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06x12 - The Dead

Posted: 11/02/21 06:40
by bunniefuu
New York, I love you

But you're
bringing me down

New York, I love you

But you're
bringing me down

Like a rat in a cage

Pulling minimum wage

New York, I love you

But you're
bringing me down

New York, you're safer

And you're wasting my time

Our records all show

You were filthy but fine

But they shuttered
your stores

When you opened
the doors

You don't look so good.

To the cops who were bored

Once they'd run out
of crime

New York, you're perfect

Oh, please don't change
a thing

Your mild billionaire

Now convinced
he's a king

And so the boring

I mean all disrespect

In the neighborhood bars

I'd once dreamt
I would drink

And, oh

Take me off
your mailing list

For kids who think
it still exists

Yes, for those who think
it still exists

Maybe I'm wrong
and maybe you're right

Maybe you're right

Maybe I'm wrong

And just maybe
you're right

And, oh

Maybe Mother
told you true

And there'll always
be somebody there for you

And you'll never be alone

But maybe she's wrong

And maybe I'm right

And just maybe she's wrong

Maybe she's wrong

And maybe I'm right

And if so, here's this



You wanna pull
that stopper, Sandy?

I got it.


There we go.


Gonna move your ass
anytime soon?

Your, uh, uncle picked
a dead raccoon

off the side of the road.

To keep police dogs
off the scent.

Okay, so they'll stop
if they f-find the raccoon?

That's what Sandy said.

Isn't this thing
deep enough?

No, it's gotta go deeper.

What, you're gettin' tired?

Hell yeah.


This hole's huge.

Why don't you go help Sandy
in the garage?

Once you done a thing, son-

once you done a thing,
it's done,

so you go ahead,
get it all out now,

all the vomit,
all the tears,

'cause then you're gonna
shut your mouth about it

the rest of your
f*cking life.

- Oh, God.
- Yo, man,

why don't you grab a shovel,
help us out?

Well, I think
I'm dehydrated.

- Sandwiches?
- Oh, God, yes.

- Not for me yet, Bridge.
- Oh, thanks, Bridget.

Hey, Aunt Sandy,
want a sandwich?



You all right,
Aunt Sandy?

f*cking arthritis.

I can barely move my arm.

Hey, did you ever use
a chain saw?


Uh, no.

It's easy.

You just pull the cord
and let the chain do the magic.

Oh, God, I c-
I can't.

- I can't.
- Okay.

I guess I'll have to go
ask one of the boys.

No, I'll do it.

- Oh, Bridget, no, no.
- I'll do it.

- Oh, please, God.
- Attagirl.

Start cleaning
that bathroom.

Make yourself useful.

melancholy music

Is that you, Ray?


Did you love her, Mick?



Did you love her?

Yeah, I loved your mother
with all my heart.

Why weren't you there?

What are you talking about?

Why'd you let her die alone?

She wasn't alone, Raymond.

She had all of you.

She loved you all so much,

you in particular.

She thought you were special.

She used to read to you

every night:


uh, Russian books in English.

She thought you should be, uh,

a Mr. Straight "A"s.

Remember she said that?

She did?

Sure, she did.

How was I gonna
compare to a...

to a mom like that?

I didn't know nothing

from books,

only some story
that my-my father read

when he was drunk.

When I met your mother,

I, uh-I recited that story.

I memorized the end of it,

recited it to her,
and that's how I got her

to go out with me.

I recited it to you
sometimes too,

help you fall asleep.

Help me fall asleep?


Put you to bed.

You're lying to me, Mick.

What are you talking about?

You were never there.

I was there, Raymond.

Maybe not always
when I shoulda,

but I w-I was there.



moody music

What the f*ck is going on?


Who did you k*ll?

Three cops.

Three cops?

Yeah, the m*therf*ckers
took Bridget.

Jesus Christ.

It's all good.

We got her back.

Where is she?

In the garage.

Jesus f*cking Christ.

Hey, Terry.
How are you?

H-hey, Aunt Sandy.


Mick, you gotta come with me.


They picked Bunchy up.


The FBI lady said
that if you turn yourself in

and Bunchy testifies,
then she'll go easy.

How easy, Ter?

How easy?

