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03x03 - No Happy Endings Here

Posted: 10/31/21 17:56
by bunniefuu
Is it mine?

- Yeah.
- I have a patient

who I know you're gonna wanna help her.

- Are you offering to k*ll me?
- If that's what you want.

No, it's not.

I want you to end Dorothy's suffering,

like you did with Gail.

What if this hospice is a cover?

What if she found a place

where she can get a bunch of
terminal patients together?

- k*ll them?
- I think we need to do Robert today.

He's afraid he's gonna die in
his sleep before we get to him.

- Where's Dr. Harris?
- Robert didn't want you, did he?

- He wanted Mary, not you.
- Do you ever feel crazy?

Yeah, do you? No! Get down!

Lucy? What are you doing here?

Sleeping with a patient!

Do you know how pathetic that is?

You don't understand!
It's not like that!

People get far too sentimental
when it comes to death.

But that's what I'm here for.


Okay. Easy, there.

Don't forget me when you
become a famous silks artist.

- Name one famous silks artist.
- You will be the first.

What about that new Thai place?

You wanna walk all
the way there in this?

Yeah, sure. Sounds... good.

Okay. You do not wanna
go out tonight, do you?

Babe, it's just I'm
still fighting this cold,

- and I've got that performance next week.
- Don't worry about it.

It's totally fine.
We'll pick up some soup,

snuggle under the blankets,
watch something stupid?

Sounds like a perfect night to me.

- Ugh. Sorry I'm so lame.
- Hey!

It's not lame to let
someone take care of you.

Have you ever thought that
I might actually want to?

Okay. But if I fall asleep,
you have to promise...


Leah! Leah!


♪ Mary Kills People 3x03 ♪
No Happy Endings Here

Leah, how's your pain
on a scale of 1 to 10?

- 10.
- I need to hear it from Leah.

Just give her something to
make her feel better, Jesus.

Babe... maybe you could
get me some ice chips?

Of course. Be right back, okay?

- I don't want this.
- Leah, if you're in pain,

- take the medication.
- Not that.

You heard the doctor:

fractured skull, cracked vertebrae.

It's still early.

And recovery is a process.

But they're saying I might not...

If that's true,

I want out.

You should get some sleep.

Your body's been through a trauma.

- _
- You're in shock.

What would you do?

Can't move. Can't work.

The people you love feeding
you and wiping your ass

and feeling sorry for you.

Can you honestly tell
me you'd choose that?

Even if that happens,

and that's still an if,

there are different
ways to live a life...

... ways that have just as much value.

Well, this is my life.

And I think it should be up to me.

Accidents... happen.

You look away for a minute
and then when you turn back,

everything's different.

Robert was such a light around here,

and we will all miss him terribly.

That's nice, but it doesn't
explain how he froze to death.

I had given Robert sleep
aids to control the agitation.

We had absolutely no reason to assume

- he wasn't asleep in his room.
- But he wasn't.

He was outside, alone.

Honestly, I'm very concerned,

and that's why I'm back here again.

- Dr. Carter...
- It's your responsibility

to care for these people.

Dr. Carter, I've spent
my life caring for people.

I left my job at Eden General

to open this hospice.

I spend countless nights and weekends

away from my children,
and my heart breaks

for every patient I lose,
no matter how inevitable.

So, please don't question my dedication.

There's no one more
committed to helping people

at the end of their lives than me.

What happened? What did she say?

- It was fine.
- You call that fine?

The coroner has been
here twice this week

- for the exact same case.
- And now, it's closed.

But we can't have people

digging into this place and what you do.

I know, Nicole.

Our patients pay us to die beautifully

and die beautifully they must.

That is so rich coming
from someone like you,

Mr. Bedside Manner.

So, Mary, you help the patients

and Des screws them.

Now, if you had given
Robert some of the attention

that you gave Lucy, he would've let you

end his life and none of
this would've happened.

Which is why Des is going to
take the lead on the next death.

- Sorry, what?
- Robert didn't wanna die without me,

but I'm not always gonna be around.

I mean, this baby
will arrive eventually,

and you need to be able
to do this on your own.

So, might as well start now.

Are you sure he's up for the next one?

Of course I am.

And I have excellent bedside manner.

But just out of curiosity,
who might that be?

It's D-day.


And the light outside
my window shines directly

- in my eyes all night long.
- Donna?

Is that on purpose? To keep me awake?

- Donna?
- And this mattress...

