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02x18 - Let's Keep Going (Part 1)

Posted: 10/25/21 08:05
by bunniefuu
- Good morning.
- Hey.

- Welcome to the club.
- What club?

The "to hell with everyone,
let's sleep till noon" club.

Want to go out for breakfast

And make fun of the
losers having lunch?

You know, for your information,

I worked all night
at the hospital.

Oh, right, you're new.

Trust me. Eventually the need

To justify sleeping the
day away leaves entirely.


Well well, look
who's finally awake.

I was up all night studying.

I was talking to cate.

Right? She's not even dressed.

Look, I was working
at the... Oh, forget it.

Well, we finally have
some food in the house.

Mom, why do you have to be one of
the nurses working the graveyard shift?

Honey, it is not
politically correct

To say that when you're
talking about a hospital.

Okay, then why do you have to be
one of the "health care providers"

Working the graveyard shift.

Well, with all the cutbacks,

I just feel like it's risky
to give up any rotations.

- Mom, you're no fun anymore.
- I'm fun.

Just yesterday I made
those english muffin pizzas.

Yeah, you're a regular
moms gone wild.

Look, you guys think I
like working this much?

I'm really torn up about this.

Well, don't stress, baby girl.

You've got two strong men
here to help carry the load.

Right, rory?

You know, I actually
do need somebody

To give kerry a driving lesson.

Ah, well.

Rory can handle that.

Oh, come on, cate. Do I have to?

I mean, kerry is mean.

I've never seen such
raw naked hostility

Since... Well, you know.

- The korean w*r?
- No, your mother.

Listen, kerry's
brand of intimidation

May work on billy
goat gruff over there,

But she don't scare me.

- Hey, what are you guys
talking about?
- Nothing.

- Hey, you look nice today.
- Move.

Mom, rachel's coming over.

Rachel? Rachel sharpe?

- Yeah, what's it to you?
- Nothing, just...

She hasn't been over
in a real long time.

I know, she says she feels

Like a third wheel
with me and kyle.

It's not fun.

I don't know how many times
I've been with a guy and a girl

And they look at me like
"what are you doing here?"

It sucks, especially when
the chick's my girlfriend.

Rachel deserves a guy
who appreciates her.

All: whoa. Whoo!

I'm just saying. I'm going
out with missy, remember?

Yeah, but who can resist

An older woman with experience?

I can. It gets easier every day.

I said I'm not
interested in rachel.

Grandpa, can you help
me with my homework?

I have to memorize the
amendments to the constitution.

You know, that's smart. Get someone
who was there when they were written.

You know, I just hope jenna
doesn't drive rachel over.

She's so annoying,
selfish, superficial,

Totally obsessed with her
looks and how many guys like her,

Talks endlessly about things
nobody really cares about.

You wants to be around
someone like that?

And that, rory, is
why me and the guys

Put in the fifth amendment.

Rory loves rachel.
Rory loves rachel.

I do not!

Can you look me in
the eyes and say that?

If I bend my knees.

- You so love rachel. I know I'm right.
- No, you're...

- Okay, you're right.
- I am?

I can't explain it.

She's sort of my perfect woman.

She's nice, smart,

Pretty... Even though
she doesn't know it,

Which makes her even prettier.

God, that's what mom
always says about me.

Yeah, but I mean it.

Oh, god, you won't say
anything to her, will you?

- No, why would i?
- Promise?

Look, it would embarrass you,

It would embarrass her,

And frankly, I'm more than
a little grossed out by it.

- Thanks.
- Out.


Rach, you want to laugh?

Bridget, danielle called.

Oh, she's so annoying,
selfish, superficial...

Obsessed with her looks,
with boys, talks too much,

Et cetera, et cetera.

How did you know?

Bridget, when you point
your finger at someone,

There's three pointing
back at you, see?

No, grandpa, no
one's pointing at you.

No no no, what I'm saying is

When you point your
finger at someone

There are three fingers
pointing back at you.

Go on, try it.

- Hey, it works.
- Well, yeah.

Now that all three of
you are pointing at me.

No, you don't... Oh, forget it.

Mom, rachel's on her way over.

Well, honey, don't you think
it's a little late for visitors?

- No, it's not.
- Oooh.

Look, now that I
have you all here,

I have something very
important to discuss.

This came in the mail today.

It is a receipt for a deposit

That your father put down
on the cabin at the lake.

He made the reservation
over a year ago.

