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01x06 - The Sound of Chains

Posted: 11/08/21 06:15
by bunniefuu

M-My arm!

I still have it, right?

I guess I came back again...

No, wait... Maybe I should
say I made it back...

[BOTH whimpering]

Oh, I'm sorry. Good morning.

Right. I guess you don't
remember me, do you?

Sorry for the trouble
I've caused till now!

Subaru Natsuki is
gonna start over!

[SUBARU] Oh, and what day
and time is it right now?

[SUBARU] It's my third first
day in the Roswaal mansion.

That chill I felt...

Does that mean I died in
my sleep the first time

due to physical weakness?

But the second time...
there was an attacker.

So if I was k*lled, does
that mean the other folks

here in the mansion were
likely targets, as well?

'Cause we're involved in
Emilia's royal selection,

like at the loot house?

But even if I know that,

I have no proof to explain
it or any way to avoid it.

And what makes things worse
is that I didn't get a chance

to see the attacker's face,
or the other victims.

My death was totally in vain.

[BEATRICE] Quit pacing around.
You're really irritating me.

So stop or get blown away.

Oh, sorry.

It may sound weird, but
walking around in circles

makes the gears in my
head turn a lot easier.

Cut me some slack.

We're close now, aren't we?

Exactly what sort
of relationship

do you think we have, I suppose?

We're not best friends
having only met twice.

Listen, I'll be out of your
hair as soon as I can, okay?

Just serve some tea or
something, and let me relax.

As if I'll serve you
anything, I suppose.

Ugh, you are so irritating!

[SUBARU] What's that book
you're reading, anyway?

It tells how to get rid of bugs

that have gotten into
my room, I suppose.

Whoa, you've got bugs
here in the library?

Man, really sucks for you, huh?

So what kind are they?

You've long exceeded
your welcome here,

so it's time for you to leave.

Your hands have stopped shaking,

so you can more easily disguise
your fear now, I suppose.

Y-You could tell?

You were trying to
hide it, I suppose.

It feels rather vexing to be
treated as a mere convenience.

You're not very nice
at all, are you?

Well, thanks for helping me.
I'll see you again soon.

[BEATRICE] I don't want to
see you again, I suppose.

So refrain from coming
in here anymore.

Shoo, shoo.

"Shoo, shoo," really?

Wait a sec, when you said
"bugs," did you mean me?!


Just get out of
here this instant!


If not for this flower bed,

that would've been
instant death.


That looked painful.
Are you all right?


Of course, Mee-Lee!

Your kindness is the one
thing that can heal me.

Just so you know, Rem
spread manure as fertilizer

all over that flower
bed yesterday.

[SUBARU screams]

Th-Three-second rule!
That didn't count!

That didn't count, okay?!

You know, believe it or not,

they say this kind of
thing happening to you

is actually sorta lucky.

Mee-Lee is already shifting into
consolation mode with me...


Hey, Puck! Rise and shine!

Hey, there. Good morning, Lia.

Good morning to you, Puck.

Sorry to ask this of you, being
that you only just woke up,

but could you wash off Subaru?

Wash him off?

Oh! Okay, no problem.


[SUBARU screaming]

[PUCK laughs]

There you go! All clean!

Not bad, huh?

I thought I was a goner...

Wasn't there some other way
you could've cleaned me up?

You enjoyed that, didn't you?

That's not true at all, Subaru.


Oh, yeah?! Take this!

Oh, now you've done it!

Yeah, you like that?

It's my lethal move called
"Make the Cat Cry"!

Cut it out!

Tail punch!

And I'll finish you
with my paw-pad grind!

Grind, grind, grind, grind...

[EMILIA laughing]

I-I'm sorry, I just can't--

What in the world...? What're
you--? What are two doing?!

Oh, my stomach! I'm dying!

Well, I suppose
I've bounced back

from my initial bad impression.

I do thank you for your
assistance, dear Father!

Who are you calling "Father"?

I won't give you my
daughter that easily!

Please stop that.

You're both too funny. I...

You've got a great smile, Lia.

You agree, don't ya, Subaru?

Yes. Totally.

To me, Mee-Lee's lovely smile

is the first shining
star in the night sky!

Aww, come on, Subaru.

What did you mean by
"Mee-Lee," anyway?

Where did that come from?


It's what's commonly referred to
as a nickname or a pet name.

Pretty much the same thing
as when Puck calls you "Lia."

It's meant to be a playful
expression of affection

that shows two
people's closeness.

I see.

