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01x11 - Tunnel Vision

Posted: 11/01/21 06:49
by bunniefuu
♪ Now I've had the time of my life ♪

♪ No, I never felt like this before ♪

- [Birds cawing]
- ♪ Yes, I swear, it's the truth ♪

♪ And I owe it all to you ♪

♪ 'Cause I've had the time of my life ♪

♪ And I owe it all to you ♪

♪ So we take each other's hand ♪

♪ 'Cause we seem to understand the urgency ♪


♪ Just remember ♪

♪ You're the one thing ♪

Oh, I gotta get some video.

You plant evidence, p*stol whip people,

steal dope money.

You hooked electrodes
up to a guy's junk,

but, Frankie, I gotta
draw the line somewhere.

Whoa, come on. Not today, trainee.

- ♪ This could be love because ♪
- [Speaking Spanish]

♪ I've had the time of my life ♪

♪ No, I never felt this way before ♪

Come on, Tio! You got this.

All right, come on, bring it in.

Remember to lock the elbow... Careful!

♪ And I owe it all to you ♪



Aiee!! Tio!


If we don't nail this number by Friday,

my party's gonna be ruined!

I got this, I promise.

I'll get it.

I prom... Oh!

Let's take five.



I'm getting old.

Please. Arrest me.

What for?


Well, for anything.

Just put me in jail, man, straight up.

I can't put up with this, Frank.

I almost got a heart attack, homey.

That sn*per's little girl?

Yeah. That's Lulu.

You know, my brother's up in Chino,

so I said I'd take care
of the quinceñera for her.

I knew I'd have to do this
father/daughter dance thing,

right, but I just didn't count on Lulu

being such a big fan of
Dirty Dancing. [Laughs]

You're doing right by her, Moreno.

I hope so.

She's been through a lot.

You know me, I got
jumped in when I was .

But her... she's a good girl.

I just want her to have a shot
at something better, that's all.

So... why'd you call us?

I got a hot tip for you.

Some top-shelf heroin
just hit the street.

Echo Park Deuces... they
slinging it out of that pad

that they got over there on th.

Where's the dope coming from?

Nobody knows, man. I'll
tell you what, though,

it ain't Mexican 'cause they ain't filed

their cartel tax returns,
know what I'm saying?


So the Echo Park Deuces
are your new competition,

and you want us to take 'em out for you.

- That about it?
- Well, come on, man.

Would I be a good informant
if I was out of business?

I'll tell you what.

Why don't we just consider this

Lulu's quinceñera present, huh?

[Man rapping in Spanish]


Your choice...

Life up in Chino or death right now.

Chino it is.

Good choice.

g*n! g*n!

[Dogs barking]

What the hell?

[Siren wailing]

- Frank: Who is he?
- Val: No I.D.

No tattoos, no track marks.

No fingerprints.

Looks like he burned them off with acid.

So we got nothing to go on.

Well, I didn't say
that. We got his w*apon.

A Beretta D

issued to a Border Patrol Agent Stevens.

[Bird caws]

This was Stevens' duty w*apon.

Where's Stevens now?

Agent Stevens is dead.

He was m*rder*d this morning,
along with his partner.

Special Agent Boudreau,
as I live and breathe.

Mmm. Frank.

Did we step on your toes
again? Oh, I hope so.

You told me you had a
working relationship.

I told you we'd worked together.

Actually, we did all the work.

He gave the press conference.

Well, that sounds like the FBI to me.

Jack Ivers, Homeland Security.


These images were taken this
morning by one of our drones.

Ocotillo Wells, miles south of here,

just this side of the border.

- Looks like a m*ssacre.
- It was.

Two dead border agents...
Stevens and Vaughn.

One dead coyote.

The rest were just huddled
masses yearning to breathe free.

Well, whatever went down,

looks like our scarred
su1c1de was part of it.

That's how he acquired
Stevens' duty w*apon.

