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01x10 - Targets

Posted: 10/29/21 15:56
by bunniefuu
This is Cat Grant reporting from Taipei where the historic peace summit...

...between South Rhelasia and North Rhelasia has completely broken down.

As a last resort, Prime Minister Tseng of South Rhelasia...

...and North Rhelasia's General Singh Manh Li...

...have agreed to bring in an independent arbitrator. But who is it?

Speculation has run from the secretary general of the United Nations to Superman.

But the Man of Steel seems unlikely, as I'm told the arbitrator... due to arrive by car, not cape, at any moment.


AQUALAD [OVER RADIO]: Aqualad. Red Arrow.

I need access to the Justice League's database...

...and the exact height of the League of Shadows assassin known as Cheshire.


Cheshire is 1.67 meters.

Um, she is 5-foot-6, and exceptionally dangerous.

Do you require backup?

Please. The last thing I need is the Junior Justice League.

Just our computer.

Good luck, my friend. Aqualad out.


The arbitrator has arrived.





Did you get that? Did you get the shot?







[IN ENGLISH] Don't move!

[g*n COCKS]

We have just witnessed an assassination attempt live.

Thankfully, no one seems to have been hurt, including our mystery arbitrator.


GRANT: Lex Luthor?






We have confirmation.

This one's Green Arrow's pal, Speedy.

It's Red Arrow now.

He must be questioned.

Lex Luthor vouches for him, captain.

Release the sidekick. Ex-sidekick.

And I don't need any favors from you.

Apologies. I didn't realize you wished to join the young lady behind bars.

You may have everyone here fooled, Luthor, but I know what you are.

Oh, I don't pretend to be an angel.

It just so happens that this time, I'm on the side of the angels.


The v*olence outside has not helped the peace process.

TSENG: Hiring assassins, Li?

Had you no one among your own troops to do the North's dirty work?

I need no assassin, Tseng.

Such is the method of a Southern coward.


Tensions are running high.

And troops are massing on the border between the two countries.

Right now, Lex Luthor seems to be the best or only hope for peace.

Why should either side trust you?

Because LexCorp is a company founded on peaceful enterprise for all humanity.

Cut the act, Luthor. I've got intel linking LexCorp shell companies... the sale of weapons in both Rhelasias.

You're profiting off this w*r.

So, what's your angle?

w*r income is pocket change compared to the billions to be made...

...investing in a peaceful, united Rhelasia.

And isn't it better to have peace...

...even if that scoundrel Lex Luthor profits from it?

That scoundrel may not survive to profit.

Cheshire failed...

...but the League of Shadows won't stop until the contract is fulfilled.

Which does beg the question, who hired the league?

And were you really the target?

Was your death just a convenient way to sabotage the summit?

Allow me to hire you to find out.

Your money has blood on it, and I'm not here to make a buck.

Ha, ha, so you'll provide your services, but for free?

I can live with that, hero.

Now, excuse me.

I have a hemisphere to save.


Gentlemen, gentlemen, shall we attempt some smiles for the cameras?


Jealous much?


All right, all right. M'GANN: Ready for school?

I made our lunches.

J'ONN J'ONZZ: The first day of the scholastic season...

...carries great cultural resonance.

We want to wish you both well.

Guess it's not a Kryptonian thing.

You may wish to change before you depart.

Ah, I spent hours choosing this outfit. What do you think?

Can M'gann M'orzz pass as an Earth girl now?

Well... Just kidding.

Meet Megan Morse.

What's your new name?

My what? I chose the name John Jones for myself.

And suggested John Smith for Red Tornado.

You could be a John too.

Pass. Conner's always been my favorite name.

A last name will also be required.

Perhaps Kent?

Oh, in memory of Dr. Fate, the late Kent Nelson.

Of course.

Okay, sure. I guess it'd be an honor or something.

Well, Conner Kent, time to change your shirt.

You don't wanna reveal your identity.

Ugh, will this work?


Works for me.

Boy, shouldn't I be Conner Nelson?

They grow up so fast.


CHESHIRE: Aren't you going to ask me anything?

RED ARROW: I think you know what I'm after.

I do actually.

Do you? Who hired you?


Who hired them? I don't ask.

What's the endgame? The peace summit or Luthor himself?

Two birds... stone.

Hey, where are your little sidekick friends? They're always fun to play with.

Especially Archery Girl. I like her.

She... They aren't in my league. And you think you're in mine?


Where's Green Arrow when you really need him?

I don't.

Sure about that?

Oh, no.



Ugh, it had to be you.

SPORTSMASTER: Beggars can't be choosers, little girl.






I admire persistence, but...

Go! Go!

SPORTSMASTER: Are you even trying to ditch this guy?

I really hate to admit it, but he has a point.



Because I'm a professional, I won't k*ll you... least not while we're on the job.

SPORTSMASTER: You wouldn't have this job if not for me. Grow up already.

RA'S AL GHUL: The evening's agenda was to create strife between nations...

...not my assassins.

CHESHIRE: Master. And client.

So twice disappointed in your failure.

Luthor has been a thorn in my side for too long.

