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03x03 - The Accidental Avalanche

Posted: 11/08/21 06:53
by bunniefuu
♪♪ Opening Theme Music Playing...

♪ Ngoma wa kumbe, kumbe ♪

♪ Ngoma ma tuimbe, tuimbe ♪

♪ Ma makumve! ♪

♪ Kweli kweli, Ma makumve! ♪

♪ Kweli, kweli... ♪

♪ Ngoma wa kumbe, kumbe ♪

♪ Ngoma ma tuimbe, tuimbe ♪

- ♪ Tutazame, ♪
- ♪ Zame, ♪ - ♪ Zame ♪

- ♪ Tutazame, ♪
- ♪ Zame, ♪ - ♪ Zame ♪

♪ Na farana! ♪
♪ Bayahiki dana! ♪

♪ Bayahiki dana! ♪

♪ Tutawese farana simba ♪

♪ Tutawese farana simba ♪

♪ Tutawese kwene, ♪

♪ Lethu wese' Ingonyama! ♪

♪ Tutawese farana simba ♪

♪ Tutawese farana simba ♪

♪ Tutawese kwene, ♪

♪ 'gonyama, Ingonyama! ♪

- ♪ Bayahiki dana! ♪

♪ Na simba kulindana! ♪

Careful, everybody.
It gets really steep up here.

I don't remember having to...

Climb a mountain

the first time I went to...

the Tree of Life.

that's because

the map in the Lair
showed the path

going around the mountain.

But going over the mountain
should be quicker.

if you can make it.

We're the Lion Guard.

One mountain isn't
going to get in our...



I got ya.

Zuka Zama!

I take it back!
You got me!

Oh. Thanks, Anga.


- Whoa! - Whoa!
- Whoa!

Twende Kiboko!

That was fun!

Good job, Beshte.

Now, let's try that again.


Maybe we really should just
go around the mountain?

It'd take too long.

I'm the leader of the Lion
Guard, and I say we go this way!

Kion, are you okay?

I'm fine.

I just wanna get
to the Tree of Life

as fast as we can.

Oh! Maybe they
know a shortcut.

Couldn't hurt to ask.

They sure look friendly.

who are "they"?

A family of monkeys.

Up in a hot spring
not far from here.

They must be snow monkeys.

Want me to ask?

I guess.
Just make it fast.

Yep. Anga lenga!

Wait a tic. Snow monkeys
are scared of large birds.

Large birds try to eat them.



Too late.

Have you noticed
the roots taste

better when you dip them
in the spring?


Oh, my.

- Mmm.
- Mmm.


Giant eagle! Giant eagle!

I'm just...

Quit it. I... Oh...

Never mind.

Well done.
Good throwing.

go pick up the roots.

didn't wanna talk.

Did you even try
asking them?

Don't worry, Anga.

You didn't know those snow
monkeys would be afraid of you.

Or were you afraid of them?

She did fly back here
pretty fast, didn't she?

But I'm sure
you weren't scared.

Why would you be?
Bunch of monkeys?

- You were just...
- Enough joking around!

We need to get to the next
moja kwa moja stone!


You think Kion
could use some Tuliza?

Oh! Good idea.

Uh-oh. We're out.

I'm tired of all
this ice and snow.

If only
there was another way.


We don't need to
go over the mountain.

We can go through it.

Everybody, stay behind me.

He's gonna use the Roar?

Oh, yeah!

Blast a hole right through
that mountain, Kion!

Not a good idea.


You know
you have trouble

controlling the Roar when
your scar's bothering you.

I'm fine, Fuli.
Now get behind me.


Look at that.

Faces in the clouds.

Did it work?

I'm not sure.

Hoo-hoo-ha! What a Roar!

It was so loud,
it's like I can still hear it!

I, I think I still can.


I don't think
that's the Roar.

It isn't. It's snow.

Sliding down the mountain.

Hapana! It's an avalanche.

Everyone, take cover!

Kion, the snow monkeys.

They're in the path
of the avalanche, too.

Huh. Of course.
The snow monkeys.

We gotta help 'em.

I won't be much help.
They think I want to eat them.

Then keep Ono and Makini safe.

Got it.

Everyone else, let's go!

Thanks, Anga.

Avalanche! Run!


Got ya!

Twende Kiboko!

I got ya!

Heads up!

Zuka Zama!

Oh, my!

You okay?

I... I think so.

Is everyone all right?

- We're fine.
- Yep.

Whee! Yeah!

We're ready for
another ride, right?



We're good.

So are we.

The giant eagle's back!

Hurry! Hide back here!

You're right, Ono.

They really
don't like large birds.

You don't have to be scared of Anga.

