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02x02 - Outback

Posted: 10/30/21 08:12
by bunniefuu
- Mornin'. How are ya?
- Hi.

I hope Davo's all right.

Weird he didn't say goodbye.

Oh, look. It's the frowning Fräulein.

Says Magic Mick, who's so hilarious.

I thought it was funny.
Nearly died laughin' meself.

So, what's the deal with Davo?

Did he say what
his big family emergency was?

No. He just said he was
in a bit of a hurry, that's all.

Didn't think it was any of my beeswax.

Now, why don't you stretch your
legs and go down on the trail

and find your mob
and then we'll head off, eh?


Do you think anyone heard?

- What?
- Do you think they heard?

- Heard what?
- Last night.

- No.
- Good.

- I hope not.
- Yeah, okay. Oh, hold on.

- My God.
- See it?

Oh, it's an "e-moo".

I think it's called an emu anyway.

Well, why don't we ask Brian
how to say it?

- Do you think I like him?
- Oh, I think he likes you.

Well, what's not to like?
I'm pretty frickin' lovable.

Oh, the jury's out on that one.

A bit weird, though, huh?

Going to sleep with one driver
and then waking up with another.

- Yeah.
- Seems like a funny guy, though.

And he's got cool sideburns.

Hey, when do we have to be back?

Uh, about 45 minutes.

- Whoa! Look at that.
- Wow.

It's rad.

How good's that?

- Oh!
- Oh, my gosh!

Oh! It's a small kangaroo.

Ah, I think you'll find
it's called a wallaby.

Is that what you call a small kangaroo?

No, they're a different species.

- How do you even know that?
- Because I read a book.

But you don't read.

You don't.

Once a year, I read a book.
This was a cookbook.

I've never seen you read a book.

That thing looks delicious.
Let's try and eat it.

- Come on!
- Danny...


Bugger me.

Hi there.

G'day. How you goin'? All right?

- Yeah, all right.
- Good on ya.

Is Davo around?

He said he'd meet me here.
Called ahead last night.

Did he?

Who are you?

The company sent me up here
to give him a bit of a hand.

You know? Look after him.


Oh, he's been feeling
a bit crook lately, right?


Yeah, silly bugger's
taken a walk up that hill there.

Let's see if we can go and find
him, eh? What do you reckon?


- Yeah?
- Yeah!

He's crook in the guts,
but he's an independent bastard.

You know what I mean?

So, um, how long have you
been in the tourist game for?

Oh, I was born into it.

Nothin' I don't know about tourists.

We always catch up when
he brings a tour group through.

I give a bit of a talk
about the local area.

He chimes in with a joke or two.

- Is that right?
- Yeah!

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

We're a pretty good double act, usually.

Yeah, like a family, eh?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Um... Where do you think he is?

Oh, he'd be down at the creek
down the bottom there by now.

What a waste.


Where did you come from?

Oh, I was a bit tired.
Just had a bit of a lie-down.


I thought you were off with your
mates, having a bit of a walk.

Yeah, nah.

Where'd that ranger go?


That ranger lady.

Oh, she was off having an inspection

of some erosion
or some bloody thing, and...

She'll be gone for a while, I reckon.


Yeah, I imagine
she'd really need a vehicle

with lots of clearance between
the ground and the drive train.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

I think that'd be the priority, eh?

Oh, that and air conditioning. Yeah.

Just made me think
maybe an eight-seater,

like a Safari Landcruiser,

you know, might altogether,

you know, be the best option
for out here.

Or even a Mercedes Sprinter.

You know, 'cause they've both
got the air helper suspension.

You know, and fire-extinguishers.

You know, which is really good,
because you've really gotta plan

for those types of things out here.

Yeah, I mean,
fires can be a real nuisance

on dry ground like this.

Yeah. Quite dangerous too, fires.

Have you seen heaps of fires out here?

You... you must have seen lots of them,

like, out here over the years, eh?

Well, I could tell ya...

but I might have to k*ll ya.


Good one.

Oh. Cheers.

- Nah, go for your life.
- Yeah?

Ja, I got some good photos.

- Let's see.
- Here, look.

- Oh, yeah.
- See? This one is you.

With the rocks in the background.

Oh, yeah. Fantastic.

Okay. So the outback does have
a kind of mysterious beauty.

- Aha!
- Sure.

Oh, here they come, like Brown's cows.

