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03x09 - Reading Egg Nurse Neighbor

Posted: 10/29/21 07:39
by bunniefuu
JOAN: Okay, dear, I'm off.

In more ways than one.

What? It's lunchtime.

Yeah, remember? I told you

I had a thing this afternoon.

Oh, I thought that thing
was making my lunch.

You love that.

I do. But you're gonna have
to fend for yourself today.

Joanie, if you leave
right now, I will die.

Okay, dear. Have a good day.

- MATT: What's he doing here?
- COLLEEN: I didn't call him.

Did you call him?

Okay, you've showed up unannounced

and in person. Who died?

- My tailor.
- Oh, God.

That's why only one of my
pants legs is the right length.

- Okay.
- But that's not why I'm here.

Your mom was acting suspicious,

so I rummaged through her
private papers, like I do.

- Dad!
- Yeah, I do that.

Now, I found out she's doing
a reading of her romantic novel

- in one hour.
- Well, why didn't she

invite us?

Probably because

it's inappropriately sexual,

and she knew you'd be
squeamish and not want to go.

- We don't want to go.
- No.

You remember those stupid
things you did as a kid

that I didn't go to?

Your mother went to those things.

And now, you're gonna
go to her stupid thing.

Dr. Short, I'm Nancy.

Since this book, I've
had sex with over men.

Oh, my.

Well, thank you, Nancy,

- for fitting this into your
very busy schedule. - Oh.


- We're gonna have a good time, I think.

Mom? Mom.

(WHISPERS): You're so famous.


You're all here?

- Because we love you.
- Well...

You can always count on us...

to be at the places
you don't invite us to.

But how did you even
find out about this?

We did some digging, and
a few locks were broken,

but nothing could stand in the
way of supporting the woman I...

Oh, lunch.

Thank you. This is nice.

- Joan. Joan!
- Uh, it...

The audience is aroused and ready.

Shall we begin?

Oh, my God, aroused.

Thank you all so much for coming.

- Hurry up and sit down. I'm
sure you're gonna... - Oh.

need to hear this.

I have a feeling.

Somebody needs some romance.


here she is: the woman who's created

the torrid romance

between the stuttering drug lord

and his older speech therapist,

Dr. Joan Short.

- Go, Mom!




"A migrant..."



- Oh.

I haven't seen your
mom freeze up like this

since I invited her to a Seder.



- Joanie.
- Oh!

What's wrong?

You having an anxiety attack?


I'm having a family attack.

Honey, I can't read this
in front of my family.

Why wouldn't you want us?
I mean, Tim, I understand.

But the rest of us...

No. The best way you can be here for me

is-is not to be here.

Okay, so where should I be?

You'll figure it out.

COLLEEN: So, if you're interested

in historical erotica, be sure
to check out our children's book,

- The Chicken Who Could Chew.

- All Shorts, get out.
- What?

You're ruining your
mother's special day.

She doesn't want you here.

Get out. Beat it.

(CLAPS HANDS) Come on.

We're going, we're going.

To be clear, you dragged us
out of the house and told us

that we were bad children

for not wanting to go to an event

that Mom didn't want us at,

and now we're bad children for going.

Thanks for the summary.

- Okay.
- Mm-hmm.

"I covered his lips with mine.

"Suddenly, he lifted me,

"and he lay me slowly on the warm earth.


"He held my hands above my head.

"And with his teeth, he
undressed me. 'Be still, '

"he whispered.

"'Don't move.'

- "I said, 'I love you, '
- Okay.

- as he ravaged me..."
- Oh, no.

- I have to go.
- "...over and over and over,

"and over and over and over and over...


and still, I wanted more."

♪ Let's get it on. ♪


"In front of Piggy, Horse and Sheep,

"and the Cow who liked to moo,

"Chicken chewed his food

till there was no food left to chew."


Oh, if our book is so boring,

how come my mom bought copies?

Ignore Lark and her nothing personality.

When you guys have a baby,
they'll love the book you wrote.

Why do you assume we
want to have a baby?

Not everyone wants

to have a baby.

Like, do you want to have a baby?

- I don't think so.
- Okay...

Being weirdly defensive
really isn't your thing.

- That's Uncle Greg's thing.
- GREG: What?!

I'm not defensive, you're
defensive... ask anyone.

We're sorry, Sophia.

We're just getting really tired

of everyone asking us

- when we're gonna have a baby.
- Mm-hmm.

So then just have one.

It's easy, especially with your hips.

(FORCED LAUGH) It's not that easy.

What do you mean?

(SIGHS) Well...

you've heard the story of
The Chicken Who Can Chew.

Have you ever heard the story
of The Chicken and The Egg?

I only read things
about female empowerment.

- Of course.
- Okay.

