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01x22 - Agendas

Posted: 10/29/21 16:05
by bunniefuu
Times like these, one feels the very weight of the world upon us.


Everyone is here.


Our agenda is clear.

What's at stake should not be underestimated.

The decisions we make today will reverberate for years to come.

And influence whether or not the world continues... put their trust in the Justice League. Please take your seats.

We have work to do.

J'ONN J'ONZZ: Another expansion of the league...

...could generate hostilities from our enemies.

No one needs or wants another Injustice League.

SUPERMAN: Point taken.

But the option remains to vote no on all candidates.

So I nominate Icon for league membership.

Why? Because you suspect Icon might be Kryptonian... you did with Captain Marvel?

You thought I was Kryptonian? Cool.

Icon interests me also.

As does his prot�g�, Rocket.

Athena knows the league could use more female members.

Agreed. Hear, hear.

WALLY: Gobble, gobble.

Mm. Mm.

Oh, I love Thanksgiving.

Ow. Heh, those are for dinner, Wally.


There. Seasoned to perfection and ready for the oven.

Wally, I thought you were eating with your family.

Oh, yeah. Dad will k*ll me if I'm late. See you.



It's nothing. It's the onions.

These are all the things I used to cook for...

It's my first Thanksgiving without my dad.

Least she had a dad.


LUTHOR: With Superman off-world...

...only one thing alive with less than four legs can hear this frequency, Superboy...

...and that's you.

Meet me in Washington, D.C. East Potomac Park. Come alone.

I promise, it'll be worth the trip.


Figure you don't want my help in the kitchen.

Remember the last time? Uh, yeah.

But... CONNER: I'm just walking Wolf. No big.

CAPTAIN MARVEL: Seriously? The Atom.

Well, how useful could he be at that size?

It's the size that makes him useful.

FLASH: Absolutely.

Still, we could always use more raw power.

And Earth has a third Green Lantern...

...Guy Gardner. BOTH: No.

But we could really... BOTH: No.

LUTHOR: Superboy. My name is Lex Luthor.

I'm the new chairman of the board for Project Cadmus.


I know who you are, Luthor.

And I want nothing to do with you or Cadmus.

Cadmus has created a new super-clone.

Guardian. Fast work on the rebuild.

Now escort me down the easy way.

Or I escort myself down the hard way.

You're letting Superboy down here?

Focus on the matter at hand, Dr. Spence.

Another genomorph has vanished.

Every disappearance is being investigated.

Not good enough, Dubbilex.

The new super-clone. Where are you holding it?

Welcome home, Superboy. Now, what are you talking about?

Brother, you are the only super-clone in Cadmus.

All cloning projects, human and Kryptonian...

...have been shut down since your escape.

Since my liberation.

As you say. Now, I'm needed back in my lab.


Sometimes, I hate this job.

You... You look a lot like Red Arrow.

Not all that surprising. Red Arrow is my nephew.

GREEN ARROW: If we're considering Blue Devil, then I nominate Red Arrow.

Roy has more experience.

And he's no kid anymore. He's 18, a legal adult.

He's ready. Is he?

Red Arrow has been uncooperative and disrespectful.

If we reward that behavior, what message does that send to the rest of the team?

Here's the 411.

This is the new and improved Cadmus.

Dr. Spence and her team are doing truly worthwhile genetic medical research now.

The genomorphs are becoming more independent, more educated.

Some even have names.

Hey, Benny.


The work being done here will save millions of lives.

DUBBILEX [TELEPATHICALLY]: Superboy, you may trust Guardian.

He keeps no secrets.

CONNER: Unlike you. Apparently you still keep your psychic powers a secret.

DUBBILEX: Some secrets have their place.

We were all created to be exploited as living weapons.

You were designed to...

CONNER: To replace or destroy Superman.

I know. What's your point?

DUBBILEX: That you should understand the plight of those left behind...

...after I helped free you from Cadmus.

CONNER: The league liberated all genomorphs.

DUBBILEX: Are we free to walk the surface as you do?

Or has our role merely changed from weapons to menial labor?

CONNER: Look, it's complicated. But first things first.

Guardian. Could a super-clone exist without you knowing?

It's highly unlikely.

DUBBILEX: Tell me, brother.

What would you do if you found this super-clone?

If it exists, I'm freeing it. Just like Aqualad, Robin and Kid Flash freed me.

DUBBILEX: Then I will question our brothers.

Nothing happens at Cadmus without a genomorph knowing.

If a super-clone exists, we will find him.

Look, I have my own missing genomorphs to locate.

But you've got the run of the place.

I just doubt you'll find what you're looking for.




It's okay. You're free now.



Stop. I'm on your side.


You can fly. Why can you fly?

I don't wanna do this.


CONNER: Enough!

I'm trying to help you.



No. Red Arrow may be 18, but the rest of the team is too young.

We're not inducting children into the league.

DOCTOR FATE: That seems myopic.

I have been one with Kid Flash and Aqualad.

Both are ready.

WONDER WOMAN: And what of Zatanna?

DOCTOR FATE: Absolutely not.

That sounded almost protective, doctor.

At least we know Zatara is still in that helmet somewhere.

Why is Dr. Fate a member?

You coerced Zatara into giving up his life to you, or else lose his daughter instead.

Not cool.

RED TORNADO: Should such behavior be condoned?

DOCTOR FATE: Zatara desires Dr. Fate to remain with the league.

Oh, please. DOCTOR FATE: It is true.

Zatara's trust in Nabu is measured.

He desires the league to maintain a close watch upon us.


No, no, no!



SPENCE: It's all right.

CONNER: It's not all right.

You put me in a pod.

It was the fastest way to heal your injuries.

