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04x12 - Drop Dead Carny

Posted: 10/31/21 03:18
by bunniefuu
Gather all friends,

foes welcome too.
All those with answers,

we are waiting for you.

Let your spirit guide go,
and it will find mine.

There it is. Do you feel
the spirit's breath?

Yeah. Something touched my ear.

Looking for something?

I'm just curious...
about the process.

No. There's something else.

You doubt all this. That's OK.

I do see you, you know.

I'm sitting right in front of you.

The spirits don't care

- for your cheekiness.
- Sorry.


- Close your eyes.
- My eyes are closed.

You played an ice sport,

one of your many professions.
You live with your father?

- He lives with me.
- Good! I was worried.

And you have a daughter.
No... two. No.


I'm pretty good, don't you think?

Aren't you supposed
to tell me what I think?

A challenge. Fine.

Let's see then.


- What?
- I see a woman.

Dark eyes.
Boy, she has a loud laugh.

No. Don't know anyone like that.

- I should probably go. I...
- You and her,

it's complicated. There are

many things unsaid
that cannot be said.

You are together,
but you are waiting.

Don't wait too long.
No one has forever.

Time's almost up.


- Here you go.
- Keep your eyes skyward.

If the eagles go hunting, you
could lose those closest to you.

I'll keep that in mind.

Step right up, sir! You could win!

Woohoo! You did it!

- Hey.
- Hey.

Man, that crazy psychic didn't
know what she was talking about.

Oh, I couldn't hear anything
from behind the curtain.

- Good.
- But is she ever running

a scam. I think our client
is right. Those fraudulent

credit card charges can probably
be traced back to Irina.

- You found a scanner?
- Yeah, just like he thought.

It was hidden under the table
she asked you to put

your wallet on "to divest you
of all your worldly goods."

It must scan
every credit card automatically.

Yeah, and then it's
rip-off city. I called

our client, told her to cancel
her cards. Then, I called Zoe

to make sure the picture
I took is indeed a scanner.

Buy you a candy apple
on the way out of here?


Hey, what do you think
she meant by,

"if the eagle goes hunting,
you could lose

- those closest to you"?
- I thought you couldn't hear

- anything back there!
- Oh... barely anything.

Man, I haven't been
to a carnival in years.

Well, then "you should keep
your eyes skyward!"

Yeah, what did
all of that even mean?!

I don't know. But if psychics
could really see the future,

- would you even wanna know yours?
- No, not me.

I'm an in-the-moment kind
of a guy. The here and now is

all that matters. Why? Would you
wanna know your future?

I already do know my future.

That ride! We need to go on it.
I've never been

on a Ferris wheel before. - Never?

No. But after I rocked
the CN Tower,

- heights can suck it.
- Alright, let's go.

"Closed for maintenance?"

- Then why is it moving?
- I don't know.

Did you see what happened?!

Alright guys, give us
some room. The ambulance is

- on its way.
- What they're going to need

is a body bag.
Coverall says he works here.

Do you see this?

- What is that?


- You can't touch the body!
- He's my husband!

Baby... it's Crystal.

Please, don't leave us.

I'm so sorry.

Come on.

I'll stay with her.

Whoa! Hey!


What are you doing?

Hey, watch it!


Can you

describe the panda?

About yay tall, bow on her head?

OK. Yeah, from what I've gleaned,

that would be Poppy.

She was patting down the body.

You're not actually
accusing a beloved mascot

of robbing a corpse, are you?

Pandas are mysterious creature.

Well, Rufus worked maintenance

for the carnival for five years.
People loved him.

Poppy probably just found out

that he fell to his death

and reacted like
any other bear would.

What about the green flecks
in Rufus's head wound?

- Did you see those?
- Yeah, and there are green

spokes on The Celestial Star.
I've got this.

Don't you guys have, um, you know,

a lead on your credit card
scammer to follow up with?

The psychic? She's definitely
dodgy, but you're not seriously

- gonna rule this as an accident?
- It's looking that way.