Come on. You gotta get
a bit of this into ya.

You gotta rehydrate, you know.
Been out in the hot sun.

- Yeah.
- Good luck with that.

Gotta keep the liquids up. There ya go.

- Thank you.
- Everybody wins a prize.

You can pick 'em up.
You're not cripples. Hey?

- Thank you.
- Rainwater from the Top End.

- Rainwater?
- Magic stuff.

- There ya go, Adolf.
- Thank you.

- Thank you very much.
- Plenty here.

One each. There ya go, Stretch.

Oh, thanks.

- There ya go, buddy.
- I'm okay.

No, come on, mate.
Gotta get a drink into ya.

- Really.
- No, no, mate. Look...

You know, you've been
out in the hot sun all day

and now you're gonna get
into the air conditioning.

You know, don't be a mug.

You could keel over,

and then I'd have to give you


You wouldn't want that, would ya?

- No.
- No.

Okay, you've convinced me.

Thought I might.


Christ! You're a big mare, aren't ya?

Excuse me?

- Yeah, like Winx.
- Right.

Shit! What happened to your chest?

It was a dirty big pig.

- Like a boar pig?
- Nah.

Sow. Boars, they're predictable, right?

They come straight at ya.

But a sow,

they're as cunning as a shithouse rat.

- Oh, lovely.
- Very bloody dangerous.

- Like most females, eh, mate?
- Yeah. Yeah.


- So ya all settled in?
- Yeah!

Ready to go?

Righto. Well, I'll pack up
and we'll get outta here.

- Right, Winx?
- Ah, yeah.


- So, you want window?
- Sure.

- There you go.
- Thanks.

He's an interesting guy.

Yeah, he's a character.

But I guess
that's what we're paying for.

The real outback Aussie experience.

Who is Winx?

I think Winx was a racehorse.

Won a bunch of races.

I don't know.

- Do I look like a racehorse?
- No.

- Honestly?
- No. But you won my heart.

- Oh, my God.
- What?

- That's my best line.
- Sorry.

That is so lame.

Well, you married me.

♪ Travelling in a fried-out kombi ♪

♪ On a hippie trail ♪

♪ Head full of zombie ♪

♪ I met a strange lady ♪

♪ She made me nervous ♪

♪ She took me in ♪

♪ And gave me breakfast ♪

♪ And she said ♪

♪ Do you come from a land Down Under ♪

♪ Where women glow ♪

♪ And men plunder? ♪

♪ Can't you hear ♪

♪ Can't you hear the thunder? ♪

♪ You better run, you
better take cover ♪

Synced & corrected by kinglouisxx



Oh, God.

What's happening?

I think a bird flew into the window.

- What?
- A bird.

Where are we? Ohhh.

- Shit!
- Ow.


It's okay.

There was a spider. It's dead now.

Oh, my God.

There's no reception.

Come on. Let's go.




Oh, my God.

I feel like I've been hit by a truck.

- Gotta get some water.
- That fridge is off.

- What?
- The fridge is off.

Where is this?

Don't you just want to
dig it up and sell it?


It's beautiful.

Yeah, so was the Pilbara.

Before they dug it up
and sold it to China.

And what kind of geologist
do you want to be, Kelly?

Well, I'm hoping a predictor
of seismic activity.


Then every instrument
you'll need is made of steel.


I might need to use that after you.

You got it.

Hey, has anyone seen Mick?

- Is that his uniform?
- I think so.

Guys. The, uh...
The power's off on the trailer.

And that food's gonna go bad real quick.

Oh! Might take a look.




Yeah. The trailer gets the power
from the bus.

Well, we should, uh,
check the battery, then.

Ja. That's a good idea.

I don't know anything about it.


Battery's gone.

Sat phone's gone too.

There, uh,

must've been something wrong
with the battery,

'cause it looks like he's taken
it and the sat phone somewhere.

Well, why wouldn't he tell us
where he's going?


Maybe he didn't want to wake us.

Oh, please. Really?

You don't just leave a bunch of tourists

stranded in the middle of nowhere.

We're not stranded.

We can just ask him when he gets back.

- Yeah.
- Why'd he take us off-road?

That wasn't part of the plan, was it?

I'm sure he had a reason.


Hey. It's gonna be all right.


Oh! Shit.


I'll, uh...

I'll just grab my stuff...

...and go.

