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02x11 - Funny Money

Posted: 11/02/21 10:51
by bunniefuu
Start sh**ting already.

Come on, you're missing
my best stuff.

Man, if that's your
best stuff, hang it up.

You ain't getting on TV
with that weak sauce.

Hey, if he gets on that show,

I get ten percent
of his winnings,

'cause I taught him that trick.

I get ten percent
because it's my video.

You're both crazy. Ten percent
of nothing is nothing.

No one's tossing us cash
to just ride around.

What the hell?

What are you doing?

We shouldn't be here.

A bag of Benjamins.

We're rich!

Yo, come on, y'all!
Let's get out of here!

Good morning, sunshine.

What's for breakfast?

- Hey.
- Hey!

Where'd you go?

I had to go pick something up.

You got yourself a dog?

Oh, no, that'd be crazy.
I got Ben a dog.

You got a dog
I got that'll live here?

Without even mentioning it?

See, that kind of crazy.

It turns out, kids love dogs.

See, Ben and I

were walking past
this little adoption place

the other day,
Ben sees this guy,

and he freaks out.

It's like the dog spoke to him.

Well, I wish the dog
would've spoken to me.

I know, but I had to act fast.

Look at this little face.

Someone was gonna take him.

Aw, that's true. He's...

This is a very cute face.

Besides, I can help
with walking the dog

and sitting with the dog

and picking up poop
and all that good stuff.

If it doesn't work out,

we'll take him back to
the adoption place.

Oh, yeah. You think you can show
a puppy to a nine-year-old

and then return it?

No way!

Hey, look what followed me home!

Is this for real?

Can we keep him?

Which one?

I think that's a yes.

So where are you?

Claremont. Visiting RJ. I told you.

No, you didn't.

I-I was in his neighborhood.

You drove an hour past
your office in traffic?

And-and then I was
in his neighborhood.

God. Please tell me
you are not bringing him

another box of donuts.

Look, I love you.

I miss you. Bye.

Can I help you, sir?

Floyd, it's me.

RJ's dad.

We met, like, six times.

Oh! Right.

Is he here?

Uh, I don't know.

I haven't seen him
since last night.

Or was that the night before?

Wait, is today Tuesday?

No, it's not Tuesday.
You missed Tuesday.

Floyd, is RJ in class?

Why is that funny?

Oh, it's nothin'.

Inside joke.

Here, hold this.

I'm gonna text him.

I wouldn't worry about it.

I'm sure he's just at
the movies or something.

He goes to the movies a lot.

At 9:30 in the morning?

You know what?

Tell him to call his father.

Roger Murtaugh.


And, Floyd, go to class.

Our victim took two b*ll*ts

to the chest. Came out
that window up there.

Name's Mike Greco.

Career criminal,
mostly nonviolent.

Did you find the witnesses?


Bicycle tires. Looks like

three of 'em.

Hey. Lunch is on me today.

That's evidence.

Why you got to be so grabby,
Mr. Grabby Pants?

There's plenty where
that came from. See?

Two semesters

divided by four classes,

meet twice a week for,

let's say,
13 weeks a semester...

Come on, Rog.
Just let it go.

You let it go.

I got it. $248.

That's what it costs me.

Every time this kid cuts a class,

it costs me 248 bucks.

You know what,
that's like burning money.

Do you have any idea

what that feels like?

I-I don't know.

Does it, uh...

d-does it feel
something like this?

== Re-synced by MaxPayne ==

I have what we in the business
call an operating theory.

- I'd love to hear it, but, first...
- Greco,

our counterfeiter, was either
k*lled by a disgruntled customer

or a disgruntled partner.

Wrong. And mostly wrong.

Can I help you?

Doesn't look like it.

You just went zero for two.

Roger, meet Hank Peterson,

living legend of
the U.S. Secret Service.

"Living legend," huh?

What is that, like, a...

It's a moniker.
A term of respect.

I know what a moniker is.

Agent Peterson is tagging ins.
on our counterfeiting case.

- You're gonna love him.
- Oh, yeah. The moniker

just told me that I'm oh for two.

Listen, I come on a little strong.

I lead with my canines.

But I want you to know,

I'm not here to
step on any toes.

He's not here to
step on any toes.

I got two weeks left in service.

I'm just looking for
the finish line.

Guys like us, Roger,

we're chasing the sunset.

I'm not chasing the sunset.

