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10x10 - Dead Rising

Posted: 11/09/21 12:23
by bunniefuu
It's very, very bad
out here.

I feel, like,
a Kn*fe in the gut.

I think it wants to k*ll us.

Something just ain't right
with that house.

He did not die well.

They decided they would have
a lynching party.

- Your life is in jeopardy.
- You believe me now?

He says,
"I'm gonna k*ll them."

That's his end goal.

Panic, panic, panic.

My name is Amy Allan.

I'm seeing, like, blood.

The house just feels bad.

I see dead people.

This man
is completely insane.

I speak to dead people...

Whoo. Okay.
She doesn't like it in there.

...and they speak to me.

He likes to twist that Kn*fe.

But there's only one way to know
if my findings are real.

Something paranormal
is trying to k*ll them.

I rely on my partner.

I'm Steve DiSchiavi.

I'm a retired New York City
homicide detective.

Now does he die right there,
on the spot?

I know every person,
every house has secrets.

I think it's trying
to steal my soul.

It's my job to reveal them.

You ever get touched
like that again?

But Steve and I never speak...

We never communicate
during an investigation.

...until the very end.

I'm as stunned as you guys are.

When we uncover if
it's safe for you to stay...

I don't want anything
to happen to my daughter.

Or time to get out.

His goal
is to k*ll you guys.

So, I'm out here
in Jones, Alabama.

It's about an hour west
of Montgomery.

I got a call from a woman
named Kimberly.

She says the second she moved
her elderly mom into the house,

all hell broke loose.

She says no one is safe

and literally begged us
to come help her out.

Before Amy arrives,

I clear the area
of any leading information.

This home has a lot
of family photos

and unique personal items,

so it's important that I cover
or remove them all.

When I'm done, the location will
be ready for tonight's walk.


There's something here
that was left to rot,

and it feels malicious.

Very, very, very bad out here.

Living people would feel fear,

and anytime they'd try
to confront it,

it's, like, poof, gone.

Well, Kimberly,
when we spoke on the phone

you could barely
hold it together.

What the hell
is going on here?

This is a house
in darkness and despair.

Whatever is here
is ruining our business.

It's destroying our livelihood.

- You guys run a business?
- Yes.

- What's the story with that?
- My brother Kenny and I

run a transmission business
here on the property.

It's become very dangerous
at the shop,

and Kenny's on the verge
of leaving us,

walking away
from this business.

Now is activity affecting
things in the house, too?

- Yes.
- Okay.

All right,
so who all lives here?

My mother, Henrietta.


My husband, Leo,
and my brother, Kenny.

So as far as activity goes,
what are you guys experiencing?

We've had banging noises,
things moving on their own.

We've had things breaking
for no apparent reason,

shadow figures
and apparitions here,

and now
it's physical att*cks.

Things have gotten
so bad here, Steve,

our family has started to refer
to our house as "Hell House."

- Hell House?
- Exactly.

You mentioned to me on the phone
that stuff started happening

when you moved your mom in.
- Yes.

All right,
so what's the story there?

She's elderly and she's
in the first stages

of Alzheimer's disease.

As soon
as we brought her in,

things just got
from bad to worse.

I don't think it's safe
for her to be here,

or really any of us,
for that matter.

So with this insane activity
you've got here,

how is it affecting you?

I'm tired all the time.
I have trouble sleeping.

What do you think is here?

I'm not sure, but my family has
always said that we were cursed

because my grandfather
was a moonshiner

and supposedly had
k*lled someone.

I've been told that
since I was a child.

You know, I'll make sure
I look into that.

What do you think it wants?

I think it wants
to k*ll us, Steve.

I can't take it anymore.

That's why we need your help.


Something happened in here
freaked somebody out,

living-wise, and it's a female.

Things are, like, falling.

Things are breaking
or temporarily shutting down.

Something triggered spontaneous
psychokinesis kind of episodes.

This person is going
through something right now,

extreme stress.

It seems more, like,
dormant abilities

that are suddenly coming out.

Okay, Kimberly,
so what's going on in here?

Things move on their own here.

Okay, give me an example.

You can put something down, like
a set of keys or a cellphone,

come back five minutes
later, and it's gone.

