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07x04 - Hispes

Posted: 11/02/21 06:45
by bunniefuu
[Ray] Previously
on Ray Donovan...

♪ dark music ♪


Wanna talk about
your father?

[tires screeching]


♪ dark music ♪

[Daryll] Hi!

I'm sorry about Mickey.


[Mickey grunting]

- Hey!
- What the f*ck?

- [commotion]
- [teen] f*ck this, man--

[people screaming]

I shot a f*ckin' kid
in the back.

♪ dark, solemn music ♪


- Jasmine.
- Nice to meet you.

- The f*ck--
- [lens snapping]

What the f*ck?
Who the f*ck are you?

You need to honor the deal.

I got the D. A. ready
to draw up an indictment.


♪ dark music continues ♪


[machinery beeping]

[not audible]

[machine whirs]

♪ heavy music ♪


[sobbing softly]

Had one-a these
at work.


[machine whirs]


There ya go.

♪ soft music ♪



[clunk, thud]


Thank you.

It's you?

f*cking come here?

- You f*cking come here?
- I'm sorry.

f*ck your sorry!

He can't walk!

My son won't ever
f*cking walk again!

And you're f*cking sorry.

You are f*cking sor--

You are f*cking sorry!

- Get the f*ck out!
- Ma'am, ma'am!

- Don't f*cking touch me!
- Ma'am, I need you

to calm down.

- I swear to f*cking--
- Hey, hey, hey, hey--

Get the f*cking--

Get the hell--
Get the f*ck out!

Get the f*ck out!
I don't want you here!

[voice fading]
Get the f*ck out...

I'm sorry.

- [woman, distantly] Get out!
- I'm sorry.

[woman] Get off of me!
Get off of me!

[low chatter]

[indistinct P. A. announcement]

f*ck that lady.

[guard] I mean,
where was she

when her kid left the house
with the g*n?

When her little "miho"
was rippin' that store off?



We meet twice a week.

Talk about
what's important.

Check it out.

♪ heavy music ♪


♪ heavy music continues ♪


- [slam]
- [cop] Let's see your

- f*ckin' hands!
- [man] Both-a your f*ckin'


[cop] Got a warrant!

- [paper slaps]
- Here for the photo, Ray.

- [overlapping chatter]
- [police radio chatter]

It's not here.

[group, chanting]
Om tare tuttare tare soha.

Om tare tuttare
tare soha.

Om tare tuttare tare soha.

Om tare tuttare
tare soha.

Om tare tuttare tare soha.

Om tare tuttare
tare soha.

Om tare tuttare tare soha.

Om tare tuttare
tare soha.

continues distantly]

Om tare tuttare tare soha.

Om tare tuttare
tare soha.

Om tare tuttare tare soha.

Om tare tuttare
tare soha.

[Terry] Oh, I'm, uh...

I'm s-I'm sorry.

What for?

Well, I-I was
just going--

Come in.

[cane rattling]

Join me.

Uh, do I--do I have to
take off my clothes?

Only if you'd like to.

Would you like to?



oh, it'll be
worth the wait, I promise.

[small laugh]

[buckle clattering softly]

J-just gimme a--


[hinges squeak]

[soft click]


- [quietly] Hey.
- Mm.

You missed a good
episode of Shark t*nk.

[quietly] Oh, yeah?




Hey, not right now.

I just have been
on my feet all day.

I smell gross.

I'm sorry.

It happens.

Well, that never
happened before.

It's okay.


We can just meditate

No, thank you.

continues distantly]

♪ somber music ♪



[whispers] Hey, Ray.


What the f*ck happened?



I thought that was over.

It's not that.




Hey, can I ask you


You know, when you
first got married,

h-how long did, like,
the happy part last?


Ah, how long did everything
feel good all the time?

- How long?
- Y-You know what I mean.

- [Smitty, stammering] I mean--
- Ya all right?

Bridget just doesn't seem...


in havin' sex with me.

Oh, Jesus.

Ya wanna help me
with this?

I mean, is-i-is that normal?


Did that ever happen
with you and your wife?

- What?
- The sex thing.

[phone rings]

- Yeah.

The police came to my place.

They went through everything.

They broke things,
they went through

- my clothes.
- You all right?

[breathing hard]

- I'm fine.
- They get the memory card?

No, I gave it to Kevin.
[breathing hard]

What should we do?

I'll take care of it.

[phone beeps]

♪ tense music ♪


[background chatter]

♪ somber music ♪


♪ somber music continues ♪


Mr. Donovan!

