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03x17 - The Final Robe

Posted: 10/26/21 07:49
by bunniefuu

♪ ♪

Oh, my God. Kyle?

Oh, Kyle. You are good.

♪ ♪

Someone is about to get
the wettest, sloppiest

nastiest, little...

Oh! Mary Louise?
What are you doing here?

Chelsea, the first time I saw
you wearing a belly chain

at faculty orientation, I thought,

that's a girl I need to know.

And as I got to know you better,

I realized you're
the best, most beautiful

exciting person I've ever met.

I've always known I wanted you

standing right across from me.

I mean, next to me on my wedding day.

Chelsea Trixie Dynasty Snap,

will you be my maid of honor

and accept this robe?

[CHUCKLING] Yes, yes, yes, yes!

Of course!




I've never given you a key.

How did you get into my apartment?


♪ Oh! ♪

Oh, hi.

What are you all doing here?

What's with the robe?

Did you rob Hugh Hefner's grave?

[GASPS] Too soon, Deb.

I was devastated when I wasn't picked

to be his third girlfriend.

And Mary Louise gave this to me.

You're looking at her o-fish
maid of honor, babies! Uh!

I didn't know she started
choosing bridesmaids already.

Yeah, she's capping it at five.

So far it's me Hot Dad's sister
and some lame church friend

who looks like
a backwoods Amber Tamblyn.

Oh, but don't worry. The last two spots

are going to you guys.

But there's three of us.


♪ ♪

Is it weird that I really
want to be chosen

as one of Mary Louise's bridesmaids?

No, I really want to be one too.

I just assumed we'd all
be in the bridal party.

Rookie mistake. Bridal parties

are more cutthroat than sorority rush.

And not to brag but I've been
chosen as a bridesmaid

out of times.

Once, I even beat out
the bride's twin sister.

So I'm feeling pretty good.

Especially since Mary Louise invited

me to go dress shopping with her.

That was a group text, dildo.
We were all invited.

What? Why?

Can you even name one
wedding dress silhouette?


What's the deal, Caroline?

After all those one night stands,

are you having phantom d*ck syndrome?

There was lint on my pants, Deb.

♪ ♪


You have to help me.

- It burns when I pee.
- Ugh.

My Nantucket clam feels like it's fire.

Girl, you gotta leak after you freak.

You got UTI-ed, you slut.


♪ ♪

Mary Louise, keep your Friday night open

because I'm throwing you
a bachelorette party!

Get ready, girl!

Holy stripes, I'm so excited.

Where are we going? Give me a hint.

IHOP? Six Flags? Ooh!

The Chicago Architecture
Foundation River Cruise?

Well, whatever it is,
I couldn't be more excited.


Okay, Gordon, where the hell
is your mom?

She's late. Again. [EXHALES]

I need to be hundo-p focused
on this bachelorette party.

Mary Louise grew up thinking an
Etch A Sketch was a computer,

so I've got to give her
the most amazing night

her little naive self has ever seen.

Did you know that scallops
have up to eyes

and they're usually all blue?

Since school's over I can
give you my honest answer.

- No, and I don't care.

Hey, hey, hey!

Trish. You can't keep doing this.

Sorry... I had a pipe burst,
and it went everywhere.

And as I was cleaning it up,
the dog freakin' puked.

I think she must've drank
some of that dookie water.

You told that same story last time.

My job ends at : , not : .

You're not the only one with
things to do around here.

How late are you open?

I'm not a business, Trish.

I'm a teacher.

♪ ♪

Hello, Caroline.

So, your test came back,

and turns out you don't have a UTI.

- Great.
- You have chlamydia.

- What?
- A real bummer.

But I see this kind
of gooey stuff all the time.

Oh, my God. I can't believe this.

And did you really have
to describe it as gooey?

Sorry. I try to use layman's terms

when I'm talking to patients.

I can't have chlamydia

I know you probably feel
a little awkward

because you think I'm looking
at you like a prost*tute,

but that's not the case.

