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02x22 - One Day More

Posted: 11/02/21 11:14
by bunniefuu
There you are.

I've been waiting.

Do you still love me?

Of course I do.

You were supposed to be here.


That's what you said.

Do you not want to anymore?

I do.

Then what's keeping you, baby?

It's time.

Be with me.



Do I...

look different to you?

Riggs, you are looking
at a very wealthy woman.

You remember my family
estate in the hill country?

You mean the little cabin
on the pond?

Yeah. Well, a family...
the Steadmans, I believe,

sound adorable... just
put an offer on it.

And from this, you're rich?

No. From this, I can
pay off a little debt.

So that's nice.


Yeah. I always liked
that little place.

Yeah, me, too.

It would have been nice
for Ben to grow up there.

Skipping stones.

Me baking pie.

You... sh**ting squirrels
on the porch.



Well, the mere
mention of a future together,

and you just totally froze up.

I did not freeze up.
That's just my natural posture.

- You're starting something.
- I'm not.

- I-I'm not.
- Ah.

Okay, fine. It is
a little weird

that you don't even
have a drawer here.

Hey. I keep a pile
in the bedroom.

Okay? I just didn't want
to take up, you know, space.

I was trying

- to be a gentleman.
- Oh, a real gentleman.

All right, how about this...

Miss Molly Hendricks?

May I keep some underpants in your credenza?

Would that be all right?

Martin Riggs, you know
just what to say to a girl.

- Uh-huh.
- Mm-hmm.


Is it safe?

Is what safe,

Acting all casual.

I see.

That's how we're
gonna play it.

Mom, what's he talking about?

No clue.

The only
question is...

when is my surprise party?

Your birthday's
in September, big guy.

No, my party because I
was promoted to captain.

I know you all

- are planning something.
- I'm out.

Baby, I can tell you,

no one is planning
a surprise party.

- Right.
- Okay, do you

want a surprise party?


- of course not.
- Hmm. Really?

I mean, but in the
event that you did,

- Uh-huh.
- I mean, let's keep it classy and elegant,

- Okay. Mm-hmm.
- you know, like the man himself.

So where are we on
the fondue situation?



You are unbelievable.

And you just changed
your password.

Yes. For work.

I think
that weasel, Alan,

hacked into my accounts.

- Really?
- Mm-hmm.

That's a crime.

What are you doing?

I'm sending Bailey an e-mail.

We'll have her check
your computer, make sure

no one messed
with your accounts.

You can do that?

Can I do that? Come on.

good to be captain.

Ah, still detective
for one more day.

Did you
tell your partner?

No. I mean...

not talking about
the important things

is the basis of
our relationship.

Roger, you have to tell him.

Not everybody
likes surprises.



You busy?

Just trying to figure out
what to put in a drawer.

Yeah, well,
at this point,

anything would be
an improvement.

At Molly's house.
A drawer at Molly's house.

You know, so I'm gonna
keep some... socks

and, you know, Cheez Whiz.

A sundry drawer.

that's a big step.

You're evolving.

And, you know, in life...
the cycle of life...

sometimes... you got to move on.

Yeah, I know.

It sucks.

No, not always.

Sometimes change is good.

But the beauty is...

we always have...

the memories.


What the hell is that?

It's the history of us.

Uh, no, thanks.

Riggs, it's a gift...
you can't give it back.

Look, Rog, I'm sorry.

I... I got enough
useless crap as it is.

Useless? This is
our memories!

Mine are right up here, bud.

Besides, we're gonna make
new ones, right? So...

No, we won't.


I'm gonna be captain.

Oh. Yeah, I know.

- I heard, captain thing.
- You know?

- Yeah.
- I painstakingly

put together a symphony
of our mementos,

and... you,
nothing in return.

You mean in terms of,
like, a gift?

- Yeah.
- A gift.

Oh. Well... here we go.

- Here's a grenade.
- A grenade? Why do you have a grenade?

Well, for emergencies,

You know what?
I'm done.

As captain, this kind

of recklessness
will not stand.

Get down!

I knew I should have texted you.


Okay, no wrong answers.
Who wants to k*ll Riggs?

Flores Cartel.

That's already on there,
like, five times.

New pitches only.

Scorsese's right.

We can't just focus
on hardened criminals.

This guy pisses people
off all day long.

We have to cast
a wider net, people.

Remember when you bathed
in that public car wash?