- Okay, nobody's playing games?
- No.

Anything else in this room?

We've also had shadow figures

walking through from
this room to the hall.

I know you got animals.
Are you sure it's not an animal?

The animals never
come into this room.

- Is it a human form?
- Yes.

Okay. All right, so you have
quite a few things

going on in this room.

I feel like I'm dealing with
all this negativity all alone,

all by myself.

It just feels like
pure evil.

Living people here

would experience

seeing things

out of the corner
of their eyes.

I see a young male
standing by in dark shadows.

He has these things
that are not human with him.

They look like tree limbs.

He says it took him
a lot of years

to learn how to control
these things.

What does he do to them?

He uses them
to t*rture the living.

What's going on in here?

This is kind of the heart

of the worst negativity
in the house.

We hear tapping on
the windows all the time.

So do you ever investigate?

- Yes, we have.
- And?

There's never anything there
or anybody there.

Anything else?

I've had nightmares
in this room,

and when I wake up,
I feel like I can't breathe,

and it causes
heart palpitations.

You take any medication
that would cause side effects?

No, no medications

Anything else happen to you?

One time, I was
held down in this bed.

It felt like
two very strong hands

pressing down on my ankles.

From the waist down,
I couldn't move.

Okay. And where was
your husband?

On this side of the bed.
He was asleep.

When I realized that
it wasn't my husband,

that he was not touching me
in any way, I screamed,

and he jumped up and turned
the light on, and it released.

What do you think that was?

It wasn't anything nice.
It was something evil.

That's the most terrifying thing
that's happened to me.

You doing all right?

Not really.

It's very emotional.

I'm afraid for my mom.

Okay. I know.

I know. You all right?

I'm sorry.

I'm just frightened for her.

The man with the tree limbs
likes this room.

Okay. I'm seeing I think what
they're seeing, and it's creepy.

Okay, so this person is seeing
this long, weird shape,

like, this lanky shadow man.

And I feel like the female
in this bed sees him

and is, like, frozen.

It seems like
they're struggling.

So I guess the trees
paralyze that person,

then over there...

they're seeing the branches
coming for them.

They're like hands.

They're going inside the person
and, like, settling in organs.

I think they feel sick

causing, like,
illnesses that way.

But I think long-term,

it could turn into
something like cancer.

They're scared.

What kind of thr*at
does he pose?

Well, he just says, you know,
"I'm gonna k*ll them."

That's his end goal.

So, Kenny, I was talking
to your sister, and she says

you run the business
here on the property.

Yes, sir. We do
transmission work, yes, sir.

In her opinion,
she doesn't feel it's safe

for anybody to be here.
I mean, do you agree with that?

I agree 100% with her.

I'm just afraid that
it's gonna hurt somebody.

So your sister mentioned to me
that you're just getting ready

to get the hell out of here.

Yeah, I want to get out
of that house.

What experiences can you
tell me about, Kenny?

I was working on
a truck out here.

First thing I did was
crank it up,

and boom, both batteries
just blew up.

Plastic, acid everywhere.

Okay, so do you know
what caused it to explode?

No, sir. There was no battery
charger hooked to it.

The battery cables
were tight.

I thought it was gonna
take the hood off.

I don't know if
it's paranormal or not,

but you're the expert
on cars.

- Right.
- What do you think?

I've been in this business
for over 40 years,

and I've never seen it happen.

- I think it was paranormal.
- Okay.

All right, so you've had
car batteries explode on you.

Anything else?

I was out in the backyard
and I seen a wolf-like creature.

Okay, can you
describe it for me?

6- foot tall,
green, egg-shaped eyes.

It just walked from one tree
to the next tree.

All right, you sure
you weren't drinking?

I wasn't drinking, no, sir.

- All right, anything else?
- I have attitude changes.

We can come in from a trip,
be just as happy as can be,

and walk in that house,
it will all fall apart.

The attitudes become evil,
plumb evil.

That house has put
something into you,

like, it's a hatred,
dark side.

Anything else?

It drains all your energy.

It's like a battery. It just
sucks all everything out of you.

Something just ain't right
with that house up there.

I do believe
it's trying to hurt us.

It can k*ll you or cause
somebody to get k*lled.