- He's expecting me.
- ♪ tense music ♪

[Feratti] It's celebrating

No, I don't hate the gays.
I love the gays.

But they don't seem--

You wanna say somethin' to me,
say it to my f*ckin' face.

What are you talkin' about?

Tossin' my office.

Towin' my f*ckin' car.

I have no idea
what you mean by all.

In fact, I don't think
I even know you.

What's the number?

- The number...
- [papers rustling]


could you possibly mean?

I'll talk to him.

♪ soft music ♪


[seagulls calling]

Beautiful day, huh?

♪ mellow R&B playing ♪

So Palm Springs...

- Mm-hmm.
- How many black people

are even in Palm Springs?

- Four.
- [both laugh]

And that's includin'
me and my mom.

- Mm, lord!
- Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

And how many curious
white girls

just threw themselves
at you?

- Not many.
- Mm-hmm.

Meanin' every girl
in Palm Springs?

- Nah!
- Yah-huh.

- Nuh-uh.
- Don't lie to me.


Oh, Jasmine,
I wouldn't lie to you.

[sucks teeth]

That's a lie.

Can I see you tonight?



- Girl, what you mean, "maybe"?
- Maybe.

Come on, I'd...
like to buy you a coffee.

- Ohh...
- Yeah. Then another coffee.

- [laughs]
- And then I'd like to

buy you a drink,

and then I wanna
buy you dinner.

And that is no lie.

- [chuckles]
- [door clatters]


Don't you knock?

I can come back.

No, I'm just leaving.

I'm Jasmine, by the way.

I'm his mother.

Nice to meet you.

[door thuds shut]

Daryll, I bought you
a ticket home.

Your father's gonna
give you a call.

- Mickey?
- Allan, Daryll.


Allan is not my father!

I just need you to listen
to what he has to say.

Just listen.

♪ percussive dance music ♪


James, you know,
I'm just thinkin', maybe...

maybe you should put a little
flower in the chardonnay.


[man] Oh, hey, hey, Mickey!

[man] Whoo!

[man] Jeff, come on!

[revelers whooping]


[phone rings]


- Yeah.
- [Adam] Kid's got herpes.


Jonathan Walker Hanson?
He's got herpes.

- [Ray] So?
- "So"?

I think he gave it
to a lotta women.

Take him to a doctor.

There's these f*cking
guys outside

trying to serve him a subpoena.

- What for?
- What the fu-f*ck do I know?

They sent like
process servers.

The kid's locked himself
in the green room.

- What do you want me to do?
- Come here.

Get those guys to leave.

- I can't, not right now.
- What about Lena?

- She's outta town.
- Oh, f*ck, man!

Try to hold 'em off--I'll get
there as soon as I can.


[phone rings]



- [sighs]
- [chime]

[text whoosh]

[ambient background noise]


[line ringing]

- [click]
- Hi.

[Adam] Have you heard?

What's going on?

Jonathan's all over the news.

- Why?
- Uh, Google him.

♪ tense music ♪


[Bridget] Oh, Jesus.

We have got an entire session
booked today.

I'm already late
with the record,

and we are trapped here with
these f*cking process servers.

Did you call my father?

He doesn't have time.

Uh, it's okay.
I'll come myself.


- [Smitty] Yeah?
- I need you to get

a blond wig.

- Smitty.
- Really?

- Yeah.
- Oh, cool.

Maybe we can do something
to, uh, spice up our sex life.

Uh, short hair just like yours.

We just need you to sign
the following affidavit

for your own protection.

And obviously to protect
the chain from legal recourse.

What's it say?

Well, you had no choice
but to discharge your w*apon.

You had to protect yourself,
your fellow employees,

and innocent customers.

So if we pay him
$9 million,

he'll go ahead with the deal
at the lower price.

That's the idea.

I'll talk to my father.

Feratti's gonna want
the money clean.

What does that mean?

Your father'll know
what to do.

How well do you know my father?

I worked for him.

Doing what?



that sorta thing.


Sometimes I forget.

- What?
- Well, my dad,

what he came from.

That he's a criminal.

Mine was too.

Just wasn't any f*ckin'
good at it.


- you got the ask.
- Mm-hmm.

- Your call.
- Okay.

[overlapping shouting]

Hey, Bridget,

is there something that
I'm doing wrong, um, sexually?

J-just, um,

just tell me what you need,

No, you're not--you're not
doing anything wrong.

