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09x09 - The Reckoning

Posted: 10/28/21 17:15
by bunniefuu
The National Security Office has issued an Interpol alert...

That happened the day I was stabbed.

Maybe that's but Bryant used the money for.

You said it was to fight her extradition, but we know her fancy QC was crowd-funded, so that's bullshit.

She's in here on a terrorism charge.

What if Judy really is one?

Forget Marie. Rita Connors is the bigger threat.

She knows what I am.

And if she tells them upstairs, they'll find the link to Frazer and we're all f*cked.

You have to stop Rita, 'cause if she mouths off, then the big, grand plan is over.

The path that you're currently on leads to w*r.

A lot of people we know will end up dead.

You've won. We won't go after you or Miller.

I don't care what happens to me, but Vera doesn't deserve

- to go down for this.
- Agreed.

I was going to poison Ferguson with it. I'm as bad as she is.

- Don't say that.
- No, there was poison in that bottle.

I put it there. I nearly k*lled you.

- Marie's made us a little recording.
- My name is Jones.

- Connors is working for us.
- You're a filthy f*ckin' pig.


I didn't mean for this to happen, please,

I didn't know that recording was on my phone!

Listen, if I wanted to out Rita as a cop,

I could have done that days ago. So why didn't I, huh?

- We should f*ckin' do her.
- We gotta do it for Rita.

Allie, please!

No, Allie! Stop them! No!

Help me! No! No!

I didn't mean it! No!


As we enter week two of Joan Ferguson's m*rder trial, the prosecution has finally rested its case.

The notorious former Wentworth governor is accused of murdering homeless woman Kath Maxwell,

- as part of an audacious escape attempt.
- What a nutjob.

- Just string her up already.
- At this stage, the defendant is maintaining

- she has no memory...
- Come to watch your little friend

- get off?
- ... of the incident she's been charged with.

Although amnesia isn't considered...

- You seriously believe her bullshit?
- A legal defence in a m*rder trial,

Ferguson has previously been charged with the m*rder of Bea Smith,

- what pundits are calling the pity plea.
- I don't know.

Just like you didn't know that that recording

- was on the phone?
- No, I knew it was there, Ruby,

- but like I...
- Yeah, you forgot.

- If I wanted to...
- Save it for Rita!

Still wish she'd told us.

She didn't want to worry you.

Yeah, or she just didn't trust us.

What are you trying to say, Booms?


Well, come on. Let's get it out.

We've been tiptoeing around this bullshit all week.

- You got something to say, say it to my face.
- OK.

I just don't get it.

You and Rita should hate cops.

- Why, just 'cause you do?
- No, 'cause they're worse than screws.

It's just hard to take, that's all.

You know, to find out that Rita's not who we thought she was.

She's still Rita!

Dr Miller, you have assessed Joan Ferguson at the Wentworth Correctional Centre and it's your expert opinion that the defendant's amnesia is genuine?

Absolutely. %, yes.

Can you explain her condition to the jury in plain terms?

Yeah, Joan simply doesn't remember events prior to her coma.

She's retained general knowledge and some basic life skills, but no memories or prior traits.

In fact, the crime that she's been accused of, is at complete odds with her current personality.

Describe that to us.

Well, Joan is kind. She's compassionate.

She has a sweet and gentle nature.

She's very shy. She finds these proceedings quite overwhelming.

I've been treating her for some months now and her... her behaviour has been utterly consistent.

She's genuinely horrified by the details of the crime she's been accused of.

In fact, I can honestly say that the Joan Ferguson that you see here before you wouldn't hurt a fly.


We're on track.

Frazer's almost finished putting it together.

I still want to talk to him.

There's too much heat on that phone.

Plus, no sim card, so...

Well, that's what she's for.

A week from D-day and you really want to risk using a mobile?

- Oink, oink!
- Piggy, piggy, piggy!

Piggy, piggy, piggy!

- Piggy, piggy, piggy!
- Keep your distance!

