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03x05 - The Metal Clan

Posted: 10/31/21 04:04
by bunniefuu




Only the Avatar can
master all four elements

and bring balance to the world.

Is there any place
safe for the Avatar?

First, President Raiko banished
her from Republic City.

Then the earth queen declared
her an enemy of the kingdom

after Korra rescued a group of
airbenders from Ba Sing Se.

And now Korra has
learned that Zaheer

and his fellow criminals
are after her.

With Tenzin busy bringing
the new recruits

to the northern air temple,

Korra's protection now
rests in Beifong's hands.

While you're playing fetch,

four of the most dangerous
criminals in the world

are hunting you down.
We should get moving.

Relax. We just got here.

Besides, no one knows where
I am right now except us.

I think she wants you
to throw it for her.

I'll pass. Thanks.

We just got a call on the radio
about another airbender.

Finally. Where are they?

A city called Zaofu, the
home of the metal clan.

You know the place?

Uh, never been, but I don't
want you going there.

I'd rest a lot easier if you
were back safe in Republic City.

Sorry, If there is an airbender in zaofu

Then that's where we're going next.

Wow, wow, wow!

An entire city made
of metal, whoo!

You should be right
at home, Beifong.


- Aren't you coming?
- What's there to see?

It's metal. Big whoop.

Just find the airbender,
and let's get moving.

And don't tell anyone I'm here.

Why not?

I don't need to explain
myself to you.

Just do what I say.

Fine. You got it,
chief cranky pants.

Avatar Korra, it is
an honor to meet you.

My name is Aiwei.

- Thanks for having us.
- Is this everyone?

Yep, just us. So can I
meet the new airbender?

Of course. Right this way.

And this is the air
acolyte dining hall,

where everyone eats,
and this is Daw.

He's a new airbender
too, like you guys.

It's so nice to meet you.

How exciting. New friends.

Excuse me, hello?

My name is Yorru.

I heard this was the place to
come if you're a new airbender.

You got that right, stranger.

Well, a couple of weeks ago,

I woke up, and suddenly,
I could do this.

Mom, Aunt Kya, we
got another one!

That statue honors the
first metalbender,

Toph Beifong, who expanded

the possibilities of what
benders were capable of.

Here, everyone is encouraged

to reach his or her
highest potential.

Does Toph live here?

Are we gonna get to meet her?
I'm afraid not.

She used to visit
from time to time,

but years ago, she left
to wander the world

in search of enlightenment.

No one has seen her since.

Wow, is this where
the airbender lives?

Yes, but first, her
mother wants to meet you.

Is this some kind
of combat training?

Not exactly.

They are rehearsing for a
dance premiere next month.

That's it for today, everyone.

Allow me to introduce

the matriarch of the
metal clan, Suyin.

Please, call me Su.

Great to finally meet
you, Avatar Korra.

And this must be Mako,
Bolin, and Asami.

You've done your research.

I make it my business to
know who's visiting my city.

So you're a dancer?

Dancer, leader, wife, mother,

collector of rare meteorites.

You'll find people here have
many skills and interests.

Korra, why did you lie

when Aiwei asked if there
was anyone else with you?

What? I-I didn't.

I mean...

How did you know I was lying?

I am a truth seer.

When people lie,

their heart rate and
breathing increase.

I can sense the most
subtle of changes.

Thanks to Aiwei, there are
no secrets in our city.

We came with Republic
City's chief of police.

She didn't want anyone
to know she was here.

I'm sorry I didn't tell you.

Lin's here? Well, I would
love to say hello.

Wait, you two know each other?

You're joking, right?

Oh, lin never told you about me.

No. Why would she?

I'm Lin's sister.

I found out why you were
so against coming here.

Why didn't you ever tell
me you had a sister?


Same mom, different dads.

So what? We're blood, lin.

And after 30 years, the least
you could do is say hello.

I have nothing to say to you.

You two haven't spoken in 30 years...
how come?

Ask her. I've tried.

Oh, don't put that on me.

You're the one who
tore our family apart.

And you've done a bang-up
job keeping it that way.

You haven't changed
one bit, have you?

Look, we can stand here arguing
about the past all day,

but that's not the reason
the Avatar came here.

My daughter is
thrilled to meet you.

Lin, your niece is
the new airbender.

Isn't that amazing?

Yeah. Terrific.

Those are my two
youngest, Wei and Wing.

They're playing a game
called power disc.

They invented it
all on their own.