Ugh, it's like a rock wrapped in cement.

- No wonder I have bedsores.
- Oh, my God!

As we've discussed,
those are edema caused

by fluids pooling into your legs.

Your heart is no longer pumping
blood to your extremities.

One time...

I was stranded at O'Hare overnight.

All the chairs were taken.

Every inch of carpet, too.

I had to sleep on the tile floor.

And it still was softer than this bed.

Donna, we're not here from
the complaints department.

This is about your...

your time.

It's your turn.

- Oh.
- So... is there anything

special you'd like
for your final moments?

Some clean sheets'd be nice,

- if it's not too much to ask.
- We wash the sheets every day!

We'll take care of it.
And in the meantime,

if there's anything else,
let us know. Okay?

That's your "excellent bedside manner"?

- She's a witch.
- She's our patient.

Not for long. Should be taking care
of that problem momentarily.

You're welcome.


Are we sure if it's a
girl? All this pink...

Well, boys can wear pink.

Yeah, it's just confusing.

But I guess this whole
thing's confusing anyway.

- What do you mean?
- Life.

I am starting to wonder
what the point is.

Can you stop going all Nietzsche on me

and help me sort this stuff?

That's your punishment, remember?


What? Does grounded mean
you can't check your phone?


- Hey, don't!
- "Help me, Jess.

I'm begging you". This
is a long text message.

- Oh, sh*t.
- What's going on?

Nothing. I just, I need to, um,

I just need to talk to Naomi.

What do I tell Mom if
she asks where you are?

Tell her I went to the library.

First, you're burning cars.

Now, you're sneaking
out and lying about it?

You're turning into a bad influence.

Well, there's no point
to it all anyways, right?


Are you hungry? Can I get you anything?

I'm fine, thanks.

How about I bring you a cup of tea?

Milk, two sugars, right?

Appreciate it.

Hey, Des!

How about some five-card draw
now that my dance partner's gone?

- Excuse me?
- Robert.

He must've taken 90 bucks from me.

I can't leave this planet in the hole.

Sorry. Duty calls.

Maybe later.

You can't keep avoiding
her forever, you know.

I'm not. I'm just getting
my priorities straight.

Work, imminent patients, you.

How are you feeling, anyway?
How's the little mango?

Oh, probably the size of a melon now.

I'll find out today.
I've got an ultrasound.

You going alone?

Well... while I have zero interest

in helping you raise a baby,
as your best friend

and business partner, I am...

available to accompany you.

Actually, you're not. You'll
be with Donna. Remember?

And I'll be fine.

Here. It's for Phil.

Annie. You said you didn't do it.

What are you talking about.

You saw Dorothy Rosemond
last week, right?

80 years old, pancreatic cancer.

- Yeah. What about her?
- Did you k*ll her?

What? No! She said she didn't wanna die.

Yeah, well, she's dead.

I just found out.

I'm so glad you called.

I didn't feel right about
how we left things either.

- Did you k*ll Dorothy?
- I'm sorry?

You heard me.

I've never been here before.
Is this your regular?

- What should I order?
- I asked you a question.

Don't worry. It was very peaceful.

- How did you do it?
- Insulin.

But we can use Pento on our next patient

if you're willing to share.

But Dorothy didn't wanna die!

She told us that!

She did want to die.

She just got cold feet.

They do that sometimes.

- "They"?
- That's what we do.

We identify people who are in pain,

- and help them out of it.
- Stop saying "we".

There is no we.


I'm sensing some judgment here.

I don't understand.

You called me. I... thought
you changed your mind,

wanted to work together. We're the same.

I'm nothing like you.

And you're sure it was Francis?

Annie, she told me she did it.

There's no way that
Dorothy changed her mind?

Look, I'm just trying to
rule out the possibility.

Look, I know when people are ready.

Dorothy wasn't. There's no way
she would've consented.

I think she did Gail too.


But I thought that you helped Gail...

I gave Gail Pento because
she was dying and in agony.

I thought it was a failed
su1c1de attempt with insulin.

Insulin, Annie! That's how she does it!

- Oh, Jesus Christ.
- She's k*lling people

who aren't ready to die.

She thinks she's some
kind of angel of mercy.

You think that she's done this before?

Honestly, I don't know what
this woman is capable of.


We go down to the police station
and we tell them the story.

Where... you, former homicide
suspect Dr. Mary Harris,

were at Gail's death
and Dorothy's house.

Obviously not.