And peaceful countries rarely call upon the League of Shadows.

Ra's al Ghul.

So I expect a better outcome...

...and less interference from that boy.






SPORTSMASTER: I hear you go by Red Arrow now.

Heh, more like Broken Arrow.


Aah! Hey!

Ugh, whoa!

Explain this.

Ugh, whoa, what? MAN: What's your problem?

Put my man Marvin down.

Uh, I don't think he likes my shirt.

Your shirt's fine.

Everyone's shirt is fine. MARVIN: Ugh.

Someone's fine.

Hi. We're new. I'm Megan Morse. This is Conner Kent.

Double alliteration. I like it.

Okay. Time to get to homeroom, g*ng.

M'GANN: Conner.


Hi. I'm Wendy.

I was new last year, so I know how hard it is to fit in.

But you look like instant Bumblebee material to me.

Cheerleaders. The Bumblebees. Tryouts are after school.


Thanks. I'll be there.

Dude. Facing down Mal Duncan? Fierce.

Not too bright, but fierce.





It's me.

I may possibly be in over my head.

The League of Shadows wants you dead.

Doesn't every league?

It's not just Cheshire, it's Sportsmaster. And Ra's al Ghul himself.

I can't say I'm surprised.

Ra's is something of a competitor of mine.

I should stand aside and watch you take each other out.

Your s*ab at pragmatism is, well, adorable.

But the summit and the peace are at stake, remember?

We'll increase security.

Though if the Shadows think you're dead, maybe we can surprise them.

I've got a better surprise.

GRANT [ON TV]: If Lex Luthor's unknown strategy for peace fails...

...the two Rhelasias are looking at all-out w*r before morning.

Who can tell me more about Rhelasia?

Marvin. Huh!

Well, um, Mr. Carr, it's better than Fakeasia.


Anyone else?

CONNER: Modern Rhelasia was created in 1855...

...and ruled by the Bokun dynasty until it was divided by the great powers...

...into North and South Rhelasia after World w*r II.

Very good.

But why are they fighting? They're all humans.

I mean, Rhelasians, right? Right on both counts, actually.

M'GANN: It's no different on Mars.

The White Martian minority are treated as second-class citizens... the Green majority.

Of course, I'm green, but that doesn't make it right.

TSENG: Reunification is unthinkable.

LI: Our peoples no longer have anything in common.

Gentlemen, that is mere rhetoric.

Despite your differences, you still share an appreciation for many things...

...such as the exquisite art of the Rhelasian Tea Ceremony.

That is far enough, Cheshire. REPORTERS: Aah!

CHESHIRE: Hyah! Aah!

AQUALAD: That is far enough, Cheshire.






It's over, Cheshire. You would think so.


Take Sportsmaster, Cheshire's mine.

So territorial, and only our third date.



You called one of your little sidekick friends.

But didn't you tell me they weren't in your league?


Okay, Megan, you're up.

Float like a butterfly Sting like a bee Hornets, Hornets, can't be beat Bzz, ting, ow.


How'd I do?

I thought you did great.

And I'm really sorry about this. Aah!


M'GANN: Conner, no!


Sorry. It's a stupid initiation ritual that I wish my teammates would abandon.

Wait. Initiation ritual?

Heh. Hello, Megan, that means I made the team.

Um, I did, right? You're a Bumblebee, girl.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

So is that your boyfriend?

Because he's hot, but kind of a freak.

You're carrying my books?

What, you want them to get wet?

SPORTSMASTER: Not bad, lad.

Better than your team did at Santa Prisca...

...or Bialya. How did you...?

SPORTSMASTER: Let's just say I have an inside source.

Very inside.

Aqualad, let's end this.






Gives new meaning to the arms race, doesn't she?


That technology is most impressive, Luthor.

We owe you our lives, sir.

They owe him their lives?

Yes, quite a coup for Lex Luthor. Under his leadership...

...North and South Rhelasia are signing a treaty...

...which could eventually lead to reunification.

I can't believe we just did a solid for Lex Luthor.

Not for Luthor, for peace.

Beyond that, if Ra's and League of Shadows...

...wanted to sabotage the Summit...

...the signing of the treaty renders their contract moot.

It is over. Is it?

I heard what Sportsmaster said.

Do you really think there's a mole on your team feeding him intel?

I cannot rule out the possibility.

I will investigate quietly. Not tell them?

I do not want the unit unraveling over baseless suspicions.

And if there is a mole, I have no wish to tip him or her off.

Good luck with that.

AQUALAD: One moment, my friend.

Tonight, you could have called Green Arrow for help...

...or the Justice League.

Instead, your first instinct was to call the Cave.

You're right. The team deserves...

Has my respect.

I'm still getting used to this solo act stuff.

But if you need me, I'll be there.

LUTHOR: That went well.

Both Li and Tseng were quite impressed with Mercy's equipment...

...and are quite literally buying into the peace.

Our plan to ensure the eventual reunification of Rhelasia...

...under LexCorp's political and economic guidance... a success.

And thus another corner of the world...

...sees The Light.