I mean, the maintenance sign was
up and The Celestial Star was

- Rufus's domain.
- But it was moving. It would've

- been activated from the ground.
- Unless there was

a mechanical error
and the ride started on its own.

You, ma'am, are given
to fanciful fabrications

based on nary a fact!

Uh, who are you?

Jasper Dazzle,
proprietor and entertainer.

The Extravaganza's safety
standards are unyielding!

The Celestial Star was inspected

every day at the break of dawn!

- What about this maintenance?
- Unscheduled!

There must have been
a reason for it.

If I'm to be honest,
and I'm always honest,

Rufus... partook

of the muggles.

The mooter.

The blue sage.

Ah. Cannabis.

He said it made
the lights burn brighter.

Well, tomorrow is
the last night for the carnival.

Maybe he decided to spark up
and take a joyride.

I guess a tox screen will
reveal all. Right, Danica?

Yeah, we'll see.
Is there somewhere we could

speak privately? I need to get
a bit more information from you.

My office offers
a cozy environment.

Right this way.

Hey, Jasper? How many people
wear Poppy's costume?

One and only one have
that privilege!

And who would that be?

Why... Crystal, of course.

Poor Rufus's widow.

Someone used
the costume as a disguise

so they could search Rufus.
Do you have any idea

what they might have
been looking for?

No. We're like a family here.
Eight months out of the year,

we travel together.
Sure, the food vendors

and salespeople are locals,

but us here on staff,
we only have each other.

What am I gonna do?

The carnival pulls up
tomorrow night.

Um, Crystal, it...

it looks like Rufus's death
will be ruled accidental.

No! His wedding ring!

- He was wearing it, wasn't he?
- Exactly.

He never wears it
when he works on a ride.

Tools get caught, fingers rip off.

- He might've forgotten.
- No.

We also heard
that he liked to smoke up.

Who said that?

We used to get high sometimes.
I had trouble sleeping.

But we both quit 3 months,
10 days and 6 hours ago.

That's oddly accurate.

You're pregnant.


Is the teddy bear for the baby?

Yeah. Rufus brought it home
a couple days ago.

His first gift
for the little one...

who will never get
to see its daddy.

Rufus wasn't doing maintenance,
and he wasn't high.

You're Pls.

Please help me find out what
really happened to my husband.

We'll do everything we can.

Mr. and Mrs. O'Keefe!

It is my great honour
and greatest pleasure

to be present

for the dinner
for which you have invited me.

Stupid words in my stupid mouth.

- What's with the stupid ham?
- Ah! Nora.

You scared me.

Crap-sticks. I was
supposed to call you.

Angie can't do drinks tonight.

Sorry. It's a case.

- It sort of fell into their laps.
- No problem.

Actually, I'm quite relieved.
But really,

- what's with the ham?
- Oh.

It's for... him.

I know it's not
December yet, but...

He's very festive.

I'm meeting his parents
tonight for the first time ever.

I did some internet-ing on them,
and they are super fancy.

So I need the perfect hostess gift

and I was doing some reading
that sometimes comfort food...

Why were you relieved? I said

Angie wasn't here and you said
you were relieved.

I'm going to Italy.

Oh, favolosa!

The country of romance
and love and...

you're going with a boy.

- Rory.
- A bad boy.

Angie said that you guys
stopped dating months ago.

- Yeah, well...
- That's just what you told her.

Rory is going to study
with Dario Cecchini.

- The famous butcher of Panzano?
- Yes!

Carne! You know,
I don't cook much,

- but I watch a lot of Top Chef.
- Well, he asked me to go

with him and I can't pass up

an exciting adventure like that.

We're leaving tomorrow night.

Anyway, I don't know
how to tell Angie.


I wrote her a letter.


"Dear Angie,

"I know you're going to hate this,

"but when I said
I wasn't dating Rory,

"I was. And now he's asked me

"to go to Italy,
so that's what I'm doing.

