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02x01 - Two Zero One

Posted: 11/04/21 07:59
by bunniefuu
Previously, on Beyond...

While you were in your coma

your mind traveled to another world.

This is where we met.
I call it The Realm.

Am I the first girl to be brought
up to your bedroom?

One of the gazillion things
I missed was...

hanging out with girls.

Hollow Sky has been involved
in youthbased charities.

Fort Reed Helping Hands.

It's run by Pastor Ian Brachman.

Our son's friend was m*rder*d.

Now, I'm not saying that this Hollow
Sky was directly responsible,

but there's got to be a connection.

I'll see what I can do.

Charlie Singer? I wanna help you.

I need something from you first.

It's not her! It's not your mother.

He's seeing what he wants to see.

- Now what?
- Blow up the bridge.







Andrew, get up.

You have to get up right now
and come with me.

We'll be safe in the shelter.

Safe from what?

Hang on to me, son.

Keep your head down, okay?

We're almost there.

You're doing good. You're doing so good.

I'm sorry, son. I...






This one's nice.

Check it out,

my feet don't even touch the end.

It's like I'm at a hotel.

Will this even fit?

Of course it will fit.

I mean through the door.

Well, it comes in pieces,

then you assemble it
when you get in the room.

II figured.

It's sturdy.

Hey, excuse me.

Is this wood imported
or locally sourced?

It's got to be imported, right?

Costs next to nothing.

- I like it.
- Yeah?

Yeah, I think this is the one.

The... The...

"Slutligen Droemmer."



I'm fine.

I'm fine, I'm fine,
I'm fine, I'm fine...

Mom, it's... it's all right.

It's just a bed.

It's not just a bed, Holden,

it's your bed.

We bought you that bed
when you were three.

- You remember, right?
- Yeah.

It was your big boy bed.

I tucked you in before
the first day of school

and I curled up beside you
when you had a bad dream.

I slept in the bed when...

you were in the hospital,
so it's not just about...

We're good here, thank you.

Mom, we don't have to
get rid of the bed.

I can stay in the basement with Luke.

No. No.


It's time for us to start
thinking of you as an adult.

I get it. It's hard for her to move on,

but we are moving on.

I've been awake for almost
two months now.

I can't just be stuck in the past.

I need to be able to have a life.

You do have a life.

Well, I want your life.

You want to sl*ve over
caramel macchiatos

at the ShangriLatte?

No. I don't know, maybe.

You know, I want the...

freedom to figure things out on my
own, like a normal 25yearold.

You're not a normal 25yearold.

And telling yourself otherwise
doesn't make it so.

It makes you delusional.

Look, I'm sorry, man, but it's true.

I mean, I'll be lucky

if I make shift supervisor
in, like, two months.

Like, that's my win.

But you, you take this job with Dad,

when you could be out there...

making a real difference,
you know, like, helping people.

I get it.

With great power, blah, blah, blah.

But Willa is safe.

You, Mom, Dad, we're all safe.

I'm done with these powers.

I just, I don't want
to make a difference.

All I want...

is a bed that fits.


I think we can do that.

I don't understand what the holdup is.

They've had your truck for a month.

They're still waiting on a part.

A distributor, I think.

A distributor. I can go down to Harry's,

pick up a distributor and
be back in time for dessert.

Well, Colorado's
a long way from Harry's.

What's the name of this place?
I want to follow up.

Yeah, it's...

the um...

You know, it's not just the distributor.

It's the rotor,

and the cap,

one of the pistons is broken,

and it needs a new crankshaft.

Good God, Holden, how much
is all this gonna cost?

You don't give them a nickel
until I get in touch,

all right?

Speaking of... out of touch,

Pastor Ian's been noticeably absent.

Is he on, like,
some kind of pilgrimage...

Luke. Come on, man.

What? I'm just asking if they broke up.

Not that it's any
of your business, but we...

Pastor Ian is out
of the picture for now.

That's all you need to know.

It's getting late. I should get going.

I'll give you a ride home.

Okay, the dishwasher is empty.

I will leave the pans in the sink.

I'll do them when I get home.


I'll see you tomorrow
at 8:00 a.m., sharp.

Getting rides from the boss.

Making a lot of friends at work?

Maybe if you taught me
how to make those adorable

little hearts in their coffees.

It's called latte art.

There he is.

Diane, Tom.

Thanks for the call, Sheriff.

Yeah, it's just John, for now.

- Okay.
- Okay.

