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01x02 - Fireworks

Posted: 10/29/21 15:49
by bunniefuu
Dr. Desmond. You require an audience with the Light?

Yes. Very sorry to disturb you at this late hour...

- Just make your report. Of course. Ahem.

Well, we had a small fire here at Project Cadmus.

The origin of the incident is still unclear...

...but it seems to have attracted some unwanted attention.

Three sidekicks, Robin, Aqualad and Kid Flash...

...breached security.

They found and released the w*apon.

The Superboy.

Of course, the clone is under our telepathic control...

...and, as ordered, turned against his would-be liberators.

The three are contained and we don't believe the League knows they're here.


What should I do with them?

Clone them. The substitutes will serve the Light.

And only the Light.

And the originals?

Dispose of them. Leave no trace.

MALE VOICE: Time runs short.

You must awaken.

You must awaken now!


What? What do you want?

Quit staring. You're creeping me out.

Uh, KF, how about we not tick off the guy who can fry us with a look?

Prepare the cloning procedure for the new Project Sidekick. Now.

Almost done here, doc.

Where's the w*apon?

Superboy? He carried the intruders to the Cloning Chamber.

We have genomorphs for that.

Get the w*apon back in its pod now.

I don't see the harm in letting the kid stretch his legs.

Don't you now?

That clone belongs in a cage.

We only sought to help you.

Yeah, we free you, and you turn on us.

How's that for grati...? Kid, please, be quiet now.

I believe our new friend was not in full control of his actions.

What if l...? Hmm.

What if I wasn't?

He can talk?

Yes, he can.

Not like I said "it."

The genomorphs taught you telepathically.

They taught me much.

I can read, write. I know the names of things.

But have you seen them?

Have they ever actually let you see the sky or the sun?

Images are implanted in my mind, but, no, I have not seen them.

Do you know what you are? Who you are?

I am the Superboy. A genomorph.

A clone made from the DNA of the Superman.

Created to replace him should he perish.

To destroy him should he turn from the Light.

To be like Superman is a worthy aspiration.

But like Superman, you deserve a life of your own.

Beyond that solar suit.

Beyond your pod.

Beyond Cadmus.

I live because of Cadmus. It is my home!

Your home is a test tube.

We can show you the sun.

Uh, pretty sure it's after midnight, but we can show you the moon.

We can show you, introduce you to Superman.

No, they can't.

They'll be otherwise occupied.

Activate the cloning process.

Pass. Batcave's crowded enough.

And get the w*apon back in its pod.

Hey, how come he gets to call Supey an "it"?

Help us.

Don't start thinking now.

See, you're not a real boy. You're a w*apon.

And you belong to me.

Well, to Cadmus. Same thing.

Now get back to your pod.


Where's Dubbilex? Ooh! Ugh.

Lurking as usual.

Get the G-Gnomes downloading their memories.

When that's done, delete the source material.


Superboy, you live.

That gives you the right to follow your own path.

A w*apon or a person? The choice is yours.

But ask yourself, what would Superman do?


I told you to get back to your...


Don't give me orders.

You here to help us or fry us?


I don't seem to have heat vision, so I suppose helping is my only option.

Ugh, finally. Lucky Batman isn't here.

He'd have my head for taking so long.

Seriously? That's what you're worried about?

The whole League will have our heads after tonight.

Free Aqualad. I'll get Kid Mouth.

Don't you give me orders either.


Thank you.

You...! You'll never get out of here.

I'll have you back in pods before morning.

That guy is not whelmed. Not whelmed at all.

What is it with you and this "whelmed" thing?

Activate every genomorph in Cadmus.

We are still 42 levels below ground.

But if we can make the elevator...





Superboy. The goal is escape, not to bury ourselves here.

You want escape?

L... I'm falling.


Superman can fly.

Why can't I fly? Don't know.

But you can leap tall buildings in a single bound. Still cool.

Thank you.

Guys, this will have to be our exit.


MALE VOICE: Turn left, brother.

Go left. Left.

MALE VOICE: Turn right. Right.

Great directions, Supey. You trying to get us re-podded?

No, I don't understand.

Don't apologize. This is perfect.


At this rate, we'll never get out. Shh.