"I'll bring you back some oil.

Italians really know their oil."

- "Italians really know their oil?"
- Yeah.

Oh, this coming

from someone who is lugging
a giant ham around

when maybe a nice bouquet
of flowers would suffice?

OK. Point taken.

- Do you still want that drink?
- Have you met me?

This place creeps me out at night.

Anyhow, say that Rufus was
doing maintenance.

The Ferris wheel started by itself

because of a mechanical error,
and he fell.

Where are his tools?

There are none. Good point.

Let's check around back.

A butt.

- But what?
- No, a butt! A roach! A joint

with stars. You'd think
the cops would've seen that.

Well, they weren't treating it
like a crime scene.

Well, maybe Jasper was right.
Rufus got a little high,

- went for a ride and fell.
- It makes sense.

Wedding ring on, no tools.

Yeah, but the solidarity!
They stopped drinking

and smoking up when they found
out they were preggers.

At least, that's what
Rufus told Crystal.

Hey. Look at this.

One set of treads is
deeper than the other.

Looks like something heavy
was carted away

- from the Ferris wheel.
- Maybe his tools?


Unless something heavy was
carted to the Ferris wheel.

This must be
Rufus's maintenance shed.


- That's a lot of blood.
- Danica's gonna want

- a sample of that.
- This place is

so tidy. Each tool has
its own little spot.

Your garage would be so jealous.

Have you seen your garage lately?

Why would someone
paint their tools?

Oh, my dad does that too.
These puppies are expensive.

Sometimes they get borrowed,
then lost.

That green looks like
the same colour as the flecks

- in Rufus's head wound.
- Yeah.

- And there's one tool missing.
- Rufus got his head bashed in

- with his own wrench.
- This was no accident.

Rufus was m*rder*d.

Hey. Any news
on the m*rder w*apon?

Not yet. I have uniforms
scouring the carnival,

looking for a wrench
with a painted handle.

The lab did confirm, though,

that the flecks in Rufus's
head wound are a match

to the paint on his tools.

Oh, one second. Detective Powers.

Yeah. Mm-hmm. OK. One sec.

We tested Rufus's hair for THC.

There's nothing in his system

for at least 90 days. Yeah.

They need me at the other end
of the carnival. If you find

out anything, let me know? OK.

Crystal found out she was
pregnant 98 days ago.

This proves Rufus was clean.

And that Jasper Dazzle is lying.

Well, Poppy is empty-headed.

- Literally.
- What did we expect to find?

Whoa! Looks like gold confetti.



Check this out.

Same rolling papers
with blue stars.

Pilferers! What do you sneak-thieves
think you're doing?

Just waiting in the office
of a man who lied to us.

Either you planted evidence
to slander Rufus's name

or you k*lled him yourself.
Which is it?

I panicked.

If Rufus's death was ruled

a mechanical malfunction,
insurance would be a nightmare.

- The carnival could close down.
- But what about Poppy?

If Crystal wasn't wearing her,

- then who was?
- Are you suggesting it was

my arthritic body in that suit?

I found her

tossed haphazard in the copse
of trees by the bumper cars.

Oh, what's the point?

Rufus is dead!

He may have been young,
but he was a true gentleman.

He couldn't have
gotten along with everybody.

Well, the children have
their... quibbles

from time to time.
He and Minerva had

a spat, but she'll never
tell you the cause.

You're not carnies.


not unless you hire us.

Place your bets, place your bets.

Yes! Woohoo!

Minerva, we've got to keep quiet.

Travis, sometimes you're
dumber than dirt.


- Red 17, black wins!
- Hey! I'm new.

I'm taking over for Rufus.
Sorry to hear what happened

- to him.
- I gotta jet.

Oh! Your garbage!

- I'm Amy.
- Minerva.

I thought I saw on the schedule

that you operate
the roller coaster.

Uh, yeah. Well, I used to,
'til someone yammered

about a few... liberties I took

with the height restriction.
Got me relocated.