And, uh... can head back
to, uh, Jurassic Park

or whatever the hell it is
you come from.

Something smells off.

It's not this stuff.

Okay, cool. Let's bring this out
to the others.



Do you think...

Is it the wrong time
to say something cheesy?

Yes. Go.

Hey. Is Mick back yet?


Grab yourself something to eat, mate.

Yeah, just check it out first.

It's just so quiet.

Mate, I don't know what you reckon,

but something's going on.

I mean, where the hell is this guy?

Maybe we should take a walk,
see what's around.

- Good idea.
- Yeah, but, hey, just... just...

Play it cool. All right?

- I don't want to worry anyone.
- Okay.

- Okay?
- Yeah. Yeah.


Johnny and me are gonna take
a walk, see if we can find Mick.


Don't you think we should stay together?

What if he's out there
with a broken leg?

Maybe he's waiting for us
to come get him.

Yeah, we're not going far.

Just to the top of that hill,
see what's around.

Don't you want to wait
a couple of hours?

He might be on his way back already.

Well, if he is, then it won't matter.

But if he's in trouble
for whatever reason,

we can't leave him out there overnight.

But he could have gone in any direction.

- It's gonna be fine. I promise.
- It's okay. We'll be right there.

Were you actually
gonna discuss this with me?

It wasn't my idea.
But somebody's gotta do it.

Well, hang on. What if
you and Danny get separated?

We won't.

Well, do you even know
how to get back here?

Babe, we are literally
at the top of that hill there.

- You can see us from here.
- I... I'll come with you.

What? What are you laughing at?

Okay, babe, I love you, but...

When was the last time
you did any cardio?

- Oh, you are such a bitch.
- No, come on. Come on!

If you're just going for a little walk,

why are you taking all that stuff?

In case Mick's injured
and we have to stay out a bit.

Why do you have to go?

Because I am a big, strong, awesome guy.

I'm being serious, Danny.

We're only gonna be out
for a little bit.

There's nothing to worry about.
I just want to help out.

Why do you always have to play the hero?


Danny and I can do this easily.
It's gonna be much quicker.

Okay. Just... don't get lost.

I... need you.

I won't. All right?

- I love you.
- I love you too.

Fine. Do it.

I... I don't want
to leave it like this, okay?

Yeah, sure.

You go and have
your nice walk with the hot guy.

I'll stay here with the cast
of 'Gilligan's Island'.

Shut up!

- All right, let's do it.
- All right.

- We'll bring beers!
- Good luck.

- 'Bye.
- 'Bye.

- See ya.
- Stay safe!

They'll probably find
a truck stop just over the hill.

And a supermarket and a KFC.

Where the hell are we?

Let's keep going
just a little bit further,

see what we can see.

Come on. Let's get going.

Where the bloody hell
do you think you're going? Eh?

- Make a run for home, huh?
- Ow, ow, ow!

Where men were men and sheep
were frightened.

Look at ya.

Look like a big, fat witchetty grub.

You know...

...the mob I hate even more than Pommies

is f*ckin' Kiwis.

Bunch of second-hand would-be Aussies.

So you really reckon that's
the way to go, do ya? Hey?

If anybody'd know,
it'd be you, wouldn't it?


Oh! Good arm.

So do you play softball?


Hm. Outdoors girl, huh?

Yeah, that's me.

Do you guys have any service?

Nope. Still none. How about you?

- Nope.
- Ugh!

This no-reception thing
isn't cool anymore.

I seriously think...

- Hey, isn't it Saturday?
- Yeah.

So... why is my phone saying Sunday?

Guys... We're not
in South Australia anymore.

- Something's happened.
- What?

They're all saying the wrong date?

Yeah, but the calendar
doesn't need reception.

- It can't be wrong.
- But they're all saying Sunday.

- Well, there's no service.
- No. It's internal.

But how could we have
all slept for 26 hours?

Well, something is wrong.

My God. It's the water.

Do you think he knocked us out?

- Who?
- Mick.

- What?
- That water he made us drink.

- Yeah.
- What... what do you mean?

He made us all have a glass, remember?

And then we crashed, and we've
woken up, like, a day later.

Oh, Jesus! That piece of shit!

See, this is us on Saturday morning.

We should have kept on going this way,

but instead, he headed
into Western Australia.

And the tracker stopped working
as soon as we lost coverage.

