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01x15 - Heck of a Hanukkah

Posted: 10/26/21 12:26
by bunniefuu







LOUIS: Hey, Ren, did you know
there's a crawl space up here

that's perfect for Mom and Dad

to hide the Hanukkah presents?

Give it up, Louis.
You are never going to find them.


You want to bet?

Do you want to bet?

See, look, this is how I see it.

We get one gift for each
night of Hanukkah.

There are three of us,
and eight nights.

So that makes...

Who cares? It doesn't matter.

I don't do math on Hanukkah.

If we just constantly
search the house, you know,

so I think if we just...

Oh! My bed!

Ow! I'm sorry. Oh!

-My soda!
-I'll clean it up.

-My books!

My board!

Me, me, me.

That's all I ever get from you.

You are so toast!

Hey, Louis, check it out, man.

I finally got my MVP trophy.

That's cool.

-It's payback time, you airhead!

Hey! Trophies!


My... trophies.

Way to go, Ren.


They got to be here somewhere.

Last year's hideout.

(SCOFFS) Yeah, right.

Wait a second.

That's the one place
they know I'd never look.




Mom, you haven't told us
the story of Hanukkah

-since we were little kids.

a long time ago
your ancient ancestors...

from my side of the family...

were being persecuted

by a group of oppressors
who were trying

to get the Jewish people
to give up their religious beliefs.

But a small army called the Maccabees,

decided to fight back.

Louis should really be here.
He loves this story.

He's probably trying
to find the gifts.

Well, don't worry.
He's not gonna find them this year.

So, the Maccabees finally drove
the oppressors out of Israel

and reclaimed their temple.

EILEEN: Once inside,
they lit the oil lamp

which was never to be extinguished.

But there was a problem.

They only had enough oil for one day.

Somehow, the oil lamp stayed lit

for eight days and eight nights.

Which is why now we light
eight candles for Hanukkah.

It truly was...

A miracle.

I got everything I wanted.

STEVE: Hey, Lou, are you up there?

Come in.

Lou, where were you?

You missed the story of Hanukkah.

Oh, well, my stomach's
feeling a little queasy.

Thanks for stopping by.

Are you sure? You want something
to settle your stomach?

I'm very settled.
Very, completely...

-...very settled.

Thanks for stopping by, though.


I thought you wanted me to leave.


What was that?

Uh... more settling?

REN: There's a pile of
smashed stuff outside!

EILEEN: Oh, no! He found the presents!

Louis Anthony Stevens...

why did you throw
the Hanukkah presents out the window?


STEVE: Oh, no!


Hey, it's not my fault
we live in a two-story house.

I have always said that
I like ranch style, right, Donnie?

Cut it out, Louis!

You been trying to sneak a peek
at those gifts all week.

REN: I don't get it.
I'm a good person, respect my family,

and I call my grandparents
once a week.

What did I do to deserve
a brother like him?

Is this going
to happen again next week

when my cousins are here
to celebrate Christmas with us?

Well, see, that depends.
Are they going to bring presents?


Just trying to lighten the moment.

Guys, look, look,
I got a little crazy

so I opened the presents.

Come on, guys, seriously,
I just tried...

Louis! Enough!

You are grounded for Hanukkah.

REN: What did I do
to deserve a brother like you?

I don't know! Louis!

My trophies!

You are grounded for Hanukkah.

You are grounded.

You are grounded.
You are grounded...

LOUIS: Who cares?

I don't belong down there anyway.

I don't belong in this family.

It would be better
if I was never born.




So, the world really is flat.

What are you doing here?

That's the way
you speak to your Bubbie Rose?

My booby what?

Your Bubbie Rose.

I am your great-great-

-Oh, that's great.

That's a lie, also.

Because, if that was the truth,
you would be a ghost

and you don't look
like a ghost. Sorry.

Better I should put
a sheet over my head

and go, "Boo"?

Yeah, that might help.



Relax, relax.

I'm only here to make sure
that you have a nice holiday.

Well, uh... you're too late, see?

'Cause I already single-handedly
ruined Hanukkah.

Listen to the ego in that boy.


Our family has been
celebrating Hanukkah

for , years.

LOUIS: Right.

You think,
because you broke a few gifts...


You think a few broken gifts
are going to ruin the holiday?

Wait. Wait.
How did you know about that?

Oh, I know everything.

What? I been around
the block a few times.

Well... well, then
do you know what it's like

to have a brother and sister

who are always perfect
all the time, hmm?

And do you know what it's like

to have , grandchildren...

and not one of them calls?

Come on.