How e-
f*ck you.

You got him into this.
Now you get your old ass

down to the federal building
and you get him the f*ck out.

Terry, Ter,
it don't go like that.

I go down,
turn myself in,

they'll take us both.

He's right, Terry.

Let's call Ray.

Mick, I already made
the f*cking deal.

Look, Ter,

if it comes to that,
I'll do it.

I'll do it, no matter what.

Okay, let me just finish
all this up here

so I can start
thinking straight.

toss in that raccoon.

desolate music

Look where it was printed:

Sam Winslow's
New York Tribune.

Are you saying

it was a publicity stunt?

It's a total fabrication.

The idea that I would hurt
Judge Scholl

is a Hollywood fiction

created by a Hollywood insider
for her own gain.

Judge Scholl,
do you have anything to add?

Get out and vote.

New York needs Ed Feratti.

- Anita!
- Miss Novak.

Miss Novak,
how are you feeling today?

Um, I feel pretty
good, actually. Thank you.

How are you feeling
about your chances?

- I feel positive.
- That's wonderful.

And what do you think
should happen to Ed Feratti?

Well, if the allegations
are true,

then he should withdraw.

You've run
such a fierce campaign...

- Yeah?
- We need to talk.

I'll be with my
volunteers, where I should be.

- Where are you?
- Thank you.


I'll send Vinnie.

Bridget comes
from a very strong mother,

and she's strong too.

You want to be
with a woman like that,

you gotta toughen up.

melancholy music

Hello, Ray.

Supposed to snow tonight.

Doesn't look
like you stopped by

to have a drink.

I'm sorry.

I'm really sorry
about the recording

and what happened
to your daughter.

That was a horrible thing
to do.

You and I have...

We've done a lot
of horrible things.

Haven't we, Ray?

I want to trust you again,

and I want you

to trust me.

Do you think that's possible?

Oh, you look so tired.

Everybody wants something
from you, don't they?

What is it you want?

Tell me.

Tell me anything.

What are you doing?

I want you to wear this dress.


And I want you
to take a shower,

get all that blood off you.

Then I want you
to put on this dress.


'Cause today
we're going down

to the justice of the peace

and we're gonna get married.


Just you and me.

dramatic music

We'll need a witness.

- Is that a yes?
- Yes.

This is
Dr. Arthur Amiot.

Please leave
a detailed message,

and I'll return your call
as soon as possible.

Do you have to lay out

nude like that?
It's indecent.

It's private property.

I have the right
to exercise my right

to do what I want
on my own property.

Well, you have
the right to do what you want,

but, you know, there are
people watching you.

You're outside.

The beach is lower
than the window, and if all...

Beach House in Malibu.

I used to watch this
when I was in high school.

I-I don't get
how Mary Jane's twin

is still on the show
after they m*rder*d her.

Her-her twin came back, but it
turned out she was her triplet.

I'm not nude either.

Technically I have this

Or doesn't that count
for anything

in your little
prayer hymnal?

Technically your body,

but I have a teenage son...

Did they hurt you?

They hit me.

Did they do anything else?


Yeah, you should be smoking pot
and going to concerts, not...

not burying bodies
on Long Island.

If your mother was here, she-

If my mother was here,

she'd be doing
exactly what I'm doing.

You look great.

Now it's your turn.

My turn for what?

Well, to clean up
and put on a suit.


Check your phone.


There's an address.

What are you talking about?

Just do it.

Your mother...

your mother was
the love of my life.


And you-

you, kid-

you wanted me
to be your father.

You actually wanted me.


They picked up Bunchy.
Did you know that?


Ter made some deal
with the feds:

him for me.

Don't do anything
till I call you.


- These the last two.
- Yeah.

All right.

- Hey.
- What?

Great kids come
from great fucks.




Let's get the f*ck
out of here.

Come on.

sedate music

What number are we?

Is it 86?

Did you call Ray?


Well, d-d-don't you-
don't you think you should?


They're on 84.


Hey, do you want some water?

- No.
- No?

Do you want some water?


I'm gonna go get some water.


What's wrong?


Did you know he tried
to k*ll himself?

My dad?


They said it's gonna
be a while.


I don't know.