Dad loved the cabin at the lake.

- Yeah.
- It's the first
year without him.

Yeah, and... And this
is difficult for me.

Uh, with all the extra hours
that I'm taking at the hospital,

I just don't think that we should
spend your spring break at the cabin.

And I know this is gonna
bring up a lot of emotions.

So I'd like to suggest a vote,

- Yes or no...
- All: no.


Okay, let's do it that way now.

Remember those car rides
to the cabin? No radio allowed.

Yeah, dad getting all rustic.


Dad singing "I'm just a poor
wayfaring stranger" all the way.

Would you rather it was "100
bottles of beer on the wall"?

Yes, anything shorter.

Now look, you guys,
is this okay with you?

- I mean...
- All: yes.

Could I just finish my sentence?

I mean, the cabin at the lake

Is a longstanding
hennessy family tradition.

And I just really think
we should take the time

To think about this to be sure.

All: no.

Okay. As long as you know

It's the end of an era.

So in the spirit of moving on,

- Can bridget and I
go to the maev festival?
- What's that?

Well, it's a celebration
of the celtic goddess maev,

Which of course,
is very significant

To someone named hennessy.

She means me. Tons of
guys think I'm a goddess.

Anyway, it's a three-day
cultural gathering

To embrace the
oneness of humanity.

You said there'd be rock bands.

Oh, no no no. You are not
going to a rock festival.

Damn straight.

- Tell 'em about
woodstock, cate.
- Dad.

C.j.'S mom went to woodstock

And did a lot of silly things.

In a lot of different tents.

My ears are burning... Is
someone talking about me?

Free love, my ass. He's
never stopped costing us.

Okay, but the maev festival
is more than a rock festival.

It's a spiritual event.

It just attracts a bad element.

Ooh, bad element? Maybe I'll go.

Don't help us.

Aunt cate, I'll tell you what:

Why don't I chaperone
these two and you can pay me?

C.j., Taco burrito
conversation... "Nachos."

You're just jealous
because you can't go

And I've been to more
festivals than I can count.

I've met bruce springsteen,

Bob dylan, neil young.

I've dropped some
pretty heavy names.

I'm gonna pause and
let you pick 'em up.

Mom, give us one good reason
why you don't want us there.

No, actually, I'll
give you three...

Sex, dr*gs and rock and roll.


Why can't we go
if c.j. Gets to go?

Because I said so.

Burrito finito.


- Mom, this isn't fair.
- I said not another word.

Mom, there's something
you should know.

Since dad left, the music's
gone out of our lives

And we thought we could
recapture that music

By going to the maev festival.

Oh, bridge.

That's the most moving
crock I've ever heard.

What? What happened?

- I said it all right.
- You were supposed
to well up here.

Oh, stupid stupid stupid.

Mom, can't you be reasonable?

Let us go on our journey.

Oh, you're going on
a journey, all right.

But you're gonna start
your spiritual quest

Visiting grandma in sarasota.

How is visiting
grandma spiritual?

You know, for lots of people,

Sarasota's the last
stop before heaven.

Isn't that right, grand-snappy?

You know what, c.j.?

Oh, he's right.

Come on, you haven't
visited grandma in a long time.

Well, I haven't seen
her in a long time either.

You don't hear me complaining.

And now here's the deal:

I'm not gonna let you just hang
out around the house for a week.

You're gonna have
a fun, safe vacation.

Well, how come rory doesn't
have to go visit grandma?

Rory is gonna be with grandpa.

They're gonna go to the
tigers game every night.


Hey, girls... Enchilada pinata.

- But mom, please.
- You are going to grandma's. That's final.

Like you ever had a
chance otherwise.

Oh, speaking of
never having a chance,

Here comes your perfect woman.

You promised not to tell.

I may have told bridget,
but I didn't tell rachel.

It's no betrayal.

Hi, bridget. Hi, kerry.

Hi, rory.

Houston, we have betrayal.

Dad? What happened?

I just got off the
phone with your mother.

You'd better sit down.

- Oh my god, is she...
- A tramp? Yes.

She's shacking up with
her boyfriend paco.

Oh, thank god. I thought
it was something...

Even more terrible than that.

I just can't believe it.

I mean, he's living there.

You know what that
spells... Hanky-panky.


Uh, dad, nobody says
hanky-panky anymore.

Well, I didn't want to say
nooky in front of a lady.