Ivers: Two weeks ago, our
scarred man and another subject

flew into Mexico City
from Kabul, Afghanistan.

He's Afghan?

His name is Farokh.

The scars are from a
Hellfire m*ssile strike.

Drone attack.

Now, both Farokh and his
travel companion Sadiq

are members of a radical
sect run by Elder Mudarris.

We've been keeping tabs on
Mudarris and his associates.

Mudarris is responsible
for bombings in Bagram,

Kandahar, a school in Jalalabad.

More recently, a cafe in Paris,

a cruise ship in Belgium.

Mudarris is branching out.
He's extending his reach.

All the way to L.A.

Farokh and Sadiq crossed
the border last night,

most likely posing as Central Americans.

The border agents were just
an unforeseen complication.

Once they k*lled them, the
others became loose ends.

Well, I only see one set of tire tracks

leading away from the crime scene.

We believe they took the
border agents' Explorer,

along with their weapons.

Vehicle have a tracker on it?

Yeah, it did. Our subjects removed it,

put it on a freight train,
we intercepted it in Yuma.


So where's this other guy,
Farokh's field-trip buddy?

- Sadiq.
- Yeah, that's where you come in.

Now, I believe that
Farokh k*lled himself

in order to prevent us from
extracting information from him.

About whatever they're planning,

which means they didn't just come here

to get rich selling heroin.

Boudreau: No. We believe the heroin

is a means of financing their operation.

Now this next photograph was taken

from a security camera at
the Mexico City Airport.

Fall back!

Hurry up!


[Indistinct shouting]

Sherman: Kyle!

Man: Incoming!

[Praying in Arabic]

Ivers: Now, listen up.
Unlike my colleague here,

I don't give press conferences.

I take the Sadiqs of the world

outside the boundaries
of international law,

where I make them tell me things.

Personally, I don't
care who catches him.

I got plenty of drones.

What I need now are trackers.

I need people who know
how to hunt these streets.

Whatever Sadiq's mission is,

I need you to catch the son of a bitch

before he carries it out.

Hey, can I have a veggie
egg-white scramble, please?

How's the food here?

Pretty decent.

Great cheeseburgers.

But I'm being good today, and
I ordered an egg-white scramble.


Let me guess. New resident?

Lab assistant.

My university credits didn't
carry over when I came here.


I always dreamed of becoming
a doctor, back in Kabul.

My husband was there.

With the Marines.

[Clears throat]

Thank you.

Maybe I'll see you around
the hospital sometime.

Of course.

And please...

Thank your husband for his service.


[Siren wails, police radio chatter]


♪ Two six packs of Shiner ♪

♪ -cent butane lighter ♪

- Wind?
- Just a tickle from the east.

♪ ... a fifth of Patron ♪


Good night, Sweet Prince.

Still got it after four beers, Sherman.


You ready to head back?

Sherman Lee Tucker
got him a girl waiting?

Aftermarket breasts.

One of those barb-wire
tattoos around her bicep.

[Laughs] Sounds promising.

I met her at church.


Here you go.

[Bottle cap pops]

Thanks, man. [Sighs]


What's on your mind, Corporal?

Fed showed up at my work this morning.

Handed us a photo of
a suspected t*rror1st.

Guy named Sadiq.

He Arab?


That desert crap basket

is the gift that keeps
on giving, isn't it?

I think I recognize him from Zamindawar.

Yeah, I went through
that for a while, man.

Almost knifed some poor guy

working the register
at a gas station once.

Lucky for me, he had a sense
of humor about it, but...

I'm serious.

I think it's him, Sherman.

I think it's that kid.

What are you doing here?

Everyone was supposed to be evacuated.

([Praying in Arabic)

Knock it off!

I asked you a question!
What are you doing here?!


My home.

You can't stay here, kid.

No! No! I stay.



It's not safe! We gotta go!



Sherman, come on, man!

No, I can't feel my legs, man!

I'm here, buddy. I got you.

That night was the last I
saw of him, until that photo.