- That guy was mad.
- Yeah. He was upset, but...

I don't know if he was upset
enough to, like, take me out.

What is this?

Someone took a shot

at one of our own,
and we are not going

to eat, sleep

or make love

until the perpetrators

are brought to justice.

Really? You liked it?
You bought it? You bought it?

Hey, I got chills.
I'd vote for you, Cap.

- So, where are we with this?
- All right,

we got two sh**t, hosed
it down from long range.

- Is it a professional job?
- If it was a contract,

these boys better not
quit their day job.

Do you want me to get you
a protective detail?

It's policy.
I have to ask.

Let's just say I can't wait

for them to take another shot.

Oh! The donut guy.

I had this whole
situation with this, uh,

Boston cream deal.

- Put him up there.
- All right, donut guy.

All right, now we're
getting somewhere, guys.

- Who else wants to k*ll me? Let's go.
- Uh, Molly Hendricks.

How about we go look at

- some campaign buttons.
- Went by your trailer,

saw you did some remodeling.


Just a case of the Mondays.

Uh, it's Thursday.

Start talking.

Um, look...

some clowns used my trailer
for target practice.

All right?
Not a big deal.

It's not a big deal?

Who would do that?

Well, apparently, my Texas charm

doesn't translate as well
here in Los Angeles.

Look, it's fine,
all right?

Why'd you go by the trailer?

It's nothing.
We can talk later.

What are you talking about? You've come
all the way down here... it's something.

Well, I was about to sign
those escrow papers.

- Mm-hmm.
- You remember the Steadmans?

Of course. They're
the adorable couple.

Right. And we're
kind of adorable, too.

So I was thinking, why
can't we be the Steadmans?

Are you wanting to commit
identity fraud?

I want you to move
to Texas with me.

And Ben.

See, I-I started
thinking about all of it,

and you could get your job back,
my business is on wheels,

and it just felt
so real and so right.

And if you say no,
we'll just pretend

this conversation
never happened.

But, God, I hope you don't.

Um, what about the palm trees
and the sunshine?

I thought you liked it here.

I do.

I do. But it's... it's not home.


Can I think about it?

Hold up.
You didn't flat-out reject it

or freeze?

I am calling
that a win.

Okay, take your time.

But, uh...

just ask yourself something:

what's keeping you here?

There's all these people
that want to k*ll me.

- Oh. I promise, Riggs,
- Really nice.

everyone will still want
to k*ll you in Texas.

- Right.
- You can bet on it.

See you later?

See you later.

The man
cannot survive without me.

I practically saved
his life today.

I heard.

From a text.

"Someone tried
to assassinate Riggs. All good."

I erred on the side of brevity,

because I just wanted you
to know that we're both okay.


please be careful.

Both of you make it home,
and there'll be a party waiting.

Ooh. Okay, well, I want
to approve the guest list.

Mm, it's just you and me.

But, um...
there will be fondue.

Mmm. Well,
then I better take my Lactaid.

Oh, my God. That is not sexy.

Oh, sorry.
But I am gonna take it,

because you know what happens
to my stom...

Okay. I love you. Bye.

Hey, so, we got a hit
from the bike a neighbor saw

outside of Riggs' trailer.

It's registered
to a corporation.

You want me to go with Riggs?
It being your last day and all?


But you know
I can't let you do that.

I know why you're
so quiet and grumpy.

You're gonna miss me.

I understand...
I'm missable.

But you could still come by
and harass me and...

- Molly asked me to move to Texas.
- Really? Where?

Her family's got a little cabin
out on a lake out there.

You know, probably could
get my old job back...

that is, assuming my new captain
puts in a good word for me.

You're serious?

You're really thinking
about giving all this up?

Yeah. Why not? You are.

Come on, Rog, last case... let's
make some memories together.

Hey, isn't that, uh...?

The meth-dealing n*zi
you dunked in eggnog?

I think it is.

You know, I almost
didn't recognize him.

Whatcha gonna do?

Watch this...
this is art class.

Oh, now,
yeah, Hitler.

Now I recognize him.


Why am I not surprised
to see you underdressed

and vandalizing art?

Well, we were just
in the neighborhood,

and I am infatuated with
your interior design.

Well, see, someone
redecorated my trailer,

and it is a mess.

There's glass shards

and b*llet casings everywhere.


- Can you help him?
- Not sure I can.