And a few more hours in this direction

puts us somewhere about there.

A thousand f*cking miles
away from anything.

Wait. Have you updated the tracker app?

- I have.
- Maybe it has a bug...

- It doesn't have a bug.
- So we're lost.

So, what the f*ck was he doing?

- There must be an explanation.
- Yeah, there is.

- He kidnapped us.
- Why?

Because the phones say it's Sunday?

No, because the bus is broken,

we're off the road
and our driver's vanished!

This is mad. It doesn't make any sense.

- If it's mad, doesn't have to.
- Why would he kidnap us?

And why would he leave us here?


Did anybody check their stuff?


Oh, come on.
Where the hell is this road?

I don't know.

We must have come at least

four or five miles already.

Why would you carry a battery
out all this way?

If you had a sat phone,
why wouldn't you just

stay with the bus and call for help?

You'd think that'd be smarter,
wouldn't you?

Let's keep going.

- You want a drink or...
- Yeah. Thanks.

f*ck this.

Is anyone missing anything?

- No.
- I don't think so.

- No.
- Maybe he's transporting dr*gs.


- Why would he do that?
- We're in the middle of nowhere.

- It'd be, like, the perfect...
- Guys! GUYS!



Oh, shit.

Cat's got ya tongue, hey?

There we go.

This little fella's a termite, see,

and it's his job to fix the nest

when something gets broken, like this.

Nature's a bloody marvel, huh?

Feel the serenity.

Oh! Here we go. Look out.

It's the army!

Yeah. There you go.

Told you all about termites.

Now, Uncle Mick
is a man of his word, so...

I've told ya.

And now, I'm gonna have to k*ll ya.



Is anyone getting anything?

Zero bars.

Not even the emergency thingy.

It's like we've gone back in time.

A time we're all too young to remember.

How did people use to get rescued?

Smoke signals?

The original emojis.

Hey, if we had signal,

we could send someone a shit
with a smiley face on it.

Everything's so creepy out here.

Hey, maybe we're near that thing.

What thing?

You were reading about it on the plane.

Wolf Creek. It's a meteor crater.

It's supposed to be...
somewhere in Western Australia.

Tell you what, though.

This place needs a burger joint.

What are these weird things?

Termite mounds.

I thought they were further up north.

You right to keep going?


Why don't we, uh...

We'll head up there.

We'll see what we can see.

If there's nothing, we'll head back.

Yeah. All right, let's do it.

We should stop, make camp.

Make a fire?


Bec is gonna k*ll me.

I told her I'd be back
before she could say 'divorce'.

Yeah. I don't think Steve
is gonna be too happy either.

Well, if it's any consolation to
them, we'll be cold and hungry.

What is the deal with
you and Rebecca anyway?

The deal is, this trip is make-or-break.

I mean, I'm not ambitious like her.

All I want is a house, maybe
a couple of kids running around.

Well, mate, she's on this trip,
isn't she?

So, obviously,
she wants to make it work.

You know, I've been trying to
get Steve to commit for years.

- Really?
- Yeah.

Think he's only just realised
I'm not gonna run off

with the first cute gym junkie
that's walked past.

But, you know, sometimes I think,

"What about if I get everything
that I want," right?

You get the...

...the house, the dog...

...and then it just all turns to shit.

I'd say committing's the hardest bit.

The rest can be worked on.

Besides, you and Steve are
already committed, aren't you?

Well, yeah.

Taking the next step's
not gonna change that.


- What?
- No. No, just... just...

Look at you, Danny Michaels,

the world's first psychologist/builder.

- f*ck you.
- No, it'd be good.

If I had a degree, I could charge you

a lot of money for that advice.

That's all we need, right?


Oh, man, it is really beautiful,
though, isn't it?


Head back first thing in the morning?

Yeah. Let's get the f*ck out of here.

Oh, watch yourself.


I wouldn't worry about it
too much. They'll be fine.

Just went a little further
than what they thought,

had to spend the night.

Yeah, I really hope
you're right about that.

Guys, the food in the trailer
is going off.

It smells disgusting.

Let's clean it out, then.

We need to bury the meat
so it won't attract animals.

- Yeah.
- Thank you.

Maybe we could catch the animals

and then we could use their meat
to get more animals

and then we can eat them.

We could live out here forever.

This is not the time for jokes.

We need to do exactly
the right things to survive

before we are rescued.