I'm at noon.

Maybe 1:15.

30. 32...

Let's go meet your team.

Have you protected a president?

I can't tell you that.

But the answer's yes.

Have you taken a b*llet?

No. Like I told Eastwood,
when he played me

in the movie, the secret

is knowing how to stop
the b*llet before it's fired.

Okay, Agent Peterson is here

to share his expertise,
not his made-up

and scientifically
impossible theories.

This here is
a nearly perfect bill.

The untrained eye won't catch
the diminished fiber count

or the smudges on
the microprinting.

No. There is only one way
to track these beauties.

We issued a currency alert
for the sequential

- serial numbers.
- You need to flag the serial numbers.

That's what I was...
I was just saying that.

Shh. I'm listening.

Don't you shush me.

I've spent the last 18 months

tracking these bills

and the counterfeiter
behind them.

We call him Degas.

Anyone here know why?

Degas was an impressionist.

Because Degas was
a renowned impressionist.

Great nickname.

Follow the money,
find the k*ller.

Well, since no one knows
who Degas is or what he looks like...

how do you know we don't have
him downstairs on ice?

Well, actually,

I heard from his parole officer.

Greco was just released
from Helendale

after a five-year stint.

Which means he was
a hired grunt.

A bagman, a wheelman or inkman

who got into a business dispute
with Degas

and got two b*ll*ts
for his trouble.

A business dispute?

That's what someone was saying

for the past ten minutes.

Secret Service men
don't care about credit.

I mean, on one hand,
you know, there's...

Burt Reynolds.

On the other side,
there's Chuck Norris.

This is the important,
life-changing question

you wanted to discuss?

What to name your dog?

Uh, you get one opportunity
to name a dog, Doc.

So, yes.
What could be more important?

Off the top of my head,

maybe the phone call
from your father?

That's old news.

Since that phone call,

you've really embraced your role

with Ben.
Don't-don't get me wrong.

It's nice.
It's-it's almost... parent-like.

Why do you insist on ruining
everything with your words?

Why do you think
your father called?

Why do you think
he reached out?

Doc, he wants me
to come see him.

- How did you respond?
- I hung up.

And if you're gonna suggest that
I should entertain his offer...

No, no, no. Considering what
I know about your childhood,

I think the walls and
the boundaries you've built

with your father are healthy.

Look at that.

We fixed me!

All right, I'm out of here.

Riggs, with one phone call,

your father's voice
can be back in your head,

whether you want it there or not.

I just want you to pay attention
to how you deal with that,

especially as it concerns...

Things are going great
with Molly and I.

All right?
And I'm k*lling it with Ben.

See, my old man,
he actually gave me the secret

to being a great father...

just do the opposite
of everything he did.




What's the living legend doing?

Please, don't call him that.
It goes to his head.

It's usually cash businesses
that flag the fake green,

rarely hotels.

We caught a lucky break.

I sent dozens of
alerts to hotels.

It's not

a lucky break.
It's me.

It's a me break.

He's in the Skyview
Suite, top floor.

Assume he's armed.

Oh, that's a great tip.

'Cause we wouldn't
have assumed that.

Last time I was in this hotel,

protecting a certain

- matriarch...
- Okay, you know what,

we're gonna go upstairs.

You watch the lobby.

- I was enjoying the story.
- It's Barbara Bush.

Code name Snowbank.

I heard it three times.

I'm just saying,
humor the old man.

You know,
like I do with you.


Is this the Skyview Suite?

Thank God you guys are here.

It is a nightmare in there.

Party's over.

It's the Five-O.

Officer, this man abducted us.


You took money off
of a dead man?

No hablo inglés.

You just habla inglés
a minute ago.

Hey, Rog.

Weren't there three sets
of tracks in the alley?

Yeah, three bikes.

Where's your friend?

What friend?

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Watch out, watch out, watch out!

Move, move, move!

Get out of the way!

Move, move, move, move!


Hey, yo, man!

Yo, yo!

All right.

The deal was doughnuts for info,

and right now
I'm not getting much info.

How old are these doughnuts?

They're a little stale.

You know what's worse than stale?
No donuts.

So, the guy with the g*n,

what kind of mask
was he wearing?

The kind that covered his face.

We didn't hang around to look

'cause he was sh**ting at us.

Well, what were you guys
doing in that alley, anyway?

Trying to get rich.