Getting an older man,
this dead guy.

He's not a good person.


No, I don't like him.

He's, like, yelling
at somebody down there.

Like, freaking out on someone.

So his anger, you can feel it.
It goes right into you.

I think that the living
would feel the anger.

He's moving things all the time.

Living people would put
something someplace

and then, say,
an hour later, come back

and it's, like, over there.

You know what I mean?

Not good. Mnh-mnh.

He might be a little bit
more powerful than I thought.

I feel sick.

Just sucks energy.
It just zaps people.

Anything that the living
might experience within here?

You know, they walk in here
with energy

and all of a sudden, it's gone,

and so feeling extremely
lethargic, exhausted.

What kind of long-term effects
might that have?

Their immune system
would get pretty run down.

They could develop, like,
bronchitis, pneumonias,

you know, things like that.

Leo, I was talking
to your wife.

She doesn't feel it's safe
to be in this house.

I mean,
do you agree with that?

I believe it is
dangerous for her.

- But not for you?
- Not really.

So have you had
experiences in the house?

- I have.
- Okay, let's talk about them.

It seems anything
electronic breaks.

Okay, so what kind
of things are breaking?

Satellite boxes, printers,
carpet shampooers.

What makes you think
that has anything to do

with the paranormal?

If it was one thing or two
things, but this is everything.

Okay, what else?

I have seen a black shadow

walking through the hallway,

right out of the corner
of my eye.

How big do you think
this thing was?

About this high.

When I turned to look,
nothing was there.

You may not be taking
this seriously enough.

Your wife is scared
of her own house.

Is it a strain
on your marriage?

Definitely. It's stressful.
I love her. I can't lose her.

Her safety has got to be
the most important thing.

I do love the house,
but I love my wife more.

It's not good back here.
I see people fighting.

How many people are

Like, 20 to 30.

They're so damn solid,

so I think that
the living people

would see shadow people
out here.

They're very angry and upset.

They don't want living people
out there.

How might the living
be affected by them?

They create bad luck,

I see them messing with vehicles
and electronic equipment.

I think living people
would feel the anxiety,

absolutely, out here,
horrible anxiety.

I feel vertigo.
I feel dizzy. I feel sick.

Emotionally, they would
feel threatened,

they would feel fear, anger,
not -- not safe.

Now usually,
my clients don't have a clue

what's haunting their house,

but Kimberly thinks it could be
her own family's dark past.

So I had a retired detective
look into

her grandfather's case for me,

and he confirmed
there was a homicide.

He said what started
as a family disagreement

ended in bloodshed
and heartache.

So, Shannon, I know
my client's grandfather

was involved
in a homicide somehow.

What the hell happened?

Well, your client's
grandfather, Daniel Lockhart,

was the perpetrator
of a homicide.

I've got a couple of photos
of Dan Lockhart here.

On the afternoon
of October the 20th of 1934,

Dan was driving along

in the area of
Billingsley, Alabama,

when his cousin,
Cicero Arnold Johnson,

passes him in the road.

They wave each other down,

and they're on the side
of the road

and they get into
an altercation.

So what the hell happened?

Dan called Cicero
a derogatory name,

and the fight is on.

Some point,
Dan pulls out a Kn*fe

and slashes Cicero
several times

and cuts Cicero pretty severely
on his arms and in his torso,

catches him in his stomach,
cuts an artery,

and Cicero dies
on the operating table.

Here's an Alabama
death certificate for Cicero.

Do we know what prompted
him calling him names

or what started this fight?
Well, we don't know exactly.

There is some rumor
that both of these men

might have been involved
in the moonshine business.

All right, it's a pretty
cut and dry case.

Does he get caught
and convicted?

He's sentenced to five years
and he actually serves four.

It sounds like it was
a pretty lenient sentencing.

Do we ever hear
from this guy again?

Apparently, he leads
a pretty quiet life

and he passes away in 1976
at the age of 81.

There's some dead guy
back up in here.

He did not die well.

He's white.

And he's trapped
and can't get out.

And I feel, like,
being stabbed in the gut.

Stabbed in my left shoulder.
Lots of pain on the left side.

So sick.

My lordy. Brutal.