We're gonna take a little ride.

No, I can't.
I thought you knew everything.

I'm grounded, you remember?

This is not exactly
a ride on the ground.

Here. Put this on.

I don't want you
should catch pneumonia.


I may be a ghost
but I am still your bubbie.

Yes, I know.

LOUIS: (SCREAMS) We're flying!

ROSE: Oh, don't talk so much.

You'll get bugs in your teeth.

LOUIS: Right... so, uh...
where we going?

ROSE: Where we going?
We're going out for a Danish.

Don't worry where we're going.

Enjoy the view.



Who puts a gnome on a lawn?


Wait, wait, wait.
Here, wait, wait.

No, I'm fine.

Stop with the brushing.

Yeah, we're at my house.

Well, yes and no.

Remember you said you didn't want
to be a member of this family?

I'm going to show
you what it was like

if you was never born.

Louis, take a look.

Uncle Leo sent you
some Hanukkah cash.

REN: Oh!

LOUIS: I... I'm grounded...

I just remembered...
so I better get in, okay?

No, no, no, no.

How could you be grounded
if you were never born?

Oh, I was never born, huh?

Then could I do this?

That didn't hurt.

But that hurt.

Yeah, I'm definitely born.

It was... it was lots of fun.
Thank you.

Louis, they can't see you.
They can't hear you.

Whatever you say.

Give my regards
to Casper, okay? Stay.

ROSE. Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Honey, I'll put this
gift money in the hall tray,

-and we'll give it out after dinner.

I know I'm still
grounded and everything

but, uh, I just had
the weirdest thing happen to me.


EILEEN: You're back!

Who's that?

Well, you were never born.

So, your parents went
and they had someone else.

So, Curtis, what did
Principal Wexler say?

Well, he said
because of my perfect grades

and record-breaking
athletic performances

that the school board has voted me...

Best All-Around Student
of All Time!


STEVE: Did you hear that, kids?

Your little brother is a superstar!

This is the proudest day of my life.

CURTIS: Well, I only wish
I could do more for you guys.


Can you stop with these landings?

I'm sorry.

I don't know, ever since
I put on that last pounds...

Whatever you say.


Look at them.

Please, just look at them.

This whole trip is great, you know?

'Cause now I know
what it would be like

if my family never had me.

They'd be a hundred times better.

Thank you, booby!

It's bubbie.



This has not been
my best magical journey.

Hey, Mom, Dad I'm gonna be
up in my room studying

and don't come in.

LOUIS: I just wanted to say
something about...

-REN: If anyone cares.
-Um, I'm really sorry.

Ren, I have to talk to you.

Ren, can you please...
just a second, Ren.


Can I just...
Can I just talk to you

about the whole present thing, Ren?

Ren, come on,
I'm trying to talk to you.

Who's the airhead now, huh?


Okay, well...
I'm going to say it, anyways.

-Ren, um...
-Hey, Spider,

you're a disgusting dirt bag!


I'll be right out.

My man is so hot!

Ren's a wild chick.


(SIGHS) Not now, Donnie.

What is it?

I'm getting that feeling again.

Just wait a second, okay?


I can't come out tonight.

I got stuff to do.


I'll call you.

Ren, hurry.

My tummy has...

a headache.

Donnie, it's okay.

No, it's not, Ren.

Everything Curtis does

is right, and I'm just a loser.

No, you are not.

Look, it says right here
on this little trophy:

"Winner, First Grade Spelling Bee."


It's the only thing
I've ever won in my life.

Aw, Let me hear it.

Ride: R-i-d, silent "e."

See? You still got it.


Donnie's a total wuss.

Didn't I tell you I need
total quiet when I'm studying?

Curtis, I'm sorry.

It's just
you're always studying.

Then you should always be quiet!

Hey, don't talk to her like that.

Oh, what are you going to do,
spelling champ?

R-i-d, silent "e."
R-i-d, silent "e."

Can you just leave him alone, Curtis?

You know,

I am getting so tired
of the two of you.

Who's he?

You know you're not supposed
to have friends over

when I'm studying.

Now, I want him out of here, now.

So, what are you?

One of Donnie's little friends?

I don't have any friends.

-I'm talking to you, twerp.
-LOUIS: No, this...

no, uh, I'm... you can't see me.

Well, what am I looking at, then?

I don't know.
This is weird.

I'm invisible.

It seems weird. I'm serious.

Look, I'll prove it to you.

I'll... look... just...
you're going to be amazed.


Okay, who are you
and where did you come from?

I'm Louis Steve-o-saurus.