- Piggy, piggy!
- Connor's just got back.

Hey, piggy!

- Piggy, piggy, piggy!
- You f*cking pig lover!

- Dirty f*ckin' pig!
- I'll f*ckin' oink you!

- Bloody pig!
- Now, now, girls.

Let's not be too hasty to judge.

- f*ck!
- Big decision to make today.

I'm looking at you, too, Marie.

You're either with me and you're under my protection, or you're with the pig.

And if you're with the pig...

f*cking pig!

f*cking pig-loving c**t!


- How're the ribs?
- Busted.

Hurts to bloody laugh, I tell ya.

OK, I'll try not to be funny.

Hey, I can only keep you in Medical for a few days.

- After that, I'll move you into Isolation.
- No, I need to be back in General.

Today. Now. Lou Kelly's got a phone.

It's got a recording of Jones on it, admitting I'm an undercover cop.

I know about the phone, Rita.

I ramped the prison twice. Couldn't find it.

Ruby and me are on a m*rder charge.

The only way we're getting out of here is if we find that phone.

You won't last a day, if I let you out.

- The whole prison wants you dead.
- I know what Lou Kelly's got cooking.

It's not about you officers.

Her and Judy Bryant are planning to get the f*ck out of here.

I'm talking escape.

- How? When?
- I don't know, yet.

I'm sorry, Rita. I really am.

I'll take what you've told me to the GM, OK?

- You have my word.
- Come on, Mr Jackson.

I thought you might want a visitor.

- Rita! How're you going?
- Oh!

- Are you OK?
- Ahh!

- Ooh, I'm sorry.
- It's OK.

You've got nothing to be sorry for.



I saw the news.

They're really flogging that sympathy bullshit.

It's just media spin.

You didn't see the jury when Miller was talking. They ate it up.

You showed the DPP Miller's notes.

- They didn't want a bar of it.
- Because I obtained them illegally.

- I'm just saying, you've done everything you can.
- Have I?

I could stand up in the court room with the notes and say,

"Look, Ferguson is lying. Here's the proof."

You'd be charged with contempt, lose your job, your career. For what?

- It'd just be declared a mistrial.
- Yeah, at least the truth would be out there.

Ferguson couldn't use her bloody amnesia defence again.

And there'd be nothing to stop her ratting us out.

She's still got that f*cking photo.

Grace, our daughter, will always be under threat if Ferguson walks.

Vera, there is no way I would ever let anything happen to Grace or you.

That's a promise.


- When'd he tell you this?
- Just now.

He knows Bryant and Kelly are planning an escape.

Said he heard it from a prisoner.

Listen, we've IDed Lou Kelly's contact.

His name's Emil Frazer.

He's on our t*rror1st watchlist.

- Did you arrest him?
- No, I'm watching him now.

We think he's building an expl*sive device to bust Bryant and Kelly out.

So why don't you arrest him?

Because we don't have a direct link to Bryant.

Everything's going through Kelly.

And Frazer's being very careful.

You've got to get Judy Bryant.

Listen to me, Ann. We are this close.

We can't afford to scare the horses.

You need to shut Jackson down.

I've just consulted with the NSO.

They're miles ahead of you, on this.

They know exactly what Bryant has planned.

- What? How?
- Doesn't matter.

But they're across everything and they have ordered you to stay out of it.

We're talking about a possible escape attempt.

We're talking about something way above your pay grade.

We cannot afford to risk their operation.

What operation, Ann?

If there's something going on here, I need to know about it.

No, you need to do what you're told.

I'm putting you into H .

That should keep H safe.

Now, I'm putting an officer on you. Hope that buys you enough time.

Can't do much with an officer on my tail.

It's non-negotiable, Rita.

I'm only agreeing to this, because you need that phone and I need to find out what Bryant and Kelly are up to.

- You could always stick 'em permanently in the slot.
- I can't.

We're both taking a big risk here.

What's this f*ckin' green shit?

- It's half-burnt.
- Think it's nutritious?