So as soon as I got to
town, I dug through the deeds.

Turns out Kimberly's property
was part

of one of the biggest
sl*ve plantations

in the state of Alabama.

I'm heading over to meet
with an historian

who says the owner was
a ruthless man

who let nothing stand in the way
of his own greed.

Now you mentioned
on the phone

the guy that owned my client's
property was driven by greed.

What can you tell me
about this guy?

His name was Jabez Curry.

Here's a picture of him
right there.

He came from Georgia
to Alabama in 1823.

He's 27 years old.

And your client's land
was in a parcel

that he bought
beginning in 1829.

He eventually owned
2,800 acres.

What he was looking for was
to establish a cotton empire.

How much was he worth
in today's time?

In 1860,
the census reports him

as having a wealth
of $340,000.

That's worth
$9.5 to $10 million today.

- Okay.
- He was very successful,

but he couldn't
get that cotton crop in

except on the back
of slaves.

Now do we have any idea
how many slaves he owned

while he was on
my client's property?

By 1860, he had over 155.

I mean, that's incredible.

I've done
a lot of these cases

with a lot of the history
regarding slaves,

and people that had
three and four slaves

were considered wealthy.

I'm seeing the shadow guy
with the tree limbs again.

Do you get anything
on who he was in life?

I get that he's more Southern.

He's young, wealthy.

When this guy was alive,
he was into something dark.

There's a lot of land
involved with this.

He's, like,
babbling about, like,

collecting what's his
and just talking about owning --

owning everybody,
like, families,

and he says he owns everyone.

So, Doc, I know the slaves
were treated pretty horribly.

I mean, is this guy any
different from anybody else?

Probably not.

What we know about Jabez Curry
comes from two letters

he wrote to his son
in June of 1862.

He describes a drought,

and his supply lines
were constricted

because of
a Civil w*r battle nearby.

What Curry did was to cut
his slaves to half meat rations.

What about his family?
Did they take half-rations?

They did not go on
half-rations themselves.

Without them getting fed,

how are they going to work
so that he can make money?

That's why he left them
on half-rations

instead of cutting rations

Okay, so he was driven
by greed.

- This is 1862.
- Right.

Now, we know the w*r didn't
go well for the South.

What happens
to Curry's slaves?

The slaves were emancipated.

It appears that many of Curry's
slaves stayed on the plantation

and worked for him
as sharecroppers.

So how did this sharecropping
work out for the slaves?

It was a system that no one
was ever happy with.

Sharecroppers would sign

an annual contract
with the landowner.

Sharecroppers were then
indebted to the landowner

and could not leave
until they paid their debt.

- So they were slaves still.
- Basically, yeah.

Whatever happens with Curry?

He d*ed in January of 1871.

He was about 72 years old,

and we're unsure
of what he d*ed from.


Out here, I get
a lot of death and v*olence.

Very, very bad out here.
I'm hearing men yelling.

It's those dead guys who are
always fighting outside.

And they're just wearing,
like, a little grass skirt,

and they have spears.

It looks tribal,
more like African.

They're kind of still fighting,

and it feels like
no one really won.

Do you have any idea
when this was?

1830s or 1840s?

Some dude is like,

"This is the moment
of our discontent.

This is the moment
of our death."

For more information
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So far, I've got a client
claiming paranormal activity

is ruining her business
and her family's life,

on a property
once owned by a man

who had over 155 slaves.

But I need to see
if there's anything else.

Searching through old records,
I come across Alexander McQueen,

who used to own Kim's land
back in the late 1800s.

It turns out
McQueen was involved

in a lynching of a local
black man during his time there.

So I'm headed over
to meet a local author

who says this was
a classic case of mob rule,

and this poor guy's death
could have been stopped

if it hadn't been
for the previous owner

of Kimberly's property.

Well, Dr. Bailey,
thanks for meeting with me.

I appreciate that.

What were the circumstances
that led up to the lynching?

Wednesday night,
November the 2nd, 1898.

Mrs. R.L. Strider

is about to retire
for the night.

She notices someone
underneath her bed.

She screams, and her screaming
gets to the attention

of her husband,
Mr. R.L. Strider,

who just happens to be
the Justice of the Peace.