Chill out, man. I was just talking shit.

Oh, my God.

I told you.

Well, if you can't
contribute something useful,

rather say nothing.

For f*ck's sake! Calm down!

He was just trying to cheer us up.

We don't need to be cheerful.

- Oh, my God.
- We need to be careful.

I'm going in.

Any last words?

Mmm. Good luck.

Oh, my God.

Look, if we're gonna
get ourselves out of here,

we've got to work together.

If he is right about where we are,

does he realise what it means?

Do you?

Even if we have been reported missing,

no-one is going
to search for us out here.

It will take days before a plane

comes this far, maybe even weeks.

To survive, we need order.

We need cooperation.

We need someone to take charge.

Just give me
anything you see that's gross.

Salad bowls, kettles and...

This is f*cking locked.

Good. We have 'South Aussie
Produce Barn Spaghetti'.

Oh, yeah, spaghetti. Okay.

Beans. Yes.

- How many's that?
- Four. Give me more.

- Think of your heart.
- No.

- If you just calm down...
- I'm fine.

- I get you some...
- It's kein Problem.

Oh, I'm bloody hungry. Far out.

Well, if I was Bear Grylls,

I could whip you up a gourmet meal

out of kangaroo shit and rock.

Yeah, no, man, I'm good.

What do you reckon we've got left?

About eight hours till sunrise?

Yeah, about that, give or take.

Oh, fu...!


I think it's, like, a chicken.

- We haven't...
- Oh, God! Ooh!


Oh, my God...

Tea towel?


Ohh! f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck!


What do you reckon
we take turns staying awake,

keep the fire going?

- Yeah. That's a good plan.
- All right.

- Are you seeing that?
- Yeah.

It's a car. Go. Go, go, go, go!

- Stop!
- Hey! Over here!

Hey! Hey!

What the bloody hell
are you buggers doing out here?

- It's Mick.
- It's Mick.

What do you think they're talking about?

Basic survival shit.

- How can we live without wi-fi?
- Hey, chill out.

- Lack of wi-fi won't k*ll us.
- Speak for yourself.

Your dad and that American guy,
they seem pretty practical.

They'll get us out of here.
Except me, maybe.

They might leave me behind.

- So cheer up.
- Yeah.

- He's not just dead.
- m*rder*d?

- How?
- f*ck!

Strangled. His neck's all...

- It must have been Mick.
- What?!


That was Davo's uniform
I found this morning.

Mick must have been wearing it.

So he k*lled Davo then took his gear

and pretended to be his replacement?

- Yeah.
- And then dumped us out here?

Yeah. It's f*cking insane.

We can't know any of this for sure.

Well, there's no other
explanation, is there?

Look, the important thing is
to stay calm.

Look, look, look, maybe... maybe
they... they knew each other

and they got in some sort of
a fight or whatever.

- That sounds likely.
- Anyway, that's a police matter.

Right now, the situation has changed

and we gotta get on top of it.

So, f*ck staying here, right?

Agreed. We move to higher ground
at first light.

No, no, no, no.
We must stay with the bus.

No, no. The bus might be a target now.

It can be seen from the air,

which is the only way we'll be rescued.

Who the f*ck is gonna
look for us out here?

It is still our only chance.

Unless, of course, Mick
really has gone to get help.

Oh, come on!

Okay. Well, I'm not going anywhere
until the boys get back.

- No. Me either.
- What about him?

We can't just leave him here.

We can't touch anything.
It's a crime scene.

Lock the body in
the trailer and bury the meat.

Why bury the meat
if we're locking the trailer?

Let's just leave everything
in the trailer and lock it.

Let's stay on the bus.

Just, not a word to Emma.
Please, nothing.

- Please don't.
- All right.

- Ja. Ja, ja.
- What a nightmare.

- I know.
- f*ck.

Why did I ever let you
talk me into this trip?

- Hey, what... What's going on?
- Nothing.

Seems like a whole lot of
hand-wringing for nothing.

Can you grow up and be serious
for a second? You too.

There's no cool status update
for this shit.

You should be grateful you have
parents who care about you.

Most of us don't have anyone
that gives a f*ck.

And if you think
this trip was all my idea,

you're living in a f*cking fairyland.

- Can you drop the judgement?
- Me?

- Yes!
- A man is dead.

We're all screwed.

You think your boyfriend
is so f*cking funny?