This is, Special Agent Gale...

Gale Borden. Kansas City Field office.


- You're FBI?
- That's right.

I'd like to talk to you both
about Hollow Sky.

Wow. That's an "S."

Hey, it helps to keep your eyes open...

when you sh**t at the net.

- Does it?
- Yeah.

All right, offthebackboard net.


You didn't think Mom and Dad
seemed a little... off?


When was the last time
Mom offered to drive Dad home?

Dude, Mom doesn't even know
I got kicked out of school.

Yeah, I keep my distance.

Hey, it's your sh*t, Space Jam.

Come on, you don't think that...

Dude, that was, like, a month ago.

If Hollow Sky was coming for us, they...

would've come for us.

It's not Hollow Sky.
It's something else.

A feeling.

Like when you forget
to unplug the toaster.

Well, did you forget
to unplug the toaster?

Forget it. It's nothing.

My sh*t?


That is "HORSE."

All right, I'm going inside. You coming?

I think I could use the practice.


Hey, Holden.

Bend your knees
right before you release.


I just had it!

Okay, I got another one.

I'm sorry, this is embarrassing.

Hi, excuse me.

Do you happen to have a spare...

Yes! Superb. Thank you.

Agent Borden has been looking into

some missing persons across Kansas.


Nine missing.

All of them diverse in age,

race, gender, religion.

Nothing to suggest
that these cases are connected,

save one...

noteworthy point of intersection.

Helping Hands?

You were in a relationship
with Pastor Ian Brachman,

is that correct?


How long?

Six or...

no, seven months.

And were you intimate?



why are we here?

You're here because you want
to protect your son, Holden.

You told Sheriff Dayton that you suspect

that Pastor Ian, and by
extension, Hollow Sky,

may be interested in your son.
Is that correct?

Yeah, that's correct, but I don't...

Did you ever ask why?

- Holden was in a coma and...
- Yes...

for 12 years.

I have his medical records right here.

It's right... Nope, that's not it.

No, that's not it either.

Okay, well, anyway, I read it,

and it said that your son
woke up after all that time

with no atrophy,

no brain damage,

and neither of you find this strange?

Well, at first...

It's unusual, we'll admit, but...

Holden's not the first miracle.

Actually, he would be,

if miracles did, in fact, happen.

But in my experience,
miracles are stories

used to recruit gullible parties
to a shared belief.

Like a cult.

I kept Holden on life support

because I believe in these stories.

They kept my son alive.

Well, they won't keep him safe.

Not from Hollow Sky.

And not from becoming
Missing Person number 10.

All right, all right, so...

what is it you need from us?

In order to protect your son,

we need to know what Hollow Sky

wants with him.

And we thought that...


and your shared history...

You want me to get
back together with Ian?


Wait a minute.

Are you out of your mind?

We just need for you to keep the lines
of communication open with him.

And if it comes about naturally,

through a relationship,

then it will be less likely
to arouse suspicion.

We don't expect you to decide tonight.

No! No.

That's my answer.

Come on, let's go.

- Tom?
- No.

I'm so sorry.



And I walk around to get
a look at his face

and it's not his face, it's...

the thing that disappeared with Frost.

What if, when we destroyed the bridge...

What if we broke something?
What if we made things worse?

It's just a dream.

I have this feeling

we left something unfinished.

We were both there.

We were both on the bridge
when it crumbled.

You prevented those creatures from
crossing over, we both saw it.

How do you explain the dreams?

They're dreams!
They don't mean anything.

You don't really believe that.

I believe we're safe.


Well, what about Arthur?

No, he...

He won't be able to help you.

You still haven't told him
about the bridge?

I told him you destroyed it,

and that we succeeded.

But not about Celeste?

And not about your mom?

He's not ready to hear it.

He hasn't...

been himself.

That's my ride.

Okay, well...

dinner tomorrow, remember?

Yeah, you're cooking,
how could I forget.

Do you have any allergies, or...

Just cats.

- Bye.
- Bye.


Look at you, you got your
big boy pants on.


Yeah, Holden's favorites
are Yoohoo and Hot Pockets.

Just in case you were
wondering what to make.


I'll think of something, don't worry.

I'm not worried.

Can you even cook?

How hard can it be?

Yeah, I'm a little worried.

The way I figure it,
if you put in the hours,

I can't see why we can't get you
a position on the floor

alongside AMTs.

I like where I'm at.

But for now, II can make my own way.