That alley's got the perfect
bank-to-wall setup.

That's where we film our tricks.

Wait a minute,
you guys filmed all day?

Do you have all that video?

Nope. But it's all in the cloud.

In the cloud?

Come on.

Don't be that guy who doesn't
understand the cloud.

I am not that guy.

I understand the cloud.

Trust me.

Hey, uh, Bowman,
get me the cloud.

How-how did I lose him?

Are you serious?
You're asking me questions?

Do you think
I brought you down here

so that I can answer
your questions?

Is that what you thought?

I wasn't saying anything.

I was just making conversation.

He gave a kid a hundred
bucks to wear his hat.

You fell for that?

What's his name?

I'm not gonna rat out my friend.


He goes by Ty.

Last name?


And address?

I don't know.
He doesn't have one.

Okay? No parents.
He's a foster kid.

What do you mean, like they
keep him in a group home?

They try.
He always bounces.

Ty says group homes suck.

Where can I find him?

The audio's mostly a bust,

and we had to blow
up the image, but...

You're underselling it.
Hit play.

We're not gonna wait for Riggs?

Never wait for Riggs.

That man

is your partner.

Not cool.


there's our DOA six hours
before he was shot.

Now watch the van.

And here's the only
bit of sound we captured.

Do it again and
you're dead to me.

So, we're thinking...

That Degas is Frida Kahlo.

Now you lost me.

'Cause the counterfeiter
is a woman.


Frida Kahlo.

But she's not an impressionist.


She mostly did self-portraits.

I still like Degas.

Both of them.

Okay, you know what?

Bowman, trace the van.

Living legend, my ass.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Before you take off...

French dip from Cole's.

Change your life.

I had a place

like this once.

Would have k*lled
for one of those.

No good, huh?

Philippe's is better.

Where you from?

I heard I was born
in Albuquerque.

Not that I remember that.

So, what was your plan?

Take the cash and buy you
a place on the water?

I like the beach.

I recognize this one.

Santa Monica.

You got a favorite?

Santa Monica.
That's my favorite.

You never been to the beach,
have you?

You gonna finish that?

I thought about it,

but I could be
persuaded to, uh...

I don't know, maybe trade it

for a sack of cash
and my wallet.

You sure this is
the right address?

As sure as I was two minutes ago

when you asked.

Are you all right, Peterson?

Sorry. Nerves.

Two weeks to retirement.

I've seen some hairy stuff
go down in elevators.

I got stories.

Oh, I bet you do.

Don't want to hear them, though.

This one time

- in New Haven...
- Listen,

why don't I step off
the elevator first?

That way, if b*ll*ts fly...

You'd do that?

I'd view it as a...
a win-win.


Put your hands in the air.

Put your hands in the air

- and back away from that desk.
- Pick one.

I can't do both.


Did you k*ll Mike Greco?

He was shot upstairs
in the warehouse.

Did you see wheelchair access
to the second floor?

We did not.

We saw the video of you
arguing with Mr. Greco

before he was k*lled.

I told him
he was dead to me if he quit.

Why would I k*ll
the best partner I've ever had?

Why would he want to quit?

He was scared.

A guy named Paul Mason

came to my gallery last month,

offering me $50,000
for some of my work.

He wanted to buy
counterfeit cash?

He wanted to buy my plates
so that he could print his own.

Mike got k*lled
protecting my plates.

You find my plates and you'll find
the guy who k*lled Mike.

All my cash better be in there.

You didn't have any money.

That was a test.

Get down and stay down.

Come on! Come on!

Let's get out of here.

Ty? Hey.

Buddy, you all right?

- What about his group home?
- We've been to every group home

he's ever stepped foot in.

His friends.
Their friends.

There's a BOLO out

from San Diego to
Ventura County.

We're not gonna find him.

And Riggs has a theory.

Look, I know this kid. All right?
I was this kid.

He's not gonna be found
unless he wants to be.

I think you're still this kid.

Ben was messing with my
ringtones this weekend.


Would you answer it?

Hey, everything all right?


All right, how long's
he been missing?

Chuck Norris!

Chuck Norris!

Ben went in to get him
some water.

Not even a minute.

He came back out, and
the dog was gone.

Okay. Look, he can't be far,

- right?
- What about his chip?

It's a GPS thing to locate him.

I-I don't think Chuck Norris
came with one of those.

Dogs don't come with a chip.