Okay, then can we just... I don't know.

- Leave it?
- Annie?

Leave that woman out here in the world,

k*lling people who don't wanna die?

We have to stop her!


Are you here?

♪ How strange these streets feel ♪

♪ When you're all alone ♪

♪ Each... ♪


Naomi, you can't just
send me a novel of a text

and pretend to be sleeping.


I covered for you with the
cops. I came here today,

even though I'm grounded
for the fire you started,

and you can't even be
bothered to just talk...

- Oh, my God.
- Jess...

What? Whoa. What happened?

- What did you do?!
- I don't know.

Oh, okay. Um, just, uh, don't move.

Okay? No, no, no, no, no. No. It's okay.

We're gonna get you cleaned up. It's okay.


Ellen, I've heard her.

She says questionable...

even unnerving things to the patients.

Especially terminal ones.

Francis, the woman who literally
whistles while she works?

I know, but there's
something... off about her.

Have you recorded any
of these incidents?

Do you have them in your files?

I think she's stealing dr*gs.

Insulin, possibly.

- That's a very serious allegation.
- Ellen, you know me.

I keep my head down. I do the work,

and I don't do drama.

But this is serious.

I wouldn't be here otherwise.


What now? Did the cork pop too loudly?

Is the champagne too bubbly for you?

I'm sober. 14 years now.

Oh, I... don't let me throw you off.

I'll be gone in a minute anyway.

No, I... I get it.

I'm sober too.

Well, actually, that makes some sense.

Oh, yeah? How's that?

I thought that giving up drinking would

make me less of an assh*le.

But it turns out, it didn't.

Same goes with you, I take it.

- Charmer, right to the end.
- Hmph!

We're all set.

Any last insults?

What do you think happens?

When you drink it?




Ah... well, I've heard it

described as settling into a warm bath.

The sunset fading into the horizon.


if you're not ready, we
don't have to do this today.

It's funny...

when I was drinking, I
was surrounded by people.

I had more friends than
I knew what to do with.

But then, I got sober.

And they all disappeared,

because I wasn't much fun anymore.

So, the drunks moved on.

What about your sister?

The one in... Chicago?

You do listen.

She had had enough.

- Does she even know...
- No.

I'm ready now.

Will you hold my hand?

Yeah, of course.

Bye, Des.

How'd it go with Donna?

Fine. Great, actually.

Is that why you're wandering
around in the freezing cold?

It's called getting some fresh air,
Lucy, and it's very normal.

What are you doing?

It's called marijuana. Also very normal.

Use it for the pain.

- Oh, please.
- "Please" what? You want some?

- You look like you could use it.
- No.

No, I do not. My God,
you're such a brat.

Anyway, it's your life.

What's left of it. You do you.

Man, why are you being such a jerk?

What the hell do you
want from me exactly, huh?

I'm not your dance partner.

I'm not your lover. This is a hospice.

And it's-it's full of
people who are dying.

There's no happy
endings here, my friend.

It's not a God damn romantic comedy.

Well, good. It's too bad
Donna's no longer with us.

You guys would've been perfect together.

Two miserable peas in
a shitty little pod.

Okay. We have to go to the hospital.

- It won't stop bleeding.
- No! Jess, no. We can't.

They're just gonna tell my mom.

So? She needs to know what's going on.

My mom does not like your mom,
Jess. She's not gonna care.

She's just gonna be mad at
me for making her come home

- from Montreal to deal with me.
- She's not gonna be mad.

Hey. Naomi, you need stitches.

No. No. Don't. No.

You know what?

You do it. You wanna be a doctor, right?

You wanna be a doctor? Stitch up my arm.

This'll be good practice.

- I don't know how to do that.
- Jess...

Please, don't tell my mom.

Just please, don't make
me go to the hospital.

... enter the skin at 90 degrees,

and then go back

a few millimetres at the end.

- I don't know if this is right.
- I believe in you.

I'm sorry!

I'm just kidding.

It actually feels kind of good.

It doesn't hurt?

No, it does.

Seriously, how did this happen?

It was pretty stupid.

I was just looking for this record.

My mom keeps all of her
old vinyl under the bed.

It's like an old...

... bed frame, so I
guess I must've just...

... scratched on a nail or
something and didn't notice.

I used to play this record
over and over again

when my parents were fighting.

I'd just turn it...

all the way up.

♪ Though he might not give me ♪

♪ The life that you wanted ♪

I just haven't really
been enjoying my brain

very much lately and, um...