Oh. Is that someone Rufus?

Oh, people talk, you know.
Sucks that he squealed

- on one of his own.
- Yeah. He started acting like

he deserved a better life
than the rest of us.

That must've pissed you off
somethin' good.

I mean, he's allowed to dream
big like everyone else, right?

What kind of dreams
are we talking about?

Good job,

happy family. But mostly,

the guy wouldn't shut up
about wanting to own a house.

- A new house.
- Yeah.

- Well, that sounds nice.
- Mm-hmm.

- I'll see you around.
- OK. No more bets!

- 21!
- Hey, Shade?

Rufus was house-hunting.

If you see someone selling
real estate, chat them up.

- Popcorn! Get your popcorn!
- Candy apples!

Get your candy apples here!
Candy apples!

Get your candy apples here!
Candy apples here!

You interested
in a candy apple, sir?

Tell you what. I'll buy your candy

if you take a look
at my floorplans.

- What do you got?
- A beautiful two-bedroom condo,

in-floor heating,
bare minimum down payment.

Now, are you married?
'Cause the ladies love

a whirlpool bath. Happy wife,
happy life, am I right?

I'm still paying off my first
place and my first wife!

Earl Baer,

- Earl Baer Real Estate.
- Lou Parks, how you doing?

Well, nice to meet you!
Here. Take one of these.

- Thanks.
- I got boatloads.

Really thought I would sell

the hell out of my housing
development but, uh...

people around here, they don't
want real estate. They want

the world's biggest burger

with a side of mini doughnuts.

Bet that guy dying last night
didn't help either, did it?

You said it, friend. The
crowds have thinned since then.

Mm. I heard he was
lookin' for a house.

Yeah. He desperately wanted
his dream home.

- Did you find him one?
- Yeah. I hooked him up with a

sweet little starter unit. It's
the only thing he could afford

- with 10 grand down payment.
- I bet his wife was happy.

I don't think she knew.
Yeah, he asked me

- to keep it on the quiet side.
- Why is that?

People around here,
they're tight, you know?

It's like it's frowned upon
when someone leaves.

Do you think, uh...

he was k*lled
by someone he worked with?

I don't know.
This business attracts

a certain type of person.
Look, my advice to you:

- watch your back, Lou.
- Thanks.

- Hey, have one on the house.
- Oh!

Thank you very much. Cheers, man.

Candy apples!
Get your candy apples here!

Send list of carnival workers

and their schedules.

- No problema, Angie.
- [Great. Thanks.]

Is there anything new at
the office I should know about?

Anything new?

[No, no, no. Nothing new at all.]

Everything here is old.

Zoe? Why do you sound so weird?

I don't sound weird.
You sound weird.

- Hello?
- One more try!

Six or four, win a prize!

Did I miss Angie again? sh**t.

Well, I guess I won't talk
to her before I leave.

You know, there is
an invention called a phone.

You may remember it
from a few seconds ago.

No, no, no. Her head's
in her work. How is

- Operation O'Keefe going?
- You were right about the flowers.

Lachlan's mom loves them,
especially yellow ones.

- Great!
- No, that's not great.

Yellow carnations signify

and yellow roses signify
anti-romantic relationships

and yellow tansies are
a declaration of w*r.

And when are you
meeting them, 1863?

I just don't wanna
send the wrong message.

Zoe?! Zoe, please be here!

Hey, Jules! It's Nora.

Hey, hey. I'm here.
You look flustered. What's up?

- My boyfriend is useless.
- Ah, you're learning about men.

Hey, this man's been
pretty useful.

Yeah. There's a fundraiser tonight
for the teen advice line,

and all the university
patrons will be there,

and I have to look amazing.
And Grandpa, I'm sorry,

but you and Liam say
I look good in everything.

Which you do,

oh queen of alabaster skin!

But not to fear,
you have two women

- of impeccable taste.
- My saviours.

So, you need
anything more from me?