Someone, Robin, I'd wager, hacked our systems...

...deactivating internal security cameras.

But he neglected the motion sensors.

Genomorphs are closing in. They're all coming out in here.

We have them cornered.


He hacked the motion sensors.

I hacked the motion sensors.

Sweet. Still plenty of them between us and out.

But I've finally got room to move.

More behind us.


We'll cut them off at Sub-Level One.

We'd better, or the Board will have our heads.

My head.


I need to get something from Project Blockbuster just in case.

I'll meet you at Sub-Level One.


Oh, crud. Unh!

We're cut off from the street.

Thanks, my head hadn't noticed.


Can't hack this fast enough.

This way.



MALE VOICE: Perhaps, for the sake of all genomorphs...

... our brother Superboy should make up his own mind.

SUPERBOY: It was you. Yes, brother.

I set the fire and lured your new friends down into Cadmus...

... woke them when they were in danger.

SUPERBOY: And guided me. Why?

Because you are our hope, the genomorph hero.

You will blaze a trail for all our brothers, showing us the way to freedom.


What's going on?


What is your choice, brother?

I choose freedom.

Feels like fog lifting.

Guardian? Go.

I'll deal with Desmond. I think not.

Project Blockbuster will give me the power to restore order to Cadmus.



Everyone, back.


Okay, that's one way to bust through the ceiling.

You think Lab Coat planned that? I doubt he is planning anything anymore.


Learned that one in kindergarten.


Of course.

KF, get over here.

Got it? Got it.


Got your nose.

ROBIN: Superboy. Aqualad.

Come and get me, you incredible bulk.

No. Ugh.

Ugh! This one and that one.

Sorry, try again.





We did it.

Was there ever any doubt?



The moon.

Oh, and Superman.

Do we keep our promises or what?

Is that what I think it is?

He doesn't like being called an "it."

I'm Superman's clone.

Start talking.


We'll, uh... We'll figure something out for you.

The League will, I mean.

For now, I'd better make sure they get that Blockbuster creature squared away.

Cadmus will be investigated.

All 52 levels.

But let's make one thing clear. You should have called.

End results aside, we are not happy.

You hacked Justice League systems...

...disobeyed direct orders and endangered lives.

You will not be doing this again.

I am sorry, but we will.

Aqualad, stand down.

Apologies, my king. But no.

We did good work here tonight. The work you trained us to do.

Together, on our own, we forged something powerful, important.

If this is about your treatment at the Hall, the three of you...

The four of us. And it's not.

Batman, we're ready to use what you taught us.

Or why teach us at all?

Why let them tell us what to do?

It's simple: Get on board, or get out of the way.

BATMAN: This cave was the original Secret Sanctuary of the Justice League.

We're calling it into service again.

Since you four are determined to stay together and fight the good fight...'ll do it on League terms.

Red Tornado volunteered to live here and be your supervisor.

Black Canary's in charge of training.

I will deploy you on missions.

Real missions? Yes, but covert.

The League will still handle the obvious stuff.

There's a reason we have these targets on our chests.

But Cadmus proves the bad guys are getting smarter.

Batman needs a team that can operate on the sly.

The five of you will be that team. Cool. Wait. Five?

This is the Martian Manhunter's niece, Miss Martian.


Liking this gig more every minute.

Welcome aboard. I'm Kid Flash.

That's Robin. Aqualad. It's cool if you forget their names.

I'm honored to be included.

Hey, Superboy. Come meet Miss M.

I like your T-shirt.

Today is the day.

GUARDIAN: Cadmus changes today.

With Desmond out of the picture, the Board's placed me in charge.

Dr. Spence, you're Acting Chief Scientist.

No more G-Gnomes suppressing our wills.

No more secret breeding projects.

This is a kinder, gentler Cadmus.

DUBBILEX: Then I will, of course, help in any way I can, brother.

Can the Light afford to leave Guardian in charge without the G-Gnomes?

We have subtler means of control.

What concerns me is the children.

We now know the League is willing to employ young heroes to do their dirty work.

That's a dark twist.

Yes, but one that can be played to our advantage.

Even the temporary loss of the w*apon may prove useful.

Eventually, everyone sees the Light.