- [Bridget] Come on.
- Hm.

[seatbelt clicks]

[Smitty] All right.

[overlapping chatter,

- [Smitty] Sorry.
- [woman] You're disgusting!

[pounding on door]


- Jonathan!
- [Jonathan] Leave me alone.

- Open the door.
- f*ck off!


- [Bridget] This is Smitty.
- So?

So he's you today,
and you're him.

♪ percussive dance music ♪


[indistinct conversation]

[man] They're taking
my money!

We used to pay 500
for a three-bedroom.

I know!

- It's criminal.
- Mm.

The ad for my rental said
"ocean view."

Sweetheart, we're paying
5,000 for a three-bedroom.

One of these bedrooms
is so small,

Stuart can't even turn
his dildo horizontal.

The point is,
there's no accountability

at these Beachbnb places.

It's like
the Wild f*cking West.

And we're the Indians.

[man indistinct on TV]

[phone rings]

[under breath]
Ah, shit.


- [beep]
- Hello?

It's me...Mick.

[Sandy] How are the Maldives?

Oh, I wouldn't know, honey.

I'm out here in Rose Beach,
nice little gay community.

Ooh! I like it there.

Those men are so sturdy!

Listen, I got an idea.

You know this thing,

- What?
- [Mickey] People wire money

to rent a beach house.

So I figure we can take
a picture of any house we want,

pretend it's ours, take some
rich suckers for a ride.

[sighing] Okay.
I'll come.

Besides, I got a new
bathing suit

that needs to make its debut.

Oh, I can hardly wait.

[door closes]

Hey, maybe you shouldn't be
wearing my clothes.

Why's that?

Well, what if
they're contagious?

I don't think it works
like that.

Hey, uh, Bridget?

Hey, Bridget, you can't
get herpes from clothes?


- [door opens]
- [small laugh]

[hinges squeak,
door closes]

[muffled women's voices
from street]

Last night was a mistake.

- No, it wasn't.
- Yes, it was.

- I don't think so.
- It can't happen again.


It won't.

[door opens]

Look like a f*cking idiot.

[Bridget] Okay, here.

Put this on.

[Jonathan] Oh, God!

Multiple anonymous
social media accounts

have popped up
in the last hour

using the hashtag JWHerpes

to spread--no pun intended--

a warning about
the pop star's condition,

- and there's even word--
- [click]

Let's just get them
out of here.

- [man] Follow Mr. Lansky.
- [women yelling]

- [man] All right, come on,
Let's go, move!

Get outta the way!

[man] Outta the way!

[woman] Ever hear of a condom?

You've been served!

- f*ck you!
- Come on, get in.

Jonathan Walker Herpes!

- [man] Go, go!
- [shouting continues]

[tires screeching]

[knocking on door]

[Terry] It's Terry.

[Shaman] I know.

[door clatters]

Liberty tells me
you're going home.

[Terry] Yeah.
I expected to feel different,

but I just feel the same,


do you think the caterpillar
hopes to become a butterfly?

Do I think the c--

I don--I--

- I dunno.
- He doesn't.

He's just a caterpillar
being a caterpillar.

And if he spent all his time

hoping to become a butterfly

he would just be
wasting his time.

Oh, what, I'm--
I'm the caterpillar?


on that bookcase behind me

take down that big grimoire
in the middle on runes.

[sighs, whispers]
For Ch--


Open it.

So...what, a--

all this supposed--

supposed to be magic
or something?

Turn to the front page.

"To Jerry Goldberg...

all the best, Simon Conway."

That was me.

What, Jerry Goldberg,
that's you?

Jerry Goldberg
was my caterpillar.

♪ soft music ♪


[all, inhaling]





[all] Ah.

[all] Ohm...

[all] Ah.

[all] Ohm...

[animal calls]

♪ edgy, pensive music ♪


[weeds rustle]

♪ edgy, pensive music
continues ♪

[duck quacking]


[Delores] "There is no denying
the wild horse in us."

Virginia Woolf.

I heard that you met
with the Shaman.


I was hoping for
something different too.

[laughs] But that's the problem
in hoping, right?


I mean, I--
I've tried everything.

The operations.
The chemo.

I paid $5,000
for some purple poultice

to soak my feet in.
[small laugh]

You know
what I got from that?

Purple feet?



stones in your pockets.

Are you a collector?

No, it's--Truth-truth is...

noth--nothin' doesn't seem
to work no more.

Not my hands, not my mind...

My d*ck.

