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02x05 - Delights of My Suffering

Posted: 10/31/21 13:36
by bunniefuu
[MARGARET] Previously on Graves.

[SAMANTHA] Ask that girl for her number.

I swear she will say yes. I promise you.

[ISAIAH] I wanted to ask you

- if I could get your phone number.
- Yes.

is Jonathan Dalton my father?

Oh, honey. You can't be serious.

[JEREMY] If I find out
something different,

I don't know what I'm gonna do.

I'm considering a home birth.

Just a midwife and nature.

I'm writing a book.

It's gonna be about me

before I forever f*cked up the world,

before I was polluted with politics,

before I was Governor or President.

One gay wedding and you're
hitting on Barney Frank.

[REPORTER] Margaret Graves,

she'll face Democratic
incumbent Jerry North

in the general election.

[WOMAN] Margaret Graves
is not one of you.

She thinks she's better than you.

And Mrs. Graves, do you feel that Mr.
North is behind all of this?

Oh, I know he is.

It could lead right back

to Pennsylvania.

The things that I didn't know

were wrong, that I allowed?


Oh, God.

I wish you were able to see
things differently, honey.

Not gonna happen, Mags.

When was the last time
that we got away together,

just the two of us?

Oh, when you dragged me
to Lawrence's gay wedding,

and I had a seizure from the stress.

It didn't have to be that way, honey.

Change your narrative.

Don't head-shrink me, Mags.

Let's just think of this

as a well-dressed dinner party, okay?

Sure. Dinner party from hell.


[CROUPIER] Boxcars, midnight!

♪ I'm crooning like a bluebird ♪

♪ I got all new songs to sing ♪

- ♪ Affirmin' what's been rumored
- Easy eight!

- ♪ Got all new songs to sing... ♪

- ♪ I'm sayin' so long... ♪
- Jeremy?

- Jeremy Graves?
- Hey.

Yeah, Mr. Dalton, I thought that was you.

- How's it going?
- Look at you. Ha ha!

The last time I saw you,

you were chasing a guy in a bunny suit

around the South Lawn on Easter.


Wow. What brings you to Vegas?

Uh, business. Yeah, I'm actually...

I'm doing some background research

on a potential story.

Oh, for your show, right?

Yeah. Yeah, you know my show?

Of course I do! Who doesn't?

"I'm gonna beat the truth into you."

- Good for you.

So where ya headed?
Can I buy you a drink?

Sure, yeah. Unless I'm taking
you away from something.

I don't wanna screw up your plans.

We're in Vegas, my boy.

Whatever happens are my plans.

[CHUCKLES] Come on, you
got -somethin' years

to tell me about.



Forgive me, honey. The babies come,

they don't care about my schedule.

- Jo Crawford.
- Nice to meet you.

Likewise. I understand from your doula...

Oh, Phoenix. He couldn't be here.

He had a birth today but he says

that you're the best there is.

The strange little man doesn't lie.

He tells me we're gonna have
a water birth at home, yes?

Yeah, that's the... plan.

And the daddy, is he in the picture?

Oh, uh...

he... he died.

Oh, baby, I'm sorry.

Don't worry. We're gonna
get you through this.

I promise.

Now, just to take care
of a little business

before the big day arrives,

standard home birth liability waiver.


You have absolutely
nothing to be scared of.

The second there is an issue...

♪ On the backside of Dallas ♪

♪ In a dingy bar on a worn out stool ♪

♪ She sits ♪

[LUCINDA] First show tonight?

You might wanna knock back
a few of these yourself.

Liquid courage is about
all you got going for you.

Lucinda, f*ck off, seriously.

Oh, testy.

♪ ...the light blue haze ♪

♪ And from the backside of Dallas... ♪

Hi, Olivia. It's me again.

Can you please call me?


Thanks for inviting me over.

And for the record,

no one has ever made me sushi before.

Oh, well, it gives me
a chance to show off.