Oh, nice power, Wei.

Ha! Wing goes down.

I'm so proud of those two.

Huan, I want you to meet
the Avatar and her friends

and your aunt lin.

- Nice to meet you.
- Hey.

Wow, that's a really nice...

Yes, very, very lifelike.

It's not a banana!

I was inspired by
harmonic convergence.

It represents the dawning
of a new age, obviously.

Oh, yeah, no, I c... I
can totally see that.

I... wait, let me stand here.
Yes, I can see that now.

Yes. Thank you.

Banana. I mean, that's
a banana, right?

And this is my daughter Opal.

Wow, Avatar Korra.

I can't believe
you're really here.

You are so amazing.

It's great to meet you, Opal.

Opal? That's a beautiful name.

- Thanks.
- I'm Bolin.

Opal, but, uh, you
already knew that.

Great. We found the airbender.

Let's take her back to the
airship and get out of here.

And the woman apparently
trying to abduct you

is your aunt Lin.

Really? I've always
wanted to meet you.

My mom has told me so
many stories about you.

I'm sure she has.

So I've set all of you
up in the guesthouses

while Korra trains Opal.

Oh, I'm sorry, but I was hoping

she could train with the
rest of the airbenders

at the northern temple.

- That sounds amazing.
- Nonsense.

This is where opal's
home and family are.

You can train her here.

I guess I could help
her get started.

Absolutely not. We're leaving.

She's just a little worried

because there are a bunch of
crazy criminals after me.

If you're concerned about
security, don't be.

This is the safest
city in the world.

Now, I'll see you all at
dinner, and come hungry.

My chef will blow the taste
buds right out of your mouth.

Why do you have such a
problem with your sister?

She seems nice.

Come on, we can stay
a little while.

Okay, let's see what you got.

- I'm not very good.
- That's okay.

I've never been a
teacher before,

so we're in the same boat.

You wanna keep your elbows in,

torso straight, feet just
skimming the ground.

Why don't you try it with me?

Wow, you're a natural.

You really think so?


You call yourself an airbender?


Be the leaf!

But I don't know
what that means!

Now that man's a leaf.

The student is only as
good as his master.

Great news.

I just got a message
from Tenzin.

He's with a whole group
of other airbenders

at the northern temple, and he
wants all of you to join them.

We leave first thing
in the morning.

And the Avatar is with them?

No, apparently she had to
split off from Tenzin.

That's unfortunate.

I was really looking
forward to meeting her.

Tonight, for your
dining pleasure,

I present a seared wild
Kyoshi elephant koi,

paired with a
ginger-infused pea tendril

and hibiscus root salad.


Sorry, dear, I'm going to have
to take dinner in my office.

I just had a major breakthrough
on the tram station remodel.

Well, don't let me stand
in the way of inspiration.

You're the best.

That was my brilliant architect
of a husband, Baatar,

and our oldest son.

He engineers all my
husband's projects.

Five kids. What a nightmare.

No, no, my children
are a blessing.

Yeah, mom used to say that too,

but she never meant it.


I have to admit, I
was pretty skeptical

when he said "pea tendril..."

But this is delicious!

I know, right?

I don't think I've ever had
a bad meal in my life.

Oh, I had plenty

when Mako and I were
living on the streets.

I mean, you'd be surprised how
bad food from a dumpster can be.

I'm sorry. I didn't know.

No, it's okay, it's okay.
That's all in the past.

Things are great now.

I got to be a pro bender,

fought against a
dangerous revolution,

became a mover star,

and now I'm helping the Avatar
rebuild a whole nation.

Wow, your life
sounds so exciting.

How's your search for the
new airbenders going?

Honestly, not great.

We had to rescue a whole group
of them from the earth queen.

Oh, she's horrible.

She thinks she can just
do whatever she wants.

- Sounds familiar.
- What?


I mean, the idea of
even having a queen

is so outdated... don't
you agree, Korra?

I haven't really thought
about it too much.

Well, you should start.

The world is evolving,
and the earth queen

can evolve with
it or step aside.

Hey, everyone,

my little sister is an
expert on world affairs now.

You wanna talk about
what's really bugging you?

Because I'm right here.

Sorry we're late, everyone.


- What are you doing here?
- Great question, Asami.

I mean, what are any
of us doing here?

Wow. Food for thought.

Anyhoo, how's our company doing?

You mean my company?

Future industries
reverted back to me

after you plotted to
abduct the president.