Give us the f*ckin' pizza, extra cheese.

- b*tch. f*ck this green shit.
- f*ck you!

Oink, oink, oink.

So, girls...

Who's with the pig?

f*ck off.

Here we go.

Here we go.

What's piggy gonna do?

I don't want to sit near a pig.

Oh, this is good.

Alright, listen up.

I have something to say.

I'm not with Rita.

I didn't know she was a copper.

I feel just as disgusted as the rest of you.

I'm ashamed of her.

She's a f*ckin' traitor.

You're not my sister anymore.

You're dead to me.

I feel ashamed for what we just did. Was it worth it?

- If Lou bought it.
- Yeah.

What do you reckon? You know her better than us.

Well, it won't buy us much time.

We gotta get that phone for youse.

- The pigs who set youse up, can't let 'em win.
- Yeah.

- That's why we've got to help Rita with her plan...
- No, sorry. "We"?

No, do you get like you'll never be part of this family?

You f*ckin' caused this, Marie!

f*ckin' move!

Move! f*ckin', "We."

She's right.

This is all on you.

You poison everything you touch.

Hey, Hooker. Where's your stash?

Hey, piggy, piggy!

f*ckin' dirty pig!

Roll around in the mud, you c**t!

- Get that pig out of here!
- Get back now,

- or you'll...
- Oh, just the one screw?

Jackson mustn't give a ham sandwich about you, Connors.

Or you, Ms Deng.

Can I have a minute?

Oh, you're a dark horse.

I always knew there was something about ya.

You really fixed me up, Lou. I'll give you that.

- I'll take it.
- But you made a big mistake.

- You didn't finish the job.
- Oh, well.

It shouldn't be too long now.

It's already too late for you.

Hospital wasn't all bad.

Got to have an old mate visit. A Conqueror.

I spun him some shit about you putting me in an ambulance for no good reason.

As payback,

- the club's sworn revenge.
- Oh, OK.

I'll, um... I'll be on the lookout for some fat f*ckin' bikies, then.

Not you. Your brother, Trav.

The boys are gonna f*ck him up.

I lost my sister because of you.

Now, you get to see how it feels.

Attention, compound.
Attention, compound.

Phones are now available for use.

f*ck! f*ck.

Bryant, there you are. Come with me. You've got a visitor.

- Who is it, my lawyer?
- I don't know. Come on.


Ms Miles, I'm trying to ring someone on my call list, and it won't go through.

Oh, that would be because your phone privileges have been suspended.

What? Why?

- What do you want?
- Get me a sim.

What, for the phone you stole off me? Get f*cked.

You get me a sim or you'll be flipping the bird with a f*cking stump.

- I'll call my guy.
- Yeah, you do that.

Lou just hit me up for a sim.


- What are you...
- Take a seat, Judy.

- Is it bad news?
- No, it's good.

The terror-related evidence on your laptop, we believe was planted there.

Possibly by the NSO, just as you said.

They're not going to proceed with the extradition.

In fact, the entire case against you could fall to pieces.

They're talking total exoneration, Judy.

Take care, hmm?

So, you've heard the news.

I bet you're so disappointed.

Take her to the plant room.

Where are we going?

Seriously? What are you, a f*cking Bond villain?

- Madam Blowhard?
- Cuff her to the pipe.

Ooh, kinky.

Did you bring a strap-on?

Give me your baton.

Now that my dad's here, it's only a matter of time till I'm sunning it on a beach in Tenerife.

And all I'll have of this place is memories.

You know, the highlight of my stay was actually when I...

I put a spit bag on your head and I caved your f*cking ribs in.

Ms Reynolds, the prisoner is handcuffed! Ms Reynolds!



If you hit her again, I will call the police!

Unlock Bryant. Get her to Medical.



You need to get help.
Ann, are you hearing me?

Or what?

I'll call the Board.

You've always been jealous of me, Vera.

Of my success.

You have been undermining me, right from the start.