Well, see, there was this Harley

that was kind of
parked out front,

just lingering about
before the incident,

and it just so happens

that it's registered
to this very address.

Well, I don't drive
a motorcycle.

But I know someone who does.


Can we get security?

Hey, let's go, pal.


What the hell
are you doing here?

Your son
and Detective Murtaugh

were just asking
about your motorcycle.

Well, I should've known.

Why? What happened?

Well, apparently,
you tried to k*ll me.

Hey, Riggs.

Let's go get a warrant,
do this right.

But it wouldn't be
the first time

you tried that,
would it, Pops?

Wasn't me.

I came to your trailer
to talk to you.

Thought you might be able
to help your little brother.

He's now in county lockup.

Like father, like son.

Okay, why don't we take this
family therapy somewhere else?

Let's go.

- Oh, dear.
- Stay back, stay back.

All right, easy, guys.

Come on, let's not get agitated.

Stand down, boys.

His bark's worse than his bite.

Hey, Rog?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but
is it or is it not illegal

for a felon to carry a firearm?


You're gonna bust me
on a parole violation?


When I take your ass in,
you'll be wearing a toe tag.

- Would've been nice, you know?
- What's that?

You know...

Move back home,

live a simple
life with Molly.

You can still have that.

Come on, I can't take this w*r

between me and my dad
back to Texas.

Why is it easier
for you to believe

your father wants to k*ll you
than to believe he doesn't?

His eyes.

The night Jake
shot him.

You just never forget
the look in a man's eyes

who wants to k*ll you.

It's like a reptile.

Cold, and...

...void of love, you know?


I'm not asking you to forget it,

and I'm not asking you
to forgive him.

Oh, Lord,

then, what are you
asking me to do?

Just don't be all shrinky,
just for once, say it.

I'm asking you
to forgive yourself.

For what?

I didn't do anything,
I was a kid.


You had a g*n pointed
at your father,

you had the chance to sh**t him,
and you did nothing.


Why didn't I k*ll my dad?

That's what you're gonna ask me?

I don't know.

God, 'cause I was...

'Cause I was scared, I was weak.

'Cause I was a 12-year-old boy,
and he's my dad.

I mean, he was
supposed to protect me.

But he didn't.


And every day since then, I...

Every day since then,
I regret not k*lling his ass.

But until you forgive yourself,
you'll never have the peace

that you need to move on
with yourself, and with Molly.

I don't know.

I just can't shake this feeling

I'm gonna get
another shot at it.

What the hell
are you doing here?

Where's my security?

I sent the boys home.


They work for me.

I need bail for my boy.

He's stuck in prison.

Couple million
ought to do it.

And, what, you think
I have it in my robe?


But I was thinking
you might call that lawyer,

who's laundering
all your money.

So you overhear
one conversation,

and you think you understand
how it all works?


Little knowledge
is a dangerous thing.


I'm, uh...

...not a learned man,
but I am trying

to improve myself.


I sure would

that introduction.

Hey, Riggs.

We got the forensics
from the beach.

Tire treads do not
match your father's.

He didn't do it.


Okay, so that didn't
get the reaction

that I was hoping for,
but maybe this will.

Beach treads
indicate racing tires.

Two KTM Dukes were reported
stolen yesterday,

one red, one black.

The red one was just spotted
outside of a bar

called The Late Shift, downtown.

Nice work, Bailey.

Look, don't tell Rog, all right?

He's made it this long
without getting himself k*lled.

I'd hate for something
to happen on the last day.


I don't want to fill out
the paperwork.

I won't say a word.

You won't say a word

about what?

Oh, nothing.
Nothing you need to worry about.

I wasn't worried.

And now I am.


Um... well...

He ruined it, didn't he?

There's a surprise party
for you, at your house.

Okay? Chocolate fountain,
the whole thing.


Yeah, hey, look,
you better act surprised

when you walk in the door.

Did I tell you? Don't
try to pull one over

- on Roger Mayfield Murtaugh.
- They can't pull one over on me.

Ah, you better act surprised.


Have some unis follow him.

I don't want him out there
without protection.

Aye, aye, Captain.

"Yes, sir, Captain."

We're not pirates.

Yes, sir, Captain.

Hey, guys, how are you?

Look, I found this beauty
parked out front.

I was wondering
who it belonged to.

No? All right,
here-here's another one.