No, listen,

the only argument worth having

is Jordan versus LeBron and that's it.

I'm just saying, wait a couple seasons,

we'll all be talkin' about
the BabyFaced Assassin.

- Steph Curry?
- Curry holds five NBA records,

including threepointers
made in a regular season game

- and don't tell me...
- If I took that many sh*ts,

I'd have the NBA record.

What about you, Matthews?

You've been pretty quiet this week.

You think Curry's got the legs
to dethrone King James?


Come on, I know you weren't
born yesterday.

Maybe I should run upstairs
and check with your daddy.

I think...

Jordan is the greatest of all time.

Everyone else is just
playing for second.

You can't argue with that!


I swear I thought I was done

with science projects and book reports.

And then... Bam!
A couple of kids pop out

and you go through the whole
damn thing all over again.

Seems like yesterday we'd all head
down to Wayne's after work,

sh**t pool, get hammered.

Pig out on the best burgers
this side of KC.

Not a care in the world.

Piece of advice, Matthews:

Don't grow up too fast.

And don't ever think about having kids.

I'll see you around.


As you inhale,
inhale gently through the nose.

And as you exhale,

exhale through the nose or the mouth.

This helps to center the mind.

Keep going...

I know this is a
beginner's class and all,

but I'd wager most of us
have a handle on

how to get oxygen into our lungs.

And what's next? She teaches us
how to chew our food?

How did you know?

Lucky guess.

This is actually my first class.

No kidding.

I'm Natalie.

- Hi, Natalie, I'm Robin.
- Hi.

- Shampoo.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Hang on, not that one.

Grab the other one, the organic.

The tearfree shampoo has numbing
agents that freeze your tear ducts.

How do you know that?

Christine's got every baby
book ever written.

And when you're up with a screaming
infant 23 hours a day...

Well, I'm sure she appreciates the help.

Little guy's my nephew,

and I don't want him growing up
with frozen tear ducts.


Hey, I was thinking the other day,

all the things that you're able to do,

is all that hereditary?

I mean, if you and Willa had a kid.

You two never talk about that?

It's kind of soon, don't you think?

I mean,

you know, we haven't even...

Well, damn, Matthews. What the
hell are you waiting for?

Willa and I, we...

aren't exactly textbook, all right?

We're just...

waiting for the right time.

- The right time?
- Yeah.

This wouldn't have anything
to do with Charlie, would it?

I did you a favor
trying to track her down.

The least you could do is level with me.

I just...

wish I knew she was okay.

She's okay. From what you told me,
she sounds like a survivor.

All right, listen, Matthews,

far be it for me to offer up
any kind of relationship advice,

but you got a good thing
going on with Willa.

She loves you,

and she didn't hightail it and leave
you with a b*llet in your shoulder!

So, maybe you should just
drop this whole Charlie thing

and focus on what's
right in front of you.

So, how far along are you?

First trimester,

still keeping it pretty hushhush.

What about you?

Twentytwo weeks,
just a little over halfway.

So, 22 weeks, that would be, um...

August 19th.

A Leo. Ruled by the sun.

Strong, passionate,

- confident.
- Yeah.

And you are,

don't tell me...



Close! Scorpio.

Get out! Me, too.
When's your birthday?

November 3rd.

I'm the 11th.

You're kidding. That's our anniversary.

My wife and I, we had our first date
on November 11th, 2014.


That's... such a coincidence.


Are you still with your partner?

II didn't see a wedding ring,
so I just...

I just assumed. I'm sorry,
I shouldn't have.

No, it's... it's totally fine.


We're not... We're not.

It was...

It was just a...

onetime thing,

drunken night in a motel room.

But it was a night I'll remember
for the rest of my life.

But as for the father,

he's in the rearview.

Trust me, it's better that way.

Is it good?

It's not too spicy, right?

Spicy? No, it's...

it's really good.

I didn't have any crushed black pepper,

so I just replaced it with red.

And doubled everything,
seeing how there's two of us.

No, it all came out, um...


It's really good.

Do you feel like some music?
Something romantic, maybe?

I'll see what I can find.


- Is it loud enough?
- It's perfect.


work is good?

Yeah. Yeah, work is, um,

it's good.

It takes some adjusting,
but, you know...

There's this, um,

this guy in the warehouse
with me, Lenny.

He's... entertaining.

He was arguing the other day

about how many rings Steph Curry has.

- Rings?
- Championship rings, yeah.

So, he thinks this guy Steph...

