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03x18 - Early Warning

Posted: 10/29/21 16:40
by bunniefuu
This is Courtney Whitmore, your very own Stargirl, reporting on today's hottest stars, The Outsiders!?

Led by Beast Boy, a.k.a. Space Trek star Garfield Logan, the Outsiders include Geo-Force, better known as meta-Prince Brion of Markovia, plus Blue Beetle and Kid Flash and two brand-new heroes, Wonder Girl and Static!

They've already made heroic splashes in Taos, New Mexico, Brooklyn, Maine, and Chicago, Illinois.

While Hashtag-We-Are-All-Outsiders has been trending nonstop for nearly two solid weeks in the U.S.!

It's bigger than bigly, g*ng!

So, the question is, where will the Outsiders show up next?

Santiago de Cuba.

Miss Martian says a meta-trafficking lab there needs busting up now.

We'll rendezvous with Wonder Girl, Static and Bio-Ship in Happy Harbor.

Then it's Outsiders Away!

[computer] Recognized. Beast-Boy, B-One-Nine, Geo-Force, B-Three-Zero. [Jace] Tara? Fred? Violet?

[yawns] Time for school. [knocking at door]

[door closes]

[yawns] Mother of Goat, I am glad this is the last day before winter break.

[yawns] [clicks]

[Fred yawns]

I cannot understand why you three insist on... [Violet yawns]

...attending school in Happy Harbor.

Waking up this early on the West coast in order to zeta to the East coast does, uh, suck.

But we have friends at Happy Harbor High School.

Uh, Violet? A moment, please.

I have difficult news.

[gasps] Did Brion find out Gabrielle Daou helped k*ll his parents?

No, no. This is about your origins.

Oh, you mean that I am Gabrielle's corpse brought back to life by the living energy of a dead Motherbox.

Yes. That.

The ramifications created some concerns, so I tested hair follicles from your hairbrush to check your DNA.

And, well, there's just no easy way to say this, I'm sorry, Violet, but you're dying.

[theme music playing]

[gasps] How can I be dying?

I can heal myself.

But your cells are not regenerating as they should.

Every time you use your violet aura to heal a new wound, it is at the expense of your overall health.

At your current rate of deterioration, you have only a few months left.


But the situation is not hopeless.

I've been consulting with my mentor, and I truly believe we'll have a solution soon.

So... So?

So it's up to you whether we worry the others with your current diagnosis.

In a week or two, we may have much better news.

Yes, I suppose we should wait.

[M'gann] The Outsiders, or in any case, those not attending the funeral, are en route to Cuba.

Gar's group? Alone? Seriously?

They can handle this.

And they were our only option.

The mission is potentially too public for the Team, and neither the U.N. nor Cuba would allow the Justice League to intervene.

Are you forgetting who they're up against?

Kaldur, if you can't find Fate, I have to go.

Zatanna, you are a Leaguer.

We dare not risk an international incident.

I'll try and stay under the radar.

[computer] Recognized. Zatanna, Two-Five.

[thunder rumbling] [Klarion] Stop worrying.

Project Cucumber's right on schedule.


Rutabaga? Please.

This is a top secret operation for the Light!

Who'd choose the name "Project Rutabaga" for that?


Well, if I named it Project Rutabaga, then Project Rutabaga it is!

Now, stop trying to ruin my fun, Teekl!

And what's more fun than tormenting children?

[breath trembling] [meows]

Yes, tormenting puppies is fun, but I wouldn't say it's more fun.


Quiet! I know what to do!

Um... I, uh, um... [meows]

That's right! [grunting]

I use magic as a catalyst to activate the meta-gene in kidnapped teenagers!




Stupid meta-gene.

This one can't even breathe out of water.

Oh, well. Step one completed.

Step two, apply mystic control brand.



[coughing] [sighs] Let's put her with the others.

[casting spell in alien language]

Truth is, none of the metas we've created have been that much fun.

Not separately, anyway.




[Klarion] Now, that's a rutabaga!

[Beast Boy] Deploy Beetle Mini-Drone.

We need to know what's going on in there.

[Static] Transferring signal to Bio-Ship.

[roars] [all gasp]

Not something you see every day.

And we've seen some pretty weird days.