- You think it's all about you.
- Isn't it?

Yeah, everything's about you, Chelle.

So you want to f*ck me.
I can't help that.

That has nothing to do with this.

- Like hell, it doesn't!
- Oh, f*ck off.

You've been hoping
I'd sleep with you for years.

That is a completely different thing.

- Bullshit.
- This isn't about you, Chelle.

This is about the shit we're in
and who's taking it seriously.



Desert Storm then Afghanistan?

- Yes, sir.
- Can't even imagine it, myself.

w*r, I mean. I'm sure I'd be a mess.

Some guys are.

But most of us are highly trained

and just do it.

There's always a cost.

Survivors, they pay in... some way.

Survivor's guilt?

Just memories, really.

Exposure to extreme v*olence.


Some people here...

...they're gonna be feeling it
a little later.

Might drive some of 'em crazy.

Or they might find some space in
their heads where they can just

lock it away and move on.

Which is not the recommended
treatment, of course.

So I heard.

You have to, um, put it somewhere

in your long-term memory, right?

Along with, uh,
where you left your car keys.

That is the current thinking, yes.

Well... Who knows?

We've gotta survive first.

- Here, take this.
- Thank you.

All right? Get some sleep.

- All right. Goodnight.
- Gute Nacht.

You know how to use that thing?

- Yes, sir.
- A warrior with good manners.

You okay?

Get some rest.


- Where are you going?
- I must get my pills.

- Come straight back.
- Ja, ja.

What the f*ck?

- What was that?
- I think...

- I think there's animals.
- Was it an animal?


I don't think there's anything
to worry about.

No. It's okay.

Hey. There it is again.



- It's Danny.
- Shit.

- Danny?
- Just wait here. Okay?

- What the f*ck was that?
- Do you think that's them?

- What was that?
- Danny?

It came from over there.

- Okay, we have to find them.
- I'll get some rope.

- This is not a good idea.
- It's pointless in the dark.

If it's them, they could be hurt.

- We can't just sit here.
- Hang on. Just stop and think.

I am thinking! I'm thinking
about my f*cking husband!

- It's safer if we stay together.
- For who? For him?

Really? What would you do if it was her?

- We good?
- Yeah, I'm good.

- Let's do this.
- Let's go.

- Okay.
- Don't go too far!

Yeah, whatever.


Oskar doesn't want Emma to know.

This is serious. What... what do we do?

We stay calm. It's important
that nobody panics, okay?

- We need to be rational.
- f*cking rational?

This is f*cked!

Until we know what we're dealing with.

You don't know what we're dealing with?

We're dealing with a f*cking m*rder*r.

Who's probably
hundreds of miles away by now.

How can you just stand there
like some Buddhist monk?

Because I understand people like this.

I've studied them.

He could be f*cking anywhere.

- Danny!
- Hello?

Shit. It's getting farther away.


Oh, shit!

- Danny, where are you?
- Johnny!

- Baby, we're here!
- Johnny!

- Quiet!
- Danny!

Quiet! Listen. Breathe.

Now, we have to locate
where the sound is coming from.

When the soldier can't see,

he has got to focus on what he can hear.


This way.

Don't say anything to Emma.
We will tell her when we are safe.

- Your call.
- Things are bad enough, okay?


- Slow down, slow down.
- Okay.

Slow down.

- There.
- Jesus.

- Oh, thank God.
- What the f*ck?

It's not them. That's good, right?

It's just dingoes. So,
what do you think? Should we...

- Should we go back?
- Yeah.

We can come back for
Danny and Johnny in the morning,

after we move base.

Get down!

Down! Down! Lights out! Lights out!

Down! Get down!


Someone doesn't want us here.

- Is it him?
- Could be.

Don't move. Just stay right there.

- We're too exposed out here.
- So, what do we do?

- What the f*ck do we do?
- Shh!

- What was that?
- It's a g*nsh*t.

- Did Bruce take a g*n with him?
- I don't know.

Get down.

- I'm going to have a look.
- Nein! Nein! Oskar!

- Stay here!
- Nein!

For f*ck's sake!

- Shit, where are you going?
- That's my friend out there.

- Hey.
- What?

Nothing. Just seeing how you are.


Get down!

Oh, Jesus!




Michelle! Michelle!

Oh, God.

- No, no, no!
- Oh, f*ck! Oh!

f*ck. f*ck.