Wait, that's not a Santoku, is it?

It is.

The three virtues.

Slicing, mincing, and dicing.

Most sushi chefs prefer to have

a dedicated knife for each skill.

Well, then meet mincing and dicing.

I am legitimately turned on right now.

Oh, yeah?

You want in on this action?

So much so it's almost weird.

Okay. Well, uh, here.

Enter my dojo.


Here. You know what you could do?

These are actually kind of lovely to use,

but also snack on.

It's kind of like my pre-cooking ritual.

Like that?

formal dinner, not an execution.

- Same thing, Mags.
- Okay, listen.

I know what being here means to you

and all of this complaining

is not gonna make tonight any easier.

So cut it out.


It's clear: Clean air or jobs.

We can fix Medicare now,

or let it die on the Democrats' watch.

On behalf of the National
r*fle Association

and the % of proud
New Mexican g*n owners,

I would like to remind you... they vote.

Is there anyone in this room

who doesn't want something from me?

[LAUGHING] Welcome home.

[JERRY] Evening, all.

Sorry we're late. Can you believe it...

Now, here comes this assh*le
that's gonna ruin my mood.

- He always has.
- Mm-hmm.

Margaret, look at you.



And Karen, you look so lovely.

- Margaret.
- Richard.

Piss off, North.

[JERRY] You know, I believe that is

the same half-sentence
you always muttered

whenever I introduced a bill
to the floor. Ha ha ha!

Still an assh*le.

Always a pleasure, Mr. President.

Forgive me,

but that husband of yours, really...

Been tormenting me for half of my life.

Oh, well...

So, how's Olivia?

She must be pretty close to popping.

And that Jeremy has certainly cornered

the market on angry young men, hasn't he?

I would appreciate you not
talking about my family.

And digging up Bonnie Clegg?

Honestly, Jerry, you came damn close

to making me forget my Southern...

Oh, come on now, Maggie.

Tonight's a wonderful, happy occasion.

The new Supreme Court Justice

from New Mexico.

Let's not sling hash.

If you'll excuse me.

[JEREMY] A year ago
I was all about privacy.

You know, stay the f*ck off
my search history,

forget my IP address.

Here's what I got to say to Big Brother.

You wanna watch me?
Watch me, m*therf*cker.

You know what I mean?

- You know?
- Abso-f*ckin'-lutely.

And your mom and dad...

are they well?

Yeah. Mm-hmm. Super busy.

We operate on a level
of mutual detached apathy.

Well, that's a damn shame.

Yeah, I agree. Ha.

You know, you're a real
smart kid, Jeremy.

I am impressed.

Well, you know, I also, um...

I do like to also party

on the hard-ish side.

Is there any other side?


♪ With you ♪

[OLIVIA] Hey, Boo. It's Liv.

Uh, sorry we're playing phone tag.

Um, I'm going radio silent for the night,

kind of have to turn off the world.

Anyway, I'll talk to you
in the morning, okay?

Love you, bye.

[KATIE] You'll think
this is harsh and unfeeling,

but take it in the spirit
in which it's meant.

Getting shot was the best thing

that could've ever happened to you.

Okay, what are you doing?

I'm just thanking God
that my mother left town

before she could hear you say that.

Look, you've been a party
loyalist since, what,

the womb, I'm guessing?

Head of the College Republicans,

a rising star who got a job
with a conservative icon

who then gets shot

protecting that national treasure?

Don't tell me you haven't thought of it.

The Oval?

It's all I've thought about
since I can remember.

I just never thought anybody else did.

People are talking about you.


- Sorry.
- It's okay.

I really... I don't mind.

Please, take it.

Yeah, just one second.

- Hi.
- Oh my God, you answered.

I've been calling Olivia like
a million f*cking times today.

I have no idea where she is,

but I'm seriously losing my shit!

Just slow down for a second.

- Tell me what's going on.
- Okay.

