.
- I love you too.

- Bridge.
- Yeah?

You are too pretty
for this dress.


I just think it's for some girl

Who has to try really
hard, and you don't.

You should respect yourself

Like dad was always
telling you to

Because you deserve the best.

You deserve the best too.

No, I don't.

No, listen, what
kyle said to you,

He meant it.

How do you know?

Kyle and I went out
for a really long time.


He never said it to me.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Come here.

Kyle, why did you
say you love me?


See, uh...

- When your dad died...
- Yeah, that's what I thought.

- No.
- No, you felt
sorry for me.

- Never mind.
- No, that's not it. It's just that...

When your dad died,
it made me realize

That you have to say
the things that you feel

Because you might not
get another chance.


Anything you feel...
You wanna say back?

I'll get back to you.

Hey, honey. Are you sure you
don't wanna go to the dance?

Yeah, I'm sure. I think I'm just
gonna go upstairs and change.


You know, dad, you keep
working at that pace,

You're gonna run out of
things to do around here.

- Not likely.
- Mm.

Okay, - I'm listening. - What?

Listening. It's a
form of helping.

At night it's the worst.

I hear ambulances
or a noise and i...

I jump up out of the bed with
this scared panicky feeling.

Only I don't know
what I'm scared for

Because what I'm scared
of already happened.

Still feels like he's gonna
walk through that door.

Okay, then you carry that
and divide the whole thing by x.

Wow, missy, that is
some really tough stuff.

Maybe you could show me
how to do it one more time.

Yeah, sure. See, when
you solve the equation,

All the variables come
together, and you wanna make sure

You got one side...

♪ Laughing so hard I
got tears in my eyes ♪

♪ Walk in the park
under sapphire skies ♪

♪ Oh, I can't believe
that you're still around ♪

♪ I almost forgot
how you let me down ♪

♪ I'm crying so deep
that I think I might die ♪

♪ Your mistakes I keep
in the back of my mind ♪

♪ So hard to let go, but... ♪