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05x08 - Horses

Posted: 11/02/21 06:12
by bunniefuu
Previously on Ray Donovan...

How long?

As I said, it's not precise.

Three? Six? What?

In that range.

I gotta make it to Christmas.

What do you mean,
you gotta make it to Christmas?

You know, for the kids.

I wanna stop treatment.

No, you don't.

You're just tired, that's all.

I know how hard
this has been for you.

You don't know.


this is some Godless
f*cking bullshit

is what this is.

I got it from
the Rose Bowl Flea Market.

Only 39 bucks.

You like it?

I do, honey.

- Come on, hurry up already.
- Just hold it still, Bunch.


f*ckin' be careful.

There's nobody's
holding the ladder.

Almost done.

All right, you can let it go.

- You sure?
- Yeah.

All right.

Hold this for me.



Yeah, this is she.

What does that mean?

No, I understand.

Thank you for calling. I...

appreciate everything
you've done.


All right, plug it in!

I'm gonna go for a little walk.


- Did you plug it in?
- Yeah.

No, you f*ckin' didn't,
'cause it's not on.


But the patient
is here right now.

I do not want her to have
to come back a second time.

So I...

Place is starting to look good?


Except for that f*cking sign,

we should be able
to get that up tomorrow.

You all right?

I'm just tired.


Close your eyes.


I got something for you.


I don't want any more surprises.

Just close your f*ckin' eyes.

- What is it?
- Shh.

It's beautiful.

What am I gonna do with it?

What do you mean,
what are you gonna do with it?

You're gonna wear it tomorrow
night for the opening party.

Sweetheart, for one party?

One party?

No, you wear it tomorrow,

Conor's graduation,

Bridget's wedding,

our 50th f*ckin'
wedding anniversary,

if I live that long.

Thanks, Ray.

It was very thoughtful.



You say something?

We didn't get into
the Sloan Kettering trial.


Bergstein called.



They selected three patients
for surgery.

But I'm not one of them.

What do you...

What do you mean,
you're not one of them?

They called you?

- Yeah, her office did.
- What the f*ck?

- They're not supposed to...
- Ray.

I mean, who tells someone

they're a perfect f*ckin'
candidate and then just...

Yes, but, it was a lottery.

And we didn't get in.

I'm relieved.

That long list of stuff
that could happen to me...

The blindness and strokes...

I don't wanna have
to worry about that.

I just wanna open the bar.

Everybody's gonna be there.

We'll drink whiskey
and sing songs.

And I can say goodbye.

And you'll be by my side,

holding my hand.

What are those?

Seconal. I picked it up earlier.

What for?

You know what for.

Shouldn't have done that.

What are you doing?

Going to New York.

I don't want you to go
to New York.

Talk to that doctor,
sort this out.

Ray, remember what we said
if the trial didn't work out?

That I could control
how this ends.


You're getting that f*ckin'
surgery, Abby.

You don't get to tell me
what to do with my f*ckin' body.

Abs, I know how much
pain you're in.

I know how hard this is for you.

But we're gonna beat it.

All right?

I promise.

You hear me?

And ten years from now,
we're gonna be

sitting in that f*ckin' bar,
having a drink,

laughing about it.



- Yeah.
- I love you, sweetheart.

I love you too.

All right.


You told me you swapped out
Abby's number.

- What?
- In the database.

The f*ckin'
Sloan Kettering thing.

You told me you gave them
your number

- instead of hers.
- I did.

So why the f*ck
are they calling her, Lena?

Ray, what are you talking about?

She didn't get into the trial.

f*ck, Ray. I'm so sorry.

- I wanna know who did.
- What do you want me to do?

I want the names.
I want the f*ckin' addresses.

I want everything.
You understand me, Lena?


Did you get the tickets?

Yyeah, they're right there.

- What about the trial?
- That took a minute,

but I cracked it.

These are copies of all
their hospital files,

all the medical histories,
addresses, and workplaces.

So what time's the flight?


Where's your bag?

It's in the car.

Let's go.

You all right?

I'm all right.

You all right?

Yeah. The Santa Ana winds.

Every year, same bullshit
with my sinuses.

Kills me.

So your contact, who is she?

I can't tell you that.

Just... she has access to a lab.

- Where?
- Columbia.

You sure she's gonna help us?

We go back.

She's not happy about
breaking cover, but...

we go back.

What's she got?

Don't worry about it.

What is it, Av?

- You sure wanna know?
- Yeah, I wanna know.

Meningitis bacteria.


Will it k*ll him?

No, it won't k*ll him.

But it will definitely
disqualify him from the trial.


Pool table's in.

Jesus, it's hot in here.


I can't feel it.
I'm f*ckin' freezing.


Come here.

What's going on?

Ray threw away my pills.

What pills?

My su1c1de pills.


I didn't get into the trial.


So he's on a plane to New York,

trying to fix things.

Well, that's
the right thing to do.

We all want
the same thing, honey.

He's just trying
to make you better.

Does anyone in this family
give a f*ck about what I want?

My doctor rewrote
the prescription.

I need you to pick it up.

Well, let me call Ray.
You two can work this out.