That is why you insisted on me keeping Jackson in charge.

- Oh, Ann. You know that's...
- You have never supported me.

Not once! Everything I have done, you have fought me, every step of the way!

You've never been there for me!

Where were you when my daughter died?

Where were you?

I have given her every chance.

I have to report this to the Board.

How's Bryant?

Ahh, she's in Medical. Nothing's broken.


This will devastate Ann, professionally and personally.

Well, she hasn't given you any choice.

Governor, this is the gatehouse.

Prisoner Ferguson has just arrived back from court.

Yeah, copy that.

Look, the right thing to do, Vera, isn't always easiest.

Trav could be getting the shit beat out of him right now and there is not a f*ckin' thing I can do.

There is.

f*ckin' pig.

If the mob don't k*ll her, I'll do it myself.

How'd court go?

- Rather well, I'd say.
- I don't give a flying f*ck about your trial!


Look, I don't know why your phone privileges were cut.

- Then give me that fiddy back.
- But I can tell you, they were suspended right after Jackson saw that pig in Medical this morning.

Bikies, my arse.

She's not going for Trav.

She wants that f*ckin' phone.


Where you been?

Reynolds. She att*cked me with a baton.

Oh, shit. Don't worry, we'll be out of here soon.

No, I don't care about Reynolds anymore. It's over.

- What's over?
- My dad's here.

The extradition's off.

Those f*ckers set me up and he's going to get me out of here and sue their corrupt arses.

So, I'm going to need you to phone our friend tomorrow and call the whole thing off.

- No.
- Yeah.

No. I've just... I've lost all my f*ckin' phone privileges.

Get a sim off Zaina.

- Hey, I am in charge here!
- No, no, no, no. It's over, Lou.

It's finished.

Today is the crucial day for Joan Ferguson.

Amidst a groundswell of public sympathy, the entire country has been captivated

- by this extraordinary case.

Experts agree, if she can maintain sympathy under cross-examination,

Joan Ferguson could walk free as early as this evening.

Hey, you OK?

- Yeah, well, my guy with the sim will be in, this arvo.
- OK.

- You gonna be OK?
- Yeah.

- See ya later.
- Yeah.

Marie, come here.

- Ruby, I want to explain...
- Shut it.

It's time to face the music.

Winter wants to see you.

Stand outside. Don't go in the cell.

I'll be watching.

Rita, I'm sorry.

With all the hours of recording

I made of Lou and Judy, I forgot about Jones.

Why'd you record it?

Well, I don't trust cops.

You expect me to believe any of that shit?

No, but it's true.

What are you doing here, Marie?

We couldn't risk the others being seen talking to you.

Now, listen. Your plan has worked.

Zaina's getting Lou a sim through a visitor, this afternoon.

I'm stuck in here and I don't know how much time I've got left.

I can't protect Ruby.

Neither can Allie. And Boomer's got other things to worry about now.

So, it's up to you.

I need you to get that phone, for Ruby's sake.

It'll get her off the hook.
And you've gotta look after her.

I'm asking you to protect my sister.

No-one else can do it.

You might think you've won.

You haven't.

Whatever happens, I will never be like you.

I feared for my child.

You made me afraid. That's what you do.

You trade in fear. You pervert people, good people.

You twist them into monsters like you.

I almost became that monster.

I was so close.

But I walked away.

And now, I know what I have to do.

The defence calls Joan Ferguson.

I swear by Almighty God that the evidence I shall give will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

You may take a seat.

(CLASH) Sorry.

- Are you OK, Ms Ferguson?
- Yes.

Would you like some water?

Thank you.

Ms Ferguson, you are currently an inmate of Wentworth Correctional facility.

- Is that correct?
- Yes.

And what is your status?
As an inmate, I mean?

- I am on remand.
- On remand?

- So, you've never actually been convicted of a crime?
- No.

So, you were, in fact, on remand during the alleged escape attempt?

Um, yes.

So, I've been told.