Okay, so he's
the local judge in town.

Mr. R.L. Strider rushes into
the room and fires two sh*ts

and misses the person.

He goes out and rouses

all of these whites
in the neighborhood.

They form a little posse to
go out and find somebody black.

Okay, so the wife must
have said it was a black guy.

She did, so they just find
the first black guy,

who happens to be
John Williams,

and he becomes the culprit
because of his color.

- This is mind-boggling.
- It really is.

The next morning, Williams
is brought before R.L. Strider,

the Justice of the Peace,

also the husband
of Mrs. R.L. Strider.

There's no evidence at all that
this guy's even on the scene.

He's brought before
the judge in town,

and his wife is
the actual complainant.

How is that not
a conflict of interest?

That's a major
conflict of interest.

Okay, so I'm assuming
he's found guilty.

He gets convicted swiftly.

R.L. Strider turns him over
to the constable,

who's Alexander McQueen.

At the time,
McQueen owned a property

that you're investigating.

And McQueen is supposed
to transport him

to the jail in Prattville.

So McQueen has Williams
in custody at this point,

and he's taking him
to jail in Prattville.

But I know he never makes it.
So what happened?

Well, in route to Prattville,
McQueen is overtaken by a mob.

They find the nearest tree

and decide they would have
a lynching party.

In the process,
John Williams loses his life.

Here's an article
about that lynching.

It sounds like the only guy

that could have
stopped this lynching

was the guy that owned
my client's property.

Okay, is there a chance

that McQueen went after
the lynch mob?

No, he did not.
No charges were ever filed

against any of
the parties involved.

No one in the state
did anything to ensure

that justice was given to
the family of John Williams.

I'm seeing a male out here.

Late teens, early 20s.

It's nighttime, and he's...

close to nude.

And I'm being arrested.

I'm handcuffed
and they're b*ating me.

And then I black out.

And then when I wake up,
I'm rolling down an embankment.

His body is too broken

and his hands were still tied.

Not handcuffed. Now they're
tied behind his back.

And he dies.

I saw several horrifying
things during my walk,

but the man with the tree limbs
has me very concerned.

First, I'm going to have him
sketched as he appeared in life.

He had a very square chin
and jawline.

His face goes up
and it's pretty thin.

His eyes were pretty large.

Next, I descried him
attacking living people.

In the bed
is a man and a woman.

And in his hand, he's
holding tree branches,

and then two of them
are going into her nose.

The living guy,
he's paralyzed.

Amy, is this what you saw?

Yes, that's what I saw.

Now that Amy and I have
completed our investigations,

we're ready to reveal
our findings to each other

and our clients
for the first time.

Amy, I'd like you to meet
Kimberly and her husband Leo.

They live here with
Kimberly's brother, Kenny,

right here,
and her mother, Henrietta.

Kimberly called us in

because she doesn't think
it's safe for anyone to be here.

As a matter of fact,

she's convinced whatever is here
is trying to k*ll somebody.

So now that Amy knows
who you guys are,

I'll ask her to describe
her walk for us.

When I got here,
I went into the kitchen

and I saw something strange.

I saw objects were
moving on their own,

but the thing to note here is
that was not a dead person

causing that.

It was actually
a living female,

and this person
has latent PK ability,

which is the ability to affect
your surroundings

without touching anything,

but it's not something that's
done in a conscious way.

It's brought on
by a stressful event.

Kimberly's mom is actually in
the early stages of Alzheimer's.

She's in stage one.

Now she moved in
about a year ago.

Things just got much worse,
to the point where we --

I fear for her safety,
and all of us actually.

I'm just stressed.
I can't sleep. I can't eat.

It's been getting worse
for a year.

So the stuff Amy's talking
about in the kitchen,

where stuff goes
flying and falling,

does that mean anything to you?

Yes, it does.

We've had refrigerator magnets
fly off the refrigerator.

So, I mean, do you think
it's Kimberly or her mom

that's got the PK ability?

I think it's Kimberly.

So then I'm going down
the stairs

and I see this dead guy,
and he was on the older side.

This person was not good.

He feels like living people
are invading his space.

And I think that living people
who are exposed to him,

one of the things --

one of the traits
they would take on is anger.