Who in here tried to k*ll me
this morning?

Just let me see a show of hands.

Come on, guys, I'm sure
there was a contract,

which means you didn't get paid,
because I'm still alive.

Right? Let's go ahead
and get this over with

so you can go back to
your lives. I'm not gonna

be able to go back to mine;
I'll be dead, of course.

What the hell
are you doing on my bike?

Wait a minute,
this is your bike?

Damn right it is,
now get your ass off it.

I'm-I'm sorry,
just out of curiosity,

you didn't try to k*ll me
this morning, did you?

No, but I'm just about to.

You know what? I'm gonna
need to borrow this, sir.


Who tried to k*ll me?

Hey! Was it Nathan Riggs?

Was it my dad?

It wasn't...


It wasn't you.

It wasn't...

It wasn't you.

I'm home.

All by myself.

Guys, I hear you breathing.

Oh, this is amateur hour.

Hey, Riggs.

Rog, it wasn't me.

You're the target.


So I guess this means

I'm not gonna get
the chocolate fountain?



Do not touch that rug.

That's a limited edition
microfiber. Put it back.

Murtaugh, there's blood
and human viscera on it.

That's nothing a little seltzer
can't handle.

- - Seltzer?
- Yeah.

Hey, Trish.

Oh, God, Roger.
Are you all right?

Baby, my heart is racing.

I could feel the b*ll*ts
whizzing by my head.

What if you were home
or the kids?

We weren't.

The kids are with my aunt.

They're perfectly safe.

God, I'm just glad we're done
with this.

With what?

All of it. Everyday worry

that you're in the field,

constantly putting your life
on the line.

All of it.


It's over.

I just got to head back
to the precinct

to make a list of the suspects.

- You know?
- Okay.

I'm leaving the office now.

- I'm on my way.
- Okay.

Hey, baby.

It's 12:01.

You're not a detective anymore.

You made it.


I made it.

See you, baby.

...$2 million right now.

Alan, what are you
still doing here?

Even if I wanted to,

I couldn't get you
the money tonight.

Why is that?

Because I don't have
access to the accounts, okay?

Only Trish Murtaugh does.


Her husband a cop?

Yeah. And she changed
her passwords this morning.

So I'm gonna need
a little more time.

If Trish can get me the money,
what do I need you for?

Whoa, hey, what's with the
g*n?! I said I'd get it for you.

I just need a day...

on company time again.

You know the department
frowns on that.

I'm going through some old case
files looking for suspects.

- Any luck?
- Nah.

But my first order as captain

is to rename this
the Murtaugh Wing.

Put away a lot of bad guys,

And there's always more.

Well, that's the
gig, isn't it?

Not for me. Not anymore.

Someone almost took me out

and I-I can't escape
this feeling that...


...that being captain puts me
one foot closer to the grave

than any b*llet ever could.


If it's any consolation...

...there's not a cop
in this building

that doesn't respect you.

Thanks, man.

And it only took you two years
and a one-way ticket out of here

to open up.

You still going?

I don't know.

What? Why not?

Hard to move forward, Rog,
when you can't let things go.

I get it.

You can't leave me behind.

Perfectly understandable.

That's not what I said.

Your-your mouth
is not saying it,

but your eyes are
telling me everything.

Mm. What are my eyes
telling you right now?

They're saying,
"I love you, man."

You're delusional.
You know,

if you make someone say
they love you, it's not...


You need to see this.

Records from the
hitter's burner phone.

Several calls
from a law firm.

What firm?

Your wife's.

She's still not answering
her phone.

Wait. I hear it ringing.

She was
recording something.

Stay in there, Rog!

I don't have access
to the accounts, okay?

- Only Trish Murtaugh does.
- Riggs.


It's your dad!


He's got her.

What the hell is he doing
with my wife?!

I don't know, Rog.
Look, just calm down.

What the hell is happening?!

I don't know, Rog, but obviously
he needs something from her.

- We'll get her back.
- How?

You gonna call him?
You gonna talk to him?

No, you can't call him.

- Riggs, this is Trish.
- He's not gonna listen.

So then what? What?!

He took something
you love.

We take something
from him.

I need $2 million
transferred into my account.

All this time,

Alan was laundering money.

He put out the hit
on my husband.

Quit stalling.

Are you gonna k*ll me
after I make this transfer?

Would knowing
make it any better?