I say alleged, because you were, in fact, the unwitting victim of former General Manager

Derek Channing's attempt to m*rder you.

Objection. Speculation.

Mr Channing is currently awaiting trial for the charge.

If the Director of Public Prosecution believes the charge to be true, they can hardly object to the assertion here.


I want to draw you back to the events of April .

- Do you remember that date?
- I, um...

I believe that was the date I emerged from my coma.

Can you share with us your recollection of that event?

I recall being in hospital, seeing...

... various people who'd been brought in to identify me.

Because you were unable to identify yourself.

Were these people that you knew?

Were they significant to you?

Ms Ferguson, is it true that you have absolutely no recollection of being Joan Ferguson?

That you, in fact, recall nothing of these supposed events you've been accused of?

That you don't remember anything at all of your entire past, prior to waking up in hospital after being viciously assaulted?

Ms Ferguson.

Ms Ferguson.


No, you have no recollection of being Joan Ferguson.

No, I lied.

I am Joan Ferguson.

You mean, legally, you are Joan Ferguson, even though you don't remember being her.

I remember everything.

I recovered my full memory some time ago.

I have been misleading Dr Miller in order to manipulate this trial.

He has been giving me a drug to stimulate my memory, but it's actually helped curb my impulses.

Ms Ferguson, I think you're confused.

Would you like to take a moment

- to gather your thoughts?
- If I'm released and I go off Psuldrycin,

I will not be able to control my psychopathy.

The only safe place for Joan Ferguson is behind bars.

- Order!
- This is a first!

This is a first.

I can't believe this. Jeez.

Ms Ferguson, I'm confused.

What is it that you're telling this court?

I wish to change my plea, Your Honour, to guilty.

Wait here.

Why the hell did you do that?

I had my reasons.
They don't concern you.


You just made a professional laughing stock out of me.

No, I protected you from criminal charges.

I believe a thank you is in order.


You know, you're wrong about one thing.

The Psuldrycin didn't curb your psychopathy.

I did.

I took you off it months ago, because of the drug tests.

You've been taking a placebo, Joan.

So, if there's any gratitude to be expressed, it's you, who should be thanking me.

Ferguson, let's go.



Pack your desk and get the f*ck out of here.

You're fired.


I will k*ll you, before I let anything happen to Vera or Grace.

Why did you do that?

I watched that jury.

You had them eating out of your hand.

They would have acquitted you.

You would have walked free.

Is your desire to destroy us so consuming, you would sacrifice your own freedom for it?

I know you, Joan.

You never do anything unless it serves your own purpose.

So, what is your end game, you crazy, f*cking lunatic?

Hey. You want a cuppa?

- Ferguson. She pled guilty.
- She what?

Your bestie, Kath, is gonna be in here for f*cking ever.

Shit, I'm sorry.

At least she's gonna pay for Bea.

God, I've been wrong about so many things, haven't I?

Ferguson. Rita. Ruby.


But I've never been wrong about you.

You're the strongest person I know.


I'm not strong. I'm weak.

And now, I'm f*cking useless.

- Be better off dead.
- Don't you dare say that.

Trust me, I've been there and it's only darkness.

I know you don't feel it now...

... but there's a reason that you're here.

You're the best of us, Allie.

I'm done.

Not quite.

Before you go, there's one more thing I need from you.


- Zaina's in with her visitor.
- Time to get that phone.

- What are you doing?
- Well, I'm going to come with you.

I'm just following her to find out where she's hiding the phone.

I'm not going to take her on.

- It's Lou Kelly we're talking about.
- I don't need your help, Marie.

f*ck's sake.


I don't need you holding my f*ckin' hand.

Come on, two heads are better than one.

Not yours. Now, f*ck off.



You're f*cked now.

f*ckin' move!

Oink, oink, m*therf*cker.

You're dead now, b*tch.

Piggy, piggy.

You looking for this?

I was expecting Rita.

I shouldn't really be surprised, despite that speech of the f*ckin' year!


"You're dead to me."