You're supposed to get
the chip for him.

And that's what
we're gonna do, all right?

But first, we're gonna find him.

Honey, we are gonna do our best.

We're gonna find him,
guaranteed 100%, all right?

Go get your jacket.

- What are you doing?
- What?

You promised him you'd find the dog.
You can't do that.

Look, he's a wreck.

I'm just trying to
make him feel better.

Until you don't find the dog.

I'm a highly-trained detective.

All right?

I think I'm capable of
finding a puppy.

What if he's gone, Riggs?

You can't make
that kind of promise to a kid.

What's going on with you?


It's good.

All right, let's go.
Chuck Norris?

Hey. Uh, hey.

Where-where is everyone?

You're looking at 'em.

Have a seat.

Uh, Mom sent
a message about a...

half-birthday bash for me.

Not-not true?

You're just so hard
to reach lately.

We leave messages.

Your dad thinks
you're trying to duck us.

What? No, I'm-I'm... I'm not
trying to duck you guys.

You know, classes are crazy,
but I'm trying really hard.

So, now that we have you here,

why don't you tell us
all about it?

How is that
Advanced Macroeconomics?

Oh, it's-it's great.

- Mm.
- Uh, material's a little dry.

- Mm.
- But Professor Watkins

really brings it to life.

That's incredible,
and by incredible,

I mean hard to believe,
because I just spoke

to Professor Watkins
a couple hours ago,

and he said... get this...
you dropped his class.

Yeah, see,
that's a misunderstanding.

- See, I...
- To me,

in fact, he said you dropped both

- econ classes, physics and English.
- I can explain.

- What are you taking?!
- Okay.

Because Floyd says you go
to the movies all day long.

Ro... Roger. Please. You...

- That's what Floyd was saying.
- No. Stop it.

You have to give him
a chance to answer.

I'm sure there's an explanation.

- Uh...
- We trust your judgment, son.

Thank you, Mom.

I-I-I appreciate you for
treating me like an adult.

I'm dropping out of college.

- I knew it! It's dr*gs.
- You're doing what now?!

- You're dropping out?
- What kind of dr*gs you doing?

Look, I'm miserable.
I'm not cut out for it.

Look, I got a "D"
on my bio midterm.

A "D"?!

I got in there,
I couldn't answer anything!

It's supposed to be hard!

We're not paying for
a four-year party!

I just want to know
why didn't you say anything?

Because I knew exactly
what was gonna happen!

- What was gonna happen?
- This!

- What is this?
- This is what?

We're talking here!

- Well, I'm done.
- Done with what?!

- Done with what? You better sit down.
- RJ.

Feel free to keep yelling,

because you're not
listening to me anyway.

- Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
- Where...? Hey, hey.

You walk out that door,

- and you see what happens.
- You better not walk out that...

RJ, you better not
close that door.

I dare you not...

Captain, uh, question for you.

You know Detective Riggs
better than I do.

God, I hate questions
that start like that.

So you know how Riggs's
wallet was stolen?

I've been tracking his
credit card and, uh, what are

the chances he purchased
Fetty Wap's new album?

Wop and slim.

And a-a bus ticket
to Albuquerque?

Call Riggs.

I'm-I'm in line, and
this young man,

very polite young man

asks me where I'm going, and

offers to pay my fare.

Said-said it was
a school project on elder care.

Did you get this kid's name?

Act-Actually, I-I wrote it down
'cause I wanted to send him

a thank you note.

"Marty Riggs."
Two... two "Gs".

Have a nice trip.

- Outsmarted by a kid.
- Twice.

So where to now, Marty?

Hey, kid?

Lot of people looking for you.

Yeah, I know.

All right, let's go.

Give it a minute.

You don't want to
miss the best part.

I had the worst dream

that our firstborn
dropped out of college.

How did we mess up so badly?


We're his parents, Roger, We?
and we just got

a big fat "F" in raising
a college student.

- No.
- Listen, we didn't

make him ready for the world.

We were just...
too easy on him.

We were supportive.

No. Too supportive.

Every week,

you brought him
a box of donuts.

- A box of love!
- Oh, gosh.

And since we're pointing
fingers, who was it

that drove him to school
when he missed the bus?

You didn't teach him

Who told him he could bring
his laundry home from college?

Who folded it and
FedExed it back to him?!

Who fed his goldfish even after
we made him sign a contract?

