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01x12 - Homefront

Posted: 10/29/21 15:57
by bunniefuu

Please. Please, don't go.

Sorry, sis. Mom's not getting out of prison any time soon...

...and I refuse to live in this house with just Dad.

Dad and you and me...

...we have to keep this family from falling apart.

PAULA: Artemis, get up.

I don't want you late for your first day of school.



Artemis? I'm Bette, your new student liaison.

Welcome to Gotham Academy.

Thanks. Um, I'm Artemis.

But you knew that. We'll laugh about this someday.


Uh, who was that? A freshman. Ignore him.

d*ck, what was that about?

Heh. Nothing, Barbara. Just being friendly to the new girl.



Someone's jealous.

Maybe, or maybe...

KID FLASH: Hey, guys.

You two sure spend a lot of time working on his bike.

Obviously, you need the Wall-man's expert help.


RED TORNADO: So you have told no one else of this mole?

I cannot be sure one exists.

And if it does, if the team is being betrayed from within...

...I must investigate without tipping my hand.

But perhaps I should tell Batman?

Generally, the Batman expects the team to handle its own problems.

But the decision is yours.

I will return after monitor duty on the Watchtower.

AQUALAD: I thought you were exempt from monitor duty...

...since becoming our den mother.

COMPUTER: Recognized: Red Tornado, One-Six.

I agreed to cover for Green Arrow.

He has an interpersonal event with Black Canary.

A hot date.

Artemis? Robin. L... Uh.

How random that you're in Gotham City...

...instead of Star City where your Uncle Green Arrow lives.

I'm, uh, here to see my cousin.

She was in the state spelling bee here in Gotham City.

C-O-O-L. Did she W-I-N?



Yeah. Let's just go to the cave. Ladies first.

Your town. You go.

COMPUTER: Recognized: Robin, B-Zero-One.

Recognized: Artemis, B-Zero-Seven.

ROBIN: Down!


Who are we fighting?

Don't know, but we're sitting ducks by these tubes.

Head for the exit.

Or not.


Robin to team. Come in, Aqualad.

ARTEMIS: M'gann, can you hear me? Are you there?


Robin to Batcave. Override R-G-4.

Cave calling Justice League, H- O-J-Slash-Watchtower.

B- Zero-One. Priority Red.

Comm is down, blocked.

At least the water's helping.

Or not.



We need to get lost.

ARTEMIS: The air vent.

Good. Go.

What are you? Downloading blueprints.

Could come in...


Go, go.

Go left.

Ugh. Too close. Take the first right.

There should be a vent cover right in front of you.

This way.



That's not good.

I know that other access tunnel is here somewhere.

You mean this one?


Hold on.

Locking cave's motion and heat sensors to prevent the enemy from tracking us.

And I ask again, who is the enemy?

Let's find out.

Downloading cave security footage. There.

KID FLASH: Torque wrench.

Thank you, Green-Cheeks.

I have been meaning to ask.

Any problem juggling schoolwork with your responsibilities here?

- No. Juggling's just one of my many talents.

Socket wrench.

Cheerleading practice has presented a challenge.

Oh, but my first loyalty is always to the team.

This team, not the Bumblebees.

Artemis starts school today.

Do you think she will have trouble maintaining her loyalties?

Eh, she'll manage all right.

I mean, how much more hostile and annoying can...?


What happened? expl*si*n. I'll find another angle.

That's it. All four are dead.

The cameras. I meant the cameras.

Uh, I'm sure the others are okay.

Give me a sec to find the fastest route to hangar.

Yeah. They're fine. They've all got superpowers.

They can handle anything.


There's a secret passage behind one of these.

Seriously? Clich� much?

You should see the Batcave.



RED TORNADO: Artemis. Robin.

It's Red Tornado.


Yes on the Red, no on the Tornado.

Who...? What are they?


Unh, did you know Tornado had siblings?


So now what? Red Tornado is one of the powerhouses of the league.

How are we supposed to take down two of him?

They do seem pretty user-un-friendly.

Don't joke. They...

RED TORPEDO: Attention, Robin. Attention, Artemis.

You have exactly 10 minutes to surrender...

...or the lives of your teammates will be extinguished.