I'm so sorry, girls.

I know you were all hoping for a little ham off the bone.

But you know what? f*ck it.

Just so you haven't wasted a trip, get stuck in.

- f*cking get her.
- Yeah! f*ck, yeah.

You f*cking b*tch.


k*ll the little piglet.

Oh! f*ck!

Go, get out!

Go! Get out! Ruby, get out now!

Stay the f*ck back.

Ruby! Ruby, you're in my f*ckin' way. Go!

I'll be right behind you. Stay the f*ck back!

- f*ck you, Winter!
- Go!

- Come on, you c**ts.
- You're f*cked!

This is for Reb.





- Ruby! Where's Ruby?
- I'm here, sis!

- Are you OK?
- It was a trap.

We don't have the phone.

- Where's Marie?
- I don't know. I thought she was behind me.

She was fighting off all the mob. She told me to go.

Connors! H . Now.

- Look after her.
- Yeah.

Who did it?

Mandy Frost.

An officer found her outside with a bloodied knife.

She admitted everything.

Frost kills Winter.

It's like Game of f*cking Thrones.

Get out.

Everyone, get out!


♪ Don't you know I'm no good for you? ♪

♪ I've learned to lose you ♪

♪ Can't afford to ♪

♪ Tore my shirt to stop you bleedin' ♪

♪ But nothin' ever ♪

♪ Stops you leavin' ♪

♪ Quiet when I'm comin' home and I'm on my own ♪

♪ I could lie ♪

♪ Say I like it like that ♪

♪ Like it like that ♪

♪ I could lie ♪

♪ Say I like it like that ♪

♪ Like it like that... ♪

Put Connors back into H .

I want extra officers on the H crew.

- Whose arse am I gonna pull them from?
- Just f*cking organise it, Linda.

Another death on your watch.

Winter was in Protection and you closed it.

- Her death is on you.
- Typical.

Always looking to shift the blame.

No, you'll be answering to the Board.

- Over Winter's death?
- For assaulting Judy Bryant.

- That's a lie.
- Don't bother, Ann.

You and your politics are a f*cking cancer!

You're done. You're finished.


What are you doing?

We intercepted a mobile phone call this afternoon between Frazer and Kelly.

They're moving the operation forward.

- It's tomorrow.
- What?

Why would Bryant want to escape now? She's getting out.

Oh, it's no guarantee of that.

Either way, they're going ahead with it.

Frazer hacked into the prison network.

He registered their van for a bogus prisoner transfer at pm tomorrow.

So, arrest him.

No, I need that van inside the prison.

- Why?
- To connect it to Bryant.

They think that someone in the NSO has framed her by putting false evidence on her laptop.

Oh. Cockburn.

- I need to clean up his mess.
- Oh, shit.

You're just trying to cover your own arse.

Bryant is a t*rror1st.

Make no mistake, Ann.

- The end justifies the means.
- f*ck!

There'll be a b*mb in that van.

No, I can't deal with this right now.

I'm dealing with another death in the prison.

I cannot risk that van coming in.

What if I told you that Frazer has links to the group that set off the b*mb in London?

The one that k*lled your daughter?

Is that true?

And Bryant, was she involved?

It's my fault.

Marie told me to go and I should have stayed.

It's not your fault, Roo.

I k*lled her son and she died saving my life, Rita.

Because I told her to protect you.

I was a bit of a cow to her, eh?

Marie's death is on me.

Marie's death is on all of us.

In the end, she made good.

It's a tad quiet in here, girls!

Come on!

One down, four to go!

Burn in hell, ya f*cking pig lovers!

- Hey, Connor!
- We'll f*ck you sideways, ya pig!

Ya better be scared, Mitchell!

- Hey, cr*pple!
- f*ck, you're f*cked!

Ya f*ckin' pig loving c**t!

Hey Boomer!

I'll f*ckin' smash ya f*ckin' tits in!

You're a f*ckin' snake, Connor.

f*ckin' pig!