♪ I'll love him for
the rest of my days ♪

... I just thought I would
drown out the chaos.

♪ Misguided angel ♪

♪ Hanging over me ♪

♪ Heart like a Gabriel ♪

♪ Pure and white as ivory ♪

♪ Soul like a Lucifer ♪

♪ Black and cold like a piece of lead ♪


Can I come in?

♪ Misguided angel,
love you 'til I'm dead ♪

What are you doing here, Mary?

I came to say that I'm sorry.

And you were right. I didn't tell you...

about the pregnancy because
I was protecting myself.

I was...


Of me?

Of how you would react.

Ben, you know what I do.

What if you thought I
would be an unfit mother?

You could've... I don't
know, turned me in.

- Or taken away the baby.
- I never would have done that.

I couldn't be sure.

But it was unfair to you,

and I-I'm...

very sorry.



So, if you wanna be a
part of this baby's life,

you can. But if you don't, that's...

That's fine too.

It's entirely your decision.

What would that look like?

If I...

If I wanted to be a part of it?

You've got a sneaky one here.

Um, what does that mean?

The baby's curled up,
sleeping at the back.

It's just far enough that
I can't get the images I need.

- I can reschedule.
- I've got time.

Why don't you and your
husband walk around for a bit?

Come back in 10.

A little sugar might make her dance.

- "Her"?
- Oh, sorry. Force of habit.

I don't actually know the sex yet.

Any preference?

Not really. I know what
to expect with girls,

but a boy might be fun.

Did you ever want kids?

Nah. I guess I never
really felt settled enough,

moving around a lot.
Time went on and I just,

I figured I missed my sh*t.

I got pregnant with Jess in med school.

That's how I ended up with her dad.

- Where's he in all this?
- He moved for work.

He's gonna take the girls in the summer.


- Can I ask you a question?
- Sure.

Why aren't you a cop anymore?

I got fired four months ago.

Because of me?

Conduct... unbecoming.

Breach of trust. Just...

generally screwing a
whole lot of sh*t up.

That wasn't even the worst part of it.

What do you mean?

That night that I let
you go at the car wash?

I almost d*ed.

Somehow, I managed to call 911.

The paramedics found me unconscious.

They took me to the hospital and, uh...

- they pumped my stomach.
- What?!

- I woke up two days later.
- Did they test you?

They figured it was
alcohol poisoning, but...

I know it wasn't the booze,
Mary. It was Pento.


- Is that possible?
- Yeah, it's possible.

Wait. You know it wasn't me, right?

I had nothing to do with it.
You know that.


Yeah, I know. I know.

- You ready?
- Yeah.

There we go.

Take a look.

Would you like to know the sex?

I think we would.

It's... a boy.


Do you need anything else?

I think I can score a yogurt tube
from the vending machine.

I mean, if that's okay.

I'd say you've earned a treat.

Be right back.

You look like you're feeling better.

I won't be climbing silk anytime soon,

but the doctor thinks
I'll be able to walk again.

That's amazing.

That's amazing news.

You know you have people to help, right?

- Your family, Bronwyn...
- Did you tell her

- what I said before?
- No.

No, of course not.

I would hate if she knew
that I'd consider...

- giving up.
- She's been great.

She hasn't left the hospital
since you got here.

It is so important to have
people in your life

who will stand by you.

Isn't that right, Annie?

Of course.

I'll check on you later, okay?

Well, this is the fastest
I've seen you move

since I asked you to contribute
to Ruth's retirement gift.

Yeah, sorry. I've got a guy
who's pulling out his IV

in his sleep that I've gotta check on.

I think we have a friend in common...

- Dr. Mary Harris.
- Why do you think that?

Well, when Ellen told me the
things you said about me today,

I figured Mary must be the
one whispering in your ear.

I don't know what you're talking about.

And if you're having trouble
with the administration,

you should speak to your union rep.

I understand.

I struggle with my
obligation to report too.

Like if I suspect a nurse is feeding
terminal patients to a k*ller.

Should I say something?

Anyway, I'll let you get back
to that patient with the IV.

- Who is it?
- It's Des.

- I'm sleeping.
- Come on, Lucy. Open up.


You realize I have a master key, right?

And purely for safety's sake,
but I will use it if I have to.

- Special delivery.
- For me?

Don't be too flattered. I'd do
the same for any of my patients.

XXXtreme cheese.

Three X's. It's a bit excessive.