Allegedly plotted to
abduct the president.

Never convicted.

Uh, that's because
you escaped prison.

No, the universe decided
to set me free.

So I looked up my old
friend Suyin here,

pitched her a few
ideas, and bam!

We're in business together.

Varrick's heading up my
new technology division.

I've seen the future, and
the future is magnets!

I'm working on a high-speed rail

that'll revolutionize

and shipping as we know it.

But that's not all! I'm...

all right, enough!

I'm trying to keep
the Avatar safe,

and you're harboring a criminal?

Ease up, lin.

Sure, Varrick's made a few
mistakes in his past,

but that doesn't mean he should
pay for it the rest of his life.

My chef was a pirate, but
now he's a culinary master.

People change.

You haven't.


So you and opal seemed
to hit it off at dinner.

I think she's really into you.

Yeah, you know, she's sweet
and pretty and super nice.

Too bad she's not my type.

Right, I forgot.

Your type is dumb mover star
or psycho ice princess.

You know, that hurts
a little bit.

Right... Here.

But maybe you're right, bro.

Maybe opal is Bolin material.

Thanks. Yeah!

You know, before I
built this city,

there was nothing here.

I wanted to make my
mark on the world.

It's amazing.

Thank you for being
so welcoming,

and I'm sorry for how
Lin's been acting.

Can I ask, what
happened with you two?

It's complicated.

We didn't have a
normal childhood.

Neither of us knew our fathers,

and Toph was always busy
being chief of police.

Because mom grew up in
such a strict house,

she gave us all the
freedom in the world,

hoping we'd figure
out our own paths.

That sounds like a good thing.

And in a way, it was.

But we both ended up fighting
for mom's attention.

Lin followed in her
footsteps and became a cop.

I was more of a rebel.

Mom wasn't too happy with how
either of us turned out.

When I was 16, I left home
to explore the world.

I sailed the seas
on a pirate ship,

joined a traveling
circus for while,

and lived in a sandbender
commune in the desert.

It took me a while, but
I finally realized

what I was looking
for was a family.

So I bought this plot of land,

found a brilliant architect
who later became my husband,

and created a place I
could truly call home.

It sounds like you've created
the perfect life here.


I've always wanted lin
to be a part of it,

but I gave up hope long ago
of her ever coming around.

Hey, little lady.

Wow, you're really blowing me
away with your airbending.

Why are you acting weird?

Why are you acting weird?

I don't like how
you're talking to me.

Look, I'm sorry.

I just get really self-conscious
when I know a girl likes me,

and I end up acting stupid.

Who said I liked you?

Oh, no! But I thought...
Mako said...

just kidding.

But do me a favor
and stop trying.

Well, don't stop trying.

Just stop trying so much.
Just be yourself.

Huh, be myself.

Yeah, I guess I could
give that a shot.

Oh, hey, Korra.

Can I steal you away
from Bolin for a minute?

I need your help with something.

"Let go your earthly tether.

"Enter the void.

Empty and become wind."

What are you doing?

No one's allowed in daddy's
study except daddy.

I'm sorry. I couldn't sleep.

What were you reading?

A poem by Guru Laghima,

the wisest airbender
who ever lived.

Ikki, you should be in bed.

Come on.

- Night.
- Good night.

You seem to know a lot
about airbender history

for someone who just
got airbending.

I've always admired the culture.

And you moved through those
gates like a natural.

Where did you say you were from?

A small village up north.

You've probably
never heard of it.



I need some help!

Hold it right there!

Sorry I won't be joining you
at the northern air temple.

I'm afraid I have other plans.

Who is it?

Hey, it's me.

I brought someone who
wants to talk to you.

You wanna talk, then talk.

I'm sorry being here has
been so hard for you.

When you showed up, I was so
excited to get to know you.

I'd heard so many great
things about you

from mom and grandma Toph.

So I guess I was kind of sad

that you didn't wanna
get to know me.

Believe me, I know my family
can be a little crazy

and overwhelming sometimes,

but I would love it so much
if you would be a part of it.

Get out.

Sorry. Did I say
something wrong?

Get out!

What's your problem?

Don't get mad at Opal.

I asked her to talk to you

because I thought
it would help you

snap out of whatever
funk you're in,

but I guess I was wrong.

Why don't you focus
on fixing the world

and stop trying
to fix my family?

Su's right. You're
never gonna change.

You're always gonna be a
bitter, lonely woman.