But that would imply
you and I are close

when we hardly know each other.

[SUBARU gasps]

You've got a point, and
that hurts somewhat,

but I won't lose heart!

Think of it as an advance
on our relationship.

It means I want us
to get close enough

to call each other by
playful pet names.


[EMILIA gasps]

[PUCK chuckles]

A-All right. I suppose
I can accept that.

N-No, please, don't look at me!

I really expected
her to cringe,

but I got a positive response.

What could this reaction
mean, Commentator Puck?

She doesn't have
very many friends,

so she craves things like
nicknames and being playful.

Really easy to please, ya know?

My main heroine is
easy to please, huh?!

[REM] Sister, Sister,
it's only been a short time,

and now our guest looks
like a drowned rat.

Rem, Rem, in just a short time,

our guest has turned
into a dirty old washrag.

I know I'm a mess, okay?

I don't need the two
of you to tell me.

[BOTH] Our lord, Master Roswaal,
has returned to the premises.

Please, come inside.

Here we go...

My third first meeting with
the lord of the mansion.

[SUBARU] All I know for certain
in this current loop of events

is that somebody is going to
attack on the fourth night.

It would be ideal if I could
let them know and warn them,

but I wouldn't be
able to explain

where I got the information,

so they might think I'm
working with the assassin.

If I knew even as little as
the attacker's physique,

it could be a different story...

So this time around, I'll use
these next four days to gather

as much information as
I can and find out who it is.

And to do that...

You may have any
reward you request.

So simply name your
desire and it shall be.

In that case,

I ask that you let me live
here as a house guest,

and eat and sleep
as much as I want!

How am I supposed to go about
gathering information, anyway?

Didn't really think
about all that.

Guess I'll start off with
some indirect questioning.

That's the place where I fell...

Sorry for all the
trouble I caused.

[REM] Don't mention it.
If you'll excuse me, sir.

Hey, wait.

We didn't even get
a chance to talk.


Nothing out of the
ordinary here.


What isn't ordinary?


Don't sneak up and scare me
like that. It's misleading.



Tea time, sir. Here you are.

Oh, uh, thanks...

Wanna drink it with me?

That's very kind,
but no thank you, sir.

Hey, you know, if you wanted
to be a little friendlier,

that'd be fine by me.

Well, it is my first day.
Guess that's expected.


You come in here every day
without even knocking.

Seems you truly have
no manners whatsoever.

It would be in your
best interest to leave

before you get blown
away, I suppose.

Whoa! H-Hang on a second!

I just wanted to ask you
something! That's all!

Is there any magic that can
weaken and k*ll someone,

but makes it look like
they're just going to sleep?

If I must answer,
then yes. There is.

Are you serious?

But it's not so much magic

as it is a curse, I suppose.

Actually, there are many
such things among the spells

that shamans specialize in.

So what are shamans?


Originating in the northern
nation of Gusteco,

they're actually a subclass

of magic and spirit
arts users, I suppose.

They're all quite useless,
to be perfectly honest.

And not to be taken seriously.

But to achieve that result,
there is an easier method

than a curse, I suppose.

There is?

I think you've
already experienced

what I'm talking
about first-hand.

W-Wait, do you mean...?

That mana drain you did against
my will could actually k*ll me?!

[SUBARU gasps]

In case you didn't know, mana
is also one's life essence.

If you continually
suck it out by force,

one could feasibly die
of weakness, I suppose.

Wait, hold on.

You're not the one who
k*lled me, are you?

Sorry to disappoint you,

but I'm too busy for
such an endeavor.

I couldn't even spare
the effort to k*ll you.

It's not worth my time.

This what you're after?

--[BEATRICE] Hmph.
--Uh, Okay...

Anyway, can pretty much anyone
do that mana-sucking thing?

That's an absolutely terrible
way to put it, I suppose.

In this mansion, only
Bubby and I are able to.

Even Roswaal is incapable.

Oh. Must mean it's actually
a pretty rare skill, then.

Well, now that I know, don't
suck up that stuff too much.

Especially from me.

With everything I've been
through, I'd die in an instant.

I'm really short of
blood right now.

Yes, all of your
organs were restored,

but your blood wasn't
replaced, I suppose.

Not that I have any obligation
to do such a thing, anyway.

My organs?

You know, the way you
said all that just now

kinda makes it sound
like you were the one

who magically healed my
wounds and saved my life.

Trying to take credit
for what Mee-Lee did

makes you look pretty bad!

What in the world are
you talking about?