Now he's some Islamic Radical.

k*lled two border cops down south,

and I'm pretty sure he's here in L.A.

And I can't help but think
maybe he's come here for me.

That's your guilt talking, all right.

You have nothing to feel
guilty about, all right.

You saved my life. All
right, there's no way

that this guy is that kid.

All right, you saw him
for, what, five seconds?

We hunted these guys for years.

You know how they think
better than anyone I know.

I'm just trying to see
through Sadiq's eyes.

Of all the gin joints in all the world,

this -year-old Haji grows up

to be Ricardo Montalban in Star Trek II,

comes to the City of Angels

to take his revenge
on Corporal Kyle Craig?

Something like that.


Then the first thing I'd be asking, bro,

is how's he find you in the first place?

Right? Doesn't even know your name, man.

But if he is here for you,

then that means he's
got somebody stateside

helping him look.

Somebody smart.

He'd need a place to hide out,

till he was ready.

[Sirens wailing]

And one way or another, he'd need money.

[Dog barking in distance]



Allahu akbar.

Both: Allahu akbar.

Welcome to L.A., Brother Sadiq.

[Door creaks]


What is wrong with
you?! What are you doing?

Listen to me, Alyse.

We need to get you out of the house.

What? Why?

[Knock on door]

Frank: Kyle, it's us! Open up!

You all right?


- Alyse.
- Frank.

Alyse, this is Tommy and Rebecca.

- Pleasure.
- You have a lovely home.


I really appreciate this.

Of course. You're family.

You're gonna stay with Holly
a while until this is over.

Alyse: Until what is over?

Why don't you tell me
what's going on, Kyle?

We have never kept
secrets from each other.

That is not who we are.

Just trust me, please.

[Apple crunches]

[Door opens]

Be safe.

[Door closes]

You're gonna think I'm nuts.

Try me.

The bearded guy in the photo.

I think I recognize him from Zamindawar.

I told you about what happened

to my buddy Sherman after he got shot?

I followed the Haji who
shot him into a house.

I was so full of rage,

I unloaded a full mag in that house.

Alyse doesn't know about it,

and I'd like to keep it that way.

You think Sadiq's the
guy that shot Sherman?

No. I put him down.

But there was collateral damage.

One survivor... a kid, , .

We were told everyone was evacuated.

Somehow, these people weren't.

I saw that photo, and I can't
shake the idea that it's him.

It's crazy, right?

Little bit. Yeah.

But if your gut's telling
you this is the same guy,

then we go with your gut.

How do you do it?

Do what?

Be okay not knowing what Frank is doing?

Oh, well...

there's a lot about me
that Frank doesn't know.

Like how I lost my virginity.

My deep love for Taylor Swift.

And he's never seen me in the bathroom.


Holly, I'm serious.

You don't have secrets from Kyle?

None that could get me k*lled.


Yeah, I'm probably not the right person

to ask about this.

But you love Frank.

Yes, I do.

But love isn't a free pass.

Frank is who he is, and I am who I am.

I'm afraid I don't even
know who Kyle is anymore.

Well, then that would scare me, too.

If it is Sadiq, he would
need logistical support.

People already here in L.A.

Base of operations, supplies, cash...


We stopped Farokh in the
middle of his dope deal.

The money never changed hands.

But Moreno said some of the
heroin already hit the street.

Meaning there's gotta be more
of it out there somewhere.

[Cellphone rings]

Hey, lemme hit you back,
homey. I'm working right now.

Shut up and listen.

That heroin you tipped us about,

how'd you find out about
it in the first place?

Some junkie, man. He's
one of my customers.

I need to talk to him.

Well, you'd better get yourself
a Ouija board then, man.

That homeboy OD'd.

Man, I told you, Frank,

this is some next-level
street stuff right here.

It comes from straight
out of Afghanistan.

Last time we talked,
you said you didn't know

- where it came from.
- Yeah, well, thanks to you,

the Deuces are out of the picture,

so now they're all dealing with me.