Actually, nobody says
nooky anymore either.

That's right, cate.

Euphemisms are my
big problem right now.

- Sorry.
- Well, I'm concerned.

I mean, your mother's
developed a history of jumping

From one relationship
to the next.

But dad, she was married
to you for almost 50 years.

And now she's with paco.

Am I the only one that
sees a pattern here?

You know, none
of this makes sense.

When I called to set up
the girls' travel plans,

She never even mentioned it.

Well, I found out by accident.

I called her condo and this big,
husky, truck-driver voice answered.

- Paco?
- No, your mother. Pay attention.

- Sorry.
- While I was
talking to her,

Sergio mendes asker her
where she put his speedos.

Speedos? Paco is 82.

This story just
keeps getting uglier.

Hey, I'm off to the maev...

Three days of sun, fun
and communal bathing.

Except this time I won't
be the only one naked.

Look at this.

Girls, I'm with the band.

What are you doing out here?

I can't go in.
Rachel's over again.

Oh, yeah.

Hey, don't sh**t the
messenger, but, uh,

Word around campus is
kerry wants to apologize.

Tell her I'm not talking to her.

Hey, whoa. Look, the thing is

I'm not really a messenger.

Although I do have some feelers
out, so keep your fingers crossed.

Don't you get it?
She humiliated me.

I can't show my face
around rachel again.

Why, 'cause a girl
found out you like her?

Dude, it happens. It's not like she
caught you kissing her doorknob.

- Who'd do that?
- No one.

And you know I would've
driven you to the airport,

But I got called in for work.

Mom, it's okay.
Kyle's glad to do it.

All right. Now have
fun at grandma's.

I'm gonna miss you so much.

I miss you already.

I miss you more.

Well, bye.

Okay. See ya.

- Bye.
- Bye.

You and your mom are so close.

- That was so sweet.
- Oh, god. So we're going
to the maev festival.

But what happens
when mom finds out?

Oh. She doesn't
ever have to find out.

- What are you thinking?
- What I'm thinking is...

All we have to do is
come up with a plan.

That's what you're thinking?

Yeah, I came up
with the hard part.

You got something better?

I don't know why you guys
want to go to the maev festival.

I hear it's a
gathering of militant,

man-hating feminists.

Oh, great, kerry, it's
gonna be all your friends.

Okay, so we don't go.

Should we tell c.j.?

Tell c.j. What?

Grandpa, you could knock.

I did... My knees.

Now there's something I
want to talk to you girls about

- That's very important.
- Me too?

Taco burrito... Scramble.

What do you want to talk about?

A rather big subject that you
may be familiar with: betrayal.

Oh, god, grandpa. You want
me to apologize to rory?

No, I want you to keep
paco away from grandma.


Kerry, I am appealing to you
as a concerned family member.

I'm not asking
you to manipulate,

I'm not asking
you to take sides.

Well, I won't do it.

All right, fair enough.
Bridget, how about you?

You like me better than
you do grandma, right?

I'll like you better than kerry.

Fine, whatever.

Ah, great.

You know, it's beautiful
when families pull together.

- Door.
- Get it yourself.

Okay, so are you gonna
apologize to rory?

I mean, he is
feeling pretty bad.

- Well, he won't talk to me.
- Well, I don't blame him.

You know, you're mean
and gossip all the time.


You use it like currency.

Um, you're confusing situations

Where I take factual events
that actually happen to people

In order to point out
their disgusting flaws.

Believe me, I take
no pleasure in it.

Methinks you doth
protest too much.


I believe it's I thinks.

What I'm saying is,

When you point a
finger at someone,

There's three
pointing back at you.

Oh, that won't work. There's
not enough people in the room.


Oh my god.

That's what that means?

So the faults I find in others
are the things I hate about myself.

Mm, that's the general idea.

No. Anyways...

You hurt our little brother
and not in a good way.

- So go fix it.
- Fine.

You know, and why don't you take a
good look at yourself in the mirror?

Oh, you know, never a problem.

Who's that?

Oh my god!


Hey! Hey!

What are you doing?!

What does it look like?

By the way, I forgive
you for telling rachel.

Uh, rachel, can I
have a word with you?

- I'm sorry, but her
mouth is busy.
- Now!

I'll be outside. We'll
pick this up... Go!

- Have you lost your mind?
- He's such a good kisser.

- Snap out of it!
- Ow!

Ew! I just kissed
your little brother!