She's another Cadmus mad scientist, picking up where Desmond left off.

Project Match is yours. Admit it.

Believe what you want.

GUARDIAN: Superboy, please.

She was as shocked to see the security camera footage of this Match as I was.

Where's he now? We don't know.

He disappeared. What?

All cameras went off-line after your battle.

By the time we arrived, Match was gone.

And he isn't the only genomorph to disappear.

We need to get to the bottom of this.

So the truth wasn't that hard to find after all.

I assume you suffered no permanent damage?

Like you care.

Tell me what you know about Project Match.

Very little. I know more about you.

Kryptonian DNA is notoriously difficult for human science to read.

When you were created, the gaps in the sequences were bridged with human DNA...

...robbing you of your full Kryptonian powers.

No flight, no heat vision, et cetera.

I'm part human.

Yes. Obviously, your twin was created with pure Kryptonian DNA.

The missing sequences have apparently left Match unstable, insane.

I'd advise you to get him back on ice as soon as possible.

Not gonna happen.

Your call. Either way, you'll need help.

Consider these a gift.

I call them shields.

Stick one on your arm and it'll suppress your human DNA for about an hour...

...allowing your Kryptonian powers to bloom.

You will be as powerful as Match, as Superman.

I don't want anything from you.

Keep them anyway. You never know.

BATMAN: Plastic Man.


I don't know. The guy's got a pretty substantial criminal record.


Sorry. Sorry. The guy just cracks me up.


Maybe it's time we all talked about the elephant in the room.

Should Captain Marvel stay a member now that we know he's really only 10 years old?

RED TORNADO: He does possess an adult body and the wisdom of Solomon.

Wisdom does not equal maturity.

Hey, I'm sitting right here.

Then, Billy, maybe you should leave until we've hashed this out.

No. Captain Marvel is a member and is entitled to participate...

...until or unless he's voted out.

It's not just his age. It's the fact that he lied about it.

I didn't lie, exactly. I just left out the part about being a kid.

A lie of omission is still a lie. You kept an important secret from us.

No one in the league knew the truth. I did.

I shouldn't be surprised...

...since you indoctrinated Robin into crime fighting at the ripe old age of 9.

BATMAN: Robin needed to help bring the men who m*rder*d his family to justice.

So he could turn out like you?

So that he wouldn't.


CONNER: At least these are empty.

CONNER [TELEPATHICALLY]: Okay, Dubbilex, spill.

When I accused Spence, I could hear your heart rate increase.

Stress. You're hiding something.

DUBBILEX: From them, not you.

I have questioned the oldest genomorphs.

They tell me Match is not your younger brother.

He was Cadmus� first attempt to clone Superman.

His Kryptonian DNA rendered him uncontrollable... they froze him and tried again.

CONNER: Who are "they"? Desmond? Spence?

DUBBILEX: Desmond, yes.

And his superior and Cadmus� founder, Lex Luthor.


So Luthor took Match.

DUBBILEX: Actually, brother, I did that.

Turn left, brother.


Welcome, brother, to Genomorph City.

CONNER: So you're responsible for the missing genomorphs.

I am. One by one, I have liberated them...

...brought them here to a new life where all our brothers can be free.

Of course, I have a dream that one day the world you live in will accept us.

But for now, no one must know Genomorph City exists.

Which is why I brought our brother here.

What have you done to him? He is safe.

The G-Gnomes keep him docile with their psychic abilities.

And the chains?

Should he escape in his current condition...

...he could set back the genomorph cause by decades.

So you hold him prisoner like Cadmus held me?

You might as well put him in a pod.

Our goal is rehabilitation.

We will release him when he is ready.

That's not your call.



DUBBILEX: Be calm.

You seem to have reached consensus...

...that 18 years is a suitable minimum age for joining the league...

...yet what of Miss Martian?

Though she is a biological adolescent by Martian standards...

...she was born 48 Earth years ago.

RED TORNADO: So, what is the deciding factor, chronology or biology?

Take Superboy. BLACK CANARY: Exactly.

He's less than a year old.

Does he have to wait 17 more to stand beside us?

My turn.

GUARDIAN: Superboy, enough.

He's down. You won.

It has to be this way.

SUPERMAN: No other ideas?

Then here are our candidates for new or continued membership.

BATMAN: We've debated origin, gender, size, experience...

...age, temperament and background.

But what is the fundamental criterion for membership?

When all is said and done, the question must be: Whom do we trust?

Trust to fight beside us. Trust to have our backs.

Trust to uphold the high standards and ideals of the Justice League.

Time to vote.

There was a tracker in that tin box you gave me.

Yes. I assume you discovered it with your x-ray vision?

You initiated the cloning projects.

I wanted Superman to meet his Match.

And you used both of us to locate the missing genomorphs.

A good businessman has to keep track of his assets.

But none of that is what really bothers you.

Half your DNA is human. Haven't you wondered who the donor was?

Or have you just been afraid to acknowledge the obvious?

Face it, son, you have much more in common with me than Superman.

That's a lie. What has he given you?

Nothing. Not even affection. And why?

Because Big Boy Blue lives in a world of black and white.

You were created by the bad guys, so there must be something wrong with you.

But we both know life isn't that clear-cut.

The real world is full of grays.

Weren't you determined to free Match at all costs?

Yet, ultimately, you wisely agreed to my suggestion... refreeze him for the greater good of all.

And though you think me a villain, you still accepted my shields.

We're more alike than you care to admit.

Take them back. They're a gift from a father to his son.

I won't need them for this.

Red sun.

Two words and he shut me down. What else can he make me do?

All those in favor of ratifying the results?

ALL: Aye.

All opposed?

Then we are adjourned.