- She's a nice bird.
- Okay.

But tell her
to stop staring at us.

Snow monkeys
don't like to be stared at.

Common knowledge, really.

I'll remember to blink.

Oh! And thank you all for
saving us from that avalanche.

- Yes.
- Thanks.


It's just too bad that
you couldn't save our home, too.

Mom, it's not their fault.

There was an avalanche.

Actually, it is.

It's my fault.

- I caused the avalanche.
- You did?

We thought
it was the faces in the sky.

They were roaring really loud.

That... was me.

I'm the one who roared.

I'm really sorry.

I didn't mean
to destroy your home.

It's okay.

There are other hot springs.

Apology accepted.

Aw. That's nice.

Oh. Then I guess
we can go now.


Maybe find some Tuliza?


I need to make it up to them.

Don't worry.
We'll find you a new home.

We will? But, Kion...

Ooh! Will it have
an even bigger hot spring?

And lots of food?

Yes. It'll have
everything you need.

Just tell us what you want.

What we want in a new home?

♪ So, what is the home
of a snow monkey's dreams? ♪

♪ Some snow and some food ♪

♪ And some water that steams ♪

♪ Our needs are so simple ♪

♪ No need for extremes ♪

♪ To find a new home ♪

♪ Of a snow monkey's dreams ♪

♪ But we gotta have snow ♪

♪ No way around that ♪

♪ Snow monkeys know that
the snow's where it's at ♪

♪ Also a hot spring
If you find us one, please ♪

♪ So, when the wind stings
we stay warm, and don't freeze ♪

♪ So, what is the home
of a snow monkey's dreams? ♪

♪ Some snow and some food
And some water that steams ♪

♪ Our needs are so simple ♪

♪ No need for extremes ♪

♪ To find a new home
of a snow monkey's dreams ♪

♪ For food, we like roots
And some kind of flowers ♪

♪ Leaf buds and sh**t
We can eat them for hours ♪

♪ Flat rocks for basking ♪

♪ They don't need to be wide ♪

♪ And while we're asking,
perhaps an ice slide ♪

♪ This is the home ♪

♪ This is the home ♪

♪ Of a snow monkey's dreams ♪

♪ Of a snow monkey's dreams ♪

♪ Some snow and some food
And some water that steams ♪

♪ Water that steams ♪

♪ Our needs are so simple ♪

♪ No need for extremes

♪ To find a new home
of a snow monkey's dreams ♪

♪ To find a new home
of a snow monkey's dreams ♪

Is that too much to ask?

I think
we can do that, right?

I guess.

We do help other animals.

That's right. Just call us
the Monkey Movers.

Okay. Then let's get go...

Oh, oh, one more thing.

No trees.

Oh, yes.

No trees.
That's right.

I thought snow monkeys
loved trees.

Well, we don't.

Trees can be homes
for... large birds.

Anga, show 'em
how nice a large bird can be.

How's that?

See if you can find them a
place with everything they need.

The closer, the better.


I see a hot spring!

It's pretty big!



The spring's not far, but it's
in the wrong direction for us,

and it's got trees.

I'm sure it'll be fine.


Kion, it's out of our way,
and it's got trees.


You heard Ono.
Most snow monkeys love trees.



Your scar's bugging you,

and you don't make the best
decisions when it's bugging you.

We need to find
you some Tuliza.

I'll be fine.

Follow Anga, everyone.

We're taking the snow monkeys
to their new home.

Do we have to follow
the giant eagle?

Don't worry.
She's really nice.

Besides, she's
all the way up there.

Thank you.

Hey! Let me in on that!

Ooh, yeah.
That's the spot.


Okay, snow monkeys.

Welcome to your new home.

Oh, my.
It is a big, hot spring,

but there are a lot of trees.

Yeah, but they're not
that close to the spring.


It is bigger than
our old place.

It has herb bushes, too.

Maybe we can give it a try.

Very well.


Mmm. Oh, my.

The snow monkeys are happy.

I guess.

Just as long as
they don't see any...

Giant birds!

They're attacking the monkeys!

Come on!

Stay right there!

Get away! Shoo! Shoo!

These birds
are everywhere.

There's something strange
about these birds.

They are not birds.

They're not?

Zuka Zama!


Whoa! Hey, you're all furry!

Yeah. So, what?
So are you.

Wait a tic.
He's a flying squirrel.

Like I said,
not a bird.

I know I'm not a bird.

So, why are you attacking
the snow monkeys?


Oh, no.

We thought we'd do
a glide-by, and say,

"Welcome to the neighborhood."

Back to the trees, boys.
You're scaring the neighbors.