It's better if he's not here.

That prescription was
the only thing keeping me sane.

I need you to pick it up.

Can you do that for me?

Where the f*ck are you, Avi?

Where the f*ck is Avi?

I've been here 30 minutes

- I know.
- What do you mean, you know?

Ray, I gotta tell you something.


Avi just called
from the Eighth Precinct

'cause he got arrested.

f*ck are you talking about?
Arrested for what?

For buying heroin.

I had some... this nerve pain

from the beatings
the Russians gave me.

And we got the fentanyl
from them.

I tried it. It worked.

And then I needed more

and different mixtures and...

f*ck, Ray.
It just got away from me.

I... I mean, what could I do?

I was counting on you, Av.

I know.

I... I'm really f*cking sorry.


you bail me out.

Twelve hours.

I can connect and wwork it out.

I don't have 12 hours.

I need that address.

I can't.

I can't. She's Mossad katsas.

She'll never engage with you.

- She's in deep cover.
- I don't give a f*ck

what she is.

Please, Ray.

I want that
f*ckin' address, Avi.

- Does it still fit?
- Yeah.

I mean, we'll pin it
if it doesn't, but...

it's beautiful.

I wish I had some f*ckin' hair.

I like this.

How 'bout a red lip?

You got it.

- Is this good?
- Yeah.


Go like that.

I'm terrible.

You have such pretty skin.

It's your skin.

Click 'em.

Let me fix it.


So Dad is in New York?

- Yeah.
- Why is he there

if you're not gonna
do the trial?

Your dad's doing
what he has to do, sweetheart.

Mom, I understand that you don't
wanna do that surgery, but...

no treatment at all?

Wwhy not?

It's like somebody's chasing me.

Like they're trying to sh**t me.

But I wanna be the one
to sh**t first.

I wanna be the one
pulling the trigger.

- This stuff too.
- Yes, ofof course.


I'm a friend of Avi Rudin's.

Who again?


Are you looking
for the gentleman

that just moved in
down the hall?

Yeah, I've met his dog walker
but not him.

You were supposed
to give Avi something.

I need it.

I'm sorry, I'm confused.

- I don't have time for this.
- Look, I don't know...

Please, look, I'm a doctor.

- You have the wrong person.
- Tell me... ooh!

Where is it?

I swear to God, I'll blow
your f*ckin' brains out.

The refrigerator.

- Sorry.
- f*ck you.

She looks good, man.


Don't get the door
for her or anything, Daryll.

Notice anything?

Look at that.

It's all you, baby.
That's all you!

Here's my arm.

Here, here.

- Yeah.
- Look.

- Here it is. What do you think?
- Look, look, look.

- It looks great.
- Cross your fingers, everybody.

The owner's making
an inspection.

It feels like Southie.

- Right?
- Yeah.

And, Mickey,
you got the pool table.

Yeah. It's a quality table.

- I'll play you later.
- I'll kick your ass later.

- I'll bet money on Abs.
- You're so tough.

And look. Daryll,
you loaded in all this wine?

Well, Ray did most of the work.

Butbut II helped a little.

Yeah, Ray did a lot of...

- Lot of things.
- Yeah.

Spent a lot of hours.

- Yeah, I know he did.
- Yeah.

Nurse Granda, Marianne Granda,

to Oncology Two.

Nurse Granda to Oncology Two.

"A farmer went trotting
upon his gray mare."

Bumpety, bumpety, bump!

"With his daughter behind him..."

If he wakes up
before I get back,

would you tell him
I'll be back in an hour?

Nurse Erin to Admitting.

Give me a hug.

Abby, you should make a speech.

The owner should make a speech,
don't you think?

- Speech!
- Yeah, say a speech!

Yeah, say something, Abby.

Speech! Speech!
Speech! Speech! Speech!

Okay. Well, can I get
a f*ckin' drink or something?


Thanks, Bunchy.

My God, I'm shakin' like a leaf.

Am I doin' it right, Terry?

Just kidding.

I don't got much to say.

But finally we've got
a little piece of Southie


And I got you all in one place

so I can keep
my f*ckin' eye on you.

But more importantly,

I want you to keep
an eye on each other.

I wasn't born into this family.

But it's the one I chose.

So... sláinte.

- Yeah, sláinte.
- Sláinte.


Love you, Abs.

So it's about 112 outside.

I finally get to the apartment,
you know.

I'm looking
for something to eat.

I see a bunch of doughnuts
on the table.

I take one, start eatin' it.

It tastes weird.

Waitwait a minute, weird how?

Tastes tangy... but familiar.

I didn't know it was cocaine

in the glove compartment.

I thought it was powdered sugar,
you know?

I was trying to make,
like, you know,

- a funnel cake.
- Yeah.

Well, why would you think

sugar was in the glove

II don't know.

It's not funny.

My God.

Mom? Mom? Mom?

Okay, hhold on.

Let me call an ambulance
for you, okay?

Hey... hey, I'm calling
an ambulance.

- Hold on.
- No.

- It's okay. Just one second.
- No, Bridge.

No, Mom, no, you need a doctor.

- No more doctors.
- No, you need a doctor, Mom.