That silly girl
doesn't have the power

to heal fatal wounds
yet, I suppose.


She and Bubby may
have stabilized you

and brought you here,

but I was the one who
used magic to heal you.

Huh?! F-For real?
You're kidding, right?

Wait, I get it.

You're lying about this
whole thing, aren't you?

It's not nice to lie!
Lying, bad!

Shut up, I suppose.
You're too averse to the truth.

Which means you should
disappear, I suppose!




Once again, are you all right?

So, in the end,

the key words are
"curse" and "chains."

I don't know anything else.

If the conditions for Return
by Death are the same,

I died three times
in the capital,

and survived the fourth time.

But that doesn't mean
I intend to treat this

as a throwaway life.

That's why I asked Puck to
keep an eye on Emilia for me.

I don't wanna mess this up.

Yeah, you got it.

Everything you're
saying is pretty vague,

but I can tell you're
asking out of concern for Lia.

[SUBARU] On the morning
of the fourth day,

I'll leave here and--


Pardon my intrusion, sir.

You really are studying,
sir. I'm surprised.

"Surprised", huh?

Wow, that's a pretty
rude thing to say.

I mean, I am a guest
here, you know.

You're a freeloader
calling yourself a guest.

'Least that's how I perceive
it, sir. Here you go.

Thanks all the same.

Ugh... It's still nasty.

[RAM] Careful, you're
going to incur the wrath

of the finest tea
leaves in the mansion.

Slacking off right in
front of your guest?

I have no words for
that nerve of yours.

Having a seat, drinking tea.

Well, you were the
one who told me

I should be friendlier,

So I suppose you could say

I'm only responding
to your demand.

How's your studying
coming along so far?

Not bad.

I'm able to read some simple
fairy tales like these now.

It's interesting how the morals

differ just slightly
from the ones I know.

It's like true cross-cultural

Maybe I should import
a few fairy tales

from my homeland to
show you what I mean.

Like "The Red Ogre Who Cried.

"The Red Ogre Who Cried"?

Intrigued, huh? You
want me to tell it to you?

Now, you really need to
pay attention, okay?

This is how it goes...

"Once upon a time, there lived
a red ogre and a blue ogre.

The two were the best of
friends, just inseparable.

One day, the red ogre
wanted to be friends

with the people of
the nearby village.

He approached, but the
people were too scared

to get close to him.

The blue ogre couldn't bear
to watch this happen,

so he devised a plan
to help his friend.

'I'll make a ruckus in the
village and frighten everyone.

When I do, you come and stop me.

After that, the villagers
will be sure to trust you.'

The plan worked,
and just as predicted,

the red ogre befriended
the humans.

But as time passed, something
he noticed began to worry him.

His friend, the blue ogre,
no longer stopped by to visit.

One day, the red ogre decided
to go to the blue ogre's house.

The place looked abandoned.

The shades were drawn
in the windows,

and the door was
shut and locked.

There was a letter attached
to the door that said,

'Red Ogre, please have fun

with your new human
friends and companions.

If I continue to
hang around you,

I'm afraid they might think
you're a bad ogre, too,

and end the friendship
you sought from them.

Thus, I've decided
to go on a journey.

I'm not sure if I'll return,
but I will never forget you.

Goodbye. Please take
care of yourself.

Your friend now and
forever... Blue Ogre.'

The red ogre read the letter
in silence, over and over.

He began to cry. And the
tears welled up in his eyes."

That's the end.

That's a sad story.

Yeah, it is.

But even with an
ending like that,

I think it's kind of
a sweet story, also.

If you ask me,

all the characters in
it are just stupid.

The red ogre, the blue ogre,
and the villagers, too.

Wow, that's a pretty harsh
critique, don't you think?

I mean, sure, I'm not
denying it, but...

...that's probably
the reason why I both

love and hate that
story, honestly.

The blue ogre's self-sacrifice
is really appealing,

but it's stupid because
he gets nothing out of it.

I'm the type that
wants to be rewarded

for the effort I put in.

Is that really what you
think about the blue ogre?

To me, it's the red ogre
that I feel is beyond help.

He dragged the blue ogre
into his own desires,

and as a result,
he lost nothing.

Only the blue ogre
lost anything.

Interesting point.

Then what do you think the
two of them should've done?

If the red ogre truly
wanted to become friends

with the humans in the village,

he should've broken off his
horns and gone to them.

If he had done that
from the very beginning,

the blue ogre might've stayed.

[SUBARU] I-I think you're
missing the point.

That's a pretty
extreme opinion...