The other thing he does

is that he will move things
downstairs often.

Like, so you put
something down

and then you'll find it
in some random location.

We've had things move,
like cellphones,

flashlights, car keys.

- Books.
- House keys.

The things
that concern me more

is that he does drain
people's energy.

They walk in here with energy
and all of a sudden, it's gone.

Their immune system
would get pretty run down.

You know, they could develop,
like, bronchitis,

you know, things like that.

I kind of think I'm coming down
with something right now.


I've had a cough
for a while now.

He gets pneumonia every year.
So do I, like clockwork.

That's really bad.

Now are all of these experiences
from this old guy?

Yeah, all of that is
due to him.

- You believe me now?
- Yes.

I tried to tell you.

When I was in the backyard,

there was a larger group
of deceased males.

They seemed tribal.
They don't want you here.

And they do everything they can
to try to fight the living.

I saw them messing
with the cars out back.

So I think maybe some
of your mechanical things

would have issues.

Kimberly runs
a transmission shop

with her brother Kenny
right here on the property.

Do me a favor.
Tell Amy what happened to Kenny

when he was working on
the truck back there.

Not just one battery exploded,
he had two explode.

The odds of that are pretty,
you know, pretty out there.

- Explode?
- Exploded.
Yeah, literally.

That was the turning point
for him.

That's when he said,
"I can't do this."

It's a good thing he wasn't
near the hood because...

Yes, he would have d*ed.

- Now, Leo, you told me...
- Wow.

...about every damn thing
in the house not working.

I've been through
three printers.

I had a Shop-Vac
b*rned up last week.

Three refrigerators.
Two sets of washers and dryers.

I mean, they are actively
doing things to try to create

as much bad luck as possible

and trying
to get you to leave.

It's working.

And everything
they're doing, though,

is to try to harm you
mentally, emotionally,

and they will
go after you physically.

You would feel stress, panic,

fear in that your life
is in jeopardy.

Now did you get anything
on these guys in life?

Yes. There's a lot of them.

I mean, I could only
figure out about 50,

but I knew there was more.

And they were dressed
extremely odd.

I thought initially
Native American.

So then I thought
maybe African.

They're very protective
of the land.

They're fighting
to protect it.

Something I came across
in my research

that might help make sense
of what you saw,

which is this property

used to be part of one of
the biggest sl*ve plantations

in the state of Alabama.

The guy that owned this place
had over 155 slaves

on the plantation.

Obviously, the work conditions
were awful.

There was mistreatment
and beatings.

And when the Civil w*r hit,

the guy that owned
all of these slaves

actually cut their food rations

because of the supply lines
being cut off.

They were constantly fighting
for survival.

I would have
never imagined this.

Okay, anything else?

So the next person
that I encountered

is this very powerful
deceased male,

and he concerns me a lot.

This guy is wicked bad.

He was very wealthy.

I felt like he came from
old Southern money.

He was a con man,
a liar, and a cheat.

And he kept yelling about
collecting what was his.

He made it clear that he owned
everybody here, living and dead.

So the guy
that owned this place
when it was a plantation

was a guy by the name
of Jabez Curry.

Now you said the guy was
a real Southerner.

This guy comes from Georgia
in 1823

and he basically built
a cotton empire.

He owned 2,800 acres,
including your property.

And he owned it
for over 40 years.

Now you said the guy
thinks he owns everybody

and basically everything.
- Yes.

Well, here's a list
of 155 slaves

that this guy owned
on your property.

Now you mentioned
the guy was a cheat.

So after the Civil w*r ended,

Curry wound up having to hire
his slaves as sharecroppers.

They were basically
independent contractors for him,

but all Curry cared about
was his own wealth

and he basically
stiffed everybody

when it came time to pay them.

Curry d*ed in 1871
at the age of 73.

Now I don't have a picture
of what he looked like

when he was young,

but I got a portrait of him
later on.

Now could Jabez Curry
be the guy you're talking about?

I had a sketch done of
the individual that I saw.

That nose is pretty prominent.

Makes me nauseous.

Definitely the same person at
different times in their life.

Looks like
the same person to me.

Do you think
it's the same guy?


So what kind of experiences
would they have with this guy?

He's very powerful.