A few months ago, he...

he jumped off a building
into the river.

That cop saved his life.

What, the one
from Staten Island?

Number 86?


Number 86?

That's us.

Do you have a witness?


Oh, yeah, yeah.
I'm-I'm-I'm the witness.

Follow me.

disquieting music

I got Ray Donovan down here.

Yeah, I don't like that.

Can I help you?

I need to see Feratti.

On the floor.

Put the g*n down!

Drop it!
Drop the g*n!

Stop! Stop this!


Jesus Christ, are you out
of your f*cking mind?

Look, I know I f*cked up.

I know that.

But I certainly had nothing
to do with your daughter.

Radulovic is clearly
out of his f*cking mind.

You don't have to believe me,
but you should.

And I certainly didn't
release that tape.

That was Sam Winslow
selling you out.

You know I got a family,
just like you?

And I'd f*cking fight and die
to keep them safe.

But if you pull that trigger,
what happens to them?

What happens to us?
You dead.

The headlines-
Jesus and Mary, the headlines.

Is that what you want?

Is that what
your daughter wants?



You got things
to do, Ray.

You gotta keep
your family safe,

you gotta get your brother
out of prison.

I'll tell you what.

You work with me,

I'll work with you.

We can bring all this
to bygones.

Number 111!

Number 111?

Mr. Donovan!

Mr. Donovan.

I'm standing here
with Ray Donovan,

the man who allegedly made
the tape of Ed Feratti's threat

toward circuit court judge
Gregory Scholl.

Mr. Donovan, how did you
come to be involved

- with Ed Feratti?
- f*ck.


I was hired by Sam Winslow

to help out
with Anita Novak's campaign.

I see.
To help with security.

No, to undermine
Mayor Feratti's

campaign for reelection.

Undermine him how?

Cesar Martinez
was a paid plant.

The attack in Central Park
was staged,

and, uh, Justine Evans was paid
for her participation.

As for the mayor,
I never met the man,

and that conversation
never occurred.

Mr. Donovan,
what about the tape?

On the recording,
the mayor clearly states-

Yeah, the mayor clearly states
a lot of things every day.

That's how the tape was made.

I'm sorry.
I have no further comment.

Mr. Donovan?

Cesar Martinez
was a paid plant.

The Central Park attack
was staged...

Ah, aluminum, right?
Aluminum guy.

I told you, didn't I?

As for the mayor,
I never met the man.

- Cement.
- Mr. Donov-

Oh. Thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you.


I never thought anyone
would come up in here.

Will you help me out
with my hands?

Do you know who I am?


Do you?



f*ck is wrong with you?


desolate music


You're Lena.


Now, Lena...



We fought hard,

and we fought
for the right things:

education, g*n control,

public housing.

We had a lot to say, and...

You know what?

We were heard.


Ms. Novak just conceded.

We may not have won
the popular vote...

Mr. Donovan,
you there?

But the establishment...

Turn this down.

heard our cry,
and that is what's most...

I've been thinking
I need someone like you.

A good man to show people
the light

when simple reason won't do.

I want to thank
each and every one of you

for believing in me.

There's nothing good about me.

Don't sell
yourself short, Ray.

You're not a thug.

You should work for someone

who doesn't think of you
as one.

And carry on,

'cause that's what New York
has always done.

Keep up the fight, New York.

Ah, one thing's
for sure.

You won't forget
your f*cking anniversary.

melancholy music

Why did the golfer
change his pants?


He had a hole in one!

How do you make holy water?

You boil the hell
out of it.

Two cannibals

are sitting around,
eating a clown,

and one says to the other,

"Does this taste funny?"

ladies and gentlemen.

In Dublin's fair city

Where the girls
are so pretty

I first laid my eyes

On sweet Molly Malone

As she wheeled
her wheelbarrow

Through the streets
broad and narrow

Singing, "Cockles
and mussels

Alive, alive, oh

Alive, alive, oh"

Singing, "Cockles
and mussels

Alive, alive, oh"

Still got it, man.

I put food on the table,
didn't I?

What are you talking about,

When your mother
got sick.

Children think their father
can protect them from anything,

stop anything
from hurting them,

but cancer?

Some things you can't stop.