Sorry for the confusion.

Mind putting me down now?

Okay. See you,
little guy.


Snow monkeys,
you can relax.

They weren't birds.
They were...

Snow monkeys?

Where did they go?

Maybe they're hiding
in the water.

Zuka Zama!

Nope. Nobody here
but us honey badgers.

Ah. So warm.

Jump in, every...

We don't have time for this.

We gotta find
the snow monkeys.

Okay, okay.

But you don't know
what you're missing.

Uh, yes, we do.

We're missing four
snow monkeys.

I don't see any footprints.

Anga, maybe you can
spot them from the sky.


Found them.

They're right down...


I... I lost 'em.

They disappeared.

Then we'll find them.

Ono, stay with Makini.

Everyone else, spread out
and look for the snow monkeys.

- Okay, Kion.
- Got it!

Kion, maybe we
should stick together.

Snow monkeys don't
just disappear.

It might be dangerous.

We're the Lion Guard, Fuli.
We can handle danger.

Sure, when we think first,

but your scar has been
bugging you all day.

And without Tuliza, you
haven't been thinking clearly.

I'm fine, Fuli!

I'm the leader of
the Lion Guard, not you!

And I know what I'm doing.

Do you?

I think I hear something!

Let's go.

Sounds like snow monkeys.

Just can't tell where they...

- Bunga!
- Bunga!

I'm okay!

And guess what?

I found the monkeys!

They're hiding in the snow!

We're not hiding.
We fell in, too.

And you're heavier
than you look.

Everyone, this way.

There's a hole in the snow.

Near the big tree.

Must be a tree well.

I've heard of those.

Loose snow under a tree
that you can fall into.

Don't worry, Little B.
We'll get you out.

Uh... Uh-oh.

Beshte, get back!

It's snowing.

Hey! Catch a snowflake
on your tongue! It's fun!

No, thank you.


We need to be careful.

The snow around the tree well could
bury them if we get too close.

Can they climb out?

No. If they move at all,
they might fall in deeper.

They can't move at all?

Somebody should tell them!

Bunga! Snow monkeys!
Ono says don't move around!

Did she say,
"Move around?"

Okay. Everybody move around.

Bunga! Monkeys!

We're okay!

Much better, in fact.

So, if we can't
get close to them...

And they can't
climb up to us...

How are we gonna get them out?

I... I don't know.

Fuli, what do you
think we should do?

Me? It's not up to me.

You're the leader
of the Lion Guard.

You know what you're doing.

Not today, I don't.

You were right.

I can't think clearly
when my scar is bugging me.

I can't trust
myself right now.

But I know I can trust you.

You make the call.

What should we do, Fuli?

Um... Ugh.

Wait. Right.

Ono. Could you fly over
the hole and pull them out?

Theoretically, yes.

Though, I couldn't lift them.

But Anga could.

Me? No way.

It's the only way.

Just fly down the hole,

grab Bunga and the snow
monkeys, and bring 'em out.

Sounds like a plan.

But don't touch the walls,
and don't let them move.

Don't let 'em move?

Those snow monkeys panic like
zebras every time they see me.

They won't, if they know
you're a friend.

I found 'em a new home.
What more do I have to do?

Well, you could try smiling.


How's this?

It's... Poa.

Okay, I'll do it.

Yeah. That's me.

Oh, hey, Anga. What's up?

I'm getting you out of there.

Just don't move, or you'll
make the hole deeper. Got it?

Now, I'm gonna grab
you with my talons...

Your talons?

Yeah, and lift you out
one at a time.

But you've gotta
trust me, okay?

I trust you.

Uh, me too.

I guess we all do.

Okay, here I come.

Okay, snow monkey on top,

get ready to grab my talons.

They're... Sharp.

No, no, no, no, no!


Anga lenga!

Didn't plan
carrying all of you

at once, but whatever.

Miss me?

Sorry I moved,

but you're the first giant
bird we've ever met who's nice.

Thanks. Oh.

Thank you, everyone.


Do we have to go back to
the place with all the trees?


Fuli, what do you think?

I think Anga can find a place
that's really right for them.

And some Tuliza for you.

I like how you think.

Anga, a new place
for your new friends?


Ah. This is the life.

You said it, Little B.


It's really bugging you, huh?

I'll be okay.

'Cause I know,
no matter how bad it gets,

you're on my side.



Mmm. Thanks, Anga.

Better already.

And I think I found the next
moja kwa moja stone.

Just around that slope.

Guess we came the long
way around after all.


Play in the hot spring
with us.

Um, I, uh...

Should we tell everyone
we need to get going?

What do you think?

I think they've
earned some fun.

I think so, too.