I am the new singer
for the band at Silva's bar,

and I'm going onstage for the first time.

And I feel, like, physically sick.

[ISAIAH] Sammy, that's amazing.

Just get up there. You'll be great.

I'm sorry, I'm an insane
person right now.

Thank you for answering the phone.


[EXHALES] Sorry.

Oh. Is everything okay?

That was my friend, uh, Sammy.

She just joined a band
and it's her first night,

so she's freakin' out.

Olivia's friend Sammy?


You should go.

We should go. I love hearing live bands.

Okay, I kind of do this thing

where I obnoxiously invite myself

to things without asking,

like Mitch McConnell's
Kentucky Derby party.


[LAUGHS] I'm just
layin' it all out there.


Thank you.


I heard they had to breach the walls

when you moved out.

No! Go to hell, Barney.

I hate these f*cking things.

Oh, you and me both.

- Hot tub later?
- Sure.

[LAUGHS] Get the hell outta here.

I just can't resist it.


- That is a lot of hummus, Jerry.

Did you finish selling your
soul to those vultures?

You know, making those guys happy

and still getting what I need,

that's the whole ball of yarn, kitten.

Don't call me that.

Come on.

Truth time, Margaret.

Just you and me.

You don't really have the
stomach for the Senate, do you?

The stamina?

Is that really what you think?


Julia! Hi.

Where's everybody?

It's just me, Ms. Olivia.

Good night.

Would you, um...

like to have dinner with me?

We could watch a movie.

No, thank you.

I'm gonna go to my room.


Let me know if you need anything.

Will do.




I really need you to have dinner with me.

The little Jewish boy made sushi.

I can't have that.

When I'm senator, I'll fudge nothing,

but I'll do what you and your
whole team of lawyers can't,

I will defund the EPA.

So if anyone comes for our g*ns,

they're gonna be downrange
of my campaign.

And honey, I never miss.

If we're going to win on healthcare,

we've got to play the long game.

So if it means getting
this party into power

and keeping it there,
I'll do whatever it takes.

Count me in.

Somehow I thought
Silva's was a piano bar.

[ISAIAH] Oh, yeah. I probably
should've warned you.

Are you kidding me?
I'm living for this place.

[WALT] So real quick, as some of you know

and most of you don't give a shit,

Lucinda's out and Sammy's in.

Don't be dicks.





♪ Oh, a storm is threatening ♪

♪ My very life today ♪

♪ If I don't get some shelter ♪

♪ Oh yeah, I'm gonna fade away ♪

♪ w*r, children ♪

♪ It's just a shot away ♪

♪ It's just a shot away ♪

♪ w*r, children ♪

♪ It's just a shot away ♪

♪ It's just a shot away ♪

♪ Oh, see the fire is sweeping ♪

- Whoa!
- ♪ Our very street today ♪

♪ Burns like a red coal carpet ♪

♪ Mad bull lost its way ♪

♪ w*r, children ♪

♪ It's just a shot away ♪

♪ It's just a shot away ♪

♪ r*pe, m*rder ♪

♪ It's just a shot away ♪

♪ It's just a shot away ♪

♪ r*pe, m*rder ♪

♪ It's just a shot away ♪

♪ It's just a shot away ♪

♪ w*r, children ♪

♪ It's just a shot away ♪

♪ It's just a shot away ♪


Wow, she's great, right?

Yeah. Really, really great.

And really hammered.





Don't worry, it's totally
just dry heaves.

It's okay. Do you... do you
need me to pull over, though?

No, it's totally cool.


Thank you for this ride home, by the way.

Of course.

Oh, hi.

Hmm. Hey.

You are so f*cking pretty.

Uh, thank you.

Uh, so are you.


Yeah, I'm not half-bad, but you're like

straight-up pretty,
you know? It's different.

This is my nightmare.

I bet you wax everything

you're supposed to too, huh?