And I know where all-a...

this is heading.

And you truly think
that it would be better

if you walked into the lake
and sank to the bottom?

I dunno.

What would you have missed
if you did?

♪ somber music ♪

Not much.

You cannot mean that.


[Spanish rap music playing]


[Tommy] Ray.

f*ck is goin' on, Tommy?

Some very cool goings-on
and shit here this week.

We're doing a pop-up
right here,

relaunching the tequila,

f*ckin' gonna go
Casa Amigos on this shit.

It is gonna be
[whispers] fire!

f*ckin' phone call
woulda been nice, Tommy.

No, no, Ray, Ray, you just
keep on keepin' on.

This won't affect
your shit at all.

We'll just make sure
we stay out here

so you can continue with your
[whispers] covert operations.

It's really good
to see Bridget.

- What?
- Bridget.

- She's all grown up now.
- Bridget.

Yeah, she's in there
with a bunch of people.

[Jonathan] I mean,
at first I thought it was

- just poison ivy, right?
- [Adam] Poison ivy?

- [man] Th-that's an angle.
- [Jonathan] Yeah, yeah, I-I--

[Adam] What are you
talking about?

[woman] It is not an angle!

- [woman] Next idea.
- [indistinct chatter]

Let's go in.

- Hey, Dad.
- Hey.

The hell's
going on here?

Adam needed help.
Jonathan was stuck inside

with all these
press people outside.

[muffled conversation]

How'd you get him out?

I had Smitty dress up
like Jonathan

and Jonathan like Smitty.

I told them to have Jonathan...

put out a statement.

Get in front of it.

Is that the...
right thing to do?


It is, actually.


- [overlapping arguing]
- [Smitty] Hispies.

Call it hispies.

I mean, herpes--sexist.

[Smitty] Right?

Hey, that's pretty
f*cking good.

Yeah, hispies!

- [Jonathan, softly] Hispies.
- [low chatter]

[Smitty] What do you
think of that, Bridget?

- Very good.
- [man] It is.

[woman, laughing]
That's so genius!

Can I come in?

So I talked to my father.

This is to box 44 at the
First Central Savings Bank.

He said to take out
the brown leather bag.

He said you'd understand.

Well, 'cause I-I told him
that I'd do it myself,

but he won't let me.

Chances are, whoever goes
in that vault triggers a call.

- To who?
- The FBI,

the U. S. Attorney's office,
maybe worse.

Well, I can't ask you
to do that.

[sighs] Tell your father
I'll get what he needs.

[distant boat horn]


[line ringing]

- [Sandy] Hello?
- Sandy.

I got a job for ya.

[phone rings]



Who this?

Daryll, it's Allan.

What's up, Allan?

Uh, your mother says
you might be comin' home.

Yeah, um...

[sucks teeth]
I-I-I don't know, Allan.

I guess I could definitely
find a spot for you

in my company.

Ha ha, right.
What, i-in the mail room?

Uh, you'd be
creative executive.


Salary starts
at 75,000 a year.

So you'd be developing
new feature ideas

for my new company,
scouting for fresh talent.

Yeah, uh...yeah,
that's what I wanna do.

I heard about Mickey.

I know it feels complicated,

I bet it's a relief
knowing that piece of shit

is finally gonna stop
showing up at your door.


Hey, uh, Allan, let me, uh,

think about the offer
and give you a call back, 'kay?


[Muzak playing]


[low background chatter]

May I help you?

I'm here to see the boxes.

- I got a key.
- Of course.

Right this way.

♪ tense music ♪


[clerk] Here we are.

And Andrew
will take care of you.

Thank you.

[keys jangling]

Right this way, ma'am.

♪ tense music continues ♪


- [Sandy] Ooh.
- Okay.

Here we are.

If you need any further
assistance, just ring the bell.

Thank you, dear.

I'll be fine.

[door clangs shut]

♪ suspenseful music ♪


♪ light dramatic notes ♪

Ma'am, just a moment,

Couple-a rolls of quarters,

I'm here to tell ya
I got nothin'!

It was empty.
Hey, wait.

- The guy at the garage sale...
- Thank you.

[Sandy] Got me all excited
about this key.

Tells me that you find
all kinds of treasures

in these old storage

But mine was empty
as Christ's tomb!

♪ uneasy music ♪



So there will be
a Sullivan Center after all.


How'd we get here, Ray?

Why all this drama?

It was a beautiful
f*ckin' picture.

Why'd you put the genie
back in the bottle?