Jesus Christ, you're drunk.

I was there.

I was there enough.

This is the first day
of my life

I'm glad I didn't die
before I met you

And now I don't care

I could go
anywhere with you

And I'd probably
be happy

So if you want
to be with me

These days,
there's no telling

We just have
to wait and see

But I'd rather be working
for a paycheck

Than waiting to win

The lottery-y-y-y-y-y

Who knows, maybe this time
is different

I mean, I really think

You like me-e-e-e-e

Yours is the first face
that I saw

I swear I was blind
before I met you

I don't know where I am

I don't know
where I've been

But I know
where I want to go

Did Mick ever read to us?

Mick? What?

Did he-when we were kids,
you know...

He ever read
to you in bed?

Why the f*ck
you asking me that?

I don't know.

Did he?

I don't know.

f*ck, if he did, I just...


I don't remember much
about being a kid.


at least you look better
than the last time I saw you.

All right.

Go right in.

We'll be there.

Come on.

You stick around,

I'll stick around.


Next time you feel
like doing yourself in,

you call the person
who f*cking loves you

more than anything else
in the world.

Remember that.

Yeah, Bunch!

He did it!
He got us out!

Thinking about you,

He couldn't get us both out.


I'm sorry.


It was James Joyce!


James Joyce, The Dead,
the story

I used to tell you
when you were...

you were kids.

Used to know it by heart.

What are you talking about,

Raymond said
that I never was there

when your mother
was putting you all to bed.

I was there.

I was f*cking there.


Hey, remember
Andy O'Shea's daughter,



- Andi with an I.
- Jesus f*ck.

I remember her.

Andy jumped the g*n
when he named her.

He wanted a junior.

He ended up with five boys
after that.

Yeah, so Andi O'Shea
with an I-

she's over the house,
'cause Bunchy finally

screwed up the nerve
to ask her out.

You're really gonna do this?

She's waiting
in the living room,

but Bunchy's not there, right,

'cause Bunchy's
over at the mall,

and he's stealing
Air Supply's Greatest Hits

on cassette,
'cause he heard

it was good make-out music,

And while he's out

stealing Air Supply,
Ray comes home,

and he takes Andrea
up to his room.

What are you talking about?

You took Andi upstairs,
not me.

No, no, it was you.

I never touched her, Ter.

No-if you say so.

It was you, Terry.

Don't blame Ray.

f*cking assh*le.

Maybe you're right.

No, you're right!


were right.

The newspapers were right.

Snow was general
all over Ireland.

It was falling

on every part
of the dark central plain,

on the treeless hills,

falling softly

upon the Bog of Allen,

and farther westward,

softly falling

into the dark,

mutinous Shannon waves."

melancholy music

"It was falling, too,

upon every part

of the lonely churchyard
on the hill

where Michael Furey lay buried.

It lay thickly drifted

on the crooked crosses
and headstones,

on the spears
of the little gate,

on the barren thorns."

"His soul

swooned slowly
as he heard

the snow falling faintly
through the universe

and faintly falling

like the descent

of their last end

upon all the living

and the dead."

I was there.
I was f*cking there.


Are you there?


Is this Mr. Donovan?


You called me
several times, didn't you?

How've you been?

All right.


Any more episodes?

I don't know.

You don't know?

I don't know where to start.

How about tonight?

How about we just start

with the fact
that you called me?

That was brave, Ray.

Y-you know, that took
a lot of courage.

Why don't we just sit
with that?

You there?

Yeah, I'm still here.

So what's next?


I'd like it if we could
talk together again,

in person,

but that's up to you.

What do you think?
Are you willing to do that?

- All right.
- Good.

How about-how about Monday
at three o'clock?



Good night, Ray.

Trampled by Turtles'
"Ghosts" playing

We never could shake it

Like there's nothing
to lose

All right.

All the hearts
that were breaking

We pretended we knew

There's blood
on the hillside

The roots hold
the landslide

Through pain
and in young skies

I waited for you


There were ghosts
in the forest

And they're calling to you

Never brighting
by daylight

Never frighting
by dark night

If I just keep it inside

I swear that it's true

Through breakers
at low tide

Rough places
and long rides

I'm constantly shaking

With the echoes of love