And, I'm a foreign exchange student

from Pennsylvania.

CURTIS: I hear voices!

Um... Sorry, Curtis!

Your little brother's a creep.


you noticed?

You don't know what it's like
being related to somebody

who's perfect at everything they do.

Actually... I do.


How do you deal with it?

Well, it's hard,
but I think you got to focus

on your own good qualities, you know?

We don't have any.


R-i-d, silent "e." Ride.

-See, that's good.
-That's... yeah.

I can spit really far.


-REN: Yeah, just like...

And the fact that you guys
care so much about each other,

you know, that's good, too.

I mean, I wish my brother
and sister cared about me

as much as you guys
care about each other.

Hey, Mom, can I have a friend...


You know Curtis doesn't
like noise when he's studying.

So, does that mean he not going
to help us make dinner, huh?

Ren, Curtis is
the pride of this family.

He's the smartest

the most talented...

I'll get my... my trophy.

No, no, no. If Curtis don't help,
we don't help.

Well, very nice.

How would it be
if I took that attitude

and decided not to cook
Hanukkah dinner?

Well, I'll tell you.

There would be one little boy
named Curtis

who would be mighty disappointed.

Curtis, Curtis, Curtis!
I am so sick about hearing this name.

Hi, there.

Who-who's that?

Mom, Dad, this is
Louis Steve-o-saurus.

He's a foreign exchange student
and I want him to come to dinner.


How... how do you do?

-Louis. Yeah.

Well, we would love to invite you

for Hanukkah dinner, Louis

but isn't your own family
expecting you back?

No. I don't have a family.


I mean, I have a family, it's just...

we don't celebrate... dinner.

You mind if I help you
with something, hmm?

Well, I was just about
to put this chicken in the oven.

-I got it.




-The chicken!
-I'll take it. I'll take it.


Oh! Oh!

Look, it's freestyle.

Oh... freestyle chicken.



I'm eating you for Hanukkah.

I think I'll do a dance.

We haven't laughed this hard
since... never.


-Yeah, I wish you were my brother.
-That'd be cool.

Hey, where'd the chicken go?
It was here a minute ago.

It's on your head.

Chicken train, here it comes.

Come on. Come on. Come on.














We have a problem.

What is it, son?

Someone has pilfered
the Hanukkah money.


That means it's stolen, pebble-brain.

Come on.

R-i-d, silent "e." R-i-d, silent "e."

R-i-d, silent "e."


I know I put it in here.

Keep looking.
It's got to be around here somewhere.

It's not.

Here, Dad, let me check again.



It's that foreign kid.

He's a bad man, Mom.


Where'd you say you were from?



It's a small town near...


And what was this
doing in your pocket?

Is that why you came here,

to steal our presents?

No, I didn't want to steal
any presents.

I just wanted to be
with you guys... my family.


You come here
and dance with our chicken

and suddenly you're family?

I'm so scared.

Should I call the police, Dad?

-You know...
-Absolutely! Get him, Donnie!

Okay, I didn't do anything.

Yeah, 'cause we caught you.

I actually thought you were nice.

I am nice.

Just ask my great-great
grandmother Bubbie.

Bubbie Rose.

Bubbie Rose, can you please come down?

It's not funny anymore.

I want to go home, please.

I want to go home.

There's no place like home.

There's no place like home.

It worked in that one movie.


No! No!

-Son, you're having a bad dream.
-I didn't steal anything.


-Calm down. You okay?
-You called me son.


Come on, buddy.

It's time to light
a Hanukkah candle.

Wait, you guys said that I'm
grounded for Hanukkah, remember?

Hey, that's okay.
We all talked it over.

We decided we're not going to let
a few broken presents

-ruin the holiday. Right, guys?

You know, guys, I'm really sorry about
everything that went on, you know?

-We know.

Louis, you do a lot
of crazy things but...

well, Hanukkah just wouldn't be
any fun without you around.

-That's right.
-So, come on.

Everybody up for the chicken dance?


The chick...
Let's go light the candles.

-Come on.


REN: Gimel. Gimel.

Nun! Nun! Nun! Nun! Nun!


Oh! Yeah!



-Nobody likes a dreidel diva.

WOMAN: Yoo-hoo!

You know,
I was just out for a little jog

and I found these in the trash,

and I thought

maybe you threw them out by mistake.

No, it's no mistake.

They're all broken.



Oh, Ren's gift, it's in one piece.

Donnie's sports clock,
it's not smashed.

How did you...

Where's that woman?

REN: Well, that's strange.

So, uh, how many days
till Christmas?