It's not important.

Oh, no, it is important.
It's important to me.

So, what is it, I mean...

love, money?

Do they have something
on you?


Please tell me you got
somethin' good outta this.

[light laugh]

Otherwise, it's...

what the f*ck?

I'll let 'em know
you're okay with the deal.

[seagulls calling]




Finally found you.

I can't do this.

What am I doin' out here?

You got so f*cked!

Jim Sullivan!

Jim Sullivan?

Look familiar?

From the heist of '77?

I got this from
Jim's safe deposit box.

♪ uneasy music ♪


[ambient background noise]

Yo, yo, Bunch!


f*ck you doin' here?

Wondered if I could
talk to you for a minute.

Sure. I just gotta
keep workin' here.

Yeah, yeah, no, go ahead.

I was talkin' with my mom.

She wants me to go back
to Palm Springs.

And my stepdad offered me
a job to work with him.


Creative exec.

I mean, I should
take it, right?

The f*ck you
askin' me for?

I just met
this incredible girl, man.

She's different,
you know?

So...they offer you a job

and a place to live
for free.

I know, right?

If your folks offer me
a place to live,

I'd do it.

Yeah, but you met Allan,

I'm a Donovan.
I'm more like you guys.

I don't know why you'd wanna
be anything like us.

[hose clatters]

[door bell jingles]

♪ somber music ♪


[machinery beeping,
respirator wheezing]

Tonight I wanna talk about


claiming our right as men

and securing the future.

[men murmuring]

We have a new face here

- [speaker] Brendan Donovan...
- [soft greetings]

[speaker] A man who took down
three armed thugs

all by himself.

- [man] There you go.
- [men murmuring]

We all need to take
that kind of initiative

if we're gonna stop
white genocide.

- [men] Yeah.
- [speaker] Blacks, Mexicans,

A-rabs--they're not afraid
to take up arms against us.

We need to man up

and protect
the future for white children.

♪ somber music ♪


Ma, what are you doin'?

I woulda brought
the bags down.

[tires screeching]

[brakes screech]


[Mickey] Daryll.

Daryll, my son.

My beauty-ful son.

I've been given
a sign from God.

Hey, Pop, does Ray know
you're still here?

He does not.

Nor do any of your

I'm here for you.

I'm here for you
and you alone.

I need you.


You came for my funeral.

I came for my son.

But you came.

You look so beauty-ful.

We gotta go.

No, Claudette, stay.

♪ edgy music ♪


Where'd you get that?

If that fucker hadn't
robbed me of my share,

you and I coulda spent
our whole lives together.

Years I coulda been a proper
father to Daryll,

coulda slept with you
every night.

We could have all that

We were young.

We're not that old.

I don't feel old.
I rose up from the dead.

I been remade
in my own body.

St. Peter gave me a--
a second chance,

a new life.

And I wanna share...

that with you.

Mickey, I can't.

I'm not that girl anymore.

I'm tellin' ya...

it's a sign.

- Mickey.
- Yeah?

If you really
do still love me...


Promise me...

that you won't drag
Daryll through this.

[voice breaks]
Promise me.

He's my son.

This is his birthright.

I came for your funeral.

Don't make me
come for his.


[elevator bell dings]

Feratti took the money.

You came here
just to tell me that?


That's nice of you.

All right.

Hey, the girl I saw
in the office--

is that your daughter?




Do you wanna stay
for a drink?


[Daryll chuckling]

[Daryll laughing]

[Daryll] My goodness.
You gonna drive?

Get in the car.

[phone rings]

This is Perry.

[Claudette] Yes, I have
some information

about Mickey Donovan.

Now would be a good time
to start talking.

- About what?
- [liquor pouring]

[Molly] Anything.

Tell me about yourself.

My daughter
got married last year.

She looks so young.




- I should go.
- Why?

I'm in therapy.


I'm not good at this, um...

Things have been hard
the...past year.

I like you.


I like you.

♪ quiet music ♪


[Jonathan] Genital herpes--

one in eight Americans has it.

That's over 40 million people.

Most don't even know
they have it.

herpes carries a stigma

that keeps people
from getting tested,

a stigma that's made much
worse by its sexist name--

- herpes.
- [Smitty mouthing]

So I'm here to change
that conversation.

I recently got tested
and so should you.

My name is
Jonathan Walker Hanson,

and I have hispies.

♪ gentle music ♪


[rhythmic clapping,



♪ gentle music continues ♪


[new song begins]