Steph's a guy?

Well, he's a...

he's a basketball player.

Anyway, he said something
about having the NBA record.

It, it really wasn't that funny.

I'm sure it was.

- My gosh.
- No...

Okay, we can't eat this.
What do you want to do?

Lenny told me about
this one spot, Wayne's?

Best burger this side of KC.

"Best burgers this side of KC."

Maybe you have to be drunk.

Twentytwo weeks,
just a little over halfway.

Twentytwo weeks, that would be...

August 19th.

A Leo...

Door was unlocked.


I've been meaning to get that fixed.

You know, you can't
be too careful these days,

what with all the creepy middleaged men

trolling around prenatal
yoga parking lots.

I mean, really. Are you trying

to end up on a pervert watchlist?

Where are we with your friend?

Where we are...

is exactly where we need to be.

Do not rush me.

I'm not gonna rush you.

Ramon, on the other hand,

has a very short attention span.

He's like a 5yearold.

At the moment, he's keeping
a very close eye on Anabelle


I hate to see him get fidgety.

You know Ramon when he gets fidgety.

People disappear.

But by all means, take your time.

I'll get you what you want.

Well, it's not just about what I want.

We made a deal. Quid pro quo.

Anabelle wasn't part of the deal.

Well, she is now.

Hey, real quick.

Um, was Freddie Mercury upset

when he realized his jacket was missing?



Close! It was close.

- It was close.
- I might be winning now.

- And I'm still...
- You're not gonna win!

I'm winning. Okay...

Here we go. This is the one.

I can feel it.



Did I make it? Did it go in?

You didn't get it.

But, you know, you tried.

Thank you.

I think...

what you meant to do...

was this.


My bad.

Looked like it was going in, too.

You gonna introduce me?

Willa, this is Stevie.

Steven. From work.

We're in the middle of a game.

Holden and I,

we don't just know each other from work.

We went to school together.

K through 7?

You don't remember?

He doesn't remember.

This guy was an Einstein
when it came to math,

science, you name it.

No one, I mean,

no one better to copy off of.

Okay, well, good seeing you, Steven.

It makes me wonder

why a guy like you,

Holden Matthews,

local celebrity,

would be working in the warehouse.

Maybe so Daddy can
bump you up the ladder.

Make you Project Manager, and nobody
bats an eye. Is that it?

You think you get to wake up
after 12 years

and just skip to the front of the line?

Who's gonna stand in your way?
You're the boss's kid.

We're really just trying
to play some pool,

and mind our own business.

Look, we can talk about this tomorrow.

Sound good?


I think I want to play some pool too.

Then play us.

Play us for the table.

Unless you think you'll lose

to Einstein and his girlfriend.

Rack 'em up, buttercup.

Tough break, princess.

- Yes!
- Yes!

- Whoohoo!
- No, no, no, no!

That ball... that ball was stopped!

- Tough break, princess.
- No.

I saw it. That ball stopped cold.

You did something!

You bumped the table. You did
something, I don't know what,

but that ball was stopped.

I think you lost, Stevie.

See you tomorrow.

Cheating sonofab*tch.

What did you do?

Hey! Hey!

What did you do, pretty boy?

Sorry for the mess.


I think the bleeding stopped.

Let me see.

I think you're right.

You enjoyed it, didn't you?

Putting Stevie and those
other guys in their place?

It made you happy.

It kind of felt good.

The adrenaline, it felt...


You should have let me handle it.


You did the right thing.

You showed restraint.

Look, maybe...

we can't be like those normal
couples you see...

in restaurants,

and walking down the street
holding hands.


I think we can come close.

Close enough for our own
version of normal.

Wanna come in?


What about your parents?

Another time, I promise. It's just...

I should go home and check on Arthur.

You should rest that lip.

All right.

- Goodnight.
- Goodnight.

You're getting good at these.

Maybe one of these days you could
draw me. What do you say?

One of those silly pictures

with the big heads and the tiny bodies.

Don't feel like talking?

I'll be back in an hour for your tray.

I wanna see that plate empty, mister.

Holden Matthews.

I need to find Holden Matthews.

He a friend of yours?

We'll have to check with your doctor,

see if you're ready for visitors.

I need to find Holden Matthews.

What the hell?


Are you okay? Are you b*rned?

- No, I don't think so.
- What happened?

I was just about to leave and he
starting asking for someone.

A name, he just kept repeating a name...

What name?

Who was he asking for?