I mean, yes, a lot of prostitutes

get venereal diseases,
but you don't have to be one

to get one.

Anyway, I'm gonna write
a script for some antibiotics,

and you can get right back to work.

Oh, I wasn't implying your work
is how you got this.

I was talking about your other work.

Your real work, uh...

Your only work.

Well, tonight you finally
pick your bridesmaids.

I know. Thanks for the ride.

Are you ready?

I don't know if I'm ready,
Toby, but I'm excited.

Well, it looks like the first
Lyft is pulling up right now.

I'll leave you to it.


♪ ♪

Hi, there.

This is for you.

It's a picture of us.

Did one of your students draw this?

No. I did.

See you inside.


Here. It's a vial for you

to drink Hot Dad's blood from
on your wedding day.

David and I did it on ours

and it was the most romantic
thing we've ever done.

[UNSTEADILY] Thank you.

Let's do the damn thing.

I'm feeling really good
about my chances.

After all, I deserve this.

I'm so excited you're all here,

and thank you so much for
coming with me on this journey.

- Cheers!
- ALL: Cheers!

You might want to slow down
there, Caroline.


How long do you think this will take?

I have so much shit to do.

The bachelorette party's
Friday, and I'm still working

on the cake, decorations,
and trying to book

- the tiny strippers.
- Who are the tiny strippers?

There a group of little person strippers

who have huge dongs.

I know. I thought the name
was misleading too.

♪ ♪

- Girl.

That dress is GOAT.

- You look incredible.
- Aw.

Say yes to the dress, y'all!

- Oh, my God, make it stop.

Say yes to the dress, y'all!

[LAUGHS] Look at us.

It's like "Bride Wars." Ooh!

Dibs on being Kate Hudson.

Caroline is a mess.

I haven't seen someone get this hammered

since my sorority sister,
Michelle, got trashed

on a pontoon party boat and drowned.

That was embarrassing.

Oh, my God, you're wearing
a headband just like me.

- I love you!


Oh, relax. It's clear.


I think you've had enough.

[SNORTS, CRYING] I'm sorry!

I just got some really
bad health news today.

I haven't completely processed it yet.

She always has to make it about her.

- Oh, my God, what is it?
- Is it cancer?

Oh, shit, is it cancer?

- Chlamydia.
- Oh.

When you've lived on a commune,

chlamydia's no big deal.

It'll be fine. Chlamydia is treatable.

Almost every sexually active person

gets an STD at some point.

My life is ruined.

Okay, Caroline, cut it out.

This is Mary Louise's day, not yours.

Now let's get you home
so you can throw back

some doxycycline and sleep this off.

Okay, thanks.

I think my body's just really tired

from all the chlamydia.

You wanna try on another dress?



Hey, Mary Louise,
have you made any decisions

about your bridal party?

No. I thought I was gonna pick Caroline,

but after the dress shop incident

I'm not so sure anymore.

Whatever she did, I'm sure
she was in the wrong.

But Deb really surprised me.

I loved the way she took control.

Well, I'm glad there
was a silver lining.

To be honest, I don't know how
I got sucked into all of this,

but I'm bored so...

Girl. You were a mess yesterday.

How are you feeling?

Well, the treatment is
keeping my physical pain

at bay, but now I have
to endure the emotional pain

of contacting all
of my previous sexual partners.


Because it's the right thing to do.

The problem is
I can't remember the names

of half the guys I've been with.

Just check your phone.
I'm sure you mercy entered

some of them in your contacts.

You're right. There's Fuddruckers Frank.

Likes the Butt Bill.

Really Cute Dog Dave.

His adorable dog almost made up
for his night terrors.

If I were you, I'd keep it flirty.

This isn't necessarily good-bye.

Hello, Frank? Hi, it's Caroline.

You may remember me from
the bathroom at Fuddruckers

during biker week.

No, I don't have an eyebrow piercing.

Yes, I'm sure.

No, I did not show you my g*n.