Moreno, Listen to me.

These people aren't
who you think they are.

They're t*rrorists.

Frank, Frank, relax, relax.

They're not t*rrorists, man.

They're not even Arabs.

They look like hipsters or something,

like they work in a used record store.

I'm looking at 'em right now.

Moreno, get out of there!

Get out of there now!


Everything okay?

Yeah. It's all good.

It's all there.

[Tires screech]


Frank! Frank!


Is that you, Frank?

I'm here. You're gonna be okay.


Promise... promise you'll
take care of Lulu for me.

You have my word.

You gotta take care
of her for me, Frank.

Her... her father/daughter
dance is coming up soon.

You die on me, I'll kick your
ass, you big, dumb bastard.

He's not dying.


They shot him in the love
handle, through and through.

He just got some mm liposuction.


Well, he's going to the hospital anyway.

Whoa, whoa! Frank, Frank, Frank!

Hold on! Hold on. Relax.

I got... I got something for you.

Watch. Check this out.

[Sirens wailing]

That's the license plate.

Son of a bitch.

Plate comes back registered
to an Alec Wellsley.

Software engineer.

He and his wife Kat are
big in the activist scene.

They were anarchists.

Social media says they met
at the WTO protests in ' .

Bet they take a knee for
the National Anthem, too.

Border agents' SUV just surfaced.

- Kyle: Where?
- Tommy: Atwater Village.

About a half-mile from
the Wellsley house.

I'll put our surveillance
team on the house.

You want to burn the location,
spook 'em so they go to ground?

By all means, send in a bunch

of Mitt Romney impersonators
to Atwater Village.

I'm sure they'll fit right in.

Sadiq is a pro, trained
in counter-surveillance.

He'll see your men coming a mile off.

- He's right.
- Tommy and I will set up

at the Wellsley house.

Watch each other's back.

I just got a hit on
Wellsley's credit card.

Filled up at a gas station in Burbank.

What's in Burbank?

Across the street from the gas station.

Red, White and g*ns.


Man: Yeah, I don't know.
I'll think about it.

Marks: Look, it's up to
you. But I'm telling ya, man,

they're take trying to away
our constitutional rights.

- [Sighs]
- Afternoon.

Mark me, couple of thugs

are gonna kick down his door one night,

wanna take away his valuables

and maybe even a piece of his old lady,

he's gonna wish he'd
filled out that damn form

and swiped his credit
card, you know? [Laughs]

Amen to that, brother.

Don't take offense, young
man. I'm a history buff is all.

Heritage, not hate, you feel me?

Oh, yeah, I feel you.

Bill Marks.

What can I do for you, gentlemen?

Running a special today on shotgun a*mo.

A young couple came in here
probably in the last hour.

We get a lot of couples in here.

Couple that slays together
stays together, am I right?

People have a right to arm themselves.

Some of us have even
fought for that right.

Semper Fi.

The eagle's facing the wrong way!

You're no Marine. I was over there.

I had friends who
died doing it for real!

Relax, man, it's just a sales tool.

You know what? I got
one of these in my car.

Call it the Persuader.

This loaded?

Of course it's not loaded.

Now it is.

Not smart.

This couple we're asking about,

we know they were in here,
we know they paid with cash.

No waiting period, no background check,

and no record of the sale.

Last time I checked, this
was still America, damn it.

Which means I don't
have to tell you squat.

Normally that'd be true.

But what we have here
is exigent circumstances.

An emergency situation
requiring swift action

to prevent an immediate
danger to human life.

Very good, trainee.

What the hell are you talking about?

You sold weapons to t*rrorists,
two home-grown jihadis.

That's treason, my man.

They still hang people for that?

They ought to.

Now, what's about to happen to you

is what we call an accidental discharge.

You were running a
special on shotgun a*mo.

Some chucklehead
must've chambered a round

into this w*apon when
your back was turned.


Now, what did you sell those people?