All right, let's do another-- [meows]

What do you mean, we're all out?

I want more kids to play with!

I want 'em! I want 'em! I want 'em!

Perfect time for Bart and Jaime to go AWOL.

Dude, funeral?

[stutters] Oh, man. Yeah.

I'm sorry. I... I totally spaced.

And Mrs. Garrick was so crash, too.

But we've got another problem.

Cuban authorities incoming.

[Beast Boy] Klarion goes ballistic over any authority.

Geo-Force, keep the Cubans at bay.

Static, Wonder Girl, we're going in.

[Beast Boy through comms] Outsiders Away!

Dude, that catchphrase... needs work.

[speaks Spanish]

[Klarion] See, Teekl?

I told you we had some meta-teens left.

[meows] What?

They're trying to steal my magical-metas?

You, Flesh-Monster! Crunch them!



[teenagers screaming]

[Dolphin screams]

[Luis Garcia screams]

[screaming continues]

Did you see that?

That, that, that thing is--

[stutters] It's made of kids!


[screaming continues]

[Beast Boy through comms] Static, Wonder Girl, hold it off without hurting it-- uh, them!

I'll deal with Klarion!




[trumpets] [meows]

Oh, fine time for you to be knocked unconscious by an elephant!

Now I'm losing my grip on the mortal plane!

[Static grunts] [growling]




[grunts in frustration]

[teenagers screaming]





Yes! Zatanna's in the house!

No. Not in the house.

[Beast Boy] Thought Leaguers weren't allowed in Cuba.

We're not, which is why I'm not in the house.

My Glamor Spell hides me from any non-Outsider.

[Klarion] Or any non-Chaos Lords!

We see you, [echoing] you little witch!

[hisses] Guys, distract Klarion, while I deal with that. [growling]


Pack off, pachyderm!

Beast Boy!

[Flesh-Monster growling]


Foolish mortal.

Klarion is chaos personified.

He cannot be constipated!


Yeah, yeah, contained. He knew I meant contained.

Ow, ow, something is...

Ow, stinging me!

[laughs] A green hornet!

[teenagers screaming]

[casting spell in alien language]

Ow, ow, ow!

Wonder Girl! No!


[Wonder Girl screaming]


[casting spell in alien language]


[teenagers screaming]

[Luis Garcia grunts]

[Wonder Girl pants]

Wonder Girl, are you all right?


[Luis Garcia speaking Spanish]

I can't deactivate your meta-genes, but I can free your souls.

[casting spell in alien language]

[meta-teens groaning]

Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow! What is happening?

I better get Witch Boy outta here.

And this spell's not gonna be easy.

Beast Boy, get clear!

[casting spell in alien language]

No fair! That doesn't belong to you!

[grunts and pants]

You got a lot of nerve, kid.

You're a stage magician, and I am a Chaos Lord.

Now, what brave punishments can we devise for little Miss So-Not-A-Thing?


Look around? At what?

This place is familiar.

[Teekl meows]

The Tower of Fate?

No, no, no, no.

What if Nabu comes back?

This is his place of power!

No way! No way I let him catch us here! [snaps fingers]


Still in the Tower? [meows]

Dang it! [snaps fingers]

The Tower? [meows]

Dang it! [snaps fingers]

[thunder rumbles]

[Beast Boy through comms] All clear. Let the Cubans in.

I'll deal with you later.


[stutters] Outsiders! Si!

[Dolphin gasping]

[Beast Boy] Are these gills?

You can't breathe!


[Beast Boy trilling]

[through comms] Beast Boy to Bio-Ship.

Need your help, girl.

[Beast Boy trilling]

[computer] Recognized. Forager, B-Three-Two.

Terra, B-Three-Three.

Where's Violet?

I thought all four of us were training today.

I reminded her. But when the bell rang, she...

[sighs] What is the English?

Ah, yes.

She "blew us off."

To hang with her friend Harper Row.

Violet blew us off?

That doesn't sound like her.

Still, if she's socializing, making friends...

It's healthy, I guess.


[chuckles] Whoa! That's got a kick!

Whoo! And so does this!

[chuckles] Go ahead.

Can't hurt to try it.

Or is this a Muslim no-can-do?

I'm not a Muslim.


[laughs] Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down, Vi.

I said try it, not k*ll it.