Don't you have like,
your curling finals tonight

- or something?
- Yeah.

OK, I'll get out of your hair.
But sweetie,

it's important that you understand

just how beautiful you are. You
don't need some fancy dress...

Oh, my God, he's doing it again.

It's not about looks, Don.
It's about confidence.

- Confidence.
- Don't worry. We got this.

- And you can go hurry hard!
- Alright. Listen, sweetie,

- have a great time.
- Thank you.

Liam will be back
to pick you up later.

- Bye, Nora! Bye, Zoe!
- Bye!

And... while we pick out
the perfect outfit,

you can help Nora
write her runaway letter.

- Oh, yes!
- And me pick out the perfect

flowers to give to Lachlan's mom!

I say go with the yellow tansies.

- What are we doing, declaring w*r?
- Thank you!

So what's this I hear
about a runaway letter?

Oh, Nora's going to Italy with
Rory and Angie does not approve.

I just need to find
the perfect words.

It doesn't need to be perfect,
just heartfelt.

You know, underneath her sassy
shell, Angie has a squishy

- centre just like everyone else.
- Really?

Yeah. So why do you think
she doesn't approve of Rory?

Angie's just being Angie.

- She's overly protective.
- OK.

So maybe something like,
dear Angie, I know you're

protective of me
and I love that about you,

but I've made an exciting
decision and I hope you can

- get excited too.
- That's perfect!

- Write it down, please!
- No! I'm not de Bergerac-ing

this for you.
Just write what's in your heart.

- Holy cow.
- OK. Come.


[and their schedules,
and then I started looking]

[into newspaper articles with
the same dates and locations.]

- I found a pattern.
- What's the pattern?

Every town that Jasper's
Extravaganza visited

this summer reported
at least one break and enter.

So someone from the carnival
is robbing houses?

Thanks, Zoe.
I'm gonna hang up now.

I'm calling Danica.

- Powers here.
- [Hey, Danica.]

Oh, hey! I was
just about to call you guys.

We ran Rufus's fingerprints
and got a match.

A couple of weeks ago,
there were two robberies

[reported in Mimico.]

That's the last town visited
by the carnival.

And Rufus's fingerprints were
found at both.

Meaning our m*rder victim
was a thief.

Seems like Rufus had

quite the side hustle,
robbing people's homes

- while they were at the carnival.
- No, it can't be.

Rufus had our perfect future
planned out for years.

- Why would he ruin that?
- Perfect futures cost money.

Earl Baer told us Rufus made
a down payment

10 grand.

No, we don't have
that kind of money.

This is my fault.

I told Rufus that I wanted our
kid to grow up in a real house.

He probably thought I meant now.

I saw confetti on Travis's shoe.

It's the same kind
we found in Poppy's head.

If Travis was wearing Poppy,
what could he have

- been looking for?
- No, Travis did not

m*rder Rufus! We're family.

Sometimes families keep secrets.

I don't think Poppy was done
searching Rufus's pockets.

Did the police send over
his personal effects?

Yeah, right over there.

I can't bear to open it myself.

That's the key to our trailer.

It might be the key
to a trailer. Not this one.

Something tells me that key is
what Poppy was after.

Why would Rufus have
a key to another trailer?

That's what we're gonna find out.

"We're family" seems
to be Crystal's excuse

for exonerating everyone.

Sometimes chosen family is

the strongest family of all.

Yeah, but what happens
when two of that chosen family

get married, have a baby and then

make their own family?
Maybe Travis was jealous

- of their relationship?
- Or... maybe Travis found out

about the robberies
and threatened to call the cops.

So they fight,
Rufus dies and then...

Travis carts him to the Ferris
wheel to make it look

- like an accident?
- Yeah, I don't know.

But the answer is in this key.

There's something weird
about this loot. They have

a waffle iron worth nothing
next to a 1958 Les Paul.

How do you know
that's a 1958 Les Paul?

Online shopping, my friend.