Well, once upon a time...

in a red barn with
white curtains,

the finest chicken on the
farm, named Chickaleen,

was marrying the handsome
rooster, Matt-A-Doodle-Do.

COLLEEN: Everyone was
there, except for any member

- of Chickaleen's family.

Well, Uncle Tumbleweed
came, but he didn't stay.

MATT: There was John
and Joan, the Sheepdogs.

John, honey, stop
licking yourself there.

You know they won't come back.

I'm just amazed I can reach 'em.

MATT: There was Heather,
the Stay-At-Home Goose,

and all three of her lambs...

and her husband, Tim the Tractor.

Really? If you're
gonna make me a tractor,

can you at least give me some hair?

Cool, a comb-over!

I feel like I'm again.

COLLEEN: Also, there
was Jen the Fox...

Mah. Meh?

I don't know what sound a fox makes.

COLLEEN: And her husband,
Greg the Defensive Duck.

I only sound defensive
because you can't say,

"I'm not defensive"
without sounding defensive.

Just finish the ceremony.

I now pronounce you chicken and rooster.


TIM THE TRACTOR: I give it six months.

But that's actually a really
long time for chickens.


- Uh-oh.


Tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet.

COLLEEN: Despite Chickaleen's
multiple fractures,

the lovebirds wanted nothing more

than to start a
family of their own.

Honey, let's make an egg.

Are those real or hormone injected?

MATT: So, they tried
to make an egg.

And when it didn't
happen the first time,

they tried some more.

COLLEEN: They even
tried some stuff

they knew wouldn't make an egg,

but they had to keep it fresh.



MATT: But, eventually,
what used to be fun

began to feel like a job.

- Morning.
- Morning.

(CLUCKS) See you Monday.

See you Monday.

MATT: But, still, they
couldn't make an egg.

Honey, it's okay.

If it's meant to be, it'll be.

There's no pressure.

COLLEEN: But there was pressure,

and it came from other
animals on the farm.

Without kids, the
search for life's meaning

is one big wild me chase.

- I'm a goose.

My friend the cat couldn't have babies,

and now she just has a bunch of cats.

It's very confusing.

You don't even have
to have an egg for you.

- You do it to make your mom happy.
- Seriously?

I mean, what's the point
of having eight nipples

if you're not going to use them?

Yeah, what's taking you guys so long?

My daughter has three
kids with a tractor.

TIM THE TRACTOR: We used to have more,

but these tractors don't
have backup cameras.

CHICKALEEN: Dr. Hootstein,

why can't we make an egg?

I mean, I went off all
of my antidepressants,

and it's not going great.



"Owl" need to run more tests, but...


I'm ready for my Pap smear.

Excuse me.



Now, where was I? Oh, yes.

See, the sad truth is,

some couples just aren't
able to have an egg.

But you have options, like IVF,

which can be difficult
and heartbreaking.

And even then, there's no guarantee.

(SQUEAKS) Excuse me, Dr. Hootstein,

have you seen my wife?


Is he gone?

COLLEEN: After a long
walk back to the barn,

Chickaleen and Matt-A-Doodle-Do

decided they didn't want
to go through all that

and risk still having
their hearts broken.

The end.

"The end"?

The end.

But that's so sad.

It's not sad, it's just reality.

Which is sad.

But they're okay with it.

I mean, Chickaleen still cries sometimes

when she's alone.

You do? I didn't know that.

Just a little.

Like any time I see a baby.

a family. Or right now.

Oh, honey, we said we
were gonna stop trying

because we didn't want
to have our hearts broken,

but if our hearts are broken anyway,

then what's the point?

Your heart's broken, too?

Of course it is.

I mean, once I stopped panicking

because we were gonna have a family,

I started panicking because
we weren't gonna have one.

Matt, if you feel this way, too, then...

I say we just go for it.

No matter what it takes.



- Yeah.

Okay, you don't need
tongues to make a baby.

I know that much.


Carla, huh?

That's a lot of clip art

for a nursing résumé. I say pass.


Okay. (SCOFFS) Come on.

This one took years

to finish nursing school. Uh-uh.

Now, just stay out of it.

All right, this is my nurse.

I will make the decision.

You don't want my help?

No! I don't.

You make all of our decisions.

I never get to make any.

Yeah, Tim, because I am really awesome

at making decisions.

Hey, just ask that pillow
that you're laying on,

which you said is exactly
like sleeping on a boob.

Well, these are not
pillows or boobs, okay.

This is my kingdom.

Who do you want?

I am going to hire Mindy.

- That's right.
- You sure you want to hire Mindy?

Yes. Mindy. No, wait, no, no, no.

No, not Mindy. Cindy! I said Cindy.

- Cindy. Cindy.
- See? Cindy.

You want to know what
I think about Cindy?

- Nope.
- No?