It's done.

Well, I guess we're all
finished here, boys.

Let's make a move.

Step out of the car.

Turn around.

Turn around!

You don't have to do this.

Please, I...

I have children
and a husband.

It's not personal.

You just got caught
in the middle of something.


Dad, you-you got to help me.


Hey, Pop.

How you doing?

What the hell are you doing,

Ah, just thought it was time
for a little family reunion.

Hey, Riggs.

I know, Rog.

The only thing that matters
is getting Trish back.

Let's talk inside.

Out here is fine.

Love what you've done
with the place.

Let's just get this
over with, all right?

Thought we might
have a drink first.

I don't do that anymore.

Make an exception.

Might be the last time
we see each other.

I'll be sure to
celebrate after.

Suit yourself.

Here's to family.


let's talk terms.

Trish for Garrett.
Nothing to discuss.

There is one thing.

When we leave here today...

you won't come after us.

That's a big ask.

I'm not asking.

I'm telling.

How's that?

Well, you got to think
about that girl of yours.

Molly and her son.

The thing is, son...

I can get to them
any time I want.

Any time.

Now you want that drink?

Easy, Riggs.

Take it easy.

Come here.

Baby, you okay?


Did they hurt you?
Are you okay?

I'm okay now.
I'm okay.


- Get Trish out of here!
- Why?


Baby, can you drive?

- Yes.
- I got to go back.


Bring him back.

Copy that, beautiful.

You're still
a little rabbit, aren't you?

Dad! Dad!


Don't miss.

Pull it!


Get back here!


Didn't raise much of
a fighter, did you?

Riggs, Riggs.

You okay?

Did you blow up
my trailer?

No, tha-that was like that
when I got here.

- Hey.
- Hi.

I hear congratulations
are in order.

You're... moving.

Excited to get rid of me?

- Sure.
- Good.

So when do you and Molly
hit the road?


She's at home,
packing up.

Shouldn't you be helping
with that?

Uh, no heavy lifting.

Doctor's orders.

How are you
holding up?

Um, I'm all right.

I do have a couple of therapists
in Texas I can recommend.

You know, I was thinking
more of, like,

a long-distance

- might be in order.
- Call me anytime.

I'm terrible at good-byes.

Me, too.

I'll see you around, Doc.



You decent?!


Monty, my man.
All right.

So no one went to work today,
is that...

- is that what we're...?
- We just thought...

We all thought that you
deserved a proper send-off.

And we couldn't get our money
back for the chocolate fountain.

That sounds about right.


speech, speech...


look, um...

this is all very touching.

And, uh,

I'm glad I wasn't armed.
So, good?

- I'll be right back.
- All right.


Where you going?

I was, uh,

- just gonna grab a little, uh, fresh...
- Sneaking off?

You should've used the window
in the laundry room.

That's my move.

Who wants taquitos?

I'm just grateful

that there's someone here
to give Rog hell

- after I'm gone.
- Mm.

Thank you.

Come on, Trish,
don't steal my line now.

You brought him home safely
to me every night.

Thank you.


You're incredible.

After all we've been through,
no good-bye?

No, I was grabbing you something
out of the truck.

Hold on. I got it


There we go.

From the breakfast sandwich.

It's from this morning.

Yeah. I'd like a reimbursement.
Send the check to Texas.


I'm glad to see you happy.

You changed my life, Riggs.

And I'm grateful
that you were my partner.

Cool, man.

"Cool, man"?

That's it? Come on,
I need more, Riggs.

Come on, lift the mustache
up and just go...

"I love you."

Come on. Say "I
love you, Rog."

Got a long drive, Rog.


Thanks for saving my life.

At the beach?

Come on, you've done it
for me a bunch of times.

Not what I meant.

Hey, cowboy. Where you at?

I got one more stop to make,

and we'll get this show
on the road.

Well, hurry up.

That drawer won't pack itself.

Hey, babe.

Look, um...

It might be a while
before I come by and visit.

I, uh...

You know, the only life
I ever saw for myself

was with you and my boy.

I didn't think
I could have another future.

Didn't think I'd want one.

But now I do.

And that
doesn't mean I'm gonna forget you.

I just couldn't let you go.

But I love you.

You're always gonna be
with me.

Attention, all units.

We have a 999. sh*ts fired.

All available units,
please respond.

I repeat, sh*ts fired.

All available units, respond.