I've put many a collector's item
in my virtual shopping cart.

- How do you pay for it all?
- Oh, I don't press pay.

I just close the screen,

go to sleep
with sweet musical dreams.

This is a lot of loot
for one man in two days.

- Maybe he had a partner.
- Two-man job, huh?

Or... two men and a psychic.

I've seen that pattern before.

- Hey, look.
- That's Travis,

the guy with the gold confetti
on his shoe.

He's got an earpiece.

Is Irina's scam
bigger than we thought?

That's Minerva.
I heard those two arguing.

Minerva and Travis are in on it.

Rufus too. Did we just
uncover a crime ring?

Let's find out.
I'll follow Travis.

I'm gonna get my fortune read.

You're practically a ghost.

Oh! I'm new. Maintenance.

Jasper said you had a leaky pipe.

In my tent?
Yeah, like that measures up.

You want a reading. Sit.

Place all personal items
on the table.

You must divest yourself
of anything

that could cloud my senses

and prevent the spirits
from speaking.

Woman seeks chatty spirits.


Close your eyes. Empty your mind.

Whoa! You have
a lot of people in your life!

They come and they go.
It's a revolving door.

You date, but you're not looking

- for someone special.
- Well, if someone came along...

He did. He's with you every day.

- Not every day!
- Oh, yes,

in your head every day!
You know him, then.

Uh, no. No. Uh, not in my head.

- Not that I can see.
- Of course not!

You're not the psychic!

Sorry. Industry joke.

This man cares deeply for you,

but he hides it well.

Too well. You want his name?

- Oh God, no!
- No, thanks.


Someone is thinking
about you right now.

- He is?
- No, not him.

I switch gears. You are

not ready to talk about him yet.

Someone whose name begins
with an N.

You're not close,

but closer than two people can be.

Uh, no one comes to mind.

She wants to tell you
something but is afraid

you'll be angry.
Also, she drank all your wine

- last night.
- Mom?

I see Europe.
I see a bloody apron.

Oh, I always knew she'd end up
in a foreign prison one day.

Sh! You're jumping
to conclusions. She hates that.

Close your eyes. Concentrate.




- Come and get your hotdogs here!
- Come on!

- Let's go again! Come on!
- Woohoo!

You guys, come over here!

You did it!

Win a prize for the pretty lady!

Hey, kids! Hey, kids!

What do you see?

Shh! Someone you love
is in danger.

- My mother?
- One who lives in the shadow.

- Shadow? Shade!
- Shh!

- For real?!
- For real, shh!

The spirits are sending you here.


- Do you know who sent me here?
- Who?

- Irina.
- Why?

Do you feel that?

- Loved you on The Walking Dead.
- We know you don't work here.

You're undercover Pis, aren't you?

What?! No! I'm a vampire.
She's a werewolf.

I'm the werewolf? Jeez.
You howl at the moon once...

- Hey! This isn't a joke.
- You're right. It's not funny,

using a carnival
to target innocent civilians

- so you can rob their houses.
- Dude, they know.

Yeah. We know. But we'll
make you a deal. You help us,

we won't go to the cops.

- Why should we help you?
- Because we're

- trying to find Rufus's k*ller.
- Or K*llers.

- Whoa. We didn't k*ll Rufus.
- Rufus is family.

And yet, you're boldly
continuing the exact same scam.

Somebody's gotta pay
for his funeral.

- Does Crystal know about this?
- How do you know about Crystal?

- She's the one who hired us.
- So if you help us,

you're actually
helping her out as well.

Alright, fine.

Look. Rufus needed a couple grand,

so we pooled together
what we could loan him

and we still came up short
of the 10 000 he needed.

So you figured that robbing
houses was the way to go?

We were just piggy-backing
off of an existing scam.

- With Irina.
- How did you...

Yeah. Irina identifies
the rich marks.

I download
the credit card information

- and get their addresses.
- From the hidden scanner.