'Cause I already know
everything about Cindy.

Cindy is yay tall, Polynesian,

short black hair,
Looney Tunes scrubs.

Cindy. My gal. Love her.

I am so excited about working here.

Thank you for this opportunity.

You're Cindy? You're not Cindy.

Good one, Dr. Hughes.

I knew you were funny when we first met.

Especially when you pretended to
fall asleep during my interview.

- So we have met before?
- Yes.

- And you looked exactly like you do now?
- Yeah.

As I told you in my
interview, magic is my hobby,

but I wouldn't trick
you on my first day.

Or would I? Ah!

- Uh, I don't know.
- Mm.

- Okay. Well, hey, welcome.
- All right...

- It's good to have you, Cindy.
- Yep.

That's you. You're Cindy.

Heather, you screwed
me up! I hired Cindy,

and I meant to hire Mindy!

Oh, Cindy was my favorite.

She's fantastic. She does magic.

No, she's awful!

I-I wrote a prescription,
and she ripped it

into a million pieces, and then
she made it go back together

by blowing on it, and
that is unsanitary.

That's fun. You love magic.

Not anymore, I don't.

Look, you should not have been meddling

in my decision.

Now, I've hired this girl,
and I'm stuck with her.

She's gonna be great, just like

every other decision that I've made.

You know what, ask that
underwear I bought you

that you said is like
not wearing underwear.

I can't ask underwear,
Heather. It can't talk.

Unlike the pair I wanted to buy.

Not so fast, Doc.

I went ahead and updated these files,

so they're all up to the minute.

And Mr. Kotkin has been
weighed and measured.

So am I actually ahead
of schedule today?

You are. You can take an early lunch.

- Heh.
- As long as you have money for the cafe.

- Chocolate?
- Yeah.

That's even better than real money!

Oh, I can do it with
noses and throats, too.

Well, you keep this up,
and I'll be pulling a raise

out of your ear.

- Oh, stop.

Ah, great to see you, Mike.

We'll, uh, call in that prescription,

and Cindy will get you your samples.

Already got 'em. Here
you go, Mr. Kotkin.

- Wow.
- So, I'll just validate your parking,

and you'll be good to go.


Ooh, you're gonna love this.

- Kind of need that.
- Bah!

TIM: Oh.

I thought you were gonna make it

go back together again.

- Back together like this?

- Ha! Are you...

That is why I very purposefully
hired this specific Cindy.

Oh. Thank you.


- No orange?
- Hey, honey. I'm here.

I was able to make a decision

about where to park my car.

And I also managed to
draw a big wiener on yours.

- Thank you. Look I, um...
- Mm-hmm. Yeah.

I asked you to come in because
I want to take you out to dinner.

You were right, and I'm sorry.

- I'm sorry, what's that?
- I said, you were right.

- Right...
- I'm sorry. Cindy is great.

She's the perfect nurse,
and you knew it all along.

So I need to start including
you in my decisions,

because you make good ones.

Like naming our daughter Sophia

instead of what I wanted
to name her... Pantera.

Thank you.

And I'm going to make sure
to wait until you ask me

before I meddle in
your business uninvited.


All right. Thanks.

- TIM: Oh, Cindy.

This is my wife, Heather,
the other woman in my life

who makes me wash my hands.

Oh, Cindy, it is so great to meet you.

- Nice to meet you.
- We're off to dinner,

- so I'm gonna go put on my eating pants.
- Okay.

I knew you were gonna be
great. You were my first choice.

Oh, what do you mean?

Tim... you know, funny story...

He actually meant to hire someone else.

- He did?

I mean, that-that's the funny part.

He-he hired you accidentally,

but now, I mean, here you are,
and he couldn't be happier.

Right? I mean, isn't it fantastic to...

(STAMMERS) What are you doing, Cindy?



I don't want to work for a boss

who didn't want to hire
me in the first place.

You can tell your husband that
my resignation letter will be

inside one of the
oranges in the break room.

How do you get the letter in the orange?

A magician never tells.



Hey, babe, what do you think
if we invite Cindy? Wha...

Where is Cindy?

(GASPS) Did she do her disappearing act?


Sure. Could you,

um, grab me an orange
from the break room?

If there's one that's just, like,

right on top of the pile, just...

I want to put it in my purse.



LARK: Mommy!

No. I heard "Dad."

This stupid dog. Every morning.

Where does that thing even live?

(GROANS) In our nightmares.

Must be the new neighbors.

You want to go over there and find out?

Mm? Yeah, sure, I'll-I'll
deal with the neighbors,

and you can take Lark.


Well, come on, Jen, what are you doing?

(GROGGILY): I'm meeting
the new neighbors.


- Hi.
- Uh, we just wanted

to welcome you to the neighborhood.