And an excellent Bordeaux.

My God, I used to swim in this stuff!

But it's all yours now.

And... Tadam!

- Dogs?
- In sunglasses.

How about some 5-card draw?

Fine. I wasn't sleeping anyway.

What do we play for?


Honor, glory...

The thrill of the win?


Chips are far more satisfying
than any of those things.


Did mom ask about me?
She's super pissed?

No, you got lucky. She's
been a little distracted.

What do you mean?


Jess, this is Ben.

- Mom's friend.
- Hi.

- Hey.
- Are you joining us?

What? Oh... yeah.



Ben, do you live close by?

Uh... Sure, yeah. Close enough.

- Close enough for what?
- Uh...

Close enough to pop over for dinner.

And how do you know my mom?

Oh, Ben used to be a detective.

- Um-hum.
- And sometimes,

police and doctors
have to work together.

- "Used to be"?
- Yes. Not anymore.

- Did you get fired?
- Yeah.

- How come?
- Uh...

Well, I was working this case,

and then I got a little too close to it.

"Whoever fights
monsters should see to it

that in the process, he
does not become a monster".

Jesus, Cam!

You're the one who
told me about Nietzsche.

So are you the father of my mom's baby?

Cambie. It's none of our business.

It's a little of our business.

That's enough interrogating.

We'll talk about this later.

You'd make a good detective.

Ugh... Unlucky.

Should we go again?

Are you letting me win or are you
just not very good at this?

The latter.

I wanted to apologize for earlier.

I was a miserable jerk,

- as you so eloquently put it.
- Yeah.

I wasn't always, you know.

- No?
- No...

No, back when I was a surgeon,
I was downright agreeable.

Granted, I was high most of the time.

Mary took me in.

She gave me a chance to do
something good in the world.

But I just...

I thought it would be easier somehow.

This was my dream.

A safe place where we can do what we do,

without fear, without judgement.

Oh, my God. You made a
vision board, didn't you?



What I didn't anticipate...

were the people.

The messy...

lovely people

that I'd be forced to get to know.

Mary knew.

We've done dozens of deaths together.

She always handles the hot pot.

She always makes it look so easy.

But standing there today,


Donna, you know.

Fitch, I couldn't wait for her to go.

And I was holding her hand...

... literally feeling the
life drain from her body.

I don't know, it's like
something shifted in me.

So, as it turns out,

even when getting rid of
an old windbag like Donna...

k*lling's hard.

Any human connection is hard.

But you know what's harder?



Leah said, "Enough with the
green tea". She wants a coffee.

- Is that all right?
- It's fine by me.

I'll get a decaf. You guys
should get some sleep.



She's doing amazing.

Yeah, the doctor said she can
start seeing people tomorrow.

Code blue, ICU, bed 11.

Get the curtains.

You don't have to do that.

Ah, it's okay. I'm used to it, you know.

No dishwasher in the trailer.

I'll go check on the girls.


You know, I like them. Cambie, she's...

- she's got a lot of questions.
- Yeah.

But you held your own.

Can I talk to you for a minute?


Where were you when I got home?

I went to the library to do
some reading for a project.

Some medical journals
that aren't online.

Still thinking about being a doctor?

Yeah, maybe.

What made you want to be a doctor?

I wanted to help people.

Because of what you went
through with your mom?

I think so.

Our life felt pretty out of control

a lot of the time, so
I guess I liked the idea

of doing something that made
the world feel less chaotic.

How did you know that your mom
was depressed and not just...

like sad or something?

Sometimes, it can be as bad as cancer.

And I guess for some people like my mom,

it's pretty hard to come back from.

Don't stay up too late, okay?

What happened?

Francis k*lled another patient.


It wasn't even a terminal case.

It was this young woman. We... I mean,

- she was gonna be fine.
- How did she do it?

Morphine. With a little twist.

- What do you mean?
- She punched in my code, Mary!

I just got suspended!

Look, she knew that I went to Ellen

and she knew that I spoke to you!

Okay. Okay. You can talk to Ellen again.

Maybe this helps her case!

She'll have to know. It's strange:

the day you report Francis,
something like this happens!

Well, I'm not even allowed
back until the investigation!

- I'm probably gonna get fired!
- That won't happen.

A 25 year-old girl
is dead because of us!

This woman is a psychopath

and you've already put me
in her line of fire once.


- Annie!
- You're on your own, Mary.

I think you'd better
tell me what's going on.