You keep an eye on them

- while Rufus robs their houses.
- And then if the target leaves

the carnival, you alert Rufus
and he abandons ship.

Look, Rufus needed our help.

We figured robbing
a bunch of rich people wasn't

so bad. They all have insurance.

We took from people with money
to help Rufus, who had nothing.

- So basically, you're Robin Hood.
- Yeah! Robin Hood.

- Let's go with that.
- So when you heard

Rufus was dead,
one of you had dressed up

like Poppy to get the key
to your trailer full of loot?

No. Why would we steal
his key? We both have our own.

Maybe you wanted
to make sure that no one,

like the police, ever found
the stolen goods.

Or maybe you were
protecting Irina.

The thing is... your friend
got k*lled. Help us out.

Just let us report
the stolen goods. It might be

- the only clue that we have.
- No. No way.

- Crystal is pregnant. You know that?
- Yeah.

Rufus's child will never
know him, but it at least

deserves the right to know
why and how he died.

You say Rufus is family.

This is your chance to prove it.

All of those items have been
cross-referenced and matched

to two separate robberies,
except for these.

The serial numbers
on both the espresso machine

and the guitar were registered
to one name.

Earl Baer.

He'll find you a house
that's just right.

But Earl sold Rufus a house.

It doesn't make sense that
he would k*ll his own client.

- Unless that client robbed him?
- That doesn't make any sense either.

No. And why didn't Earl
just report the robbery?

- Maybe he was scared?
- Yeah, maybe he witnessed

- the m*rder.
- Which brings us back

to our thieves which means
time to give them up.

- We'll make you a deal.
- It's not really a game show.

We'll give you the name
of the ringleader.

Sometimes I strongly
dislike you both. OK, what's

- the name of the ringleader?
- Irina.

She's been running a con.
The psychic?

OK. Well, I need to get
a couple of warrants,

so just don't make
any moves without me, OK?

Of course not.

Hey, Sarge, come over here!

- A warrant could take hours.
- Hours we don't have.

Someone needs to talk
to Crystal about Irina.

And someone should
probably go see Earl,

talk about the real estate deal
he did for Rufus.

- Meet you back here in an hour.
- Yup.

And, my dear girl,
I know that you worry about me,

but you've spent
enough years doing it.

It's time for this mom to grow up.

And you need to let me do it,
especially when there are

Italian care packages
in your future.

Love you, Mom.

Well? What do you think?

- I...
- It's a perfect letter, Nora.

Oh, damn!

Oh, I wish your dad was here.

He would just cry so hard.

- Oh, please. Dad does not cry.
- Oh, no.

They cry, sweetie. It just takes
something big like this.

Speaking of big, Zoe?

OK. Drumroll, please!

A handmade paper flower bouquet!

- That's lovely!
- I'm not sure about this.

Hey, what does
Angie always tell you?

Embrace my inner Zoe.

- And Lachlan adores you.
- So his parents will too?

- OK, I get it.
- And who the hell

cares what they think anyways?
There is so much power

in not giving a crap.

That's Liam. You guys,

thank you so much. Nora...

mangia bene, ridi spesso,
ama molto.

OK. You too.


- You look great.
- Thank you.

- Here you go.
- Bye.

- Bye!
- You look gorgeous, princess!

Thank you!

OK, gotta go. You will

- give this to my girl?
- You bet. You know what?

Let me drop you off at the
airport. Lachlan's parents live

- nearby in Woodland Hills.
- Woodland Hills?!

OK, forget everything I said.
Tell his parents

exactly what they wanna hear
and give or take 30 years,

you will get a ginormous
inheritance. Trust me.

I know everyone here's family,
but one of them hurt Rufus.

Irina's a true friend.

She knew that Rufus and I were
pregnant even before we did.

She's a con artist.

If Minerva, Travis and Irina
were really robbing people,

I still believe that they were
doing it for a good reason.

OK. So maybe this has to do
with something they stole.