We're the Shorts, from over there.

Jen and Greg.

Oh! Hi!

Oh! Well, nice to meet you, the Shorts.

- We are the Longs.
- Oh.

Just kidding. That
would be ridiculous. No.

We're the Jazzelroys.

I'm Finn. This is Dianna.

We don't have children.

But, you know, by choice.

Cool. Uh, we brought
you these. (CHUCKLES)

Mmm. Jen, I am freaking out.

These are so good.

Oh, thank you. Yeah, you
want to know the secret?

They're store-bought, and then
I covered them in plastic wrap.

- Yeah.

It's a lot of work.

Yeah, uh, be careful though.

'Cause they're chocolate. And,
you know, if a dog will eat it,

- the dog will then die, so...

You guys don't have a dog, do you?

- (QUIETLY): Very smooth.
- Thank you.

- No.
- No.

But, sometimes it feels like we do

because of that annoying dog nearby.

The barking one.

Yes! You know of it?

Know of it? I hate of it!

It's driving us insane.

Us, too. You know,
it's really interfering

with our binge-watching.
Right now, I'm really into

this show about people
who regret their nose jobs.

A Little Off the Nose?

- Yes!
- Yeah.

I love that show!

Um, what are you guys doing on Saturday?

Finn has this thing

- where he gets really into hobbies...
- Yes.

and then, like, loses interest.

But right now, he's
all about smoking meats.

Um, Greg is fly-fishing in the morning,

- but I think we're free after that.
- Well-well,

that... no, that was,
that was last week.

- Oh.
- This week was gonna be about

raising awareness about
the dangers of fly-fishing.

- But who cares?
- Right.

Then we'll rub the pork butt tonight,

and then we'll slaughter
that pig tomorrow.


Yeah. You know, that's very funny.

I-I have made that
exact same joke before.

Yeah. More than once. Yeah.

- Oh, no, I'm so stuffed.
- Mm. Mm-mm.

I don't think I can eat another bite.

Don't worry, we always
wrap up the extras

and take it to the shelter.

Oh. Yeah, we do the same
thing, except throw it away.

- Yeah.

- Eh.
- GREG: Yeah.


- God!
- There it is again.

You know, we found out
it lives in the house

on the other side of us.

- The other side.
- The other side.

It's always the last place you look.

Well, okay,

this may just be the tequila talking,

but, Finn, what do you
say you and I go over there

and we just, you know,
handle the situation, huh?


Okay. I'll just say this.
When the tequila talks to me,

- someone's not happy.

Head over the toilet. (GROANS)

Uh, I'm down with this,
I totally support it.

You guys go confront that, and
we will stay here and confront

- the rest of this, uh, vino blanco.
- Ah.

- Cheers.
- Ah.

Do you mind if I take lead on this?

I'm kind of a people person.

Hey, you're the captain.

I'm just a stowaway on this boat.


WOMAN: Quiet down, Lilac.

- Oh.
- Oh, hello there, ma'am.

I hope you're having a blessed day...

Listen up, bitch!

If you don't shut your freaking dog up,

then we're gonna shut it up forever!

But my Lilac is a, is
a seizure alert dog.

Well, Lilac is gonna
alert you when she's dead.

If that dog barks one more time,

we will tear it apart!

Can you hear me?

I think that went good.

We're a good team.

- Also, such a sweet lady.
- Uh-huh.

God, your hair smells awesome.

Is that coconut?


Thank you so much.

And we cannot wait to
go to your ski house.

- Oh.
- Oh, it... just so you know though,

it's a ski-in, ski-out.

Ski-in, ski-out!

But I hope you're not
allergic to hot tubs.

- Thank you.

Well, don't you want to tell them

- about the-the snowboard you made?
- Oh.

It-it's just some, just
some old plywood, really.

It's a... whatever.

Brother, I would love
to see that snowboard.

You can have it.



Greg, what is wrong with you?

Jen, that guy's a lunatic.

He threatened to k*ll
that old lady's dog.

Okay, well, let's not overreact

until we see how nice
their ski house is.


Come on, they give
to a homeless shelter.

Doesn't that balance things out?

- No.
- It's ski-in, ski-out, Greg.

I want to feel the wind in my hair.

- Hi. Hi... oh! One second, please.

I had no idea our neighbor
was gonna say those things.

I am so sorry.

Yeah, so, uh...

I got these for you.

FINN: Hey, Greg.

What you doing over there?


I was just, uh...

giving the old lady some
flowers for her funeral.

Telling her, if things don't
change around here, you know...

You're not, uh...

lying to me, are you, Greg?

I'm not lying.

I am not lying to you. No.

Absolutely n-no.

I... what's that, Jen?

I-I'll be right home!

Got to...

All right, see you, bud.

Tell Jen hi for me.