Yeah. He still has
his baby teeth in a jar.

- He's really creepy.
- Ew! I kissed your
creepy little brother!

What were you thinking?

I was thinking nobody's ever
called me the perfect woman before.

He's 14.

Anyone in a bra is
the perfect woman.

- Okay, this never happened.
- But it did.

Not if we really believe
that it didn't. Say it.

This never happened?

- I can't hear you!
- This never happened!

- Good.
- Oh, rach, I'm waiting.

Be right there.

We done?

Okay, that never
happened either.

Hello... Rory.

Rachel sharpe, you're trying
to seduce me, aren't you?

Kyle: hey, are you
gonna finish that?

Yeah. Yeah.


Had a pretty hot evening...

If you know what I mean.

- No.
- Well, rachel sharpe
came over

And one thing led to another...

If you know what I mean.

Oh. Huh.

Wait, you lost me.

Rachel and I made out
for a very long time...

If you know what I mean.

- You must think
I'm an idiot.
- It's true.

Ouch, that hurt.

No, I mean about
making out with rachel.

- Yeah, right.
- Ask kerry.

Now you remember, spend
all your time with grandma

And whatever you do,
don't call anyone uncle paco.

- Okay.
- If you should happen
to get frightened

In the middle of the night, don't
hesitate to crawl in bed with her.

Yeah, like that's gonna happen.

Yeah, well,

Tell that to the
father of our country.

A dollar? You're giving me a
dollar to sleep with grandma?

It's been a long time. I don't
know what the going rate is.

Grandpa, did c.j. Leave
for the maev festival?

- Oh yeah, hours ago.
- He said he was
hitching all the way.

Oh, actually, he's still standing
on the curb with this thumb out.

Yeah, I know.

Well, we'd better get
going to the airport.

Wait wait wait. Ask kerry
about me and rachel.

Go on, ask.

Kerry, did rory
make out with rachel?

- Never happened.
- I figured.

- But...
- Hey, whoa, everyone leaving

Without saying
bye to cousin c.j.?

Hey, can I catch
a ride with you?

No problem.

Having a little trouble
catching a ride, are you, c. J.?

Yeah, people slow
down, but nobody stops.

Yeah, well, just
put on a big smile

Every time one gets close.

Yeah, and I'd take the
sign off your backpack.

What sign?

"No longer contagious."

That's cute, grandpa.

No one's pulled that one
on me since the third grade.

Hey, wait, it's the
same handwriting.

You know, I said you could
start the car, not actually drive.

You know, you're
getting a little...

Never mind, you're doing fine.

This is the first plane trip
we've taken without our parents.

Yeah, the first
ever without dad.

Well, you know, there's a way
you can take papa h with you.

- In our hearts?
- No, in your stomachs.

My dad told me about this place
where they named a sandwich after him.

Our dad's been memorialized?

On white, wheat or rye.

Rory, your girlfriend called.

- Rachel?
- Yep.

Or did she say missy?

- Or was it rachel?
- Think, man, think!

Could it have been sarah?
Do you know a sarah?

Oh, no.

That's too bad, I always
liked the name sarah.

Grandpa, I've been waiting
for this call all day.

Yeah, all right, all right,
just hold it. It was, uh...

Missy. Yup, missy.
I'm sure of it.

Oh, man.

Maybe it's an older woman thing
not to answer messages right away.

I hear they play
by different rules.

Yeah, they don't have rules.
They live by women's impulse

Trampling sweet
memories into dust.

- Still thinking
about grandma?
- No, why?

Guys, let's hurry. We
have a plane to catch.

I'm picking up three paul
hennessy's on rye for kyle.

- You're tommy's kid,
aren't you?
- Uh-huh.

Let's see the money.

Kerry, look, there's a
picture of dad with kirk gibson.

- And another one with...
- Mom?!

No, I think that's larry bird.

Look, that's mom over
there with some guy.

Oh my god, mom's
cheating on dad.

Right underneath his sandwich!

Come up for air, why don't ya?

Look, okay, maybe we're
just jumping to conclusions.

She's in a bar with some guy
when she said she was at work.

How much more
evidence do you need?

Hey, everybody. I'm in love.

Okay, I'm good.

- Let's get out of here.
- 26, 27...

- Kerry: kyle, hurry.
- What the...

Oh, great.

Five, 10, 15...

Hey! You forgot your sandwiches!

Hey, you forgot me!