You really think so?

Answer this:

Which of the two ogres would
you rather be friends with?

Which of the two?

The red ogre, who can only wish

to be taken care of by others,

or the blue ogre, basking
in his own self-sacrifice?

What a boring answer.

If you want to
befriend both of them,

I can only conclude
that you must be

the indecisive, adulterous type.

You'll regret it one day.

How can you say that?

I don't recall it being
that kind of story.

Putting aside the questionable
fairy tales of your homeland,

did any of these stories
leave an impression on you?

Well, let's see.

The ones that interested me most

were the one in the
middle about the dragon,

and the one at the
end about the witch.

I finally know where the name

"Dragon's Kingdom of
Lugunica" came from.


It said the royal family

signed a covenant with a dragon,

so it's more a folk tale than
a fairy tale, wouldn't you say?

Yes, I would. Since it's true.

The noble dragon lives far away,
beyond a great waterfall.

But even with that distance,

the dragon still upholds
its duty to protect us.

It was in the royal
family's contract

and must be honored
till it's fulfilled.

Wait a sec.

The royal family that has the
contract with the dragon,

didn't they die out recently?

They did. Rather
abruptly, at that.

No one's sure what the noble
dragon wants to do now.

In the nation's
current situation,

I imagine only
the gods are aware.

No, at this point,
only the drag on knows.

[SUBARU] Oh, by the way,
about this witch story.

I don't wanna discuss that.

I've stayed here far too long.

When dinner has been prepared,

I will stop by to
notify you, sir.

Oh, okay.

Do me a favor.

That story you told me about
the ogres, don't tell it to Rem.

I'm certain that she
wouldn't like it very much.

"A scary witch.
A truly terrifying witch.

To even speak her name
would chill you to the bone.

Everybody referred to her as...

...the Witch of Envy."

Are you sure about this?

We could call a
dragon-drawn carriage

to take you to the capital,
it's no trouble!

Thank you, but I'll be fine.

And one day, when
I've finally become

the kind of strong, smart,
rich man who's worthy of you,

I'll come to you on a white
horse to take you away with me.

Do you have a handkerchief?

And water, and plenty
of lagumite ore?

Let's see, and will you be
able to sleep by yourself?

Do you think you're my mom?!

Safe travels to you,
Subaru. I wish you well.

And don't lose the
gift I gave you.

As an attempt to equate

our three-days-worth of
memories together,

I gave you a little something.


Oh, hush money, right?
Don't worry, I get it.

I won't say anything
I shouldn't.

I swear to the dragon.

Hah, just talking with
you makes any evil scheme

seem to lose its purpose.

And in case you didn't
know, in this nation,

swearing to the dragon is
the highest form of promise.

Make sure you never
forget it, okay?

You got it!

The two of you
helped me out so much.

Especially you, Rem-Rem.
Thanks for all the great food.

And Ram, you...

Oh! Yeah! You're really
good at cleaning toilets!

Sister, Sister. What a shame.

Our guest is hopelessly
bad at flattery.

Rem, Rem. What a shame.

Our guest has a fatal
lack of flattery skills.

Oh, shut up!

I seriously couldn't think
of anything to say, okay?!

Thanks, though. I appreciate it.

Yes, sir.


Thanks for all you've done.

If you're ever in need,
come visit us anytime.

Will do!

Thanks a bunch, Mee-Lee!

Okay, this is it.

I've got a good view
of Emilia's room.

And now, I'll just wait around
for something to happen...

...then stop it.

Rem-Rem would probably get mad
at me for using it like this.

I hope she does, anyway...

I don't wanna die again.

I don't want them
to die, either.

Now what did I tell you,
Subaru Natsuki?

Even if no one remembers
anything that happened

when everything repeats...
you remember it, clear as day.

[SUBARU] Now that I
really think about it,

I didn't go shopping
with Rem this time.

Just because the food meant
for me was leftover?

[SUBARU] It'll still be a
while before it gets dark.

Come on! Focus! Focus!

[SUBARU yells]

Emergency escape!

I saw it! Yes, I saw it!

I saw where the sound
of chains came from!

But is it... coming this way?

Nowhere to run...

Does this mean I played right
into the attacker's hands?

If you're coming, then come!


Now! Don't you have
the nerve to face me?!


All right, show yourself,
you damn coward!

I've gone through hell trying
to see your face, so come out!

Then I have no choice.


[REM] The ideal scenario
would've been to finish this

without anyone noticing.

You're joking...

Right, Rem?