You have chlamydia, Frank.

♪ ♪

Ugh, your mom's voicemail box is full.

Oh, she does it on purpose.

She says it's supply and demand.

Makes her more wanted that way.

That actually makes sense.

Okay, well since I'm stuck
with you, you can help me

brainstorm Mary Louise's
bachelorette hashtag.

It must be completely original.
Puns and rhymes encouraged.

Something like #MarriedLouise.

Impressive but it doesn't
make me wanna go to the party.

Oh, and you want to make sure
when you mash words together

that they don't make other words.

I'll never live down the time
I started the #ChrisSLovesAnaL.

Chris S loves Ana L.

You know what? Let's move on to venues.

So the bridal shop was a total disaster.

I just haven't been myself
ever since I found out

that chlamydia can spread to your eyes.

If I go blind and Chelsea can still see,

then there is no justice
in the universe.

I have to do something drastic

if I'm ever going to get a robe.


♪ ♪

Caroline? Is everything all right?

I just couldn't wait until tomorrow.

I hope it's okay I came.

Here, I brought you these.

And this.

I'm sorry I got a little
wackado at the dress shop.

I totally h*jacked your day
and that is not okay.

- Will you forgive me?
- Absolutely.

Do you... wanna come in?

Can I?

Chosen over a twin.

♪ ♪

What the f*ck.

Faster, Gordon. These goodie bags

needed to be ready hours ago.

Hey! I paid good money for those.

No eating the edible undies.

There you are! I have been
waiting outside for minutes!

Oh, I'm sorry. Did we inconvenience you?

Because you were supposed
to pick your son up

three hours ago!

I am not here to babysit him for free.

[CRYING] Okay, I'm sorry!

I'm just having a really hard
time juggling everything.

Gordon's dad left us
a year ago... I mean, died,

and now I'm working two jobs

in addition to being a single mom.

I can relate.

I know what it's like to be on your own,

to never get any help, and to
have to do whatever it takes

to get the job done
but it's just never enough.


I'm planning a bachelorette party
all by myself.

I mean, what if she hates it?

I used to own The Drunk Skunk in Cicero

before I had to burn it down
for insurance money.

We had bachelorette parties
come through all the time.

I've got a garage full of decorations.

You have a garage full of penises?

- No wonder you're always late.
- Oh, oh!

- Yes, queen.

Yeah, if you could watch Gordon
every once and a while,

I could help you out with the party.

Okay, deal.

Gordon! What are you eating?

Those better not be
my edible undies, young man!


♪ ♪


- This is for you.

"Cecelia, let's have lunch
on the playground.

"It'll be a swinging good time.

Mary Louise."

- Yay!
- So fun!

I acted surprised,
but I knew this was coming.

I scored an original vest
from "The Partridge Family"

off eBay and gave it to her yesterday.


- See my ring?
- [GASPS] Oh!

I can't believe she's hanging
out with Cecelia.

I know, but we shouldn't
talk bad about her.

We've become really good friends.

Three facts about Cecelia: she smells,

she has hairy armpits,
and her personality sucks.

- Will you accept this robe?
- [GASPS] Yes!

- Oh, my God.
- You gotta be kidding me.

Oh, you look so beautiful in it!



So now there's only one robe left.

♪ ♪

It's the day of my bachelorette party,

and I'm so grateful
to have had this week

with these amazing women,
and even though

I haven't decided who I'll choose

as my final bridesmaid, I'm excited.

I can't wait to see what
they have planned for me.

It's sure to be a really classy night.

- Hey, girl! [GIGGLES]
- Hi!

Okay, I am so sorry.

The baker refused to put pee-holes

in the penis cupcakes.

But the mechanical bull is all set up,

and there's a hairy balls piñata.


Swish, swish, Trish, you my bitch.

I can't believe Cecelia's
wearing that robe,

trying to rub it in our faces.

But joke's on her because she
doesn't even look good in pink.

It's like, go ahead, saunter around,

but you look super washed out
while you do it.