[coughs and gulps]

I don't k*ll.

[cell phone vibrates]



I have a boyfriend.

So do I.

[both moaning]


[laughs] Here. Give it a shot.

Whoa! [Bethany Lee] Freeze!

[Harper gasps]

Drop the w*apon! Now!

Put down the w*apon! Put it down!

Vi, what are you doing? Drop it!


Mama! Luis! Luis!

[speaks Spanish]

Gracias. Thank you.

What will you do with these others?

Those with family in Cuba can stay, of course.

But many of these kids were trafficked here from other countries.

They'll be given the opportunity to go home.

Or they can come to the Meta-Human Youth Center in Taos, New Mexico.

Either way, we've got 'em covered.

Much better catchphrase.

You Justice Leaguers should not be here!

Hey, the League's cool. But we're Outsiders.

And we're just trying to do the right thing for kids like us.

Todos somos Outsiders!

We are all Outsiders!

We are all Outsiders!

[meta-teens chanting] We are all Outsiders!

We are all Outsiders!

We are all Outsiders!

We are all Outsiders!

Still, the best catchphrase yet.

[speaking Spanish]

Go. While you still can.


Good. Use your opponent's momentum.


[grunts] Mother of Goat!



[Artemis] Hey,

it's all right.

You can't expect to know the counter for every attack overnight.

Okay, let's try again.

But don't just focus on my eyes.

That might work against an untrained fighter, but not against an experienced foe.

Be aware of my entire body, hips included.

You'll learn to see the tells, to anticipate what's coming--

I know that!

Do you?

I mean... I'm sorry.

I appreciate what you're trying to teach me.

Look, I get it.

You have bad memories associated with training.

Training? Me?

Before your cage-match with Holocaust?

Seemed like someone had given you a few tips, if brutally.

Yes. My training was a bit rough.

I understand.

Trust me. My dad, Sportsmaster, he was just like that.

Borderline abusive on good days.

But that's not my style.

So... go again?


I appreciate the call, Bethany.

I'll make sure she gets home.

Thanks, Megan. Say hi to Snapper for me.


Could I ask what's happening with Harper Row?

[sighs] We called her father after checking our drunk t*nk to make sure he wasn't already here.

And? We left a message, but Harper's staying in a holding cell until dear old dad comes to get her.

So, you want to tell me what happened?

Or why?


[starts engine]


Violet hasn't texted back?

Um, maybe her phone's dead, you know.

Got some newbies for you.

Ramp, please.

Good work.

There's one more.

Kind of a special case.

Okay, Bio-Ship, show us the hold.

Ah, this Center is not equipped for water-breathers.

We will have to make alternate arrangements for...

Sorry, I didn't get her name.

[Static] Hey, guys. You missed a weird one today.

[stutters] Not that you didn't have a great excuse.

I mean, uh...



[clears throat]

I want in!

[stutters] You want in?

Yeah. In. To the Outsiders.

Seriously? You were never into the whole hero thing.

I know.

But the three of us were talking after the funeral.

And this is something I need to do.

For the kids here.

What part of "We gotcha covered" didn't cover them?

Them especially?

You guys are great, but Brion's a prince, and Gar's a TV star.

You three are clearly legacies.

And the kids here just don't know you.

Great. Thanks.

Sorry, but they need to see one of their own on the squad.

Dude, you had me at "I want in."

All those in favor?

[all] Aye!

[door opens]

Uh, dude, is your dad gonna be okay with this?

Uh... Wait, did I hear you right?

You're really joining the Outsiders?

Looks like it.

[chuckles] That's amazing!

And you picked the perfect time!

I did? Check your phones!

The Outsiders made quite the splash today in Cuba!

Now, Hashtag-We-Are-All-Outsiders is trending way beyond the States.

They're blowing up internationally.

Not just viral.

Global-viral! We did it.

[Courtney] As of right now, the Outsiders are bigger than the Justice League!

Bigger than the Justice League?


[theme music playing]

[Teekl meows] [Klarion] Dang it!

[snaps fingers]

[meows] [Klarion] Dang it!

[snaps fingers]

[meows] [Klarion] Dang it!

[snaps fingers]

[Teekl meows] [Klarion] Dang it!

[snaps fingers]