I was not gonna
let Goldie die!


Okay, maybe there was
a few missteps.

Can we just stipulate

that we, both of us,

did not give RJ the tools
that he needs to succeed?


We're terrible parents.

We need a plan, Roger.

We are not done raising our boy,

and he needs our help.

Look, Ty, you're safe.

All right, these guys aren't
gonna come after you again.

They know that
you don't have...

The plates?
The moneymaker?

What? People talk, I listen.

The Secret Service
has the plates.

And we know the bad
guy lookin' for 'em.

And we're gonna find him.

- What happens after that?
- He goes to jail.

What happens to me?
You're gonna send me No.

To some random foster home
that has room on the couch?

Or a group home that
doesn't even have that?

Ty, there are people out there
that want to help you.

If you want to help me, then
give me that bag of money.

- Let me keep doing what I've been doing.
- So, what?

So you go find
another junkyard to live in?

Look, you had a raw deal.

I get it, all right,
but it happens.

Look, where you start in
this world is not where you end up.

People like you love
yoto say stuff like that, man.

I bet I've spent more time

in group homes than
you ever will.

You know, you're not the only
kid to grow up without a family.

I didn't have a family then,
and I don't have a family now.

But you know
what I do have?

I have a job I love,

and I got a little place
down at the beach.

If you don't want that,
then maybe I can't help you.


I wanted to say good-bye.

Leaving so soon?
Say it isn't so.

The counterfeiter's in booking.

The plates are in my car.

I'm bringing 'em back
to the field office.

Well, I won't hold you up.

Stairs are quicker,

especially if you
throw yourself down.

Seriously, you enjoy
your retirement.

You, too.

Again, I'm not retiring.

Come visit me in Whistler.
You'll change your tune.

It's a beautiful place
for your final chapter.

Final ch...?
You know what?

I need to not be a part
of this conversation.

Where is Riggs?

Oh, he's on a personal call.
Family emergency.

Something about a... a dog?

Oh. This is why I told him,
you don't get a kid a puppy.

He has no idea
how to be a parent.

Found the dog, Riggs.

Uh, he was dead...
on the side of the road.

I found him.

Less than 50 yards
from the house.

I'm so sorry, Molly.

I should have been
there to help you.

No. It's okay.

Then you would have had to
lie to Ben instead of me.

Lie to Ben about what?

Well, I told him that
the dog was hit by a car,

but he wasn't.

Somebody broke his neck.


Are you sure?

Who does that to a dog?

- Hey, Molly...
- Look, I-I hate to interrupt.

It's clearly a bad time,
but, uh, we have a problem.

Uh, Ty ran off.
He's-he's gone.

Hell yeah, man.

Well, you guys were a disaster.

Where's Mason?

Be nice.

You hurt their feelings.

I handed this to you
on a silver platter.

You had to handle a cr*pple
and her stooge.

How'd you screw that up?

Things happen, Agent Peterson.

Welcome to the life of crime.

Where are my plates?

I should have tossed them
in the ocean.

You came to me, my friend.

Now, you can walk with
five mil or...

The plates are in my trunk.


You're gonna love Whistler.

Okay, that shouldn't be.

Yeah, but I swear,
it was right there.

I put it there myself.


Thank God.

How'd you find me?

We tracked your car.

What happened?

Your little delinquent
stowed away.

Yeah, we saw it
on the surveillance video.

- And we kept calling you.
- He took my phone.

Where did he go?

Well, you tell me.
Look, I heard a rattle,

I got out, popped the trunk...

the kid's pointing
my shotgun right at me.

To... He took my g*n,
my phone...

and the plates.


Wow. Well...

kid certainly doesn't have
a future in,

uh, carjacking... I mean,

he... left the vehicle.

Listen, you found him once,
you know where he stays.

- Take me there.
- Not yet.

But listen,
he could be halfway to...

He does that sometimes.

Mid-sentence, too.

Very rude.

So the kid got the plates,

your g*n, and your phone.

You're lucky
you still got your pants on.

- Do people find you funny?
- Young people.

Speaking of which,
I need to call my son.

Boy tells us that
he's dropping out of college.

Hasn't been to class in weeks.

You think you know someone.


I must have dialed
the wrong number.

You little punk!

Five million dollars?

- You're a government employee.
- You dont understand...