- No more doctors.
- Mom, you need a doctor.

- No more doctors.
- Okay, okay.

Hey, what... okay, what...
What can I do?

Just get me outside.

- Outside? Okay.
- Outside.

- Okay, hold on.
- Yes, baby.

Okay, I'll take you outside.
Okay, here you go, Mommy.

- Get me outside.
- It's okay. It's okay.

It's okay.
You need a doctor, Mom.

Okay, here, I'll help you.
Here, come here. Come here.

Come here.
Here, get your feet up, okay?

Ready? One, two, three.

You're good.
You're standing. You okay?

Just take a second. You're fine.

All right. Just get some air.

Okay, okay.

Okay. It's okay.

I got it.

Hey, sweetheart.

Let's go. Come on.

All right, all right.

Take your mom.

He's getting you a chair.

Here, I got it.

Thanks, Terry.

Okay, okay.

I'm all right.


Go inside.

Make apologies for me.

Tell everyone
I'm a little tired.

All right?

Go and be
a hostess for a minute.

Mom, I can't do this.

- Then come home.
- I can't do this. I'm sorry.

- Bridge.
- I...

Look at me.

You can.

You'll remember
what you did for me,

and you'll be proud.

- Okay.
- Good girl.

- I'm sorry. Okay.
- Come on.

You got a cigarette?

That's not f*ckin' funny.

It's not a f*ckin' joke.

I ain't got a f*ckin' cigarette.

- Yes, you do.
- No.

You don't think
I seen you sneak 'em?

Hand it over.

f*ck, that's good.

I'm gonna go
to f*ckin' hell for this.


Saint Peter's gonna
give you a hand job

for your work this day,
Terry Donovan.

Ladies and gentlemen,

we are now crossing
a zone of turbulence.

The captain has turned on

the fasten seat belt sign
at this time.

Please return to your seats
and keep your seat belts

fastened until the sign
has been turned off.

Thank you.

- All right?
- Yeah.

- All right?
- Yeah.


- All right.
- Thanks, Terry.

I'll get the blanket.

- Good?
- Yeah.


I'm just gonna sleep
for a couple hours.

All right.

If you need anything,

I'm downstairs.



Can I get my candy
and ginger ale?





She's asleep.

I'll be back in a minute.





What do I do?

You wanna help me?

Jesus f*cking Christ, Terry.

It's a good thing
there's not that many.

I... I gotta say something.

- Abby.
- I know, honey.

- Sorry.
- It's all right.

Not even one more day?

I don't need another day,

Here, I'll take this.

- You tell me when.
- Yeah.

That's good, honey.

Tastes bad.

Hello, Mr. Donovan.

This is Dr. Bergstein at Sloan.

We've had a patient fall out
of our surgical trial,

and I'm happy to let you know
we can now offer Abby a spot.

Hello, Mr. Donovan.

This is Dr. Bergstein at Sloan.

We've had a patient fall out
of our surgical trial,

and I'm happy to let you know
we can now offer Abby a spot.

Hey, this is Abby Donovan.

Leave your name and number,
and I'll get back to you.

Hey, sweetheart.

I just landed.

Call me back. I got great news.

Thanks, Terry.

That's good.

You gonna be okay, Bridge?

- Yeah.
- You promise me?

I promise.

You're the strong one.

You are.

You are, Mom.

Just take a little nap.

Do you hear that?

Eat something.

Get something in your system.

- Ray?
- Hey, Bunch.

You with Abby? I can't get
anybody on the f*cking phone.

No, no. She went home.
You know, she was tired.

Hey, but we got
the f*ckin' sign to work.

- You did? Good.
- Yeah.

How'd it go?

Good day?

- She happy?
- Yeah.

I told her all
the stuff you did.

You know, I didn't take
all the credit.

Thanks, Bunch.

I got her in.

I got her in the trial.

- You got her in?
- Yeah.

That's amazing!

Wow, I...
You guys are in my prayers.

All right, I'll talk
to you later.

- PCH okay?
- Your call.


Yeah, sure. Why not?

Beautiful night.

It is.

We had rain yesterday.

That'll do it.

- Your name is Ray?
- Yeah.

- My son's name is Ray.
- Yeah?

What's he do?

He works at a medical
marijuana clinic.

I could only get him
to do two years

at a community college.

Well, you know,
keep him busy, right?

Look on the bright side, right?

All you can do.

- Dad.
- What happened?

Why, sweetheart?

No! No! No! No.




Why would you... why?


Why would you leave me?

Get out. Get out, Bridge.

- Just get...
- I'm sorry.

Get the f*ck out!

Why'd you do it? Why? Why?


Hey, Ter.

What happened?

I had it under control,

Why didn't you just...

Why didn't you just pick up
the f*cking phone or something?

- Why, sweetheart?
- I'm sorry.


- Why, Bridge?
- I'm sorry!

- Hey, hey, hey.
- Why?

Let her be. Let her be.

Let her be.

Cool down, now. Cool down.

It's not her fault.
You weren't here.

Stop. Stop!

Dad, stop!

Stop, Dad!

My dad is gonna k*ll someone!