When I saw him initially, he had
these two dark shadows with him,

and they looked like
tree limbs.

But they're not a tree at all.
They're entities.

And he's able to
control these things.

And so I thought, you know,

the living here
will see these things

out of the corner
of their eyes constantly.

Leo, you mentioned the shadows
that you see all the time.

- Yes.
- Tell Amy about that.

I would walk down the hallway

and I would see it
out of the corner of my eye,

either in one corner
or down the stairs.

He utilizes these entities to
basically t*rture living people

and get what he's after.

What I saw was him messing with
both of the living people

in the master bedroom.

The tree limbs cause
a state of paralysis

so that you wouldn't
be able to move.

He's got them so they're
going up your nose,

into your throat,
down into your body,

and this negative energy
is affecting your organs.

Upon waking or later on,

you would feel sick
from the experience.

Well, you can obviously see
how upset Kimberly is.

Couple of things
you talked about

actually affected her directly.

I have nightmares, but I can't
remember the nightmares.

Whenever I wake up,
I have trouble breathing

and it feels like
a weight on my chest,

and heart palpitations.


She's also felt like
something held her down in bed.

Something was holding
my legs down, painfully.

And then Leo switched
the light on,

and when he switched
the light on, it releases.

He's always in the shadows.

I had a sketch done
of what I saw happening

in the master bedroom.

This is the stuff
of my nightmares.

I feel like I'm in danger.

Some nights I feel like,
when I go to sleep here,

I won't wake up.

He poses a very serious thr*at
to your health.

over the long-term,

this could cause
serious illness,

things like gallstones,

bladder stones,
kidney infections,

and then going into
possible cancers.

He wants to k*ll
everybody in the house

and make them,
you know, his slaves.

Right now,
he's focused on you.

I'm just so worn out
and tired from all of it.

And maybe that's his plan --
wear you down,

make you sick, k*ll you.
- Yeah.

It's so far above anything
I could have ever thought.

I'm terrified for her.

And who's to say
that this guy's not gonna

go after your mother next?

I mean, she's depending on me.
She's helpless.

It's something I can't
protect her from.

I just don't want anything
to happen to my mother.

Kimberly, I'm really glad
I took this case

'cause after listening
to what Amy had to say,

it's clear nobody is safe
in this house.

Now it's time to find out if you
can do anything to fight back

and protect your family.

Now for that, I'm gonna
turn it over to Amy.

I feel like
you could stay here,

but it's going to take
a lot of work.

First, you need to move on
the group of dead men

in the backyard.

What I would like
to have happen

is for you to have
a hoodoo practitioner come out

and do the guided
death process with them

and then to assist them
to move on.

And the hoodoo practitioner
that you hire

needs to have
African ancestors.

So let's give them a proper,
peaceful death passage...

Definitely. someone that respects
them and they respect.


The second thing is
the sl*ve owner, Jabez.

For him, I would like you to
have a voodoo priest come.

They'll be able to confront him
and banish him from here.

Then that same individual
can easily deal with

the old guy in the basement.

All right, what about
Kimberly's abilities?

Anything she should do
about that?

For you,
to deal with your stress,

I want you to take
30 minutes a day

and I want you
to practice tai chi,

'cause that's gonna help you
to align your chakras.

It's gonna help you
balance out that energy.

You know, Amy,
one other thing.

Kimberly was worried
her dead grandfather

had cursed the house.
Did you get anything on that?

No, I think he's moved on.

So if Kimberly
does all this stuff,

will it be safe
for her mom to stay here?


It's what we want.
That's what we need.

It's a lot of work,
but I've seen a lot worse.

So I'm gonna ask you, Kimberly.
you gonna take Amy's advice?

I'm gonna do
exactly what Amy says.

We can do this.

- Leo?
- Yes, definitely.

I've gotta have her safe.

It's a lot to digest,
but this gives us a lot of hope

there's light at the end
of the tunnel.

Thank you both very much.

I hope Kimberly finds
a hoodoo practitioner

to move on the dead
in the backyard,

and a voodoo priest
to banish the sl*ve owner

and the old man in the basement.

If she does that
and practices tai chi,

she can balance her energy

and lead a safe
and peaceful life.