I put my IRA in
a real estate deal,

I lost it all. Uh...

but I don't suppose
you'd consider

going 50/50 on that five mil?

Hey, watch it!



You okay?


All right, come on,
let's get out of here.

You lied to me, man.

Hey, Ty! Hey, hey. Look, man,

you can't keep running.

You lied to me, man.

The people at the station
said you had a family,

a kid, and a dog.

Why'd you say you didn't?

'Cause they're not really mine.

You know?
It's a, um...

it's more like
a borrowed family.

You're lying, man.
Just like everybody else.

All right, you want the truth?
Okay, um...

I had a mom.

She passed away
when I was a kid.

Uh, my dad beat
the hell out of me.

And I did have a wife.

And a kid.

But they passed away.

And that's it.

But I keep trying.

But right now
I got nothing, man.

And that's the truth.

- Hey, no, no, come this way, come on.
- What?

You want me to run
toward the train?

Let's go!
Come with me now, Ty.

You're crazy, man...
it's a train coming!

Look, man, you got to trust
somebody at some point, right?

Come on, come on.

So, what...
I go with the Nunes family?

What, Nunes snore?

Like a damn city bus.

Well, it's better than
living in one.

What if this doesn't work out?

Here's the big secret
no one tells you.

Family's overrated.

Yeah. Friends are much better.

You get to pick 'em.

And if you're lucky,

they become your family.

Don't steal any more wallets.

What is that look?

Nunes' family?

I heard this was your idea.

What, thi-this...

- my idea?
- Yeah.

Oh, yeah, sure.
That-that sounds like me, Doc.

This is it.

Our one last chance
to course-correct

every parenting blunder
we've made.

I know.

I made some b*llet points.

- Okay.
- Okay, so...

we're going to be... supportive.

But not too supportive.

Right, that's exactly what
I said... "not too supportive."

- Uh-huh.
- Two, we're gonna be tough,

but not too tough.

That's pretty much like
the first one.

- You think?
- Mm-hmm.

- But we can say it twice, it's good.
- Okay, yeah.

So RJ can live at home,

but he's gonna have
to have a plan.

- Right.
- All right. He can get a part-time job.

- Take some courses at a local college.
- Uh, Mm-hmm.

He can do his own laundry

and babysit Harper
at least once a week.

- I like that last one.
- I threw that in for you.

- That's very good.
- Mm-hmm.


Come on.

Let's, uh, go do our worst.

Let's go... All right.

Let's breathe, though.
And you know what?

- It's gonna be all right.
- Okay.

What the hell

is wrong with you?

I'm sorry, uh,

I-I was working up the nerve
to talk to you.

Um, I-I know this
whole college thing

took you by surprise,

and I'm-I'm sorry.

I-I just...
I got overwhelmed.

Well, we have, uh,

- some b*llet points we want...
- Roger.

- Hmm?
- Uh-uh.

I-I have a plan...
I thought I'd run it by you?


What if I enrolled
at a local college,

took two classes
instead of four,

and lived at home,
but got a part-time job

so I could pay
my own expense?

- Mm-hmm.
- I, um, uh...

I think I need some time
to figure out my path.

So, um... think about it.

And I'll talk to the school

about getting you a refund
for this semester.

I love you guys.



Who was that?

- That... My son.
- That's your son.

That's my son.
'Cause my son is dumb.


We are... kick-ass...


I think we need
to give seminars.

How you holding up?

Happy you're here.

You want one?
I got another inside.

No, I can't stay.

Look, I, um...

...I got to get out of town
for a couple days.

Where you going?

I'm sorry.

I screwed up. I should have
never done that to you guys.

You brought us a puppy.
It was a sweet thing to do.

You didn't know
he was gonna...

You're not just
talking about the...

What is it
you shouldn't have done?

Pulled you into my mess.

You think you had a choice?

Your mess is where
I want to be.

What is this?

Why does it feel like I'm not
gonna see you when you come back.

I can't protect you
anymore, Molly.

From what?

I got to go.

I'm sorry.

Hello, Martin.

Hey, Dad.

What's that?

I told you
I wanted to see you.

I got the message.

So is this what you do now?


whatever got you down here, kid.

But now that you are...

...we got a lot of
catching up to do.

I didn't come all the way
down here to listen to you talk.


Why the hell'd you come here, then?

Common courtesy.

See, I came out here
to tell you to your face...

that when you get out of here,
I'm gonna k*ll you.