Put the shotgun down, Rourke.

I asked him a question.
I'd like an answer first.

Yeah, so would I.

Half a dozen mil pistols,
three AR- s and an FN - .

Small arms.

Which would make quite a date night.

Still seems a little light to me.

This couple had at least grand.


He's doing fine.

Who are you?

Homeland Security.

This is pattycake, pal.

I make one call, you're
on a C- to Romania.

Place makes Abu Ghraib
look like Club Med.

And they are way past dog
collars in Romania, buddy.

Look, I... I didn't see the harm.

How was I supposed to
know they were jihadists?

They just bought the g*ns,

as much a*mo as they could carry.

What about expl*sives, ordnance?

Three cluster bombs.



God help us.

You didn't see the harm, huh?!

This isn't police work anymore.

This is a w*r.

What do you do with cluster bombs?

They're air-dropped munitions,

so they're useless without a plane.

Have we checked flight schools?

My people are combing
through every flight school

within miles... Nothing so far.

We're out of time.

We need to concentrate
on potential targets

and work backwards from there.

- Where are we?
- Potential targets.

What about sporting events?

Lakers, Clips, Kings, Ducks?

Clippers and Kings are on the road.

Lakers don't play till Sunday.

Well, the Convention Center's

hosting an electronics
conference tomorrow.

I actually have an invite.

To the electronics show?

They're trying to sell
us on surveillance drones,

military grade, not
even on the market yet.



A cluster b*mb is a bunch
of smaller expl*sives

loaded together, but
they can be dismantled.

Yeah. Made into smaller bombs.

Exactly. Small enough to be
loaded into shotgun shells.

They couldn't get their hands
on a plane, but a drone...

It's the drones.

That's why Sadiq was sent here.

You have some special insight

that you'd care to share with us?

Detective Craig?

Might as well spill it.

Spill what?

I think I might've met Sadiq before.

What are you talking about?

Drones destroyed Zamindawar in .

My unit came through on
clean up, and I found Sadiq.

He was just a kid then, but
he understands their power.

Every Afghani does.

Why didn't you tell
us about this sooner?

Because I wasn't sure.

He's telling you now.

Well, let's hope he hasn't cost lives.

Okay, blame later, catch t*rrorists now.

I'll mobilize SWAT.

We should evacuate
the Convention Center.

Lock it down immediately.

Do that and these guys go to ground.

Sadiq will disappear

before we've even had
a chance to capture him.

Worse, he'll go on to
a secondary objective

that we don't even know about.

Now, look, right now, this drone exhibit

is relatively contained.

Well, let me get some eyes in the sky.

That can't do any harm.

Okay, keep your crew above , feet.

I don't want anything
to spook them, all right?

We'll work in pairs. Agent
Boudreau, you're with me.

Detective Chavez, Detective Rourke,

you'll comprise our second team.

What about me?

Craig, I'm sorry. You're grounded.

What? I-I just gave you Sadiq.

If what you're saying is true,

Sadiq'll ID you the
same way you ID'd him.

And I'm not gonna take a chance
to jeopardize this mission.

I don't take my orders from you.

I'm sorry, Kyle, but I
have to agree with Ivers.

We can't risk Sadiq seeing us coming.

You'll stay here until
we get the all clear.

[Indistinct announcements]

Listen, Sadiq is our
priority. We need him alive.


The end game is Elder Mudarris
and his t*rror1st network.

The Wellsleys and their jihadist
friends are all secondary.

We need Sadiq alive so we can turn him.

You're not gonna turn him. Are you nuts?

Look at the big picture here, Frank.

Thousands of innocent lives can be saved

if we capture Sadiq alive.

Last time you asked me to
look at the bigger picture,

you set up Carlos Cortez to die.

I'm not gonna help you
serve up more innocent people

just so you can impress your bosses.

Gentlemen, measure your weapons later.

We're here to catch bad
guys. I suggest we get to it.

[Sighs] We think Sadiq's planning

an attack at the Convention Center.

