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03x08 - The Terror Within

Posted: 10/31/21 04:08
by bunniefuu




Only the Avatar can
Master all four elements

and bring balance to the world.

Korra is now the first
metal bending Avatar.

At the training with Su Beifong, Korra
quickly picked up the new skill

and Bolin is hoping to
follow in her footsteps.

Meanwhile the airbender Zaheer
is closing in on Zaofu.

By his side is are the lava bender
Ghazan, the water bender Ming-Hua,

and the combustion bender P'Li.

But what do these mysterious
criminals want with the Avatar?

I can't believe I'm
sparring with the Avatar.

I can't believe I'm
stuck with her friend.

Hang on, I think I got it.
Let me just try this.

No? Okay, maybe if I... Ahhh!

Trial by fire!

It's the best way to
learn metalbending.

Oh, nice shot, Bolin.

But I thought you were supposed to be
practicing metalbending, not earthbending.

Yeah, cheater.

Mako, metalbending is
extremely difficult.

No one gets it right away,
if they can get it at all!

It's not normal!


Metalbending champion.

Oh, sure.

She's the Avatar.

Guys, it's time to
get cleaned up.

Tonight's Opal's
farewell dinner.

Now I gotta say bye to Opal?

This is the worst day ever!

Thanks for making
my favorite meal.

I'm really going
to miss you, Opal.

No one appreciates my raw
veggie wraps like you do.

Every time I eat raw kale,
I'm gonna think of you.

You're so sweet.

This stinks.

We were just starting to
get to know each other

and now you're off to the
northern air temple.

We'll be together soon.

You guys are heading up after
finding more airbenders, right?

Yeah, but that's...

In the future.

Oh, I hate the future.

Until then, we'll
always have kale.

Kid, can I give you some
relationship advice?

Um, no.

Well, your loss.

Zhuli! Bring the, uh, thing.

Check out my latest invention.

An airbender finder.

Wait, that can find airbenders?

Uh, I think it's broken.

It's not broken.

She needs to airbend into it!

How else do you expect
the thing to work?

What's going on?

I can't hear anything.

I hate sitting down here.

Not because of you.

I can tell you're lying.

Everyone, if I could have
your attention, please.

Tonight, my beautiful little girl
leaves for the northern air temple.

Opal, none of us could
be more proud of you.

You're an incredible
daughter, sister, friend,

and soon-to-be
airbending Master.

Here's to Opal.

May she help lead us
into the new era.

Lock it down for the night.

We'll head out first
thing in the morning.

Kale, kale, kale.

What? What's going on?

Pabu, sleep.

What? Huh? What?


It's not playtime right now.

Okay, we are seriously going
to have to have a talk

what the heck!

They got Korra!

They've got Korra!

Let her go!

They've got Korra!

So much for the
element of surprise.

Backup plan.

We can't let them take her.

I don't think they're
going to get far. Look.

We have you surrounded.
It's over.

Release the Avatar!

No way!

That guy's lavabending.

That's awesome...

Ly not good for us.

I'm going to create some cover.

We're getting out of here.

How did they get in here?

I don't know, but we're
not letting them escape.


There's no way to
cross that moat.

We don't need to cross it.

Lin and I can drop in
from the dome on cables.

That's a great idea.

Except we'll get blown up the second
that thirdeyed freak sees us.

She's a combustion bender.
If one of you can stun her,

her powers will be
knocked out temporarily.

- Bolin can land a shot.
- I can?

You have to take her out
right before we drop down.

I do?

Open the hatch.

If we get in trouble,
metalbend us up.

We're in position.

Copy that. It's Bolin time.

All right. Bolin time.
Bolin time!

I can't get a clean shot!

You have to!

- Are we a go?
- No go.

- Copy that. We're a go.
- I said no! Wait!

Bolin, take the shot!

Nice job, little bro.



We failed!

Where did they go?

They can't be far.

Guards, search the
entire estate.

This should neutralize
the Shirashu toxins.

How could you let this happen?

You assured me this was one of the
most secure places in the world.

It is. I don't know
how this happened.

Obviously this was a
wellplanned operation,

so don't blame me.

We searched the entire estate.
But there's no sign of them.

Well, keep looking!

It would seem they had some
inside knowledge of Zaofu.

They must have been
working with someone.

The..the guards. It had
to be one of them.

- I agree.
- Question them all!

Whoever betrayed my city will
suffer the consequences!

What is your full name?

Where were you last night?

Do you have any knowledge

of the people who tried
to kidnap the Avatar?

My name is Xu Quan.

I was patrolling the south
wall of the Beifong estates.

I have absolutely no knowledge

of the people that
tried to kidnap Korra.

What was I doing last night?
Same thing I always do.

From 9:00 to 10:00, I
checked my body for ticks.

Lyme disease is a
serious k*ller.

Then I did my nightly

followed by 30 minutes
of breath holding.

I filmed the whole thing
if you want to watch it.

That won't be necessary.

Maybe it wasn't a
guard after all.

Maybe it was someone a little
higher up the food chain.

Aiwei, why don't
you question Su?

Lin, stop. Your sister
wasn't involved.

No, I'll gladly be questioned.
I have nothing to hide.

What is your full name?

Suyin Beifong.

I'm the daughter of Toph and
the only sister to Lin,

and I had nothing to do
with the attack last night.

- She is telling the truth.
- Argh!

This is a waste of time. Just
bring in the next guard.

Give me your name and tell
me where you are from.

I'm Hong Li. I was born
and raised here in Zaofu.

Do you have any knowledge

of the people who tried
to kidnap the Avatar?