Proper lady landing strip,

or is it the whole kit and caboodle?

Okay, you know what?

Maybe you should sit back, Sammy,

just because you're in a very precarious

position for the driver, it's...

Yeah. Okay. Good idea.

It's okay.


JEREMY: Hey, um,

hey, so is this, like...

is this like a regular thing for you?

You know, years from now,

you'll be more disappointed by the things

you didn't do than the things you did.

Mark Twain.

Make it years...

and about my mother.

Now, it all makes sense.


Look man, I don't give a f*ck
about your affair, okay?

It's none of my business.

She kept her marriage, you lost yours,

you got rich, she stayed First Lady,

so, you know, everybody won...

except good old
son of a bitch Richard Graves...


...that poor bastard,

which I can't even believe
is coming out of my mouth.

You know, I could be wrong about this.

I mean, I've been wrong
in the past, but...

I call him Richard now,

and not Dad, for a reason.

I'm pretty sure that's you.


[MARGARET] Richard?

My God, what are you doing?

What is it, sweetheart?

Are you okay?

I tried.

Oh, honey.

I know you did.

Of course you did.

All right.

You were great tonight.

No, you were great.

What are you talking about?
I didn't do anything.

Yes, you did.

You showed up, as you always show up.

You know, girls like that.

She's gonna like that.

No tattoos, no baggage,

she's a unicorn.

She's everything I wasn't.

Good night.

[ISAIAH SIGHS] Oh, gosh.

- [KATIE] Is she okay?
- Yeah, she'll be fine.

Um, look, I should probably explain.

That she's your ex?

Yeah, I kind of picked up on that.

Well, she really is just a friend now

and I wanted to be there for her tonight.

But more than that,
I didn't wanna ruin our night,

and I definitely should've told you,

- Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
- that was really messed up.

I... I probably shouldn't, um...

You know, no matter where I look,

I only see what I did wrong


what I never should've done at all.

- Hey.
- Hmm?

Now what do you see?

The only thing that I ever did right.


Oh, Richard.

We're one of only families

that don't call this
place the White House.

Eight years of our marriage here.

We raised our children here.

We celebrated birthdays
and holidays here.

This was our home, Richard...

the good, the bad, the ugly,
was extraordinary.

So don't you ever think

that you should not have done this.

God, I love you, Mags.


♪ If you come to find out who you are ♪

♪ May you find out,
may you find out who you are ♪

♪ And if you come to search... ♪

That's... for me, I assume.

♪ May you find it, may you
find it at any cost ♪

♪ If you come over from far ♪

♪ May it no touch you ♪

Or ever do you harm ♪

Jeremy, there's something
I want you to know.

Margaret... uh, your mom...

- Uh-hmm.
- ...wasn't this, ever.

No. Maybe she's the reason I do this.

Don't get me wrong,
that... that's not blame.

I would never disrespect her.

She was the love of my life.

♪ If I were to die today ♪

Thank you for this.

♪ Slaughtered in that masquerade ♪

♪ The last thing that you'd hear me say ♪

♪ Put my body on display ♪

- f*ck. f*ck!
- ♪ In the parade ♪


- Oh. Hey, Mags.
- Hmm?

Do you know what time it is?

- Let me look.
- Sun's up.

- Ohh!
- Yeah.

Ten after nine.

Oh, look.

We got one of those Instagram
thingies from Jeremy.

[JEREMY] Yo, Mama,
hope you have a good time

at the old pad in DC.
I took a little trip of my own,

I've been doing it up out here in Vegas!

- Whoo!

I met a new friend out here,

and we have been tearing it up.

Wait, wait, he wants to say hey.


Whoo! His name's Jonathan.

Whoa! A "J" name, just like mine.

That might get kind of confusing.

Ah, f*ck it, you know what?

I'm just gonna call him Dad.

'Cause that's what he is, right? Deuces.

♪ May you find out ♪

♪ May you find out who are you ♪