When did Rufus

- give you Teddy?
- Three days ago.

That's around the time
Earl's house was robbed.

Earl has them in his booth.
I figured

that's where Rufus got it.

- It's heavy.
- Yeah.

He's got beads in his butt.
He can sit up by himself.

No. There's something else.

Someone turned Teddy
into a Teddy-cam.

Was Rufus spying on me?

I don't know. We have to find out.



That's Earl's 1958 Les Paul.

This must be his house.

Stop, that's Rufus!

You said I had two months

to get
the next installment together.

According to this contract,
you owe me $10 000 by tomorrow.

You changed
the installment deadlines.

What can I tell you, Rufus?
You signed it.

I can't get the money by tomorrow!

Then as per the contract,
you lose the first installment.

No, that... that's all the money

we have. I'm not
the first person you've scammed,

- am I?
- Look, things are tough

out there. I have
a lifestyle to keep up to.

Sometimes you have to colour
outside the lines.

- Yeah.
- Do you want me to tear this up

- now or...
- Don't you dare!

I have 'til tomorrow, and I will
come up with something.

- Good for you.
- Yeah.

Rufus couldn't get the money,

so he came up with something else.

Yeah, he robbed Earl's place.
I guess that's where

- the teddy cam came from.
- But then he realized he had

something more valuable than a
GUITAR: an incriminating video.

Do you think
Earl came looking for it?

I do. And when Rufus didn't
tell him where it was,

Earl k*lled your husband.

And now Shade's in his house.

- Hey, Ange.
- Shade!

Get out of there.
Earl k*lled Rufus.

Are you sure?

Besides the gold confetti,
everything else fits.

Hang on.

That was Earl too.


Earl's in the house. Call Danica.

No, we're fine.
Just get everything you can

down to Earl Baer's house.
And Danica... hurry. It's Shade.

Are you gonna be OK here alone?

- Yeah.
- The cops are on their way

to Earl's and I need to show
them this video right away.

OK, go.

Who else has
a key to your trailer?

Just Rufus and me.
But Rufus's went missing.

Because whoever
was wearing Poppy took it

by mistake.

"If eagles go hunting..."
He's got a g*n.

You know this place
better than me. Where do we go?

The carnival packs up tomorrow.

- Meaning?
- Big rig trucks. The keys are

- always inside.
- OK.


Damn it!

One, two, go.

- Come on!
- HEY!

- This way! Go!

Is this the funhouse?


There's only one way in,
and it's the same way out.

So give me the camera,
and I'll let you go.

Says the man with the g*n.

You watch it?

- The video.
- We saw enough

to know that you're talking home
buyers into paying installments

- they'll never get back.
- Well, where there's a crowd

of people, there's always
a couple of suckers.

How did you know that it was
Rufus that robbed you?

- Security cameras!
- So you tracked him

back to the carnival
and then you k*lled him?!

- He threatened me!

He said he'd show
the cops the footage if I didn't

pay the rest
of his down payment myself.

That sounds like
a pretty fair deal to me.

- You didn't have to k*ll him!
- Things got heated. I threw

- a punch, he threw one harder.
- So you grabbed

- a wrench and you hit him?
- Only once!

I didn't mean to k*ll him.

But he went down,
he wouldn't move.

So you took the key,
and then you dragged him

to The Celestial Star.
Only problem is

you took the wrong key.

And then you tried to get it
back wearing Poppy's costume.

- Give it up, Earl.

Better to go to jail
for one m*rder than for three.



How long do you think someone
like me would last in there?!

Hey. Sorry I'm late.

No, you're just in time. We
need to get Crystal out of here.

I know the way. Do you got
a bead on Earl's position?

Not yet. Hey, Earl!
The cops are on their way.

- You'll never get out of this.


Never gonna happen!

I think he's far enough.

- I'm right behind you.
- OK.

Please. I can't lose

my husband and my baby.

NO! Come on!

Come on!

Call 911. Ange!

Angie, stay with me!