Did you help the attackers
enter Zaofu last night?

No, of course not.

You're lying.

What? No, I'm not!

How did they get in and out?
Where are they now?

I don't know! I'm telling
you, I didn't help them.

You're a traitor to
the entire clan.

I suggest we search his place.

I got something.


It looks like it's from them.

"Team assembled. Ready
to rendezvous."

And look at this.

These are the guards' log books.

All their schedules and
routes are in here.

That guard knows everything.
We have to get him to talk.

Let's go confront him with
this evidence right now.


Let's give him a little
time to sweat it out.

He will talk eventually.

I don't understand why we're not
talking to that guard right now.

Every minute we waste here,
those guys get further away.

I mean, how does a random guard

get involved with a group
of super criminals, anyway?

What do you mean?

That guard is only 18 years old,

and has lived in Zaofu
his entire life.

Zaheer and his g*ng have been in
prison for more than 13 years.

I don't know, but we
all saw the evidence.

It's pretty overwhelming.

Maybe a little too overwhelming?

Hey, varrick. What
are you doing here?

Collecting pumice
stones with Zhuli.

That lavabender did
a lot of damage.

But he makes a nice
exfoliating rock.

And when you got
calluses like mine,

you take all the pumice stones
you can get your hands on.

Or in my case, feet!


What were you saying
about the evidence?

I was saying that I can smell
a conspiracy when I see one.

Look, if I was trying
to set someone up,

I would tell everyone
he's guilty,

and then plant the evidence
in his apartment as proof.

Oh, you mean exactly
like what you did to me?

Yes! Just like that. Remember
how great that worked?

Well, not for you.

You're right.

All the evidence
points to this guard,

but maybe he's
just the fall guy.

But for who?

For the only person who can truly
keep a secret in this city, Aiwei.

He's not home. Or
he's hiding in there.

Or he's invisible.

Probably just not home.

We have to get in there
and find some evidence

that links Aiwei to Zaheer,
otherwise Su won't believe us.

It's just an empty book.

Oh, it's like a desert on a jar.

Bolin, put that back.

We don't want Aiwei to know

we were in here if we
can't find anything.


You forgot where it
goes, didn't you?

Look at these scuff marks.

I think this bookshelf
slides open.

What do you think is down there?

Could be a storage cellar.

Or it could be how
Zaheer got in and out.

Aiwei's coming back. Quick!

What are you doing in my house?

You are trespassing
on the property

of one of the highest ranked
officials in the city.

You had better have
a good explanation.

We do, we do.

We actually knocked
on your front door,

and we thought we
heard you say...

"Come in! I'm in the bathroom!"

I don't even know why
I'm saying that.

You know I'm lying. And you
don't even sound like that.

We came here because
things weren't adding up,

and we thought you might
have some answers.


If you want to talk, let's
talk over some tea.

So, what is not
adding up, exactly?

Hong Li was clearly lying,

and we found evidence
in his apartment.

But don't you think it's
weird how young he is?

How did he ever get mixed
up with this group?

Perhaps through a relative.
Or maybe he was bribed.

We will find out those
answers in time.

But if it wasn't him, who
do you think it was?

We don't know.

You don't think I had something

to do with this, do you?

We're just looking for answers.

And you think you found
something, don't you?

You have no idea what is
coming for you, Avatar.

Come on! He's getting away!

I'm still a little new
at this, so back off!


He's gone. Look.

He must've escaped
through there.

Help me clear it out.

What happened?

- We heard an expl*si*n.
- Where is Aiwei?

Your trusted advisor was
the one who betrayed us.

- He was lying about the guard.
- What?


We confronted him and
he bolted through here.

He must have collapsed
the tunnel behind him.

And he rigged an expl*si*n
to destroy any evidence

that might have been here.

This is where Zaheer
got in and out.

Aiwei was the traitor.


Trusted him.

- Is everyone okay?
- Aiwei is a fugitive.

Get all available guards to
search the mountainside.

And find out where this
tunnel exits immediately!

What did you find?

We located the end
of the tunnel,

but there's no sign of him.

Just some fresh tire tracks.

He had an escape plan
all ready to go.

I trusted him with my life.

I thought we were family,
but it was all a lie.

Whoever these guys are, they're
more powerful than we thought.

And more dangerous.

That's why we have to find them.

We're going to hold off
our search for airbenders

and hunt down Aiwei.

Naga can track his scent.

And I bet if we find
Aiwei we'll find Zaheer.

No. We're not
hunting this group.

There could be other
secret agents

in other parts of the world
looking for you right now.

I'm taking you back to Republic
City where I can protect you.

If I wasn't safe here, then
I'm not safe anywhere.

I have to stop them.

It's too dangerous.
You are not going!

Stop trying to protect me. I'm the Avatar.
This is my job!

Don't lecture me about jobs!

Enough. Korra, listen to Lin.

But... they...

please. Lin's only
looking out for you.

I promise you Aiwei and
everyone he's working with

will be brought to justice.

Fine. If you really
think it's best.

I do.

Thank you, Su.

Everyone should get
some rest tonight.

I'll have my people
prep your airship

and you can leave first
thing in the morning.


You really think Naga
could track Aiwei?

- Definitely.
- Then here.

There's a jeep packed with
supplies by the east gate.

It's all gassed up
and ready to go.

What? Why?

Because I want you
to hunt down Aiwei

and bring him back to me.

But you said

I said what lin wanted to hear,

and I bought you guys some time.

Go. I'll deal with
Lin in the morning.

Let's get this guy.