We know. Got the FBI tearing
apart the Wellsley house.

You ready?

I've been benched.

Ordered to stay put.

Right. Totally get that.

But I just got a request
from a motor cop I know,

saying they need help
with traffic control

down at the Convention Center.


Let's roll. Don't
forget your ticket book.


- I warned you about Rourke.
- Which is why I kept him close.

You weren't surprised back at RHD

when Detective Craig
claimed to know Sadiq.

You think Craig's not telling the truth?

Oh, I know he's telling the truth.

Kid's hard-wired not to lie.

You're using him as
bait to draw out Sadiq.

He's a cop, Ivers, and
a decorated combat vet.

Please. Kyle Craig didn't
have a run-in with Sadiq.

He created him.

Craig m*rder*d Sadiq's entire family.

Radicalized him.

Craig? I don't believe it.

Believe it.

We've been tracking this
incident since it happened.

That why Sadiq is obsessed
with finding Craig.

Which is why we've been saving
Detective Craig for a rainy day.

Two dozen drone strikes later,

we've picked off enough
of Mudarris' lieutenants

to where our friend Sadiq

went from a nobody in
Mudarris' organization

to somebody we very
much want to interrogate.

So you staked Detective Craig
out and rang the dinner bell.

Our people fed Craig's
location into the pipeline,

knowing it would get to Sadiq,

and Sadiq found a reason for
Mudarris to send him to L.A.

The new stealth drones.

We got lucky there.

We take Sadiq, and we turn him,

we break the back of a
major t*rror1st organization.

Your trainee wasn't
telling the whole truth

back there, was he?

There was a fire fight.

Kyle ended up alive,
Sadiq's family didn't.

Only that's not the way Kyle sees it.

That's a lot to carry, for both of them.

Kyle was just a kid himself.


I got her.

She hasn't seen us yet.

I'll get on her flank.

She's made you!

Kat Wellsley, police! Drop your w*apon!

Take the shot!



Woman: She's got a g*n!

Get down! Get down!

Where's your husband? Where's Sadiq?

Where's Sadiq?

It's too late.

The only one it's gonna be
too late for is your husband

- if you don't help us.
- [Gasping]

He needs medical attention
right now or he's gonna die.


You can die a martyr if you want to,

but it's not too late to save Alec.

I can call for help,

or he can bleed out
right here on the floor.

You can save him.

Sadiq's waiting in a van.

In the garage.



Please save Alec.

What color van? Where
in the parking garage?

Kyle. Sadiq's in a van
in the parking garage.

Frank, Kyle's not here.

Roger that. En route
with Tommy and Rebecca.

Would you have sat this one out?

Good point.

Detective Craig served
his country, Ivers.

So did I.

And the kid deserves better.


I don't know who you're
really working for,

but it sure as hell isn't Homeland.

Your name isn't Ivers either.

Jack Ivers is buried at a
military cemetery in Westwood.

So if I had to guess,
I'd say you're CIA,

working in the
Continental United States.

I wonder what the U.S. Attorney

would have to say about that.


Now, you take comfort knowing
that you died a hero, Boudreau.

I'm gonna recommend you
for the Medal of Valor.

[Engine revs, tires screech]

There's the van!

It's Sadiq!

Stop the vehicle!

[Tires screech]

Show us your hands!

[Car alarms blaring]

It's over. You stopped him.

Guess I have you to thank
for sending Rebecca and Tommy.

Couldn't let you miss all this.

What the hell happened with Boudreau?

KIA... pursuing two other jihadis.

One of them knifed him in the stairwell.

Died in the line.

Let's move him out.

And I told you we needed Sadiq alive.

He didn't give us much of a say.

Sure about that, Craig?

What's that supposed to mean?

Hey, pal. The guy blew himself up.

He was supposed to be grounded, Frank.

Buy you a beer?

I appreciate that, Frank,
but I already called Alyse

and told her it's okay to come home.