RED TORPEDO: Nine minutes and 45 seconds.

RED TORPEDO: Eight minutes.

We can access the hangar from here.

Or not. Will you please stop saying that?




KID FLASH: Look out!


You guys okay? Forget us. Help M'gann.

Aqualad. Is she?

She is unconscious.

I fear she... We cannot survive much longer.

I'm almost out of arrows.

Distract her. Now.



RED TORPEDO: Six minutes.

What do we do now?

We save them. That's how it works. Maybe that's how it's supposed to work...

...but those robots already took out our four superpowered friends.

You seem distraught. Distraught? M'gann is dying.

We have no powers. And I'm down to my last arrow.

Of course I'm distraught.

Well, get traught or get dead.

How can you be so calm?

Practice. Been doing this since I was 9.

What good is that now?

What chance do we have against unrelenting machines?

ROBIN: Oh, duh...

They're machines.

And one electromagnetic pulse will shut down any machine within range.

Great. Except you better have an EMP emitter in your utility belt...

...I know I don't have one in my quiver. I'm fresh out.

But I'm betting we can make one.

What do you say, KF?

ROBIN: Doable?

Totally doable.

RED TORPEDO: Five minutes.

You know, if you had more time.

KID FLASH: Med lab. X-ray machine.

Find a small vacuum tube called a vircator that converts high-energy pulses.

Reprogram the unit's microwave conversion from x-rays to EMPs...

...with a cascading energy vector directed outward.

A ripple effect. Like dropping a stone in a pond.

KID FLASH: A stone with 10 to the 12th power wattage.

So I need to hook it up to the generator.

Which is where?

RED TORPEDO: Four minutes.

Okay, make with the distraction.

Hey, Red Tomato, who's your girlfriend? Red Onion?

Yeah, and by the way, worst death trap ever.

We can escape any time we want.

KID FLASH: I can vibrate my molecules out of here...

...before your binary brains...

...could count to two.

Cover me.

And you can't drown a Kryptonian, dumb-bots.

We don't breathe air.


KID FLASH: And Miss Martian? I can't believe you're buying her act.

Rerouting power now.

SUPERBOY: Yeah. Do you know how hot it gets in the caves of Mars?

It's not working.

SUPERBOY: That cage is just making her homesick.

KID FLASH: Duh! Ha, ha!

ROBIN: The circuit's incomplete.

I need something conductible, a piece of metal...

ARTEMIS: Robin, look out!





No, no, no.



I surrender, I die with the others.

But if I find a way out...

...out of the cave, out of the mountain...

...I can get help... in the league.



RED TORPEDO: Three minutes.


Who am I kidding?

Best I can do is hide.

Hope the league finds me before the Reds.

I know you understand.

We have to keep this family from falling apart.

Toothbrush. Duh. Knew I was forgetting something.

Dad will come after you.

Let him. I'll disappear like the Cheshire cat.

You should get out too.

I'd let you come with me, but you'd slow me down.

Someone has to be here when Mom gets out.

Haven't you learned anything?

In this family, it's every girl for herself.

That might have been true about our family.

But I've found a new family.

And here, we're all for one and...

RED TORPEDO: One minute.

I surrender. Stop the clock.




Kaldur! How's M'gann?

She breathes. I believe she will recover.

What of Robin?


He... He's breathing too.


Way to get traught.


Figured my only shot was to surrender...

...pretend to drown before I actually did.

Blacked out though. M'gann...

I'll be fine.

Will you quit playing with that thing and cut us free?

It's not working, genius. EMP shuts down all machines, remember?

RED TORNADO: All machines present at the time.

What has occurred?

Had a little visit from your family.

Your extremely nasty family.

I was not aware I had relations.

Where have you been? Monitor duty on the Watchtower.

When it became clear cave communications were down...

...I attempted to investigate.

But your zeta tubes were also non-functional.

I transported to Providence and proceeded here.


Hey, boy.

BOTH: The pulse has worn off.


Can't breathe.

SUPERMAN: Artemis? Artemis, can you hear me?


She's all right.

What happened here? What happened?

The Reds happened. Tornado and his...

Wait! Where are they?


All three of them.