Hey. [SIGHS] I'm totally freaking out.

I didn't think I'd get this invested,

but I've never been
in a bridal party before.

And Mary Louise is so sweet.

She deserves a great wedding
no matter what.

But I just was really
hoping to be a part of it.

Yeah. I mean, she and I have
had our differences...

she wears socks with
ballet flats like a toddler...

but she's been by my side through a lot.

I really hope I can stand
up there with her.

You know what?

- I hope you get it.
- No, I hope you get it.

- I got your back, girl.
- Thanks.



- Hey, girl.

- Here is your crown.

Hey, can I steal you for a moment?

Oh. Okay.


Are you f*cking kidding me?

f*ck! Fu...

- All right.
- Oh, yeah. Whoo!

Trish, where did you get this guy?

Oh. He's my cousin. Isn't he hot?

Yeah, good job, Billy.
You got the moves.

I just don't want
my chlamydia-riddled body

to affect your big day.

But I actually think that
if I'm chosen as a bridesmaid,

it could help me beat this.

- Really?
- Yeah.

I mean, just being with you here,

I can feel myself healing

- down there.
- Sorry. Mary Louise.

- I need to talk to you.
- I just got here.

She's lying to you. She just told me

that she hates that you dress
like a toddler.

- What?
- I never said the word "hate."

Mm, I'm the only one here
looking out for you.

She's not your real friend.

Yes, she is, and so are you.

I'm here to spend time
with the both of you.

Oh, bullshit. We know there's
only room for one of us

in your bridal party, so who
are you gonna give it to?

- Who gets the final robe?
- Guys, mellow out.

Being in the bridal party
isn't that big of a deal.

You're just saying that
because you're already in it,

- you smug-ass hippie.
- Yeah, shut up, Cecelia.

Stop it, stop it, stop it!

You guys are really missing out.

Trish and I are having a blast.

We're about to play
Pin the Piercing on the Clit.


This because I said "clit"? [SIGHS]


Mary Louise. Please come out.

I'm never coming out!

Mary Louise. It's me.



I can't believe how selfish
you guys are.

I'm such an idiot.

I thought you were all here
for the right reasons,

but all you care about is competing

to be in my bridal party.

I thought for sure this was
because I said clit.

I still think it might have
been because I said clit.

- I am so sorry, Mary Louise.
- You're right.

We totally lost sight
of what's important.

This night should be about you.

I just love you all so much.

That's why I'm having such a
hard time picking bridesmaids.

Don't even think about it.
It doesn't matter.

We're just excited about your big day.

Okay. Thanks.

Come on. We've got
some hairy balls to smash!




- Go, go, go!
- Aw!

- Cheers. Mary Louise!
- Get it, girl!


I ate the balls.

The balls is the best part.

- Yah! Charge

Do you have any strength in your body?

Oh, no! No, no, no, no, no!

- Stop. That's not safe!
- She can't breathe!

Mary Louise! Let go of her!

This is the best night ever
with the best friends ever!


♪ ♪

Mary Louise, this is the final robe.

It's been great spending time
with you this week.

♪ ♪

And I really care about all of you.

♪ ♪

- Deb.
- Oh, thank God!


Deb. Will you accept this robe?

Yes, of course! Thank you.

Caroline. Can I walk you out?

Caroline, you're so special.

- Don't.
- Please, let me finish.

This was a really hard decision.

But I'd still love for you
to be part of my wedding.

As my personal attendant,

you'll be in charge
of super important things

like seating guests on time and
putting mints in the bathroom.

So you want me to work the wedding

and give people mints
after they've taken a dump?

You're making a big mistake.

But I'm not gonna cry.


♪ La la, la la ♪

♪ La la, la la la ♪

♪ La la, la la la, la la ♪

♪ I'm gonna teach ya ♪

♪ La la la, la la ♪

♪ I'll give you what you need ♪

♪ La la la, la la ♪

♪ Said I'm gonna teach ya ♪