I need to make things right with her.

Sounds good.


[TV playing]

Man: With a blast radius this large,
there could be no survivors.

You know, baby, I was... I
was gonna tell you about this,

but I...

Welcome home, Corporal Craig.

Sadiq. Please.


I said the same to you. Do you remember?

I wanted to stay in my
home, with my family.

Did you listen?

Go on.

Tell her.

Tell her how you k*lled
my mother and father.

Brother. My sisters.

I didn't mean to. It was... it was w*r.

You're going to die here
with a lie on your teeth!

That was no accident.

I was there. I saw you.

You're right.

I'll die here. I owe you that.

But... let me wear the vest.

She has nothing to do with this.

Your father was m*rder*d.

Your wife tells me you
haven't been able to let it go.

I understand that.


All this to find his k*ller.

And what will you do when you find him?

You will do exactly what I am doing.

You'll avenge him.

There is no Allah here.

No Christ. No nations.

This is between men.

- Kyle!
- Sadiq, don't!

You remember it was your
husband who k*lled you, not me.

[Glass shatters]


♪ I walked the highway ♪

♪ Since I can't remember ♪

♪ I cut my whole family ♪

Home. My home.


I'm sorry. You hear me?

I'm so sorry for what I did to you.

♪ They dined with a stranger ♪

♪ Woke up all alone ♪

♪ So don't let me fall ♪

♪ 'Cause I might not get up again ♪

♪ Don't let me fall ♪


♪ 'Cause I might not get up ♪


You're good, buddy.

Just gotta defuse the vest.

Oh, baby.

You never told me.

You never would've looked
at me the same again

if you knew what I did.

This is where it leads, Kyle.

You stay with Frank, you keep searching

for your father's k*ller, and then what?


Holly: You done, babe?

Rebecca: Oh. Let me help you with that.

- Oh, no, no.
- Let me help.

- I got it.
- It's okay.

Hey. It's okay.

Holly and Rebecca are with her.

I think the last time I
had it was at your place.

Really? That was a while ago.


We can handle this.
You should take it easy.

Yeah, absolutely.

Trauma isn't new to me.

I've worked in the ER for years.

But this trauma happened to you.

It's different. Believe me.

I'm taking off.

Yeah, I... I'm gonna head home, too.

Got the new lady waiting. [Laughs]


Hell of a shot.

Sherman was always the best.


Alyse asked me what I would do
when I found my dad's k*ller.

What are we gonna do, Frank?

We gonna slap the cuffs on him?

Hope the DA files a case, go to trial.

I don't know.

♪ Back about and ♪

♪ I left Tennessee very much alive ♪

♪ I never would've made it
through the Arkansas mud ♪

♪ If I hadn't been riding
on my Tennessee stud ♪

You must be disappointed.

I know you were hoping to
hook Sadiq up to a car battery,

but the kid opted for his virgins.

Can't say I blame him.

Probably down to -something by now.

He ought to pace himself.

They've supposed to
last him all eternity.

To what do I owe this?

Thanks of a grateful nation

for your role in thwarting
a mass casualty event.

Then this belongs to Sherman.

And Kyle.

And no offense, but I'm kind
of particular who I drink with.

None taken.

Who do you really work for, Ivers?

Well, it doesn't really matter

who signs the checks, does it, Frank?

I mean, we're still
in the same business.

Oh, yeah? What business is that?

Oh, we're in the omelet business.

We're the guys they send
in to break the eggs.

What are you doing here?

I came to give you some advice.

I'm all ears.

Back off Billy Craig's m*rder.

Now, I wish I could tell you more.

But I can't.

What I will say is this.

If you keep digging,
it's not gonna end well.

Not for you, not for the kid,

not for Holly, not for
anyone you care for.

Sounds pretty sinister.

Well, there's nothing sinister
about a guy standing in the road

with a sign that says the bridge is out.


That's not a threat.

That's a fact.

I'll see ya round, Rourke.

Count on it.